Mebane Leader j. O. FOY, - Editor and Owner. Entered as second class matter Feb- uary 8. liiOi?, at the Post Office at Mebane, N. C under the act oC March 1817. Issued Every Thursday Morninjf. SUBSCRIPTION: One Year, - - - $1.00 Months, - - - *50 Three.Months, - - *‘^5 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE nd Currency, Postal Money Order or Stamps. correspondence We wish correspondents in all the earby post offices. Write at onrp Thursday. October 17 1912 WILL DO THE RIGHT. The people of North Carolina are a conservative people, almost obstinate in their clinging sta bility. This trait of character could never be better illustrated than in their reluctance to leave the Union in 1861 They did not want to seceed, and held on with pertenacity untill after Sump ter fell. But when the war was once on and they saw nothing ahead but a fight they went to the front and did the fighting, and it is said no soldiers fought more heroic, or with graater braver^'^ than those from North Carolina. And this is so with everything, her people want to know what is right, and onee they learn it, they go in that path and heed not the conse quences. It is a pecular charac teristic of these conservative North Carolina. Six months ago the man who slandered his wav in to the Governors chair of this State, began his asual siege of persecu tion and slander against the man who be regarded as stood in his way to a seat in the senate, at that time his oponent was busy with his duties in Washington and could not stop to answer him, and in the blind egotistism of this man who you will better know as Governor Kitchin, thought that his artful and malicious attacks were unanswer able. He went ov^er the State through his own efforts, and by ihe aid of his kinsmen his fiiends and hirelinp-s he swept the State. The best was done that could be done to inoculate every mind with a suspicion of abasement, political tirputude, and infidelity to trust in the Senior Senator of North Carolina. Things, and facts, were colored to suit the exigences of tne occasion. Sin- dicated articles sent out of this State evidently by Butler and Co., and repeated here with a gusto, and the political reputa tion that Senator Simmons had labored hard for thirty years to build was being recklessly torn down and trampled beneath the feei of a designing reckless and unscrupelous politicians. The people did not know, and the attack was made so artfully and with such pleasing and plauseable method that it won its way to many unrespecting minds. When Congress ended its sitting. Senator Simmons return ed to his native State, and then sought to correct the false and vicious impression that had been created about him. Since re turning Senator Simmons has never undertaken to defend his record only to explain something where he had been falsely and wrongfully represented. Thousands of people are beginning to realize what a damnable effort at Mr. Simmons destruction was ^nade, and the love of right and iustice is leading them to condemn in unmeasured terms the unfair fight made against Mr. Simmons the unscrupelous methods adop ted to encompas his ruin. It is the great conservative force that rules the character and conscience of the people of the old North State that has been quickened to the grave injustice done one of her citizens, and now they propose to see justice done though the heavens fall, and they will right the wrong sought to inflict upon and honest faithful and patrotic citizen, and the votes in November will thunder their denunciation at the po'ls as they answered duties call from Bethel to Appomatox. TO THE JUNIOR ORDER. The Junior order has exhibit ed perhaps greater interest in educational matters than any other secret order known. The Juniors believe in home folks and they believe in educating them. Senator Simmons bill in cong/ess, a bill to regulate alien emigration was ai^ed especially to prevent the landing* on our shores foreign illiterates. This bill has won for Mr. Simmons the highest praise from the Junior order. We state below a few endorsements, a large list of which may i)e found in the con gressional Record 62 congress followinc: the speach of Hon. F. M. Simmons in the Senate Mar- 18th 1912. The State Council of Maine Junior order, heartily endorses Senator Simmons bill to regulate foreign emigration, H. H. Skole- field state councilor. The State Council of Connecticut endors the emendment offered by Sena tor Simmons, and urges the pas sage of the same Cyrus E. Ry der State Councilor. These are only a few of the many endorse ments given Senator Simmons in his efforts to strengthen the hands of home people. The | Juniors should acquaint them selves with the merits of this bill, we have it in our office. If Wilson is elected the farmers might just as well bepin to get ready next year for 5 cent cotton and those who are working in factories might just as well get ready to eat potlick- ker and bread.—Union Republican. My-my would not this be aw ful if it were true. The Union Republican must bank on hav ing a lot of illiterates as readers if it expects for such stuff as this to be swallowed. There was a day and every one deplores it, when the standard of education was so low in North Carolina that such stuff would have been swallowed, possibly with a re lish, but’enlightened North Car olinians would consider in an in sult to their enteligence now. we do not know, have never heard of the publication before, and can not presume it is other than one of those mushroom publications that have sprung up since Mr. Kitchins candidacy, and paid for by who? But who ever is responsable for it has stamped himself by the charac ter of the article as a common low bred mean, man, who seems to have no conception of the dignity and decency of politics. It matters not w.ho wrote it, or who inspired it, whether it was Marion Butler, or Bill Kitchin, it does not alter the low down vile contemptable thrust. It is simply the invention of a brain of a mean man worthy of the contempt and execration of every honorable voter in North Carolina The sample of the style of attack made by Mr. Kitchin henchman on Mr. Simmons. WHO IS GUILTY? (Editorial, The Carolina Union Farmer Oct. 3, 1912.) “The biggest rascal that ever betrayed the people and served the special interests in Congress can comt; befort't the people with a bold and plausible defense of his “record.” With all the brass and bluster and bravery that it is possible to bring into play, certain machiue partisan demago gues are now engaged in standing before audiences telling how they have served the “dear people,” when they belong body and soul to “the interests” aiid now have the solid support of the corporations and “special interests” of the State. The strange pari of it—the deplorable part of the whole business, is that there is such a large element of dense ignorance among the voters and so many local “machine” politicians who care nothing for principle and who are out for the “spoils” only. Perhaps the most corrupt thing in North Carolina is modern “machine” politics —which is simply a scramble for political office.” Will give $5.00 prize for best descrip* tion of the Candidate whom above cap tits. F. R. McNinch, Manager for W. W. Kitchin. AN INFAMOUS SLANDER. We are going to give Mr. W. W. Kitchin some free adver tising. The article below is copied from the Raleigh Observer under date of October the 11th, as paid advertising, it is credited to the “Carolina Union Farmer” where the Farmer is published CITY CAFE AND MARKET Have just opened up an up- to-date Restaurant in the build ing recently vacated by Mr. Bright. Large Refrigrater. Ice for sale. THE BEST MEALS A’ill be served on short notice. Every thing clean and up-tx> da‘e. We cater for the pat ronage that can appreciate a nice place. Highest price j.'aid for hides. nM flip I ssnsnsaig Got This Fine Pipe With Liggett & Myers Duke’s Mixture” AH kind* of men smoke Duke’s Mixture In all kinds of pipes—as well as In cigarettes—and they all teD the same •toi7« Tbej like the genuine, natural tobacco taste of CSboloe bright leaf aged to mellow mfldness, carefhlly stemmed yoa Yoa get one and a halt ouacea of this pore, mild, delifh tobacco, onsnrpaBsed in quality, for 6c—and with each ^ get m book of papers free. Now About the Free Pipe Inenrery sackof£j'^,rt & Myers Duke’s Mixture we now pack a coupon. You can exchange these coupons for a pipe or for many other TalnaUe and useful articles. These presents cost not one penny. There te something for every member of the family— skates, catcher’s gloves, tennis rackets, cameras, toilet artides, ftaitimses. caues, umbrellas, and dozens of other things. Just send □s your name and address on a postal and as a Bpecial offer during Octo^ her and November only we will tend you our new Slastrated cafa« logae of preaenta FREE of any charge. Open up a sack of lAggett ^ Myera Duke’s Mixture today. Coupons from Duk^t Mixture may ht assorted with tags from HORSESHOE. J.T« JINSLETTS NATURAL LEAR and Coupons from PICK PLUG CUT, PIEDMONT CIG^ RETTES, CLIX dGARETTE^^i^ otner toes or coupons tssued by us. St, LotdM, Mo, Premium Dept. THE NICEST TOOTH PASTE WE EVER SAW Nydenta Cream is the most delight ful and effective tooth cleanser and preservative you can possible use. Nydenta enters the crypts and cre vices of the teeth—.even whera the bristles of the brush fail to go-pre- vents fermentation and inhibits the growth of disease germs upon the mu cons membrances of the mouth. Nydenta Cream is a prophylactic and preservative—it supplies the cleansing elements necessary to tooth preservation, elements that are found in the normal secretions of every mouth but alv^rays absent in the presence of decay It hardens the gums, protects, whit ens, and polishes the enamel of the te^th—sweetens and perfumes the breath. There is absolutely no w^asto to Ny denta—it is clean and economical, 25 cents the tube. Whatever a good drug store ought to have—and many things that other drug stores don’t keep —you’ll find here Come to us first an 1 >ou’ll get what you want. MECCA DRUG CO. MEBANE. N C. THOSE SHOES! Remember there is no better place to bu/ those shoes you are needing than at, J.M. Hendrix & Co. Just in a large stock of the latest fall and winter cuts, just the prettiest and best made. We sell shoes that will stay with you, and then you will stay with us. Don't forget. J. M. Hendrix & Co. The Home of Good Shoes in Greensboro, N. C. Special Bargains For Sat urday Night With each pair ot shoes sold Saturday night, we will give a nice match box. East Durham Gingh im (5cyd. 3(j-inch wWte cloth 6 7-8c yd. Forty pieces of all wool poplin cloth 25c yd. Ten \‘ieces Serge $1.0>. Two hundred art squares from $3.98 up to $19.50. Five hundred rugs from H8c up. Twenty pieces of French foulard, value at 19c yd- Fifty pieces of 36-inch nieslino, $1.25 value per yd 89c. l* ive hundred pair la'lies shoes from 98c up. StK) pair children’s shoes 49c and up. Men's shoes at half price. $25.00 men’.s suits to be closed out. Children’s suits at a very low’ pi ice. M. Gladstein 108 East Mam St. Durham North Carolin October Is Here The Time To BuyBlank etsi All styles and siz3s | Wonl finish Blankets $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 | Higher Grades, All wool at $5, $6, $7 { These blankets come in White with Pink and Blue borders, also a full line of colored plaid bla-i. kets. New Comforts A full line of the best goods, at very reasonable prices. Write for samples, will be glad to furnish them to you for any kind of fabric worn. E ilis-Stone Co. Durham, N. C. uDiirrsTL 1 3 s uit?, some of the latest cuts, made by the best and most fashionable men tailors. You should S36 my line, it is perfectly charming. TRUNKS, TRUNKS We have the best line of trunks, traveling trunks, steamer trunks, and all kinds of suit cases and hand bags. SEE ME FOR CARPETS Chas H.Dorsett Greensboro, THE WOMAN’S STORE" INorth Caroh'na FOR SALE ^fi I III iiiMiiipi fnrii Seven, three and four room cottages. Good large well located lots. Prices rea sonable. Terms to suit. MEBANE LAND & IMPROVEMENT CO. W. E. WHITE, Treas. MUSIC CHARM No doubt about that, and we have prices to secure the best quality of musical instru ments that can be not met by any reputable house. Pianos and organs of the best make. Drop us a postal, we will convince you. ELLIS- MACHINE & MUSIC CO.I BurHngton, N. C. Green & McClure E or do you wish to ad anything to it to help make home more comfortable? If so, remember that Green and McClure of Graham carry a very compleet line of all kinds of furniture, chairs, car pets, rugs, etc. Just any thing you may want. Don't foi’get Green & McClure Graham, N. C. S. tl tIOCKriELD Dealer In Clothing. Shoes And Dry Gooils. 1 will sell you goods at an attractive price. Give me an opportunity to con vince you. s. n. HOCKFIELD 226 WEST MAIN ST. DURHAM. N. C. HARMLESS And you know for headach remedies are. It IS safe so children can take :t. It’s wonderfully quick. Feel that thump-ety-thump? Good for neuralgia. Bromalgine, 10c, 25c and 50c bottles. For sale \y MECCA DRUG CO. 5c at soda fountain. Mebane, N. C. Buildup Your System For the coming winter by drinking PANACEA MINERAL SPRINGS WATER It is pure, strengthening, and so full of true merit. Tones up and invigorates. Dissipates that “tired fool ing.” Drink it! To an invalid it is worth more than gold! Ask your local dealer for PANACEA MINERAL WATER, or order a case direct from the SPRING. Address T. ALEX BAXTER, Mgr. or PANACEA SPRING CO. Littleton^ N. C.

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