Mebane Leader J. O. rOY, - editor and Owner. Entered as second class matter Feb- uary 8„ at the Post Office at Mebane, N. C>« under the act of March 1897, Issued Every Thursday Mornins:. SUBSCRIPTION: One Year, - - - $1.00 ft'ix Months, • - - .50 ThreeiMonths, - - .25 ^ PAYABLE IN ADVANCE *1 nd Currency, Postal Money Order or Stamps, CORRESPONDENCE We wish correspondents in all the earby post offices. Write at on*#*. Thursday. September 19 1912 kandleman news SUS- SPENDS We regret to note that the Randle- man News has suspended. Iiack of fifiancial support was the cause. It is like saying of a man when he dies, heart failure is the cause. There are hundreds of people who receive great benefit from their home paper in mnny ways but who do not so much as pay their subscription bills. It, in the estimation of many ought to live upon air, and hot air at that. They ex pect the home paper to furnish the news, promote the community, to be the advertising medium, to advocate the cause of righteousness and good morals, and to live upon promises.— The Burlington News. If it was with the Randleman paper as it is with so many, there were a number of mislead ing promises made to the Editor to induce him to spend his time, and money to establishing and maintain a paper for the interest and benefit of Randleman and its people, but as soon as he was tied dc'wn, and it was thought he could not help him self, if they followed the usual custom, they forgot, or neglected their promises of support and began handing out to him biled snake for a diet, in other words began a crusade of lies and slanders a- gainst him and his paper dispara ging his every effort, and doing all they could to cripple him, they succeeded after a while, and destroyed his business, and now the people of Randleman will have ample time to reflect upon doing without a paper, and Randleman will get a set back for ten years, for it will be quite that long before they succeed in foolinglan other man into believe- ing the “leading citizens rot” Of course in every community there are good men loyal citizens, who contribute their share in the support and suste nance of every public enterprise, and but for them none could exist and while this is true, and full credit should be accorded, these progressive serviceable ciiizens, how often is it you find some gutter snipe, some mental degenerate, going around critici sing and abusing the Editor, and disparaging his paper, doing their level to create a false, and unfair opinion of both. It is these insufferable worthies, men, and women, who have not the brains, or decency to aprpeciate a newspaper. They think the efforts of a newspaper is to be appreciated much like a certain animal does jewelry. vriven a show at the till. Gaynor, in his letter to the investigating committee seeks to divert attention from the vit al question of police graft, by complaining that a few news stand may have goten license in an irregular manner. Poor contemptable excuse. Gaynor wont do, and the sooner his term expires the better for law an^ order in the city of New York. STOP THE HAZING AT ANY COST The hazing of young I W Rand at Chapel Hill by which he lost his life should be handled by State aathorites with gloves off. Because University boys was responsiable for it is no reason for mitigating the crime. If a half a dozen boys had had their brutal necks broken in former hazing it would have long since ceased. Some Colleges have been a place where the toughest of American youth have hid behind the professors robe, and because they were college bo>s with a wealthy father usualy went unwhiped of justice for crimes they commited Admiting that the killing of young Rand was purely acci dently, and unforeseen tragedy does not excuse it. When a boy as he is compelled do, to en tirely surrender all phisical resistace when he is being hazed by a lot of irresponsable toughs, who is it that is to guard him against the dangers that thickly strew his pathway? It is not to avail them that his tormentors are interested, but that the keenest delight is felt when the gravest danger is most apparent. The Return A nttle hand is knocking at my heart. And I have closed the door; I pray thee, for the love of God, de part; Thou shall, come in no more." “Open, for I am weary of th^ way. The night is very black. I have been wandering many a night and day. Open, I have come back.” The little hand is knocking patiently; I listen, dumb with pain. “Wilt thou not open any more lo me? I have come back again.” I “I will not open any more. Depart. { I, once that lived, am dead.” The hand that had been knocking at my heart Was still. “And I?” she said. There is no sound, save in the winter air. The sound of wind and rain. All that I lived in all the world stands there. And w ’1 not knock again. —Arthur Symons. GAYNOR WONT DO Mayor Gaynor of New York may be as straight as a black snakes track, he may even be straighter, but some how he has succeeded in impressing us with the idea that he was entirely too crooked to even be mayor of New York. His expression, and his general attitude all go to strengthen that belief. If the people of New York had depended upon Gaynor to probe the police department after the murder of Rosenthal, then it would never have been done. If Gaynor has not profited by the graft in the public depai*t- ment, then he should get from under. Gaynor says: “I do not see how I can ex pect the police to be honest when they see on every hand that even the aldermen of the city are taking p-raft personally or en abling corrupt go-betweens to do so,” "Mayor Gaynor declared. And he seems to be a man that thinks as long as others steal, his subordidate should be An article that has real merit should in time become popular. That such is the case with Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has been attested by many dealers. Here is one of them. H. W. Hendrickson, Ohio Falls, Ind., writes, “Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best for coughs, colds and croup, and ii my best seller.” For sale by AU Dealers. iVlebane iVI* G. Church, South. Rev. B. T. Hurley, Pastor. N. H. Walker. Supt. S. S. Preaching every 3rd Sunday at 11:00 A. M. and at 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:30 and a union prayer meeting ever Sunday after noon at 3:00 o’clock conducted by the young men of the town. Sunday school every Sunday begin ning at 9:45 a. m. Everybody welcome to all these ser vices. For Sale A sweet tone organ, bran new, will sell reasonable. Address W. J. care of the Leader office. The old grouch was dying. ‘‘Are you ready to go?” asked the minster. “Yes,” was the reply. “Then that makes it unanimous.” The farmer is ready to buy your goods. When you have placed your advertis ing in the Leader saying that you are ready to sell him, that makes it unani mous. Uncle Ezra Says “It don’t take more’n a gill uv effort to git folks into a peck of trouble” and a little neglect of constipation, bilious ness, indigestion or other liver deiange- ment will do the same. If ailirg, take Dr. King’s New Life Pills for quick results. Easy, safe, sure, and only 25 cents at Mebane Drug Co. Millionaire’s Humor. Baron Gustave de Rothschild had a pleasant mixture of caution and wag gery. Once while In the synagogue his neighbor suddenly plucked him by the sleeve and whispered hoarsely, "I have come away this morning without locking the safe!” “Don’t worry,” re plied Rothschild, looking round at the vast congregation, “we are all of ua here!” A Picture of Contentment ^ All men look pleased when they smoke this choice tobacco—for all men like the rich quality and true, natival flavor of Smoked In pipes by thousands of men-^everywher» known to cigarette stackers as **the makings.** We take tmosoal pride In liggett & Myen Duke’s Mltturo, It is our leading brand of granulated tobacco and everj sack -we make is a challenge to all other tobacco manufSMsturers. ^very 6c sack of this famous tobacco contains one end d half ounces of choice granulated tobacco, in every way equal to the best you can buy at any price, and with each sack you get & book of ciffaretto INtpen FREK If Tou liave not smoked the Duke’s Mixture made bv tli0 £A§ftU Mytn Tobacco Co. at Durham, N. C-, try it now»- Get a Camera with the Coupons; Save the conpoDs. With them yon can ^t all sorts of Tahx* able presents—articles snitable foryoonff and Aid t men, women, boys and girls. Yoirll bo delighted to see what you can ^tfree with- x)ut one cent of cost to you. Get our new illustrated catalog. Am a mpeeial W0 vriU tend it free dnring S*pt*n»bmr anJl Qctttber only. Your name and a postal will bring it to yon.. Coupons from DtUuft Mixtura mar h* forted vnth tajn front HOl^E SHOE. J.Tm LEAF, GRAlC GER TWIST, coupons from FOUR ROSES (10c tin douhU couj^), PICIC PLUG CUT. PIEDMOHT dlGAR* ETTES, CLLX CIGARETTES, mnd of her Uigs or coupons issued afi^ Ptremium Dept. I Kidney Troubles Can be Avoided You cannot afford to neglect the slightest kidney ailment—it’s hazard ous to do so. The poisonous waste material mutt be separated from the blood and if the kidneys become weakened this is im possible. That means a poisoned system. That's why neglect means trouble — the ailment becomes chronic and re sults in Rheumatism or Bright’s Dis ease. NYAL’S KIDNEY PILLS Assist the kidneys in their function strengthen them and prevent the ail ment from becoming chronic They cleanse the blood and increase the cir culation and supply the proper nourish ment to body tissues. They are a kidney medicine—intend ed for that and nothing else. Speedy and Positive Relief at 50 cent the box. Whatever a good drug store ought to have—and many things that other drug stores don’t keep—you’ll find here Come to us first anl you’ll get what you want. MECCA DRUG CO. MEBANE. N. C. THOS[ SHOES! Remember’there is no better place to bu/ those shoes you are needing than at, J.M. Hendrix & Co. Just in a large stock of the latest fall and winter cuts, just the prettiest and best made. We sell shoes that will stay with you, and then you will stay with us. Don^t forget. J. M. Hendrix & Co. The Home of Good Shoes in Greensboro, N. C. LADIES FALL Dress suit-, some of the latest cuts, made by the best and most fashionable men tailors You should sje my line, it is perfectly charming. TRUNKS, TRUNKS V/e have the best line of trunks, traveling trunks, steamer trunks, and all kinds of suii: cases and hand bags. SEE ME FOR CARPETS Chas H. Dorset! ‘THE WOMAN’S STOBE” Greensboro, = - rsorth Carolina OPENING UP While we are opening up our line of fall and winter purchases which includes the best attraction of the season, we are still orrERiNG Some exceedingly tempting proposition, in shoes at half price. Don^t wast 3^our money it is too hard to get, but come to see me and I will give you full value and more. My stock is com^pleet. M. Gladstein WE ALWAYS HAVE IT And will furnish it to you at the shortest no tice and for the least money, just what you may want in dry goods, dress gjods. etc. LADIES READY -TO-WEAR SUITS In all kinds of attractive material. Cleaning out sales of our summer goods. We will fur nish you samples of anything you wish, and up on your selection will forward at once. It is cheaper to deal with us. E Ilis-Stone Co Durham, N. C. Durham North Carolina WANTED 200 CORDS 4 FEET PINE WOOD CUT, WILL PAY 60 CTS. CORD. APPLY TO T. M. Cheek MUSIC No doubt about that, and we have prices to secure the best quality of musical instru ments that can be not met by any reputable house. Pianos and organs of the best make. Drop us a postal, we will convince you. ELLIS- MACHINE & MUSIC C Burlington, N. C. S. I-I i-IOCKriELD Dealer Ib Clothing. Shoes And Dry Gooiis. I will seJl you goods at an attractive price. Give me an opportunity to con vince you. s. II. IIOCKFIEI.D _ 226 WEST MAIN sr. DURHAM. N. C. I ST. LOUIS. MO. Green & McClure or do you wish to ad anything to it to help make home more comfortable? If so, remember that Green and McClure of Graham carry a very compleet line of all kinds of furniture, chairs, car pets, rugs. etc. Just any thing you may want. Don't forget Green & McClure Graham, N. C. SAVE THE Shadow while life last, and exact reproduction of your self in the fin* est photos by EUTSLER The Photo Artist Greesboro.

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