Mebane Leader J. O. FOY, Editor and Owner Entered as second classlmatter Feb ruary 8, 1909, at the Post Office at Mebane, N. C., anderthe act of March 1897. iMued Everf Thursday Momig. SUBSCRIPTION: O^IYear, - - - $1-00 tSIx Months, - - - *50 Three Months, - - -25 mr PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ^end Currency, Postal Money Order or Stamps. COBRESPON DENCE We wiih correspondents in all the nearby post offices. Write at ojw^. Thursday. May 11 1911 hose that was but a little thicker than musquito nettinpr, exposing their limbs to the cold air, prop- ed up on shot heels that look unsighty and are decidedly un comfortable, and must essenstlaly prove a great strain on the spinal nerves- Then there are a large contingent who wear very low neck waist exposing their throats to cold drafts of ah*. Now if these things are right, what is wrong about their skirts? Let them wear what they please, but it looks that some one, brother, father or husband should feel surficient interest in the dear creatures to insist upon them wearing shoes that were made with some regard for comfort, or hose that was only a shade w better than bare legs. FIRE INSURANCE IN THE SOUTH. The Louisville Courier-Journal gives some valuable information on a subject thatii of very great importance in North Carolina just at the present time. One great fact brought out in the article, and one that we wish to impress on the readers is that in these 30 years past 14 of the southern states have sent away from this section the vast sura of $639,517,275 Of course this sum represents the amount paid for fire insurance, but a very small per cent, was ever returned in the form of losses. These millions representing the toil of the men of the south have gone to the north and to Europe to swell their riches. North Carolina is paying millions for her fire insurance each year and while it is an unsafe and unwise thing for the state to send out all this money each year to the north and to Earoya yet the worst feature to US is that tke people of the state are having to pay out $500,000 more each year for fire insurance than they should /—Raleigh Times. These are facts, and they are facts that wouki have put any one to thinking outside of the crowd that misrepresented pub lic senthnent at the siting of the last (Jeneral Assemble. North Carolina is a great state, she has produced some great men, many of whom to day hold positions of high honor, and trust in other section of this great nation, but the simpering fs7^1c£udL nrith.. tJoiSjr dull to every appeal to reason made to members of the last General Assembly do not belong to that class. It was ignorance indifference or mercenary motives that dead ened their sense of right, their knowledge of duty. Every com munity should ascertain the standing of its member in the last Legislature, and if with in difference or deliberation they cooperated with the crowd to continue the fire insurance bur dens upon the people, then they should be branded with an in delible stay home mark, that will last all times. HOW ABOUT IT? A party said to us the day Lewis V^est was electrocuted, that West was under the im pression that his sins were for given, and he was going straight to Heaven. Mumford the man that he killed was deprived of his life without five minutes no tice, and if he was not a Chris tian man at the moment he was shot then he possibly died with out repentance. How about it? Constantly arriving, embracing the latest in spring clothing for men, and boys. SEE OUR SPECIAL GL0TKIN6 DEPARTMENT A nice line of straw hats just in, for men, boys, and girls. A beautiful line of the latest low cut shoes for men, women, boys, and girls. Nice line of dress goods. Rain-coats. Mebane Store, Co. Mebane, N. C. In adition to diverting the tide of emigration that was flowing from Europe to the United States to Canada, there are large num bers leaving the northern boun- dry of this country and going to Canada, Canada has not a tariff wall that pens up her citizens to be robbed as is the case in this country. You can live cheaper and better there on very much less money. This is the land of graft, and legal theft. AT THE ATUNTIO HOTEL one NO DIFFERENCE TO HIM. We do not presume it will make any difference to Grompers that 23 indictments have been found against the McNamaras charging them with murder, ar son, and conspiracy and a num ber of o*;her heineous crimes, and with apparent proof surfici ent to convict them upon some at least of these capital charges. Law abiding people are get ting real weary of such flannel mouthed uttances as Gompers has given vent too, and are strictly in a humor to see that the Mc Namaras, and their ilk get jus tice, and justice does not mean a subversion of the law as con templated by Gompers. Labor led by Gompers and the McNamaras, and capital led by Aldrich, Cannon, Payne, and the coal baron Bears, are all alike, inimical to the welfair of this county, they are all anarchist under different and dissimilar combinations and are striving by unlawfull means to wring from the middle class and unearned increment, fighting over the spoils that a government makes possible in its grinding favori tism, The whole outfit should be put down, at whatever sacra- fice or cost Preparing For Record Breaking Season. Manager Baxter now at Morehead City is—directing improvements, a spa cious convention hall is added. With the arrival of ideal Spring weather, the famous old Atlantic Hotel at More- head City, presents an animated scene these days, under the direction of Mr. T. Alex Baxter, the new Manager. IS- migageu m maKmg tne "raosc exten sive repairs and improvents on the building and grounds since the historic spot became a pleasure and health- giving resort years ago Its fame as a “plabe of pleasure" has spread far and wide in that time, and the news that the State’s “Summer Capital" will be made still more attractive and comfortable will be of interest to numbers of people in an about the State who make their summer homvs at Morehead City. On the second floor a number of rooms have been thrown into one, making a spacious convention hall for the entertainment and comfort of the numerous associations and societies who hold their annual conventions at the Hotel. In and out the house is being re painted, additional bath rooms added, and new furniture installed m 100 of the guest rooms. Bowling alleps, pool tables and other amusements, are being installed. Tennis courts are being made on the west end of the lawn. A pleasing sight will greet the visitor on arrival at the Hotel on June 15th the opening day. Manager Baxter is giving much attention to improving the lawn and the immediate sur roundings of the Hotel Flowers of various kinds and many evergreens have been planted and are in evidence everywhere. It is said that the Norfolk Southern Railroad has promised the Management to make the cheapest tourist rates to the Hotel this year that have ever been provided. With the improvements and the hearty co-operation of the railroads an unusually successful season is confidently looked for. SENSELESS DRESSJ We do not see why there should be so much said about the har em, or directoir skirt, as long as women wear other things that are far more predudical to health, and reflect so seriously upcn common sense. All duii ig the past winter many have worn Patten Gives $2,000,000. James A. Patten, the grain and cot ton operator, is spending at least $2,000- 000 of his fortune in a sysematic effort to rid the world of the white plague, says a Chicago dispatch to the Phila delphia Ledger. With the same sagacity and energy that made him famous as a speculator and enabled him in a few years to amass a fortune estimated to be not much less than 120,000,000. Mr. Pat ten has begun a personal campaign of “social service "the keynote of which is the gift of $2,000,000 within the last six months for charities and public works. Mr. Patten has now set going the hardest war on disease that has ever been known their. J' M. Howell, a popular druggist of Greenburg, Ky., says, “We us Cham- b?rlain’s Cough Remedy in our own ho isehold and know it is excellent." For sale by all Dealers. Peas For Sale. Black, whippoorwill, and mixed at $2,50 per bushel at Chas. F. Oates, Mebane, N. C. RADIUM SPRAY Gleans Everytliing but A Guilty Conscience To the Radium Spray Company, Durham, N. C. Dear Sirs:- I have used Radium Spray in my household for cleaning pur poses and for killing flies, I find that it surpasses all other lemidies. Youas very Truly, J. F. Freeman, Chief of Police. Radium Spray is a disinfectant, cleaner dust layer, killer of all in sects. Do you raise chickens? we guarantee that Radium Spray will prevent the spread of Gaps and cholera and will kill lice and mites. County rights for sale. Radium Spray Go. of N. C. C. W. Blunt Mgr. Durham, N. C. THAT Spring Suit FOR YOURSELF OR BOY Our Clothing Department is Helpfully Ready to Serve Your ISeeds for the Coming Season at a SAVING INPRICE. : : : v/uu ui Ijgw oiioes For Men, Women, and Children - all out on our BARGAIN COUNTERS - each pair priced in plain figures. Co melook them over, the Saving in Price is Great. Brown-Belk Co. Greensboro, N. C. If You Don’t Trade With Us Both Lose Money. WE HAVE A nice line of the best makes of shoes, hats etc. RY GOODS, notions—Constantly on hand a full line of pure fresh groceries. Don't fail to see our 5 and lOcts counter it will interest you. Highest prices paid for all country produce. We make special effort to please both in prices, and quality of goods. J. D. HUNT, &BRO. Warehouse St. Mebane, N.C SKEEE-K^FKKtM-rtYlCR COMPANY ONE PRICE CASH CLOTHIERS, HAHERS AND FURNISHEllS We can fit, and give you perfect satisfaction in quality and price. Sneed-Markham-Taylor Company. Markhams Corner ... Durham N. G. - .,c Ji Barefooted. As the season is now approaching when all children desire to go bare footed, it is well that they should be warned that this pleasure does not come without danger. Until recent years v;e attached little importance to ground-itch, or toe-itch, so commonly seen among bnrefooted chidren who go about in the dew or other damp places. We now know that ground-itch is the initial symptom of hookworm disease and that it would not develope unless the soil had been polluted by sufferers from the disease. The myriads of eggs passing daily along with the excreta from their bodies develope into tiny microscopic worms too small to be seen. These, when allowed to come in conta.*t with the skin, burrow through producing an attack of ground-itch. AT SUITS Now Selling Fast The backward season has not retarded the sale of spring suits here—we have sold great numbers of them—because the ladies have learned to appreciate the extraordinary values offered at this store. A magnificent new showing this week at special prices-figures startling low for high- grade, well-tailored apparel. All new colors reliable cloths and extra well made garments. One Third ct Farmers Endorse It About 2,000,000 farmers [in the, United States, or pi-actically one-third [ ^ of the entire number, heartily endorse ‘ ^ the Watkins Way of merchandizing, for they know they can get better goods j and more of them for the same money' — from the Watkins salesman, than they | can elsewhere, and they are delivered right at their door. Besides vastly benefitting their customers, Watkins salesmen make a good thing out of it for themselves. Right now we need a active, energetic, young, salesman in Alamance County.—Address. The J. R. Watkins Company. 113 South Gay Street, Baltimore, Maryland. Es tablished 1868. Capital over $2,000,000. Plant contains 10 acres floor space. . H. Dorsett, VJTiV; N. C. The Jersey Cow. Away down south in Dixie Land, We have the Jersey cow; She’s the biggest paying thing we have. I tell you that right now. She lifts the mortgage from the farm. And feeds the babies too; She pays household bills all right, Each day the whole year through. She fills the pail with nice, rich cream When you put her to the test; Just feed her well and treat her kind. And she will do the rest. She’ll doubly pay for all the bran. And meal and hulls you buv; And when you sum up all a^'counts, You’ll forget that feed is high. She’s grateful too for favors shown, Just like a little petting, too; She gets so close to a woman’s heart, Just as the children do. She is the dearest little cow. With a disposition kind; She's high toned too in all respects. Her Tv»pr nn one can find. The farmer needs no credit book. He’s always happy now; Next to his wife and little kids. He loves the Jersey cow. Three cheers for the little Jersey cow She’s a treasure that we hold; The poor man’s friend the rich man’s pride. She’s worth her weight in gold. Little Miss Luth Lutz, recited this poem at the Killian’s school closing and it took the dairy farmers by storm —Hickory Democrat. We will pay your railroad fair from Haw River, Me bane, Efland or Hillsboro to Durham and return to any one who perchases goods at our store to the a- mount of $15,00, ir more for your self, or neighbor in one day. Or we will mail you a complete line of samples with prices of any class of dress goods, and upon the receipt of your cash order will forward same to you free of express charges when the amount of perchase is $5 or more. An elaborate line of all styles of ladies dress goods and '■ eady to wear garments, Ellis, Stone & Co, Durham. N. C. Tyson-Malone Hdw. Company, Just received Car-load Sanford Bug gies, nice neat and up to-date. See W. Y. Malore he will treat you right. Tyson-Malone, Hdw. Co. MEBANE, N C. Saved Child From Death. “After our child had sufferdfrom se vere bronchial trouble for a year.’ wrote G. T. Richardson, of Richardson’s Milos, Ala., “we feared it had consum ption. It had a bad cough all the time. We tried many remedies without avail, and doctor’s medicine seemed as useless. Finally we tried Dr. King’s New Discovery, and are pleased to say that one bottle effected a complete cure, and our child is again strong and healthy.” For coughs, colds, hoarseness lagrippe, asthma, croup and sore lungs its the most infallible remedy that’s made. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Mebane, Drug Co. Overheard. “I saw Mrs. Wotton riding down| street in her new electric with the baby j and her monogram on it.” “Who’s Henderson? Don’t you re- I member the fellow that made the lemon ade at the picnic with the long whiskers and the striped shirt?” “Yes, madam, Miss Glorring is the young lady at the counter yonder look ing at the shirtwaists with a cluster ring.” “He was that poor man who had his leg cut off on the street car that had two such lovely children that ran off thi curve.” •‘He was the guy that missed the ! train with a wooden leg.” “The livery man sent us a horse and b'Jggy with a bob tail.”—Chicago Poet. | .WHITHD Burlinston Announces that there Spring stock is now complete in every line, embracing every thing pretty that a lady needs for dress. Charming shirt waist the prettiest conceive- able. Linnen suits, ready to wear skirts, and and the prettiest petticoats in any desired length. White and figured dress goods, in all of the latest weaves. Our shoe depart ment is better supplied than ever. A Gorgeous display of milinery. Don't foiget us. J.D.&L.B.Whitted Burlington, N. C. A SOUVENIR FOR YOU To any one writing for our new catalogue at the same time stating that they are now, or will be, during the year in the market for a monument or head-stone, will receive .a beautiful souvenior FREE. T. 0. SHARP, MARBLE & GRANITE CO. Durham, N. C. LIVER’^ rEED AND SALES STABLES First-Class Rigs for hire at short notice. HORSES FED OR BOARDED DON T f AIL TO SEC IV1C. COST. M. B. MILES, IVIebane. N. C. KILLTHBeOUGH and CUREmLumGSl ^DR.KINCS NEWDlSCOVHBfi (^TOI^OTLEFKE AND AUTHRQAT AND LUNG TROUBLES ci/AMAfr££/> SAr/sMcropy' O ff M0/^£Y ReJ^UA/OJED. THE FIRST STEP. towards prosperity and independence is a deposit in a good savings bank. The biggest fortunes in the world had their foundation in small savings. The Commercial and Farmers Bank opens accounts with as little as one dollar. Make a deposit to-day and start on the road to independence. The first step isn't hard and the others are easier, once you get the habit. Commercial & Farmers Bank. • Mebane N. C. mi t w« of did h( A Samuel Gor American F^ the arrest of “the first ac plating the as labor.’ If organize thedeathblow private detec by employers * ‘interests. the labor dea Mr. Gomp arrests for t “the whole a prearrangem SecreUry of arrests “an \ J. Spencer, J Trades Pepa suggests tha ite and infei detectives “ •Interests.’ While Mr ,.a Mr. ;»i.tabUsh a , "scredit ort etectives o inent was no of Ortie McManigal dynamite lives and more than describe 1 carelessly o the explosr had visited paid for hii Mr. Gom Spencer > confession trated for but this described “fakes;” corpses real. The “fakes;” committed grew out matters killed order to org^*nized property ' selves in the unioni Mr. Go no words infamous to protest charged in the course co leaders o do more t organizec of indu World. Splen fort I Beauf( es ot Tr daily in Moreheii Begin Bass be( is predi« guides 0 It when tl made f forty y proved is now earth f Cuts, Eczem and Pi A C off th« gives intent roosti and pounc chanc sacre vente said t painl( being by tl tribe W scarc sing! micr then that the Uve- bran fing( on Do No, evil per ma are chi the dea de( gei dn wr C.. six on

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