Mebane Leader J. a pot. Editor an4 Owner Entered second claaajmatler Feb ruary 8, at the Post Office at Mebane» N. C * under the ict of March \syj. la.^ue I E^erv TharaJay Morninj;. 13 BStlUPTlON: One Year, - fl.OO c!ix Months, • - • *60 Three Months, - ^ PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ^ 'end Currency, Postal Money Order or Stamps. CORRESPOiNJENCE We wish correspondents in »U the nearby post offices. Write at onr^. Thursday. November 9. 1911 ed. These pictares will make a run of the State for the coming two veeks. If you have a fMend who is using his mouth entirely too much. Send him down or up, or to some place where these pictures are on exhibition, that he may see where he is goin«f too before long. A LITTLE EFPACEMENr. It won’t hurt you a bit, to loose sight of self occasionally. Turn from the enchanting v&fite- ant of your own personality, and see if it is not possible to obser ve something I ve in the world worthy of your attention, your worship, your homage, your honor. It may be a little difi - cult to efface the ego, but it is worth while. BREAKING THROUGH ITS CRISELIP. Chi a 3 undergoing a state of evo’ui-ioii. From century bound; d 'spotism it is breaking its cris-' e is and immerging to a libeial minarcl.y with strong republ'- can tendencies. Red handed re- behon with its banners of flames and its streams of blood is sweeping like a tornado of wiath pnd ruin over the old tottering denasty, the oldest it is claimed in existence, but in its sweep it is breaking down centuries of predudice. Tenturies back in its beginiking, its forms and codes may have been suited to the conditions of its people, but material development, science and arts, ha'^e relegated it as a back I.umber, and it to-day meets in no sense the demands of advanced ideas and civiliza tion, China is immense in area, and population, and once that vast mass of people are taught to utilize their strength and oppor tunities, they will become oneoflht* worlds great pow ers to bo 1*.^ oned with bv the Arian rare. We remember an editorial re mark made by Mr. Joe ('aldwell in the C»bserver at the begin ning of’ the Chinese-Japanese war \vhn*h was aptly illustrated at the buttle of Weihaiwai, \ hen tht^T.i Hungt^liang administra- tiuri \VL*i‘e s ooting ielay cannon I alls at liie Japanese. He said China remitide i riira of an old bij^ sea turth* turned on its h.ack and so it was, a blundering sensek'si lK)dy. A revolution wMll do mtjch to arouse tl e lat- tent tti'.'^rgies of this ancient p 'op'e. Supreme Court Justice, Char les E. Hughes of New York is l)eing spoken of in strong terms as a possible presidential candi date to succe^ Mr. Taft. Mr. Hughes is a very able man, and a seeming honest one, hut he has never blazed in the lime light of popular sentiment as a justice that he did as Governor of New York. Mr. Hughes is however a good man, POVERTY OF CHINA Misery of the Millions That Are Always Hungry. GRIM STRUGGLES FOR FOOD. Darrc w is doing his best to m ike the tr al of the McNama ras at Los / ngeles a contest be tween capital and labor, conceal ing so far as possible the real issue of murder. It is to be hoped in the interest of justice, that he will not succeed. Labor c(»ispire81) b’ow up a man’s business, killing twenty or more people and then excuses its self upon the grounds that it is fight ing capital. We sympathize with labor in its every struggle, but cut throats and murderers does not come in that class. HersMf Donktfya, Mules and Camsis Wh«n No Leng«r Fit For Work Aro Turnod Into Buteher's Msat—The Qloanors on th* auaac Wharfs. Writing of tbe miUioiui and millions ot Inland China, 'whoM Ures are spent faca to faca wtth starvation, Edward Atewortb Rosa tn tbe Century says: **No natisrat rsaource is too trifling to be turned to account by the teem- ins population. Tbe sea ia raked and akraioad for edible plonder. Seaweed and kelp bava a pla«e in tbe larger. Oraat quantities of abeUflsb no bigger oaa'a finger naU are opened and to yield a iood that finds its way flar Inlaad. Tba fungus that •pcinga nc> to ttie graaa after a rain is aaten. Pried sweat poUto Tinea fur- ntoh tbe poor man’s table. Tbe road side ditches ara balled out for tbe sake ot fishes ne k>ngsr than one’s finger. Qrsat panniers of strawber ries, of MiU graen. are col lected in tbe mountain raTlnes and i in tbe marii^s. No weed or j caoapea the bamboo rake of the i ttutumnal fuel gatherer. Tbe grass tufts on tbe reugb alopes are dug up : txj tbe roots. Tbe sickle reai« the | grain cloee to tbe ground, for straw i and cbafl ara needed to bum under | Che rtea kattla. Tbe leaves of tha trees are a crop to be carefully gatb- «red. One never sees a rotting stump or a OMMsy lo|^ Bundles of brush car ried miles on tbe buman back beat tbe brkk kiln and tbe potter's fur nace. Aftar tbe las* treea have been taken tbe far and forbidding heights HPQ BCttled by lads with ax and mat tock to cut down or dig up tbe seed- ttnga that if ieft alone would reclothe Um devastated rldgea. •Tlia cuisine of Cblna is one of the g*ea* toothsome cuisines of tbe world, btit tor the common people tbe stom ach not tbe palate decides what shall ba food. Tbe silkworms are eat- aftar tbe rocoon has been unwound fwwn them. After their work Is done tiorseB, donkeys, mules and camels be come butcher's meat. Tbe cow or pig that baa died a natural death is not disdained. In Canton dressed rats and cats are exposed for sale. Scenting a possible opening for a tannery, tbe governor of Hongkong onea set on foot an Inquiry aa to what became of tbe akina of tbe Innumerable pigs slaugb- tared in tbe colony. He learned that they wwe ail made up aa ‘marine deli cacy’ and aold ameng the Chinese. **Aix>ther time he was on the point of ordering tbe extermination of the mangy curs that infeet the villages In tbe Kowloon district because they ha rassed the Sikh p^emec in the i>er- formance of their duties. He found Just In time that such an act would •interfere with the food of the people, something a Brltisb eoloolal governor must nerer do. “Though the farmer thriftily combs his harvest field, every foot of the abort stubble Is gone over again by poor women and children, who arecon- If in a day’s gleaning they gath«r a handful of whe«t Goods! New Goods! New Fall and winter stock of fall line dry goods, shoes, hats, caps, and no tions now constantly arriving. Don't fail to call and see stock. Brand ncck wear just received. A nice line of Owl mebane Mebane, N. C. Panacea Spring Co. Littleton N. C. Have you tried PANACEA MINERAL SPRING WATER yet for NAGGING cases of INDIGESTION? If you wish to eat an old-time satisfact- orymeal and feel no discomfort thereafter get a case of this water, drink it according to directions and gladly tell your neighbor of your good fortune. Ladies’ Apparel of The Highest Merit Our reputation for displaying: the most dependable and the most stylish garments for ladies is splendidly sudtuin- ed in this noble fall gathering of smartly and correctly tailored suits and coats. Certainly you cannot come hvre and go out dissatisfied if it is the belter kind of ga. u-. that is wanted—the hand tailored sort—and you p;. r ry little more for the better kind here than the cbar^. s lur the usual run of goods that invariably do not ctirry i he stamp of exclusiveneaa and the approval of uk well dressed element. HANDSOMELT TAILORED SUITS, $8 rp THE NEW STYUSH LONG COATS $6.5. I 1>. Chas. H. Dorsott, Greensboro, N.C. beads While this is r^^ided as an ofT year national interest centres in Massaeha- settea, where the Democratic and Re- Dttblican parses have named full State tickets. E. N, Foss, who was elected as Democratic governor last year, is a candidate for re-election. The Repub* lican ticket is headed by L, A. Froth- ingham, pre&ent Republican lieutenant- governor. . u >i.L J . , In New York State a new Assem ly treaties upon health, and ^anl- elected, as well as several judg es of the Supreme Court and city The : lie sc ol system o t‘ is State is failing n one im portant feature when it neglects to add to its curicalum some tation, an 1 this will be the case until there is diffused among the masses mare general informa tion bearinsr upon these nattjrs. But little is known of the very crudest elements of sanitation, and less of the ordinary raies of health. People go blundering along utterly ignorant of the simplest rales governing good health, ofclmes incuring aecute, or chronic troubles that do per manent harm. If there is ore thing that should be taught above any o' he.* it is how to con serve unimpaired to (Id age the vital forces of th j body. If strong, hoalthy men are Worth anythins: to a nation, and they art its chief concern, then any iafoi’m vtion that would enable them t ) keep strong and healthy should be sought at any cost. and It seems that t m licilians have just begun to awaken the Turks If reports from Tripoli are true the Italian army of occupation is in a serious con ition. Hordsof Arabs and Turks are constant ly pressing in and narrowing the circle. Once those wild fanatical people are thoroughly aroused, it may in’e3i be cifii- c It to assuage their appetite for human Tney will come near waging a war of extemii na tion. ELEGTIS III 14 JIAIES, But Only Three WiUhlect Governors November 7 (From tbe Philadelphia Ledger.) Although the elections to be ht^ld in a number of States November 7 will be quiet, compareJ with the presidential struggle a y^ar hevce, interest is never theless, keen. States which will elect governors or oher Siate ofikerd are Rhode Inland, Mr>8.auehu8etts, Maryland. Kentuckey, j tent Mistii^ippt, Lousiara and New Mexico. , • ^ ..L o keen th(W aMve on the morrow n other .'tates justices of the Supre- tum. ^ ^ t - 1 • 1 * A ' Hongkong water front the path of the me Court, members of legislatures and, carrj in* produce between ware- mayora will be chosen. Several con- is lined with tattered gressional vacancies are to be fl led. [ ^^^nen. most of them with a baby on the back. Where bags of beans or rice are In tranirtt a dosen wait with basket and brush to sweep up the grains dropped from tbe sacks. On « wharf where crude sufrar Is being repacked squat sixty women scraping tbe Inside I of tbe discarded sacks, while others > run by tbe bearer, if hla sack leaks a I little, to catch tbe particles as they I falL When sucar ts being unloaded a > mob of gleaners swarm upon the lighter the moment the last sack leaves and eagerly scrape from the gangplank and tbe det*k tbe sugar mixed with dirt that for two boura bos been tram pled Into a mui'k by the bare feet of twoaeore eooMes trotting back and forth acToss a dusty road. •‘There are a number of miscellane ous facta that hint how close tbe masses live to tbe edge of subsistence. 9iie brass cash, tbe most popular coin la Cblna, is worth the twentieth of a cent; but, as this has been found too valuable to meet all tbe needa of the people, oblong bits of bamboo sir^ eulata tn some prevtnces at tbe value ot half a eaali. •‘Incredibly sm*U are the portions pr^;>ared for sale by tbe huckster. Two eublc Inches ef bean card, four wal nuts. llvt peanuts, ftftasQ roasted l>eaiMi, twanty matoo seeds, make a portion. Ilie meita vtfidar's stand ia dedced out wHb wedges of ixu^ld melon tlie slae of two fiDgera. Tbe ,tMmseho)der leaves tb«( tmt^ier'8 stall with a morsel of portt, tbe i^uok of a fowl and a strip of flsb aa as a MtrdlBe, tted together wSdi m t)lada of grass. Cartful ebservaiis say that four- flltha ef ^ ecmversatlon asMmg com mon CItifMae r^tes to food. •*Oomfert is acasoe aa w^l aa food, dty eeoUe irteepa oo a plank in wi alrlesa kennel ia a flUby lane with » btocSc for a pillow acid a qaOt for a «QTer. Wbee ta ft wttCIi OhinA hos- 1^1 Uie beds were provided with nKlngi and mattreaaea, soiipliad by a Miflaiitteo^ Amerlean, all the pa- itlselB were feund o4xt morning sle^ ecr tbe fioer. After Iwliig used to M iMttffd covered with a mat they ioMld not get tbeir proper alumber on a toft bad.** Panacea Spring Co Littleton, N. C. The Durham p’ay houses are giving the people hell this week li >th the Arcade and the Aca- d^iiiy Niiisic will put on Dante liifeiiu). fi.e weired ghostly picture^ of the abode of the dam- county officials. New Mexico votes for the first time in its history as a State, for a full set of State officers, members of Congress and for a Supreme Court and other' judges. U also will vote on a proposed amendment to make the Constitution more easily amendMble. Ohio will vote for municipal officers and delegates to the constitutional convention. Pennsylvania elects mayors m near ly alj cities. Munioip^ officers also will be voted for, among other States, in Tennessee. Georgia yrjll hold a primnry to nom inate ^ >|upd^te to succeed Governor Koke Sjpiith^ who becomes United States senator. Maryland, besides electing a gover nor, will choose a State Comptroller, Attorney-General, judge of the Court of Appeals, the full membership of the House of Delegates and hajf of the Senate. Arthur P. Gorman, Jr., iatbe choice of the Democrats for governor, while the Republicmis have named Phillips Lee Goldsborough New Jersey elects a legislature. Five parties, also in Rhode Island^ where a full State ticket is to be elect ed, have nominated candidates. A le^i slature will also be chosen. Mississippi wiH vote for 1 State officers; in Kentuckey a governor, lieu tenant-governor and rafhx>ad commiss- iow rs wiH be t-!e e 1, a d Virginia will vote ff»r leaislative and county officers. I 0»»rright n™ W. k. SUTER CO. DEALERS IN THE BEST mXES OF CLOTHING IK jig Schioss Bros. Hart Schafner uni M ;rks make. Those A’ho !iav ■ ever worn them know that they are best. We also carry Sam Pecks Boy> clothing and there is none belter, Manhatten Shirts and Stetsons hats. You get the best and cheapest from us If you can /each Durham trade with W. A. SLATER GO. Durham N. C. New Separate Skirls Made of Panamas and Voiles that are all wool. Special vaiues at $4.95 | and $5.95. BATIi lOWELS Ai MATS. Large Bleached Turkish Towels, 10c. Extra large and Heavy Turkish Towels, 25c. Bath mats, 48c, 98c and $1.19. Brown-Belk Co.. THC BfcST PLACK IN GREENSBORO To get tl e BEST TO EAT at tii« HENKSSEE C(FE Onen im^il nidiiiffht. CQHTe KL.M STKttKT t Near paMKA^wriiepot. J. It I’on cU, Prop. F. NASH ATTORNEY AT LAW PRXeTKS HI MIMTS HILLSBORO. N. C. We have seventy-five cords of two foot wood for sale at TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS A CORD This wood was cut last winter and is well seasoned. Give your orders to W. C. CLARK Lan(i& Imp. Co. Mebane N. C. Hurry Up! Hurry Up! GooJ people the Superior Drills are going fast, sold (4) four one day L^st week, while my competitors were talki dull time?. Saw one man who said he had drill ed 1100 hundred acres with his Superior Drill, and it was now good for ^ hundred more days. Don^t wait for you may be too late. The Harrows are going fast, also tbe Chilled Plows, Big stock harness, Long bridles for $1.00 why pay some small dealer $L50 and not get so good? Ohio Cutters, Wood Saws, Engines, Tobacco Orderers, Clbvei and Grass See. See N. s. CARDWELL THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. BURLINGTON. THE PUREST AND THE I have recently inatslled in my Drag Store one of the latest hnproved Lippeneott Soda Fountains, ita sanatary arrangement oan not be excelled. 1 oarry constantly a well selected atock of up>to-dale pure Dnijifa. Ify fall atoek of notions and faacy goods wiH be tbe lai^eat and beat aelected I have every carried. Per- scriptions filled with accuracj and prompnesa Mebane Drug Co. MEBANE, N. C. Subscribe For The Mebane Leadier ta LIVIfRYFEED AND SALES STABLES First-Class Riga for hire at short notice. HORSES FED OR BOARDED AT MOOKl^ATe COST. DON'T.flSAIi. TO see MC. M. B. MILES, Mebane. IN. C*