irtM mim SSi PERSMAm' GONDUGTEO TOUR TO WEST POINT, NEW YORK, VIA NORFOLK Over The Norfolk South ern Railroad. Leave Raleigh, Goldsboro, Beaufort and intermediate Stations Thursday, June 15th, 1911. Another attractive personally con ducted tour has been arranged by the Norfolk Southern Railroad at phenom enally low rates. The destination will be West Point, N. Y., on the Historic Hudson River with five whole days to do New York City. Rates include Pullman, and state room accomodations and all meals enroute to and from New York City and hotel (room only) for 5 days in New York City. Frono Raleigh, ----- $29.85 From Goldsboro, - - - - 29.85 The rates will be less if Pullman accommodations are not required to Norfolk, Va. The party will be under the Chaper- onage of Mr. and Mrs. Horace R. Dowell and Miss FloraJKCreech, of Raleigh, N. C. A most attractive itinerary has been arranged-including a day at Virginia Beach. The trip from Norfolk to New York will be via the Old Dominion line which (sails from Norfolk June 16th Arriving New York at 3:00 p. m., June 17th, the party will be quartered at the Hotel Marlborough, 36th St., and Broadway. Write D. V. Cann, TPA., Norfolk Southern Railroad, Raleigh, N. C., or applo to any ticket agent for booklet giving complete information and rates. W. W. Croxton, General Passenger Agent, Norfolk, Va. Do Ghosts Haunt Swamps? No, Never. Its foolish to fear a fancied evil, when there are real and deadly perils to guard against in swamps and marshes, bayous, and lowlands. These are the malaria germs that cause ague, chills and fever, weakness, aches in the bones and muscles and may induce deadly typhiid. But Electric Bitters destroys and casts out these vicious germs from the blood. “Three bottles drove all the malaria from my system,” wrote Wm. Fretwell, of Lucama, N, C., “and I’ve bad fine health ever since.” Use this safe, sure remedy only. 50c at.Mebane, Drug Co Stupid Politics. Representative Mann, leader of the Republican minority in the House, belongs to the old stand-pat vring of his party. His pretended efforts to have the Free-List bill amended by adding free iron and steel, free hemp, free fruits, free chemicals and scores of similar articles were a piece of admitted dishonesty. When he was challenged to say that he would vote for a bill carrying all the amendments he had offered, he replied, “No, I would not, nor for any one of them." Representative Mann has been flattered in the belief that he is a shrewd politician. Will politicians like him never learn that insincerity and hiMttbuggery which th,ey regard as good tactics only exasperate and disgust the country, and instead of strengthening them and their party, earn them the contempt of the people?—New York World. J' M. Howell, a popular druggist of Green burg, Ky., says, “We us Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy in our own household and know it is excellent.” For sale by all Dealers. What He Wanted -Do you Want a narrow man’s YOU WILL FIND AT MORROW-BASON & GREEN, The Royal Society Embroidery— A nice line of Muslin underwear. The Princess slips to wear under neath the dainty white dress es; and the pretty stylish hats, with prices to suit all. Come in to see us. Morrow-Eason & Green (lNCORP(>RATEI>) . Burlington, - - - North Carolina. T Clerk comb? Customer (gravely) - No; I want comb for a stout man with rubber, teeih.—Baltimore American. | WE HAVE ’EM: HE'impression you make is governed a great deal by the corset you v^ear. No maker of .fine gowns would ever attempt to I give you a stylish appearance un less you wore the right corsets. Kabo Corsets give your dressmaker the best figure to work over and the results show it. Kabo Corsets are up-to-date in style and are comfortable. We carry a full line of them. n i Prices Copyright 1909 Kabo Corset Co. Kabo Style 690 is an extremely lone, close fitting corset with medium high bust; is well reinforced at waist line where the greatest strain comes to a corset: made of batiste: 12Mi-inch front clasp: supporters front and sides: white onlj. Sizes 18 to 30. Price, $lX>Oi Kabo Corsets are guaranteed not to rust nor break. H. E. ^VILKIIS SOX CO. ‘ the store of QUALITY” Just Received AFULLSIOGK OF NEW CROP OF G/iPOEN SEEDS The freshest and most reliable sold in packages or in bulks. Make out your memorandum and come to see us, and let us fill it from such reliable Seed growers as D. M. FeiTy and Co., and T. W. Wood, and son. Don’t forget it. Mebane Drug Co. F. L. WHITE, Manager, Mebane, N. C. Now is the time to tret rid of your rheumatism. You will ffnd Chamber lain’s Liniment wonderfully effective. One application will convince you of its merits. Try it. For sale ly all Deal ers. Sigsbee and the Burglar. It was 2 o’clock in the morning of the birthday of young Charlie Sigsbee, son of Admiral Sigsbee. Charlie rush ed into the admiral’s room, grasped him conclusively by the shoulders and hissed in his ear: “Wake up! Wake up! Theresa a man in the house!” The admiral, true to his martial stincts, leaped out of bed, grasped deadly marine revolver, batted eyes in expectancy of a bloody counter and asked his son: “Where is he?’^ “Here he is,” said Charlie, with all the effectiveness of melodrama^ “I’m 21 today.”—Popular Magazine. in- his his en- Sick heacache results from a disor dered condition of the stomach, and can be cured by the use of Chamber lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. Try it. For sale by all Dealers. Friendship Council No 51 D. Of L. Meets every Saturday night in Wil kinsons Hall, visiting members of the order welcomed. G. E. Newman, Council, J. M. Rimmer. R Wanted. First class cabinet maker, none other need apply» good position to right man apply W. O. Gottevals, Co. operating the Greensboro Furnitore Factory, IF WE ONLY' BOUGHT ONE PIANO OR OROAN^ from a factory—they would have to make a good profit on THAT ONE, but we buy hun- d reds of ORGANS &PIANOS ,the different factories know this’ and they send men to work for our trade. Each ex plains his make, quotes us his LOWEST prices on LARGE lots *not one* and when we DO BUY—we can sell you one organ as cheap as the factor usually sells one, and still g3t a fair profit. But the Prices is not all—‘'cheap” organs get out of fix—^and then they be come “dear”—the BEST organs sometimes have accidents— and when you buy from us—WE GO TO YOUR HOME and FIX THEM FREE. Organs bran new $45, up—Pianos $175,00 to $950. ^ Ellis Machine & Music Co. Burlington, N. C Gets Inspiration From Re cent Desperate Blunder. Malcolm B. Arnold, the young man whose sensational attempt at self-des truction in Durham three weeks ago is recalled in many places, left the hospital Saturday and went oiT on a trip greatly improved, in fine .spirits and determined that a single blunder shoUld not hinder his futurs auccf ssion life. COME IN & LET US SHOW YOU That we have the most complete line of Spring Dress Goods and Furnishings TO BE FOUND IN THE CITY, we have never shown a more complete line of Spring And Summer Goods and you will find our prices as low as the lowest, quality of goods being considered. HOSIERY Remember our store is Headquarters for Hosiery. Just received a shipment of something special in Men's and Ladies hose for Friday and Saturday's trade. ^ 1 lot of ladies pure thread silk hose 75c to $1, a pair—Big lot of men's pure silk hose only 50c. pr—25 dozen pr. men's Silk Lisle hose, linen heel and toe 25c—15 dozen pr. ladies extra thin Lisle Hose 25c. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Ladies you should not fail to visit this department, for here you will find as pretty a line of ready trimmed hats, as can be found in any of the near-by towns or cities. Men’s Furnishings In this department you will find everything complete. Here we are showing the ^most up-to-date line of shirts, collars, ties, hats etc. in fact here you will find everything for the nobbiest dresser. Lis ten, Don't fail to look over our athletic underwear, before furnishing your summer wardrobe. GROCERIES. In this department you can supply your wants, with something good to eat, everything fresh and nice—Big supply of feedstuff for the farmers' needs—And remember we at all times pay tiie highest market price for country produce. HOLMES-WARREN, COMPANY, Mebane, N. C. NEW SHOES! We have just received the shipment of Ladies Slippers that was promised to us about April 10, and about which we have disapointed some of our customers. They are here now, and include Black and Brown Velvets, White, Blue and Black Satins, Dull Kid, Pat. and White Canvas Pumps. The Most Up-to-Date Dress Slippers That Gan Be Had! Perry-Horton Co. ONE PRICE SMOERS 117 W. Main St. Durham: N. C. Hoi^e ai*e Two Ms^chinos You Nood Walter A. W€HMi WsMop Am Wood No. lo Admiral Mower because it is the only mower that has genuine underdraft, •’ftoatittg” frame and uniform tut, the three big mower features no farmer should be without if he values his own time or his teams' strength, and wants the machine that does most work the easiest. Steel Hay RaUb because every too*h is held in dividually and has s. coil sprirg to protect it against sudden strains; because it is made en tirely of steel and can be de pended upon to stand up undor constant wear and tear of work in all kinds of fields. Its long life makes it the most economical you can buy. Make us prove these claim* or convince yourself by examining^ the machines atour stors, "BINDER TWINE” REPAIRS ETC, See my Big stock Spike harrows, also the Tongueless Disk harrows before you buy, can save you mon^ on these goods. John Deere riding Cultivators, are going fast. Buggies, Sur- rics,.and harness cheap, * N. S. Cardwell, PHONE NO. 183 BURLINGTON. N. C. Wellesley Collie has been stirred to a fever heat by a girl who doesn’t care for Standard Oil methods and has prepared a petition for the college to return $150,000 given to the institution by John Rocketeller. The single in surgent enlisted many others under her petition of protest, and gayly the bat tle moves on, with the faculty stoutly protesting that the young ladies are misguided. KINGS BUSINESS COLLEGE Inc. capital stock $30,000.00. One of the best equipped schools in the South. THE LARGEST, the strongest faculty MORE GRA.DUATES IN POSITIONS than all o he schools in the State, BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND,- and ENGLISH. Write for Handsome Catalogue. Address. KING’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Raleigh N. G. Charlotte N. C, QUEEN QUALITY SHOES WeVe just received our new ‘‘QUEEN QUALITY” styles for Spring and they’ re beauties. We did not believe such footwear possible at the price. The mak ers have outdone themsf^lves. Smart, snappy styles with plenty of comfort and service—just what you have been looking for. You'll buy here eventually Why not to-day? J* M. Hendrix And Co. Greensborof N.C. I LOOKING FOR LUMBER of the right kink? The boards, joists, strips, etc., that will cut up without waste, that will not shrink and warp your building or other job? Then you need not seek farther. Come right here and get what you want whether it be just a little or a whole lot. NELSON-CGOPER LUMBER COMPANY. Mebane, N. C. We Must Sell A lot of Dry Goods just received at any old price, at and below cost. FOR FRESH GROCERIES See us we keep the goods, and the prices right. Will pay highest prices for chick ens, eggs and butter. - - - Yours to please. Church Grocery Company, Mebane, C. Phone 31'.- ■