Me bane Leader O. POV, - tditor and Owner. Entered as second class matter Feb- uary 8. i90S^ at the Post Office at Mebane, N, C- under the act of Marcb Issued Everv Thursday Morning. SUBSCRIPTION: OnejYear, - $1.00 rfix Months, - - - .50 ThreeJMonths, - - .25 ‘ PAYABLE IN ADVANCE -«• ('urrency, Postal Money Order or^Stamps. CORRESPONDENCE We wish correspondents in all the earby post offices. Write at nd by contract with Senator Loriirer to vote for him by reason of any asso:i- ation or business transaction, or that he has had any business transaction wiih him, as absolutely and unquali fiedly false. And we deny that ex- ScnatoriLorimer has ever been enter tained as his truest by Senator Sim- moni at hia home in Ne*v Bern or else where. And yet Governor Kitchin has never withdrawn this charge or appologrized for tne wrong he did Senator Simmons. Thursday. October 31 1912 DRAWING THE FIRE OF PARSON. We have drawn the fire of the Parson and he comes back at us with a vengeance, and vin dictiveness that would gladden the heart of a Jack Johnson. Listen to this effusive preach er of piety, this unctions ap ostle of the Devinity, as he shouts, his rabid ribald refrain, his pitiless rancor. “A SCURRILIOUS ATTACK” “A most scurrilous attack was made upon Governor Kitchin on the editor ial page of the Mebane Leader of last week. The writer of this abusive ar ticle shows a hate as venemous as the serpent and a lack of respect for the Governor of our Commonwealth that would degrade a nihilist. We have not read a more abusive article in any paper. Just what benefit can come from this we do not see. We sell space to Kitchin, Simmons and Clark but do not sell editorial space. We have been ror Governor Kitchin for the Senate buc we have never yet forgot the pro prieties of the case so far as to abuse either Judge Clark and Senator Sim mons because they want to go there too.”-—Burlington News. The Editor of the Burlin^on News undertakes to create a court of equity, himself as iudge and jury, to try and is sue that he raises with the Meb ane Leader. For sooth the Par son seems to think his license covers the entire field of journ alistic assininity, and in his weakness, and his wanton sych- ophantic flunkeyism bends the suppliant knee for a ^ Kitchin compliment. The statement we copy above from the News under the head ing a “Scurrilous attack’^ is sim ply a deliberate, malicious libel, a fact easily ascertained by the readers of the article. We dare the Editor of the News to publish in his paper the article from the Leader that has drawn his rabid criticism, the one under date of October 17th, in the Leader, headed an “Infamous slan der,” and then publish in con- nect^ion there with the one which adjoins the said aj’ticle, the one which called fourth our criticism, under the heading “Who i.-'guilty” signed by F. R. McNinch, VV. VV. Kitchins mana ger. You did not have the moral courage to do this before, will you be too much of a coward to accept of our challenge now? then we will learn whether public sentiment will agree with you in libeling the Editor of tiie T.eader by trying to put iiim on the level with a nihilist You may be a preacher but your mouth is not a prayer book. Why did you net at first publish what we said and then criticise it? Because you did not care to do what was fair and right, you wanted to mislead. In answer to your vile insim- uation, and for the information of any who may be simelarly interested, we would say that we have never been paid one penny by Mr. Simmons, or any one interested in him for the service we may have rendered him in the Leader in his fight for the nomination of United States Senator, this is a state ment we will make under oath to any party who has the de cency to ask it- MUST MOVE INTO THE OPEN A press report emanatinsf from Car thage attributed to [Governor Kitchin the statement that while he was not making an attack upon the personal character of Senator Simmons, he did not wish his audience to infer that he could not do so. That is a grave charge, a very grave charge, which the Governor has here made against nis chief oppDnent, by implication. The Charlotte Chronicle is warranted in saying that the state ment of Governor Kitchin, said to have been made at Carthage, is certainly to he regretted by those who have be lieved in the manhood and honesty of Mr. Kitchin.—Greensboro News, This is a great man to send to the Senate. Four years ago, evil reports were set in motion with respect to Mr. Craig, that gentlemen felt impelled to protest against the activity of his de tractors in words that must have sear ed certain &ouls: “I defy either of the Kitchins or any of their aupporters to produce any proof of these slanders said Mr. Craig. the arch of Europes solidarity, it has been held together fearing the unusal conflagration that would result in it disrintengra- tion. President Taft feels that he is goiivg to be elected to succeed himself. We hope he will get a’lof the pleasure out of that feeling posible, for that is all there will be in it. After elec tion day, he will be certain he did not get elected. Hon. Lock Craig, and H(m. Thomas Settle candidates res pectively for Governor for the Democratic and Republican parties nomination, may pull off a joint debate at some point in the West before election day. It now seems .probable. The civilized, Christian world will indulge no regrets, if the Balkan States in their war with Turkey to day brings about a condition that will result in the utter destruction of the Ottoman Empire, We would like to see it swept from Assiatic and the European maps. It has stood for centuries a blot on civilization a lot of bloody cut throats. Regarding it as a key stone in CITY CAFE AND MARKET Have just opened up an up- to-date Restaurant in the build ing recently vacated by Mr. Bright. Large Refrigrater. Ice for sale. THE BEST MEALS will be served on short notice. Every thing clean and up»-to da^’e. We cater for the pat ronage that can appreciate a nice place. Highest price paid for hides. The Crown Prince Alexis heir to the Russian throne is suffer ing from an injurj'^ caused by a fall resultinp^ from his highness doing some climbing in his room. The accident has caused some alarm among the Russians subjects. The Holly. (By Susie Cleveland Kobertson.) The leaves are dead, the woods are bare. Chill Winter rules o’er e-arth and sky; On lofty pine and lowly hedge The glist’ning snowflakes thickly lie. The lonely fir and stately oak Are wrapped in icy winding-sheet, And cold and grim the meadows bare Shrink from the storm of blinding sleet Yet Autnmn’s blaze of richest dayes Left trace of color as it fled; The green moss peeps through crystal frets. The Holly glows with berries red. Oh, lovely Holly! Fadeless green. With scarlet fruit on glossy tree, Fit emblem of life’s miracle Which blooms through all eternity. Saved By His Wife. She’s a wise woman who knows just what to do when her husband’s life is in danger, but Mrs. R. J. Flint, Brain tree, Vt., is of that kind. “She insisted on my using Dr. King’s New Discovery writes Mr. F'. “for a dreadful cough, when I was so weak my friends all thought 1 had only a short time to live, and it completely cured me.” A quick cure for coughs and colds, it’s the mo^t safe and reliable medicine for many throat and lung troubles-grip, bronchitis croup, whooping cough, quinsy, tonsilitis hemorrhges A trial will convince you. 50 cts. and $L00. Guaranteed by Mebane Drug Co. Wants a Watch! I \ Avoid Rheumatism Rheumatism with its accompanying pains and tortures, is the result of a decreased action of the kidneys which results in an accumulation of Uric Acid in thfc blood. Treatment should commfnc*i with the first hii.t of trouble. Those almost insignificant pains in the small of the back mean trouble it’s a warning of kidney weakness—inability to separate the polHons from the blood. The action of the lhlnt*y« incessant—they woik constantly and in company with the liviTund bladder strive to purify the blood and keep tlie Hystem frop from poisons. They should have help—if they become wonkoned and nfglectod it moans Rheumatism or Bright’s disease. If you would avoid these dangerous disease use Nyal’s Stone Root Com pound-start with the first symptoms ■\n»l mako suro (l»at tiu* kiiltieys are restored to their normal strength and activity Nyal’s Stone Root Compound was devised for Uiat very purpose—to assist the kidnvys, bladder and liver in their functions and rid tl e system of Uric Acid and other poisons Does it, too! Fifty cents and one dollar the bottle. Any doctor will tell you that when we comp >und a prescription it’s d ne right. Bring us your prescriptions. Mecca DrusrCo. s uctober Is Here The Time To Buy Blanket All styles and siz s Wool finish Blankets $2.50, $ >.75, $3,00 Hi|?her Grades, All wool at $5, $6, $7 These blankets come in White with Pink and Blue borders, also a full line of colored plaid blan kets. New Comforts A full line of the best goods, at very reasonable prices. Write for samples, will be glad to furni 'h them to you for any kind of fabric worn. Ellis-Stone Co. Durham, N. C, Had mifs&ssasssm WE SAVE YOU FROM 20 TG 30c ON EACH DOLLAR YOU SPEND WITH US DURING THIS SALE. 35-in white cloth, only 5 l-2c yd. 2'K) bolts of all color outing 6 12c yd 10 pieces 20c white linen for 10c yd. East Durham Gingham 6c yd. 50 dozen ladies heavy undershirts and pants to match for 25c each. $1.50 under shirts, all color for 95c each. 500 ladies coat suits, up- to-date from $5.50 up to $20.00. 600 ladies long cloaks from $2.75 up Ladies and children’s sweaters at low I'rices. Ladies and children shoes. Men’s clothing and boys suits and men’s and Doys' overcoats, closing out at this sale. Remember the name, M. Gladstein ALL 108 East Mam St. Durham North Carolina COMPLEET Our stock of Shoes Can fit any member of your family from the baby to the father of the family. A nice line of clothing, Come select what you wish. C.C. SMITH Mebane, IN. V, Dress suit?, some of the latest cuts, made by the best and most fashionable men tailors. You should see my line^ it is perfectly charming. TRUNKS, TRUNKS We have the best line of trunks, traveling trunks, steamer trunks, and all kinds of suit cases and hand bags. SEE ME FOR CARPETS Chas H. Dorsett ‘THE WOMAN’S STORE” Greensboro, INorth Carolina DENUNCIATION. | The citizens of New Bern held a mass meeting and passed • a resolution denouncing Governor 1 Kitchins vicious charges against Senator Simmons. We clip the following: “We denounce as false the suggestion tiat Ser ator Simmois has ever been influenced in any vote which he las cast by any ol lig ition to any incivid 'al or corpor ition, and we t'enounce the suggestion that he has bean inlluenced Wt want every pipe and cigarette smoker in this countiy to Imow how good Duke’s Mixture is. We fnmt to know that every sfraln to that W|p one and o nolf oiuce 6c sack is pure^ tobscco delightfbl smoke. , And yoa should know, too, that with each sack yoa now |{et ft book of cigarette papers A Free Present Coupon Tliese coupons are £ood for hundreds of ▼aloable pres*' CDls, soch as watches, toilet articles, silverware, fbmi- ^ore* and dosens of other articles suitable for every member of the fiuBily. Yoa will sorely like Duke*s Mixture, made by Liggett i[ Hi/ert at Durham, N. C., and the presents cannot faU to please you and yours. As a special offer, during October and November only we will B^ui you our new illuetrated catalog of preeente FREE. Just send os your name and address on a postal. Coupons from DtUe’s Mixturt may b* ?^TTES, mmd otktr Ugs or cwtfww uiued ^ us. Prenrfnm Dept. ST. LOUIS. Ma i i FOR SALE Seven, three and four room cottages. Good large well located lots. Prices rea sonable. Terms to suit. MEBANE LAND & IMPROVEMENT CO. W. E. WHITE, TreaP. MUSIC HATH CHARM No doubt about that, and we have prices to secure the best quality of musical instru ments that can be not met by any reputable house. Pianos and organs of the best make. Drop us a postal, we will convince you. lELLIS- MACHINE & MUSIC COJ Burlington, N. C. Green & McClure or do you wish to ad anjrthing to it to help make home more comfortable? If so, remember that Green and McClure of Graham carry a very compleet line of all kinds of furniture, chairs, car pets, rugs, etc. Just any thing you may want. Don't forget Green & McClure Graham, N. C. S. H l-IOCKFIELD ® % Dealer lii Clollilng. Slioes And Dry Goods. 1 will sell you goods at an attractive price. Give me an opportunity to con vince you. H. HOCKFIELD 226 WEST MAIN ST. DURHAM. N. C. HARMLESS And you know for headach remedies are. It IS safe Eo Children can take it. It's wonderfully quick. Feel that thump-ety-thump? Good for neuralgia. Bromalsine, lOc, 25c and 50c bottles For sale by MECCA DRUG CO. 5c at soda fountain. Mebane, N. C. I 91.LUUU.MO. Build Up Your System For the coming winter by drinking PANACEA MINERAL SPRINGS WATER It is pure, strengthening, and so full of true merit. Tones up and invigorates. Dissipates that “tired fpel- ing.” Drink it! To an invalid it is worth more than gold! Ask your local dealer for PANACEA MINERAL WATER, or order a case direct from the SPRING. Add.ress T. ALEX BAXTER, Mgr. or PANACEA SPRING CO. Littleton, N. C.