^‘Magazine Trust” Next In tlie language of The New York Press, Mr. J. P Morgan “has broken the pt'iis muck- akers'in the country.” This he did . buying control of The American Magazine through the Crowell Publish Company. Such writers a» Ida M Tarbeil, Ray Stannard Baker, Lin coln Steffens, William Allen White nd John S. Phillips were tied to the American Magazine, and their con tracts have been taken over by the „ew purchaser. Outside the “muck- r?iking” Mr. Morgan already con trols the various Harpor publications and is believed to have negotiations afoot for the Munsev magazines also. With the Crowell Pubhshing Company he got The Woman’s Home Compan ion and Farm and Fireside. The two Curtis publications. The Saturday Kvening Post and the Ladies’ Home Journal, together with Colliers’Weekly are determined to remain independent and doubtless will. Wall Street men supposed to be representing Mr. Mor gan made an effort last week to cap ture Success, one of the most radical magazines, bat Gifford Pinenot and Kudolph Spreckles. both wealthy men in sympathy with its idlers, are under stood to have saved the day. In these activities we do not think that Mr. Morgan displays his custo mary sagacity. He may establish a -magazine trust.” but it will be a trust in popular phrase only and the “independent” will thrive as they never did before the day of trust and independents began.—Va Pilot. How to cure cold is a question in which many are interested just now. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has just won its great reputation and immense «ale by its remarkable cure of colds It can always be depended upon, Fcr sale by All Dealers. Bide a Wee The journey will not end [today, f or leagues and years may wind the way Where gleams the home-light, pilgrim, stay, And bide a wee. When gale and blast and tempest blow. And cold thy heart and icy grow, Draw near the hearth, the homely glow. And bide a wee. When life’s sirocco breathes defeat, And hope declines in desert heat. Be my oasis thy retreat. And bide a wee. And have you heard the luring cry That seemed a song and proved a sigh? The hope of home is heaven-high. Ah, bide a wee! —Arthur B. Rhinow, in The Christian Herald. Too Good To Be Probable Thongh reliably reported and hav ing behind it the names of reputable physicians, the story from San Fran cisco of remarkable and almost imme diate cures of tuberculosis, pneumonia and typhoid fever is quite incredible. Working on a new principle discover ed by Dr. Schafer of. Bakersfield the medical staff of the Southern Pacific hospital inoculated nine pneumonia patients with liquid extract made from products given off by the pneumococcus or pneumonia germs in the process of growth, every cBse of patient was cured, several of the cures following no more than 24 hours after the se- cum’s injection A tuberculosis pat ient was pronounced well within four days after the Schafer lemedy—this case a serum made from the merabolic or growth pjoducts of the tuberculosis germ-had been applied. In. a San Francisco dispatch to The New York Sun it is said that “conservatvie prac titioners who have followed the ex- periraents are astouned by the results accomplished and declare that the Schafer treatment will soon become uniaversl in many diseases which have resisted all methods of treatment.— Charlotte Observer, H. STEINMETZ FLORIST RALEIGH - - N. C. Roses, Carnations, Violets Otner Fine Seasonable Cut _ Flowers, Flowers For Weddings, Enterta inments. FLORAL DESIGNS AT ^ SHORT NOTICE Ferns Palms and all kinds of out door bedding plaats. THE' BEST PLACE IN GREENSBORO To get the BEST TO EAT is at THE HENNESSEE CAFE OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT SOUTH KL.M STRKET, OREENSBOUO. N. C. W. C. SMITH JR. mgr JOHN H. VERNON AHORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, niTRl^I.XGTOX, N.C. OflFice over Bradley’s Drug Store ’Phone, 65. CORBINTON INN HILLSBORO, N. C. Now Under Management of MRS. J. A, BRADY Delightful Summer Resorts Service The Best. RATES REASONABLE. THE VESTAL AN UP-TO DATE HOTEL Comfortably Furnished Table Supplies with the best that market af fords. W. G. TRIPP, Proprietor. Graham, IN. C. GREAT SALE OF LINENS lAT AND BELOW COST, WHITE AND COLORED LINENS. SOMETHING RARE AND NICE J. M. HENDRIX, & CO. Greensboro, N. G. 223 South Elm St. The Home of Good Shoes. CAPITAL STOCK $30,000,00. One of the best equipped schools in the Soutli. THE LARGEST, the strongest faculty MORE GRADUATES IN POSITIONS than all other schools in thelState, BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND, and ENGLISH. Write for Handsome Catalogue. Address. KING’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Raleigh N.C. Charlotte N. C. Z. T. HADLEY, OPTOMETRIST Eyes, Examined and glasses fitted. Graham, N. C. Mbane Undertaking Co Mebane N. C.'* WE ARE Equiped to produce portraits that are right, and our long experience is back of EVERY PICTURE WE MAKE The child, the parent, the grand parent are assured of a good likeness, and finish when we do the work. COME AND SEE US. THE EOTSLEB STUDIO, CCESSORS TO ALDERMAN AND EUTSLER 113i E MARKET STREET, GtREENSBORO N. C The Church Street Hotel Durham, N. C. MRS. L. N. HOLLEMAN, Proprietress One Block From Union Staion. - Good Table Board and Comfortabe Rooms Rates Reasonable NORFOLK SOUTHERIk RAILROAD COMPANY Chaugeof Schecule Beaufort District—effective, Sunday, January 29th, 1911. Effective, Sunday, January 29th, Schedule of Night Express will be changed. Train 16 will leave Goldsboro at 10; 15 P. M„ leave Kinston 11 : 10 P. M., leave New Bern at 12 :30 A. M., and arrive Washington at 2:10 M , arrive Norfolk 8:00 A. M. East bound train No. 16 leaving Goldsboro at 10:15 P. M , will make connections from the Southern Railway and A. C. L., from the North and South. Westbound train 15 will connect at Goldsboro with the Southern Railway Westbound, and with the A. C, L., North and Southbound. Effective same date tram No. 9 will leave New Bern at 5:25 P. M., leave Kinston at 6:45 P. M., and 'arrive taoldsboro at 7:45 P. M. Under this new schedule passengers may make direct connection at Golds boro with all lines without lay-over. The schedule of the Night Express trains Nos. 5 and 6 carrying Pullman Sleeping cars between Norfolk and Raleigh via Washington, Greenville and Wilson will remain as at present. W. W. Croxton. General Passenger Agent. Caskets, Coffins, burrial robes and all kind of funeral supplies. Embalming done by a licensed embalmer, Prompt service on brief notice. Agent for Cut Flowers For All Purpose Prompt Delivery. INSURANCE ! I carry a full line of Companies, includingr Fire, Life, Acciden and health Insurance. In fact, anything: the Insurance line. When in need of anything in this line call on me. Rates reasable. S. G. MORGAN THE McADOO M. W. STERNE, Proprietor. Greensboro, N.C. A strictly First Class HOTEX. THE LOCKS that “do not a prison make" are not the kind we keep. Our locks, bolts, etc., are the kind that stay locked and and bolted. The y ar« not toys, but are strong and adequate for the protection they are intended to assure. Come and get the real kind. Our . prices are moderate. TYSON-MALONE. HARDWARE COMPANY, Mebane, N, C, A fellow-feeling maicee us wondrous kind. —Gffaham. Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fafls. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEYJ.IVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist’s counter. 15.000) CLt] SING OUT (H5,000 Fifteen thousand dollars worth of Mens Youth, and chil dren clothing;, Ovea Coats, and Rain Coats $24. Mens suits latest stile $12 $20. Mens and young mens suits $10, $I& Mens and young mens suits $9, $16 Mens and young mens suits $8, $22,50 Mens suits $11,25 $15. Mens suits $7,50 $14. Suits “ 7 $12. Suita “ 6 $10. Suits “ 5 Rain Ck>ats and over Coats at h price. Big lot of ladies Coat suits, ladies readj>-to-wear and trimmed hats, ladies cloaks and wool, weaters. Dress-goods less than Mfg. cost. Take off a day and come to GLADSTEINS, BIG CLOSCING OUT SALE NO 108 NO 108 E. MAIN ST. DURHAM, N. C. Shall Qirls Propose? Is it not a little curious that asuLiect which is scarcely second to any other in our life gets no treatment of a strictly seriousSsort? Of anecodotes and jokes concerning it, which are always flippant or crouch ed in a tone of distinct levity, there is literally no end. Can anyone account for the circum stances that a topic in which the inter est is certainly deep and universal should find its place in literature mainly in this wav, or else as an episode in fiction? why does it not appear some times as a subject for reasonable thought? Surley it is in order to take the matter for a moment seriously. DeLesseps, who dug the Suez canal, and started the one at Panama, wfs p.'oposed to when just 60 by a girl under 19, and married her. Priscilla, in “The Courtship of Miles Standish,” asks: “Why don’t you speak for yourself, John?” Patti proposed to her husband in a peculiarly tactful way. He remarked to her one day: “All Paris says we are engaged.” “Well,” she remarked, “why not? I am sure I should be happy. ” Man’s exclusiveness in the matter of marriage proposal dates from the ages when woman was regarded as little better than a slave, and man selected a wife as he did a horse, and the one had no more to say about it that the other It is argued that as man is the “head” I of|the house or family, which *‘husband’| etmologically means, and it devolves upon him to support the family, it should be his proper function to take the first step toward forming one. But this premise is not more than half the time true; and if it were always true it would not lead to that conclusion. Not only is it often the case that the wife does as much in supporting the family by her mheritance or dower as the husband does, but even when she has none she does the same or more by her household management and services. Even if she did nothing, is she not a human being to whom marriage is img portant, and who is to be as vastly af fected by it as her husband possibly can be? The trnth is that to man marriage is simply an episode among a variety of things of moment, while to woman, as society is now constituted! it is everything. “What!” cries Mrs. -Grundy, “would you have a delicate and modest young lady go to a gentleman’s house and ask him to marry her? This is supposed to end. the discussion. But dot's it? If a color isn'jt white is it necessarily black? is there no middle ground that love, delicacy and tact may find? Not in mere formality, but far deeper lie the true modesty and beauty of girl hood and womanhood.-News-Scimitar. Wife Got Tip Top Advice. “My wife wanted me to take our boy to the doctor to cure an ugly boil,” writes D. Frankel, of Stroud, Okla, “I said ‘put Bucklen’s Arrica Salve on it. She did so, and it cured the boil in a short time. ” Quickest healei of Bums, Scalds, Cuts, Corns, Bruises Sprains, Swellings. Best Pile cure on earth. Try it. Only 25c at Mebane Drug Co, Question of Distribution. There are many knotty problems in this world. It is related that one Ar thur Brisbane recently told Champ Clark at a dinner that “the greatest problem before the world today is the problem of distribution. There is plenty of the material things of life for every body. The real question is to distrib ute them properly.” And Mr. Clark agreed with him. So must all the rest of us, for that matter. Take the millionaires—Andrew Carne gie and John D. Rockefeller can give away a few million dollars each in lump sums for an abstraction or for some educational movement. At the same time a poor woman and her children take to a vacant vault in a cemetery, or to some old dilapidated, unused hovel for shelter from the cold storms of win ter. But what is the world do about it? Millions and millions of eggs are de generating in cold storage wating for higher prices, while many a breakfast table is eggless and,almost foodless. Distribution is as importaint a problem as production. Much has been done— more will be done—in both lines, but, on the whole, we have done better in the matter of production chan with distribution.—Greensboro News. Brilliants. You find people ready enough to do the Samaritan without the oil and the twopence.—Sidney Smith. Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well well.—Chesterfield. It is a Maxim with me that no man was ever witten out of reputation but by himselt.—Richard Bentley. Set a begger on horseback and he will ride in a gollop —Burton. KILLTHE COUGH ANDCUREtNCUiiNOS •niDR.KIIfGS NEWnSCOVERir m|K UGHS OLDS l^so^anoo IrTPiAiflomEFRg iWDAUJHgOffiAND LUNC TROUBLES ^UA/fANTEEO SAT/SFACTOf>)r ^ OJ? MON£V ^En^NOED. ) REAL COMFORT Can be saken when your rooms are covered witk handsome rugs, which can be chosen from* our sur- perb stock. If you want real value for your mon ey—carpets and rugs that will wear well and look well—examine the values that we are now offering GREEN & McCLURE Graham N. G. COPYRIGHT.1 THE STAIRWAY. is a very important part of a building. To be perfect, firstclass workman must build it of first-class material. Squeaky and tiresome stairs are badly designed and constructed. My long experience, first-class workmen and materials enable me to build perfect stairs for no more than others charge for inferior ones. This is equally true of wainscoting and all cabinet work. NELSON-GOOPER LUMBER GOMPAY, ' Mebane, N. C. Perfect Fitting Gowns. involve PERFECT FITTING CORSETS. The corset, the foundation of the gown, must be cor rect in every detail or the gown cannot be. It must be made to fit your finger. American Beauty Corsets. are such garments. Always right up to the mark in fashion requirements, and made in a sufficien tly large variety of models to fit all figures, AMERICAN BEAUTY CORSETS are THE ne cessary and perfect fitting gowns, Prices Range From $1 to $3.50. J. D. & L. B. Whitted, Burlington, N. C. i: BREAD IROM OUR FLOUR is sweeter, moister and more appetiz ing than any you ever tasted before. You can easily excel the bread that “mother used to bake*’ if you use our Sweet Sampson flour for your next baking. Save money too Poi Sweet Sampson flour goes much farther than the ordinary kind. Try a sack and we feel sure you’ll use it all the time. Dixie Milling Co. Burlington N. C. FOUNDRY All classes of high grade iron, and brass cas tings, Machine molded pulleys. Guaranteed repair work, special machinery built to order. RUSti JOBS Givins^ Special Attention. £oOK LEW'is foundry CO. GREENSBORO N. C. WINSTON-SALEM N. C I ALAMANCE PHARMACY Keep on hand a complete line of pure fresh drugs, and up to date assortment of toilet articles, perfumes brushes etc. All kinds of DRUGGIST ACCESSORIES. With each purchase we give you a cash register tic ket, when you have purchased $5. return tickets and get 25cts in merchandise. It is free, it is yours for the asking. Keep them, they count up. ALAMANCE PHARMACY J.C. SIMMONS, Prop. GRAHAM, N. C.