Mebane Laeder J, O. POf, Siitor and Owner Entwrsd second claas matter Feb* ruaiyS, 1909, at the Post Office at N. Cm under the act of March 1807. Ifflued Every Thursday Morning, SUBSCRIPTION; One Year, - - - $1-00 cJix Months, - - - .50 Three Months, - • 0T PAYABLE IN ADVANCE fend C\irrency, Postal Money Order or Stamps. CORRESPONDENCE We wish correspondents in all the nearby post offices. Write at oiw**. Hiursday. March 30 1911 UNADULTERATED GALL. For down right unadulterated gall the protected interest of this country can compare, hands down, with any class of people on earth. The phrase soulless | corporation, has grown common i place, but it is none the less apt, and appropriate to day than when it originated. The men interested in main taining the high prices on wool en goods are threating to march in a body on Washington at the bogining of the special session of Congress. It will go under the guise of the Western Wool Growers Association, but the thing was evidently inspired by the manufacture, in order to work up a special interest from which they hope to maintain present prices on wool clothing. Chairman Underwood says “it is my opinion that they might just as well make an assault up on Gibraltar as upon the House. We know now all the arguments that win be advanced against the revision of schedule K, but th^reisno question about what the House will do. We will make our revision and send it to the Senate, and whether it goes any further remains to be seen."’ It has been a long time since there has been any one in the House of Representative who would talk this way to this ara- gant set of pilferers. If they will only carry out in good faith their intention to lower the tariff on the necessities of life, and there are none more essential than clothing, then the present House will receive full credit for their work,and a long suf fering public will applaud them for the relief given. The ex- tortfonte aprice on clothing for the past years, with nothing on earth as an appology, or excuse for it save the insatiate greed of of the wool manufacturers, will ever stand a stigma, upon the names of the high protectionist in Washington, who stood for it. The great honest laboring mas ses of this Republic will yet learned to curse the memory of •uch men as Cannon. Payne, and Aldrich, the High Priest of American lagalized brigands— and tariff pilferers. ALL SHOULD FEEL ITS IM PORTANCE. Every citizen whose home^ is in Mebane should feel the im portance of doing what ever is PQsible to advance the toWtas in- ter^t, froin» and industrial, and manufacturing point of view. Much may be done if there is a united effort, and it behooves the leading citizens to do what is posiple to secure united sup port of any and all measures tending to the towns material uplift. There is plenty of room in Mebane for the location of industries, and much labor may be secured here to operate them. There is plenty of land for sale at reasonable prices near here for farms, raising stock, and the grasses, and considering the low prices, the excelent land, the splendid water, and the health- full climatic condition there is no place In North Carolina, that offers equal advantages. This section is easily able to main tain a population of three or four times the population it now has. There are a great many things that could be made helpfull by those interested in the sale of real estate in this section. YOU CAN RELY ABSOLUTE LY' UPON HIM. You Wont make any mistake by putting your money in the Commercial Farmers Bank of Mebane, Put in that Bank and we can assure yoil it will be safe, we do not know of a more prudent or .conservative man engaged in the banking business than Mr. Sam Morgan, cashier of this bank, you can rely abso lutely upon Mr. Morgans, full discharge of all imposed upon him. A Wedding That Was Qolden Sure Enough.* What is said to be the most elaborate fl^lden weddmg anniversary ever cele* brated anywhere in the wc^ld tookjplace at PaMdtoa, Cai, 7th oi^ ivtth Mr. and Mn. Adolphus Bosch, the central figures. The most beautiful and costly of the presents was the diadem presented ‘to Mrs. Busch by her husband. It is a crowtrof gold studded With dianibnds and pearls, and valued at $200!|000. It was made in Frankfort, Gern^iny. At the wedding feast tonight at'the Busch mansion Mrs. Busch was crotvn^ and given a seat beside her husband on a miniature throne. The presents received by the couple are valued at more than $500,000. The children presented the piirenta with a dozen full-sized dinner plates made of solid gold and valued at $25,000. A solid gold flower basket valued at$16,- 000 was received from thegaandchildren. President Taft sent a $20 gold coin of the new St- Gaudens design in an ivory case. Theodore RooFevelt sent a solid-gold loving cup, and there was a gold loving cup from Emperor Wjlliam. A magnificent loving cup was received from citizens of Pasadena. The wedding feast took place tonight at the Blossoms, the Bisch winter home. The floral decoraion^ were valued at $50,000. faith- duties Tightening The Money Trust. It is announced that high and active representatives of the National City and First National Banks will soon be chosen upon the diroctiorate of the National Bank of Commerce, which will form a closer bond of union be tween the Standard Oil and Blorgan banking *‘groups." The actual con* solidation of the three institutions has been mooted but was rejected as diffi cult or undesireble. Their virtual union by interlocking directorates will mass a banking capital of $60,000,000, a surplus of $70,000,000, deposits of nearly $550,000,000. - New York World. THE ATLANTIC HOTEL MOREHEAD CITY. The Atlantic Hotel at More- head City, will be under the management of Mr. T. Alex Batter, a native of Ridgeway, N. C. Mr. Baxter bears the re putation of a first class hotel man having been connected with a number of resort hotels of prominance. Mr. Baxter will reach Mote- head City by or before the first of April, and will proceed at once to make such changes, and secure such improvements ad will be conducive to the com fort, and delight of visiting guest at the Atlantic during the coming season. A number of North Carolina Conventions have indicated there desire to be held at the Atlantie Hotel next summer, among these North Carolina Dental Assodilh tion, June 28th, and the North Carolina Pharmacutical Associa tion, will hold its Annual Con vention at the Atlantic Hotel during the month of July. An especial effort is being made this Year to have a number of inter esting Asssociations meet at Morehead, and preperations hftte been made look to their entef- lainment. False And Pernicious Teaching. If the authorites of Roanoke College permit the continued use by the instructors of a text-book which from cover to cover is slanderous of the Southern people, their political record, their social institations and their moral character; then the sooner the South ern people withdraw their children from the false and pernicious teachings of Roanoke College, and leave it to rely for patronage on that limited class of Northerners who still cherish as truths the fictions born of malignant passion and nutured as adjuncts of an unholy propaganda, the best for all arties concerned. Certainly the parents and guardians of Virginia youths should refuse countenance and support to a school which lends its influences to the perpetuation of falsehoods defamatory of their ancestors and therefore insulting to themselves. To rear in our midst a generation embued with hatred of all that their progeni tors held holy is not the task committed by the South to its educators. The schools that have the mission of raising John Brown to the pedestal of a martyred hero, and of according to Robert Lee the bad eminence of a traitor, have no place on Southern soil and no claim on Southern tolerance Roanoke College should promptly rid itself both of the Professors who have abused their opportunities and of tl 9 instrumentality they have employed to that end. No less should be demanded; no less should be accepted by a justly indignant public. Even then there would remain ground for righteous complaint that the cause for such 4 di^and should ever have arisen!' Peda- g(^ical excuses can not figure in cases like this. The offence offered to the entire South cannot be atoned fcr except by repudiation of the o^enders Distances. Oh, the blue distances. Beckoning, luridng. In the slow twilights Of whisper and dream— Callii^ me, calling. So that I follow . Into the silence. Into the dusk' Here, while the winter Falters and lingers, Cometh the promise, The impulse, the vision, Prawing my footsteps Down tiie old roadway To the dear haunts Where the violets ire waiting. All the bewitchments Of past and of futtu« Blend in the blueness That draws and consoles me; So that I pass In a dream from the city. Down the old roadway Into the nightfall. Forth to the {mystical Hope that allures me. To the blue distances Beckoning, calling. —Pall Mall Gazette. Life Span in Man and Animals. The problem of longlevity is being studied not only from the morality records of human life, but similar rec ords are now being kept of animals in captivity, in order that the conditions for keeping them alive may become better understood. Various life spans were lately reviewed by Dr. P. Chal mers Mitchell at the London Royal Institute. The classic example of extreme age in roan is Thomas Parr, or “Old Parr," who died ih L6ndon in 1635 at the 're- p«^ted age of 152 years, atid two or three others have been credited with reaehin^ 140 years or morer While figures are questioned, persons are certainly known t6 five considera bly more than 100 years the nutnb^ now on the increase. Man's nearest relatives—the Chim as well as of the text from they panzee, orangotttang and gorilla-probab drew their poison. Re|>aratf(^ for this pait is unfortunately impossible. The jhoung minds already parvetted to 'dis torted views of their own section and kindred may never escape the dominion of false beliefs. But for the prMent and the future the pollution and its sources must be banished. Else th^ college should be shunned by Southern patrons as a fountain of pestilence. -Va Pilot. The Power of Dreams. (From Exchange.) An Irishman and a Scotchman once went traveling through « Western' praire. It happened that one af ter-^noon fch6y shot a single quail, which would do for breakfast for one of them on the following morning. Knowing that the bird was not enough for two, they agreed to have it eaten by the one who should have the best dream during the night. When they woke early in the morn ing the Irishman said to the Scotch man, “An, phwat did you dr-ream,' Sandy?" “Well,” answered the Scot, dreamed that I saw a beautiful, basket descend from heaven, and then 1 got. into it and was bomu up in para dise.” ‘‘An’ I dr-reamed,” said the Irish man, “that I saw you goin^^up, lUtif thought you wouldn’t cotne back, an’ so I got up and ate the quail.” WILKINSON’S FOR QUALITY! iS 0 LISTEN L Just A Moment Of Your Time We will pay your railroad fair from Ha^' Kiver, Me bane, Efland or Hillsboro to Durham and return to any one who perchases goods at our store to the a- mount of $15,00, or more for your self, or neighbor in one day. Or we will mail you a complete line of samples with prices of any class of dress goods, and upon the receipt of your cash order will forward same to you free of express charges when the amount of perchase is $5 or more. An elaborate line of all styles of ladies dress goods and ready to wear garments. Ellis, Stone & Co. Durham. N. C. For Guaranteed Tailoring—For Real Satisfaction Giving Garments. Place your order with us. Yours for business, H. £. WILKINSON, CO. “The Store For Quality” BROWN-BELK CO. Offers foulard silks, a soft clinging textile, in exquisits colors, and shades, nothing so nice, and then we have the Taffetas, the Tussah silks the satin foulards, and striped Messalines, all in the latest, and most catchy colors, and be sides them, we have a wealth of Organdies, Chiffons, and the brightest shades of light weight spring frabrics. Anjrthing you may wish that a lady wears. Write for samples, and we will forward them at once. WEARENOW Receivins^ Daily Invoices of a large stock of our spring ^ purchases selected under special care of a member of our firm just returned from the North, including figured and colored Organdies, white Linens, something very pretty, and an immence line of the pret ties of all spring weaves, and colors A big stock of ladies white goods, and silk dresses. Some of the latest tailored Spring Suits for ladies. A full line of Oxford for ladies, children and Misses, The prettiest and latest low-cuts* Brown-BeUc, Co. COR SOUTH ELM AND WASiUNOTON ST. GREENSBORO. J. D. & L B. WHITTED, BURLINGTON, ly live sixty or seventy years, although Uie smaller apes do not exceed twenty-, five years. Lions, tigers and bearis may reach forty-five or fifty. Of other Ufe possibilities, as near u can be d^ termined, that of the elephant is 100 years; rhinoceros, fifty or ^ty; horse, forty; deer, forty or more; cattle and sheep, domestic cat, and squirrel, twenty; eagle, over 100; owl, eighty;' panrot, '^er 100; ifaven and'^ crow, seventy; ostrich, under forty itodae imd duck, over thirty; canary md somie small singing birds, twenty t6 thirty. - J MenV whales, eagles and par^ts are the only''aniiinals exc^dfng lo6 years. Few animals how^erV readh the g^etttest ptossible age,'^as the' average lenitte of Hfe depends upon enemiei, M^dents, disease, tod living conditio^ NEW GOOPS! Invoices of new spring prints Percales, Organdies, La^s, Lin- nenS, and a NUMBER of other pretty and attractive weaves just received. Notions, trimings etc. A nice line of the BEST makes of SHOES. Wfe will do our best to please you. Meb^e Store Co. Mebane, N. C A Fierce Night Alarm. the hoare, startling cough of a child suddenly attacked by crotip. Often' it aroused Lewis Chamblin of Manchester 0., (R. R. ^o. 2) for their four c^ild^n were gr^tfy subject fo croup^ "''Soift^ times in s^isre attilcks,^'he w^te “we were afraid they would die, but since we proved what a certain remedy Dr. King’s New Discovery is, we haVe no fear. We rely on it’ for croup and for coughs, colds or any throat or lung troublel So do' t^usands of bther^ "o may youl Asthma, Hay f*oven’ lAp.rippe,, .pooping iTongli,' Hemorr hage fiy jfefore ""i£.'^ 50c ‘and |i.^. Trial bottle free. Co. Sold by Met>ahe1 A nice line of the l^t makes of sft6es,hats etc. DRY GOODS, notions^Constantiy on hand a full line of pure fresh groceries. Don't fail to see our 5 and lOra fe^^ter it will interest you. Highest prices paid for allcouiit]^ produce. We make special effort to please botJi in prices, and quality of goods. J. p. HUNT, Warehouse St li^lbane, ^.C mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmMm A Car Load Of Cutaway and peg tooth Harrows A full line of wire fenceing, all kinds of farm implements. Prices right at Tyson-Malone, Hdw. Co. MEBANE, N. C. Exclusively rOR LADIES My trimming and ready to wear garm ents is new being constantly augmented with spring purchases of the latest de signs in fashionable fabrics. Don't forget when in Greensboro to call on us C. H. Dorsett, Greensboro. A SOUVENIR FOR YOU To any one writing for our new catalogue at the same time stating that they are now, or will be, during the year in the m^arket for a monument or head-stone, will receive a beautiful souvenior FREE. T. 0. SHARP, MARBLE a GRANITE CO. Durham, N. C. COURTESY AND CONSIDERATION THE WATCHWORD in this bank for commercial con venience. We watch and safeguard your business and personal interests every way possible, give you the security and receipt of a checking account, collect debts for you in distant places, loan money on'desirable security and rfo a general banking business on fair terms. Commercial & Farmers Bank. Mebane N. C.

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