THE ¥ BECAUSE RIGHT IS, RIGHT WC OARC DEFEND IT. Vol. 2 MEBANE, N.C., THVBSDAT. MAY 18 1911 NO. 13 personal and local briefs Fish Fry and wick Stew. people who cmoe and go Items of interest Gathered by Our Repovten Miss Lula Holmes went up to Bur- linffton Tuesday. Mr. Brice Warren, of Caswell county was in Mebane Monday. (Shakespear) W. S. Harris, haagfone to Little Rock, Ark., to attend the reunion. Mr. John Holmes, is expected to take a trip to Lexington, quite soon. Mr. Jinks Mebane and wife of Graham, aoent Sunday in Mebane visiting friends. Mrs. Ella Vincent and son left Mon day for an extended Visit to Mrs. Vincents brother at Texakaner, Ark. Mr. G L. Johnson, left Monday on a commercial tour in the interest of the Mebane Bedding Company. C'apt. George Mebane, left Saturday for Little Rock, Ark., to attend the Confedrate Veterans reunion. Please note change of advertitment of N. S. Cardwell of Burlington. Mr. Cardwell, buys in large lots and sells very close. Mr. R. H. Tyson, is having erected for himself a handsome residence on Summit Hill South Fifth Street. The Book Club. «fisa Lenorah Graves Harris was hostess Thursday after-noon to the Thunday After-noon Book Club at her beautiful country home one mile north of Mebane. The hostess delightfully entertained the club members with a puzzle contest which afforded preat amusement lor the after>noon. Misses Holmes and Scott, were the fortunate ones to win out. Following the game a dainty course was served, consisting of Angels food, Nabisco?, and Grape juice. At a late hour the members bade farewell to the charming hostess after spending a pleasant evening. The m^nbers present were: Misses Lula Holmes, Margie Scott, Fannie Mebane, Lillie Fowler, Mary While, JeiHiie Lasley Meadames Hawley and Straughan. The next meeting of the club Thurs day May 25th, which vrill be the last boys will long remember- meeting in May and the members are planning to have a delightful time. Mrs. F. M. Hawley, will be hostess at her lovely home east of Mebane. Bruns Efiand Item. 18 Miss Mirtle Asbery who is spending some time with her sister Mrs. P. Nel son went down to Durham to spend Sun lay. Capt. Thomas D. Davidson, the clever salesman of the International Gas Engine Company was in Mebane the first of the week. Miss Steinmitz, daughter of Mr. H. Steinmitz Florist of Raleieh, was in Mebane the first of the week attending the Bingham school commencement. If its hats, and hats suitable for the season, see the Vanstory Clothing Company, of Greensboro. They carry a big line of everything best to wear. Misses Margarett andSussie Chandler are at home in Mebane having closed their schools. These charming young ladies will delight Mebane society during the summer months. It is said that in case of an invasion of Mexico by the United States that Col. Roosevelt, will tender his services to the Government to lead it. Just like him. Ladies muslin underwear, something dainty and pretty, and a beautiful line of stylish hats at Misses Marrow Bason and Green, Burlington. Rev. Mr. Hurley, the new Methodist preacher assigned to this charge will be here Sunday and preach his first sermon in the Methodist church. Mr. C. C. Curtis, who recently purchased a portion of the Eaton place near Mebane moved his family over the past week, and is now domiciled at his new home. of Remarkable Escape of Man on Top of Telegraph Pole. Mr. C. W. Farland, who is connected with the Bell Telephone Company, had a narrow escape in Greensbore, from death Thursday. When at work on the top of a pole he came in oontact with a cable carrying 2,300 volts of electricity and completed a circuit to the ground. He was held in place for several min utes until he became unconscious and fell on some wire which held |his body until he regained consciousness. He did not suffer any serious after ef fects from the shock, but h s escape is remarkable. Coble Bradshaw and Company Burlington, changes their advertisment in this weeks Leader. If it is any kind of farm machinery needed do not fail to see them. B. A. Sellers And Son. IS The attentiwi of our readers directed to the one fourth of a page advertisment of B. A. Sellers and son of Burlington. The Messrs. Srflers carry a large stock of selected ladies dress goods, white goods, Spring silks, Messalens, tailored skirts etc., with corsets hosiery etc. This tirm does big business among the people of this sectwn who will appreciate the' fact that they are advertising in their home paper. See their ad on 3 page. Ministerial Student Sui cides At Mars Hill. After borrowing a shotgun from merchant at Mars Hill, Archie Linley, 24 years of age, of Anderson, S, Cl went to his room and blew out his brains at 2:30 o’clock Saturday after noon. Linley arrived at Mars Hill, 18 miles from Ashville, and told various people there that he had come to spend the summer. He engaged a room at the residence of Mrs. Kate Woodrow, who was shopping in the town at the time of the tragedy. The deceased was a ministerial stu dent, and it is thought that his mind had been affected by close study. He is survived by a mother, a sister and two brothers. A New Mill. A fish fry, Brunswick stew, and a general good time. These past few warm days brought the boys out in great shape. There was a simultaneous agreement among them to meet at Scotts mill Friday eve. the 12tb» and have a good time- Joe Vincent, W. L. Crawford, W. E. Ham, R. H. Tyson, Ben Warren, W. W. Corbett, John Holmes, F.L. White, Charlie Dillard, Arthur White, Joe Kenyon, S. G. Morgan, Shakespear Harris, P. Nelson, Murray Ferguson, Will Satterfield, J. W. Warren, Roy Thompson, Frank Warren, Dr. J. M. Wells, Fred Boss, J. Edwin White, Felix Graves and J.O. Foy,were among those present, Joe Kenyon was chief cook, and W. E Ham was general manager. It was a great old time, one that the Fried fish, fresh from the water, old North , Car olina com bread, Brunswick stew, Budweiser, and Schlitz constituted a portion of the refreshments served on the occassion. Some little incident in reference to the gay time the boys had would not be entirely out of place. It was no ticed that Murray Ferguson kept on eating during the entire -«vening, ex cept when he would stop to take a soft drink from a bottle, Murray ex plained by saying he had been busy and had not eaten anything since morning. Now there was a young roan usua- ly quiet and clevar who got to playing with the boys and split his shirt badly, but he asked us not to tell his name, and so for the present we will with hold it He says the next time he plays leap frog, he is going to wear suspenders and a vest. It was down on the programme that F. L. White was to shoot an orange with a bow and ar row from the heel of Joe Kenyon while he stood on his head, but Joe refused to stand, he said his head was lighter than his heels and he could not keep it down. Capt. Ham kept close to the frying pan in which the fish were fried, he explained the fact of his seeming to eat a good deal upon the g^unds that the cook should taste the food often in order to have it pro perly seasoned. It was the purpose to have the fish frv at Scott-Cates Mill, but owing to a pressing invitation from thal genial gentlemen Felix Graves it was held higher up the mill race at his farm, beneath the shadows of some giant Oaks. It was a great old time and all who went out, enjoyed it. RORMMI LEWIS ELECTROOU- SOUTHERN G00KIN6 AT ATUR- A Credit And a Pride It ought to be, and no doubt is source of pride, and gratification to the many friends and well wishes of the Leader to note the evidences of its prosperity, a credit alike to the town in which it is published. It is no every day accomplishment to build up and maintain a newspaper of the character and merit of the Leader in a town the size of Mebane and in the time in which it has been done Mrs. Jack Price of Burlington visiting her sister Mrs. J. B. Mrs. A- P. king and chikUe* W- etteyilie have been visiting ^^iretetives near Efiand. Miss “Bob’* Kirkpatrick visited Mrs. D. S. Mayse last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Thompson visited Mrs. Thompson brothetr, Rev., Tom Strowd at Chapel Hill, «lso attwided Confederate veteran's reunion there last week. Mr. e! G. Fonest attended the Car nival at Graham Wednesday ni|^ Rev. Homer Casto, and G. C. Tlxwap- son visited Mr. D. Hayes one dif ^ week. T. B. Fitzpatrick is at home- from Wilmington with his family for a few days. Miss Annie Murray spent Saturday night with her friend Miss May Rich mond. Mrs. Joe Thompson and daughter Josephine left here last Saturday to visit her mother Mrs. Sharpe near Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Dickey of Sumpter S. C. came in Saturday to visit Mrs. Dickeys parents Mr. and Mrs. James Pratt. Mrs. G. C. Thompson and Mrs. Dud ley Thompson spent Sunday st River Side Farm with Mr. Brown. Mr. Edgar Mayes called on Miss Bess Baity Sunday afternoon that new hat? Miss Sudie Miller and brother spent last Tuesday with their aunt Mrs. Fitz patrick. I Bir. J. H. Campbell and Joe Al bright went up to Graham Saturday night. Misses Nan and Lula Pratt "went to Raleigh Monday to spend some" time with their sister Mrs. Joe Kirkpatrick. Mr. Mac. Efiand and Miss Estelle Forrest accompanied by several fri«ads and Rev. Homer Casto went to Raleigh Monday a. m. and were married atthe Hotel Raleigh by Rev. H. Casto. The happy couple left for NorfJk and other 'cities immediately after the words was spoken that made them man and wife to spend their hmey raooiv Mr. William Thompson Is quite sick at the home of his daughter Murrays. Mr. Charley Brown who has been sick of typeoid fever for sometime improving we are glad to leam, Mr. Frank Boggs has been on the sick list for several days. Mrs. C. C. Taylor left for MortsviUe Tenn. last week to spend sometime the Springs recuperating her health, we wish for her a speedy recovery Al-fa-ra-ta. TED He Killed Chief of Police of Spring Hope. There was not a hitch of any sort in the electrocution of Norman Lewis in the state’s prison at Raleigh Friday morning last when this negro prisoner paid tJie death penalty for the murder of Chief of Police Stallings, of Spring Hope, Nash county, a dastardly crime that was committed last September, when the officer was attempting to arrest the negro for selling whiskey. and Mrs. H. O. How about How to Live (From the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.) Life lengthened to its fullest is short enough; and the man who lives it out on straight lines, giving lift for lift and lick for lick, not overjoyous in periods of personal success and achievement, nor yet too despondent when the game goes against him, keep ing in micd always the supreme value of the average in all things, will leave the world still so much in love with H that he would like to linger yet for while to work and dream in its pleas ant and fruitful pastures. Mrs. Joe To TIG HOTEL Be A Feature This Summer. 6IN6HAM OOMMENOEMENT What is better than good fresh sea trout just taken from the sea, or Spanish mackerel fresh from the Ocean, fried in the good old Southern fashion, com cakes made from water ground meal, ecood coffee. Every one in North Carolina knows how delicious are the fish at Morehead City-every one likes sea food and corn bread cakes, “Tar Heel” fashion. Manager Baxter, of the Atlantic Hotel is a “Tar Heel” himself and he likes this sort of food and a feature of the service at the Atlantic Hotel this summer will be a return to the old fashion Southern dishes and sea food will be plentiful at every meal. MUST DISOLVE The Standard Oil Octopers Must Take its Tentacles Oft Of Trade The Standard Oil Company of New Jersey and its nineteen subsidiary corporations were declared Monday by the Supreme Court of the United States to be a conspiracy and combination in restraint of trade. It also was held to be mmopolizing interstate commerce in violation of the Sherman anti-trust law. The dissolution of the combination was ordered to take place within six months. Thus ended the tremendous strug gle of years on the part of the gov ernment to put down by authority of law a combination which it claimed was a menace to the industrial and economic advancement of the entire country. Thi sis the biggest, by far, proposition tbe united States Supreme (Jourc na» ever undertaken to tackle, and a day of thanks should be observed in order that proper appreciation might be manifested for the way this- mighty combine has been dealt with by this the highest of courts. Hen Fruit. Greensboro Telegram. J. P. Jones, a chicken fancier of 501 Gorrell street comes forward with a hen egg which is some hen fruit. This egg is 7 1-2 inches in cirsumference and measures 8 1-2 inches around the long way. It weighs five ounces, and is just about twice the size of the average hen egg. A Card of Thanks I want to thank my friends and neighbors for the Kindness shown to us during the sickness and death of our wife and mother. J. D. Hodge, and children. STEAMER SUNK FAR FROM LAND. Col. J. L. Ludlow, civil engineer for the street improvement work was here Thursday with his chart and specifications for work on the walks and streets of Mebane. Say a good word for the Leader, and help to make popular the peoples honest friend If you can get us a subscriber do so, help us to push the gospel of equal rights to all men, among all men. The whooping cough is in Mebane, and the trouble is a number of grown people, some married are going around ■whooping up things. You may think its fun;they do not. They can not beat a freight engine whistle when they get at it good, but thev can put up a full grown whoop without frills. Mr. J. S. Worrell and wife of near Pikeville, N. C., is here prospecting with a view of purchasing a farm and locating tfsre. Mr. Worrell was up here some time past and was so well pleased he brov:^ht his wife up to help him look around. He will more than likely move up some time the latter part of the year. A fishing party left Mebane Satur day morning composed of Charlie Patton, hoy Thompson, D. A. White and Will Satterfield They went to .Patton Mill to fish, returning Saturday night at about two o’clock. They brought the Leader man a fine fish for Sunday morning breatcfast.If it was a sample, they caught some nice ones. The Leader man thanks them for the rememberance. Elsewhere in this issue of the Leader will be found an advertisment ol a new mill recently put in operation by Mr. P. L. Cooperi of Carr. This mill has all new machinery of the latest pattent, is equiped with every devise for perfwt milling and those who favor it with their patronage are assured of satis- side-1 factory dealing. The Leader has a la^e number of readers who will find it to their interest to patronize mill. this Items From Walnut Grove littie Miss Myrtis Carver, is visiting her grandmother Mrs. John Horton, near Walnut Grove. Mrs. Fannie Hawkins and daughter Mrs. Tinnie Moon, was visiting their kinspeople near Walnut Grove last was 80 years of returned visit to A Fishing Party J. M. Long, W. W. Whitfield, Jack Smith, Zeb Whitfield, Thado Smith and Col. McCauley, went over to Cooks mill fishing on last Saturday after-noon and came back all smiles having caught 19 large mullets and a number of others. Guess they will go again. week, lirs. Hawkins t^e May 12. Little Miss Beatrice Breeze to her home yesterday from a her sister Mrs. Garland Taler Miss Alma Roberts and her cousin Eugene Roberts, spent Saturday and Sunday at A. F. Breezesf Miss Lessie Parker was in Hillsboro, last Thursday shopping. Mr. Charlie Parkers, people are some what improved from the measels. Little Miss Mattie woods, is visiting her aunt Miss Martha Danil. Mrs. J. S. Berry, returned to her home last Thursday from a visit to her daughter Mrs. Sam Wilkerson. Messrs J. G. Berry and D. R. Parker, was in Durham last Friday, Mjs. J. E. Blaylock, was in Hillsboro shopping last Thursday. I think the fermers are preparing for the jtobacco crops. Forget Me Not For Sale. 1-4 Horse Power Engine and Wheat Threser. For partlcttlars write or see. J. M. Thompson, Mebane, N. C. 2 Miles South Rfd. No. 2 Mebane, Rfd INo 5 Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffreys, spent Saturday night at N. D. Jeffreys. Mr. B. Q. Smith, spent Saturday visiting his daughter in Burlingfton. Crops are looking fine in this part of the country Mr. Dillard Jeffreys, has been home on the sick list, but glad he is able to be at work again. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Roberson, were pleasant callers at Mrs. G. W. Jeffreys Sunday after-noon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Freshwater, and children spent Saturday night and Sunday at G. W. Jeffreys. There was a large crowd at Lebanon, Sunday to hear our preacher Mr. Hurley. He preached an excellent sermon. Little Miss Viola Kemon, spent Sun day after-noon with her grandmother Mrs. J. P, Kenion. Mrs. J. J. Kenion, spent the after noon at Mr. George Jeffreys. Mr. Vas Jackson, was at Lebanon Sunday helping us in our singing. We appreciate having Mr. J ackson with us. “Crons’ Letters. List of Remaining unclaimed at this office for the week ending May 18, 1911. 1 Letter for Walter Brown, Mr. John Cox, Chester Croolem, Mr. John Evans, Mr. C. Jackson, Miss Vorah Johnson, Miss Maude Mojycodet, Mr. D. A. Pierce, Mr. Bailey T. Raussey, Mr. B L. Stephenson, ‘ Mr. H. M. ^e,5 Miss Elsia Lasley, These letters will be sent to the Dead Letter Office May 27th, 1911 if not claimed before. In calling for the above please say '‘Advertised" giving date of Ad. list Respectfully, S. Arthur White, P. M. Mebane Rfd. 1. Rev. B. W; Mebane left Friday for Louisville Ky. as a delegate to t General Assembly. H. M. Moses went to Laurenceville Va. the latter part of last week where he will erect a steel bridge. Miss Della Gibson and little brother Arthur spent Saturday night at Mr. James Covington’s. Miss Maud Crutchfield of No. 24s visiting her mother Mrs, W. D. Odaniel. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Nicholson and children accompanied by Miss Jennie White of Mebane were welcome visi tors at Mr. M. A. Gibsons Sunday eve ning. Mrs. J. D. Hodge died last Wednes day A. M. leaving a husbaad aud five children behind who have the sympstby of the community in their loss. Connie the little 4 year old boy of Mr. W. G. McAdams was kicked last Fri day by a mule and had his skull bro ken and was taken up to Greensboro on the 6 o'clock train to St Leo’s Hospital Latest report was dung fairly w;b1L Mr. J. P. Graves went to Havr River Sunday evening as usual to see his girl, looks as though he has been going enough to bring her home. We raise onr hats w Cook Bros. W. C. Johnston and Uncle Pink for some work done on our roads. If others would fill up some holes and use a day just after the rains, how much it would improve the roads. More Than 300 Passenger Safely Transferred. A near-tragedy of the sea, filed with many thrilling narratives of human res cue and escape, occured off the coast early last Friday near Norfolk Va. when the Ward line steamer Merida, bound from Havana, Cuba, for New York, with 319 souls on board, sank in thirty-five fathoms of water fifty-five miles northeast of Cape Charles, after she had been rammed by the steamer Admiral Farragut, bound from Phila delphiato Port Antonio. Every person abroad the Merida was rescued and but one was seriously in jured, the wife of A. Peon, of Pro- gresso, Mexico, who with his entire family was bound for Paris to await the end of the Mexican troubles. Mrs. Peon, occupying a room immediately next to where the Farragut struck the Merida, was injured, probably intern ally. NEAR TRA6EDY AT SEA Steamer Merida Rammed | And Sunk By Steamer Admiral Farragut. A near-tragedy of the sea, filled with many thrilling narratives of human rescue and escape occurred off New York coast early Friday morning last when the splendid Ward line steamer Merida, bound from Havana, Cuba, for New York with 319 souls on board, sank in 35 fathoms of water, 55 miles northeast of Cape Charles aftea she had been rammed by the frmt steamer Admiral Farregut, bound from Philadelphia for Port Antonio. Every person aboard the Merida was rescued and but one was seriously injured, the wife of A. Peon, a land proprietor of Progresso, Mex., who with his family was bound for Paris to await the end of the Mexican revolution. Mrs. Peon, occupying a room immediately next to where the Farragut struck the Merida, was injured. The Merida was struck by the Far ragut during a dense fog at 12:30 a. after the Merida’s delightful voy age from Havana, with fine weather and a perfect sea. Post- Dr. Daniel A. Long De livers Baccalaureate Sermon The commemcement exercises at Bingham sdiool, closing the session of 1910-11, began with the baccalaureate sermon delivered by Rev. Daniel Albright Loi^, This was a most interesting event, as Dr. Long easily ranks as one of the leading theologians and ablest men of the South. I Tuesday, May 1% at 8 p. m.. the graduating exerds«s, awarding of I diplomas, certificates, [scholarships, I prizes and medals took place and were as follows: Essay medal won by John Gray Paul, of Roanoke. The Latin medal won by liUther Sykes. English Medal won by Miss Cappie Craigh of Mebane. Medal on Mathematics won by Philip Tart. Wilbur McFarland of Mebane won two Medals, one for history and the other a Schollarsbip Medal for highest average and also a prize for the second highest in penmanship. Frank Jobe, won a penmanship Medal. Miss Isabela Gray, won the Scientific Medal. The awards was made by Capt. Clinkscale, Capt. Henderson and Maj. Jorden. Capt. Maugan and Rev. F. M. Hawley. 'There are 13 graduates in the Scien tific course, The commercial book keeping and short hand. The prospects for the school for the session of 1911-12 are very encourtq?- ing. President Gray is now engaged in collecting an able faculty of gradua tes to assist him in the work, and it is believed that the highest standard maintained in former years will con tinue to increase. Orange Grove Items ^ ( 4i 2^ tt « ( it ^ 4( 1 1 “ ‘ 1 “ ‘ 1 “ ‘ IP. c. 1 “ ‘ Is Typhoid Fever Under Control? Rather warm down in these parts last Thursday and Friday. Misses Estelle and Alma Lloyd, Recie Crawford, Minnie King, Ada and Lalah Dodson, Messrs. E. N. Cates, Marshal Cate«, Carl Cates, Otis Craw ford, Vance Cates and Brodie Dodson attended the Manndale commencement last week. Died a few days ago after a lingering illness in her twenty ninth year, a tried, Cates and family. Blaze, a good horse. Next Saturday and Sunday is Rev. Mr. Billiards, last appointment at Cane Creek. We regret that he is to leave us. Miss Orpah Crawford, is visiting relatives in Chapel Hill and Durham and will be away for some time. Miss Helen Reynolds, is spending a few days with relatives in Hillsboro this week. Later she wiU go on to Chapel Hill to visit the family of Dr. Williams. Miss Maie Reynolds, will leave next week for an extended visiting and pleasure trip. She is going to visit friends in Virginia, attend the com mencement at Dayton, visit Washington and other northern cities. The essays written by the young ladies for the essay medal given by Mr. J. W. Howard of Raleigh, were lost in the mail in route to Whitsett Institute where they were to be judged. This was about two months ago and they have not been heard of since, are operating in the department,! _ . ’ .. whether it is used for political purpos- j The CaUSe Ol AppendlCltlS es, whether the employes are dis- ten years ago we took the charged for political reasons, and cov- editorialy in our paper' that ering other features of Postal opera- ^ result of eating tion, was authorized by the adoption | ground patent flour. It was aS Sugar Trust and office Department to Be Investigated. Two resolutions for important invest igations were agreed to by the House of Representatives Tuesday. A com plete investigation of the Postoffice Department, proposed by Represen tative Saundeas, of Virginia, to de termine whether political influences of one jesolution. The other, that of Me. Hardwick, of j Georgia, provides for a sweeping in-' vestigation of the American Sugar Re-1 fining Company, to determine what | influence it has had, or is .having, up on the prices cf sugar, or the control of compatition. Mettane, Rtd No 4 We are glad to note tiie Sunday school at Heabom is improving, hope it will continue to improve. Mr. J, C. Crutchfield, was out to see his lady friends Sunday evening. Mr. Joe Cook and Miss Sallie Small, called to see Miss Exie ThoimpsGn Satur day night. Miss Minnie Albright, was at home Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. J. R. Boone, is in. the HosiritaL We hope to see her bade home soon. Mr. Tommie Gook, was at his home in BurlingUm Satur^y night. Mr. W. G. Steele, is on the sick list this week. Blue Jsy . President Taft recently made statement before the Philadelphia Medical Club which would indicate that the army surgeons believe typhoid vaccine has robbed the dreaded fever of most of its terrors. The statement follows: Now we have a division of 1,800 men in Texas and California. They have been there for two months living under canvas and in a country soaked with rain. I need not recall the dreadful record of sickness from typhoid fever in the camps at Chickamauga. Of the volunteer r^ments mobilized during the Spanish-American war, 90 per cent (about 16 per cent ot the men) became infected with tjrphoid fever witiiin eight weeks after the date of mobilization. Today, two months after mobilization, with the modern health regulations and by the use cf vaccine a^nst typhoid, not one case of typhoid has appeared in the entire force, except that of one teamster who was not vaccinated. What a contrast there is between this report and the reports returned from Chickamauga, Tampa and J ackson viUe at the time of the Spanish war. With the epidemics of fever which have characterized other wars eradi cated, the terror of war is banished Tennessee Assembly Will Hold Indefinitely. At a caucus of representatives of the ] majority in the general assembly of Tennessee at Nashville it was resolved to prolong the session indefinitely. Six or seven members will show up in each house each day, with one of the r^fu- lars presiding in each house. The bal ance of the members, it is said, will re turn to their homes. In the meantime the comptroller and treasurer will con tinue to decline to pay out any moneys to state institutions or employes not expressly provided far by statute- Wanted. Old books, stamps, furniture, gold, silver, pewter, lead, copper and iron relics, etc., for cash. Good Second Hand School Books Furnished At Half Price. Old Book Store. Raleigh, N* C. For Sale For sale, com fodder tops and peas at Murray Hill Farm. Mrs. Z. D. Mumford. class FOR SALE two pair of firat Counters Scales. Apply to. Church Grocery Company. Mebane, N. C. that time regarded as a fashionable disease, confined, ahnost exclusively to well to do people. It was that class that could afford the finely groi^id bleached flour and this was why we suspicioned the roller process flour as the responsible cause. Now comes Dr. EldredM. Conner who in an arti cle in the London Medical Chronicle says: “The first epidemic of appendicitis, if such a term is applicable, was to a la^e extent contemporaneous in America with the preparation of flour in the mills by means of the big steel irollers of a fluted type. Now these rollers quickly wear down and frequen tly have to be replaced. What then, aaifg Dr. Comer, becomes of the ma terial which comes off the roller worn out in the process? Obviously it must be in the flour of our bread. That is to say, a considerable proportion of the flour thus made contains minute particles of steel, which when consum ed stay sufficiently long in the appen dix to create irritation, and in some instances to set up appendicitis.” (Perhaps the particles of steel from the rollers may have had an excenuat- ing cause, but iu the entire absence of it we believe that the roller process flour is of ils self capable -of produc ing the disease. One who has studied at all the process of digestion can readily realize how a pasty, rather inert mass, such as roller process flour, takm into the stomach for a long pCTiod, would enventually become an irritant, and especially so when it has been so largely adulterated with bleaching preperations such as barrites. After a protracted use of such stuff what other logical conclusion could you CQXM tooT)