RADOl; NOT RE6KIESS Prediction Tliat Demo crats Will Not Squander Their Estate. (From the New York Times, Ind. Dem) Intrusted with power because of the people’s hope and belief that by tlu8 transfer they may once again enjoy the blessing of peace and tranquility, those who deplore the result of the election arg^e against knowledge and experince and probability when they insist that the Democrats will by radi cal and reckless courses squander the great estate of political power that has been commited to them. The Demo^ crats, of course, will not be under the slightest enticement to incur popular displeasure by bestowing undue favors upon priveleged interests. That has been the specialty of the Republicans. On the other hand, they will under their present leadership be as little in danger of adopting the repudiatid poli cies of radical Republicanism, of Rooseveltism, the policy of continually harassing the country’s business interest and of tormenting honest men with alarms through a pretended pursuit of malefactors. Obedience to the mandate they have received demands of the Democrats fair play for all unfair privileges for none. The great mass of the people ask for nothing more. there Burning Wealth* Underwriter experts place the yw- Iv property loss by fire in the United States at two hundred and fifty mil lion dollars. The same experts com pute the average annual cost of fire insurance, water protection, fire de- oartments and safeguards privately un dertaken at four hundred and fifty mil lion dollars. They estimated that, un der conditions similar to those prevail ing in European countries, this cost would be but ninety million dollars. This means that fire and the maintro- ance against fire of safeguards which do not safeguard are entailing an ex penditure of something over six hun dred million dollars a yesu— a sum which would suffice to cover the total cost of the country's building opera tions. So far as the direct losses by fire are concerned, they represent a total destruction of values which leaves the country poorer every year by the sum of a quarter of a billion dollars. This is a drain upon its re sources which no country could stand indefinitely, no matter how rich it might be or how bountifully supplied with natural wealth. That it ought to be checked goes without saying. That it can be materially lessened is abun dantly demonstrated by tne experienc of European couutries in which flre- losses, figured upon a per capita basis, rai.ge from one-forth to one-seventh of those obtaining in the United States. All that is necessary to that end is to cease the earless building and to remedy the faulty measures of prevention which the experts tell us are together responsible for almost all the fire-waste Expert Says Peary Was Within Mile Of The Pole. The house committee on naval af fairs completed their examination of Capt. Robert EL Peary last Wednesday on his claim to attainment of the North Pole, and Hugh C. Mitchell a skilled computer of the coast and geodetic survey, testified that he had handled Peary's obi>ervations. Mr. Mitcheil said that he had figured that Peary when he made his furthermost camp was less than five miles from this pole and that in his marches on that day of the climax of his trip he passed within one and one-sixteenth miles of the ac tual pde. He did not fix Peary exact ly at the bole. Mr. Mitchell believed that Peary’s observations could not be faked. The committee will hear Admiral Chester and review the testimony in the case at an early executive meeting with a view to passing on the bill pro posing Peary's retirement as a rear- admiral. Nor in respect to the tariff is the slightest probability-theie is, indeed I in the States of this Union.—Va. Pilot no possibility-that the Democrats wil misuse ther opportunity by a disturbing radicalism in revision. When the Republicans put forth their platform in 1908 it was at once said, using the old simile if Disraeli’s time, that they had stolen the Democrats’ clothes. What the Democrats should have years before the Republicans then promised. I'hey broke their promise, and it was in part, not wholly, because of that broken promise that they suffered disaster. The revision downward which the Repub licans promised would have peen sat isfactory to the country. It promised that the guiding principle of that revision should be the difference in production cost here and abroad. If such a revison honestly enacted at the time the Payne-Aldrich bill was passed would then have satisfied the country the princple then professed will not be found unsatifactsry when the Democrati House takes up the work. There are Democrats who talk of a tariff for revenue only. That is b time-honored Democratic princple, but it must be rememberd that it does not mean now what it meant when proclaimed by Mr. Tilden 35 years ago. The expenses of the Goverment have enormously increase demanding a corresponding incrase in revenue. Reprsentatiye Underwood, of the Birmingham district in Alabama, who, as ranking minority member of the Committee on ways and Means, is spoken of as the probable chairman of that committee when the Democratic House is organized, declares that he favors "a tariff for revenue only, ” but the adds significantly: “I belive that the difference in labor cost of production of most manufactured articles at home and abroad would be covered by a tariff that raised sufficent reynue to support the Government economically administered, ” Of course, a Democratic House will not adopt the policy proclaimed in the Republican platform of “guaranteeing reasonable profits to American manufacturers.’ That curious piece of State socialism could find no place in a Democratic program of action The country will demand of a Demo cratic House, as it has, in fact, a downward revision, a reasonable revison that shall provide the revenues of the Government without, upon the one hand making burdersome additions to the cost of living, or upon the other, issuing licenses of extortion to favored interes as the Payne-Aldrich tariff does issue such licenses to manufacturers of woolens and cottons, for instance. In such a revision it is very likely that the Democrats will be able to secure the assistence of the so-cailed Insurgent Republicans if they shall need it. Tha they would have the assistance and co operation of all the Democratic Rep- resentaives and Senators in a radical oili-considered and disturbng revison to the last degress improbable. The Republicans have rejoiced at the growth of what they call the protectionis spirit in the South. That spirit was manifested when some Democratic Representatives and Senators voted for some of the protective provisions of the Payne-Aldrich tariff. But the South is Democratic. The Representatives of Southern opinion in Congress will be found to favor an honest downward revision of the tariff. No “free trade" revision such as our Republican friends have always professed to believe to be at all times the secret intent of the Democracy will be attempted or can be enacted. The Wilson act was pretty far from a free trade tariff. The Republicans are fond of pointing out that the average of the duties it impo sed exceeded those now collected under the Payne-Aldrich act Governor-elect Wilson, of New Jersey, has stated a principle of tariff revision that the people of this country would find satisfactory when he said that tKe princepie observed should be “an honest seeking of the things which would yield the most revenue with the least burden to the people. ’ ’ Old Soldier Tortued. ' ‘For 'years I suffered unspeaKable tortue from indigestion, constipation and liver trouble,” wrote A. K. Smith, a war veteran at Erie, Pa., “but Dr. King’s New Life Pills fixed me all right. They’re simply great,” Try them for any stomach, liver or kidney trouble. Only 25c at Mebane Drag Co.' All Roads That Leads To God Good. All roads that iMtd to God are good; What matters it, your faith, or mind; Both center at the goal devine Of love’s eternal Brotherhood. The kindly life in house or street; The life of prayer, and mystic rite; The studen’t sei^rch for truth a»d light; These paths at one great junction meet Before the oldest book was writ. Full many a prehistoric soul Arrived at this unchanging goal. Though changeless love, that led to it. What matters that one found his Christ In rising sun. or burning fire; If faith within him did not tire. His longing for the truth sufficed. Before our modem hell was brought To edify a modem world, Full many a hate-filled soul was hur^ led In lakes of fire by its own thought. A thousand creeds have come and gone But what is that to you or me? Creeds are but branches of tree. The root of love lives on and on. Though branch by branch proves with ered wood. The root is warm with precious wine Then keep your faith, and leave me mine; All roads that lead to God are good. Solves A Deep Mystery. *‘I want to thank you from the bot tom of my heart,” wrote C. B. Rader, of Lewisburg, W. Va., “for the wonderful double benfit I got from Electric Bitters, in curing me of both a severe case of stomach trouble and of rheumatism, from which I had been an almost helpless suffer for ten years. It suited my case as though made just for me.” For dyspepsia, indigertion, jaundice and to rid t^e system of kidney poisons that cause rheumatism, Electzic Bitters has no equal. Try th^m. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy Only 50c at Mebane Prug Co, It Is Time. The man who starts out to help himself is most likely to get help along the way from others. If he sits down and waits for things to come his way, they do not bother about coming. The same is true of a town. If a town is composed of active, hustling citizens who are not afraid to invest their own mcmey, it is likely to attract others to come in and invest with them. But the town that ntsstill and waits tor out siders to come in and build it up, will not get built. Capital does not go around looking for a dead town. —Carolina Farmer Coastipation is the cause of many ail ments and disorders that make life miserable. Take Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets, keep your bowels regular and you will avoid these diseases For sale by All Dealers, When given as soon as the croupy cough appears Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy will ward off an attack of croup and prevent all danger and cause anxiety. Thousands of mothers use it ucce.^fiilly Sold by All Dealefs, Carnegie Gives Deed to $10,000,000 For World Peace. Andrew Carnegie last Wednesday transferred to a board of trustees $10,- 000,000 in five per cent, first mortgage bonds the revenue of which will be used to “hasten the abolition of in ternational war” and establish a last ing world peace. The formal transfer was made at a meeting in the rooms of the Carnegie Research Foundation. The trustees organized by choosing a president, United States Senator Elihu Root, the permanent representative of the United States at The Hague peace tribunal, President Taft has consented to be honorary president of the foundation. The method by which the annual in come of halt a million dollars shall be expended is left by Mr. Carnegie en tirely in the hands of the trustees. The foundation is to be perpetual, and when the establishment of univer sal peace is attained, the donor pro vides that the revenue shall be devoted to the banishment of the “next most degrading eyil or evils,” the suppres, Bion of which would most advance the progress, elevation and happiness of man.”—News Leader. A Happy New Year. By Beatrice Fairfax, in Richmond Leader. A happy New Year to you all, dear friends, and may your heart’s desires be yours. If the old vear brought you joy, may the New Year continue to do so. If the old year brought sorrow, turn your back to it and bravely and hope fully face the New Year. If yoa hf ve been a failure, perhaps now is the turning of the tide and the future may bring you success. Don’t waste time making a number of resolves whose enthusiam will die within the week; make one resolve and stick to it. Don’t start the New Year hampered by hard feelings toward any one. Start out with a clean slate and the determination to treat all mankind fairly and kindly. If you have done well the past year, do better during the coming year. The making or marring of your life lies largely in your own hands. If you are brava and true and earnest half the battle is won. To all my dear girls, especially, I hope the New Year will bring happiness. I hope they find contentment in con genial work; in love and in friendship. May the coming year and all the succeeding years bring peace and happiness to you all. THE STAR (A Fragment from Plato) Star of me, watching the mother skies Where thine elder sisters be, Would I were heaven with all its eyes- All of its eyes on thee! -^By Charles F. Lummis When buying a cough medicine for children bear in mind [that Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy is most effectual for colds, croup and whooping cough and that it contains no harmful drug, For sale by All Dealers, Between 3 and 4 hundred barrels of com for sale, and also Bats prolific seed com $2 per bushel. Mrs. Z. D. Momford, at MUr^Hill farrt, viehide, N. a Do you know that fully nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the mucles due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, •nd require no internal treatment whatever? Apply Chamberlain’s Lini ment freely and see how quickly It givei relief. For sale by All Dealers, Man. Mysterious thought of God, ard part of all Framed in a double mould, so finely dressed And yet so feeble and so prone to fall His heart the kingdom ot love’s holi- iest rest ^ Or tom with passion and unending throes. Playing with life as children plays with toys Not caring whence he comes nor where he goes. Yet conscious of a call beyond the stars; Immortal, mortal man, who then can paint Or read him, who can measure his do main? Though pinned to earth, his soul brooks no restraint. But leaps from world to world -come peace or pain: A blot or smile upon the face of God, He clings to Heaven while earth piles high her sod. ^Wililim drdwiiiy Partridge, Home Jouhial, Consider This Well! When you are in need of DRY GOODS of any kind, Gents Furnishings, Hats, Shoes, etc., remember that our stock is always complete, and of the very best quality. ^GROCERIES^ When in need of anything in this line, you will always find our Gro cery Department well stocked, with the VERY^ FRESHEST and BEST of every thing to eat. — HIGHERANDHIGHER— We are building our trade every day on account of our service to cus tomers. “SATISFIED CUSTOMER’’ IS OUR WATCHWARD -THE STORE OF QUALITY- Holmes-Warren, Co. Mebane, N. C. J. D. & L B. WHIHED, BURUNGTON. GREAT LADIES DRESS GOODS ElVIPORIUIVI We are closing out all coat suits, and winter dress goods at a greatly reduced figure. In order to convince you of this fact we only ask you to call and we will name a price so low it will startle you. Come early and get a choice of the best, and save the dollar. Yours to please, J. D. & L. B. WHITTED, BURLINGTON, N. C. Judge Robert Worth Bing ham. The Kentucky papers announce that Hon. Robert Worth Bingham, former mayor of Louisville, Ky., had been appointed judge of the Chancery Court of Jefferson county, succeeding Hon. Shackelford Miller, resigned. In making the appointment the Gov- enor wrote Mr. Bingham: “Yeur distinguished public services as citizen and officer, your courageous and zealous devotion to honor and duty and your ability and diligence as a lawyer, have led the people to expect the Govemor to choose you for this great ofiiee, and it gives me great pleasure to fulfill that expectation.” The appointment of Mr. Bingham, will be heard with pecular gratifica tion in North Carolina where Mr. Bingham, was born and educated. He is the son of Col. Robert Bing ham, who is )the distinguished head of Bingham School, and comes from a line of great teachers who have had no superiors in all of the teachers of the South. Fifteen years ago Mr. Bingham moved to Louisville where he has since practiced law. He has been county attorney and in a crisis in Louisville affairs m 1907 he was made mayor of the city and his brilliant administration as mayor gave him a high reputation. Mr. Bingham is regarded as one of the ablest attomys in Kentucky. His many friends in North Carolina, par ticularly his associates at the Univer sity of North Carolina, from Which he graduated with honor’ will rejoice in this distinctive honor that has come to him. Medicines that aid nature are always most effectual. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy acts on this plan . It allays the cough, relives the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system te a healthy condition. Thoi^sa^s have testified to its superior dx'elleiici. Sold by All Dealers, H. STEINMETZ FLORIST RALEIGH - - N. C. Roses, Carnations, Violets ^Otner Fnie Seasonable Cut Flowers, Flowers For Weddings, Enterta inments. FLORAL DESIGNS AT SHORT NOTICED Ferns Palms and all kinds of out door bedding plants. YOU SEE OUR WAY! of weighing shows you to “cut'' a fraction of an ounce the quantity of coffee, sugar, stc., you are getting—vVhen you get the groceries home wei^h them on your own scales and you’ll find we have given you full weight in every mstance. You get what you pay for here both in quantity and quality—The SAME GOODS for LESS money BOYS SHOES are not a side issue with us—we have the kind that wear well and keep their feet dry. Bring yours here for a pair. 1 Yours for business H. E. Wilkinson, Co. THE MEBANE BARGAIN HOUSE” A Dubious Treat, Ih honor of the eventful day of grad uation from the cooking school she got up a little spread. “Yes, I’ve got the loveliest diplo mat!” cried the fair graduate. “It’s on sheepskin parchment, with a big gold seal. I cooked that dish you are eating. Now just guess what it is?” “Is it er”—the young cynic paused impressively, “is it the diploma, Peg gie?”—Success Magazine. Death in Roaring Fire May not result from the work of fire bugs, but often severe burns are caused that make a quick need for Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, the qnickest, surest cure for bums, wounds, bruises, boils, sores, It subdues inflammation. It kills pain. It soothed and heals. Drives off skin eruptiods, ulcers or piles. Only 25c at Mebane Drug Co, BROWN-BELK CO. OUR WHIIE SALE NOW IN FULL BLAST CONTINUES ALL NEXT WEEK Laces, Embroideries, White Goods. CLEARANCE SALE OF WOMEN^S SUITS, COATS AND DRESSES! Big counter men's and women's shoes at re duced prices. Men's heavy winter suits and overcoats reduced. CHILDRENS SCHOOL DRESSES. New spring line now on display. Ladies Tailored Waist, New Styles. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW 6000S HERE. GLAD TO HAVE YOU LOOK AND COM- PARE PRICES. BROWN-BELK OO. Greensboro, N. C. FOR THE Mebane Leader