THE MEBANE'LEADER BECAUSE RIGHT IS RIGHT WE DARE DO IT. Vol 2 MEBANE, N. Cm TBUBSDAT, Jannary 26 1911 NO. 48 PERSONAL AND IDGAL BRIEFS PEOPLE WHO COME AND GO Items of interest Gathered by Our Repovter. Mias Margie Scott was a visitor to Greensboro this week. Mr. John H. Kerr, of Yanceville, visited his sister. Mrs. F. L. Mebane last week. The new train service will help our people going east, but will be of but little service goine West. Mr. l^acy Cook, was a pleasant Ciller at Mr. Clay Kings, Sunday aftenoon. You will need good flour for bus- cuits, and cake, you could hardly find better than that made by the Dixie Milling Co. of Burlington. Plant bed canvas of good quality and any quantity desired at the Mebane Trade Store. Call early. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miles, are on an extended visit to friends and relati ves in Greensboro, Lexington, and Spencer. George Allen Mebane jr. of Spray a student of Bingham School Asheville, U C. visited his grand mother Mrs. F. L, Mebane last week. M. E. Wilkinson and Co. change ad for this issue. They carry a nice line of general merchandise and pell right. They speak of weights this week. J. D. and L B. Whicted are pushing winter goods to the front to make room for spring stock. Don’t forget them they will surprise you in prices. It would be of benefit to Mebane if we had a few more cottages with such modern improvements as the town can afford. They are needed now, and will be needed worse later. It seems such a great pity that the maccadamized road could rot have been extended at least a mile further North, it does not go quite far enough to get out of red clay area. Miss Kerr Mebane attended the fun eral of her cousin Mrs. E. C. Mebane in Graham last Friday. The deceased a daughter of the Hon. Giles Meb ane and a sister of Mrs L. Banks Holt. See change of the Brown-Belk Co. Greensboro, They carry a large line, and select line of dry goods sells very reasonable and will always treat you right- Gon’t forget them when in Greensboro, N. C. W. J. Martin it is stated ran over a boy on a bicycle in Raleigh a few days ago, now if some one will run oyer W. J. Martin with a steam roller, all will be forgiven. Less than this would not suit the case. Hall Oldham, a colord man who lives on Mr. W. B. Yorks, farm a mile and a half east of Mebane, had the mis fortune to get his leg broke last Friday while felling timber, a tree in falling sliped back catching his leg between the ankle an knee and snaped the bone. The loss of life in the Cuban war was inf intiaemal, but the pension claims are growing phenoninal. Politics, and legal shysters have made the pension business after a war its severest affliccion. It is stated on good authority that flees carry infantile paralysis, or in fact the bite of certams flees may produce it. Infantile paralysis is a terable disease, and it may induce some parents to keep the flee infected curs away from their chiMren. Mr A. E. Holtan, has been nomi- enated by the President for reapwint- ment as district attorny for the Western dstrict of North Carolina, Mr. Holton, has held the position for a number of years and has made an able an efficient officer. It is alright, the Senate will endorse the appointment. Mr Luther Miles, who lives near Corbetts, sold some tobacco at the Piedmont Warehouse this week at very satisfactory prices By the way Luther has a little baby boy that he hopes to see one of North Carolinae Governors some of these days, Ho is a bright healthy little fellow. The new train service between Greensboro, aud Raleigh seems to be proving a success from the start The cars are clean, and the schedule fixes hours when it is more agreeable to travel East, the return trip can be made on an earlier train if desired. So far the travel seems good for a starter. We ordered forty pounds of plate matter from Philadelphia that cost us three dollars. The freight charges to this point was ninety cts cabh, and the freight agent here haggled about want ing storage upon that charge, because the package remained in the depot a few days over forty eight hours. If there was a railroad commission in this coun ty that was worth hell room no such condition would have to be endured. And this is an infintisemal item in the long catalogue of grievances the public are compelled to suffer. The Mebane Store Company changds their advertisment in this weeks Leader. They are clearing up a lot of ods and ends in which there are some great bargains. See them. Mr. J. N. Maxwell jr. Ex National Councilor and now President of The Funeral benefit Department of the Daughters of Liberty, lectured at Jr. O. U. A. M. Hall last Friday night to members of Friendship Council No. 51- D. of L. Thousands of dollars which would otherwise be distributed in many sec tions of the South will be held up until the next session of Congress be cause of the fact that a decision has been reached that the omnibus claims bill, which amounts to about $3,000,000 cannot be passed at this time. Consider This Well. This is the headline to an attractive advertisiment of Holmes Warren & Co they carry a very complet stock. Read t’leir nice display advertisiment in this issue. Tallest Building In The World. F, W. Woolworth is to build the tallest office building in the world at Broadway New York and Bareclay streets. It will be fifty five stories and will cost twelve millions. Shoes That Wear Well. Mr. W. J. Robinson of Summerfield purchased a pair of “Walk Over" shoes from J. M. Hendrix and Co. of Greensboro six years ago. We hap pened in Mr. Hendrix store some weeks past and saw Mr. Robinson and the shoes, and they both seemed good for wear a long time yet. Mr. Hendrix advertises in the Leader. Are You In The Contest? Some of the contestants are doing ex- celent work in the piano contest. They are sending in lists that are a credit to them* All can do well if they will but push. You should take advantage of the big offer we made you a few weeks ago. Send us in ten dollars right away and have your list increased 15000 votes. Don’t fail to push all you can. It is up to you. What the Public Would Like to See. The United States Steel Corporation (the Trust) has reduced the salary of its President from one hundred thous and to fifty thousand dollars a year. What the public would like to see is a reduction in the price of iron and steel products to the domestic consumer That will come when the tariff duties ha\e been lowered to a point rendering possible some measure of foreign com petition, and not until then.--Va Pilot. Heavy Punishement For Navy Fireman. The heaviest punishment oi^inarily meted out in the navy in time of peace has fallen upon Ernest H. Walker, a second class fireman on the battleship Louisiana, who killed Patrick J. Itf’itzimmons, a water-tender, while the two men *^ere ashore at Cherboug, France. A court martial was held on the Louisiana and the sentence, just confirmed by the Navy Department, is imprisanment for life for Walker. He will be confined in the New Hampshire State penitentiary at Concord. Going After Coal, Mr. J. W. Payne, of Walnut Cove, Stokes Co who is planning to develop the coal mine’near the town, was in the city today soliciting stock for his com* pany. The promoters want S5,000, and with this amount they feel confident that the development will prove a most profitaBle investment. Subscriptions will be received from fifty dollars up. —Winston Sentenial. At the Warehouse. There were good sales of tobacco at the Piedmont Warehouse all the first of the week and especlaly so Tuesday, when the following farmers brought m tobacco, which ranged in prices from 10 cts. to 40 cts. per pound, J. W. Jones, Leesburg Caswell County. Brooks & Stephens, Prospect Hill, Barnwell, and Brady, Alamance Co. D. C. McAdams, Orange County, Evans and Harrell, Pleasant Grove, J. S. McAdams, Carr, Mr, McAdams, got good prices for his toba’co, it ranged from 17 to 40 cts. Miles and Thompson of Tona, C. C, Smith, Alamance Kinyon & IFlorence, E2fland, G. G. Hughes, Walton, C. W. Yates, Carr, E. L. Daily, Pleasant Grove W. K. Edgeworth Alamance, Bains, and Miller, Union Ridge, Marshal .Holt, Mebane, S. R Tate, Stainback, R. W. Vincent Watson the above were some of the farmers who brought tobacco to Mebane, all were well pleased Cow Wrecked Train, Four persons were injured, one ser-* iously, last Friday at Monroe Ala., when a Chicago. Rock Island and Pa cific passenger train struck a cow. The engine was derailed and J. L. Curry, engineer, badly scalded. Two passen gers and the fireman were slightly hurt. Senator Luke Lee. The election of Luke Lee, Editor of the Nashville Tennesseean, to the United States Senate on last Monday at Nashville was a distinctive recognition of Mr. Lees, fight to a finish through his paper of that infamous marplot, and mischef maker Malcomb Patterson. Luke Lee, has been the avenging nemesis that has persued this reprobate to the gates of obloquy and shame. The Business Mens As sociation. The Business Mens Association of Mebane should get actively to work. Mebane needs very much the services of just such an organization. It is cape- able of accomplishing very much good, and it is sleeping upon its purposes if it fails to make good. One man can not do it all, or can two, but with all of the members assigned duties, and as statel periods asked to give an ac counting, we are sure that practical and profitable results will follow. Now at the beeinning of the new year there should be a policy mapped out, the Association called together, and system of work inaugurated that will before the end of 1911 giye promise of great things tor Mebane, Every man in the Association ought o be put on a committee, so that each may feel he has duties and upon him in some measure devolves a responsa- bility for Mebane future good. A spirit of selfishness or egotism has no place in a commercial, and industrial body of this character, and if a ten dency to it is manifested it should be set down upon. It is no foot light ap plause affair, but it is one in which the highest efficiency is exhibited in the most active and patriotic unselfish service. Let us hear from Mr. Presi dent. County Officers on Salaries Jan. 22—11 Mr. Editor:- Much has been said and written in regard to putting our county officers on salaries, and I believe a large ma jority of our citizens and tax payers favor this change. Believing that it could not only mean a large saving to to the county, but would the means of getting our county officers on a business basis. We see that the larger and more progressive counties of our state are asking this session of the Legislative to put their county officers on salaries, and as Alamance is one of the rich counties of our state, and its wealth is increasieg rapidly, I can see no plausable excuse why Alamance should not be as progressive as our sister counties—I suggest that our County Commissioners at their meeting on the ^st Monday in Februaiy call a mass meeting of the citizens and tax payers of Alamance to meet in the Court House at Graham at an early day, to discuss this, and such other matters as may come before this mass meeting and then if the citizens and tax-payers of Alamance favor these reforms, then to petition our able young Reqresentative Hon. J. E. Long, to have these bills drawn and enacted into a law. If we want this relief it will be necessary to act quick ly as the present session of the present Legislature will have only about SO days more after Feby. 1st. Let all get together and work for the good of our county. W. E. White, List of Letters Remaining Unclaimed At This Office For The Week Ending Jan. 21th. 1911. 1 P C. For Mr. Jitt Walker, 1 P. C. “ I^' s Mattie Bradshaw 1 P. C. “ “ Mayfrime Watkins 1 P. C, “ Mr. James Harris 1 Letter For J. A. Long. These letters will be sent to the Dead Letter Office Feb. 4th. 1911, if not claimed before. In calling ]for the above please say advertised, giving date of list. Respectfully, S. Arthur White, P. M. The Tobacco Sale. The Piedmont Warehouse will more than doable last years sales this year, in fact the prospect in the leaf tobacco trade have grown so bright that Mebane has determind to build an other ware house to take care of the business. This is very encouraging because the quality of tobacco raised near here or accessable to this market is the best of its kind in the state, it is always in good demand at a fair price. Soon after we began the publication of the Leader here, and learned the class of crops raised in this section, and that more than 3000 tons of fertilizer was hauled north from this depot to the tobacco farmes adjacent, we wondered why a tobacco market could not be established and maintained here, and b^an the advocacy of one, as our files will show. The people of Mebane never did a wiser thing than when they built the Piedmont Warehouse, they will act wise when they build an other. Prudent management will make this one of the best tobacco markets in the state. J. N. Warren, & Co. propri etors of the Piedmont Warehouse have succeeded splendidly, they are the right men in the right place. Announcement. The Editor of the Loader is in receipt of the foUowii^ invitiition. Mrs. Samuel Kerr Scott, requests the honor of your presence at the marrige of her daughter Annie Graham to Mr. Stephen Arthur White, Thursday momirg February the second one thousand nine hundred and eleven at half past ten o’clock At Home Mebane, North Carolina S. A. White, holds a prominent Government position here as Post Master, he is also president of the Mebane Iron Bed Co, A very successful! business nuw, Mr. WJ^ite, is popular with our people. Mrs. Annie Graham Anthony, is a splendid lady of a very attractive personality, much admired by a wide circle of friends, a member of one of Mebanes best familer. They have the I..eader8 very best wishes for a long and happy Ufe, and prosperity. WORLD’S TALLEST RUILDIN6 Will Cost $5,000,000 and Is to Be Portyfive Stories, or 625 Feet, High. The New York papers have recently had considerable to say about a new building which when finished will be the third tallest n the world, which is soon to be erected at Broadway and Park place in the metropolis. It will have forty-five stories and be 625 feet high, more than a dozen feet higher than the Singer building. The new structure, which will cost $5,000,000, will be called the Wool- worth building and the man whose name it bears has tiie money to pay the bills. He made it out of the 5 and 10-cent stores, of which he now has 286, and there are about 9,000 people in his employ and Woolworth himself is not much more than fifty years of age. His career is like that of many another American and is typical of this Country, Momma, Billy told me it got so warm the other day that the snakes came out. He said West Warren was in the Holmejp-Warren warehouse petering around, looking for some> thing* when a big black snake slipped up behind him and hit him on the back. It frighten Mr. Warren at first but he turned around quick and dared the snake to doit again, and tiien the snake sliped into a piece of iron pipe and spit at him. It made Mr. Warren mad through, and through. He said he always wanted to fight a snake in the open, and he did not like his sneak ing away like that. Efland News. It is reyortod that Mr. John Fresh water, P. O. clerk married we only knowjhe went off last week, so if he is married we wish him mnch success. Mr. Smith Linwood is here as agent for S. S. R. while Mr. Johnson is sick, we hope Mr. Johnson will soon recover. Rev. Casto and Mr. G. C Thompson was at Mebane one day fast week. Mr. Bill Thompson and wife visited his brother Mr. Dudley Thompson Saturday and Sunday. The Efland Sunday school is growing in attendance there was a nice assem bly out Sunday the rain did not keep them at home. Mr and Mrs. Tom Booker of Chapel Hill visited Mrs. D, S. Mays Saturday. Mr. Sam Kirkpaterick who has been visiting his father returned to Raleigh Sunday. Ask Miss “Bob" Kirnpaterick why she wants to live on the railroad. Well good bye I’ll see all £^ain next week. “Screech Owl” Mrs. Hinton, of Cedar Grove had the misfortune to get a very bad fall last week and is suffering much pain. Miss Sallie Brooks, visited Mrs. W. S. Barnwell, last week. Mr. Joe. Ward, got a good case of the mumps hope he will soon be better Esq. S. J. Hall, and wife visited Mrs. Hinton, Sunday morning. Mr, Cyrus White, is right sick at this writing hope he will soon be better. Mr. Earnest Wilkerson, called at Mr. C. H. Brooks, Sunday evening. Mr. Percy Fitch, and sister Minnie spent Saturday night and Sunday at Mr. V. B. Wards, Mr. Phlem White, called at Mr. P. A. Rileys, Sunday but did not get to see her. Mr. Charlie Oakley, and Mr. Bill King and others went Deer hunting last week bagged two fine deers two foxes and two wild turkeys, Charlie reports a good time and we can bet they did have a good time, hurrah for deer hunting. Mr. Charlie Scott, visited his brother Mr. Will Scott, Sunday who is sick. Mr. J. W. Brooks, and son Browder, visited W. S. Barnwell Sunday. Dandy Jim. South Carolina Boy Has Unique Experience. Altho a pin has passed entirely through his kidneys, being discharged m a rusted condition, James Tompkins, sop of Dr. J. G. Tompkins, of Edgefield, S C., is in perfect health, the peculiar incident affecting his health only during the period when the pin was actually in the kidney. Physicians were puzzled by the boy’s illness at first and now state that there is probably not a like case on record. Peremptory Order. The Canadian Railway Commission notifies the express companies of the Dominion that a peremptory order to reduce their charges within three months and to make joint through rates. All this is equally true of express companies In the United States, but so far the Interstate Commerce Com mission has not seen fit to call any halt upon their extortions onthe pub lic, though these parasites have for some time been under its jurisdiction. ~Va Pilot. Congratulatory Telegrams Come in a Flood to the Men Who Have Been Signally Honored. Washington, D. C.—Democrats were jubilant over the results of last Satur day night’s caucus of their party in the next house of representatives. Champ Clark, who scored the honor of being the first democratic speaker of the house ever chosen for the first term by acclamation, shared with representa tive Underwood of Alabama, who was chosen by acclamations as chairman of the ways and means committee, a flood of congratulations from the members of the house and others during the day. Chairman Underwood will call the com mittee together next week to frame a plan of action. It is not expected that che committee will begin acual work until after ad journment March4, but Its deliberations, will then be continuous, probably until June. The Boy ^Scouts. Marshville Our Home. One of the most excellent broth erhoods in America is that known as the “boy Scouts.” ft is the primary aim of the boy scouts movement to teach manliness, self-respect and efficiency, and this is done by affording recreation at the same time. The members of this fraternity are requested to be con stantly on the alert for opportunities t be useful and kind. It matters not what other features this movement may have about it, that part which teaches youths to be useful and kind is an admirable one. Idleness and unkindness go together. A boy who stands around on the street comers or plays baseball or other games instead of having bis time and efforts employed at some honorable job that will help to keep the industrial machinery of the country moving isn’t very apt to display any great amount of kindness. Just what is allowed to grow into a boy’s nature during the first twelve or fifteen years of his life is the substance that forms the pith of his life’s work. Anything that teaches boys to be in dustrious and kind is worthy of the respect and esteem of every one. TILLMAN DYIN6 FRIENDLESS. Slayer of Editor Uonzales Never Forgiven by the People. Estranged from wife and relatives, deserted by former friends and penni less, James H. Tillman, recently lieu tenant-governor of South Carolina and slayer of N. G. Gonzales, editor of the Columbia State, is dying in a wretched hut near Edgefield S. C. attended by an old negro who is his only compan ion. Rut for the old negro it is said Till man would have starved to death. Till man once was the most popular politi cian in South Carolina, but he has been ostracised since he killed Editor Gonzoles, who was unarmed. Although acquitted by the public. Tillman sought to enter the ministry in 1904, but the church barred him. His wife left him and he was stricken with the illness from which he is dy ing, He 13 a nephew of Senator B R, Tillman and a son of George D. Tillman, who was once a representa tive in Congress. The Passing of The Queue (From the New York World.) The sacrifice of Wu Ting-fang’s queue to the barber’s shears January 30 will be a cermony of no less interest to the western than to the eastern world. It is not merely that the movement of which it is typical affects the price of puffs and braids for feminine wear from Paris to San Francisco. The suggestive thing is the passing of a picturesque feature of the oldest civili zation. After wearing the badge of servitude imposed on them by their Manchu conquerors so long that it came to be regarded as a decoration, the Chinese are now dispensing with the pigtail as not keeping with the pro gram of modernization adopted by the empire. With its disuse another step will have been taken toward the standardization of costume which is eliminating the distinctiveness from national attire. Like the noble red man in “store clothes” or a Sicilian grirl in a tailormade dress, a Chinaman in a sack suit and derby hat becomes a prosaic figure by contrast with one in native costume. Wu himself in a black coat, with his hair cat, will losa the romatic attributes which lent force to the philosophy of his after-dinner speeches. Dangerous Moments in Wellknown Elephant Acts (From “Critical Moments with Wild Animals,” by Ellen Velvin, in McClue’s Magazine for February.) The well-known elephant act where five young women get on the backs of the elephants, each elephant politely holding out his foot fur his fair rider to mount, contains many dangers that the public does not even think of. The huge foot is likely to be put down suddenly at any moment—for there is never any knewing what an elephant will do—which would mean an ugly fall, with the posibility of being steped on by the elephant; or the huge beast might calmly put up his trunk and lift his rider off. This is a pretty, grace ful act, but most uncomfortable in many ways for the girl performers. The rough hair of the elephants cut their h^nds and ankles; they come in ; contact with the dirt and grease of the animal’s skin; and the few moments that they stand on the elephant’s back while they give their little salute are very insecure. Turkish Qoyernment Is Harassed By Armed Bands The Imam of Sana, Seyid Yahya, has declared war against the Turks, and armed bands are gathering in the Yemen mountains. The notorious sheikh, Beni Pasha, has joined the Imam’s standard, and a rising through out Yemen, a region of southwest Arabia, is expected. The pretender Idrisee iias assumed the defensive against the Turks. The capital of Asir province has been under seige since early in December, the gov ernor and a large garrison being barred in. Recent dispatches from Constantino ple said that the Turkish government had determined to suppress the rebel lion that had existed for several years in Yemen, and to that end would send 37 fully equipped battalions into that district. The embarkation of troops began January 18. PUYS DURING SEASON The Hogg^ish Consumption of Hog Meat. When asked how the health of the community was, a few months ago, a well known physician of this place replied: “It is splendid. Very little sickness, but hog killing time is now here and there will be something doing before long.’* Do you ever stop to consider the fact that a large per cent, of the disorders of the human body are caused by eating Jmeat? Especially is this true among children. We have seen small boys eat enough sausage for two grown people and then cry because they didn’t have enough—and it wasn’t long before they cried again. This time because they had too much. It is a fact that hog meat is the most un healthful article that we use daily. It might not deal so badly ^^rith our system if we would eat the proper amount and quit, but it seems to be the tendency of too many people, when they start to eating hog meat to carry the nature of the hog itself. It is claimed by some that we imbide into our very nature the qualities of animals whose flesh we feed upon. If this be true, then Is it any wonder that we so often over rate ourselves when we sit down to a dinner of pork? These are things for us to think about Certainly parents should see to it that children are properly fed, whether their food con sists of hog meat or of something else. —Marshville Home. Choice Berkshire Pigs For Sale. I have choice Berkshire pigs, from ix t o ten weeks old, which I will sell at reasonable prices. These pigs are fine stock and are in first class condition. Preston Lewis Gray, Mebane, N C. LEMON SCHEDULE OF TARIFF Manager Burroughs Has Secured Some Excellent Shows. Manager J. W. Burroughs, of the Academy 'of Music, of Durham, an nounces a list of excellent shows booked for the remainder of the local season. January 27—The Lottery Man. 30—Down in Dixie Minstrels. 31—The Vendetta. February 3—Dorothy Lethbridge. 7—^John Mason in the Witching Hour, 9—Daisy Cameron. 10-—The Climax. 15—The Girl in the Taxi, 17—Three Twins. 18—Black Patti’s Musical Comedy company. 20—The Third D^n^ee. 23—Metropolitan Ck>ncert Company. 24—The Cow and the Moon. March 3—The Squaw Man. 4—Lilian Russell in “In Search of a Sinner.” 15—Arizona. 20a—Blue Mouse. 21—Ishmael. 17—Polly of the Circus, (return date.) 29—Traveling Salesman, How the Conspiracy to Let Califoma Rob Us Was Worked. In an article on “The Lemon in the Tariff,” in McClure’s for January, Samuel Hopkins Adams writes. Up to the time when the tariff bill was passed, the importations (which are all from Italy) were as seven to fivCi Inferentially, it would appear that the Italian trade had an advantage under the old tariff of one cent a pound. This was not the fact. The imported lemon could meet the California lemon on anything like equal terms only on the Atlantic coast, and even there it was at a slight disadvantage. Why, then did not the California truit capture the nmrket? For one reason only. The entire crop of native lemons could supply less than half the demand; and practicaly the entire American production is limited to a very small area in the southern half of California, Therefore, what the fruit growers were really seeking when, through their senatorial mouthpiece, they begged an advance, was to drive out their foreign competitors and to establish a monopoly in an article in which there would be a constant short age—thereby enabling them to xe£Tulate prices at their pleasure. The house committee gave the grow ers an advance of twenty-five per cent The senate, against the earnest protests of such divers senators as R^t and Bristow, increased it to the full fifty per cent demanded, and this on the bBsis of ailments that were too bald to be even specious. Why. then, was so ridiculous a sched ule allowed? For a very simple reason. Senator Aldrich needed the yotes. He needed them for his scandalous wool tariff (Schedule K.). He needed them for his monstrous trust-written sugar schedule. He needed them for cotton. He needed them for steeL No tjo^ schedule sins unto itself alone; it invokes and involves in its unrighteousness many allied and interrelated wrongs. Because the great tariff issues were a target for the shafts of insurgents and democrats, because already public opinion was becoming aroused to their enormity, Aldrich had to muster every possible votes and at any price. The * little lemon benefice was part of the price. Stock Holders Meeting. There will be a meeting of the stock* holders of The Alamance Fair Associ* ation at the office on the Fair grounds on Friday January 27th 1911 at 1 o’lock P. M. to consider the proposition of leaseingtiie grounds for the fair. A very important meeting and a full attendance is urged. R. A, Freeman, Secretary. “How did you make your neighbor keep his chickens in his own yard?** “I went out every night and hid a bunch of eggs on my lawn. Then I lot him see me gathering them in the morn ing.”