r Mebane Leader J. a. FOY, '.Editor and Owner Entered as Mcond class matter Feb ruary 8, 1909, at the Post Office at Aiabane, N.X!., anderthe actofJMarch 1897. (> me 1 £ /jrv Thursday Mornig. SUBSCRIPTION: One Year, - $1.00 6*ix Months, - - - -50 Three Months, - - ^ PAYABLE IN ADVANCE lend Currency, Postal Money Order or Stamps, CORRESPON DENCE We wish correspondents in all the nearby post’offices. Write at oiw'#*. created, a bad woman may be the worst. If there is any reason for staying the execution of Mattie Lomax, it should be based upon other grounds than that of her sex. lliursday. June 15,1911 AS TO RAILROAD STRIKE. We have maintained editorialy for years that it was a manifesta tion of folly, wast, weakness and cowardness that this govern ment did not adopt some mea sure that would prevent, or remedy, the frequent labor strikes .They are an execuseable wast of time and money. The French government has formulated a measure designed to prevent strikes, especially strike in employees which resem bles in some important particul ars the Canadian Concilliation act. The plan provides for a Conciliation Commission, com posed of representatives of workers and employers, and for compulsory arbitration in the event the commission fails to bring i^out an adjustment of the matters in dispute. Why this government will not do something to remedy, the troubles that are constantly ar- rising as adisagreament between labor and the employe, is a con fession of weakness, or an indif ference to a very vital question. Millions are lost annualy both to the laborer,: the employer and the general public by a failure of our national government to provide some effective means for the adjustment of disputes and differences between the employer and the employee. The slip shod, sloven, brutal manner in which the matter w handled does not help any one, but it hurts all that it effects except the well paid walking delegate who may help foment the disa greement. There should be a national arbitration board much like our United States Supreme Court, should be made a court of final resort, then each state should have its arbitration board to whom all differences between labor and the employer should be submited, and if these fail to reach a satisfactory adjustment of the matter then let the National Board be a court of last appeal. It is a matter of adjusting differences between human con testants, and some disinterested body should have the power of adjusting them. As in the present case now being discussed in Washington the railroad employers are con tending for one thing and the officials for an other, and because these can not agree a great rail road system is threatened to be tied up with thousands of inno cent sufferers. TO HELP ALL IT CAN. Mebane has a fine back coun try. A splendid trade can be built up here, and maintained. The tobacco miarket inaugurated here two years ago has already proved a flattering success. There is great posibilities here in the leaf market. Another Warehouse, which is an assured fact will no doubt help to double the sales this fall. The Leader is here to do all it can for Meb ane and her people. It has worked for the towns up build ing, and will continue to do so. It wants to co-operate with any, and all unselfish efforts for Mebanes commercial, and mater ial uplift. If you know of any thing that will help Mebane, and help her people collectively, let us assist you to give it force and vitality. It will be our pleasure to do do so. They say people who are not brave enough to fight for their rights, deserves to be impostd upon, and you will usualy find some one ready to do the im posing. You may think the worm wont turn, but just keep on troding on him, and you will find you did not think right. If you are pulling for Mebane the Leader is with you. The Hasty Aftair. Something less tlian six years ago a Gaffney hotel man killed two actors who were playing in that town. The difficulty orginated over an insult al lied to have been offered an actress of the troupe, and the theatrical pro fession generally took a decided inter est in the trial which ensued. The slayer was given a life sentence in the penitentiary, where he remainded until a week or so ago, when he was pardoned by Governor Blease. The pardon has aroused considerable criticism and the Actors’ Society of America has in structed a Gaffney attorney to take up the question of pressing an indictment against the ex-convict for the slaying of the second victim of the trag^edy. This particular homicide has never been brought before a jury, inasmuch as the defendant was in the greatest possible legal jeopardy by reason of the other killing. The difficulty the prosecution faces is in getting the actress in question * into the jurisdiction of the coiu’t, but the society mentioned is bending its energies to find her. If the slayer is placed on trial again some interesting points may be brought out. To secure a conviction proof of the deed is absolutely essential, and eye-witnesses may be difficult to find. The fact that the matter at issue is of common knowledge is not always enough to cause a court to take judicial notice of the circumstan ces.—Charlo tte O bserver HANG HER. There is much morbid sen timent being indulged in, in Washington City over the con templated execution of Mattie Lomax a negress who was sentenced to be hanged for the murder of her husband. From what we can learn Mattie had a fair trial and was convicted upon a specific charge. Now some newspapers are trying to save Matties neck on the plea that she is a woman, and it won't do to hang women. A crime is a crime, and it does not matter whether a woman commits it it skirts or a man in pants, the offense to society is just as grave, and there should be no distinction where the punishment is meeted out. We may expect better things of women than we do of man, but if wfe fail to get them, then we should indulge no favoritism. While a good woman is one of the best things that ever God Senator Simmons Has No Timber Lands—Not Inter ested in Lumber. The following communication was received by the Editor of the Statesville Landmark: My attention has been called to the editorial in The Landmark of May 26th in which you say “The Landmark has heard it charged that Senator Simmons is largely interested in timber lands in eastern North Carolina and that this fact influenced his vote against free umber.” You very kindly add in your editorial that “The Landmark didn’t take these reports seriously.” As a matter of fact, 1 did not own at the time of my vote against free lumber, nor do I own now, any timber lands ^in eastern North Carolina, or elsewhere, except a small amount of cut-ovtr timber attached to my farms in Jones and Craven counties. The timber on these is but little more than is neccessary for farm use. Neither was I then, nor am I now, interested in the lumber business, except 1 owned then and now with my son a small mill of about 8,000 feet capacity, located on my farm in Jones county, and which is not run on an average of over 20 or 25 days during the year, to supply the needs of my fwm and that of a few of my immediate neighbors. Vary truly yours, F. M. Simmons. Washington, May 30. To Prevent Mould To prevent mould on preserves or jellies, put a few drops of glycerine aroutid the edge of the jar before putting on the cover.—Home Depart ment, National Magazine for June. Will Cut Wheat. As I have a new Binder and a very small wheat crop of my own, I can cut a limitsd amount of irheat for others. Respectfully, Preston Lewis Gray, NEW Constantly arriving, embracing the latest in spring clothing for men, and boys. SEE OUR SPECIAL CLOTHING DEPARTMENT A nice line of straw hats just in, for men, boys, and girls. A beautiful line of the latest low cut shoes for men, women, boys, and girls. Nice line of dress goods. Rain-coats. Mebane Store, Co. Mebane, N. C. RADIUM SPRAY Cleans Everything but A Hilly Consciflnce To the Radium Spray Company, Durham, N. C. Dear Sirs:- I have used Radium Spray in my household for cleaning pur poses and for killing flies, I find that it surpasses all other lemidies. Youas very Truly, J. F. Freeman, Chief of Police. Radium Spray is a disinfectant, cleaner dust layer, killer of all in sects. Do you raise chickens? we guarantee that Radium Spray will prevent the spread of Gaps and cholera and will kill lice and mites. County rights for sale. Radium Spray Go. of N. C. C. W. Blunt Mgr. Durham, N. C. THAT Spring Suit FOR YOURSELF OR BOY Our Clothing Department is Helpfully Ready to Serve Your ISeeds for the Coming Season at a SAVING INPRICE. i : : Odd Lots of Low Shoes For Men, Women, and Children - all out on our BARGAIN COUNTERS - each pair priced in plain figures. Co melook them over, the Saving in Price is Great. Brown-Belk Co. Greensboro, N. C. If You Don't Trade With Us Both Lose Money. SNEED-MARKHAM-TAYLOR COMPANY ONE PRICE CASH CLOTHIERS, HAHERS AND FUBMISHERS We can fit, and give you perfect satisfaction in quality and price. Sneed-Markham-Taylor Company. Markhams Corner - Durham N. CL oammgji Standard OiPs Wealth The Standard Oil Company has a cap ital stock of $11.000,000, of whi*h $100,- 000,000 is common and $10,000,000 is preffered. It i| 8tt||^id to have a surplus of about J|M^)09,000. The stock hai from 675 to to 679 3-4 a share. It closed on the curb after the decision was known at 650 bid and 700 a»ked. The cash assetts of the company, ac cording to the last annual report, were al out $388a shaiees .The assetts co nut include the value of the company’s uil above ground, which figured at $300,000,000, or about $300 a share; go that in actual liquidation the value of the Standard Oil stock would be about $688 a share. The company has 8,000 miles of trunk pipe line, 75,000 miles of feeders and controls 70 per cent of the refining business of the country, having twenty two refineries,each with a daily capa city of from 15,000 to 30,000 barrels. It has erected and maintains oil sup plies in nearly 4,000 stations through out the Unit«Hi States, holds 80,000,000 barrels of oil continually in reserve and requires 3,000 tank cars and 5,00 tank wagons to handle initial domestic dis tribution. More than one-half of the company's refined product is consumed abroad, 200 vessels, including 60 ocean tank steamers, being engaged in transport ing its products, and this foreign busi ness has brought to this country more than $1,000,000,000 of foreign gold. i, The company employs 70,000 men, has a payroll of $150,000 a day, and in forty years of corporate existence has had no labor troubles.—New York World. THE AMERICAN LADY CORSETS is admited the most cozy fitting the most elegent outline of all the beautiful models. Adapted to any and all forms, and adopted by the best dress ladies. Everything nice for a lady to wear. See C. H. Dorsett, The Womans Store, GREBiNSBORO, N. C. 1 fiiriiitu kinds o tiio 1,1 ly can Come coiiie w Gree ELLIS-STONE & CO. IF WE only; B0U8NT ONE PIANO OR ORGAN from a factory—they would have to make a g^ood profit on THAT ONE, but we buy hun- d reds of ORGANS &PIANOS ,the different factories know this’ and they send men to work for our trade. Each ex plains his make, quotes us his LOWEST prices on LARGE lots *not one’ and when we DO BUY—we can sell you one organ as cheap as the facto usually sells one, and still gat a fair profit. But the Prices is not all—“cheap” organs get out of fix—and then they be come “dear”—the BEST organs sometimes ha?e accid^ts— and when you buy from us-WE GO TO TOUR HOME and FIX THEM FREE.^ Organs bran new $45, up—^Pianos $175,00 to $950. Ellis Machine & Music Co. Burlington, N. C The Infected Cup And The Deadly Fly. We are told that the housefly is one of the most dangerous creatures in the world, and that the common drinking cup, though inanimate, i» one of the most active and most dangerous foes to the human family. The fly spreads disease from house to house and the cup spreads it from mouth to mouth. The remedy for the fly is to shut it out. The rem^y for the infected rup is the individual or personal cup for each person. Judgment ha« already been passed on the fly, and the penalty is death. Now the common drinking cup should be abandoned. It should be outlawed by society. The Illinois Legislature has passed a law abolishing the common or public drinking cup and Chicago is making a systematic fight on the housefly. By careful, scientific . research by physicians it haa been determined that mosquitoes are the real and only carriers or spreaders of yellow fever. Without the mosquito there could not be an epidemic of yellow fever and without stagnant water there could be no mo«uuito«s. When these facts had been demonstrated it became an easy matter to prevent the spread of yellow fever in some quarters. Now the result of scientific research is that the fly—the common housefly—is the bearer of disease; that it spreads all kinds of infectuous disease to all sections where it has free access. It has further been demonstrated that the common drinking cup at public drinking places is also a transmitter of disease. The safety of the community demands that verdict of death be rendered against the fly and the decree of abandonment be entered against the common drinking cup. Friendship Council No 51 D. Of L. Meets every Saturday night in Wil kinsons Hall, visiting members of the order welcomed. G. E. Newman, Council, J. M. Riihmer. R There is one medicine that every family should be provided with and es- p?ci^y during the summer months; viz Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed. It costs but a quarter. Can you aiiford to be without it? For sale by all dealers.. Wanted. Old books, stamps, furniture, gold, silver, pewter, lead, copper and iron relics, etc., for cash. Good Second Hand School Books Furnished At Half Price. 0^ Store. Jlaleigb. N, C. V 3 0 2 n Q > • ■u 3 0 2 n I ct> t S rt- §* ct- 3 o' I 3 IS* ^ P fi> 5 ft. p §EL gg a "O iu CO O P CO CO So* 3 CO o B n- 3 0 ^ ^ a. 1 s Hh cr 3P Z 09 § ft. 3 ft^ Whooping cottgh is not dangerous when the cough is kept loose and ex> Sectoratton easy by giving (Camber- Cough Remedy. It h»s been used in many epidemics of tiiis disease with perfect success For by all deal ers. WE CAN AFFORD IT. Because we know there is some very good people in your section who once they learn of the great advantae:e in trading with us they will continue it. We pay your railroad fair both ways from any station between Haw River and Durham to parties buying $15 worth of goods or more. We pay ex- pressage on all packages of $5 or more to you. We will send samples of any kind of goods desired, and give you prices just as close as if you were in our store. Anything, and everything for ladies and children to wear. Itnmediate attention given to all mail orders. Ellis, Stone & Co. Durham. N. C. TERl I WILL REDUCE The prices of all clothing and Oxford shoes, to and below cost. They Must Go if price will make them. Don’t fail to see them. C. C. SMITH, MEBANE, N.C. IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH. TRAVEL VIA. THE CHESAPEAKE LINE DAILY SERVICES INCLUDING SUNDAY. The new Steamers just placed in service the ‘*CITY OF NORFOLK^' the ‘^CITY OF BALTIMORE^^ are the most elegant and up-to-date Steamers between Norfolk and Baltimore. EQUIPPED WITH WiRELESS-TELEPHONE IN EACH ROOM. DELICIOUS MEALS ON BOARD - EVERYTHING FOR COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE Steamers Lv. Norfolk (Jackson St) 6:15 PM “ Lv. Old Point Comfort 7:15 PM “ Ar. Baltimore 7:00 PM Connegctinat Baltimore for all points North, North- East and West. Cheap Excursion Tickets on sale to Maryland Resorts, Atlantic City and other New Jersey Resorts and Niagara Falls. Res^rvations made and information cheerfully furnish ed by W. H. PARNELL, T, P. A. Norfolk, Va. The rea( eral S]jriiij in its ther no su])erio simply wo Par GOOD ICE CREAM DRINKS Table Grocereis, Ice Service. L. T. Johnston, *‘0n the corner” Agent for Model Steam Laundry. Phone 22 E •JOhh ^no^HEY 0# ica Q