LINCOLN COURIER. F S MTAKUErTE, ED1TOK AND PKOPKI fcTuIi. LINtJOL.-iTON. N. C, SFPT. J1891' Knteukd in tue 1'oht Office at IllSOoLNTON AH SKOUND CLAHB MAIL M VTTLR subscription Cash, in Advance. 1 G -i.mitha 50 3 in nth J liates of AdvertisihQ. Oneincli, one time. $1.00 ; 25c f; each HUbsequen iuHertiou. Two inches, one time, $ 1.50 ; 50 " .-it fortuftu subsequent iuHertiou Three iachen, ou time, $2.0C 7,; centH for each hnbuequent inser -on. i:mr inches; one tinue, $2.50 I i.OO (or each HubBeqaeut inseition. Special rte8 tor one-half aud t fourth column ; also, for an ; i ii.'i u'UHiit continued longei an t hn iwwi'imaffl) ? KnOCIUTIC XM IXEE. r'OK CoNOKKKS 7X11 DISTRICT, JNO. S. HENDERSON. i OK SKN'ATOK, AMHKO.SE COSTNEU. fok housi; or kkpkeskntativks, J. K. liELMIAUDT. KOK CLLKK OK T1IK t'OLKT, (J. E. GUILDS. FOK KEOlSTER OF DEEDS, K (J. WOOD. FOK SHERIFF, J.K.GLINE. THLASL'KKK, J. C. QUICK EL. CORONKK, J. B. HEIM. KUKTEYOK, A. NIXON. The Vji.minuton Star is L' ymira old and began itn liftv lifth huini-jinnual Volumo on laHt Sun day. It is tho oldest daily in the tdat. and in undttr tho Hamc man" ugoiiKint it begun with. Mr. Wnr II. Bernard is a good writer and w.j always glanco over bin paper knowing that it contains good wholesome food for tho masses. May the Star live for many years to riinio under tho same manage ment. l IMMi IKi:il EIMI. Our heart h aro Haddened by the announcement of the death of Dr. Fnink L. Keid which nad event occurred at ( (reennboro, N. C, on last Jloiiilu)' morning. lie was hick two weeks but did not take his bed until Saturday before his death. Ho did of gastritis. We know of no i mo that was held in higher oriteem than was Dr. Hoid. Why should he be snatched from us just in the prime of manhood ? The ways of I'rovidence are mys terious and past finding out. The doctor was !,' years ot age and had been in charge of Greensboro Fe male Gollcge only :i short while and under his wise management that noble institution was fast lorging to the front in every par ticular. Many hearts have been made siul by this announcement This should bo a warning to all otlu rs to be in readinssas was Dr Ib'id. In the midst of hfo we are in death Prof. Divd Peacock has been put in charge of the college, temporarily. AVusliliiciun i.oder. rrgi.on.ienco of Cotjbikb. Washington, Sept. :M. "94: Fr 'iuvnt Cleveland and Secret :ry ( ..rlile, both of whom know how t1-appreciate a numerous situa tion, mut enjoy the w i Id guesses o newsj :iprr uwi who are try 1!' . to buihi political sensations u the veiy slander foundation the l'r.'sident and Mrs. Clew d having invited Sncretar; and Carlisle to spend a week at -v Cablet. Surely it. is ditlicult a man possessed of ordinary IliiloU S.' to lilSi i;viM' :mv tli n:; sensational in the visit Mr. CI veh ud probably thought that S. c.-ctary Carlisle needed a week's r-t alter the harracsing work he lias done in connection with get ting the new taiitV into running order, and that he aud Mrs. Cleve land would enjoy the company ol Mr and Mrs. Carlisle; hence the invitation. That the two gentle men will discuss political matters is natural, as a Congressional cam paign is on and everybody else is discussing the same thing; but it is arrant nonsense to say that the yieit has been made because of any- impending political crisis. It was alho perfectly natural that Senator Faulkner, chanman of the Demo cratic Congressional Campaign Committee, should call upon Sec retary Carlisle before he left Washington, to give him all the information in possession of the committee concerning tho present status of the campaign and the outlook for democratic success No man can be moro deeply inter ested in tho campaign than is Mr Cleveland. Only a man who drawn a salary for doing so wouM pretend to find anything sensational in all this and no one lse is doing so. Representative Tarsney, of Mis souri, who has been renominated and who is now in ports his State as being all right, and his own ry election he regards as certain. Speaking of the cam paign generally in Missouri, he said : ''I attended a democratic meeting last Tuesday at Lexing- ton, and I never Baw a more en thusiastic gathering in any pre j vious campaign, Reports from all over the State indicate the same heelint' everywhere. I do not think there is a possibility of loos ing more than one democratic Con gressman, and even that is not a certainty. 1 refer to the St. Louis district now represented by ()' Neil. Situation there is very much i ivolved at present. No nomina tion has been made yet by the democrats, and it is difficult to make a prophesy of the outcome." Ref'ore leaving Washington Sec retary Carlisle accepted tne resig nation of Supervising Architect O'Uourke, which was requested early last week. There are already a number of applicants for the va cancy, but it is understood that no appointment will be made until the architect office has been com pletely ro-orgauized. Under the reorganization all of the business relating to the lotting of contracts and kindred matters will bo looked alter by tho Secretary, leaving the architect in charge of that portion of the business only for which he is by his profession especially fit ted. This will doubtless be a re lief to the now architect, whoever ho may be. Wrangling with con tractors has hitherto occupied a good portion of his tims. Secretary Horbert has gained a warm spot in the hearts of the scientists by his reorganization of tho Naval observatory, placing it under the direction of a civilian, instead of a Naval-officer. Secre tary Hornets long service on the Navol committee of tho House had been faniilarized him with tno subject, which has been agitated for years. His action has given general satisfaction and there is little doubt that it will add. large ly to the usefulness of the observa tory. The party of distinguished dem ocrats who went from Washington to attend the State Convention of Demo ratic clubs at Raleigh N. C, brought back nothing but good words for this condition and hos pitality of the North Carolina Democracy. They also brought the assurances of thosn who know that thero was not the slightest danger from the alleged combine betwoeu the republicans and pop ulists to control the legislature and elect a republican and a populist Senator. The democratic mami ers in the State are certain that the next legislature will be demo- i cratic, regardless of any combing- tion that can possibly be made to prevent it, and that North Caroli na will continue to be represented m the U. S. Senate by two good democrats. Comptroller of the currency Eck els, who has just returned from an extended western trip, says he found everywhere unmistakable evidences of a general revival of business, and he believes that his improvement in business is going to be an important factor in the Congressional election. His idea is that the men who were quick to bl amo the democratic party for the bad times w ill be equally as quick to credit the party with the return of good times and to vote to keep it in power as a reward therefor. Awt'h Sarsap.mlh dos what no other Mood medicine iu exisfeuce can do. it marches Dr all the im poriti.aiu the bjsttm and expels tbem baimleHsly through the iiront8 channels. This is why Ayer,s Sdreaparillrt it so rjra.emiumtl effective as a remedy for rheama Ooli'fiitc Silver. Secretary Carlisle's recent letter to Hon. J. T. Heard, of Missouu", shows that within the past eleven months, 3,970, 727 silver dollars havH been coined from bullion which was purchased under the Sheiman act. This money has been used to redeem treasury noted which have been retired and canceled, and silver is being subslituted for paper dollars. The Sccrotary was authorized to coin this silver by that part ot the Sherman act which wa not repeal ed, and yet we hear some extreme free silverites assert that if con gress had executed the intention of the Natioual Democratic Con vention, it would have repealed the entire Sherman act and not simply its purchasing clause. If the advice of these free silver extremists had heen followed, Secretary Carlisle could not have authorized the coinage of nearly four million silver dollars which he has put into circulation in the last eleven months. The free silver extremists are hard to please. Atlanta Journal Hood's 1'ills are the bent after dinnrr pill", assist digestion, cats 'leadjchi, 25 h box The Populists and Republicans take great pleasure in saying that the Democratic party has stopped tho coinage ot silver. This is false. The Secretary of the Treas ury is having coined every month many millions of dollars of the bullion now on hand. In our collections Saturday the Sun re ceived in payment for its bills several pieces of silver coined this year, and this new coinage is going out all over the country. Every body who is informed on the sub ject knows that the Secretary of the Treasury is coining the seign iorage and using it for the country. Only the enemies of the adminis tration and those who wish to fool the people assert that he is not doing so. We want you to bear this in mind, when you hear that argument used again. Durham Sun. In a large sense every question of finance and commerce, which figures from time to time in the politics of a free poeple, are incidental to the deeper and w "der question which al ways and every vvhere separates To ryism and Democracy. Toryism stands for the creation of a privileged class who in turn for their privileges are to discharge the duties of parents toward the mass of people who are to be considered as the children of Commonwealth This experiment has been tried for centuries and nev er with a result satisfactory to any body but the privileged classes. As long as human na.ure remains what if always has been and is now, it can have no other result. Democracy, recognizing the truth of history and experience, aims at a government which will leave every man free to work out his own destiny under equal conditions with all men without cre ating any class to act as a guardian of all other classes. Sun. A. M. llcUM-j, a well known odizeu ot Kug he, Oiegou, t-ny h h wile hits lor taH I-.mmi tumbled iih chronic dunhcbt and ued many i median with lotto rrl.ei until she tibd Cu;mt i bkin'ri Colic, Cholera ..nd di n i Leu i KtirntM)) , wbir.h hue ciiind he ecu ml and well. Give it a li ul i.d j on will tin hurpiiscd at the prompt relief itttfimds. 25 and 50 ent bond. fi.r ty Dr, W (j. douse D uglier llul Peak'M Letter. Politics are growing very warm and if all the parties keep stirring at the fire, by November things will reach burning heat. Happy to see the Democrats organizing themselves into clubs for the fight. A good club was organized at Cherry ville a few days since. Can't old Mother Lincoln's boys do like wise; we think the short majority of two years ago is warning to them to keep then lamps trimmed and burning, and now is the time to run bullets for when the enemy charge which the signs of the times indicate, it will then be toe late. Will be much better to or ganize and charge them first as two charging armies never occupy the same ground but the army charging first takes and holds the ground. Our 3rd party friends have a full ticket in Gaston and also have the Republicans ; but our people have not yet forgotten our experience iu the result of tho last Republican officer that was elected in Gaston. - 1 don't believe tho new born enemy of Democracy can poll over 500 in the county. I wish this was true iu Lincoln Tho third party Republican fusion trick is ono of the grandest dis plays of the day. It appears to me that their platforms are too far apart for them to stand on both at the same tme. I advise to drop one or the other and come at once in solid mass, and still Democracy will stand unshaken and eternal as the Rock of Ages. Mr. Hall, tho Democratic nomi nee for the House, addressed the Chenyville club on last Friday night, and mOBt nobly acquitted himself. Referring to tho fusion humbug he characterized the Re publican and Third Parties as a conglomerated mass suspended be tween two party platforms, and clinging to neither but claiming both. Would it not be funny it this mass of ignorance is found dead, lvnched between the two scaffolds erected by their own sui cidal hands for their own destruc tion? Will the thinking masses of both parties submit to be bat tered olf by the hungry office hunt ers of both parties and jointly con spire to defeat the eternal princi ples of democracy ; tho principles that has always come to the rescue and saved States and the nation from ruin and everlasting degra dation? If so, why? Ruin your selves, your neighbor, your coun ty, state and nation to please a few office hunting demogoguea, whose hearts are as practically black as the smoky caverns of the infernal pit of destructions to which they are hastening as fast as moments can flit away. Cast anchor before entering the boistrous and bottom less sea with a sinking rotten ship. Rob Peak. Oherryville, N. O. Sept. 24th '94. ThatTfied Fn-litig wbic'i U so ocnuuou aud so overpowering, i entirely driven off by Hood's saparilla the lent blood puririei Hood's Sarsapaiilla overcomes weakness. Drunk hmI Lunched. Greensboro Record : A corres ponded at Franklinsville ser.ds us an account of a mopt distressing accident near that place. Mr, D. D. Short, a white man whose home is in Franklinsville, left there yesterday morning on his cart, and his mule ran away, killing him instantly. His body was mangled by being dragged for some distance. He was about fif ty years old and leaves a wife and oeveral children. A revival meeting is in progress at the Methodist church here. The deceased was at church drunk Wednesday night and special piayer was offered for him and he sat up and laughed while the pray er was being offered. He had a young daughter at the altar seek ing salvation at the time, lie was drinking heaving when he left home. aeirrli Cannot be f urel( wirh LCCAE APPLICATIONS, ae they C'tiMot lench the kpu! ot tlitt di-ouB . Crit.iritt is a blood or con stitutional diseuN-, and in -idi r to cuie it v o niuNt lake luminal remedies. HuT C.ttanb Cute is not a quaok mediciue. It waa pre MCi.l e.i dy of the phyei ciaiiN in thi country fi.r yeure' aud '8 a it-fidor iie oription. It is composed of the best tonics known, eottib.ned vcitti Mih beat blood pais ifieifr, acriug dire. tly on the mu cous huifac.-. The peiboi coin-ioutii.-n i.f ihe two ingrt-difit s is pioducr-s tueh wooderlof re eMa in ut:g Catarrh, bend foi t?tim.)iiial-, :ee. F.J. CHENEY & Go, Piops. Toledo, O. Sold by dm opine, price 75:. Three Argument AkuIqiU Foot ball. London, Sept. 24. Though the football season has only been open a short time, numerous accidents have already occurred. A man named Hutchison, playing at Snip- ley on Sunday, broke his neckband at a game at Tottenham two play ers each had a leg broken. For crofuloos sores and bunnra, A jei Qarsnnarilla is the most re liable specif! . Subscribe for tbe Coubizs. Mothers Friend. What is it? Much has bcon said and written about it but tho half has not been told. It i- a remedy which if used by Expectant Mothers robs the or deal through which they all have I to pass of an incredible amount of Buffering and makes her recovery more rapid. "If a price can be placed on pain, ''Mother's Friend'' is worth its weight in gold as an alleviator. My wife suffered more iu ten minutes with either of her otlior two children than she did altogether with her last, having previously used four bottles of "Motheris Friend." It is a bles ing to any expectant mother, says a customer." Henderson Dalf, Druggist, Carmi, IM If any lady who desires to in vestigate the merits of Mothers Friend will send their address we will mail to her free of charge our little book containing valuable in. formation and voluntary testimo nials. The Rradfield Regulator Co. Sold by Drucgi6ts. Atlanta Ga. Wlial Do Yon Take Mediciue. For? Because you ure sick, aud want to gt well, of course. Turn lemeui Der, thai Hood's Sariararilla Cures. All we auk is, that in tabiug iiood,s Sarttaparilla you will do so witti perseveiai'Ce equalling or ap proach! n k; i hi: ti-imeit rt.ti, which your cotuplaiut has cluug t ou It takt tioit and cart to erad)Ottte old aud dep-tputed txia'adin , put, tioularly when they liav tu-n no long hidden iu the system tbitt tly have tieeoQie chronic. Rmeiuher, that all . permanent and positive euren him (nought nooui with rea SonaMn DiodeiaMuu, Hood' Simh SailHit Hltrtik- dini-Hne vinisy and never In en f lie fi ll m.t it has ooi quel t. WhiiIi 8. loooo liu.i. itn,i v i .i likit ued iu I'cblki .h:tM v NhW 11' .K. S of t,, .),.,.. I , glv:li 111 i X.iJ' lllH ,..,.( ,. CtM: fu ..X'.llH-i' lit kr oin . i .Mil M w li it l ym hiv.! .H" oll rt r.Hh i His.- Cm lu 1'khkkot iVmhi'i n Tim H I. Ml itlmilt u ''I' ll. A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured of a distressing rash, by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Mr. Richard Bikks, the well-known Druggist, 207 AfcUill St., Montreal, P. Q., says: I have sold Ayer'a Family Medicines for 40 yeara, and have heard nothing but good said of them. I know of many Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer8 Sarsaparilla, ono la particular being that of a little daughter of a Church of England minis ter. The child was literally covered from head to foot with a red and ex ceedingly troublesome rash, from which she had suffered for two or three years, In spite of the Vest medical treatment available. Her father was in great distress about the case, and, at my recommendation, at last began to au miniater Ayer's Sarsaparilla, two bot tles of which effected a complete cure, much to her relief and her father's delight. I am sure, were he here to-day, he would testify in the strongest terms as to the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared byDr. J.C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mm. Cures others, will cureyou Tax Notice. I will meet the citizens of Lincoln coun ty to collect the Tuxe-i for 1894 as follows: Lowesville. Taesday, Oct 9th 1894 Triangle, Wed. Denver, Thnrs. Mullen's Sfre Fn. iron Statiou Sat. Linooluton Tues, Jenka Store Wed. Besa' Store Tuura 30th 11th '94 12th '94 13th '94 lGih 94 24th )4 25 th '49 26 th '94 Leon'd'8 Fork Friday Bepville Sat. 27th 94 will attend with named timen and The candidatea tne at the above pla? . Let every body come oat and bear tnem. J K ULIN13, Sheriff. r;pt 18, 1894. "Quick Sales & Short Profits" m THE MOTTO WESTAI2T2D WITH- nd as the FaH season approaches, we dare not depart from this motto, Since our sales in the past six months have been very mucto larger than we expected. We lire daily receiving new goods and in A very short time our stock will bo complete. We have so many Bargains we cannot decide which to give tha preference in this short "ad", MENS, YOUTHS, Ttofifi, clothing, may good onorro. i mens Hats & & BOYS CAPS Carpet, Chairs, Furniture, Tfrnnka fop &c RESPECTFULLY, H. 8. Robinson & o j Superior advantages offered at 1 The Marion Art School Concord, Jif- C Fall trm begins Sept. 12, 1894 Board ecu red with private families at low rates. For further particu lars, address, Miss Bettis Alkxahdbb, Priuoipal Throw Pliifile to I lie Dogs. Mauydothis. Thej beoomH dis gusted with doctors and cuti.a!l4. Such have uever tiied Tyner'a I).Vp"pia Remedy. It pntft the stomach iu order, and many dftAe8 are I (jus put to light. Keep the Ntomach in order and diseaaeM can noi exist. T,v Tyuer'n Dype.ptda Uniiv. h ImiiIiIh up and gives ui-w li n fM.,i, u,., tirwt ,tOHf), 'I'jy -ltm 50.v pi-r h. t -u e iie liy ilrug S3 SHQl nun. if 3 lvlt.U.IUa . i -r io f ( . i i i if, I.t (,l It. L. i i. .1 i..t.n-Th. 'uiei s of , .. .- Hull ! dIMUlllCt : ll- . id juke on .!. . t .. l.iKh .... . . . Hill UiB 1 . M.i ij and I.-. it. t rvtiy- i I .c . . i j; I vt it lliau . '. .jI If your ) .... a-v i nt. "ioiU iy iu i . N, () i ... rt i V c .1. A. Smith, Druggist, has ex clusive Kalo of these glaanoH in iwtoi, X. C. From tho factorv j of Kid lam & Moore, the ouly com I plf?to optical plant in tho Boulh j Atlanta, Oa. jffiSlVddlera are not supplied with thcse famoua glasses. UNIVERSITY OF CAROLINA. N. Includes the College, the "Uni versity, the Law School, the Mod icul School for Teacher, College tuition $60.00 a year; hoard $7.00 to 13.00 a month. Session be gins Sept. 6. ' Address President Wiuston, Chapel Hill, N. C. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having b"en qnalified as the Excr;tors of the lst Will and Testament of 5 onion CarpenW-, dee'd, all persons having claim agatrpts.d deceased, are hereby notified t prsent tbesame for payment on or before the 20th day t,f Auguet 1895, or tbis notice will be pleal in bur of recovery. Th8 August 11th 1894- J cuug Cahpxstzb, Calvin ( 'alps-nts. L. B. Wbt obs, Atty. When BAbr wm alck, w gave her CsscorU. When she was a Child, the cried for QutorU. When she became Visa, she chm to CWstoria. When she had Childran, ihe ffT0 them Ctori, 1894 1894. OPENED WITH NEW WORK, Harness, Bridles, Saddles and iu facf ANYTHING that is uaed, needed or to bo WORN by HORSE or MULE, with Fifteen years experlarto l am prepared to furnish any thing in my Line at HardTlma Prices, for Cash or Barter. RepaiFinG done on short NOTICE. Give me a call and be con vinced. Shop on fjonrt Square back of W. H Michal. Respectfullj', J. P. BEAN " rTr i n i And don t forget to no tice what I am about to say. 1 "ifti in nali oui attention id a ii...; Kindt, of :u itotiiua Oil 1 new v.; on hiuid fur Reapers aad HowttiM, whloli wdl uot gum oi HtUt'.hlllt I li ui;u ii! iii M(uok iu a few ..n m, I. f ,t (pf.u end Tlllal ill KS, tur wbhdt tLtiie if IHUl'Ji (KtillUUd. 1 " tiMdv tiuvti on Uui a Mipply or Tbiui- bird wi:il on either aide, wluuhldo uot lr to aeil, MM J nvi. b to ko tlu:iu aiuuug my ool lMlllll ut UllrlUNllKlH. Jnat received moro Ctoa Harrows! T-e best thing of the Kind on the market Don't forget t call and ezamUtt mj JSllUEd just reoeirod. I tu bow selling tbeu to the tune of bloe-fly. Now, like ihn PhouOgrgpL, rea lain bat jou have taken in, until you Mi lead? to loprodaoe to yoit tuiuds for 9 v. fn-i! riti0Q aid nw Rep otfully, K A.. TOBY. An Antidote TO HAQD T THEIR RESUUCANT EVILS- A WELL-SUPPUED TH1NKIWG-SHOP and Frequent PotiouS of Bottled EnerglT, Call and see, B. F. GRIG 0.

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