Mebane Leader J. O. POY, - tditor and Owner. Entered as second class matter Feb- uary 8, 1809, at the Post Office at Mebane^ N. C« ander the act of March 1897. Issued Every Thursday Morning. SUBSCRIPTION: One Year, - - - $1.00 rt'ix Months, - - - .50 Three'Months, - - .25 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE -«• nd Currency, Postal Money Order or Stamps, CORRESPOND ENCE We wish correspondents in all the earby post offices. Write at oiwe. Thursday. September 26 1912 WONT SWALLOW IT. The State Democratic com mittee decides after much wrangling that a Democrat in order to vote in the primary election for senator must vote for every nominee on the Dem ocratic ticket. Of course this tyranical, and drastic measure may be forced down the throats of those who vote, but it will have much to do with reducing the number who will vote in the primary. The committee have said that those who vote in a Democratic primary must not vote a Republican ticket, but it is none of their busmess to force a man to yote for and support a man whom they do not care too support. That a few men should at tempt to force such rank and unjust conditions upon the Dem ocratic party will have its weight in driving a plenty of them out of the ranks. Such an extreme measure has never been attempt ed before, and it will not work in this case. People have long since ceased to think because a few self delegated individuals shall foist a candidate on a tick et that the candidate becomes a paragon in politics, and they are honor bound to support him. We shall feel no regrets if this brazen assumption shall be severely rebuked. There are Democrats, and a plenty of them who have loyaly supported the Democratic party for long years before Governor Kitchin, or his partizan was born, and they do not indulge any conceipt when they express the opinion that they know how to vote. These men will not permit any partizan sympathisers to ram down their throats any portion of a ticket that they do not feel disposed to swallow. Tyrany in any form is repugnant to a true American, and the idea of making a condition that a Democrat must swallow the whole hog, or none, hair, hide, and tail, will not go with a large number of Democrats. They have alwajs assumed the right to discriminate against those who have been foisted upon the party, for partizan purposes, those they did not approve of, they will continue to do so, or stay home on election day. and attractive advertisment, . “men wanted, men would not | be so averse to joining the army; if it were not for so many | discouraging reports that co m i from the army post:. Men who have claims to be gentlemen, do not relish the idea of being, kicked around by petly officers, i or made cleaners of spittoons, and other filthy vessels. We might think more of Mr. Kitchins candidacy, if it was not for the very unfair way in which he and his friends have conduct ed it. Never since oar first knowledge of Democratic politics have we known a canvas for the support for an office to have been conducted upon such a low, and dishonorable scale as has Mr. Kitchins. Things have been said, and facts perverced for un true and unfair purposes to de feat Mr. Simmons, that should shame a camp of followers of Bleass of South Carolina. Mr. Kitchin is not blood thirsty, but some one who knows, should tell us if he has not prostituted every power and influence at the com mand of the Governor of North Tarolina to make of his office a star chamber to a seat in the United States Senate. MrJ Kitchin may win the office through this method, but he can not win our confidence, or res pects through it. If Mr. Kitchin was all his partizan friends paint him he would be a great man, but he is not, and all of the carefully studied effort at deception in which the people mav be duped, especialy if he is nomi nated to the Senate wont make him great. It is a notorious fact that in Mr. Kitchins twenty ye?rs of official life, he has nevor xnade a record for anything but to draw his salary, and pave the way for an other term in office, and he is as smooth a politician | as ever gum shoed it over a: district. ! j Mebane M. E. Church, j South. I Rev. B. T. Hurley, Pastor. N. H. Walker, Supt. S. S. Preaching every 3rd Sunday at 11:00 A. M. and at 7:30 P. M. .Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:30 and a union prayer meeting ever Sunday after noon at 3:00 o’clock conducted by the youn.i? men of the town. Sunday school every Sunday bcRin ning at 9:45 a. m. Everybody welcome to all these ser vices. As Children Play *‘Did I ever tell you,” asks Ervin Nelson, “how my younget boy bap tized his cat? No! It was like this: “Walter’s pl:iymate was the son of a Ba])tist })roacher. The ‘kid’ had seen a ffw ba])tizinff exercises and was anx- iop ; to iiiiicat-3 them. So the children caught the family cat and endeavored to practice the deep-saa method of immersion with the aid of a washtub. The cat couldn’t have baen sincere in her desire to lead a better life—she scratched and squealed until the boys had to let her go. Then the boy next doov hollered: “Dog-gor.e you! Go on and be an Ej)i?copal cat, if you want to!”— Cleveland 11 i i Dealer. Kiifeey Troubles Can be Avoided You cannot afford to neglect the slightest kidney ailment—it’s hazard ous to do so. The poisonous waste material must be separated from the blood and if the kidneys become weakened this is im possible. That means a poisoned system. That’s why neglect means trouble— the ailment becomes chronic and re sults in Rheumatism or Bright’s Dis ease. NYAL’S A Little Grave. Keep green, dor.r God, a grave that lies Beneath the wMo and starry skies. Keep sweet with sleep and give him rest Whose haiids are folded on his brerst While dreamless slumber fills his eye?. Keep still, Ol.ord, our hearts that beat Wi»h hunger for his soft child-feet. With quiet son^^ let springtime stray Abovo liini. and tho violets lay Their yeivet lips on so sweet. Keep fr:>sh tnc trailing vines that grow Where we have laid our dear one low; \nd tcach us, Jb ather, through his dust The upward looking anil the trust Tb it know they shor’d not ask to know’. Keep bright, dear God, the smile he wore. The rosebud that his soft hand bore; And teach us, ob, beyond all this Waits in eternal dream, the bliss Of clasping those we love once more! —Baltimore Sun. KIDNEY PILLS Assist the kidneys in their function strengthen them and prevent the ail ment from becoming chronic They cleanse the blood and increase the cir culation and supply the proper nourish ment to t)ody tissues. They are a kidney medicine—intend ed for that and nothing else. Speedy and Positive Relief at 50 cent the box. Whatever a good drug store ought to have—and many things that other drug stores don’t keep—you’ll find here Come to us first an 1 you’ll get what you want. MECCA DRUG CO. MEBANE. N. C. LADIES FAL Dress suitr, some of the latest cuts, made by the best and most fashionable men tailors. You should see my line, it is perfectly charming. TRUNKS, TRUNKS We have the best line of trunks, traveling trunks, steamer trunks, and all kinds of suit cases and hand bags. SEE ME FOR CARPETS Chas; H. Dorsett Uncle Sam wants 5,000 more men for the aimy, and in order to get them he is billing every enlisting station and a great many post offices with flaring Morrow-Bason 6c Green, cordi ally invite you to attend their Millinery Opening Beginning Thursday evening, Sept. 2Gth at 8 o'clock and continuing Friday and Saturday, 27th and 28th. You will be allowed a 10 per cent discount on all cnsh purchases amounting to $3 and over on opening days. We are also now showing a nice new line of Royal bociety Embroideiy. Morrow, Bason & Green Bui'Un^inn iN. C. ^This is My Choice of Duke’s Mixture Presents” Among tbe many valuable presents now given away twith Liggett & ^^^ryDuke’sMixture there is something to 8nlt every taste—and in this all-pleasing satisfaction the presents are exactly like the tobacco itself. For all classes of men like the selected Virginia and North Carolina bright leaf thi^k 790 get in Now this fjunons old tobacco will be more popular than ever—for it is now a Liggett & Myers leader, and la equal In quality to any granulated tobacco you can buy» If you haven’t smoked Duke’s Mixture with the Liggett & Myers name on the bag—try it now. You “wlU like it, for there is no better value anywhere. For 5o you get one and a half onaces of choice granalated tobacco, nnsurpassed by any in quality, and with each sack you get a book of dgarette papers FREE. Now About the Free Presents The coupons now packed with Liggett & Myers Duke’s El**tUre ars good for all sorts of valuable presents. These pres ents cost you not one penny. The list includes not only smokers’ articles — but many desirablepresents for women and children—fine fountain pens, umbrellas, cameras, toilet articles, tennis racquets, catcher’s gloreo and masks, etc. As a special offer daring September and October otdyt we will Mend you our new illustrated catcdogue of pretentB FREE, Just send name and address on a postal. Coupons from Duket Mixture may be ^sorted with tags from HORSE SHOE.J.T., TlNSliY’S NATURAL LEAF. GrXngER TWIST, coufons tram FOUR ROSES {10c-tin doubU couJon)JflCK ?LUG CUT, PIEDMONT CIOARETTES. CLIX CIGARETTI^ and other tazi or coupons issued hy wf. Premium Dept. \ 9 THOSE SHOES! Remember* there is no better place to bu/ those shoes you are needing than at, J.M. Hendrix & Co. Just in a large stock of the latest fall and winter cuts, just the prettiest and best made. We sell shoes that will stay w'ith you, and then you will stay with us. Don^t forget. J. M. Hendrix 6c Co. The Home of Good Shoes in Greensboro, N. C. Greensboro, THE WOMAN’S STORE” North Carolina OPENING UP While we are opening up our line of fall and winter purchases which includes the best attraction of the season, we are still OFFERING Some exceediagly tempting proposition, in shoes at half price. Don^t wast your money it is too hard to get, but come to see me and I will give you full value and more. My stock is com*pleet. M. Gladstein WE ALWAYS HAVE IT And will furnish it to you at the shortest no tice and , for the least money, just what you may want in dry goods, dress goods, etc. LADIES READY -TO-WEAR SUITS In all kinds of attractive material. Cleaning out sales^’of our summer goods. We will fur nish you samples of anything you wish, and up on your selection will forward at once. It is cheaper to deal with us. Ellis-Stone Co. Durham, N, C. Durham North Carolina FOR SALE Seven, three and four room cottages. Good large well located lots. Prices rea-* sonable. Terms to suit. MEBANE LAND & IMPROVEMENT CO. W. E. WHITE, Treas. MUSIC CHARM etmaaa No doubt about that, and we have prices to secure the best quality of musical instru ments that can be not met by any reputable house. Pianos and organs of the best make. Drop us a postal, we will convince you. ELLIS- MACHINE & MUSIC CO. Burlington, N. C. I S. H t-IOCKFIELD Dealer Iff Olotliing. Shoes And Dry Goods. 1 will sell you goods at an attractive % % price. Give me an opportunity to con- ^ vince you. S. II. HOCKFIELD % 226 WEST MAIN sr. DURHAM. N. C. Green & McClure or do you wish to ad anything to it to help make home more comfortable? If so, remember that Green and McClure of Graham carry a very compleet line of all kinds of furniture, chairs, car pets, lugs. etc. Just any thing you may want. Don't forget Green & McClure Graham, N. C. St. Louia, HARMLESS And you know for headach remedies are. It IS safe £o cnild’*en con take it. It's wonderfully quick. Feel that thump-ety-thurnp? Good for neuralgia. Bromalsine, 10c, 25c and 50c bottles. For sale by MECCA DRUG CO. 5c at scda fountain. Mebane, N. C. INSURANCE! I carry a full line of Companies, including Fire, Life, Accident and health Insurance, In fact, anything In the Insurance line. When in need of any kind of Insurance sec me Pates reasonable S. G. MORGAN