I Mebane Leader £ J. O.gF0Y, Editor andJOwner Entered as second class matter Feb ruary 8, 1909, at the Post Office at If •bane, N. C.« under the act of March 1897. Issued Every Thursday Morning. SUBSCRIPTION: One Year, - - - $1.00 tfix Months, - - - .50 Three Months, - - .25 , PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ^nd Currency, Postal Money Order or Stamps, CORRESPONDENCE We wishCcorrespondents in all the nearby postjoffices. Write at oru’p. lliursday, January 5 1911 TO “DECIDEDLY UNFAIR US’^ Under the heading “We feel highly honored’* the Burlington Diapatch attempts to answer an article which appeared in the Mebane Leader the previous week, in which, we had chided it a bit about being unfair. We would like to discuss with our neighbor newspapers current issues of the day, but for the fact of the tendency to degener ate these controversies into per sonal abuse, vituperation and misrepresentation, not pur posely in the start, but the trend is that way, and while we never fear our ability to hold up cur end, it is never the less as painfull, and as humilating to say unkind things of others as it is to harve them said of us. We do not want to do it. As a sample of the strained position the Dispatch tries to put us in. we quote the following from its last week article, it says, *‘But brother Foy of the Mebane Leader being out of sympathy with the present day Democracy and trying to run a ion political papery not knowing which way the cat was going to jump, remained silent all through the cam paign and allowed the bretherin of the Democratic press and politicians to make any statement that served their purpose, that aided the Democratic party whether it contained a scintille of truth or not, often a falsehood out of the whole cloth, and the bigger the falsehood the better Bro. Foy seemed to like it, but since the election and the result is known to all men Bro. Foy thought he saw his opportunity in our article, and at once went into histories (but we believe it intended to say histerics) holding up his hands in holy borrow.” It is such arrant unfair stuff as this that make us dislike a newspaper controversy. The entire portion of the article quot ed above, seems to have been writen for the deliberate and studied purpose of putting us in a false and unfair position. It assumes in a very broad and comprehensive way to ao some mind reading, and in assuming to do it, it puts a very vicious and false construction upon our sil ence. We announced in our first issue of the Leader that we would publish a non partizen, a non political paper. To do so was in perfect accord with our wishes, and to meet a desire of those who were largely responsable for our establishing of the Jueader. We did not care to keep up a political ferment in a com* munity of this size, and we be lieve among the fair minded read ers of the Leader we are given credit for having kept faith with all. As to our failure to criticise every statement in the Democratic or Republican press prior to the election in which we differed, it would have been a hurculean task of imposible propotions, not worth the time, or trouble, to have picked up, and criticised only those things in which the Dispatch Editor thought should have been criticised would still be an imposibility, especialy in the absence of information, even if we had of felt disposed to do so foolish a thing. To say we were waiting to see which way the cat jumped before expressing our selves is imputing to our discredit a deceit that we do not believe that even the editor of the Dispatch believes us to be capable off Seventeen years ago there was a man who had recently entered the White House by the name Grover Cleveland, the great est Statesman America had pro duced in a century, an honest, fearless, faithful public servant., He had hardly been Installed as President of these United States when there broke upon this country a wild, raging financial storm, the fierest and most pite- less this country has ever known A storm that had its origin in condition with which Grover Cleveland had absolutely nothing to do, and could not be held in any sense responsable for. It broke before Clevelands ad ministration could have enacted or put in force a single law to effect the financial, or commerci al interest of this country. He was in no sens 5 responsable for it, unless it should be charged that his determination to safe guard the interest of the masses was taken as a threat to attack trust and tariff favored interest and they were anxious to punish the Ammcan people for putting an honest man in the Presidential chair, and yet he was accused of bringing on this stom. That this brazen bald faced black lie should have swept this country from end to end, only proves how unfounded predudice may poison the atmosphere that patriots breath, and dam with dirt, and detraction, the brainest and best statesman America has produced in the last century. Predudice with base an vicious purpose rode the ignorant rough shod over this land under the spur and whip of a lotdisapointed depraved politicians the spawn of an untrageoiis system of reckless tariff thievery. Truth, and honor gasped, and shuddered under the choking grasp of the god less greedy rich. It was to pro test against a repetition, that called forth the Leaders editorisd comment *‘Be Fair.*' BUSINESS HeiLDERS, AND WAIVT ADVER- TISEIHENT. NEW YEARS GREETING Christmas is over and tJie New Year is here. We hope all of our readers have had a very pleasant time, and we hope the coming year holds in store for them health, and prosperity. The Leader will soon complete its second year of publication in your midst, and whether you realize it or not, it should be a mat ter for mutual congratulation. To make it live in a town the size of Mebane, and to have that paper a 28 column all home print and home set is a matter to be proud of. The Editor of the Leader has striven with all his power to ad vance the interest of this com munity, and there are a large class who recognize, and appre ciate the force and influence for good, commercialy and undus- trialy the Leader is exerting in this section. It has made many friends who have given genuine proof of their loyalty and interest, and the Editor wants to assure these friends of his profound appreciation, they can help and have helped us very materialy, and there is no thing niggardly about them in giving credit when credit was due. Just now we want to say this, there are a large number who are due us on subscription, to some we have sent bills but to all we have stated that we need what they may be due us, and must earnestly insist now at the begining of the New Year that they remit us for subscription, you can make no mistake in sending us one dollar it will be applied to your subscription and proper credit given, your name will also appear upon the honor roll. Now help us at once, we need it and will appreciate it. WRECKS ARE EXPENSIVE. We had a brief talk with the section master who has charge of that portion of the hk)uthem tract between the brick yard in the Western suberb of Mebane and Efland. He tells us the track is in the worst condition that he has ever known a track to be in, and it seems like a daily intervention of providence that some accident does not hap pen to the trains passing over it. He says at least 30 per cent of che ties are defective and should be removed. Our impression is that very much of the Southern trackage between Greensboro and Goldsboro is in bad condition and we are by no means inclined to think that the way to better it is to let track inspectors go over the line in special cars drawn by special engines making the distance between Greensboro Advertisement under this head are 5cts per line, for each insertion, or 15cts per line per month. If you have anything to sell, or want to buy insert your notice here. FOR SALE a horse, buggy wagon, cheap. Apply to J. R. Rice. and and Raleigh in a day. Put track walkers on the line, men of practical common sense, and let them |measiire the distance with their feet on the cross ties, and it wont be necessary to trust so much to providence. Wrecks on railroads, are very expensive occurance. They eat up much of the gross earnings and create a demand for higher freight rates. THE BEST PLACE IN GREENSBORO To get the BEST TO EAT is at THE HENNESSEE CAFE OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT 34S SOUTH £L.M STRJBET, GREENSBORO* N. C. W. C. SMITH JR. MGR THE VESTAL AN UP-TO DATE HOTEL Comfortably Furnished Table Supplies with the best that market af fords. W. C. TRIPP, Proprietor. Graham* N. C. THE M. W. STERNE, Proprietor. Greensboro, N.C. A strictly First Class HOTEL. H. STEINMETZ FLORIST RALEIGH, N. C. Is offering for fall planting, a fine collection of the highest class bulbs for winter and spring blooming. Hyadnths in all colors Tulips Narcisaos Cro- cia, Lilly of the Valey, and all the balbs that can be grown to brifl^ten and perfume the home Write for oar list. The bulbs cost but little, by mall. Rem ember the name. BBBWN BtLK CO. GBEENSBORfl, N. 6. We can and will make it worth your while to stop with us. CARRYING a large well assorted stock buying and selling for cash enables us to sell for less. Make our store your headquarters while here. BROWN BELX GO. Greensboro, N« C. NO. 240—242 S. ELM ST. IT IS WINTER! Mil IIEIL nSieiEEIIBLE pEI I have a large line of the prettiest furs including all styles of cuts, they are warm, and feel comfortable, they are rich and dressy for all style of garments. SEE ME AT ONCE Ladies Coat-Suits, and all kinds of ladies dress goods and trimings. FOR SALE One three room Cottage on Lee St. One three room Cottage on 3rd St. Mbane Undertaking Co Mebane N. C.” Ceskets, Coffins, burrial robes and all kind of funeral supplies. Embalming done by a licensed embalmer. Prompt service on brief notice. Agent for Cut Flowers For All Purpose Prompt Delivery. PRICES AND TERMS TO SUIT Mebane Land & Improvement Co. Mebane, N. G. ALAMANCE PHARMACY Keep on hand a complete line of pure fresh drugs, and up to date assortment of toilet articles, perfumes brushes etc. All kinds of DRUGGIST ACCESSORIES. With each purchase we give you a cash register tic ket, when you have purchased S5. return tickets and get 25cts in merchandise. It is free, it is yours for the asking. Keep them» they count up. ALAMANCE PHARMACY J.C. SIMMONS, Prop. GRAHAM, N. C. GREENSBORO, N. C. WINTER CLOTHING A 25 per cent Reduction On All Clothing The nicest andmost com plete line ever brought to Mebane. We have suits, over coats and rain coats, arrang ed in our special clothing de partment. LADIES DRESS GOODS great variety and trim- ings to match. The King Quality shoes for men College walking shoes for women. A general line of merchandise all sold to save you money. MEBANE STORE, CO. MEBANE, N. C. Everybody Pulls Together. To raise the Dixie Pride flour above the ordinary. The farmer selects his best wheat for it. The miller uses the best modem flour making machinery. The result is a flour that cannot be ex celled at any price. Make a sack of Dixie Pride flour part of your next gprocejy order. It will drove its super iority in your first baking. You must feed KO-PRES-KO-KAKE to get good butter and milk. SPECIAL MILUNERY SALE MISSES MORROW AND BASON Are offering some rare bargains in trimmed bats andcol- ored beavers—a few prices— One lot of $5.00 hats for $3.00 One lot of $4.00 hats for $2.50 One lot of $3.00 hats fw $2.00 Come early before they are all gone—They are also offer- ng some special good values in Ostrich plumes, it will pay you to see them— Burlington, N. C. PRESSING 6LUB Neat work on all garments at short notice. All kind of tin works. PINK RUSSELL Next to Holmes-Warreo, Equiped to produce portraits that are right, and our long experience is back of EVERY PICTURE WE MAKE The child, the parent, the grand parent are assured of a good likeness, and finish when we do the work, COBIE AND SEE US. THE EUTSLER STUDIO, UCCESSORS TO ALDERMAN AND EUTSLER 113J E MARKET STREET, GtREEN^BORO n. C WITH OURCOMPII- MENTS. We wish health and prosperity to everyone, and we guarantee it to all who use our lumber; therefore, with the New Year turn over a new leaf, give us your orders, and get the best selected*[and best seasoned lumber sold anywhere. Nelson-Cooper, Lumber & Furniture Co. Mebane, N. C. Fire, Life, Acciden and health Insurance, In fact, anything n the Insurance line. When in need of anything in this line call on me. Rates reasonable. S. G. MORGAN THE STRONGEST KIND Is the kind of harness you should buy. We guarantee the materials and workmanship. Our prices are not one whit behind in popularity, and the fairness of our deahng is well known. This is a good place to buy. Tyson-Malone, Hdw. Co. Mebane, N. C. WRITE TO T. 0. SHARP, MARBLE & GRANITE CO. FOR THEIR NEW CATALOGUE JUST ISSUED It will show you some real beauties at exceptionally low prices. Durham, N. C. THE PLACE TO BUY CHEAP For gentleman, ladie’s and friends, a full line of men's and young men suits and overcoats at a reduction price Ladies suits and sweaters a specialty. Shoes for the big, and shoes for the little ones at very low prices. When in Durham call on us and convince yourself. FARE RETURNED ON EVER $10.00, purchase ONLY TILL CHRISTMAS at S. H. Hockfield^s, 226 W. Main St. Durham, N. C.

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