Mebane Leader J. O. FOY, - editor and Owner. Entered as second class matter Feb- uary 8. 1909, at the Post Office at Mebane, N. G-^ under the act of Marcb 1897. Issued Every Thursday Morning. SUBSCRIPTION: One^Year, - - - $1.00 rt'ix Months, - - - .50 ThreejMonths, - - .25 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE - nd Currency, Postal Money Order or^Stamps, CORRESPOND ENCE We wish correspondents in all the enough earby post offices. Write at onr». Thursday. October 24 1912 President Taft says the price of food products are going down. Mr. Wickersbam says we are squelshing the trust, and brother Claud says he will put brother William out of the Senatorial race in ten minutes if certain things should transpire, and they keep on transpiring, and brother William keeps on runing, and keeps on degrading North Caro lina politics on a level with those of South Carolina. an independent paper. It would be refreshing to know how the Leader stands on the State.and County tickets. —Burlington News. For mercy sakes, what is the old “thing” driving at? The Editor of the News may not have the murrain, or galloping collic, but he has a case of atrophied, blind chronic criticism and his hiisfortune is he does not know who to Jcriticise, or how to criticise. It is simply a rambling reeking, mess of fault finding* a hopless slush. If there was a word in the ignorant slobering above worth replying too we would do it, but there is none- If you have interest without perverting a fact to learn how we stand on the State and county ticket, come to Mebane on election dav and we will show you. We have never voted anything but a straight Democratic ticket all our life. Tan you say as much? We doubt it. This way of trying to throw off on a mans politics and to ridicule the honesty of his purpose because he refuses to play in your filthy bilge barrel is coniemptable. If Mr. Simmons is returned to the senate and will have the job of writ ing the democratic tarilf bill then all hope of remedial tariff legislation by the democratic party is gone.—Durham Herald. Oh, is it? What a pity, you do not mean it is all gone, you mean you want to fool some one, and make them think it is all gone, you know you do not know any more about that business than the ballance of us. No one who has any knowl edge whatever of Mr. Theodore Roosevelt doubts but what he is one of the ner\iest men, one of the most courageous, and self reliant men known to the world. He seems to have a perfect contempt foj* fear, or danger, mentaly he is a tower of strength and physicialy he is a lion of daring. Every test of his life has tended to confirn this impres sion, but his attitude in the face of an assassin, and his reckless indifference after being shot gives him the stamp of intre pid valour. Largest Battleship Launched The super-dreadnaught “Texas,” which, when completed, will be the greatest ship in the United States navy. She 13 573 feet lone, 95 feet, 2 1-2 inches broad at waterlins and has a draft of 28 feet, 6 inches. Her full load displacement is 28, 367 tons. Her engines will develop 27,000 horse-power and give a speed of at least 21 knots an hour. Her armament will consist of ten 14-inch 45-calibre guns; sixteen 5- inch 51-calibre rapid-fire guns; four 3-pounder saluting guns and four 21- inch torpedo tubes. She will carry 63 officers and 1,009 men, and will cost $10,000,000. Saves Leg Of Boy, “It seemed that my 14-year old boy would have to lose his leg, on account of an ugly ulcer caused by a bad bruise, ’ ’ wrote D. F. Howard, Aquone, N. C. “All remedies and doctors treatment failed till we tried Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, and cured him with one box." Cures bums, boils, skins eruptions, piles. 25c at Mebane Drug Co. Sunshine. A little gold amid the gray; That’s sunshine. A littU brightness on the way; That’s sunshine. A little glimpsing of the blue, A little widening of the view, A little heaven breaking through; That’s sunshine. A little looking for the light; That’s sunshine. A little patience through the night; That’s sunshine. A little bowing of the will, A little resting on the bill, A little standing very still. That’s sunshine. A little smiling through the tears; That’s sunshine. A little faith behind the fears; That’s sunshme. A little folding of the hand, A little yielding of demand, A little gn^ace to understand; That’s sunshine. -^Stuart Maclean. A SANE CAMPAIGN. Politics in North Carolina is being run on a low plane. Personalities and abuse are taking the place of argument, and men are beinp discussed instead of measures. The evil effects of the present campaign will be felt for years to come. Sober minded citizens deplore it; only the thoughtless and ignorant find any pleasure in this fierce and furious onslaught on motive and even common honesty.—Charity and Children. It was Bleases way, and now it is Kitchins way, but it is the curse of the State, it matters not whose way it may be. North Carolina politics is being dragi^ed to a lower level than ever before, all because there is one man willing to sink the old common wealth to the gutter if be can climb to a seat in the senate. In a letter to the editor of the Char lotte Chronicle, May 20, 1911. Senator Simmons emphatically denied that he had ever had any business dealings with Lorimer. “I own no interest with him In any property of any kind and never have,” said Mr. Simmons. Yet the face of this specific denial Governor Kitchin has persisted in cred iting the false report, and added to it that Senator Simmons actually enter tained Lorimer in his home! He ought to submit the proof of his charges or have the manliness to retract them. — Reidsyills Review. CITY CAFE AND MARKET Have just opened up an up- to-date Restaurant in the build ing recently vacated by Mr. Bright. Large Refrigrater. Ice for sale. THE BEST MEALS will be served on short notice. Every thing clean and up-to date. We cater for the pat ronage that can appreciate a nice place. Highest price paid for hides. The most senseable thing the Her- rald has said in a long-long time. Re-Sale of Valuable Land. | By virtae of an order of Alamance j Superir Court, 1 will, on Saturday] November 23, 1912, at 12 o’clock, noon at the Court House door in Graham i sell at public outcry to the highest bidder, the following described real property, to wit: First Tract: A trait or parcel of land in Alamance County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of John Stephens, James Mitchell and others, known as lot 18. Beginning at a rock on branch North 18 deg. West 11 chains and 90 links to a rock; thence East 4 chains and 35 links to a walnut; thence South 13 deg. East 9 chains and 20 links to a rock on branch; thence down branch to the begining, containing four and one half acres, more or less. Second Tract: A certain tract or par- cal of land in Melville township, Ala mance county, state of North Carolina adjoining the lands of I emuel Morrow Janies Mitchell and others, bounded as follows, viz: Beinning at a rock on branch thence North 3| deg. East 8 chains and 80 links to a dosf wood; thence East 7 chains ard 60 links to a pine; Thence South 13 deg. E. 11 chains and 90 links to a rock on branch thence down branch to beginning, con taining nine and one half acres, more or less. Third tract: A certain parcel of land in Melville township, Alamance county state of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of John Murphy, Mebane Land and Improvement Co., and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a rock on branch North 13 deg. West 7 chains and 20 links to a rock; thence North 66J deg. East 4 chains to a rock; thence South 13 deg. 7 chains and 50 links to a stake; thence south 33i deg. West 2 chains to a branch; thence down the branch to the beginning, '■ontaining three acres, more or less. This is th2 land that was owned by the late James Henry Long, colored, it is convenientlv located to the triv- ing town of Mebane and makes a nice little farm, the three tract adjoin. The above described three tracts of land will be sold as a whole, to be sold upon the following terms, towit: One third of the purchase price in money down, and the other two thirds secured by bonds payable in six and twelve months, and carrying interest from day of sale until naid; title to be reserved until payment of purchase money is complete. Bidding will begin at $688,60. Under the oider in this cause sale will be reported to the court and same will remain open twenty days for advanced bids. This Oct. 17th 1912. F. R. Ireland, Adm. c. t. a. of J. Dolph Long, Atty. LET COLLIERS GO. P. F. Colliers and Son is evidently making a strong bid for North Carolina patronage. They have lost out, and are trying hard to reinstate them selves in public favor, but we doubt that they will be able to do so, despite the efforts of a certain element to avail them selves of the Colliers muck rake. Years ago they slandered the white women of North Carolina in defense of a black libeler, to day they are evidently the hired assassins of the political charac ter of one of North Carolinas ablest Senators, a man respected and honored by a large majority of the States best people. What there is in Colliers except question able sensations, would be difficult to find. Let Colliers go, there is no good purpose or place for it in North Carolina nor does it become you to aid it to serve a bad one. FOR MERCY SAKES. The Mebane Leader seems to be qjite billious these days. Having getten out of its system some bitter remarks about Mr. Biooks, Governor Kitchin and reproduced a long article to show how Ex-Govemor Aycock thought Lorimer was innocent, according to the evidence, we presume it is ready to drop back into ihe role of WHY CLARK WILL BE SENATOR Judge Walter Clark has the best chance to be chosen Senator in the Primary because: 1. He is Pledged to earnestly contend for an amendment to the Interstate Commerce Law that will prevent the discrimination against North Carolina in freight rates which now costs the farmers and merchants of this State $10,000,000 a year. 2. He is pledged to contend for and expects to succeed in having returned annually in pensions to Confederate Soldiers and widows for them to spend, the $5,000,000 which this State is sending as a war contribution to pay pensions to Federal Soldiers. 3. He is pledged to earnestly urge the repeal of the 8 cent tax on tobacco which will give the farmers 8 cents additional on every pound of tobacco they sell which the manufacturer now has to take off for Covernment tax. This will also destroy the Trust by leav ing every farmer or neighborhood free to manufacture tobacco. It will save the farmers of North Carolina $7,000,000 a year. 4. He will advocate Land Banks as in Germany and other countries by which the Government will loan money to the farm ers, small merchants, and working men at low rates of interst. The Government now furnishes the National Banks with their money without charging interest. Why should it not furnish the farmers, merchants and working men money at low rate of interest as in Germany? Messrs. Simmons and Kitchin have each served twelve years in Congress and have done nothing about an> of these things. They do not even promise to do anything now if elected. 5. He will advocate a graduated income and inheritance tax by which the multimillionaires will contribute heavily to the support of the Government, whereas nothing is now raised from them in that way. The friends of Judge Walter Clark and his enemies alike, know that he can be relied upon after election to urge these measures as strenuously as he does now. VOTE YOUR CONVICTIONS. CLARK AS SENATOR MEANS SOMETHING TO YOU. (ADVERTISMENT) Avoid Rheumatism Rheumatism with its accompanvirg pains and tortures, is the result of a decreased action of the kidneys which results in an accumulation of Uric Acid in the blood. Treatment should commence with the first hint of trouble. Those almost insignificant pains in the small of the back mean trouble—it’s a warning of kidney weakness—inability to separate the poisons from the blood. The action of the kidneys is incessant—they wo.k constantly and in company with the liver pnd bladder strive to purify the blood and keep the system free from poisons. They should have help—if they become weakened and neglected it means Rheumatism or Bright’s disease. If you would avoid these dangerous disease use Nyal’s Stone Root Compound—start with the first symptoms nnd make sure that the kidnevs are restored to their normal strength and activity. Nyal’s Stone Root Compound was devised for that very purpose—to assist the kidneys, bladder and liyer in their functions and rid the system of Uric Acid and other poisons Does it, too! Fifty cents and one dollar the bottle. Any doctor will tell you that when we compound a prescription it’s done right. Bring us your prescriptions. 1 Mecca DrugCo. WE SAVE YOU FROM 20 TO 30c ON EtC DOLLAR YOU SPENO WITH US DURING THIS SALL 35-in white cloth, only 5 l-2c yd. 2>K) bolts of all color outing 6 12c yd 10 pieces 20c white linen for 10c yd. East Durham Gingham 6c yd. 50 dozen ladies heavy undershirts and pants to match for 25c each. $1.50 undershirts, all color for 95c each. 500 ladies coat suits, up- to-date from $5 50 up to $20.00. 600 ladies long cloaks from $2.75 up »Ladies and children’s sweaters at low prices. Ladies and children shoes. Men’s clothing and boys suits and men’s and boys’ over coats, closing out at this sale. Remember the name, M. Gladstein October Is Here The Time To BuyBlank ets All styles and sizss | Wool finish Blankets $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 Higher Grades, All wool at $5, $6, $7 These blankets come in White with Pinfc and Blue borders, also a full line of colored plaid blaa- kets. New Comforts A full line of the best goods, at very reasonable prices. Write for samples, will be glad to furnish t‘:em to you for any kind of fabric worn. E ilisStone Co. Durham, N. C. Ign 108 East Main St. Durham North Carolina THOSE SHOES! Rem ember J there is no better place to buy those shoes you are needing than at, J.M. Hendrix & Co. Just in a large stock of the latest fall and winter cuts, just the prettiest and best made. We sell shoes that will stay with you, and then you will stay with us. Don't forget. J. M. Hendrix & Co. The Home of Good Shoes in Greensboro, N. C. LADIES FALL D • s uitr, some of the latest cuts, made by the best and most fashionable men tailcrs. You should S3e my line, it is perfectly charming. TRUNKS, TRUNKS We have the best line of truuks, traveling trunks, steamer trunks, and all kinds of suit cases and hand bags. SEE ME FOR CARPETS Chas H.Dorsett Greensboro, ‘THE WOMAN’S STORE” iNorth Carolina FORS^E Seven, three and four room cottages. Good large well located lots. Prices rea sonable. Terms to suit. M£BANE LAND & IMPROVEMENT GO. W. E. WHITE, Treas. MUSIC CHARM No doubt about that, and we have prices to secure the best quality of musical instru ments that can be not met by any reputable house. Pianos and organs of the best make. Drop us a postal, we will convince you. lELLIS- MACHINE & MUSIC COj Burlington, N. C. Green & McClure Iave you fubnished your house or do you wish to ad anything to it to help make home more comfortable? If so, remember that Green and McClure of Graham carry a very compleet line of all kinds of furniture, chairs, car pets, rugs, etc. Just any thing you may want. Don't forget Green & McClure Graham, N. C. s. H HOCKriELD m Dealer In Clolliing. Shoes And Dry Goods. 1 will sell you goods at an attractive price. Give me an opportunity to con vince you. s. II. HOCKFIELD _ 226 WEST MAIN ST. DURHAM. N. C. HARMLESS And you know for headach remedies are. It IS safe £0 children can take it. It's wonderfully quick. Feel that thump-ety-thump? Good for neuralgia. Bromalgine, 10c, 25c and 50c bottles. For sale by MECCA DRUG CO. 5c at soda fountain. Mebane, N. C. Build Up Your System For the coming winter by drinking PANACEA MINERAL SPRINGS WATER It is pure, strengthening, and so full of true merit. Tones up and invigorates. Dissipates that “tired ffuel ing.” Drink it! To an invalid it is worth more than gold! Ask your local dealer for PANACEA MINERAL WATER, or order a case direct from the SPRING. Address T. ALEX BAXTER, Mgr. or PANACEA SPRING CO. Littleton, N, C. The c£ when it cl never inc liberafely norance o home and The Wi low HS fO nue tariii Census Bi that duiii Htion the cr* 3sr in expansion mcnt was other (lecj since. iGreat virtual lr« thar. sixt.v 11 i idle or the roii^y board and of virtual in the Uni tively nep products( looms are and corne It is 1 a does not k liberately referencs Va. Pilot. Sav She’s a what to d( in danger, tree, Vt., on myusii writes Mr when I \ thought I and it con cure for c safe and throat and croup, wht heniorrhge 50 cts. Mebane D In the Pi peopl j wei army repo: life or eve six thousai by it. Sci A Lo of the la trouble ah( loss of aj vitality, lo weakness. Electric 15i cause by ti Turing the i mcr of L>n over tln-ee Klectiic lij feet again. They give good digest] ane Drug C Maki To be m ciently hur potted for Quebec gu small Indee If you hs perhaps no stomach ar ment. To Chamberla Tablets ex and pleasa gentle iji Dealer.=«. Wh Mies Old rlous work hanging ar Pert—“Yoi Work, do yi can. The Mt. tralia is a currence o pany has I cover radii