16I1NE LEADER J. O. POY, - editor and Owner* Entered as second class matter Feb> uary 8. 1909, at the Post Office at Mebane^ N. C,» under the act of Marcb 1897. Issued Every Thursday Morninir. SUBSCRIPTION: One Year, - - - $1.00 ft'ix Months, - - « .60 Three Months, - - .25 i^;:PAYABLE INJADVANCE nd Currenfey, Postal Money Order or'Stamps. CORRESPONDENCE We wish [correspondents in all.the earby post-offices. Write at oim***. Thursday. March 13 1913 State. The memory of somf^ of the members of the recent legis lature will not have to be embalmed in acohol to keep fresh and grreen. They will keep all right any way, but while re- fering to this class of our worthy citizens, we ask pardon for adding that, the member who is afraid of his shadow and is all ways trimming his sails for an other term should be thrown over board and let it end at that, even the ring should not be able to over ride a wholesome public sentiment. There may be some doubt about the constitutionality of Hon. Yates ,Webbs liquor bill, but it will take three years before the matter can be determined by the United States supreme court, and in ^that time many old soakers, thirst will have been cured. Thirst gone, or he will be gone, one, or the other. Poets are the hierophants of ad un apprehended inspiration; the mirrors of the gigantic shadows which futurity casts upon the present.—Shelley. The Cause of Rheumatism stomach trouble, lazy liver and de ranged kidneys are the cause of rheu matism. Get your stomach, liver, lydneys and bowels in healthy condition by taking Electric Bitters, and you will not be troubled with the pains of rheu matism Charles B. Allen, a school principal, of Svlvania, Ga., who suffered indescribable tortue from rheumatism, liver and stomach trouble and diseased kidneys, writes: “All remedies failed until I used Electric Bittors, but four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me completely.’.’ Maybe [your rheu matic pains come from stomach, liver and kidney troubles. Electric Bitters will give you prompt relief. ^Oe and $1.00. Recommended by Mebane Drug Co. F. L. White, Prop. Will sell you a farm near town. Will build you a house in town. Will insure your life, house, and horse. Will sell you first mortgage, 6 per cent, bonds, on good real estate. Will help,in every legitimate way to build up Mebane and surrounding country. Will cut you rough lumber, both oak and pine for any building purposes. Lend us your encouragem«?nt, and give us your busi ness. In the AS TO THE SUFFRAGES. There has been much comment and no little criticism for the way the womens suffrage parade was treated in Washington the day before the Presidents inau guration. In the crush there was many accidents, and some fatalites, the whole parade was one of disorder, and seemed to indicate a lack of proper police protection, in fact the matter assumed such prominence that Concrress was compelled to appoint a committee to investi gate. No one with a proper sense of right will approve of the apparent neglect of the police to give the women proper protection, but as bad as this matter was it teaches a lesson, and that was the pronounced disapproval of the whole suffragist business. Washington City stands capital of this nation, the day was one preceeding in importance one of the greatest events in American civic life. It had attracted to Washington people from all sections of this country, therefore the demonstration of disaproval against the suffrages must be taken as the concrete expression of the nation. While the police in their failure to give to the women proper protection was violating their oaths and bounden duty, they were tacitly giving expression to their simpathy with the masses. The fact that such a spirit of antagonism coaid be aroused against a crusade in the interest of womans suffrage is proof of its wrong. It would be folly to assert that the men who line(J Pennsylvania Avenue in Wash ington City on Monday before inauguration was men lacking in sympathy and respect for ladies. There was in that line up, men who would dare to do, and die for the protection of a true woman, but they had nothing, but contempt for the unsexed petticoat hikers who were flaunting their fool assumption In the face of the nation at a period when deacency, refinement should have their distinguishing^ trait. We have said it before, and we repeat it to day that the women suffragett movement is hurting the women of the world more than anything else. Its a blighting curse, a mildew of death, to the high and holy impulses, pure good saintly women have inspired in men. Should the suffragett movement be carried to its ultimate end it will not only sink women to mans level, but it will push her far below his level. Possession. He asked for gold. And the world poured Into his hands such riches manifold He wearied of the hoard, It made achievement slight And cheap all gain; Where once he took a wild delight He knew but pain. He asked for love. And his blood leaped Inecstacy; his soul was swept above The stars, in passion steep»ed. Yet bitter was his hsart When once he.learned The cruel auguish of the smart Where love is spurned. He asked for fame. And soon men spoke With awe and wonder of him, and his name Rang like the hammer’s stroke. But in the echoing thrill He caught one tone That smote him with the warning chill Of death alone. Humbly he then Went forth to ask That be might walk among his fellow- men | And take some useful task. Amazed, he saw the years Stretch in their plan. He knew the meaning of life’s tears, And woke, a man. —Vogue. SHE COULD NOT REMEMBER Absent-Minded Woman’s Peculiar ReS' •on for Wanting to Bo Rung Up on the ’Phone. / I Absent-minded persons sorely try I the patience of girls In the New Rochelle telephone office. Not long ago a woman confessed herself sub ject to eis-treme forgetfulness and re quested the day operator on her ex change to ring her up every morning at 9 o’clock. A week later she said: “Central, what was it I wanted you to call me for at 9 o’clock?” “I don’t know,” said the girl. “You didn’t tell me. You just asked me to call at 9 o’clock.” . “Too bad,” said the woman. “I know there was something I wanted to do every morning at 9 o’clock, but I can’t for the iife of me think what It was.” The 9 o’clock calls continued, how ever, and several days later the wom an took central into her confldenco ag^ain. "I have found out why I wanted to be caUed,” she said. "A friend had given me a canary and I wanted to make sure of remembering to feed it. The poor little thing is nearly starved. Hereafter when you ring won’t you Just say, '’Feed the bird,’ and I’ll go straight and do it?” Central promised, and the neglected canary is now a plump and contented bird.—New York Times. Walter S. Crawford,Pres. Office over Post Office, .-'1 and been An old Well Digger’s close Call. (from The North Wilkesboro Hustler.) Well-digger Lee Brooks was in town Monday for the first time since his 46-foot fall into the rock bottom of a well at Mr. C M. Sheet’s residence in Wilkesboro December 10. Brooks says court house in (jrahaii), and mII I persons desiring to pay will pay to me unless they find feome one else with Road Tax For 1913 Due. Notice—The special road poll tax for the year 1913 is now due, and payable until the first day of April. Under the old law the treasurer was paid a small commission for collecting and handling this fund. And heretofore I haye given that commission to those who looked after it in the different Townships. But now under the Salary law there is no provission made for any one to be paid any thing out of this fund. Therefore, unless some one wil volunteer to collect without charge, in the townships, I cannot put the bocks out as has been my custom. According by instruction from the County Com- mers., the books will be ac my office he kept his head when he landed in the beitom of the well though both ankles i were badly dislocated. He called for the men to let him have a rope and with Herculean strength and determi nation he ti*^ it around his body and called to them to draw. When the negroes landed him and with both an kles badly hurt and twisted, he direct ed what to do and to phone for medical help. He says that he only lost one night’s sleep from that time to this having received such excellent tnedi- cal attention. It was eight weeks be fore he could walk on crutches. He says that during his life he has dug 18,000 feet of wells and is now 60 years of age. This was 450 wells averaging 40 feet each. He is yisitine: his son Mr. Roby Brooks on i > street, North Wilkesboro, and is still recovering. the books. Albert J. Thompson. Treasurer, This Jan. 7, 1913 Alamance County. RESALE OF LAND Owing to a raise on the land of I ^ the late George W. Tate, will be re sold Monday March 17,1913 Sale to take place at Court house door mUSBORO, N.C. Three tracts t:> be sold. J.F.McADAMS Commissioner MEBANE, N. C R, F. D. 2 Little Time, But Big Money. (Charlotte Chronicle.) The press of the country generally has condemned congress for passing the recent pension bill. A terse com ment which gets the proposition down to brass tacks is this from The Wall Street Journal: “Time was moneys— your money—when the senate pasf>ed the $180,000,000 pension grab in 20 minutes Best for Skin Diseases Nearly eyery skin disease yieMs quickly and permanently to Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, and nothing is better for burns or bruises. Soothes and heals. John Deye, of Gladwin, Mich., says, after suffering twelve years with skin ailment and spending $400 in doctors’ bills, Bucklen’s Arnica oalve cured him. It will help you. Only '25c. Recommended by Mebane Drug Co. F. L. Whita, Prop m i CANARY IS PLUMP AND HAPPY Her Idea. "What do you pray for when you say your prayers?” asked grandma, fondly, when t’le little girl, all ready for bed, was kneeling befoife her. “I pray for the thing I nepd moet,” answered the angel child. “That’s right, dearie. And what do you need the most?” “I want to be a lady.’' “But, darling—when you get to heaven. God wont care whether you are a lady or not, if you are good.” “Grandm, it ain’t what other folks think of me that counts—it's what I think o* myself!”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. # We shall be glad when Harry Thaw the slayer of Stanford White who has been confined in the Mattewan prison shall get out of the lime light, and into that obscurity he so justly merits. It is stated that his family has all ready expended eight hundred thousand dollars in an ineffectual effort to secure his release from confinement, i For Benefit of New and we presume it has cost the State of New York a large sum to meet the legal quibbles, and technical evasions. Harry Thav^ is a productjof the idle rich, a useless species of humanity, but the fact that those interested in 'him could command large sums of money in an effort to secure his release, has made him an expensive proposition to his Absent-Minded Woman Discovers Why She Wanted Telephone Opera tor to Cali Her. Absent-minded persons sorely try the patience of girls in the New Ro chelle telephone office. Not long ago a woman confessed hrself subject to extreme forgetfulness and requested i the day operator on her exchange to ring her, up every morning at nine o’clock. A week later she said: "Central, what was it I wanted you to call me for at nine o’clock?” **I don’t know,” said the girl. “You didn't tell me. You just asked me to «all at nine o’clock.” "Too bad,” said the woman. ‘T know there was something I wanted to do every morning at nine o’clock, bnt I cant for the life of me think what It was.” The nine o'clock calls continued, how#ver, and several days later the woman took central into her confi- deace again. “I have found out why I wanted to be called,” she said. “A friend had given me a canary and I wanted to paake sure of remembering to feed it The poor little thing is nearly starved. Hereafter when you ring won’t you Just say, ‘Feed the bird/ and I’ll go straight and do it?” Central promised, and the neglected canary 1b now a plump and contented bird. to be seen anyvv^here i.i our shoes. If the rest of your costume is as good as our shoes you^ll certainly be known as a first-class dreeser. Cover your feet with our footwear thus proving your good taste anS good judgement ,from the ground up; Sse us for anything that you need in the Furnish ing's line. See our window display for rpring shirt. We have some Beaut’s. Ties and hats can not be beat for Style and Quality. See us before you buy. Yours to please, H.E,Wilkinson Co. ‘"The Store of Quality.” Mebane, - - - North Carolina Pres byterian Church. Are You Constipated? Mesdames W. O. Warren and J. S. If so, get a box of Dr. King’s New Cheek will supply the demand of the | Life Pills, take^’ them regularly and public at the end of each week, with j your trouble will quickly disappear, cakes. | They will stirhulate the liver, improve Big cake - - - 75c. your digestion and get rid of all the Half cake - Quarter cake - In phonini^ orders, please state kind of cake wanted, and^sf*nd in ders not later than Friday A. M. Phone, No’s. 41 and 32. 50c. poisons from your system. They will 25c. surely get you well again. 25c at! the. Mebane Drug Co. F. L. White. Prop. ! ”■! . ' . Hitch your wagon to a star.-^Emer? t Bon. Ofcourse We want your trade. It does not matter whether you live in, or near Mebane, Haw River, Grahani, or Burlington, it is all the same, we can make it to your interest to buy your furniture of us. Everything with which to furuish a house. Everything reasonable, because we carry an immense stock. Besure and call on Green-McClure Furni ture Compaiiy GRAHAM, N. C. FARM FOR SA 150 acres 6 miles East of Hillsboro and 7 mile- West of Durham; Episcopal church 1-4 mile, MetK odist church 1-1-2 miles and School 1-2 mile; Easy access to Durham market makes this an ideal little farm for trucking, dairying or stock raising on a small scale. 70 acres in a very high state of culti'- vation, balance in timber and wood. 30 acrep. under Vv^ire fence pasture, 6 acres meadow land and 15 acres in red top clover sod. New 6-rooi7i 2-stor^ frame dwelling compleeted throughout and pain, ted. New barn, 20 x 42, 8 stalls and 10 ^ect. Shed all around, 6 stall tenant bam and 3 room room tenant hous?. Can all be worked with machinery No ditching, gr ibing or building to do but move in and make a crop the first year. Absolutely the best little farm for the money in Orange County $3500.00 cash or terms. Orange Trust Co Kills boro, N. C. Look Over Your Rent Receipts And what do you find they represent? Just the money you have paid to enable some one else to pay for the house you live in* Have you ever thought that same rent money would buy a house for you? Come and see us about it, We can show you how to become your own landlord and to* commence living in your own house almost im mediately. Mebane Land &. Improvement Co. W. E. WHITE, riec’y and Treas. Mebane, N. C. JJ: Wanted To buy all the prescription bottles of fered me at one cent each that may be delivered thoroughly cleaned. Mebane Drug Co. Mebane, N. C. Panacea Mineral Spring WATER As nature presents it Pure and Healthgiving, so we distribute it. Indigestion, Loss of Appetite Debility,- Nervous and .Depressed Feeling fol- lo>^ing long Illness, become only memories after drinking this truly wonderful water. Don^t de fer drinking it, but commence at once and re ceive its great benefits. Order direct from Spring or from your Dealer. PANACEA SPBING GOMPANY Littleton, N. C. I DON’T FAIL TO SEE OUR LINE OF LA DIES, MENS AND CHILDREN LOW CUT SHOES, NEW and UP-TO-DATE STY LES, IN WHITE BUCK, GREY BUCK, WHITE CANVAS, PATENT LEATHERS. AND TANS. I J