lirrEADER I. O.POW', Editor and Owner. Entered as second class . matter Feb- uary 8, 1909, at the Post Office at Mebane, 'N. C*» drider the act of March 1897. who could have ranked with the The Wreck of The Titanic, infamous John Murrel, or ihe l88UQd*Eyerv, Thursday Morning. " SUBSCRIPTION: One Year,' - - - $1.00 Months, - - * *50 ThreeJMonths, - - *25 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ar\d Currency, Postal Money Order or Stamps. fcORRESPON JENCE We wish correspondents in *11 the n earby post offices. Write at on*#*- Thursday.' April 24 1913 TO MOVE ITS PLANT. The International Harvester Com pany is making good its threat against Aubuin, N. Y. Three carloads of machinery from the twine mill that has belonged to the trust since it absorbed the works of D. M. Osborne and Co., ten years ago, and which had been an important industry of the town for ten years before th:\t time, were shipped away last week. They were billed “For Foreign Ship ment,” to C. F. Gregory, an export Weehawken. For anything to the contrary' that is to be learned here the machinery is to go on to Germany forthwith. '^ 'This is a result of a strike that beltan ' * in- March when 700 employers ^uit work and demand ed terms that the Harvester people thought improper. Thus - the walking delegate is at last getting in his real work. The leaders of the strike concede that the company has literally wiped the plant out of existence. The em ployees themselves have accepted the issue ds being so definitely lost to them that their flight- from Auburn has already begun. Auburn is facing a sit uation that involves much more than the closing of the twine mill and the loss of the $1,000 a day its employees received in wages. The continued operation of the Osborne works seems to be at stake. These works employ 3,000 men, and on their wages fully one-half of the town depends. If these wooks should be closed Auburn would suffer infinitely more than “injury to reputation.” We have for j^ears insisted r that Congress, create an arbitra tion board to which all disputes between lab r and capital be submitted and settled, but. Con gress in its weakness and fear is neglecting to do this thing, and’lthe result is that there is going on a rapid conversion of thousands of people to socialism. Unless there is some ch^pge for the better, some methods of adjusting the acute friction between capital, and labor that is developing, at different points, we are going to have trouble in many of our big cities, such as perhaps you have read about. leader of the quantrel gang, But | Blease is not ai,d acciient, he is a creature, of an ignorant and | perverted citizenry, ignorant I from birth, but perverted by his false and vicious misleading lies, appealing to their predudice. If any State i» the Union was evet* bitterly cursed as a result of the ignorance of its people, it is South Carolina. Cole Blease seems to gloat over the fact that he is a mean man, and never fails to exhibit evidences of his petty spite and narrowness. His recent exhibition is to take from certain editors who wrote articles disapproving of Bleases course, their commission^ as notaries. If he wished to go to the , limit to exhibit his mean contemptable nature, he could hardly touch upon a smaller, or more ignorable thing, than in this way to try to stifle public expression, but its Bleases way, a way in perfect keeping with the character of the man. WOOLl-JN MILL TO STOP. (From The Textile Manufacturers’ Journal.) fjit is announced that Joseph Bern and Sons, Greystone, R. 1-, w’ill dis continue their business in this coun try as a result of tariff changes The 'ollowing notice has been posted at the mill by Harrison Benn company: “The provisions ’Twas a calm anc^ cloudless evening, j , Zephyrs soft, Spring airs prevailed, When thy giu-t s^ip Titanic ■ On her maiden voyage sailed^ . " All was mirth, for all believed her, Leviathan of the deep. Proof against the winds and, tempests That the fierce Atlantic sweep. Happy,laughter, games and pleasure Filled the ship from stern to bow; Joy was in saloons palatial And the steerage far below. Steadily the princely vessel Steamed upon her westward way; Till that fatal Lord’s Day morning Speed was gaining, day by day. Darkness fell; th^j stars were shinirg; Suddenly the air grew cold; Crash! the unseen, mighty iceberg . Tore the ship’s side to her hold. Just a jar and sudden tremor As when mortals flinch from pain; Still went on th? feast ard music. Men looked up—then laughed again. Hark! the call from crew and captain; “Up on deck! to life-boats hai'te!” Stunned, they all obeyed the summons, With no thought of rank or caste. Shouts the captain: “Man the lifeboats; Launch them out upon the wave; First the helpless little children And the women we must save.” i E'en the wealthy lord of millions Could not purchase with hiS gold One small seat beside hs young bride In the life-boat we are told. They were only men and women. Rank, distinction, power were gone; Ocean’s mandate: “First the ladies!” Was heroically borne. Cries and tears and parting kisses Clinging lips their sid fate learned; of the VVives from husbands, babes from par- itj YOU CAN'T HURRY ' TOO SOON to be^in trading. at this store. The quicker you give your first order the sooner you will be able to set a better table for the .same money you are spending now, or less. Try our Tea's, Coffees, Spices, Flour, etc, they are the things by .which a Grocery is tested. Test us for both QUAUmf and COST. See our Oxfords, Straw Hats and Dress Goods before you buy your Spring Outfit. Something nice for you. Yours to please, H.E. W ilkinson Co. % ‘‘The Store of Quality.” Mebane, - - - North Carolina Seeing, Hearing, Speaking Deaf, blind and, until the wonderful development of recent years, dumb since ii.fancy. Helen KeJler has a mes sage for Aniericars which deserves at tention. She has .faith in-Woodrow Wilson; she has hopes of a great de mocracy, “not a party but a condit ion;” but r.lie docs not believe that ' “one man can do it all by himself.” I Fervid appeals will be ma-de to the : people the United States to rally to I the support of the President who has ! undortaken to re-establish a democracy I of right and justice. How many of them will he more eloquent or mere I accusing than that of the prodigy who, I with closed eyes, dulled ears and halt- i 'g, nevertheless sees, hears and sneaks the truth?—N. Y. World. Ire!?nd’s E;*! Cavern. A Frenchman made the first i- plete exp-oration of one of the lai - caverns in t-.he world, that at Mitclif. town, Irelai.d. The explorer was Mar! tel, who is also famous for his aisi coverles in the cavei ^s of France The Mltchelstown cavt.’n is formed ia limestone, and Is remarkable for the number and extent of its connected passages, which, when plotted on chart resemble the streets of a clijT The length of the cave is about a mile and a quarter, and it contains some animal Inhabitants, including a sp^. cietf of gpider, which are peculiar to it and kave their entire existeacQ within Its recesses.—^The Sunday Meg. WANTED Call on or write to BASCOM ^ ILh( iy at White Bros. Farm, ntar .'‘'’cbaru' \\ ARM FOR SALE of- the new Wilson tariff make it absolutely impossible for us to successfully com pete with . imported goods, therefore a stoppage of machinery will take place immediately.” Now let the Benn and Sons shut down, and stop. Outside of the be'n'eficiories of this concern, no one will care how soon. They have sprung this skull and bones on the American people we trust just one time too many. If they want to go to Europe’let them scat, no one cares how soon. A lot of thieves, who through National laws have been^'robbing the people of this country right, and left for the past 30 years and have grown immensely rich through their depredations should be choked off, and if they have not got sense enough to take their medicine^ let them go to thunder or any other hot country. TYRUS DEFLATUS A FARM LIFE SCHOOL The "old Col-Tew Military School building, a mile West of Hillsboro on the north side of the railroad has promises now of heing made useful, after remain ing idle for nearly fifty years. The buildings which are substan-' tial britk, and p^rounds of 140 acres, property easily worth $25,000 dollars has been donated by the Farmers Alliance for a Farm Life School, on condition that the Farmers Union donate $10,000 for furnishings, the State give $7,500, and the county of Orange is to give $2,500. The matter of vcting the $2,500 will come up before long, and it is felt that in view of this most tempting proposition that the county will gladly vote the sum, not only for its great benefit to county, and State, in improving the minds of boys, and making of them better men and more valuable citizens, but in estab lishing a school of great merit largely enhancing the value of taxable property of the county. The School tuition is to be free to the bovs of this State. The arrangement is fi^r there to be eleven trusteees three of them to be from the State at largd, three from the Farmers Alliance, j three from the Farmers Union, * and two from the county of Orange. Everybody admits that Ty Cobb is j a great baseball player, probably the | greatest ball player of the last’ quar- | ter of a century. But the 'merit at taching to his position is sadly maned, and his lustre bedimmed by that disease ' which has ruined many good men before him^enlargement of the cranium, known in ordinary parlance as the “swellhead.” Those who read Presi dent Narvin’s statement yesterday will readily agree that the president of the Detroit club has correctly painted Mr. Tyrus Cobb, gallery player and poseur. 'Loving public applause, publicity Jand th^ limel?ght as a woman loves a new gown, Ty Cobb has strutted over the country defying his employers, setting discipline at nauget and s^king to establish a ruinous precedent in the relations between clubs and players.— Exchange. i Its a pity for Tyrus, but it is too true. It has not been many years since a President of the United States, and we speak of Mr. Roosevelt who rather coarted the honor of hand. There are a number of other swell heads in this world of the same weakness of Tyrus, but the trouble with the latter crowd is there is not a thing about them that gives the slightest excuse for having a swell head. ents, ParJ;ed by the order stern. Slowly to her ocean burial Sank the good ship to her grave, j Bearing hapless hundreds with her, I Gallants souls and seamen brave. j To the last the ship's orchestra j Played till silenced by the sea; I Facing death they voiced that sweet j h’/mn: “Nearer, still, my God, to Thee.” I On that night of wreck and ruin I Portuls of et rnity I Opened as the sound came faintly: I “Nearer, still, my God, to Thee,” I Food and clothing, gold and silver [ Lavished on the remnant saved I Ne’er can dim that harrowing picture As their loved last farewells waved. What to them that someone blundered? That sufficient safeguard failed? At man’s bar whose fatal error When the great Titanic sailed? Deep within Atlantic’s bosom Sleep those hero souls and brave; And their requiem e’er is chanted By the restless wind and wave. So we leave them to their Maker Knowing, .‘^pite of narrow creeds. He will overlook their faillings P'or the sake of gallant deeds. Lisette Clayton Hood. Written for The Observer. Charlott*-, N. C. NEW STYLES The Very Latest from the highest Parisian modek. The prettiest head gear for ladies. Something you will find de cidedly attractive, arid becoming. Remember the place Miss Margaret Clegg Graham, N. C. 150 acres 6 miles East of Hillsboro and 7 miles West of Durham; Episcopal church 1-4 mile, Meth odist church 1-1-2 miles and School 1-2 mile; Easy access to Durham market makes this an ideal little farm for trucking, dairying or stock raising on a small scale. 70 acres in a very high state of culti vation, balance in timber and wood. 30 acrts under wire fence pasture, 6 acres meadow land and 15 acres in red top clover sod. New 6-room 2'Stor\ frame dwelling compleeted throughout and pain ted. New bam 20 x 42, 8 stalls and 10 feet. Shed all around. 6 stall tenant bam and 3 room room tenant house. Can all be worked with machinen No ditching, gr ibing or building to do but move iv. and make a crop the first year. Absolutely the best little farm for the money irf Orange Count}. $3500.00 cash or terms. Orange Trust Co. Killsboro, N. C. Straight at it. There is no use of our “beating around the bush.” We might as well out with it firat as 1 »st. V/e want you to try Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy the next time you have a cough or cold. There is no reason so far as we can see why you should not do so This preparation by its j r, s) I e cures gained a worla wide reputation, and people everywhere speak of it in the hlghesfterms of praise. It. is for sale by all Dealers. \ Positive. Florida two negroes Proof Way down in were discussing the color of certain Biblical parsonages. One of them as serted that as Palestine was about in a line with Africa, the people must all have been c olored. “Lor’ bress you’ heart,” said the speaker. “St. Peter an’ St. Paul an’ the rest of the apostles was as white clasping Tyruses as that gen’lman ober dere.” “No, sah!” said the man in opposi tion. “Paul may ha’ been, but St. Peter—no sah! St. Peter was a cul- lo’d gen’l’man.” “You’re wrong, for if St. Peter’d been color'd dat cock wouldn't ha’ crowed more’n once’t”—Charlotte Observer. mm Of course We want your trade. It does not matter whether you live in, or near Mebane, Haw River, Graham, or Burlington, it is all the same, we can make it to your interest to buy your furniture of us. Everything, with which to furuish a house. Everything reasonable, because we carry an immense stock. Besure and call on treen-McClure Furni ture Company GRAHAM, N. C. Plant Your Garden Buy your seeds, the best sold, T. W. Wood and Son, at Mebane Drug Co. Mebane, N« C. For sale thorough bred Berkshire pigs 8 weeks old $3.50 each. Mebane, N. C. W. E. Mudgett Drive Sick Headaches Away Sick headaches, sour gassy stomach, indigestion, biliousness disappear quickly after you take Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They purify the blood and put new life and vigor in the system. Try them and you will be well satisfied. Every pill helps; every box guaranteed Price 25c. Recommended by Mebane Drug Co. Look to Your Plumbing You know what happens in a house in which the plumbing is in poor con- I dition—eyerybody in the house is liable to contract typhoid or some other fever. The degestive organs perform the same functions in the human body as the plumbing does for the house, and they should be kept in first class condition all the the time. If you have any trouble with your digestion take Chamberlain’s Tablets and you are certain to get quick relief. For sale by all Dealers. Be just and fear not; let all the ends thou aimest at be thy country’s, thy God’s and truth’s. —Shakespeare IT IS BT.EASES WAY. Cole Blease the present Gover nor of South Carolina, has come after bis day, he is one of the left over? of a past age, a man Cough Medictne dren. for Cbii- The Jewish citizens constitute an im portant part of this gieat nation, as they do of every nation where they are given a fair chance under the ex isting laws and customs, for in this country they have been conspicuous and often notable in all lines of en deavor. They have acquitted them selves with honor on the fields of battle and in the halls of state. They are patriotic and loyal. They' are upbuild- ers. They are progressive and, better jthan all, they are charitable. They i rejoice to lend a helping hand to the naedy. They are liberal contributors It should be pleasant to take, contain j l'® worthy cause, and generous givers no harmful substance and be most ef- times of want and distress. Their fectual. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.I which is meeting with us meets these requirements and is a directed by the noblest sen- favorite with the mothers of young and the loftiest ideals, for its children everywhere. For sale by all • purpose is to help those who can Dealers. i not help themselves. —Nashville Tenn. Panacea Mineral Spring WATER As nature presents it Pure and Healthgiving, so we distribute it. Indigestion, Loss of Appetite Debility, Nervous and Depressed Feeling fol lowing long Illness, become only memories after drinking this truly wonderful water. Dm'l de fer drinking it, but commence at' once and re ceive its great benefits. Order direct from Spring or from your Dealer. PUSPRINe COMPANY Littleton, N. C. Buckhorn Lithia Water Sold By- Too much care cannot be used in selecting a *ough medicine for children Mebane Drug Co. IT BUILDS YOU UP Now Is The Time to Look Around for Carpets, Mattings and the Like This is the season of the year when the house keepers thoughts turn to house cleaning and to brightening up the home. For your floors we have a very attractive showing of Car pets, Rugs, Mattings, etc., at very Low price. Consilering quality we do not believe that you can do better than come here for your floor coverings. We are making a specialty of this 1 ir e and our new Spring stocks are well v ' .h your consideration. Also a Desi *‘able Line of Trunk at Reasonable Price. C.H.DORSETT The Woman’s Store GREENSBORO, - - NORTH CAROLINA Mebane Real Estate & Trust Co. Will sell you a farm near town. Will build you a house in town. Willlinsure your life, house, and horse. Will sell you first mortgage, 6 per cent, bonds, on good real estate. Will help in every legitimate way to build up Mebane and surrounding country. Will cut you ‘rough lumber, both oak and pine for any building purposes. Lend us your encouragement, and give us your busi- % ness. Walter S. Crawford,Pres. Office oyer Post Office. SPRINGS BULLOCK, N. C. HENDERSON, N. G. muw FOR THE MEBANE LEADER. If 3 in Ih kidne lead t or Bv mend stomj T. A suffei back, (ieran right. Bittci imprc feel li you, 1 mendi Belie> As But s Wh Cou Con alwaj lungs, you h get t Disco’ the fi) disapi Ala., bed \ ho.ies King’i be li\ three ccugh Recon Foi every hy Me If yo Coulc P Or I Wou d Th t And 1 Be] r If so Ho-;v If yo ( Th 3 W ou And -. r.L,