E LEADER J. O rOY, - editor and Owner. EtUered second class matter Feb- uary 8. ifrv 9, at the Post Oifice a Mebane, N’. C , under the act of March 1897. Issued Every Thursday Morning. SUBSCiUPTiON: ^^ne Year, - - - $1.00 -I'ix Months, - - - .50 Three Months, - - .iJ5 «tf“::PAYABLE 1N2ADVANCE nd Currency, Postal Money Order orJS tamps. CORRESPONJENCE We wish correspondents in 8ll the nearby post olFices. Write at on’P. bpriiij^’s to Biame Jhis One. sistent'y refased to curb these | repacious commercial brigandF.! They had moiiej enouj^h to ^ Hved m days of yore, purchase what evfr inlluence; When Lh^' lorest. now gro\V old, they needed in Washington, and j vvas '.vii. and young so they stuck and COntinU-^d to! Wuh muse and joy untold; oWd the public, 'l he parcel, When zephprs, dmcing airily, I Took up the warbler's song, post was a creation of the mail | order houses of tiie North ana i iioi-e the strain along; North West, and what eve:' good ] Ah, then, dear Icve. by heaven a*bove, it may serve, you can credit to a 1 With its smiling skies of blue, selfish purpose as having given it birth. Thursday* April 10 1913 IS THE BRITISH DEGENERA TING. If the British people permit militants of the Emmiline Pank- hurst stripe to frighten them by threats of reprisals of human life because the British Courts see it proper to inflict some p jnishment for the crimes they are committing in the destruction of property, then the British p3ople have much degenerated. The report of the court proceed ing says: When sentence was pronoun ced by the judge, Sir Charles Montague Lush, in the Old Bailey sessions, Mrs. Pankhurst, although her face blanched, showed as defiant an attitude as ever, declaring she would fight to the end. One of the militant leaders, in announcing the intentions of the suffragettes, went so far as to say that even human life would no longer be respected. In London, Glasgow and other places throughout the country enthusiastic meeting were held and tvery mention of Mrs. Pankhurst brought forth loud cheers. One of the leaders, whose name is suppressed, gave out the following statement: “Human life is now in peril, for we have resolved no longer to respect it, and trouble of all sorts must be faced by us.” There should be no hesitancy in earring out the court sentence in the Pankhurst case. She should serve the limit of the law. The trouble with Englands courts is that they have been unable to distinguish between a lady and these vile vicious shes. Let them go on their hunger strike if they wish too, put food before them and if they do not see fit to eat, let them die, the sooner the better. A half a dozen deaths among the Pank- hu.-st crowd would clarafy the atmosphere very materialy. A crime is a crime, and sex should have nothing to do with mitiga ting the punishment. A cause that has to be w^n as the militant suffragist are trying to win theirs is a bad cause. These women have demonstrated beyond question their utter lack of the essential elements of character that would fit them to be entrusted with the functions of government. England has a crowd of women that has sprung up in her midst, that she could well afford to deport, a id do so at once. W'e have no sympathy for them. They are ertitled to rone. The Germans are trying to look in the back yard of the French people and incidently to see the inside of some of Fi-ances fortifications by flying around in a Zeppelin air ship. Germanys budget is running low% and there are indications that she wants to collect a large indemunity fund from France as she did in 1872 w’hen she humbled France in the dust and to: k from her a fifteenth of her territory, in Alsace an Lorrains. If an other war between these two powers it is hoped that France will be able at its close to push her boundaries back to the point that lost to her this valuable territory. When there is a constant changing of hands in the real estate market there will be a constant ringing of the hammer, and a whir of the saw, wMien the saw and hammer are silent it is evident that there is something out of joint. By mother eai th and her childrens mirth Had 1 pledged my love to y>>u. Had vve but lived in days of yore. When chivalrous deeds wer chent-h- ed, \Vh#n knights-at-arms Sought love’s sweet charihs. And for their love had perished; And when the..oh. too beauteous moon With mooM-beams faintly lighted The gol 'en hair mid made more fair The words hue lately plighttd; Ah, then, dear heart, with all the art Oi k^'ighthood’s wolidrous glory, I To thee again, in tender strain, i Had I breathed the old, sweet story. I I Had we but lived in days of yore i When all the world was young; j When words, once spoken, I Could ne’er be broken, j And love was ne’er unsung— I Then had I clasped y^>ur had in mine, I My words *iad freely ilown ! With ease and grace, w’hen face totace j Each other’s thoughts were known. : But now the world is changed,dear I heart, I And olden days so true, Will not return—so while I yearn 1 but whisper “1 love you.” . -‘Kenneth E. Ta>lor. STEP lIVEtr YOU CAN'T HUiiBY TO SOON to begin trading at this store. The quicker you give your first order the sooner you will be able to set a better table for the same money you are spending now, or less. Try our Tea's, Coffees, Spices, Hour, etc, they are the things by which a Grocery is tested. Tost us for bothi-.ftUAijITY and COS'!*. See our Oxfords, Straw Hats and Dress Goods* before you buy your Spring Outfit. Something nice for you. Yours to please, H.E Wilkinson Co. ING TIME GOME AGAIN GENTLE AN S' ■ A'i d so is those equisitly shaped ladies slipoers. almost too dainty to touch dirt, but nothing is too nice for our patrons, this is wtiy we keep the best, the most stylish, and the most durable shoes, and promise our patrons a fit that they will all ways feel proud of. Mens, ladies and childien shoes, the latest styles, cuts and |.,at- ' terns. No where elsecan you get better sa ii- faction. Ours is the house that promises to p’ease, and all ways keeps faith with you. Pridgen & Jones Durham, N. C. ‘The Store of Quality. Mebane, North C^rc'lina Look to Your Plumbing Y( u know what happens in a' house in wi^ich the plumbing is in poor con dition-every body in the house is liablt to contract typhoid or some oth^r fever. The degestive or^fans perforn) New York has gr’en to the ^^me functions in the human body Western flood sufferers over piflnihing does for the hous^*, five hundred and fifty five and they should be kept in first class thousand dollars. New Yo rk is condition all the the time. If you have TU 1 m-ikp trouble with your digestion take a liberal giver. Her people make Tablets and you a.e "a lot of money but they are to get quick relief. For s ile b> generous givers. Robert M. Phillips Practically every newspaper lill Dealers. the state is called upon to at Carthage. Mr. Phillips was one of those men who observe the through the eye of a poet; in his heart a song was ever singine. One can not think of this dead brotht^r excof t as the genial, whole-souled Bob. wielder of the facile pen; the poss essor of a rich, bass voice; the lover of his fellow-men. In his death the Greensboro News, of which p^per he was associate editor, has lost one of its strongest for^’es, for he was mas ter craftsmen The sunshine and the music of his life are lost to this world, but in the resurrection the heavenly choir will be reinforced by by his sweet voice.—Greensboro News. cruel, but we England would those militant into Great Beyond “hunger btrikes” would wor d be popular. — Greensboro News It may sound a bit man in ' ^re persuaded that if morn fcr allow two or three of Robert M. Phillips, who death occured | suffrajrettes to starve themselves Cockes’ Prolific SecJ Corn Crown fcr seed, field selected, eveiy ear from stalks bearing two or more. Hand picked. Have grown and .sel ected this corn continuously for 10 years on cecil clay—red soil. A small amount for sale price $3.00 per bushel. Chas. F. Cates, Swathmcor *>'arm Mebane, N. ^ . W STYLES The Very Latest from the highest Parisian modek. The prettiest head gear for ladies. Something you will lii.d de cidedly attractive, and becoming. Remcmbc-r tht place , • Miss Margaret Clegg Graham, N. C. ! 150 acres 6 miles East of Hillsboro and 7 West of Durham; Episcopal church 1-4 mile, Me^n- odist church 1-1-2 miles and Schocl 1-2 mile; Easy access to Durham market makes this an ideal little farm for trucking, dairying or sto?k raising on a small scale. 70 acres in a very high state of culti vation, balance in timber and wood. 30 acres under wire fence pastuie,, 6 acres meadow land and 15 acres in red top clover sod. New 6-room 2'Stor\ frame dwelling compleeted throughout and pain ted. New barn 20 x 42, 8 stalls ana 10 feet. Shed all around. 6 stall tenant bam and 3 room room tenant house. Can all be worked with machinery No ditching, gr ibing or building to do tut move in and make a crop the first year. Absolutely the best little farm for the money in Orange County. $3500.00 cash or terms. Orange Trust Co. . Kilhboro, N. C. Cough Medicine dren. for Cbii- I am more and more impressed with the duty of finding happiness.-George Elliott. Without earnestness no man is ever great, or does really great things. He may be the cleverest of men, he may be brilliant, entertaining, popular; but he v.ill want weight.— Peter Buyne. Too much care cannot t>e used ii' selecting a '’ough medicine for childrt n It should be pleasant to take, contai: no harmful substance and be most fectuai. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy meets these requirements and is a favorite with the mothers of young children everyvvhtre. For sale by all Dealers. The express companies “fe.ss up*’ that they have been hard hit—mighty ha»-d—by the operation of the new parcel post. And Uncle Sam is getting ready to hit ’em again whtn he puts into effect the collect on delivery system,—Exchange. . We do not suppose that there -is any regret expressed, or unexpressed felt by the people, 'bec5rus^e‘the express companies are hard hit by the parcel post. il. is.ta be hoped that they will hard enough hit to brincr them to' their senses. The express Companys have been the most unfeeling? carrier sharks that ejxist. Thev have never seemed^ to scruppie at any charges, n«jwevjr high for the packages they carried, and what other proof need you ask for than that they have been able tu declare f >r ihe past twenty years an anr-iual dividend of thirty per c at, and this too upon thn e hundred per cent wattered stock. The Government had per- Grow IV2 Bales Cotton Where Only 1 Grew Before One to onc-and-a-half and even two bales of cotton, or 60 to 90 bushels of corn per acre, require little more labor than smaller yields. Simply use lil>erally the right fertilizer or plant food to the acreage you plant, and cultivate the crop more thoroughly and oftener. You cannot be too careful in selecting fertilizers and seeds. Your soil deserves the best plant foods which are V ir ginia-Car olina High-Grade Fertilizers They are made to give Available Phosphorii5 Acid, Ammoiua or Nitrogen, and Potash in the right combination for greatest yields. These fertilizers produce big crops of COTTON, CORN, RICE, TOBACCO, FRUITS, PEANUTS aid TRUCK. IVirginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Box 1117 VIRGINIA The Mecca I I ! Is an up to date Drug Store it is new, neat and | clean. The stock is freshly bought and of lull i strength. Our fountain is one whire the most deli- ! cious soft drinks are se*‘ved. We treat you right it | matters nat what you may wish in our line. j MECCA DRUG COMPANY I I I jMebane, North Carolina.' Plant Your Garden Buy your seeds, the Wood and Son, at best sold, T. Mebane Drug Co. Mebane, N« C. Immense Stock ifginia-Carolina. .CliMtpal Co. RICHMOND U PRETTY SUN SHADES Nice traveling bags, satchels, and valice^. Full stock of nice things for ladies to wear. The prettiest line of drpfs goods EBANE.N.C' Have just returned from a couple of weeks stay in Northern markets, where was purchased under our personal inspection a large and select line of ladies summer dress goods, and sWt waist pat terns. A full stock of mens’ clothing. Arrow Collars and Shirts. ^ WALK OVER SHOES and mens furnishing of all kinds. We Carry a Full Line of farm supplies of all kinds including corn plan ters, plows, harrows, harness, gasa engines, etc. Now Is^ The. Time to Look Arounil for Carpets, Mattings anil the Like H. W, & J. C. WEBB Whole sale and retail, General Merchandise. .vv Hillsboro, N. C. We want your trade* It . does not matter whether you live mV or near Mebane, Haw River, Graham, ‘ or Burlington, it is all the same, we can make it to your interest to buj^’ your furniture of us. Everything with ^hich to furuish a house. Everything reasonable, because we carry an immense stock. Besure and call 6h ' r* * ture Company GRAHAM, N. C. This is the season of the year when the house keepers thoughts turn to house cleaning and to brightening up the home. For your floors we have a very attractive showing: of Car pets, Rugs, Mattings, etc.,at very Low price. Consi'ering qualify we do not believe that you can do better than come here for your floor coverings. We are making^ a specialty of this I i' e and our new Spring stocks are well V h your consideration. ^IlIso a Desi "ible Line of Trunk at Reasonable Price. “C.H.DORSETT' The Woman’s Store GREENSBORO, - - NORTH TAROLINA Announcement Women’s Suits and Cloak The new SPRING SUITS are here and you are invited to make - early call to see and get an idea of the style and material fashion h planned for your use, pleasure and comfort this season. When se. - ' ectirg a SUIT it is to your interest to look for the S. and C. lab ■ when you see it you are SURE of ALL-WOOL material, GU-'MMN TEED linings, and SILK sewings, all of which you know are iiei’t •- sary for satisfactory service and which you will fully appreciate. V'' ^ will find the S. and C. garments here. Yoik will want to be first ; ’ making a selection when yoa see, and repKze, how much style .i’ quality is offered at very reasonable prices Come if possible ‘ fore part of the day and have ample time to look. Ells,^ Stone Co Durham, N. C.