«r'3!4UU(9Mb4. ■ Mebane Leader J. O. FOf, Editor and Owner Entered as second class matter Feb ruary 8, 1909, at the Post Office at Mebane, N. C., under the act of March 1897. Issued Every Thursday Morning. SUBSCKIPTION: One Year, - - - $1*^) dix Months, - - - *50 Three Months, - - PAYABLE IN ADVANCE '^nd Currency, Postal Money Order or Stamps, CORRESPONDENCE We wishCcorr®®?®”*^®*^^ nearby postloffices. Write at onrP. ITiuraday, January 261911 UFE FOR A LIFE. Why do men kill each other, is the heading to very practical editorial in the Nashville Tot- nessean. It says there was 8^5 homecides in this country in 1910 against 8000 in 1909. Only one murderer out of 86 was executed in 1910 and one out of 84 1909. In no other country in the world do murderers escape so easily as in the United States. England nemonstrated the su periority of its handling of mur der trials in the Dr. Crippencase. No sickly sentimentality hin dered justice. It was immediate, and the United States watched the En glish court with amazement and be. It was a fundamental idea of our a icestoM in founding this republic that it never should be. The geographical conditions of the country appear to de ny the need of it. If France had re mained seated in Louisiana and had de veloped there «n empire comparable with our own country in size, popula- lation and trength, seperated from us only by the Mississippi River, there might have been need of guarding that frontier as the Germans guard the Rhine. But with the consummation of the Louisiana purpose Hamilton’s scheme of our domination of the con tinent was so fully realized as to as- siu-e us thereafter perpetual exemption from the perils of a formidable neigh bor. Prom that time forward it was reasonable to hope that America would not have to make and keep herself an armep camp, Nor do we yet see any , convincing evidence that the hope was vain. If our government is embar rassed over inadequate defenses, and there is dread of an invasion we must have more ships and more soldiers and expend more millions, i^. is all due to the blunder this country made when it acquired the Phillippine poss essions, a bone of contention which, by virtue of its geogra phical position, must necessarily be involved in every dispute which may arise in the Far East. As long as the monroe doctrine was preserved as a sacred herit age of free America and we re fused to become embroiled with other countries by engaging in wars of conquest there was no fear of invasion: there was no dread because of our weak de fenses, for we enjoyed the gra tification that every American citizen is a soldier, ready to de fend his country and his home, but now the alarm is raised be cause we do not live wholy at The State University es not • seem to be wanting much, just a little sum of a little c ver a half million dollars. It m y need more dormitories, dining halls, reservoires, repairs, enlargement; and a general strengthning of j its several departments, but is the state able to pay this enor mous sum? We opine not. The tax payer ought to have a little consideration. admiration. What is wrong in the United i home, but because we have pos- States? The trouble, America is a na tion money mad, and the cash pays any thing from immunity from punishment up to sending the wrong man to penitentiary. Human life is one of the very cheapest things, especialy so when put in the scales against gold. It is foolish to mawkish public sentiment that may be opposed to punishing criminals, The people want to see the right thing don if it cracks the vertebra back of the necks, or sends a deadly thrill of electricety from the base of the brain to the achilles nerve. Don't blame the people, as a rule they want to see justice done. Its your servile courts in the hands of shrewd scheming well paid council who find ways and means to create loop holes through which rich clients that are murderers may escape. There is no one else to blame, unless it be an obsolete law hand ed down from the dark age for the selection of juries, when the m en illirate, and densely ignor ant may be selected and de pended upon to liberate criminals When did you ever hear of a rich man being hung in the south? never. Lawyers have been execrated and cursed for releasing criminals, but we have reached the conclusion that the judge is not quite as innocent as he looks to be. He is presumed to understand the law, and yet he permits councel to tamper with justice, It is within the Judges power to give any man charged with murder and proven guilty a race to the death chair for his money. But it is brother so, and so, council for the defense, until brother so and so has played the devil with our crim inal law and turned loose a re- gementof gloved handed mur derers in this state. The way to stop murder is to execute those guilty of mur der. Give any and all of them the same quick trial, conviction and sentence, that was given that beast, Nathan Montague at Oxford last week. When the courts and lawyers are forced to the conclusion that there is no such thing as respectable mur derers, and that the taking of human life means an electrocu tion, there will be an abatement of murderer, not until then. sessions in the Far East to de fend. “[t is not a fact that these military men know neither Japan nor any other Pacific power would dreom of invad ing the United S cates “ ask the Co lumbia (S. C.) State, “but that if any thing could induce Japan to war with us it is the tempting Philippine Islands easily within her grasp, and far away ■ I, - from effective protection, and that 01 i army on the Pacific coast wanted to make Japan more wary?’ IS A SMOOTH ARTICLE. GET BEHIND ME SATAN. “Get behind me Satan" is an off quoted remark attributed to Christ, The remark was mado in answer to Satans effort to tempt him from the paths of right No being before or since the time of Christ has been re garded so honest, so trustworthy so fair, so faithfull to high missions, so conscientious, and yet this same Christ fearing that he might fall says get be hind me Satan. Although the son of God, he was human. Was there dan ger? He did not care to take the hazzard, but the Legislature of North Carolina is willing to dare the devil to tempt it. Wootens- anti Lobby law ^ would not do. Daughton of Aleghany ^ thought it a reflection upon the mem-; ber of the General Aserably, and it ^ should not be passed. He was immune , from the wiles of the lobbyest. So j there are members of the General As- | sembly who would hivite temptation. I Let the devil come, in any form it pleases him to come in, they do not i fear him. No indeed not, there are j member,, of our National Congress ^ that do not fear him either, they have | J hobnobed with him, dined with him wined with him and permitted him to button hole them, and get what he wanted as far as it was in their power i to give, and then when they returned ^ home, when the session was ended it, was with a great deal more money to ' their credit ih the banks than their salaries amounted too, after paying for a high life in the g:iy capital. j It is not creditable to the members; I of the General Assembly of North Carolina, to wish to subject its Silf i j to these gutn shoe’d, oily tongue, j gentry that are there in the pay ■ and imp!oym3iit of c > pjrate interest, I who secures the cooperation of niernbeis to howl down any measure th:it would ! effect, the interest they represent, } j Wootens lobby bill should have pas- i sed, drastic, or not dras*^ic. You might EAT SALE OF LINENS AT AND BELOW COST, WHITE AND COLORED LINENS. SOMETHING RARE AND NICE J. M, HENDRIX, & CO. Greensboro, N. G. 223 South Elm St. The Home of Good ShoesJ YOU CAN SAVE On everything in the dry goods line, as well as ladies’ and men’s clothing, shoes, ha etc., by trad ing with us. We buy right, which enables us to sell right. Come in and look over our line. NEW SPRING GOODS NOW ARRIVING DAILY. SCHIFFMAN BROS. '’^he store that sells them cheaper Greensboro, N. C. ing the streets of Ruieigh an noon day, as to e.xpect to detect these men in their nefarious practices. The cloven foot is covered with p ;tept leather, and the horns are hid beneath a silk en tile, and with suave smile that would win its way to the heart of the most mercenary they go about seek ing whoever they may win the influen ce of. It is said the insurance com panics are kicking like bay steers expect to see pestilence staik- against the appointment of a Legislative investigation com mittee. The better reason for one, and the state owes it to the people to show the ‘’thing” up, One colonel, or Brigadier Gen eral Walker of Wilmington says there is no necessity for this com mittee, that everything is alright, that North Carolina has the low est average only $12,00. The Standard Oil Company will claim the same for oil in Raleigh, but how about rates elsewhere? Meb ane pays from four to six per cent insurance. One firm here carrying a policy of four per cent on ten thousand dollars in surance. Mr. Brigadier Walker of Wilmington can talk well, but h« is like the gentleman from Rhode Island Mr. Aldrich he is talking for a trust and he should be made to shut up. IF YOU HAVE A JEWEL of a wife provide a proper setting for her by starting a bank account for her in a good, reliable bank like Com mercial and Farmers Bank. It takes a load from her mind when she has something to fall back on in casp; of need. The man and woman that spend as they go will surely come to sorrow It is surprising how a small account will grow between interest and thrift when you have once started it. Mebane, N. C. A little bill of ninety three million dollars was passed by congress a few days ago for army appropriation. The modern ex pensive toy of an aeroplane came ) in for one hundred and twenty- five thousand dollars. Mr. Tawney, of Minnesota, chairman of the appropriations committe vigorously attacked so- called military critics, and de clared that the amount of money the government has expended in ten years in preparation for war that was not threatened and would not come, would more than built five Ponama canals. Mr. Tawney declared this gov ernment h‘dd expended during the past ten years an aggregate of $2,191,036,580 in preparation for war. What for? to please a lot of gold laced ja-hawkers who. had never earned one dollar. It is the people w^ho have it to pay. My Mary The daisy loves the hilly mead. The lark loves well to nest' by it; The fawn by mountain streams to feel. And crop the sweet flowers springing by it! All living things ai'e fond of '.change; All tastes, and all affections, vary — Save mine-but mine—I never change! For I love nothing but my Mary! The primrose loves the hawthorn hedge The hawthorn loves to bend above it; The lily, ’midst the river’s edge, Makes every eye that sees it love it. The linnet loves the peep of morn, And sings his song in circles airy; But I, since first my love was born. Have loved but une, and .that wrs Mary! Her cheek is like a snowy cloud. Witn rosy light just peeping through it! Her lips—shy lips—’tis bliss to woo; Her teeth were presents from some fairy; But, hush!—perchance you’ll love her, too. And none but me must love my Marj'^! —Charles Swain, in New York Weekly NOTICE Any one who wants to plant a garden, pasture their cows, cut wood, or desposit trash or filth on the lands of Mebane Land and Improvement Co. will please get permision before doing so from W. E. White, um NEW HOUSE FOR NEW YEAR may yet be yours if you act promptly. You can get the richest panels and mouldings, the most artistic gridle work from us all ready to be put in, in hardly no time. With the aid of our mill work you can turn an ordinary house into a beautiful home in a sur prisingly short time and at surprising ly l.ttle expense. NELSON-COOPED LUMBER COMPANY, Mebane, N. C. GYPSY GASES GONCLUDED. THE RECRNT WAR SCARE. The New York Daily Tribune, like others of the leading papers, is not frightened over the “war scare,as it is pleased to term the report of the Secretary, and with complacency it says: It is the tritesi of truisms that America is not a military nation in any such sense as is Germany or France or the other armed powers of Euro{>e. It never has been. We trust ft never will The Navy has been in a vivid i^ustration getting of somei Came to Abrupt End Sat- urda3' With Victory For Joan Tribe—Mitchelles Plead Guilty and Pay Fine of $2c»0 Compro= mise Effected by Judge Allen. The gypsy cases came to an abrupt A SOUVENIR FOR YOU To any one writing for our new catalogue at the same time stating that they are now, or will be, during the year in the market for a monument or head-stone, will receive a beautiful souvenior FREE. T. 0. SHARP, MARBLE & GRANITE CO. Durham, N. C. more of its work of in sufficiencv, ^ Saturday morning at Wadesboro, and incompetency The lives of eight sailors is the simple sacra- fice. The battleship Deleware has a boiler exploison and now there will be an investigation, but the Federal treasury contin ues to pour its torrent of hard earned dollars for this military debauchery. with a complete victory for t'le Step hen Joan tribe, an«l they immediately celebrated with an automobile ride over the town, waving large American flags. The verdict was the result of a compromise effected through the ef forts of the presiding judge, Oliver H. Allen The Mitchelles, 12 of them, pleaded guilty to the charge of assault and were fined $250. HOUSEKEEPERS AND BAKERIS usinK the “SWEET SAMPSON” flour speak of it in a ringing chorus of praise The bread consequences that follow its use are fine enough to please the most fastidious. We cannot permit our re putation to suffer by putting anythin^: below our unbeatable standard on the market. What the “Sweet Sampson" brand is at its best it is all the time. ^ Mfg. by DIXIE MILLS, Burlington, N. C., Sold by the first class grocer. You want the best price possible for your tobacco, and you want to get it to market in the most con- vinent way, the SHORTEST HAUL, and over the best roads THE PIEDMONT WARE HOUSE at Mebane. has all of these condi tions to offer you, it has more, a clever set of buyers, and an acco modating force to assist you. The farmers in the tobacco belt North-East and West of Mebane can not do better than by bring ing their tobacco to the Piedmont J. N. WARREN, & CO. Proprietors Mebane, N. C. ODDS & ENDS IN SHOES, CLOTHING AND ETC., AT GREATir REDUCED PRICES TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW STOCK Mebane Store Company, MEBANE, N. G. ? E ARE Equiped to produce portraits that are right, and our long experience is back of EVERY PICTURE WE MAKE The child, the parent, the grand parent are assured of a good likeness, and finish when we do the work. COME AND SEE US. THE EDTSLER STUDIO, CCESSORS TO ALDERMAN AND EUTSLER 113J E MARKET STREET, Oreensboro N. C LIVERY FEED AND SAieS. : STABLES First-( ’lass Rigs for hire at Short Notice HORSES FED OR BOARDED At Moderate Cost DO*T TA L TO SEE ME M. B. MILES

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