7 • • V ■ ^ ' “'-r' ' , V- f-: - • 'A, ' ■: -■•s ' ;f '? , >2,^ *' i / ‘ ■’ ■-■I MEBANE. LEADER J. O POY, - Editor and Owner. Entered aa second class matter Feb> uary 8. 19C9, at the Post Office at Mebane, N, C’-, under Lho }ct of March 1897. Issued 51verv Thursday Morning. SUBSCRIPTION: One Year, - - - $1.00 •Six Months, - - - *50 . Three Months, - - .iJ5 i^^:PAYABLE INIADVANCE -«• ;id Currency, Postal Money Order orJStamps. >> CORRESPONDENCE We wish corres^ndents in all the nearby post'offices. Write at Thursday. April 3 1913 GOV. MANN RESPECTS THE LAW. Claud Swanson Allen, and Floyd Allen his father were electrocuted at Richmond, Va., last Friday near the no6n hour.. It seems that the merchants of Greensboro have about come to their senses, and will let the trading stamp business alone. We have never been able to see any real virtue in the trading stamp business. Years ago there was an effort by the Winston merchants to drive the concern out of that city and all is the pity that they did not succeed. They tryed to usurp the field of legitimate -adver- tismg, and force merchants to contribute to them for something they never earned. The trading stamp was a commercial alien an interloper without excuse save a desire on the part of the ijaventers of the scheem to secure tribute where none was earned.- The theory of road dragging is that a road is a roof and that if the water is not allowed to stand on the road a fairly firm driving surface can .be maintained without paving. The dragged road gets somewhat soft after long continued rains but mud holes are unknown and when the weather improves a little dragging with a two- horse or mule team puts it into prime condition agam. Road Tax For 1913 Due. Notice—The special road poll tax for the year 1913 is now due, and payable until the first day of April. Under the old law the treasurer was paid a small commission for collecting and handling this fund. And heretofore I ha ye given that commission to those who looked after it in the different Townships. But now under the Salary law there is no provission made for any one to be paid any thing out of this fund. Therefore, unless some one wil volunteer to collect without chai"ge, in the townships, I cannot put the bocks out as has bedn my custom. According by instruction from the County Com- mers., the books will be ac my office in the court house in Graham, and all bome one else with the books. Albert J.' Thompson. Treasurer, This Jan. 7, 1913 Alamance County. They died through the mandate of the law, for the part they played in the Hlllsville, Va., court house miird6r occuring March 19th 1912. A sickley sentiment, and morbid sympathy had played a strong hand to secure, mercy, or a commutation of the sentence of Claud Allen. Appeals were made to the Gov ernor of Virginia and through all the courts, for a stay of the execution of the sentence. Every legal agency was exausted to save Claud Allen from the electric chair, but the law, took' its course, and that it did the people of this w'hole country should feel thankful. Governor M^inn of Virginia has proven to his State and to all others interested persons that so fa: as lays within his power the majesty of the law shall be maintained and for which all honor to Governor Mann. Should Ellison have had his way, sur- reptetiouslv taking advantage of Governor Manns absence he would have made a mockery of law, and if possible turned these fellows loose. The Leader cries for no mans! blood, it has no thirst for vengance, but it can not help feeling proud of the course Governor Mann has pursued in regard to this matter. He is helping to maintain the high standard Virginia has set in its respect for law, for justice, making life a thing of value, carrying out the pledges of the State to pjotect it, or to duly punish those who destroy it. The way in which Virginia has dealt with her murderers,offers a brilliant contrast with the shame- full way in which North Carolinas judges, jurors, and lawyers have treated the martyed dead, who fell at the flash of the pistols fire at the hands of her despera* dors, who realize that the courts are with them. Its a crying shame, that the whole machinery of hw rest under the fearfull condemnation, as particeps cipis. All honor to Gover nor Mann. It seems from our exchanges that Civic Leagues are growing more popular, and more prolific all the time. But few cities of any importance but have not an organized body of its best ladies j persons desiring to pay will pay to me who devote much of their time I unless they find and best talents in aiding in the improvement of the sanitary conditions of their homes, and their neighbors homes, and to urge efforts for the beautifying of their home towns. Th e spirit is growing all the time, and there are but few places where the ladies do not take an 'interest in these matters. Ofcourse there are some, and there are reasons for it, but what is the use in giving them. Let it go at that. NEWSTYLES The Very Latest from the highest Parisian models. The prettiest head gear for ladies. Something you will find de cidedly attractive, and becoming. Remember the place Miss Margaret C ^ Graham, N. C. The effort to secure one cent letter postage is being made princepaly by the large mail order houses of the North, and North West. The one cent letter postage would be an item to those Commercial cormorants, but they are showing there benevolent assimelation by wanting the deficency in the postal depart ment made up by increasing the postage on the newspapers many of which are struggling to live even nnder the most riged econcomy: Pains in the Stomach If you continually complain of paim. in the stomach, your liver or your kidneys are out of order. Neglect may lead to dropsy, kidney trouble, diabetes or Bright’s disease. Thousands recom mend Electric Bitters as the very best stomach and kidney medicine made. H. T. Alston, of Raleigh, N. C., who suffered with pain in tha stomach and back, writes: _ “My kidneys were deranged and my liver did not wjrk right. I suffered much, but Electric Bitters was recommended ^ and I improved from the first dose. I now feel like a new man.” It will improve you, too. Only 50c and $1.00. Recom mended by Mebane Drug Co. The Mecca is an^up to date Drug Store it is new, neat and clean. The stock is freshly' bou$>:ht and of lull strength. Our fountain is one whare the most deli cious soft drinks are served. We treat you right it matters not what you may wish in our line. MECCA DRUG COMPANY Mebane, North Carolina. PRING TIME m AGAIN GENTLE ANNI Ar.d zo is those equisitly shaped iadies slipoers, almost too dainty to touch dirt, but nothing is too nice for our patrons, this is why we keep the best, the most stylish, and the most durable shoes, and proniise our patrons a fit that they v/ill all ways feel proud of. Mens, ladies and children shoes, the latest styles, cuts and pat terns. No where elsec^an you get better satis faction, Ours is the house that promises to please, and all ways keeps faith with you. Pridgen & Jones iJurham, N. C. FOR SALE Tact. Mrs. Smith and her little daughter Margaret, aged two, were spending the summer at the lake. The mother often spoke of the excellent quality of the milk she fed the child. While outwalk ing with little Margaret one day, Mrs. Smith happened to meet the Mife of the farmor who supplied the superior milk. “What do -you say, Margaret, to the lady ^or bringing you such nice milk?” prompted Mrs. Smith. “How's the cow?” a-ked Margaret politely.—^Women’s Home Companion. Sir Walter's Good Fortune. Sir Walter Raleigh had called to take a cup of tea with Queen Eliza beth. "It was very good of yo-^. Sir Wal ter,” said her majesty, smiling sweet ly upon the gallant knight, “to ruin your cloak the other day so that my feet should not be wet by that horrid puddle. May I not instruct my lord high treasurer to reimburse you for itr “Don’t mention it, your majesty,” re plied Raleigh. “It only cost two and six and I have already sold It to an A.merican collector for £8,000.”—Lip- plncott’s. A SensaDle Suggestion. “If the proper valuation were plac ed on vacant lots by the tax assessors it is the belief of Mayor Dalton that real estate in the city of Wmston would come to a figure within the reach of t^e poor man. The mayor estimates that there are upwards of 1,500 vacant lots in Win ston and the suburbs that are taxed at a very low rate, yet are held a high price by the owners. He believes that if these lots were raised by the tax as sessors to a figure neir the value plac ed upon them by the owners, these own ers would sell rather than hold and pay the taxes levied.” —Winston Journal. Coughs ana Consumption Coughs and colds, when neglected, always lead to serious trouble of the lungs. The wisest t'ling to do when you have a cold that troubles you is to get a bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery. You will get relief frrni the first dose, and finally the cough will disappear. O. H. Brown, of Muscadine, Ala., writes: “My wife was down in bed with an obstinate cough, and 1 ho.iestly believe had it not been for Dr. King’s New Discovery, she would not be living to-day.” Known for fortj- thrte years as the best remedy for ccughs and colds. Price 50c and $1.00. Recommended by Mebane Dru^ Co. Immense Stock Have just returned from a couple of weeks stay in Northern markets, where was purchased under our personal inspection a large and select line of ladies summer dress goods, and shirt waist pat terns. A full stock of mens’ clothing. Arrow Collars and Shirts. WALK OVER SHOES and mens furnishing of all kinds. We Carry a Full Line of farm supplies of all kinds including corn plan ters, plows, harrows, harness, gass engines, etc. H. W. & J. C. WEBB Whole sale and retail. General Merchandise. Hillsboro, N. C. IcO acres 6 miles East of Hillsboro and 7 miles West of Durham; Episcopal church 1-4 mile, Meth odist church 1-1-2 miles and School 1-2 mile; Easy access to Durham market makes this an ideal little farm for trucking, dairying or stock raising on a small scale. 70 acres in a very high state of culti vation, balance in timber and wood. 30 acres under wire fence pasture, 6 acres meadow land and 15 acr^s in red top clover sod. New 6-room 2-stor} frame dwelling compleeted throughout and pain ted. New bam 20 x 42, 8 stalls and 10 feet. Shed all around. 6 stall tenant bam and 3 room room tenant house. Can all be worked with machinery No ditching, gr ibing or building to do but move in and make a crop the first year. Absolutely the best little farm for the money in Orange County. $3500.00 cash or terms. Orange Trust Co. Hillsboro, N. C. te fo According to late reports the life of the uncrowned King of American finance J. P. Morgan is nearing its close. Reports from Rome indicate a gradual weakening of his vital powers. Mr. Morgan was easily the greatest financier this country has ever produced, perhaps the greatest in the world. He could control three hundred million dollars at any time in the last few years. His transactions were on the largest scale, phenominal in iis magnitude, and yet Mr. Morgan will soon leave his iiTimense affairs to be guided by other hands. Unless some remarkeable change in his physical condition occrrs in the next few days, Mr. Morgan will have to start on his long journe}^, the one from whence no traveler returns. J. j Pierepont Morgan has Keen the 1 most potent figure in the financial world for the last decade in this country, a power that this government was compelled to recon with.—Since the above was put in type Mr. Morgan has died. He passed away in Rome Italy Monday at noon. For Hair Health If Rexall **93*’ Hair Tonic doe* not improve the health of your •calp and hair, we will pay for what you use during the trial. We could not so Btrongly endorse Sezall “93’’ Hair Tonic and continue to Bell it to the same people if it did not do all we claim. Should it not prove entirely satisfkctory our cua> tomera would lose faith in us, we wc^d lose their patroziage, and ouv buanesa would stmer. If your hair is falling out or yoa suffer any scalp trouble, we believe Baxall “93” Hair Tonic will do more to eradicate the dandruCF, give health to the scalp, stimulate new haiv growth and prevent prematiire bald* ness than any other human agency. ' We want you to make us prove thii. We ask you to risk no money w^tever. Buy a bottle of Rexw ,“93” Hair Tonic, use it according to directions for thirty days; then if you are not entirely satianed, come and tell us and we w^ promptly hand back the money you paid us for it. ^ We won’t ask you to sign any thing, nor even to bring the bottle iMck. We won’t obligate you in ■ny way. We will take your mere word. Could anything be more fair? Could we do anything more to prove oi^ belief in Rexali “93” Hair Tonio, and our honesty of purpose in recom* mending it to you?._ Rexali “93” Hair Tonic is as pleas ant to use as spring water and hae but a faint, pleasing odor. It comaa ia two sixes of bottles, 50o and Sl.OO. You can buy Rexali “93” Hair Toote Id this community only at our store: MEBANE DRUG CO. Mebane »• >£2^ J««. TOiei* Is a Rexali Store in nearly every town ud ntr in th* United States, Canada and Great Britain. There ia a different Rexali Remedy for nearly every ordinary human ill— eaoh Mpeoially designed for the particular ill for which it is recommended. The RmmU StoTM are AnMvlse** Greater Dnift ScorM Keep It Quiet (From The Durham Herald.) If the papers keep digging up stories about the way farm lands are selling and the ' rate at which it is assessed for taxation they may dis cover after awhile that the farmers are not paying all the taxes for the support of the Government. ij nt Your Garden Buy your seeds, the best sold, T. W. Wood and Son, at ebane Drug Co. Mebane, N- C. Found a cure for umatism Rhe- “I suffered with rheumatism for two years and could not get my right hand to my mouth for that length of time,” writes Lee L. Chapman, Mapleton Iowa. “I suffered terrible pain so 1 could not sleep or lie still at night. Five years ago I began using Cham berlain’s Liniment and in two months I was well and have not suffered with rheumatism since " For sale by all Dealers, The Trap on the Pole , (From The Siler City Grit.) Sunday, the 16th, was a bad day for hawks around the premisea of Mr. L. S. Edwards. He set a steel trrp on a pole near his house and on that day caught two hawks-^one lighting there on in the morning and another in the afternoon. to be seen anywhere i.i our shoes. Jf the rest of your costume is as good as our , shoe& youUl certainly "be known as a first-class .dreeser. Cover your feetj with our footwear thus proving your good taste and good judgement from the ground up, Sae us for anythirig that you need in the Furnish- ing^s line. See our window display for rpring shirt. We have some Beaut’s. Ties and hats can not be beat for Style and Quality. See us before you buy.. Yours to please, H.E. Wilkinson Co. Mebane, ‘'The store of Quality.’ North Carolina Cockes’ Prolific SeeJ Corn Grown for seed, field selected, every ear from stalks bearing two or more. Hand picked. Have grown and sel ected this corn continuously for 10 years on cecil clay-red soil. A small amount for sale price $3.00 per bushel. Chas. P. Cates, Swathmoor, Farm Mebane, N. C. Ofcourse Caugh Medicine dren. for Cbii- Wanted. A Boy about 15 years old to work in store and farm. For particulars apply to. Rfd No. 3 W. s. Barnwell, Mebane, N- C. Too much care cannot be used in selecting a ^’ough medicine for children It should be pleasant to take, contain no harmful substance and be most ef fectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets these requirements and is a favorite with the mothers of yoiing children everywhere. For sale by all J Dealers. ) We want your trade. It does not matter whether you live in, or near Mebane, Haysr River, Graham, or Burlington, it is all the same, we can make it to your interest to buy your furniture of us. Everything with which to furuish a house. Everything reasonable, because we carry an immense stock. Besure and call on Gr een-McClure Furni ture Company GRAHAM^ N. C. anacea Mineral Sprim WATER As nature presents it Pure and Healthgiving, so we distribute it. Indigestion, Loss of Appetite Debility, Nervous and Depressed Feeling fol lowing long Illness, ^ecome only memories after drinking this truly wonderful water. Don't de fer drinking it, but commence at once and re ceive its great benefits. Order direct from Spring or from your Dealer. PAiCEA SPRING COMPANY Littleton, N. C. PRETTY SUN SHADES Nice traveling bags, satchels^ and valice>. Full stock of nice things for ladies to wear. ^The prettiest line of dress goods. iB[ FOR THE