NIEBANE LEADER J. O, rOY, - Editor and Owner. Entered as second class matter Feb- uary 8, 1909, at the Post Office at Mebane, N. (a» ander the act of March 1897. Issued Every Thursday Morninif. SUBSCilPTiON: One Year, - - - $1.00 rtix Months, - - - .60 Three Months, - - .25 i^S:payable insadvance nd Currency. Postal Money Order or Stamps. CORRESPOND ENCE W-* wish "correspondents in all_the earby post-offices. Write at on**#*.! Thursday. March 6 1913 A GREAT DAY Tuesday of this week was a great day in Washington, the ser voices, and program carried out there meant a great day all over this broad country. It meant the inauguration of a Democratic president, after long years of Republican rule. It meant the domination of the Democratic party in the affairs of the national government. The Democratic party went into power 20 years ago under Mr. Clevelands administration, as now it controlled both branches of the Natioilal Congress, but a thirst for pie, and treachery in the ranks soon bred a discontent that made Mr. Clevelands administration un popular, and that unpopularity continued to grow until it split the party into attoms, and thus the party has blundered along in darkness and defeat to the present day. The party went to victory 20 years ago by following the creed, and council of Mr. Cleveland, it could have maintained its prestige by continuing to preach, practice, and pifosicute in the interest of his announced principals. It went to defeat because of treachery in the ranks. The Democratic party goes in to power now under most aus picious conditions. It is backed by the strongest forces the world can produce, that is the moral support, and faith of the American people, and this it has to an unlimited degree, both from Democrats and Republicans. The rank and file of the Republi can party w e believe wish the present administration well, and God speed to the glory, and greatness of the American Republic. 'The Democratic party went into power because of the broken pledges of the last administration, and the promises to do what Dalzel, Cannon and Aldrich determined should not be done under a Republican administration. If the Democratic party keeps faith with the people, and conducts this government upon progressive and economic lines it can reasonaly hope for an indefinite use of power, if it violates its faith, and permits some fire brand of discontent and disorder to flame up, then it may expect and early change. 111II1111111 111! i n 11 J J nmHlfmiiimu m ■ Paints Finishes for Your Home If there is s shabby surface in your home to be painted, enameled, stained, varnished or finished in any way, we have just what you need for producing the exact finish desired in the line of ACME quality PAINTS AND FINISHES Let US show you colors for painting your house or barn, samples of finishes for floors, woodwork, walls, ceilings or furniture. Let us help you make shabby places look new and attractive. COME IN and get a copy of THE ACME QUALITY PAINTING GUIDE BOOK. It tells vsrhat Acme Quality Paint, Enamel, Stain or Varnish to use, how much will be rcquifed and how it should be put on. It not only enables you to tell your painter or decorator exactly what you want, but it makes it easy for YOU to refinish the many surfaces about the home that do not require the skill of the expert—the jobs that a painter would not bother with. Ask for-a copy. IT^S FREE. , '-‘■'A '[I s ,, saleried Davies that ever lived in Wilson. Little Bro'vn Hands. the cows from the A BIG SUM. Winston claims to have sold more than twenty two millions pounds of tobacco, at more than three million dollars. This means a distribution of a very large sum of money among the farmers of that' and adjoing sections of the tobacco growing belt. This year the prices for tobacco have ruled comparatively high. The Mebane ^market |has Jmade ^ ^ ^ , , ., • J.1 1 ““i? ' They find where the tremendous strides m the sale ofpurple tobacco thi^ year, in quantity They drive home pasture, Up through the long,, shady lane, Where the quail whistles loud in the wheat fields That are yellow with the ripening grain. Ihey find in the thick, waving grasses Where the scarlet-lipped strawber ry grows; They gather the earliest snowdrops And the first crimson buds of the rose. They toss the new hay in the meadow; They gather the elder-blocm white; dusky grapes year, and quality, she has done well. She has already outstriped towns much larger, and those that have had long experience in selling. There are no geographical or other reasons why Mebane should not grow to be a very important leaf tobacco market. If she uses her local press liberally, it must come, it is the experience of all places similary situated. It is the broad way of looking at it. The Smart Alexs at Raleigh proposes to tax weekly news papers ten dollars for each sub scription contest they may enter in to to spread elightenment, but >ou may bet your last dollar they will never tax a lobbyist a penny for coming around and influ encing legistation in the interest of corporation even when he has to scratch their itching palm with the long green. Its a fact that can not be denied that there has been lobbyest on the floor of the House and the Senate at this session of the ALL HONOR TO YATES WEBB I^®^slature and no one supposes that they are there for health. In the soft-tinted October light. They know where the apples hang ripest, And are sweeter than Itily’s wines; They know where the fruit hangs tl>e thickest On the long, thorny blackberry vine?. They gather the delicate seaweeds And build tiny castles of sand; They pick up the beautiful seashells— Fairy barks that have drifted to land; They wave from the tall, rocking tree tops Where the oriole's hammock nest swings; And at night time are folded in slunr.- ber By a song that the fond mother sings. Those who toil bravely are strongest, The humble and poor become great; And so from these >'rown-hand chil dren Shall grow rnigthy rulers of state. The pen of the author and statesman—' The noble and wise of the land — The sword and the chisel and paletto Shall be held ir. the little brown hand. —Mary H. Krout. Hon. Yates Webb member of Congress from the ninth distric, whose home is at Shelby, Cleve land County has performed an £Ct in Congress that will ad much to the lastre of his already illustrious name. His bill prohi biting the shipment of malt, or spiritious liquor into dry States \ was passed over the Presidents veto in the Senate last Friday, and passed over the Presidents veto in the House on Saturday. It became a law in defiance of the Presidents disaproval. It was passed upon its merits and because Mr. Webb gave to it the pressure of an honest and tapeable influence. It has been a long time since a bill has been passed so unanimously over a Presidents veto. Mr. Webbs bill will do more to make prohibition effectual than any law since the adoption of that measure, and will do a thousand times more to kill blind tigers than all the high but if they were not there, and those that they are protecting were sharing their proportionate part of the burdens of the States taxation there would be less reason for skining others. Minors and Pistols. (From The Monroe Journrl.) It is against the law to sell weapons or ammunition to minors. Chief Justice Flow points out the section in the code which says: “If anyone shall knowingly sell or offer for sale, give or in any way dispose of to a minor, any pistol or pistol cartridge, brass knucks, Bowie Knife, dirk, loaded cane, or sling shot^ tkhail be guilty of a misde meanor." The only fault we have with that law is that it ought to include everybody instead of only minors. The Mothers’ Favorite. A cough medicine for children should be harmless. It should be pleasant to take. It should be effectual. Cham- berlain’sJICough |Remedy is all of this and is the mothers' favorite every where. For sale by All Dealers. Chamberlain’s Tablets for Constipation* For constipation, Chamberlain’s Tablets are excellent. Easy to take, mild and gentle in effect. Give them a trial* For^sale by All Dealers. THE CHARLOTTE 0& LY GBSRE VER. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily $6.00 Per Year Daily and Sunday 8.00 Per Year Sunday, only 2.00 Per Year THE SEMI-WEEKLY OBSERVER Tuesday and Friday $1.00 Per Year The Charlotte Daily Observer, is sued Daily and Sunday is the leading newspaper between Washington, D C. and the Atlanta, Ga. It gives all the news of Morth Carolina besides the complete Associated Press Service. The Semi-Weekly Observer issued on Tuesday and Friday for $1.00 por year giyes the readers a full rep?rt of the week's news. The leading Semi- Weekly of the State. Address all or ders to The Observer Company Charlotte, N. C. Look Over Your Rent Receipts And what do you find they represent? Just the money you have paid to enable some one else to pay for the house you live in. Have you ever thou^^ht that same rent money would buy a house for you? Come and see us about it, We can show you how^ to become your own landlord and to commence living in your own house almost im mediately. Mebane Land &-Improvement Co. VV. E. WHITE, dec’y and Treas. Mebane, N. C. Ofcourse We want your trade. It does not matter whether you live in, or near Mebane, Haw River, Graham, or Burlington, it is'all the same, we can make it to your interest to buy your furniture of us. Everything with w^hich to furuish a house. Everything reasonable, because we carry an immense stock. Besure and call on Green-McClure Furni ture Company GRAHAM, N. C. FOR SALE 350 acres of fine farming land beautfiully sit uated on macadam road, just 1-2 mile from Court House at Hillsboro, overlooking Hillsboro to the West and Occonneechee farm to the south 150 acres in good state of cultivation balance in oak timber and wood, 50 acres under wire fence pasture, 15 to 20 acres meadow land, small streams run through the entire place. The soil varies from a gravely loan to a deep red soil is gently rolling and the entire place can be cul tivated with machinery. Is unsurpatse for production of small grain and grasses. The beautiful location, quality of soil etc. makes this one of the best propositions ever offered in Orange County farm lands. We are offering this at $7,000,00 cash, or can arrange reasonable terms. Our road bonds have been sold and and work will commence in the near future* Orange Trust Co. Hill&boro, N. C. W anted To buy all the prescription bottles of fered me at one cent each that may be delivered thoroughly cleaned. Mebane Drug Co. Mebane, N. C. DON’T FAIL TO SEE OUR LINE Oli' LA DIES, MENS AND CHILDREN LOW CUT SHOES, NEW and UP-TO-DATE STY LES, IN WHITE BUCK, GREY BUCK, WHITE CANVAS, PATENT LEATHERS. AND TANS. ebanc»NJu Panacea Mineral Spring WATER As nature presents it Pure and Healthgiving, so we distribute it. Indigestion, Loss of Appetite Debility, Nervous and Depressed Feeling fol- owing long Illness, become only memories after drinking this trul/ wonderful water. Don’t de er drinking it, but commence at once and ceive its great benefits. Order direct Spring or from your Dealer. re- from FANAGEA SPRING GOMPMir Littleton, N. C. I