ME6ANE LEADER J. O. FOY, - Editor and Owner. Entered as second class matter Feb- uary 8, 1909, at the Post Office at Mebane, N. C«( under the act of March 18?^, Issued Everv Thursday Morning. SUBSCRIPTION: One^Year, - $1.00 rJix Months, - - - .50 Three Months, - - .26 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE nd Currency, Postal Money Order or^Stamps. CORRESPONDENCE We wish correspondents in sll the earby post offices. Write at otu'p. Thursday. January 16 1913 AS TO SAMUEL GOMPERS. Mr. Samuel Gompers pre.sident of the American Federation of Labor before the Senate sub- judiceary committee at Washing ton a few days *past undertook to read the3 American people a lecture as to labor and capital, and among other things said: “If ever the time shall come,” said Mr. Gompers in the climax of his ad dress, “when government by dyna mite shall be attempted (and let us hope and work that it never shall come) it will have as its main cause the theory and policy upon which is based government by injunction- personal government foisted upon our people instead of a government by law," In closing his statement which in cluded an assault upon the employers and manufacturers associations, partic ularly the United States Steel Corpora tion and the National Erectors Asso ciation, Mr. Gompers declared organ ized labor would not repudiate the structural iron workers unions, “and leave them helpless and at the mercy of organized capital and insatiable, un curbed greed for profits.” Mr. Gompers is regarded by many partizans of labor, as an honest man, a sincere man, and they seem to think that because j he was not indicted in the recent | trial at Annapolis in the dynam ite conspiracy that it would furnish conclusive proof that he was honest. We do not agree with this line of thought. Mr. Gompers was too sharp, and too selfish to have been caught in so dangerous a conspiracy, a cons piracy that he knew as much about the danger to him as any one else, but there is no mistake that however, damaging, and darriningthe proof the prosicu- tion has been able to produce, it has in no sense found condemna tion in Gompers. Gompers is a high priced hire ling, paid for body, and soul, to defend labor, it mattered not what its sins were, and any utterance he may make must be considered with a due regard for his paid bias. He need not tell us that if the time ever comes when govern ment by dynamite shall be attempted, that is farfetched. The enemies of this government have attempted to twart its pol’ces, it’s law, by the use of dynamite in the hands of the structural iron conspirators in the most horrible and whole sale way. It has not got to come it has come. Protestant Episcopal church in the rectory of the Holy Cross Church of Jersey City, N. J. Mrs. Green has given her life up to now when she has reached a very old age, to the worship of gold, and bonds, but she sees from the infalible laws of nature that in a few years at best she must pass out of this world, and take up her abode in an other, and so she makes an effort in a formal way of transfering her worship from g(»ld to her God, but after giving fort> or fifty years of her most sincere service to worshiping money she will find it an impossiable task to transfer her affections to Him who made her. No such thing is dreamed of as Hettie Gieen being willing to give up all her gold to the worlds good, but were it posible, and she should step out a pauper, having paid the penalty of surrendering her most treasured sin, we would then doubt that she had made full attonement, for the cold hearted, cruel course that has mai»‘ked her every step in life, since she sought and found her idol in money. It perhaps may be posible for Hettie to pass the crucial test, and become one of the bright jewels, but according to our orthordox way of looking at it, it would seem that she has put this matter off to a very critical period of her life, Hettie will continue to worship her geld, and get fooled with the chant of her minister taking cold formality 'for the burning warmth of Christian love. If Mr. Bryan was a big enough man for president he should be capable of looking after the business of one of the government departments.—Durham Herald. But it seems that Bryan was not big enough to be president, he was told so three times by the American people, and it is posible in order to convince him, and a lot of others, he may have to be told the fourth time. We Davie Daylight. Wee Davie Daylicht keeks owre the sea. Early in the mornin’, wi, a clear e’e: Waukens a’ the birdies that are sleepin sound, Wee Davie Daylicht is nae lazy loon. We Dayie Daylicht glow’res owre the hill, Glints through the greenwood, dances on the rill; Smiles on the wee cot, shines on the ha’; Wee Davie Daylicht cheers the hearts o’ a’. Come, bonnie bairnie; come awa’to me Cuddle in my bosie, sleep upon my knee; Wee Davie Daylicht noo has closed his e’e In among the rosy clouds, far ayent the sea. —Robert Tennant. Lj^.T THEM FUSE The Democratic-Republican fusion- ists ran away with the regulars in the organization of the Tennessee Legis lature—which does not augur well for the election as United States Senator of a Democrat of the regular kind. Fusion against the regular Democracy in Tennessee appears to be as much of a success as the fusion in Southeastern Europe against the Turks —Charlotte Observer. If it really becomes necessary for the Republicans and Demo crats to fuse in Tennessee in order to defeat a man of the character of Malcclm Patterson for the senate, then let them fuse. It has been pretty plainly understood that Patterson con- spired.with Duncan Cooper for the assassination of, Carmack and this should be surficient to damn him in the estimation of honest men forever. If there is not enough Democrats in the Legistature in Tennessee to prevent the election of such a character to the senate, then let those who despise such in famy allign themselves with any honest element to defeat it. Road Tax For 1913 Due. Notice—The special road poll tax for the year 1913 is now due, and payable until the first day of April. Under the old law the treasurer was paid a small commission for collecting and handling this fund. And heretofore I have given that commission to those who looked after it in the different Townships. But now under the Salary law there is no provission made for any one to be paid any thing out of this fund. Therefore, unless some one will volunteer to collect without charge, in the townships, I cannot put the bocks out as has been my custom. According by instruction from the County Com- mers., the books will be ac my office in the court house in Graham, and all persons desiring to pay will pay to me unless they find ^ome one else with the books. Albert J. Thompson. Treasurer, This Jan. 7, 1913 Alamance County. She CANT FOOL COD Mrs. Hettie Green the acknow ledged richest woman in the world has received the sacra ment of confirmation of the Best Cough Medicine lor Children. “I am glad to say a few words in praise of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy” writes Mrs. Lida Dewey, Milwaukee, Wis “I have used it for years both for my children and myself and it never fails to relieve and cure a cough or cold. No family with children should be without it as it gives almost imme diate relief in cases of croup.” Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is pleasant and safe to take, which is of great importance when a medicine must be given to young ceildren. For 8 lie by All Dealers. What do you think of a merchant complaining of dull times when he has neither the energy nor the business “get up and git” to write a live ad vertisement for his *ion)e paper invit ing the people to come and trade with him. If you were to call on a merch- a it like that to trade, he might think hard of you for disturbing him.—Gold Laaf. Mebane Supply Co. Recently opened with a full stock of every thing the family and farmer needs. WE NOW HAVE IN STOCK 2 car loads of cotton seed meal. 1 car load of cotton seed hulls. 1 car load of bran 1 car load of ship stuff 2 car loads of first class flour. AND A FRESH STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE We purpose keeping a farmer supply store where anything and everything may be found that is need ed. We are prepared to extend credit to any one on propel^ arrangement. THIS IS THE PLACE TO BUY Our purchases were made at lowest prices ir car load lots, and you can well see how we can save you in price. We shall be pleased to see you at our store. Mebane Supply Company Mebane, - - . . North Carolina Panacea Mineral Spring WATER As nature presents it Pure and Healthgiving, so we distribute it. Indigestion, Loss of Appetite Debility, Nervous and Depressed Feeling fol lowing long Illness, become only memories after drinking this trul/ wonderful water. Don't de fer drinking it, but commence at once and re ceive its great benefits. Order direct from Spring or from your Dealer. Littleton, N. C. The Alamance and The Farmer. From The Marshville Home. Mr. Joseph Hinson scored a point in his report in the County Farmers’ Union meeting at Wingate recently of the State meeting at Raleigh. Mr. Hin son said the biggest ining the State meeting could have done would have been to pass a resolution asking the Legislature to enact a law prohibiting the distribution of alamances among farmers. Mr. Hinson '.said about the only agricultural literature a large number of farmers read i£> an alamance Continuing his remarks, he said: “They hang ar alamance by his fireside and when they want to plant a piece of corn, they take down that piece ol agricultural literature to see if the signs are right. And when they want to kill a per-simmon-fed shoat, they consult that alamance to see if he will give up his grease.” Alamances are all ripht in their places, but it is a settled fact that an alamance agri cultural course will do mighty little towards improving farm lands and maketing scientifically. Money to Lend His Stomach Troubles Over* Mr. Dyspeptic, would you not like to feel that your stomach troubles were over, that you could eat any kind of food you desired without injury? That may seem so unlikely to you that you do not even hope for an ending of your trouble, but permit us to assure you that it is not altogether impossible. If others can be cured permanently, and thousands have been, why not you? John R. Barker, of Battle Creek, Mich , is one of them. He says. “I was troubled with heartbtrn, indigestion, and liver complaint until I used Cham berlain’s Tablets, then my trouble was over.” Sold by All Dealers. REAL-ESTATE For further information write ORANGE TRU$T CO. Real-Estate, Insurance and Investments. Hillsboro, N.C. M. Gladstein The low priced merchant of Durham has marked all goods down to bottom limit since the holidays, so you would be surprised at the prices. All you have to do to be convin ced is to call on this popular firm Durham M. Gladstein Main Street North Carolina FOR SALE Seven, three and four room cottages. Good large well located lots. Prices rea sonable. Terms to"suit. MEBANE LAND & IMPROVEMENT GO. W. E. WHITE, Treas. BRAND NEW STOCK Nothing old, or chop worn. Something neat, at tractive, and stylish in Dry Good, Notions, Shoes, ect. See us, let us show you. Prison Reform A number of the state legisla^.ures now in session are wrestling with the problem of prison reform, a matter which has been too much neglected, in our opinion. .Law makers are com ing to a realization of the fact that imprisomonts of those who nave vio lated laws should not be aimed mere ly at punishing them but that the idea of reformation should alv/ays be kept j* in mind, if the best results are to be achieved. The present movement in various^tates for improvements in the penal system will doubtless prove pro ductive of real benefit to society at large. This is a matter the North Carolina legislature would do we?l to consider careful.—Winston Sentinel. EBANE.N.C. Chronic Con^t)Datlon Cured. •‘Five years ago I had the worst case of chronic corstipation I ever knew of, and Chamberlain’s Tablets cured me,” writes S. F. Fish, Brooklyn, Mich. For sale by All Dealers. Music Hath Charm And we are prepared to furnish you on short notice the nicest and most perfectly constructed piano made. A card from your home will call us to you at once and we will name a make of piano and a price, that will be both a pleasure and a surprise. ELLIS-iClE & MUSIC GO. C. B. ELLIS, Manager. Burlington. - - North Carolina DID YOU KNOW That a good water proof shoe was an important factor in preserving your health? Many of the sog gy things you buy absorbs water like a sponge, and all day long your hose is kept damp, to the damage of jrour health. Get your shoes frojn us, the process of compressing the leather make them thoroughly water proof, non leakeable, our shoes wear well and look well as long as you wear them. We guarantee a COMFORTABLE FIT. and NEAT PRIDGEN & JONES Durham, N. C. EVERY DEPARTMENT of our busy, thoroughly filled stores carries bargains of the most tempting character. Wool Sweaters, Woolen Dress ^ood> Foust Mill Underwear, Millinery, Coat Suits nd Dresses Long Coats, Short Coats and Johnn Coats. A clearing sale of shoes on all this week. Every pair a BARGAIN. The place to save money. RROWN-RELK CO. Greensboro N. C. s; 0 jloft me y v/( h;;rdly bu r If 50c A