THE LEADER BECAUSE RIGHT IS, WlCiMT WE DARE DO IT. Vol 3 MEBANE, N. Cm THURSDAY. February 23 1911 NO. 1 PERSONAL AND LOCAL BRIEFS people who come and go Items of interest Gathered by Our Reporter. Ml8, J. Clifford Ray of Hillsboro visiting at Mrs. J. T. Shaw. Mr. Charlie Cates, and Mr. J. Dick went to Burlington Monday. 18 T. Kills Nejcro on Crowded Wadesboro Street. Following a week of anusual quiet, Wadesboro experienced enough ex citement last Saturday afternoon within an hour to stir even a city. Four personal difficulties, none of them, how ever,* with serious results, although they will rebult in court cases, and the shooting down of a negro on a busiress street in the busiest time of the day, has stirred the town more than any occurrence in many moons. Mr. W. L. Rimmer, of the Southern Railway, was at home for a short while the past week. Mrs. Frank Holt, has returned from a pleasant v»«iit to Mrs. W. W. Jones, of Raleigh. Mrs. M. M. McFarland who has been teaching school at Lebanon, closed her school terra last Friday. Miss Burch and Miss Inez Albright of Graham spent Sunday with Miss Barbara Shaw. If you know anything that would be of interest to our readers, we will appreciate it if you will communicate it to us. The Mebane Graded Schhol observed Bill Nie day Wednesday as per printed program furnished the State schools. The largest tobacco break this season at|the Piedmont Warehouse was on Wednesday, it was a whopper. Dont fail to read H. E. Wilkinsons & Co ad. They change this week and lav special stress on their excelent coffees. Holmes Warren & Companys special sale is still 'on. Dont neglect this opportunity to purchase some attractive bargains. Mr. R. E. Hall, of Caldwell Institute Orange county was in town Saturday and Sunday visiting his sister Mrs. J. M. Rimmer. The members of the Baptist church have called Rev. J. B. Eller, of Wake Forest, to the pastorate of the church and it is hoped that he will except. Miss Eunice Parker, of Selma, who is attending school at G & F College at Greensboro, has been visiting Miss Griffin, at the residence of idrs. F. L. White. Mayor Shaw, pleads guilty to eating the big dinner at Mr. J. W. Basons, on 14th and says he only wishes he had an R. F. D. Rout that passed near Mr. Basons, so he could get a square meal every day, like No 1 does. Mr. J. B. and M. C. Waddell, of Selma, came up . Sunday evening. The princepal attraction for those gentle men was Misses Eunice Parker, and Mable Griffin, who were stopping at Mrs. F. L. Whites. Death of Mr. Julian Yancy Holt. Died at his home in Mebane, early Tuesday morning Mr. Jul cn Yancy Holt, in the 58 year of his age, Mr. Holt, contracted a deep cold some two weeks past developing complications whicn eventuated into acute brights desease. Mr. Holt was a nephew of the late Govenor Thomas L. Holt, and was well connected through Alamance county. Mr. Holt leaves a wile three daughters and two sons. Misses Louise and Maud, and Mrs. Charlie Grant, Mr. Alex and Eugene Holt. The remains were intered in the Presbyterian grave yard at Mebane Wednesday morning at eleven o’clock, Rev. F. M. Hawley officiating, he had a kind, and genial nature, A large circle of friends will much deplore his leave taking. Koonee Resolution Gets By Its Second Reading. The House spent from 8 o’clock to nearly midnight Monday ^rguing the Koonee joint resolution for a legislative commission to investigate the conduct of fire insurance companies ^ in North Carolina, Mr Koonee announcing at the outset that if his minority report Orange Grove Items. Mr. Carl M. Cat«, who has been working in Greensb^, is now at home We are hoping that he will cast his lot with us. ^ A good many of onr young men leave the farm, and after ti^ng their fortunes elswhere leam from experience that the farm is not so bad after all, the was adopted he would then o«Eer bhI«'T^- back to the farm has been heard A Fitting Monument, We are heartily in accord with the opinion of the Statesville Landmark when it says that a home for the old women of the confederacy would more fittingly honor their memory than any monument that might be erected. To render service to humanity while they struggle here below is something grander and nobler than to await for them to pass over the river and then perpetuate their name in stone or granite.. Monuments are oftentimes appropriate things but are poor substi tutes for bouquets while we live. Yet there are folks to the contrary who think that people can go all of life’s uneven road on thorns for sake of a monument after they have departed. — Webster’s Weekly. amendment providinfir that instead of a legislative commission that there be a commission appointed by the governor to make the investigation within the next two years and report to the next legislature their recommend ations. In the end the minority report was adopted 42 to 34 and the Koonee amendment that he announced he would offer was adopted and the resolution as amended passed second reading 39 to 13, repeated motions in the meantime to adjourn beinsr voted down. (No one can help admiring Mr. Koonces, nerve and determination in eventualey forcing through the House his bill creating an insurance commis sion, that such a coromisiion was needed, was universaly admited. but opposed through the influence of a strong lobby—its passage became a desperate undertaking by Mr. Koonee.) If Southern Democratic Congress men were to resent, filibusters, like Representative Mann’s, against South ern civil-war claims by filibustering against pension grabs, they would not Only promote the prospects of those claims but render .the country an es sential service.—Charlotte Observer. The Work Of a Fiend. A few days past we met a gentle man from Wilson that gave us some information in regard to the recent tragedy there, that we have never seen in print, or heard before. We were told that after Deputy Sheriff Mam- ford bad been shot through the stomach, fataly wounded and partialy paralyzed from the shock that he walked a few feet from the front of the house and sat down near a tree, while in this po sition West came out of the house and seeing him sitting by ^he tree still alive walked up to him, and said damn you I thought you were dead, if you are not I will kill you. Disregard ing Mumford plea for life he placed his pistol to his temple and fired one bullet just above his eye, and one in his eye, both balls plowed their way through his brain coming out at the reer of his head, and Mumford fell over dead. It would be difficult to conceive of more heartless brutality. This was the work of a fiend. Cedar Grove Items. We are sorry to learn of the illness of S. J. Hall, hope he will soon be out. Mr. Ross, tilled his re^^ular appoint ment here Sunday with a good congregation. Misses Veazy and Pratt, from Schley visited Miss Mabel Anderson Saturday and Sunday Miss Mabels brothers Chas, and Roy Royera aceomp|dned them home and attended the religous service at night. Mrs. Sallie And&rson, aeems to be letter. Its probable she may live a great while yet. Mr. Draughan Wilson, Is home from Charleston, S. C , because of the critical ilUiess of his brother who is still at the Rex Hospital in Raleigh. Mr. Claud Hughes, has been indis posed but is better at the latest report. Miss Onie ferrell, who is teaching at Carr, spent Sunday at home. Mr. Lurie Stewart, was in town Sunday night. Mr. Chas. Oakley, has gone to Greensboro. Miss Jessie Compton, who is teaching at Corbetts spent the week at home. Miss Mary Johnston, is with us but she expects to return to Ch%pel Hill soon Mr Tim Allison, who is with the Peabodv Drug Co, was with us Sunday. Chatterbox by many during the last few years. Saturday and Sunday were our regular preaching days at Cane Creek, but owing to bad weather the congregation was small. Rev. Mr. Hillard, as usual preached two excellent sermons, we always look forward to his coming with pleasure. ; Miss Annabel Crairford, is spending the week in HiU»boro,>with her sister Mrs. Ernest Reynolds. Mr. Claud Lloyd, was a visitor in our village Sunday, we were once chums daring our school days at Orange Grove and we are always glad to see our old fnends, come again The Orange Grove base-ball team crossed bats with the White Troes team on Saturday February 18th score 10 to 3 in favor of White Cross, the Orange Grove team was composed of the boys in school, while White Cross selected their team from a large scope of country, including in their number one league player, Boys you did well. There will be a game of base-ball at Orange Grove on Saturday evening February 25th, followed by an oyster supper, at night the Orange Grove Dramatic club will give the drama, A White |Lie, admission 5 and 10 cents come everybody. Anodymous. Mr. to Cleveland Generous South, Though it Forsook Him. Cedar Grove Items. We are glad to see Mrs. S. J. Hall out again after a protracted illness. The box parties at Fairfield and Sar. tin's went off nicely. Because of bad roads only a few of our city’s people attended. Miss Mabel Stokes accompanied Miss Lettie Smith home Saturday a. m. reporting a most pleasant stay in the ‘country.” It was a relief to some folks that Santa Claue came back safely with his attendants, we are fortunate to have him so often in odr midst Cupid wa« busy with his messages the 14th Isn’t he a patient, tireless little fellow? Mrs. Allison and sister were to see Mrs. Niels Wright Sunday A. M. and found her still in a very serious condi tion. Miss Mary Allison and Miss Satter field paid our town a pleasant call Tuesday p. m. always glad to see the bright young ladies, come offten. These items should have appeared in last weeks paper, but arrived too late. The Refiners ^ho No Memorian. At the home of h^r mother Mrs. Julia Sykes near the Ridge church on Sunday morning Feby. 12-1911 Mrs. Henrietta Sykes passed over the river to the “Bright Beyond” where sorrow and grief can never entsr. She was about 27 years old and leaves four lit tle orphan children, a mother, three brothers and three sisters. Death.loves a shining mark, so when the grim destroyer came and laid his icy hand on this dear and lovable wom-r an she was ready to exchange this world of sorrow and suffering for that bright realm where grief and pain are felt and feared no more. To know Etta was to love her. She possessed such a bright and cheerful disposition and delighted in contributing to th« pleasure and comfort of others. During her short life with us she drew arouqd her a large circle of friends, and the memory of her gentle spirit and pleas ant manners will ever be a precious memento to a host of friends left be hind. Weep not prerious little children, dear mother, sisters and brothers ^or Etta whose spirit to-day is mingling with the departed loved ones on the bright celestial shore. Yet it was so hard to see her go Pass forever from our sight. But some time we will see and know, that all God’s ways are right. The funeral services were conducted by The Rev. Bryant at Chestnut Ridge Monday and her cold and lifeless form was laid to rest in the old church yard of the church of which she had been a member since childhood. It was a most heart touching scene to see those dear little children cluster around the dead mother lisping “Pease wake up mamma and ess do home,” May those dear little ones be cared for and ten derly reared May God watch over and gua^ them, and at last guide their foots-teps home to the dear mother gone before. “For she is waiting just across the river She crossed in the twilight gray and cold, And the pale mists hid her from mortal view. We saw not the angels who met her there. The gates of the city we could not see But over the river She is waiting for thee. The home is now so sad and lonely One dear form is absent. But she dwells forever pleasures never dies. And we hope to meet the dear Mother there beyond the skies. ’ One who knew, and loved her, F. F. TRAGEEY AT HIGH II. Kings Business College. Elsewhere in this issue will be found an advertisement of King’s Business College of Raleigh, an institution that has worked its way to the front rank of the best of its kind in America. If you are interested write and they will gladly furnish you with all the needed information. Their endorcement from the best financial and commercial sources puts their claims for thorough business training beyond question, or critiicism. A personal visit to the institution led us to be lieve they can and will make good every offer. Deaih of Mrs. EflSe Riggs. Died at her home in Mebane, early Friday morning February 17th Mrs Effie Riggs, in the 24th year of her age she had only been ill from Sunday the 12 she died from pleuro- pneumonia, with complications. She leaves one child about two years (jations. of age, and a husband Mr. Will Riggs» the family had moved here a short time before Chistmas from near Hightower Caswell county. Mrs. Riggs, was a niember of Hebron Methodist church, having joined it when quite young. remains "vere layed to rest in Hebron grave yard on Saturday evening A New Railroad. There are some parties who are arguing the necessity of a railroad from Roxboro Person county to Greens boro, as a means of great convenience to Caswell county, it would oe difficult to build a railroad in any direction through a community without doing good, but the question will ever be present,will it pay for the investment? The road that would give greatest benifit not only to Caswell but toother sections would be a line from Yanceville Caswell county , a straight shoot South down near the deviding Hne of Alamance and Orange, on to Roundtop Chatham countv, where it would connect with a branch of the Seaboard 3uch a road would open up a large fertile sention that is much inconven ience to day for the lack of railroad faclities. There is a section embraced in the teritory we speak of that is at least 70 miles long and fifty miles broad that is without railroad accome- some through the Southern railway which cuts through Orange, Alamance, and Guilford from Durham to Greensboro. We have repeatedly urged the building of such a line, and believe a manifest interest would develope something targible List Of Letters. Remaining unclaimed at this office for the week Feb. 18-11. 1 Letter for Mrs. Sarah Floyd, ^ “ Miss Fannie Bagerming ^ “ “ Miss Milbie Bolie, I P C “ Mr. Bud Read, These letters will be sent to the dead letter office 3-4 1911 if before. Discussion of the pending reciprocity agreement with Canada is leading to talk of reciprocal trade relations with Mexico as well. Why not also with the Central and South American re publics and with all the world in general. The basic affirmative argu ments arc no less strong as applied to the world at large than when applied to Canada alone. The fact of the matter that the Canadian agreement will, if Statesville Landmark. Democrats have declined to give big offices to Swthem men through fear, while Republicans have neglected to do so through cupidity. This observing, The Pensacola Journal declares that “the Republicanse have been the greater offenders and all this goes to show that the Democratic party comes nearer to being the great national party than does the Reprblican, ” The Democratic party would come a great deal nearer if the South had not turned away from Grover Cleveland. Even so, however, we agree that the Democratic party has time better of the argument.— Charlott Observer. The criticism of The Journal prob ably has reference to the failure of the Democratic party to nominate a Southern ;man for President or Vice President. It can truthfully have no other application. The only time since the civil war the Democratic party has had big offices to give to anybody was during the two Cleveland administration and certainly Mr. Cleveland did not fail *‘to give big offices to Southern men.” At his first inauguration we were only decades removed from the close of the civil war, and sectional feeling was still very strong. Nowith standing this, during that administration and his second in the 90s, M. Cleveland gave to Southern men the highest offices in his gift. They were called to his cabinet and given high posts of honor in the foreign service. The truth is, the only recognition of con- sec^uence the South has had in the af fairs of government—outside of Con gress, of course—since the civil war, was given by that great man, Grover Cleveland. And with the statement of this fact comes the shameful recollec tion that the Southern politicians were most conspicuous among those who bitterly and unjustly assailed him in the hour of his greatest need. But while this will ever stand as a marks of shame let us not forget that while the South voted for Mr. Cleveland he was generous in honoring her sons. Refiners Who Longer Counts. Mose Speaks Murders Wife And Fatally Wounds Son-In-Law. Mose Speaks, a resident ot Cloverdale, suburb south of High Point, com mitted what is considered the mos- dastardly crime in the history of High Paint. About 5 o’clock Saturday he arose, went to the home of his son-in law. Will Miller, about three blocks away, awoke him and told him that he, Speaks, had a letter for Miller, while Miller was dreesing and in the position of putting on his shoes. Speaks spriner upon him with a large butcher knife nd stabbed him a number of times, once between the eight rib once on the right hip and once on the right arm. The first stab severed the loft half of the lung and will probably cause his death. From Miller’s home, Si>eaks went directly to his own house, entered the same, where his wife and one son were eating breakfast, sprang upon his wise and stabbed her three times in the right breast, killing her almost instantly The son, who was in the room with his mother at the time, was so completely shocked at the crime that he made no attempt to overpower his father, who made good his escape. Leaving the house, he was heard to say he was going over to the silk mill, where one of his daughters was at work, to Wll her. It is said Speaks went to the silk mill and called for his daughter, but was not permitted to see her. By the time the officers could be notified and get to the scene. Speaks had made good his escape and has not yet been located. A thorough search is being made and no effort will be left undone to locate the criminal. Speaks has since been arrested and lodged in Ijail, if he has money his lawers will set up the plea of a brain storm. If he ‘has none he will likely meet an electric {storm. THE TIME FOR WORK GROWING SHORT, Miss Contestant are you putting forth your very best effort to build up a large number of votes in the special offer made to end March the 4th? when we agree to give you for $5 in (( (( 8000 votes 20,000 45,000 100.000 125,000" working ( (( (( ( for DEATH PENALIY Pi BY MONTAGUE MADE FULL CONFESSION not crimed Iidi'ted. prove the , open the wav to a general lowering ol In calling for the above please say ' t»riff walls, and in that advertised” giving date of ad. list. S. Arthur White, P. M. greatest prospective value.-Va Pilot. worth the A life that is worth living is Insuring The Greensboro Life is best. L. s. Straughan, agent Mebane, N. C. (From the article on ‘*The Standard Oil Company—Bankers” “The Masters of Capital” series, by George Kibbe Turner and John Moody, in McClure’s Magazine for March. ) The Standard Oil owns ninety per cent of the great mass of refinable crude oil now in storage; it holds by lease a territory producing at least a third of the refinable oil in the United States; its pipe lines cross the country from the Gulf of Mexico to the North Atlantic in such a way that any new oil-field that may be found will be immediately appropriated by some extension of these lines: its refiners now cover the entire United States in locations that are commercially perfect. No government, having absolute control of the resources of the country, could better its arrangement It holds the refining industries of the United States with a gfrip stronger than it ever had before. Half of the independent refiners lie east upon the old Pennsylvania and Ohio fields. The Pennsylvania petro leum now costs them $1.30 a barrel; it cannot go much lower, because it cannot be produced much cheaper in that old and worked out region. The Ohio oil costs 85 cents, and is falling rapidly. It is now apparently too late for these Eastern refineries to get the cheap oil of Illinois by pipe lines. The Standard owns most of that fieM. In the mean while, the Standard Comp-iny is buying in Oklahoma an oil not much inferior, jnder existing market conditions, to Pennsylvania oil, and better than the Ohi^ oil, for 45 cents a barrel. Under these conditions, the Standard Oil. if it cared to do so, could quickly wipe out its competitors. It will not do so, for it would cost too much money. The refhiers of the high-priced petrole um are making much of their kerosene at a loss; some of the low qualities of it they sell for actually less a gallon than the crude oil cost. But they are still making some profit from the other products. The Standard is not really forcing them. The change of 1910 has in fact, come from perfectly natural conditions—the great flow of cheap oil produced fn the past few years. The Standard has most of this oil. Half of the independent'refiners of the country. Admits Having No Accom plices in the Crime. At 10 : 30 o’clock last Wednesday morning in the presence of thirty spectators, several of whom were close relatives of his victims, Nathan Monta gue, the negro who creminally assaulted Miss Mattie Sanders, murdered her father and little niece, in Granville county, December 19 paid the death penalty by electrocution in the state’s prison at Raleigh. In a full confession he completely exhonorated Lonnie Bridges and Alvin Cook, negroe whom he claimed heretofore of being with him and really committing the murders. He says he worked at the Sanders home that evening and laid his plans aeainst Miss Sanders. He had supper in the kitchen and helped shell com. Then Mr. Sanders told him to go home, a quarrel developed and he Sanders by beating him over the head with a chair. Then he killed the little girl, Irene Overton with the chair and ran into the yard after Miss Sanders, who fled screaming. He overcame her and finished his work of outrage and murder. Then he assembled the bodies in the house, poured oil from a lamp and set the place on fire. It was his knife dropped in the yard after he had used it on Miss Sanders, that led to his arrest. Then clothing and other articles taken from the house were found in his room. He was tried and sentenced in a spcial term of court under the guard of two • companies of militias. This was on January 16. Near Cedar Grove. Bad weather now people not doing much except cutting wood. Sorry to say our friend Mr. Otho Wilson, is still at the Rex Hospital in Raleigh, and is no better at this writing. Mr. Cerus White, visited his brother near Hurdle Mills recently. Mr. Draughanie Wilson, returned home from Charlston, S. C., last week glad to see the young man back. They have made some good improve ments on the phone line in this section hope to have better service. Mr. H. L. Baynes, visited at W. S. Barnwells, Saturday evening. Mr. John Qualls, and Mr. Hicks, was also guests of W. S. Barnwell. Mrs. C. H. Brooks, has been very sick but is improving some now. Mr. CharUe Brooks, has got in his phone now you just ought to hear Mr. J. H. C. ringing. Hurrah girls the piano contest is on in earnest now get a hustle on yourself. Hawk Eyes. cash $10, $20, $40, * $50, “ ' If you are the handsome piano which we are offering, and which is now on exhibition in the show window of Holmes- Warren Co. it will pay you to leave nothing undone that would help you build up your list of votes. Remember as we stated a week ago if you can start out to get one hundred and twenty-five thousand votes, should you fail to get the highest number you may reach the next under it. As an inducement for special effort under this pro position which holds good untill March 4th we will give to the young lady securing subscriptions to the amount of $50,00 by the above date, since Feby. 9th a handsome spring hat her choice at Morrow-Bason, and Greens milliners of Bur lington, to cost not less than $8.00. You will understand while you are securing votes for the piano which will go to your credit in securing the piano you will also have the chance to win for yourself a beautiful spring hat. You should put in eveiy spare moment. Remember that the votes under this proposition must be report ed between this and Satur day March 4th. Henderson’s Side. Hendersonville Hustler. But for the $100,000 Henderson county subscribed to the Asheville and Spartanburg Railroad, which made possible the completion of that road across the Bluo Ridge, there never would haye been a Saluds, Polk county declined to subscribe a single dollar and it comes with poor grace for that county now to ask the Legislature to add part of Henderson’s territory to her domain simply because a growing towr has spread across the country line. The Legislature ought not to consider such a proposition seriously. Terms From Washingtons Farewell Address. Delivered Sept. 19, 1796. The very idea of the power ahd the right of the people to establish govern ment presupposes the duty of every in dividual to obey the established gov ernment. There is an opinion that parties in free countries are useful checks upon the administration of the government and keep alive the spirit of liberty. This within certain limits is probably true, and in governments of monarchi cal cast patriotism may look with in dulgence, if not with favor, upon the spirit of party. But in those of popu lar character, in governments purely elective, it is a spirit not to be en couraged. Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, re ligion and morality are indispensable supports. Observe good faith and justice to ward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all. Against the insidious wiles of fore ign ifluence I conjure you to believe me. fellow citizens, the jelsousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of most baneful foes of republican govern ment. Candidates In Piano Contest. The following is the standing of the candidates in the Leader con test for the piano and diamond rings. You should be pushing all you can. It will pay you. “ Myrtle Bowland. Corbett, 4000 Vera McAdams, Rfd No 3, 4000 “ Bessie Allen, Cedar Grove 6000 “ Maggie L. Fletcher Watson 3000 ‘‘ Annie Paris, Saxapahaw, 1000 “ Lois Warren, Selma, 3000 “ Maud Walker, Cedar Grove 1000 “ Maggie L. Mitchel Watson 30,100 “ Annie Hurdle, Union Ridge, 4000 4000 29,500 25,00 8000 1000 1000 3000 7000 1000 1000 1000 lOOO 1000 3000 Mebane, 36,975 Cedar Grove, 31,00Q '• Novella Warren “ Ida Wilkerson, Mebane, “^Lelia McAdams “ Maie Reynolds, Watson, “ Rosa Walker, Union Ridge “ Viola Rudd, Jerico N, C, “ Nettie Oliver, Jerico, “ Nina Warren, Corbett, “ Dorsie Vaughn, Watson “ Ida Hughes Watson, “ Nettie Fitch, Corbett, “ Essie Florance, Mebane, *• Fannie Vincent, Mebane, *• Mabel Murphy, Corbett, “ Lottie Fatterfield, “ Vivian Oakley, Between Lawers. Louisville Courier-Jounal. ‘T won’t defend a man when I be- live to be guilty.” “My boy, you musn’t set your judgment up against that of the ma jority, I have defended plenty of men whom I believed to be guilty, but the jury decided otherwise. ’ ’ Are the people of Carthage proj?re«4 sive is a question useless to ask, because it is a well known fact that they are not. There has been several efforts here towards progressive organizations which have invariably resulted in Jfailures. Are you one of the pullbacks. The time [has coma when any town, not only to grow, but even to retain its 'present growth«| must have the undivided support of ft progfressive people, and this support must be such as will readily place the town in position to compete with other towns that are {progressive.—Moore County News.

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