Mebane Leader J. O. POV, - Editor tand Own«r. Entered as second class matter Feb* uary 8. 19G9, at the Post Office at Mebane^ N. G-* under the act of March 18'>? Issued Every Thursday Morninsr. SUBSCRIPTION: OneSYear, - - - $1.00 olx Months, - - - .50 Three2Months, - - .25 ^ PAYABLE IN ADVANCE “1 nd Currency, Postal Money Order orSStamps. CORRESPONDENCE We wish correspondents in all the earby post offices. Write at on****. Thursday. November 7 1912 HAS WON A HIGH PLACE. What ever else may be said about the recent canvas, State wide for the nomination of United States Senator, it can not be denied that the Greens boro News did eminent, and effective service in the interest of Senator Simmons, and it did its work in a fair straightforward and strictly punctilious manner, and that in the face of the most vicious, and outrageous slurs and misrepresentations. Its political character was assailed and everything done posible to damacre it with the good people of the State. The News has won a high place in North Carolinas iournalistic field, its course throughly consistant with the best interest of the State. Success to the News. France, Russia and Great Britain have their way will replace the now discredited shibboleth of *‘status quo'' as a basis of collective action by the great powers should the time arrive for a redistribution of sovereignty in Turkey through the success at arms of the allied Balkan States over the Turks. This self-sacri ficing ordinance, of course, would apply only to the nations constituting the concert of Europe, as there is no longer any suggestion of opposing the aspirations of the Bulgarians, Greeks and Serbs for a national unity. It is recognized tnat they must have their respective slices of territory should the Musselmen finally acknowledge defeat, but it is acutely feared that any attempt by outsiders to put their hands in the grab bag almost assuredly would lead to the European conflagration which the chancellories aver they are so anxious to avoid. An effort to wipe Turkey of j The Election is now over, now let’s g^t to work for Mebane, and see if we can’t give her a splendid majority. There is much that collective effort may accomplish for Mebane, there is no reason why all her citizens should not pull together for the gjod of Mebane. PITY FOR THE LIVING, George G. Thompson the able and efficient agent of the South ern Railway who was shot to death lact week in Greensboro will soon be lost sight of in the cumulative sentiment and sym pathy for the man who took his life, Henry Blair. Blair might have been a nervous wreck, a broken down cigarett fiend, but when be called Thompson to his house to kill him, he knew he intended to take a human life, but judging from past precedents he was not certain he would loose his own because of it, in fact he likely reasoned to him self, that North Carolina does not make it a point to electrocute men who are able to pay for their defense and he felt reasonably sure he was able to pay for his defense. It was like a costly debauch, a game in the bloody arena, in whicli he expected to win because he could pay for it, and his inteligence was just enough blunted for him to not care for the cost. Sickly sentimentality turns to Blair in sympath> now, as the weak unfortunate, all pity for him, but for the valuable citizen whose life he deliberately took, ah! he is gone they say we can not help it now. Very much like a few years ago when Sam Kober of Winston was held on a charge of murder ing Henry Kober, The Jews made up a big purse for Sams defense, and when chided about the act as there was at that time strong presumption of Sams guilt, the Jew answered “to hell with the dead Jew,'’ it is the live Jew that we want to look after, and it is this universal Sentiment that has made life cheap, and murderers common, and the criminal lawyers practice valuable especialy in North Carolina. Sunset City. There’s a city that lies in the kingdom of clouds. In the gloiious country on high, Which an azure and silvery curtain enshrouds, To scieen it from mortal eye. A city of temples and turrets of gold, That gleam by a sapphire sea. Like jewels more splendid than earth may behold, Or are dreamed of by you and by me And about it are highlands of amber that reach Far away till they meet in the gloam; And waters that hem an immaculate beach With fringes of luminous foam. Aerial bridges of foam there are. And belfries of marvelous shapes. And lighthouses lit by the evening Etar That sparkle on violet capes; And hanging gardens that far away Enchantedly float alooi; Rainbow pavilions in avenues gay, And banners of glorious woof. When the summer sunset’s crimsoning fires Are aglow in the western sk]s The pilgrim discovers the domes and spires Of this wonderful city on high. Avoid Rheumatism Rheumatism with its accompanying pains and tortures, is the result of a decreased action of the kidneys which results in an accumulation of Uric Acid in the blood. Treatment should commence with the first hint of trouble. Those almost insignificant pains in the small of the back mean trottbie—it’s a warning of kidney weakness—inability to separate the poisons from the blood. The action of the kidneys is incessant—they work constantiv and in company with the liver and bladder strive to purify the blood and keep the system free from poisons. They should have help—if they become weakened and neglected it means Rheumatism or Bright’s disease. If you would avoid these dangerous disease use Nyal’s Stone Root Compound-start with the first symptoms and make sure that the kidneys are restored to their normal strength and activity. Nyal’s Stone Root Compound was devised for that very purpose—to assist the kidneys, bladder and liver in their functions and rid the system of Uric Acid and other poisons Does it, too! Fifty cents and one dollar the bottle. Any doctor will tell you that when we compound a prescription it’s d"ne right. Bring us your prescriptions. Mecca DruffCo. 1 A Day of Sunshine. 0 gift of God! O perfect day; Whereon shall no man work, but play; Whereon it is enough for me. Not to be doing, but to be! Through every fibre of my brain. Through every nerve, throusrh every vein, 1 feel the electric thrill, the touch Of life, that means almost too much. I hear the wind among the trees Playing celestial symphonies; I see the branches downward bent Like keys of some great instrument. And over me unrolls on high The splendid scenery of the sky, Where through a sapphire S2& the sun Sails like a golden galleon Toward yonder cloudland in the west, Toward yonder islands of the blest. Whose steep Sierra far uplifts Its craggy summits white with drifts. Blow, winds! and waft through all the rooms The snowflakes of the cherry blooms! Blow, winds! and bend within my reach The fiery blossoms ot the peach! O Life and Love! 0 happy throng Of thoughts, whose orJy speech is song! O heart of man! canst thou not bo Blithe as the air is, and as free? —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. palace and pinnacle totter and fade. And sink in the sapphire sea. Till the vision loses by slow degrees The magical splendor it wore; The silvery curtain is drawn, and he sees The beautiful city no more! —Henry oylvester Cornwall. the map would have been under-' And gazing enrapt aa the gathering taken long ago, had not the col-1 shade lective powers regarded Turkey ^Creeps over the twilieht lea, as a kind of arch to Europes great federation, and an effort at abolishing the cut throats of musselman would have resulted in a fight owei the spoils that all Europe shudered at. It is now conceeded that the Balkan States may absorb so much of it as they see fit, and yet they would still keep on moving. Only A Fire Hero but the crowd cheered, as, with brmed hands, he held up a small round box, “Fellows!” heshouted, “thisBuck’en's Arnica Salve I hold, has everything beat for burns.” Right! also for boils, ulcers, sores, pimples, eczema, cuts, sprains, bruises. Surest. pile cure. It subdues inflammation, kills pain. Only 25 cents at Mebane Drug Co. The Illinois Supreme Court is try ing to determine whether poker is rest or work. As for ourselves, we know nothing about the sub jest; but the reprehensible acquaintance, who is fast becoming also indispensable, tells us that it depends altogether upon how the cards “run.” WE StVE YOU FROM 20 TO 30c ON EACH OOLUR YOU SPEND WITH US DURING THIS mi 35-in white cloth, only 5 l-2c yd. 2»X) bolts of all color outing 6 12c yd 10 pieces 20c white linen for 10c yd. East Durham Gingham 6c yd. 50 dozen ladies heavy undershirts and pants to match for 25c each. $1.50 undershirts, all color for 95c each. 500 ladies coat suits, up- to-date from $5.50 up to $20.00. 600 ladies long cloaks from $2.75 up Ladies and children’s sweaters at low i>rices. Ladies and children shoes. Men’s clothing and boys suits and men s and Doys’ overcoats, closing out at this sale. Remember the name, M. Gladstein 108 East Main St. Durham - - - North Carolin November Is Here The Time To Buy Blankets All styles and siz:s Wool finish Blankets $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 Higher Grades, All wool at $5, $6, $7 Theae blankets come in White v^ith Pink and Blue borders, also a>full line of colored plaid blan kets. New Comforts A full line of the best goods, at very reasonable prices. Write for samples, will be glad to furnish them I to you for any kind of fabric worn. ^^Ellis-Stone Go. Durham, N. C. LADIES FALL Dress suitr, some of the latest cuts, made by the best and most fashionable men tailcrs. You should sae my line^ it is perfectly charming. * TRUNKS, TRUNKS We have the best line of trunks, traveling trunks, steamer trunks, and all kinds of suit cases and hand bags. SEE ME FOR CARPETS Chas H.Dorsett ‘THE Porto Rico’s New Wonder. From far away Porto Rico comes re ports of a wonderful new discovery that is believed will vastly benefit the people. Ramon T. Marchan, of Barce loneta, writes “Dr. King’s New Dis covery is doing spendid work here. It cored me about five times of terrible coughs and colds, also my brother of a severe cold in his chest ^nd more than 20 others, who used it on my advice. We hope this great medicine will yet be sold in every drug store in Porto Rico.” For throat and lung troubles it has no equal. A trial will convince I you of its merit. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Mebane Drug Co. CURIOUS WORK OF PENANCF Ancient Buddhlat of Japan Writes 126,000 Words on PI«oe of Paper 18 by 7Vi InohM. For fome time thero has been ■hown In San Francisco a piece of paper 18 Inches by 7^ Inches, on which there are written 126,000 words. This writing is the work of Kobo Taishl, a Buddhist of Japan, who lived 1,100 years ago. Before his time his eountrTmen used only Chinese char acters tn writing and he evolved the Idea of the Japanese alphabet The writing on the paper is so fine that a microscope has to be used to decipher the intriaate Japanese chan acters. It Is an exact copy of eight books of the Buddhist Bible, an! was written by the author as a sort of penance to pcuify his spirit It Is the property of a descendant of the writer, and has passed as a sacred heirloom from father to son for a thousand years. Bvery precaution has been taken to insure the safety of the document. In a case of white wood is a beaotiful laquered box wrapped In green tilk. Within the laquered box la another made of a very light porous wood that is extensively used in the manufacture of cabinets in which to store treasures. In this box |s th.^ precious writing. There are persons so radiant, so gen* ial, so kind, so pleasure-bearing, that you instinctively feel in their presence that they do you good, whose coming into a room is like the bringing of a lamp there,-^Henry Ward Beecher. Flagged Train With Shirt. Tearing bis shirt from his back an Ohio man flagged a train and saved it from a wreck, but H. T. Alston, Raleigh N C., once prevented a wreck with Electric Bitters. “I was in a terrible plight when I began to use them,” he writes, *‘my stomach, head, back and kidneys were all badly affected and my liver was in bad condition, but four bottles of Electric Bitteis made me feel like a new man.” A trial will convince you of their matchless merit tor any stomach, liver or kidney tronble. Price 50 cents at Mebane Drug C''. THE HOPE OF A SETTLE MENT. It is devoutly to be wished j that the allied powers of the I Balkan States will give Turkey the worst thrashing ever inflicted upon that much discredited power, and that thev will be permitted to use their own pleasure in a division of the spoils. A policy of ‘ ‘territorial disin terestedness” in the Balkans, if CITY CAFE AND MARKET Have just opened up an up- to^ate Restaurant in the build ing recently vacated by Mr. Bright. Large Refrigrater. Ice for sale. THE BEST MEALS Krill be served on short notice. Every thing clean and up*to date. We cater for the pat ronage that can appreciate a nice place. Highest price paid for hides. THE McADOO A most delightful home in Greensboro N. C. for the trave ler. STRICTLY FIRST.S GLASS IN APPOINT MENT. EXCELLENT SERVICE Easy of access to railway station Greensboro, I’S STORE" iNorth Carolina COMPLEET Our stock of Shoes Can fit any member of your family from the baby to the father of the family. A nice line of clothing, Come select what you wish. C. C. SMITH IMebane, !N« U. MUSIC CHARM covras Mebane Al. E. C hurch. South. Rev. B. T. Hurley, Pastor. N. H. Walker, Supt. S. S. Preaching every Srd Sunday at ll:Oo A. M. and at 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:30 and a union prayer meeting ever Sunday after noon at i3:00 o’clock conduct^ by the young men of the town. Sunday school every Sunday begin* ning at 9:45 a. m. Everybody welcome to all these ser vices. FOR SALE Seven, three and four room cottages. Good large well located lots. Prices rea sonable. Terms to suit. MEBANE LAND & IMPROVEMENT CO. W. E. WHITE, Treas. No doubt about that, and we have prices to secure the best quality of musical instru ments that can be not met by any reputable house. Pianos and organs of the best make. Drop us a postal, we will convince you. lELLIS- MACHINE & MUSIC COJ Burlington, N. C. For Sale, Fifteen nice registerd Berkshire pigs three months old, apply to. Felix Graves, Mebane, N. C. Green & McClure or do you wish to ad anything to it to help make home more comfortable? If so, remember that Green and McClure of Graham carry a very compleet line of all kinds of furniture, chairs, car- pets, rugs. etc. Just any thing you may want. Don^t forget Green & McClure Graham, N. C. S. M HOCKPIELD ® Dealer In Clotliing. Shoes And Dry Goods. 1 will sell you goods at an attractive price. Give me an opportunity to con vince you. s. H. HOCKFIELD 226 WEST MAIN ST. DURHAM. N. C. HARMLESS And you know for headach remedies are. It IS safe eo children can take it. It's wonderfully quick. Feel that thump-ety-thump? Good for neuralgia. Bromalgine, 10c, 25c and 50c bottles For sale by MECCA DRUG CO. 5c at soda fountain. Mebane, N. C. Build Up Your System For the coming winter by drinking PANACEA MINERAL SPRINGS WATER It is pure, strengthening, and so full of true merit. Tones up and invigorates. Dissipates that tired feel ing.” Drink it! To an invalid it is worth more than gold! Ask your local dealer for PANACEA MINERAL WATER, or order a case direct from the SPRING. Address T. ALEX BAXTER, Mgr. or PANACEA SPRING CO. Littleton, N, C. when i if the tion—'i lovvs- Ur K taken liver. s ane Di

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