m"- ' PiifW ^,T. *vv- "■ / 'S MCRIINC liik-iiliiliL LEADEB J, O. POY, - Editor and Owner. Entered aa second cla33 matter Feb- uary 8. i9C9, at the Post OfRcei at Mebane, N. C., ander the Hct of March 1897. Issued Every Xhursday Mominu. SUBSCRIPTION: One Year, - - - $1.00 ft’ix Months, - - - .60 Three Months, - - .25 i^;:PAYABLE INaADVANCE nd ^Currency, Postal Money Order orJStamps. CORRESPOND ENCE We wish [correspondents in] allj[the earby post'olRces. Write at onf»p. But the Legislature did not i pnss a hill worth a snap restric-, ting the sale of deadly weapoiiS. There were too many lawyers and they did npt want to stop the carrying of deadly weapons there would be less murders, less work for the lawyers to do. You say this would not do, this was not the reas^on, then answer US what is the reason. Find a law that abridges the escape of the criminal class, and see if a lawyer don’t bob up to fight it. They grow rich on crime, feast on the doings of the criminial class. Thursday. March 20 1913 A Oivic Club, would do much to make Mebane clean, and smell sweete^. Is it not worth while. Clul'^s seem to be trumps in Mebane. Clubs lossibly may stimulate interest in social life, bat we have never known a place yet, given much to the club business that did not in the end breed a selfish, and narrow class. They do not conduce to a broad minded citizenship, to a high and charitable view of life, but to narrow snobery. The Editor of the Leader has done some very hard, and persistent labor to bring the paper to its present thrifty condition, and it regrets to repeat the fact that it has accomplished what it has in the face of opposition, and injustice from a number for whom much of its labor has been expended in helping. THE HAZERS GUILTY. The best Definition of “a Laay.’' j (Billical Recorder ) > The answ er that took the prize of fered some little time ago by an En glish paper for the beat definition of “a lady*^’ was the fJ!owing — a'd it is worth passing o?i; “To ba h lady means, rightly, to be a gentlewoman who shows by her every word and gentle dignity, with a gracious charm of manner; a woman whose heart is pure and true, who is tender toward all suffering, who sympathizes with those in trouble, and is ever ready tT5 give that which costs her som"* effort and self-denial- A Hdy thinks no work derogatory, and no one is deemed too low to receive courtesy and kindness. She is pure and good in every detail of life, ^true friend, and a mir^isteri.ig j angel’ in sorrow and sickness.” Orange county farmers sitting in judgment upon the ca&e of the state against Ralph W.. Oldham, of Raleigh; William L. Merriman, of Wilmington, and Aubrey C. Hatch, of Mount Olive, at Hillsboro Saturday, set a precedent in the criminal proceedings of North The Cause of Rheumatism Stomach trouble, lazy liver and de-1 ranged kidneys are the cause of rheu- i matism. Get your stomach, liver, j kidneys and bowels in healthy condition Carolina and gave the practice of hazing ■ taking Electric Bitters, and you will j a stunning blow when they returned a i )^e troubled with the pains of rheu-1 verdict of manslaughter against the • Charles B. Allen, *a school! three sophomores at the bar of justice j principal, of Sylvania, Ga., whosuffered j J! indescribable tortue from, ’ The Winston Journal came out Sunday in a special addition, including a handsome write up of the Mercantile, Manufacturing and industrial interest. It was a decidely creditable bit of journalistic work, and we assure the Journal it pleasure to see it. of Hillsboro court trf answer for the death of Isaac * William Rand in a hazing escapade on the morning of Friday, Sei)temoer^l3, 1912. MINIMUM PUNISHMENT IMPOSED Judge Peebles, then without any un-. due ceremony, ^^riPspd sentence upon the three young nrien, which w:'.s the minimum penalty exacted in th(^ case of manslaughter. He pronounced sentence in these terms; “That each of the oefe.ndants shall be imprisoned in the county jail of Orange for four nr.onths, beginning on 8th day of Ap’-il, 1913. In the meantime each defendant shall give a bond in the sum of for his appearance of Orange county, at Hillsboro, N. C., to obey the order of the county com missioners who shall in their discretion hire tnem out to whomsoever they please in this state. The defendants are to be taxed with the costs of this action.” This seems to mean that they will be hired out to their parents, and so aside from the odium, of being convicted for man slaughter, there seems little in the trial. This will likely satisfy rheumatism, liver and stomach trouble and diseased kidneys, writes: “All remedies failed until I used Electric Bitters, but four battles of this wonderful remedy cured me completely.” Maybe your rheu matic pains come from stomach, liver and kidney troubles. Electric Bitters will give you prompt relief. 50c and $1,00. Recommended by Mebane Drug Co. F. L. White, Prop. For - Ten - Days - Only Beginning Next Saturday March 22 Ws Will" A HAIR DISTRIBUTION THE LATEST AND NEWES-T FdURSTFA'^D H0M.4N HAiR Hair Switches 28 inchesi.4 separate strands seils re gular at $7.50 will sell for $4.98. owin^ to the ex tremely bad weather last wfeek an’d the fact that many who wished to s$e the demonstratien made by a special representative from Niew York, we vvili make this special distribtition and show the newest arran^^e- m.erit of the hair with the four^^ strand • switches, a guaranteed matcH to any colorr This i^ for ten days only beginning Saturday March 22. Morrow j6c Bason , BURLINGTON, N. C. CHAIRMAN SIMMONS , At last the uncertainty, if such ex- before the sheriff jgi- 'd, as to the chairmanship of the Senate Finance Co:nn,ittee, is remov- I ed ai.d the expectations of Senator Simmons and his friends are fulfilled. In the mind of The Observer there had at no time been doubt as to the out come, the information it gave its read ers from Washington on February 6 having been positive. V ’ majority of over 23,000 North Carolina people who elected him over two of the most popu lar and influential men in the State and Senator Simmons was entitled to thi^ position of honor and their verdict I has been confirmed. The State and the that element that small importance to the murder of Rand, but there is an other element despite all the flurry will think that the boys got off extremly light. As to it being the last case of hazing in any College or University, an other case has occured at the Univer sity, and it was one that had gave us been called to the attention of Tudge Peebles, since the one in which Rand lost his life. attaches but 1 country are to be congratulated at this acknowledgement of the worth of Senator Simmons by his colleagues.— Charlotte Observer, We do not know that th6 abolition of the professional lobbyist from our Legislative halls would give us an honest body of Senators, and Represen tatives, but we do know there would be less incentive to betray the interest of the people, and to protect that of the corporations, if the .smooth talkers, with money were kept away from Raleigh when the Legislature was in .session, but the Aleghany member would not like it. Ralph Pulitzer son of the late Joseph Pulitzer is charging that Mayor William Gaynor has libeled the memory of his father because Gaynor alleges that Pulitzer amased a fortune of fifty million dollars, by black! mail,and indecency. Fifteen years i you just keep the horn’ a-blowin’. GET INTO THE BOOSTING BUSINESS Do you know there’s lots of people Sittin’ round most every town. Growling like a broody chickdn. Knocking every good thing down. Don’t be that kind of cattle, ’Cause they ain't no use on earth. But just be a booster rooster. Crow an’ boost for all your worth. If your town needs boostin’, boost her. Don’t hold back and wait to see If some other fellow’s wilhn’. Sail rigntin, this country’s free. No one’s got a morgage on it. It’s just yours a§ much as his; If your town is shy of boosters. You get in the boostin’ biz. If things don’t seem to suit you An’ the world seems kinder wrong, What’s the matter with a boostin’ Just to help the thing along? ’Cause if things should stop aj^ain. We’d be in a sorry plight. Road Tax For 1913 Due. Notice—The special road poll tax for the year 1913 is now due, and payable until the first day of April. Under the old law the treasurer was paid a small commission for collectiog and handling this fund. And heretofore I haye given that commission to those who looked after it in the different Townships. But now under the SaJaiy law there is no provission made lor any i one to be paiil any thing out of this [ fund. Therefore, unless some one wil ! volunteer to collect without charge, in } the townships, I cannot put t.he bocks out as has been my custom. According by instruction from the County Corn- mers., the books will be ac my office in the court liouse in Graham, and all persons desiring to pay will pay to me unless they find fcome one else with the books. Albert J. Thompson. Treasurer, This Jan. 7, 1913 Alamance County. ago there was a certain Editor in North Carolina doing just what Gaynor charged that Pulitzer had done. He amassed a fortune by it, apd after he could afford to be decent he cut it out in a great measure and now he is reputed as a great citizen, has acquired National recognition. Boost her up with all your might. If you see some fellow tryin’ ^’or to make some project go. An’ you can boost it up a trifle, That’s your cue to let him know That you’re not going to knock it. Just because it ain’t your shout, But that you are gomg to boost a little 'Cause he is got the best thing ,^out.5 —From “Crowley Signal.’- / EASTER TIME. Before an other issue of*the Leader reaches its readers Easter will have come and gone, gone with all of. its sad sweet memories, with all of its tender recolections. Easter a day peculuar sacred to all Christian people the world over, The anniversay of an occasion when Christ steped from the tomb the first fruits of those who slept. It was he who robbed death of its black terrors, -and lit up its vault with stars, paved it with the pearls of hope, of immortality Upon the resurection hinges the, hope of a de.sparing world. A] blazing search light streaming down from calvary lights the way to eternal bliss. Glory to the world the Lord has arisen. MAYOR GAYNOR DEAD. Same Thing. "And he said he was willing to die I for me?” “Not exactly in those words, but that was the impression he was evi dently trying to convey.” “What did he say?” “He said he was ready to eat your cooking tiny time you said ti.e word." —Houston Post. A fine farm containing 95 acres of land, 70 of which is cleared and 20 inclosed for pas ture. A good 4-room dwelling, tobacco barn Pud other out houses. 1250 TAKES THIS FINE PROPOSITION F elix Graves ^lebane, N, C. FARM FOR SALE 150 acres 6 miles East of Hillsboro an I 7 miles West of Durham; Episcopal church 1-4 mile, Meth odist church 1-1-2 miles and School 1-2 mile; Easy access to Durham market makes this an ideal little farm for trucking, dairying or stock raising on a small scale. 70 acres in a very high stat3 of culti vation, balance in timber and wood. 30 acres under wire fence pasture, 6 acres meadow land and 15 acres in red top clover sod. New 6-room 2-story frame dwelling compleeted throughout and pain ted. New bam 20 x 42, 8 stalls and 10 feet. Shed all around,' 6 stall tenant bam and 3 room room tenant house. Can all be worked with machinery No ditching, gr ibing or building to do but move in and make a crop the first year. Absolutely the best little farm for the money in Orange County. $3500.00 cash or terms. Orange Trust Co. Kills fcorOj N. C. m I Best for Skin Diseases Nearly eyery skiji disease yieHs quickly and permanently to Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, and nothing is better for. burns or bruises. Soothes and heals. | John Deye, of Gladwin, Mich., says, > I after suffering twelve years with skin [ ailment and spending $400 in doctors’ ; bills, Bucklen's Arnica calve cured him. It will help you. Only 125c. Recommended by Mebane Drug Co. F. L. Whita, Prop to be seen anywhere in our shoes. Jf the rest of your costume is as good as our shoes -you’ll certainly *be known as ,a first-class dreeser. Cover your feet with our footv^^ear thus proving your good taste and good judgement from the ground up, S3e us for anything that you need in the Furnish ing’s line. See our window display for rpring shirt. We hav^ some Beaut's. Ties and hats can not be beat' for Style and Quality. See us before you buy.'. Yours to please, H.E.Wilkinson Go. Mebane, ‘ ’The Store of Quality.' North Carolina Look Over Your Rent Receipts And what do you find they represent? Just the money you have paid to enable some one else to pay for the house you live in. Have you ever thought that same rent money would buy a house for you? Come and see us about it, We can show you how to become your own landlord and to* commence living in your own house almost im mediately. Mebane Land Improvement Co. W. E. WHITE, rfec’y and Treas. Mebane, N. C. Cockes’ Prolific SeeJ Corn Pittsbui^h Post. It is not at all surprising that Mayor Gaynor of New York should be sneo for libel. The only wonder is that he hasn’t been sued «iany tinres! Grown for seed, field sekcted, every aS a result of his loosely wagging | ear from stalks bearing two or more, tongiie. The executive of the big city j Hand picked. Have grown and sel-i has “been in over hiff head" ever since the development of the police scandal, and having taken the wrong course at the beginning, has proved his capacity for stubbornness by sticking to it and saying ugly things about his critics, j It is merely a case of a wise judge j turning out to De a very unwise mayor. For Benefit of New Pres byterian juhurch. If the legislature passes the bill restricting the salejsf deadly weapons, it should also make ample provision for the law to be enforced.—Greenville Rsf lector. ected thii? corn continuously for 101 years on cecil clay—red soil. A small i amount for sale price $3;GO per bushel. • Chas. F. Cates, Swathmoor, Farm I Mebane, N. C. ! Friendly Advice. "V-'e £i;rriisc-d all our friends by get- .ir.s varied." "Gocd enou^;h. Now sui;'.rise ’em by atp.yii g Kansas City Jour pr.1 ^ Are You Constipated? If so get a box of Dr. King’s New Life Pills, take them regularly and your trouble, will quickly disappeur. Ofcourse We want your trade. It does not matter whether you live m, or near Mebane, Haw River, Graham, or Burlington, it is all the same, we can make it to your interest to buy your furniture of us. Everything with which to furuish a house. Everything reasonable, because we carry an immense stock. Besure and call on ' Green-McClure Furni ture Company Mesdames W. O. Warren and J. S. Cheek will supply the demand of the public at the end of each w^ek, with cakes. Big cake - - >. . 75c. Half cake - - _ 50e. | your trouble, will quickly disappeur. j When you get so small you have to go: Quarter cake - - - 25c. i They will stimulate the liver,| improve i out from home to hunt lies about your In phoning orders, please state the-1 your digestion and get rid of all the | neighbors, to repeat, you have reached kind of cake wanted, and s«nd in or- j poisons from your system. They wil | a point where you might hitch yourself ders not later than Friday A ,M. -' j surely get you well again. 25c at^up with a mule, but the mule would Phone, No’s. 41 and 32. . - - . - GRAHAM, N. C. W anted To buy all the prescription bottles of fered me at one cent each that may be delivered thoroughly cleaned. Mebane Drug Co. Mebane, N« C, Panacea Mineral Spring WATER As nature presents it Pure and Healthgiving, so we distribute it. Indigestion, Loss of Appetite Debility, Nervous and Depressed Feeling fol- . lowing long Illness, become only memories after drinking this truljr wonderful water. Don^t de fer drinking it, but commence at once and re ceive its great benefits. Order direct from Spring or from your Dealer. Littleton, N. C. y Mebane Drug Co. F. L. White, Prop^ f be ashamed of your companionship.. Economy of Nature, , “Nature knew what she was doing when she deprived fishes of a voice..” “How do you make that out’” “What of a flsh had to cackle over 1 every egg it laid?” new; goods A full line of the latest, including Batiste- Seersucker, Ratine-Tub Silk, Galatea- Gin- hams, etc* A nice line'of trimming to n:atcii. J

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