Mebane Leader J. O. FOf, Editor and.Owner Entered ai second class matter Feb- fuaryS, 1909, at the Post Office at Mcbant, N. C., under the act of Mwch 1897. Isiued Every Thursday Morning. SUBSCRIPTION: One Year, - - - $1.00 Months, - - - .50 Three Months, - - 4^ PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ‘iend Currency, Postal Money Order or Stamps. CORRESPOND ENCE We wish correspondents in *11 the nearby pos^oflSices. Write at on^#*. Thursday, February 23 1911 SECOND ANNIVERSARY. Two years ago last Saturday the 18th of February the Mebane Leader made its first appear ance, since then it has been pub lished regularly without missinjr a single issue except when stop- ed to take holidays Christmas. The Leader has maintained a seven column four page sheet all home print, except when it was enlarged to meet the demand for increased advertising space, To say the Editor of this paper has had a primrose path to trod would not be stating a fact. It hftg been quite difficult to main tain the publication up to the standard, as it must be born in mind that the best support that M«bane could give a paper would be small. There are eleven stores, and one Bank in Mebane, we are carrying advertisements for five stores, one bank, and one undertaking advertisement. With the hardest kind of work we have been able to secure a certain amount of advertising in near by cities and towns, which has materialy helped us to con tinue the publication of the Lea der. It is said that the first two years of a newspapers ex- istance is the most difficult. We have passed the second mile post and during our journey have striven with all our might to help Mebane, and to help each individual. It is conceeded by the fair minded that we have been of great help to the town, no one could have served its in terest more faithful, cr more loy- aly. We have published a paper that most of our readers admire, and appreciate. We have striven to be fair, frank and honest, and we feel proud of the estimate that good men, and men of standing have placed upon its utterances. Some very nice things have been said about the Lea der. The Leader h?s been main tained at great personal sacrafice and under most difficult, and trying conditions, and yet all that we have been able to earn is our subscription list, and good will. This is the only asset of vahie we have to show for our two years labor, but we have tried to make of it an instution of greater value to Mebane. The support that Mebane gives it, is thjB evidence of its* appreciation. EGREGIOUSLY FALLEN DOWN. Mr. Champ Clark the recent ly endorsed Democrat for the next speaker of National House of Representative may have the best of reasons for thinking he is pUying a fine Italian hand in politics when he expresses him self as favoring no advance in postage upon Magazines, with a perfect knowledge of the fact of the outrageous imposition on the postal department by these Magazines in the large pet-cen- tage of advertising matter they carry, and then favoring an equal advance upon the news paper. It is our opinion that Mr. Clark has egregiously fallen down in this his most recent move, and time will tell it, Mr. Clark will never be President of these United States, short turns in politics -is not broad states manship. Do you realize that the silent forces exerts the most tremen dous power, freezing ice, the electric current, the silent migh ty rivers. The most deadly pla gue are never seen stalking a- bout even at noon day, and yet with silent tread they move about the great cities, and yet victems fall upon at their fatal breath as if stricken with bul lets pieicing their hearts. The most subtle infuence, that which is most dangerous to the well being of the world is that which moves about shod with gum shoes, whispering its insinuating poison. It is so in the religous world, in the moral world, in the political world. It is the mildew that blight thousands of noble, and elevating influences, They walk light because they move on mercenary missions FULL TIME TO THINK OF THE DEAD. The monument that JGeneral Carr would have North Carolina toreertethe memory of South ern women, who suffered and sicraficed so much for the “lost cause’' would be a befitting re cognition of this state appre ciation of thousands of heroins, and martyrs to a cause we all love so much, but would it not be more befitting to provide a comfortable home for the fee ble remnant that is fast fading from earth. It is said that the last days of Robt Bums was spent in pover ty. After his death a number of his admiring friends raised funds, and erected to his mem ory a monument, at the unveil ing of this monument his mother was asked to make some re marks, she did so in the follow^ ii« language: “When Bobbie was living he asked for bread, and you refused it, now that he ie dead you give him a stone” When we have made ample provisions for the care and com fort for the living whose mem ory you propose to perpeterate in stone, it will be full time to think of the dead. IT WAS WISDOM. Senator Kitchen of Halifax County, made a brief but force- able talk in the Legislative Thursday in opposition to the million dollar public building. Mr. Kitchen did not oppose a public building, he thought one was needed, but he did oppose taxing the people of North Car olina one million to build one, when a less sum would pay for the construction of a building adequate in every respect for the state needs- If so large a sum was to be expended Mr. Kitchen favored first sub- miting this matter to a popular vote for ratification, or rejection Even if Mr. Kitchen is playing politics he is entitled to the cre dit of wisely doing so, and his wisdom embraces the inter est of his constituency. Representative Macon in the National House of Representa tive told what he thought of Peary in a speach last Thursday Mr. Macon speaks our sentiments in regard to Peary, and we are quite glad that he has had the nerve to do it, in the face of so much snobbery. We trust that Macons speach will dealPearys cause a staggering blow. The reasons for retiring Peary upon a $7000 salary is not apparent. It is army favoritism that is be hind the whole thing. Give Us An Extra Session Mr. Taft. Two great “doubtful States," the ficerest battleground of opposing parties the home of 10,000,000 people, are New York and Indiana. Last week the popular branch of the Indiana Legislature passed a resolution urging President Taft to call an extra session of Congress to reduce the tariff on necessaries of life. All the Demo crats voted for it, and half the Repub licans. These held that the resolution was in line with their party platform and with the wish of the people. A demand for the extra session even less easy to ignore was the passage by the popular branch of the New York {Legislature Assemblyman Cuvillier’s resolution of similar charac ter by a decisive vote of 75 to 46. Those Republicans who furnished the furtile group of negative votes rep resented neither the people of the State nor the rank and file of their own party. Those Republicans who voted “aye” did represent both their party and the people. In The World’s poll of many Republican business men of New York State more than half expressed a desire for an extra session and prompt relief from intolerant con ditions.—Nashville Tennessean. THE SHOES THAT FIT! No well dressed, well bred lady or gentle- ;man will wear, a common fitting shoe if it is posible to avoid it, because they recog nize it is a badge of bad tast Refinement and good tast suggest a neat well fitting shoe.Every man in our thoroughly equip- ed, and well supplied shoe emorium is a Iprofessional shoe fitter, and never permits,^ a man or woman to go out of our store with out having given them the neatest and most comfortable fit possibles. vVecarrry a line of shoes from which every class can be fit ted, and pleased, and they embrace the most popular, and substantial makes of this country. Shoes that looks well wear, and give perfect satisfaction. See us, we don’t live far. Pridgen Sc Jones, Durham, N. C. THE DOOR OF SUCCESS. opens easily to those who icnow how to take care of their money. Depos itors in the Commercial and Farmers Bank are certainly of that class. They know their cash is safe from either thieves or fire. They can give all their mind to their affairs without having to worry about their money. The more you thirtk of the matter the better an account of your own must seem. Commercial & Farmers Bank. Mebane N. C. AVETO MAY BE EXPEC TED WE ARE OFFERINGS ■■■■■■■■■MB————————fci—ai The Pittsburg perfect field fence, the best made, the strongest, and most*sub- stantial. Nothing better. A line of har rows selected from the best makes, prices to suit the times. A full line of Bug gies, Pheatons, and harness, and gen eral builders sup*plies. Paints etc. LIME AND CEMENT, FARM MACHINERY COBLE-BRADSHAW, COMPANY BURLINGTON, N. C. tORGAN BARGAIN! Mr. W. C. Blagg has been seriously sick for sometime and unable to continue business. The Miller Organ Co. closed out his stock of organs to us for spot cash at MUCH LESS THAN COST; and we SAVED FREIGHT ON 17 ORGANS. We offer you those $85, M.ller organs at $67,60 “ $80,00 “ “ “ $65,00 “ $65,00 “ “ “ $48,00 Some nice high tops, large mirrors, at $35, on easy terras or $5, discount extra, for cash. Each one warrented 10 years and MOUSE PROOF. ELUS’MACHIIiE& MUSIC COMPANY Burlington, N. C. C. B. ELLIS, Manager. PUBUC SALE Thursday the 16th day of February at the residence of the late J. E. Shanklin about 3 miles East of Meb ane, at which all the household and kitchen furni ture, hogs, horses, cows and all vehicles and farm implements, will l3e offered at public sale. A good chance to buy. Administrator. Sulloway Pension Bill Carries J45,000,000 Increases. It is freely predicted at the white house that President Taft will veto the Sulloway pension bill if it comes to him as adopted by the house and as favorably reported by the Senate pen^ sions committe. This bill increases the pension budget of the country $45,000,000. It will make the annual outlay for the old soldiers nearly $200,000,000, and will bring it up to the highest point pension appropriations have ever reached. Also this bill, if it is finally enacted, will wipe out entirely all savings the president has effected during his entire administration. These aie the reasons which led white house callers today to think that the president «rould disapprove of the^ Sulloway bill. Those who talked to the president would not discuss his attitude on the pension budget,but the intimation was freely indulged in that the presi dent would never consent to this big increase ii) pensions jn ore single year WE KEEP Constantly on hand dinigs of full strength, and chemicaly the purest that can be obtained. Prescription filled promptly, and with absolute reliability. A full stock of nice stationary, confections, good cigars, and smokers supplies constantly on hand. A nice line of up-to-date books of fic tion. Call at the MEBANE DBUG GO. F. L. WHITE, - _ - Proprietor Mebane, N. C. THOUSANOS OF 6AU0NS OF WET 6000S SEIZED A SOUVENIR FOR YOU To any one writing for our new catalogue at the same time stating that they are now, or will be, during the year in the market for a monument or head-stone, will receive a beautiful souvenior FREE. T. 0. SHARP, MARBLE & GRANITE CO. Durham, N. C. A New York girl says she married to perpetrate a joke on her friends. The “joke" will doubtless prove to be 01 her, but it is the husband who i| most entitled to symyathy. NOTICE Any one who wants to plant .a garden, pasture their cows, cut wood, or desposit trash or filth on the lands of, Mebane Land and Improvenent Co. will please get permision before doing so from W. E. White, Sheriff of Morgan County Almost Unable to find Places in Which to ^^tore the Liquors. Sheriff R. M. McCulloch has vented storeroom in New Decatur Ala. in which to store the liquor which was seized in the wholesale raid last Friday. The room at the courthouse was not sufficiently large to hold the seized “wet” goods. In all, fourteen wagon loads of liquors were stored in the rooms at the courthouse and jail, be sides a large amount that is stored in the room rented yesterday. The total amount will be several thousand gallons, worth thousands of dollars. It is without question the largest raid that has been made in the south, not only in the number of places raided but in the amount and the value of the liquor'seized. It is said that there is still some li quor in some of the places that the sherilf is carrying the keys to, and that this will be moved later on. Oiie of the writs of injunction gotten out aga inst one of the soft drink men in Decatur was improperly drawn and the sheriff had to return his goods to him. It is said^ however, that another writ will be drawn. ODDS & ENDS IN SHOES, CLOTHING AND ETC., jlT GitEATLY REDUCED PRICES TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW STOC 3000 YARDS OF TOBACCO CANVAS CHEAP Mebane Store Compartjf, MEBME, K. C. SUBSCSTOE FOR THE Ml^AttE Shoe People Got Free Raw Materials and Raise Price of Shoes. Baltimore Sun. A Chioago dispatch tells of a probable advance in the price of shoes, 'par- ticulary the cheaper graded” When the Payne-Aldrich tariff bill was |being discussed in Congress |and the leather people were asking to have the tariff taken off hides, it was pointed out that free hides would b^ng down jthe price of leather and that in turn would make shoes cheaper. Some of the Senators, Bailey most urgently, insisted that to give manufacturers free raw material would not necessarily make their manu factures cheaper, and they opposed putting hides on the free list unless the tariff was taken off shoes and other leather manufactures. But the ma jority were for free hides and taxed shoes and leather, and so the bill was passed. Almost immediately the price of shoes advanced, and now we hear another advance is about to be made, and, as usual, in “particulary the cheaper grades.” This clearly demon- stratea the futility of looking to the manufMtcures to lower prices so long as the^tariff wall keeps out CMnpetion and allows them to fix prices to suit themselves. The tariff should be taken from shoes, so that the people at laxiT^^n have the advantage of an opMi market in which to make where ver possible, to purchase all their porehaaea, just as they should, the other necessaries of life. $1000 WORTH, MENS SUITS -RANGING from ten to twenty four dollars. A lot of mens pants from $3.50 to $7.00. A full line of boys, and children clothing. Real beauties. SKREAMER SHOES none better worth $4 a lot of broken numbers $3.25. A lot of broken number ladies shoes worth $150 for 98cts. A nice lot of fleece lined underwear at 38cts a piece 3^ long as they last. LADIES don’t forget my 5 and lOcts coun ter. There are real bargains for you. I am cutting prices to the quick to move stock and make room for spring goods. C.C. Warehouse St* IVIebane N. C. LIVERY PEED ANO SAIeS : STABLES First-(‘lass Rigs for hire at Short Notice HORSES FED OR BOARDED At Moderate Cost DO*T rA L TO SEE ME IVI. B. MILES

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