Mebane Leader J. O. FOY, - fcdltor and Owner. Entered as second class matter Feb- uary 8. 19C9, at the Post Office at Mebane, N. C>» under the act of March 1837. Issued Every Thursday Morning. SUBSCRIPTION: One Year, - - - $1.00 (*>ix Months, - - - .50 ThreeJMonths, - - .25 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE nd Currency, Postal Money Order or Stamps, CORRESPONJENCE We wish correspondents in all the earby post offices. Write at on«»p. Thursday. October 3 1912 NOT FIT FOR IT Mr. Kitchin you were cut out for a deplomat, you have char acteristics that eminenty fit you for one. You have a soft, soothing:, sanctimonious, suave manner, that would qualify you to sit at a foreign court and play the polished gentle men, your manner is even use ful in a political game among populist, bat Mr. Kitchin you are not a statesman, and your aspiration to a seat in the sen ate in no sense qualifies you to be one. You are a politician, a past graduate. What the think- mg people of North Carolina want is a Senator who can do things for his state, things that would help to develop her resources and enhance her great industrial interest. Y'ou are an obstructionist, you want to play a hand to a past age. Your defeat of the one hundred thousand dollars appropriation for the fast mail subsidy might have seemed a big card to play to the populist, but in truth who was you helping? no one, the saving was infintesimal, the deprivation of the fast mail ser vice from Washington to New Orleans hurt business interest millions. It was all political bombast, and no one knew it better than you, but you played for effect on the plea of ec onomy. Had you been in the senate you would have fought the appropriation of a half mil lion dollars for the deepening of the Cape fear waier wa>, and then gone to the farmers of Bladen, Cumberland, Jrfarnett and Chatham Counties and told them you were saving them money, you would have told the faimers of the East the same thin.? about the appropriation for deepening the water way through Clubfoot, and Harlow Creek Canal, from the bar at Morehead ti deep water in the Neuse. Every appropriation for goveinment buildings,or govern- met works, would in your esti mation have been a wast of public money. Your idea is to fight-fight everything rear and tear and oppose everything, only let the people at home know you are a snorter. There is not a senator since the days of Washington whose political character could not have been assailed by Mr. Kitchin. Suppose Mr. Kitchin had been a candidate for General Mat Kansoms seat, after he had voted to give a pension to General Grant of twenty thousand dollars what would have been the result. Mr. Kitchin like a good many other Democrats in con gress would have howled them selves hoarse over the fact, and yet for this act of magnanimity Cienenil Uansom won the confi dence and cooperation of a Republican congress that gave him much influence in Washing ton. Mr. Kitchin you and Colliers Weekly a: e a discredited pair,to fight Mr. Simmons, that’s all. Constable.” A party that opens its political meet ings with prayer, and sings “Onward, Christian Soldiers,” and claims to be the embodiment of pure politics and clean Americanism, ought to be honest enough not to deceive the voter, net to dissemble and not to resort to legal technicalities to force the voter either to vote for candidates he does not desire in office or to vote against his principles. The progressives claim to be divorced from the Republia^n party on the groond of non-support. They have renounced that party and all its works and all its ways. They claim that the Republican party is even worse than the Democratic party, yet in the State of Kansas they propose to place the Republican emblem above their Progres sive electors and thereby force the Taft Republicans to do one or three things, none of which they want to do: To vote the Progressive ticket; to vote against their principles and for the Democratic ticket; or to stay awav *from the polls and not vote at all. That may be a mark of slick politics, but it is not a mark of honest politics. Mr. Kitchin and his followers in trying to slander Mr. Sim mons asked that no man be al- loud to vote for senator in the primary unless he shall vote every other name on the Dem ocratic ticket, Mr. Simmons ac cepted the condition, it now ap pears that Mr. Kitchin’s friends do not care to be driven like dum cattle in voting who the bosses may designate for them any more than does Mr. Sim mons friends, a fact that Mr. Kitchin must learn in a month at least. this gem from the Sun, this car juncle of light. “This tells the whole story, a few months ago, most any republican could have consientiously supported him, but now he is a good demo crat and this man can not, and the Sun thinks that this re publican evidence is so important that it must repeat it, and yet the Sun alleges that Mr. Sim mons is too much of a republican for it to support, and he is too much of a democratic for his re publican friends to support. Note the ease with which the I Sun puts Mr. Simmons between the devil and the deep sea. Con sistency thou art a brass door knob. The trial of Milton B. Hob- good for the murder of his brother in-law W. P. Wilkinson near his home in Granville Co., ends in Hobgood gettiijg thirty years term in the pennitentiary. [This would seem to be pretty steep punishment in view of the fact that council could have made a plea of insanity, but what is the thirty years term worth wi*:b such men as Mr. Kitchin exercising the pardoning power? worth just as much as Baxter Shemwells sentence was worth and no more. V\hat North Carolina needs is a pard oning board, no governor should be able to build Ihis political fences by the exercise of the pardoning power. Kidney Troubles Can be Avoided You cannot afford to neglect the slightfest kidney ailment—it’s hazard ous to do so. The poisonous waste material mutt be separated from the blood and if the kidneys become weakened I his is im possible. That means a poisoned system. That’s why neglect means trouble— the ailment becomes chronic and re sults in Rheumatism or Bright’s Dis ease. NYAL’S KIDNEY PILLS Assist the kidneys in their function strengthen them and prevent the ail ment from becoming chronic They cleanse the blood and increase the cir culation and supply the proper nourish ment to l)ody tissues. They are a kidney medicine—intend ed for that and nothing else. Speedy and Positive Relief at £0 cent the box. ^ Whatever a good drug store ought to have—and many things that other drug stores don’t keep—you’ll find here Come to us first an 1 you’ll get what you want. MECCA DRUG CO. MEBANE, N. C. October Is Here The Time To Buy Blankels All styles and sizes Wool finish Blankets $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 Higher Grades, All wool at $5, $6, $7 These blankets come in White with Pink and Blue borders, also a full line of colored plaid bla 'i. kets. New Comforts A full line of the be^t goods, at very reasonable prices. Write for samples, will be glad to furnish them to you for any kind of fabric worn. E IlisStone Co. Durham, N, C, HEARD HE HAD GONE BACK In sending out the Simmons cam-1 paign literature, a letter was sent to ' a leading republican of this city a>k-1 ing for his support. The republican i returned thelf'tter with this note on it; | “I understand that Mr. Sinrmors ' has gone back to the democratic party, and therefore I cannot row support him.” This is the whole story. A few months ago most any republican could have conscientiously supported him.— Durham Sun. Now this is stuf, is it not? From Mr. Simmons campaign head quarters a letter is sent out by accident'.to a Kepublican. Of course it is an unpardonab e sin for a Simmons man to make’ a mistake, this republican learns that Simmons has gone back to i the Democratic party, and he wants to cut his acquaintance, so he returns the let-er, Now this is real hard, but note the sequel. We quote the last paragraph of' Some of the fruits of Mr. Kitchins force bill, or his dras tic voting primary measure, is becoming apoarent already. In Orange County there is a road bond issue in which many peoy ie say they will not vote for the commissioner who favored the bonds, and if Mr. Kitchin will not let them vote the Democratic ticket unless they vote for these commissioners, then the/ will, not vote any f>f the ticket. We I learn this will involve about two | hundred votes. i Only give Mr. Kitchin time | enough and what he likes of: putting Noith ^’arolina in the! Kppublican party wont worry! Tom Setcle, or Ma'ion Buttler, THOSE SHOES! Remember there is no better place to bu/ those shoes you are needing than at, J.M. Hendrix & Co. Just in a large stock of the latest fall and winter cuts, just the prettiest and best made. We sell shoes that will stay with you, and then you will stay with us. Don't forget. J. M. Hendrix 6c Co. The Home of Good Shoes in Greensboro, N, C. Activitv 4or Kitchin in certain quar- ter^; and wholet^ale al)use of Senator Simmons from the same sources, ii - (licate that money that smells of th*' tobacco trust is being turned loose in Davidson county.— Lexington Disr .tcl . YESKlTrniN. COHORTS LIS TEN. Gove 'nor Thomas R. Marshall ^he Democratic candidate for vice President of the United States says: “My idea of government,” makes me prefer the loss of Kansas, when the men of the State have had a chatice to Vote as they desire, to the winning of Kansas through a political trick, such as is being worked a triik which would ill become a candidate Special Bargains For Sat-- urday Night With each pair ot shoes sold Saturday night, we will give a nice match box. East Durham Gingham 6cyd. 36-ineh white cloth 6 7-8c yd. Foj ty pieces of all wool poplin cloth 25c yd. Ten I'ieces Serge $1.0U. Two liui'drpd art pquan*s from $3.98 up to $19.50. Five hundred rjgd fio.n il'^c up. Tweniv pieces of Frencli foulard, 39c value at 19c yd- Fifty piLCCs of 36-inch mesline, $1.25 value per yd 89c. five hundred pair ia'iies shoes from 98c up. 800 pair chiklreii’s sh >es 49c and up. JVien’s shoes at half price. $25.00 men’s suits to be closed out. Cbndren’s suits at a very low’ pnce, M. Gladstein LADIES FALL Dress suit?, some of the latest cuts, made by the best and most fashionable men tailors. You should S3e my line., it u perfectly charming. TRUNKS, TRUNKS We have the best line of trunks, traveling - trunks, steamer trunks, and all kinds of suit cases and hand bags. SEE ME FOR CARPETS Chas H. Dorsett Greensboro, ‘THE WOMAN’S STORE” North Carolina 108 East Mam St. Durham IliTBBfff North Carolina iSaSe^Sl^ffigiBBSy “I Got This Fine Pipe With Liggett & Myers Duke’s Mixture” AD kinds of men smoke Duke’s Mixture In all kinds of pipes—as well as in cigarettes—and they all tell the same Btory, They like the genuine, natural tobacco taste of CSidce bright leaf aged to mellow mildness, carefully stemmed and then giBDulated—every g^in pure, high-grade tobacco— that 8 what you get in the Liggett & Myers Duke’s Mixture sack., Yon get one and a hedf ovlqcgs of this pure, mild, delightful tobacco, unsurpassed in quality, for 6c—and with each sack you get a book of papers /iree. Now About the Free Pipe In every 8ackofXr*;g'^rt« & Myers Duke’s Mixture we now pack a coupon. You can exchange these coupons for a pipe or for many other valuable and useful articles. These presents cost not one penny. There is something for every member of the family— skates, catcher’s gloves, tennis rackets, cameras, toilet artides, salt CHses. 'ulues, umbrellas, and dozens of other things. Just send us your name and address on a postal and as a special offer during Octo^ ber and November only toe will tend yoa our new illustrated cafa« togue of presents FREE of any charge. Open up a sack of JAggett ^ Myera Duke’s Mixture today. Coupons from Duke's Mixture tnay bt (us^Ud with tags from HORSE SHOE. i'Jr*,3B!i?®’S.„NATURAL LEAF, and Coupons from coupon), PICK PLUG CUT. PIEDMONT GIGA. IttTTES, CUX CIGARETTES, and other tu£s or coupons issued bv us. Premium Dept. FOR SALE Seven, three and four room cottages. Good large well located lots. Prices rea sonable. Terms to suit. MEBANE LAND & IMPROVEMENT CO. W. E. WHITE, Treas. MUSIC copvwaJi CHARMI No doubt about that, and we have prices to secure the best quality of musical instru ments that can be not met by any reputable house. Pianos and organs of the best make. Drop us a postal, we will convince you. ELLIS- MACHINE & MUSIC CO. Burlington, N. C. S. t1 HOCKriELD « Dealer In Ciotliing. Shoes And Dry Goods. I will sell you goods at an attractive price. Give me an opportunity to con vince you. S. H. IIOCKFIELD _ 226 WEST MAIN 3 r. , DURHAM. N. C. Lonia, ATo. Green & McClure E or do you wish to ad anything to it to help make home more comfortable? If so, remember that Green and McClure of Graham carry a very compleet line of all kinds of furniture, chairs, car pets, rugs, etc. Just any thing you may want. Don't forget HARMLESS And you know for headach remedies are i i It IS safe lo children c.^.n take it. Feel that thump-ety-thump? Good for neuralgia. It’s wondcriuHy quick. Bromalsine, Green & McClure Graham, N. C. 10c, 25c and 50c bottles For sale ly MECCA DRUG CO. 5c at soda fountain. Mebane, N. C. INSURANCE! I carry a full line of Companies, including Fire, Life, Accident and health Insurance, fn fact, anything In the Insurance line. When in need of any kind of Insurance see me Rates reasonable S. G. MORGAN