r VJW. 'pi b; j q h d; jip; Bit? ifOL. VIII. LINCOLN TON, N. C, FRIDAY, FEB. 22, 1895. NO. 42. a wx r r i si " i a v for Infants and Children. fT3 lyyjVr?JJS31 with Jth ponaj;j)f j million of pertonn, permit gato wpeak cf it without gnegtipg. Itlg-ngp15Mon?ythtet rntady for Infanta acd Children the worldaverltnowTi. It ! harmless. Children like it. .It I gi v them health. It -will wave thtoirjivet.. In it Mother Lave . omethjne which I absolutely afoand practically perfect c a. ' child's medicine. Catorla destroys Worm. Castoria allays Feverihnes. . y Pa2L!Ys0yinSLSonr Card. "v--" C&htoria ouroH piarrhosa and "Win Colic. - ltP?r,ConUpation and Flatulency:".... '.'. Cuitorla neutralise tho effect of carbonic n.cid gAti crpoinonos air. ' CatorLa does not contain m o rp liin e , op i u m , or other- narcotic property. Catria atikicillate tho food, leenktas th btotmach and bowel, giving healthy and natural bleep. C'4oria i put .Pnjndbttles only. It is not sold in hulk. XKu't wllow any one to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise that it lit" jnfct as good" cjiA will answer every purpose." See that you get C-A-S-T-Q-R-I-A . The fao-idmile signature or - iut Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. X ;5?v IT i t J6 aEa USES AND ENDORSES THE ml n ? .... ,j . , , j . , i ( L'tr. CLiKL. asij.:t.TE Jesses. i 'St i.i.ve fuud the Electrv..il-t- vry vaiaat ji oneta;-t May.arid'I s 9. s.i'.oj tfi'te tiiiicrf lt't j4( nhciiJylu da t.'fo: .oJ , till. F r. til mv e.vpc) if;i.ct wt;u it, cni cc- .ir-'i i cao st.tcl;. rtouiincnd It. . t ''- xi truly, W-lte:. Butter 10 th Street N. y. Yo(F Aviib receive highest Cash Prices. We buy. outright or handle on Comniission.- ' - . : :'Qaick Sales and Pompt Return"' Cctamirsi.en tor -baiidling- . , ' ,-g'oo Js, live. per. centr u3enii'for bur Price Li t". . :.: .:; -.; j DO YOU SMOKE ? L. HAVE you SMOKED? :;0iiF Reti Iloiiser ):StyiOKiNG '-TOBACCO. : MILD nSWEKT. :. Tiy it once. Ask for it, ... (;Ti:N TOU WILT. DEIANi IT.: '-"Nice pipB . and; bent stem given ; ; iltb each "i ez. Back ceufs. : ;. Merchants --Do joa wish a qqick teller" ? V ; It ro write for eaajpfeof ;t,OLD.RED HOUSE" 3mb'kiDg Tobacco Matiutactnied by - flILLSBORO i- C. -..We ft'so have a good line of chew .lag tobacce. Write for simples and fastor'y price?. ; "3:n. 2 .3 i is on every wrapper. sCCtfA4 J -i jfWt. n i V .ScT! $ -mi . fnvesiinrat;0 . , A InviteJ -- uocK. i 'nr. .EUctroIibration Co., i.FCOTH AvENUT, msuic - i C;.i.np Poultrv and Wsfeig!(9.,'':D,G. Professional Cards. fcr ' ' lillllllll ni in. 'ii 1y) r'U-jM mt,tnit.x J. W. SXl N, M. D., " H allocated atLhicointon fttid of" fers his services. as pliysician' tor the citiseus of Liacoluton.and siuroat d-- luff-coou try. - . : r : 'rWiM be tonnd Vit nignftit'dbeljiD. cQtiriotV Hptej: ' w,;;'. - March 27.4801 ' r: : . - l v DENTAL NOTICE- Dr. A. W. -Alexander wiib le a bis office at Liucolnton, Junej An rus Oetoho", December, Feb luary and April. . Will he in Mt. Uolly, July, September, November, Jainuiy, March and Miv. . Pa'-ionae solicited. Terms cash and moderate. - , - O W O Harding, aiiersft of Tyler Co., W V:. appreciates a good tbni and does not I'eaitato to nay s. He was alirost proslratrd with 1 a cold wtifn he prornrtal a bottle of Obatalerlrtin's CoUijb Ueinedy. He lsatt: . "It gave ma prompt relief. I tTuil it to be an iDvuluabln Yenedy for coughs and colds.'' For sale by J Dr W L Croiifie, Druggist. PMf MW325; TO LEGISLATURE'S DOINGS- SENATE. gpeci'tl to tbf Or.cr!rpr. IIaleiuii, Feb. 10. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment at 11 o'clock, Lieutenant Governor Doughton presidine;. AfPr prayer by Rev. L. Branson, of the city, i the reading of yesterday's journal was, on notion of Mr. Fortune, didpen Fed with. The kState prohibition or tempei ance law was, on motion of Mr Frank, made the f-peeial order for Tuesday next at 1- o'eloek. The following bills were then introduced: By Mr. Iloo.yer, for the reihl ..f the Wilson graded school; Mr. Whib of Alexander, to require clerks of Inferior Courts "to hee'p a rccoid (.f'.il! inoiiPv-; 0:msiii"' f lu-ii , , , .." 1 "I',,. riaims; aiso. ro incorporate i ne i - j , mteii i:ipist instil i;te : .ir. rac:- ( i-ion, to amend eha. 5H. laws ol 1 ''' 1 'i.P:iting to the eom je,-isat ion of l i-iiif .(; tli,. :rri.-nl t n vi 'm.l i Mec'ljatlicld (Tdlege lor the eololed lace; Mr. Franek. toabolih trust. -. monopolies and coinl.ination.-?,:ind. to "protect private corporations and for the henelit of the school fund : Mr. Hurley, a resolution to furni-h Colonial Reeoitls to Allen Jordan, and ex-member of the Senate; Mr. Farthing, to amend the -charter of lilowing Rock and Watauga Turn pike Company ; also, to prevent double and unjust taxation in North Carolina: Mr. White, of Alamance, to prevent the working of female convicts on the public roads. The calendar was then taken op and the following bills and resolu tions were disposed of: To reneal the charter of the Brunswick Bridge and Feny Com - j pany; pa?ed second and third! readings. To incorporate Roon- j villo, in Yadkin county: paused second and .third readings. Tori the relief of tie.' Firemen's As- j sociation and Volunteer Firemen's ; Association of North Carolina:'; taken from the table and iv-iv j ferred. In regard to Working the , public road ot Clay ..and Graham, ! eounties; passed gecond and tliird readings. To create a new town ship in Forsyth county; passed second and tliird reading-. To amend the charter of the town of Wa. Ton to n. Mr. Cook explained the nature of the bill and said this ,;.r:,u i.,.i vi; tics in it ;' that all parties were in fv,,r ,,f ,. KoonUtcani. 1W1UU : :; ' . , ,t :i i ii and Democrats. It extended He ta,n, Itmif 12 ninl nnlv tbne who hv-ed outside the present limits op- t6seii it". ' ite wa was a bill that Sampson "( Fowler) Mr. Fowler said know 'it ; that heg however, that when the gentlemen brought in bills to change the char- ters of towns pure.y lor political rAncnnq liti wnnl l not Plinoort them: that he kne Knov' V 'lim Tl,' . 1 ... I .1 L , . , change towns ; some -owr vun that -he -wa.v vfithe Jack - son-Jeffersonian .tripe and alnliated with the Democrats lor - merlv on point of older.- Tlie rpoi'nt was sustained. Mr. Fowler .then arose to personal privilege. He said if bills to amend charters were only to put Republicans in. power lie would not support th:m. , Mr. Cook interruptenl 'him again on a point of order. Tlie chair sustain ed him. .Mr. Lindsay said he had h-ttera from friends in Warmiton who oiposed the ehange in the charter. Mr. Snipes said ho also had he names of persons who opposed it Mr. Cook said it was only those who lived outside the present lim its who opposed it and they had all the advantage-5 and paid no taxes. The bill passed Second reading ayes 32," lio.es 0. Bill to validate certain deeds and mortgages and provide for the reg istration thereof. Mr. Kice moved THE ,ir. Q-otr f,,m ! .V Ml- Jveiuiiey, oo uuio , , ,r, pn:,; -roil lilt: i:i:,i.::v;ei 'i:LNuij.vs- I i I 'L:n rnl t:r.il iii'-eapen. u I he was glad to , X -V r, Jlk bill could.be taken up on a pri- g K )7 , Z, I, : g V',. SI 00 p,r to table. Mr. Black called Tor the ayes and noes. The call was su? - tamed and the bill tabled Mr. Westnfarehmd askid con sent to introduce a hill to amend the --barter of the Winston-Salem Street Railway Company, and Mr. Long a resolution in favor of N. McPhaul, late sherilfof Columbus. The biil to make all lire eompa- ni.-s liable for the -face' 'value ol policies was re-referred. -To pro- vide for a cotton-weigher for j j Mooresville, Iredell county,passed second and third reading-. Resolution to pay the funeral expenses of Mr. Williams, late a membf.-r of the Ibujse from War ren, was amended and pa-"d sej ond and tliird readings. In regard to the Superior Court of Rowan and Yadkin counties, changing the time for holding certain ' terma ; passed second and third readings. Mr. W:ill,hv !. :-nt introduced :i bill establish d a normal sehi ol r the colored race at Winston, Dill to allow Warren county "to levy a special lax to improve thf e ejntv 1 ds pa-.-t d :;eco!id lead- lug ayes -M: ie:es 0. ror tli- protection of cattle and other animal.-; passed second and third readings. To amend section' ol) of! j The Cod( in relation to Ihespeeclr i'-.i of counsel m the trial of causes ; t d.ded. To enlarge the sto.-k law ot Wayne county; re-r.-letred, lo incorporate the High Shoals Com pany; passed second reading. For the relief of G. .. I'etty. a school twele-r ol Robe-'on county ; passed second reading.' The Senate adjourned till 11 o' clock Monday. t 'Id o cluck Sneaker Wnlserj call.d the House to .rder and Rey. I Mr. Woodard, a member, ottered j. raver. It was private bill day, umler the order of yesterday set-lim- apart Saturdays as private bill day, under the order of yesterday -ettin i-eUmir apart Saturdays as private bill days. W. P.. Flemmitig was sworn in ;- ., member fornrw-arren. to suc - c-eed the ia-te I)r. S. A. Williams, Tiie special committee ,n eW - lions and county government re - ! ported . favorably, through its ' chapman,. MrLusk, the election law bill; and on his motion it was I uPule- special order for 11 o'clock : next Tue'dav. - i - Mr-; Turner, of Mitchell, mtro- ;.luccd a resolution providing dor j two-tessions 03 the House daily at- i W ni?xi Monday, one oegmning at t.e-r Jexl Monday, one beginning at I l'.' ' h . .f ' "' ,v ! r-AW1"110" , "l"? ; air. Monroe, to pay trie junerai ex !;....',-vor f I, A. l-.if Pir,r.-.'ntntivft i 1 ": . . . - I I Williams, of .Warren. ' : inv, '.sllotvc- Vy Mr. to levy .a special tax. dard. L'j couris lm lhe twelfth, dis- - , .. j ti-ict. P.y Mr. Finney, to repeal the I , . , i bill, making an" appropriation--to i.nl.l;,. LnrvihV .rionnds in North I1"1 IJUA ' euua' : o . : r: . H r,:i!r, lo cure hi- ini.at con id vote for. ( --s o- .;r "rM, i- ,n,i(i said.it did not appear that a pub-: U OKOf 7uU. tWtii tWtilh i v. a't- . miioit nyt-ici ive notice a?aiu. " ....... . L. i.ni r,. Pl,;iiina ni,l nti ri,:.,,iDu,,iA:,,... ' Wl,if'' i ,,f il : i 1 1 1 ! i 1 1 : t i 1 i in ViniiM-i liiii. xTi ; v ; . v - - . - .ii ... r . t .i 7 , r i :u.,t u'-M mr ' rnruv VMtua iue om uii . i.m o 7 n iSV.l ti ll O (Kl 1 U!..t iSMl t..i: . .. u; Gv Mr. Kin-to attempt to block legislation or, it. ; , . . .ii(inor in (ira.!Mr. White said there was comditu- l - - -j Mr. Phillips, of , p.: f.(l t nd ,eo. T13 of lol! Ihe Code. By M Vhite, of Bla - i-de-n, to provide for the mamten I anee of the North Carolina Insane Asylum. Py Mr. Bagwell, ro im prove Wake's public roads. By Mr. Kvar.t, to estardi.di a normal .schotil.at Jud.ion C'dlge; to change time, ot holding court ? in Catawba and Uutherf'rd. By Mr. Mun roe, regarding mt.rtgae'S, provid-ing-that jmyments on mortgage debt must be entered of reerd,and foj a 1 f..rf"iture for lailure to p..' .-v payments or satisfactions. By Mr. Stikelealher, to protect birds in Iredvil county. By Mr. Harris, to in te,-t eitizens of Ocra c-ke fi-'tn the tiring ot sruns near The eia.:. ke Hotel. By Mr. Mc Call. to amend the laws applicable b building and loan associations; to amend the charter of the Caro lina Savings Bank ; to amend the charter of the Charlotte Gas Com- 1 ( pan v. By Mr. McClammy, to in ! eone.rnte iho Wilmington Sewnr- ago Company; to raise money for public schools in Cherokee: to in- corporate the Sapona ('otton Mills, ' Mr. Hunter, Republican, rose to a question of personal privilege on a publication made by your corres-; pondent. regarding the fact that h Imd rellecfed on tlie Confederate sobers, and denied it .emphatically saying it was unqunlitiedly false. He said his remarks were made in regard to the State Guard, on a bill before the judiciary committee concerning the (Juard. (Mr. Peebles tells me that Mr. IiUiUc-r compared the State Guard to the Chinese, and said tley would seek a bombproof at the Very lirst . approach of danger. Mr, Peebles defended the State Guard and retierred to the bravery of the Confederate soldiers and the Revolutionary soldiers as showing tic- valor ..f North Carolinians. .Mr. Hinder then d.mied ili.nt hn! remarks were a rellectiun on the! Stale Guard. Ills lvmaik-i wen regarded as intemperate and un- culled for.) Bills passed allowing Fayette .;n.. i o.,i.i;i, o ort. .,. .ni.t..i.ni. u n)w. '"i,., trie lighting and motive power ; p, incorporate the lVopl,'s Fne In j e-. i.T..,,,.. .1' Y,.,tt, o.,,. .1; i O.U.UH.C- .m,.i..uo ... t,Pua v.a.w.c " 7 na ; Si'nate amendmeids b the bill ' . appropiiating S'c!,OUO for fiu nish- ing the new building at the insanec- asylum here. The bill -.to meor-i j.orate Hamlet was tabled, but was afterwards taken from, tlie table and passed. v Bills passed amending the cltai ter of the Wilmington Southern Railroad and the StinVroh Luni -" ber Company, of Newbern ; to incorporate Rennert, in Robeson county; to incorporate iorboro Collegiate Institute; to allow Madison county to levy a t-pecial tax; for the relief of Sheriff Grant, j of Henderson county, and extend ing the term foi the collection of j paxes; to cnau-e ine name o. n-. iste - r'e precinct, Granville county,to . j Bullock's precinct ; to incorporate jNew Light Lodge of Mnsons, atj j Wilmington ; to incorporate th j ! Salisbury Loan and Trust Cornea- y ; to amend the charter of the j town of Albemarle: to amend the, j charter of Durham. ; A resolution was adopted allow- j jUK committer which visited j j t;,e Castle Hayne farm f52 for its ' expense?. j v biii was tabled rPrarding rates I "ilroad companies. , The bill to relate char-3 on ! leaf tobacco by warehouses came I UV ut nuuil ar tt : v nue, 01 uiaucn, mucu o. H"i" j the bill had been held back; ihy !i l : 1 a. He ur?ed im - miate action and said there waa i it , i.l,.l- lcrr;alotiVn .t. j an attempt to block legislation on ; . it. Mr. W hite-said there was an tional questions involved in thi, bill ; that the Supreme Court of illlmoH had" divided en t-:e sanw.s i. question. iir. 3icr.enzi cuuus ed Mr.- Philips and denied the ciiare thf.t there was any aiiempi to block or obstruct . Wislation i rt;u.; n-u .jKAn.u'iir .1 . a Tf nir-lv '-"-r allfoTM-'": llfi-U--i.' Finally Mr. White made a motion jpj,,, tr!c. j,tta".. )1V r.-c-i t- i f n.e very to make the bill a special order forjb-t rr . o,,, ,t noon next Monday and this was . yjr j.j )(, -lti ir.ffjc-r..v V.; i.r-". ! whn i f , UrC .1:1 ct-1 t -rr---.ur-- by.iU", " Croup is a terror ro mnui- i,,ivii,lS, t,e n -u d t ? t- the b.-w.p. .i era. To post them conceinioK the ; fiW C.QS Je t the ns- tins m-.ii: :ir.c. flrrl firmptom?, and trentnient il the Try it :ri.c. Larve i "tilts e-:!y So fei.ii ohjf ct of the it( m. The first it'di- j tt I M Uwin i;Ti-'--ca'ion of croup ia li0iir.eiiep. In a j jrs Kuniy Timrue, v.-ln rraider ehild wbo ia subject to crcuit it ma j vt To't do, Wu-bin.tof, a-svs l bo tafeeu aa a sure fiisn ol the ap ! :irti ner been i'd.:. to proouie ar. proacb ot au atlack. Following tbif j :nfditiue tor rteuimitnm that re- boareenepp. is a peculiar roug'i coerrb. It CbamberlainM Conjjb remedy Is given as aTon as the child beci'tnes hoarse or fven after tht - roug couh has apppareil it wi'ijaale by Dr. W. L. Cron-.e, iJiuia nrcent the attack. U b&8 never been known to fail, -o and do cent bottles for pale bj Dr. W. L. Croupe 'SS,Bl- TlieMofy ol u Uhnit Craln. We have received a compact tr-alise on the eheif ration of civ ilized mill the stall" of life. It is illustrated with numerous cngrav-j ings from microscopic views of the! wheat grain. The information hasj high scientific value, a. well as iir I struction for thrt averr.ge person The author is the veteran editor, the Rev. do!in J. LalVertv. wh.o is ;i!mi one of tic Hoard of Visitors of the Medical Colledge of Virgin ia. He has amused himself for years in scientific investigations, and iiven years to the question of a "complete llour." Theory and experiment went hand m hand, lie uiilizd his mill at Ciwet to te.t each step in the progress to ;i perftct milling output from the wheat hernel. He submitted ihe outcome of his experinie'its to scientists of distinction, who gave full appreci ation of his achievement. .':' mm of hi-, ela-js, when sue- CeS.J. Was Secured he to lo-;c I inP-rest m the sunp-ct. ilil there to l.lllliU- a.-, iii iil- wa- a pie-nse up fcture lie- art ie'.e Hell machinvry, and it will be install- d by t: ,v the n.-w year at Cn.jet , VUvAr -: ! llllMMie.- liiV, ,iv. n !lS3in..lIll.l, , ,f Uldimit."d demand ,(.ne i eman. : . . . . , , I d oc t o r w o i 1 1 I 1j ur fllllor:,r h . , , . , . , f ,,,, .,,- .Jent I peinot any ot!;er his client i. 1 1m- b..i k- ih.-t ( v, h'ch is for fr-e distribution) iveS the :d"i V ! he . i -tit itie research with t In enchant i.-e-nt f a romance of chivalry. Richmotid l)i spa tcli. B Bid 7 Vhoha.-3 liot.sull'eied thii niiriery caused by bile in the t'.m e h which an "inactive or sluggish liver tailed to cany oil". THE PREVENTION AND CURE IS liquid or powder, which give.? quick "action to the liver and carries olf the bile by a mild move ment of the bowels." It is no pur gative or griping medicine, but purely vegetable. Many people take pills more take Simmons Liver Regulator. "I Lave been a victim t-j PiliuU.-nss fur years, and alter tryir.-r varioin rt-nit .Ilea iny oulv succoss was i;i tin uc of iSlni mbtis Liver Iteun'.atnr, wnith iic ver failed to relieve me." 1 epf-ak i;a ol invst-U", alone, but my whole family.' J. M. Fill jia", fSclina, Ala. -EVF.r.Y I'.VCUACE-il lias onr 7. SMii.p rel tin vrnpj"-. II. ZIIII'.IN & Co., n.-iivJelf l.w, J a. jg ; H k3 the Lltx.J, end never f.'N J y Ifciito cure the most invetc-r ee I if BLOOD A.ND SKIN DiS- F AShS. if U:tr.n, arL- f -A- ;g gi lowej. i ri'ji!'5r.!iu'5 ei er.ae- i 1T3 . , Tl 1. ' lui r-eep i e souru iii pruiits k ; g and attest it-i v;rt::c3. . g ! C5TVRiTE for lioc-k of Won- derful Cures, sent free on sp- j plicatscn. If not kert by y.-ur loci I Jruiit. . I g ; f ... i . ... K trL ,.r . aP. tor six Domes, an j. iiieaxine wiu f. !g nt, freight raiJ, by IS I1LOOD IJAL-! CO., 'ir.ihl eonti.'utr n K!- ' tn-- lii tcr nr j j i:tVt m tb ; .r u f-o qmcuiv at .1 ( h- e j u;dlv as Cbw.nlo-1 iw:. Puinli dm ! I'u ii v.m bas al-o ised it fer 1 .jm n.vl; with fti-nt hi c-fp. Itch on hamin nni n.ric- ail all in' oiiis cure-i in 0J u.inutei ly V.".-. lt.-r.!? Sanitary Lc tin. 1 U never iVti. rioc t5 M. Lair.s Drufiet Lin. olLt.-,n. C' sr The Disappointed. Kl.T.A WHCKLER WILCOX. There are songs enough for tho hero ! Who dwells en tho heights of fame; I sing for the disappointed, I-Vr those who missed thoir aim, I sing with a fearful cadence For one who standi in tho dark. And knows that his last, best ar- row Has bounded Lack fr m tht mark. I siog f r the hi cat bless runner, - Tile eager, anxious soul, Who falls with his strength ox hausle.l A!mo-t in ;dg :t of the goal; For the hearts that break in ail- ence Willi a sorrow all unknown; For tle.ve who n'ed c 'inpariioijd, Y-t walk their ways alone, 1 here are songs enoiiuh for th lovers Who share low's tender pain; 1 sing f r the one wh'f passion Is given ainl m pain. For li.o.-e whose spirit nmr.idej Have niisv-,1 tfe in on (di. Way, I sing with a leait i.V l t!owi"ng ' Thbi mnioi-'rt rain to-day. And 1 kicov tie- lar system M u ;t o!:;.-w h -je keep itirfpace A j h i j tor. that upent runner Who ! :.r.-l.y..h..3t the nice. For the Ph.'. W.':Uld. t't; illlpfjjfeCt I nlesa it held S illle SpheTtf l'h:it paid for the toil and taleiit And love that ur-: wasted heje. FOR cures SCROFULA, BLOOD POISON. mm THF ?VV B Ilia cus GANGER, ECZEMA, TETTER. :m, i ; n u-t'i iuu'.4 Ut.a we tow -! ia t- .r -. 1,1 1 p o il g, t'uttS.tpliJDtH . : v . r.n.- l rr. ct ?r rnios, all . c. .'-i. -'--, 'S'-i-' f -5 :q $.v by ( ; rir." 1 .l''-i . Waira mci the DDO : J(,'iil l.j tai-K fi re eor Irr-owo. SoJl A . : I - 1': !iuri-i Lnc 'lntcn 2 (' 1 he I. a fill's' Frietiti. N j o Kin c.m eu,;fa lwilh yr.l i c0' i o?:1; P'ttoo, auu to c- e pier. bei e.iii be jjoed without Zo A l eti '' a d pure b;0!)d. Bot ude P.lo-, 1 ts.i'rrj win beautify your O'l'p'' : ori by pnnfviog nd i en? Jjiif on: bit.o.J. Tiy it lor never inveterate ans have large roggista. Thousands omen ufi..-r uitcli i.i:ir: from a arn of dU- cry tliey c.snot ovarcoa.. GfiADFIELD'S bmnJ Female Regulator, ct,r fiCTS H5 fl SPECIFIC. tLro-Jgli jut thm Una. It Never Fails to Cure. "Mr wfo his b.-en utiJer treatmtot of n. ..n-;i- ii-in o.ree t-otuei of ilradfleld'a I piiihIu lO-uul'itor kli t-pn du iir own hKjTA. Uendenon. AJ. r.racriEi.D kli.ii.aiou ro., aiUdu, c. SjI.) bj Orulti kttl OO lr bottle. A TfuU' t Wnith is PopaUr Tl 'o- i-i :i etc at real if indif na riun fell fleaiett truMts. The Sugar 'i n.-o, ibft St .ndaid Od Trust, lbt B ;glib Sail Trust, and otber com t... it ions ol the kind, are vigorous P !!.',iiuo d, and it is a subject ot .ontiovt iny whether tbi re are mora r isi- in Bnjilaud tlno Acierickanl he'ber protection or tree trad fosters Ihe tn. But ibere is ODe form of turn &;aiuHt wbicb no ou has aDvtbn cr to 9 iy. Taat is tbe iruJt tl r the nubd; rcpns s iu Hood's Saraa pari! la. S BLOOD !i lih'fiivin I n.tnviit N-movej aJJ

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