HADES. Most Awful ire. It to which all \o be assigned loning is a ter- it This Bud- ito eight "easy Ivictim is com- ]>ld ages in bis Ickly set with [pward. Ill the all carefiillj le body and ir \L In the third and eyes ara I denuded bod.v lo all sorts of ■fourth stage is |entations.” in the body am^ carefully roast- stic Satan, su- In the sixt!j from the body Immense vat and hair pro. In plain hea» I blind, maimed, kctim the wholj fcd Into a jelly, pe other side ol pet are roasted the eighth and le candidate ia lomless pit of GASES. Ip, Black Damp Jfter Damp. ;as most feared properties ren- ?t. inasmuch a a and colorless J6 proportion of |nine parts air Ig becomes explo- to realize unless white damp, is ^on ex plosive gaa by its peculiat [he other, its ef* extinguish tire, land moves with that occasional- been trapped in I explosion and iclv damp creep- its smell, they p its advance by icartes along the igher as the vol- and keeping the » inclosure com- nide improvised )slon, these two and form a mix- all the dreaded ich is known aa t Is the mixture »ys any life that f a mine disastet Birds. Irds had been aA* late rising fami- that clause,” he mrchasers would ^ the prospect of ng at 5 o’clock in can be trained to lurs. If they are ily of nighthawka bed at midnight along with the if they are tuck- fter supper they >orhood at a cor- ur the next morn- B for any person ibed until noon to •ly training of a -New York Sun. I Golf. In good luck as a Lmerica at all, for hospitable in that I could see, the p-e here—that the of the object of purely to win It, lying—is perfectly ad the impression rhcre of being in n who were play- ‘usure, not for the ig tiic bijitch. But ‘lie, as I heard one lesin n lo^al judge, ikIro of golf, too^ iicr si>*'efh that it )rt in America.”— in Li.Tidon Tele- the People. visited Paris as a tnessed the some- tusiasm for Louis ust been placed on revolution. “It ‘that any small could exhibit the htseers by raising Tuilerios windows. whom any mauV- asm was extreme appear automatl* >ny and bow.” ‘mality. | as written a letter: ry me.” When?” her father has to lory note before it a ^ader. lembled Him. a’t take after your t, you omght t® dooi #ometime»r*-“ iVlebane Real Estate Pro perty For Sale. By virtue of an order of Alamance j^upt’rior Court made in a special proce- ,1, therein, pending entitled “Maude I,0^, Ailmrx. of J. Y. Holt v C. R. Grant et als.,” the undersigned will ^ell at the court house door in Graham, at public outcry to the best bidder, at twolve o’clock, no^, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1913 rho following real property, to-wit: first TRACT: A tract Dr parcel of land containing 120 acres, situate partly in Orange and partly in Alamance I’ounties, North Carolina, and bounded II. .1 ilescribed as follows: APJOINING the lands of Thomas FaiK'otte, Susan Mebane and others, ami l.ving on he East side of what is j^no\vn as the Mill or Lemuel Mebane tract of land, on the waters of Mill (rook, and bounded as follows: 151'X; INNING at a hickory tree, Faiicott’s corner, and running thence j;. l(Kl»‘grees E. 44.50 chams to a rock, IVttijrrew’s corner; thence E. 1. chain („ a .‘itake; thence S. 12 degrees 16 50 chains to a stake, Susan Mebanc’s . orner; thence S. 80 degrees W. 12.15 oliains tea rock; thence N. .10 degrees vV. 1(5.50 chains to a rock; thence S. SiWlog W. 12 chains to a rock; thence N. 10 dog. W. 44.50 chains to a post- i.ak; thence N. 80 deg. E. 22.75 chains to the first station. SKi'OND TRACT: A tract of land containing 32 acres, more or less, situate in Alamance County, North ( arolina, and bounded atjd described as follows: adjoin IG the land:? of Thomas B. Thompson, Deli. Y. Mebane and others, boundfii as follows: BEGINNING at a Brooks’ corner, on T B. Thomp- v;on’s line; thence with T. B. Thomp son’s line, North 34 30 chains to a popular on the branch; thence up the branch with its meanderings to the old statue road; thence with the stage ruaii to the beginning. Upon two arrt'sof this trac^ situate in the corner thereof, there is an outstanding life estate, and this property will be sold subject to said outstanding life estate in sail! two acres, and title to the balance of said property is perfect, an l to said two acies it is perfect subject to said life estate. TillUD TRACT: A tract of land containing four acres, more or less, situate in Alamance County, North (’arolina, and described as follows: ADJOINING the lands of Dr. B. F. Mt'bane and others, bounded as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a stake on the {jreat road on South side of railroad; from thence N. 27 deg. W. 4.75 chains to a black-oak; thence S. 33 deg. W. 5.32 chains to a dogwood; thence S. 70 deg. E. 7 45 chains to a stake in said road; thence N. 33 deg. E 5 33 chains to the beginning. This is the home place of the late J. Y. Holt. FOURTH TRACT: A tract or parcel of land situate and being in Alamance County, North Carolina, containing 30 acres, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stake, corner of a lot of land owned by the lete Miss M. Mebane; thence North 14.32 chains to a take; thence S. 64J deg. W. 35.60 chains to a rock; thence S. 10 deg. E. 4.'.':I chains to a rock; thence N. 80 1-2 deg. W. 31.70 chains to a stake, the begir.ning point. FIFTH TRACT: A tract or parcel of land described as follows: Situate in Alamance County, North t’arolina, containing 14 acres, more or les-;, and adjoining the lands of Geo. E. Holt, the Mebanville Presbyterian t'hurch and the North Carolina Rail road, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on the old stage road, where the public road running by Tate’s Mill comes into it, and running with the Tate road S. 45 deg. E. 11-50 chains thence S. 62 deg. E. 5.65 chains to a stak.'. Holt’s comer; thence North 11 chains to the corner of the Presby terian Church lot; thence N. 78 deg. W. Pi 7U chains to a white oak; thence N. 10 deg. E. 4.50 chains to the said road line; thence N. 78 deg. W. 6.75 chains to the old stage road; thence South with the old stage road 35 deg. W. 8 chains to the beginning, one acre of this tract of land immediately sur- rouh ling the store-hou.se of Geo. E. Holt will not be sold, but the balance of said tract will be sold and the pur chaser will get an absalute title to 13 acres of said tract. IMats will be shown at the time of sale showing the two acres of the Sec ond Tract of land covering by tha life estate referred to, and the one acre of the Fifth Tract of land which is not to sold, and interested person can as certain the facts in Iregard to said acres of land covered by said life es tate and said acre not to be sold, by calling at the offices of Parker and I*arker, Attorneys, in the town of ^ruham, previous to said sale. All of said leal property is either in near the town of Mebane, and it is ^11 valuable property. Said property will be sold upon the following terms: One-third of the pur- f'haser price to be paid in money fJown on the day of sale, and the other two-thirds to be secured by bonds in ^‘lual instalments at six and twelve ■months, said bonds carrying interest from flay of sale until paid, and title to bo reserved until payment of pur chase money is complete. MAUDE HOLT, Administratrix of Y. Holt, Deceased. August 18, 1913. THE NtWlIN HOTEL •Directly in front of where trains stop near Jhe psssenger depot Burlington Offers attractive ac comodation and fair to the transient traveling pub- public. Don’t fail to call M. H. NEWLIN, Prop. Burlini^ton, N. C. If days, Landed Him. “In all my life,” she said, with a Bigh* “1 Have seen only one man that I would care to marry.” “Did he look like me?” he carelessly asked. Then she flung herself into his arms, and wanted to know what secret power men possess that enables them to tell when they are loved. Can't Comprehend. Patience is bitter, but its fruit le sweet—J. J. Rousseau. Milk and Mualo. It Is a little known fact that thi most delightful music at the present day is produced by playing on milk The supply of ivory nowadays doei not to a great extent meet the de mand. Strange as It may sound, skin; milk forms a substitute. It Is use^ for making the keyboards of pianos and in appearance this hardened sub stance is hardily distinguishable (rom Ivory. Dreaming to Order. Dreams can be made to order by oat fllden3, but not by the dreamer. YeL '*Flre!” in the ear of a sound sleepei or allow a sudden draft of cold air tc play on the back of his neck and hf will dream to order, but he can’t go tc sleep with his mind made up to drean of any certain thing and then actuall] dream of it. In spite of this fact, booki are sold in Europe which tell what one must do in order to dream the luck} number in the lottery. The ''Alleged Gentleman.** This quaint notice was recentl] posted In a Cardiff club. “If the al leged gentleman who took thre brushes from Mr. —’s color boa imagines they will paint poultry with out the assistance of the master ham he Is gravely mistaken and therefon may as well return them to theii rightful owner."—Pall Mall Oasette Imagination in Dreamland. A man who awake is most prosaio whose mind is comm»iplaoe, who ii utterly unable to invent a atory oi write a drama, will asleep have th« most aatonishing flights of imaglna tion. He imagines a story. H€ peoples it with players, men, women and animals, and each one of them— even the animals at times—speaks hii part as perfectly ass if he actually wert alive. Philippine Subterranean River, A subterranean river in the islant of Palawan, one of the Phllippinea has been explored and surveyed b; two officers of the United States coas and geodetic survey, and is describei in a report of that service. The rivei is navigable for, a small boat for abou two and a half miles from its mouth the tunnel through which It passei widening in places into large cham bers containing beautiful stalactites. If life had naught but May If skies were always fair. If all the days were pay days. And no one knew despair. If all the shows “got over,” If all the deals went through. If bees found naught but clover. If all the dreams came true. If all the girls had beauty And all tne men success, If no one shirkled his duty, If no one knew distress. If love ran smoothy, ever. If fate were never hard. If every man’s endeavor Received its due reward. If in such joyous fashion All life should move along. With never evil passion. And evermore a, song, Such gladsome daily diet Would cloy, the synics say. But we would like to try it And find out, anyway! — Berton Braley. Cynical View of It. Gladstone once talked with much en> tfauslasm of James Russell LoweU about the ncblo conduct of the United States government in providing pen sions to the amount of tens of mllHnna of pounds sterling a year for men who bad served in the Civil war. “I do not wish to disparage the generosity of my countryinen," was Lowell's reply, “bdt I may Just observe that these persona are voters." Tlie hrice-A-WeekEditlon Of The NEW YORK WORLD ACTICALLY A DAILY AT THE PRIC A WORLD No other Newspaper in the World giv»s so much at so low a price ' The great Presidential campaign will { soon begin and you will want the news ^ Hccurately ard promptly. The World ^ long since established a record for im partiality, and anybody can aiford its Thrice-a iVeek edition, which comes ever other day in the week, except Sun day. It will be of particular value to you now. The. Thrice-a- Week World also abounda in other strong features serial stories, humor, markets, car- oons; in fact, everything that is to be found in a first-class daily The Thrice-a-Week W^orid’s regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and The Mebane Leader toge*:her for one year for $1.50. The r^ular subscrip tion price of the two papers is $2.. HadnH His Advantage. A trk> of professional story-tellers ▼ere In a cozy corner of the club, spinning yams. Brown had just told a most unbelievable story, and the other two glanced at ea^ other Ques- tlonlngly. “Well, I assure you, gexk* tlemea,” said Brown, "11 I hadn't seen It myself I shouldn't have b^leved it." “Ha h’m—well,’' said one of the two doubtful ones, “you must remember old man, that we didn’t see It.** Warm Epitaph for lngereo4L After his lecture on Robert Boms* on one occasion, the oolooel was ap> proached by a Scotchman, v'ho said: **Colonel, the title o your lecture should be ‘The Epitaph of Your Tomb* Stone.**’ “How is that?" sa'd the ora^ tor. “Robert Burns," replied the Soot —Prom Clark's “Eminent Lawyers." Seeking to Improve Telephone. Because the microphone of a tele* phone transmitter becomes more sen* sitive In rarifled air, Oerman electrl* clans are trying to make a practical application of the phenomenon. mcADOO A M O S T DELIGHTFUL HOME IN GREENSBORO N. C., FOR THE TRAVE LERS. ^STRIGTLYI FIRST GLASS IN APPOINTMENT EXCELLENT SERVICE, asr ACCESS to rahwat station Church Article* Long Hidden. A secret chamber was foUnd bx workmen while engaged in the belfry of St. Sampson’s church, Guernsey, the Channel Islands containing a high altar, candlesticks, and the base of a censer. It is presumed that the tr> tloleo were hidden at the time of the reformation and have remained there over 800 years. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Wom en of North Carolina. Five regular Courses leading to degrees. Special rourses for teachers. Free tuition who «\gree to become teachers in the State. Fall Session begins September 17ih, 1913. For catalogue and other infor- i mation, address I Julius I Foust, President Greensboro, N C 8eta New Fir Tree Record. Discovered recently In Bnohomlsli oounty, Washington, is a SOO-foot-htfh yellow fir which is said to eclipse all previous records of big trees Ib tke northwest. Hint to Readers. For writing on the margins of news* papers sent through the mails a man was fined $100 in the federal court This Is an offense many commit the tuition comes mighty high.—Pori* land Oregonian. Primitive Shaving* The Harput barber places ar^un4 his customer’s neck a peculiar pai with a semicircular piece cut out o one side, so that it fits partlall] around the neck under the chin. Wa ter is put into the pan and the barbei makes a lather with his hands an rubs it on the customer's face, usuall] using his hands for this purpose also Declaration of Independence. *^My dear, I see you are baviog some clothes made for your poodle.** “Yes; it is the latest fad." ‘‘Well, I serve notice right here that I dont button any dogs down the back.**—- Louisville Courler-Journal. One Superstition Exploded. Contrary, to general belief, a man loes not look for a white horse when lie sees a red-haired girl. Instesul. be sontinues to look at the girl until she lisappears from view. What He Would Do. A young lady ylsiting her relation! on a farm went out in the yard tc watch her young cousin play with a chicken. Watching him for sonw time she asked hlmt “Wlllle, If thal chicken were to lay an egg whai would you do with it?*’ He looked uj surprised, then said: "Oh, I’d sell 11 to a museum. That chicken’s a roost er» Photographer's Paste. A paste which will prove permaneni Is made of ten parts of arrowroot, on hundred parts of water, one part gel atln, ten parts alcohol. Soak the gel atln in the water, add the arrowroot having been previously mixed wltl a small quantity of water, and hot four or five minutes. When cool, ad the alcohol and a few drops of car hollo acid or oil of cloves. Matter ef 8lie. ▲ Chicago lecturer declares that M girl with "a pink aura” makes the beat wife, but that wise young mea will avoid the charmer with a greea Not a long-green aura, however. Making Qeod. Mrs. Justwed—"Does your husband always live up to his promise of his courtship days?” Mrs. Longwed—"Al ways. In those days he said he wasn’t good enough for me, and he’s been proving it ever since.” Coming to Graham MONDAY SEPTEMBER 29th, 1913 HOWE’S GREAT.LONDON SHOWS Most Stupendously Perfected Amusement > Orgranization Touring the Oountry. Positively Comiag on Its Owo Traiag of Double Lenfth Can^ Brimging with it Acres of 5ub and Waterproof Canras. Teats tliat Seat 10,000 People. The Largest Menaferie of Rare Beasts ever assembled. The Hlgbest Paid Performers that ewer cengre^ gated with eae show. Mammon's vaults give up to make the Syrian wealth dwarf tai coraparlsen. Beauty, Qorgeensness, Brilliancy and Splendor Com* blned In the Grand Spectacular ef the Floral Scenic Achlevenient» THE GARLAND OF ROSES. HaydeK TROUPE. JLS GOLD DOLLARS Are Always in Demand So Is The Gharlotte-SemhWeekly Observer Published Tuesdays and Fridays. The i>est semi-weekly newspaper in the Carolinas. Announcement: We have just olused a clubbing offer with The Charbtte Semi-Weekly Ob server so that our readers can get both papers at a very low rate. Here through Ignorance. Uncle Bam has » price* sotaool to te«!h them MBewnt, tni gcmi Weekly Observer $1 per year Mebane Leader $1 Subscription price of both $2 per year Special rate for both papers $1.50 year. This offer is good only for New sub scriptions to The Semi-Weekly Obser ver, but our subscribers can renew to this paper and get the benefit of the Special rate. Now is the time to pay up your sub scription and subscribe for The Semi- Weekly Observer. Address all orders to THE Mebane Leader Mebane^ N. C. The North Carolina COLLESE OF AGRICULTURE AND ME CHANIC ARTS The State’s Industrial Collegre Elquips men for successful! lives in Agriculture, Horticulture, Stock rais- ii^, Dairying, Poultry Work* Veteri nary Medicine; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Chemistry and Dyeing; in Cotton Manufacturing. Four year courses. Two, and One year courses. 53 teachers; 669 stud ents; 23 buiklings; Modem Equipment. County Superintendents hold entrance examinations at all county seats July 10. Write for complete Catalogue to E. B. OWEN, Registrar, West Raleigh, N. C. The Champions of Equestrianism, Qymnaslums, Aerobatic and Aerial Classes. Every Act Offered Refreshingly New, and Every Act a Feature Act. This is the Show that glories in the fact thgl It can show that which has never been shown before. MENA8ERIE TEEMING WITH WONDERS! Matured and Nursio|^ Speclmeos of the Not Yet Extinct Animal FamiKeif HOST VALUABLE STABLE OF BLUE-BIBBON HORSES CARRIBD BY ANY SHOW IN THB COUNTRY. >40 FUMY, ROUSSGIE, MIRTR-LOVIlie CLOWNS. ACROBATIC and PA}TOiWIMlC Laueb - Proyoklac Fellows whose antics occasion continuous exultations* GORGEOUS. ENTRANONG. RIFRESHING STREET PARADE Every Mormng Over a Mile of Beauty and Splendor Rivaling the Famous Durbar- Ian Pngeant ef India. Beyond Description, Beyond Comparison. •TWO PBRPORMANCBS DAILY, at 2 and 8 p. m. Doors to the Menagerie and Band Concert open one hour earlier. Grand Free Outside Exhibition on tha Show Creunds immediately foUawing the parade. Dally Thought. How much Ilea In laughter; the ebiperkey, wherewith we declphei' the whole man.—CcM>lyle. Somewhat Mixed A^^ember of the legislature was making a speech on a momentous question, and in conclusion, said: “In the wcrds of Daniel Webster, who wrote the dictionary, **Give me lib erty or give me death.” At this one of his colleagues pulled at his coat and whispered: “Daniel Webster did iiot write the dictionary —it was Noah.” “Noah nothing,” replied the speak er, “Noah built the ark.”—National Magazine. Worth Knowing. It a package of value la to be aent a great distance, it Is an excellent Idea to provide tlie box with a cover of unbleached muslin securely sewed ttt place. If tlie shelves and floors of eloaets are wiped with water which is hot with cayenne pepper, Insects will be kept away. Borax and alum are good to put into the cracks. MEBANE METHODIST PRO TESTANT CHURCH Preaching eich 2nd and 4th Sunday at 11 a. m. and every Sunday night. Sunday school 9:45, Prayer meeting Thursday night at 7:30. W. E. Swain, Pastor. J. Ii. Amick, Supt. of Sunday School. The public cordially invited to all these services. Bring a friend with • ou. For Political Asplranta. To all aspirants for political honors we commend the possibilities of paw* paw juice, for which it is asserted that it rendera the skin insensible to fire. They will need it before election day. —New York Sun. There Under Compulsion. “Tou ought to be ashamed to spend the best part of your life in jail,” said the kind old lady to the prisoner. ‘*Madam.” replied the convict, “don't blame me for it. I aaaure you that | am here against my wllL*' Water Ferns at Night. A fam lov«r says aha waters her fama tha laat thing at ntght during tha montha they are kept on the gal lery. Than aha glvea the earth In the pota plenty of water and alao aprlnk* lea the planta themaehrea. Nona of tha moisture la loat during tha night, and tha planta thua have a plantlful aup* ptjr for tha following daj. Jap Women Have Few RIghta. Until recent years, when a Japanese Wife failed to present her husband with a son he was free to supplant her with a successor more fortunate, and even today the Japanese girl must always address her brother with the pr^x “mister.” Love-marriages are atill little known in the “Land of the Rlaing Sun;*’ wives receive little re- apact from their husbands, and it la algnlflcant of their condition in the praaent and the past that only re cently have they been allowed to ex change visits or to open their moutha In the presence of their hua* bands or brothera. Mebane M. E. Church duutli. Rev. F. B. Noblitt, Pastor. Walter Lynch, Supt. S. S. N. H. Walker, Assist. Supt. Preaching every 3rd Sujiday at 11 A. M. and second Sunday night at 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:30 and a union prayer meeting ever Sunday after noon at 3KK) o’clock conducted by the young men of the town. Sunday school every Sunday begin ning at 9:45 a. m. Everybody welcome tc all thcae ser vices. American Indians. Whan Christopher Columbus arrived et the West Indies on his voyage of discovery In 1492, he felt quite sure ha had discovered isl^dr off the coaat of India, so he naturally dubbed the uatlvea Indians. Then, as a matter of ooorae, on his arrival at the main land. he continued to oall the abo- rigliiea Indians, and the name haa dung to the red man ever since. Idiots and Accidents. Man who examined a naphtha Jug With a match is the same fellow who periodically investigates a supposedly tnloaded revolver and klUa a couple •f people. DO IT NOW How about that hacking cough, or demor^izing cold? Better take a reliable remedy for it today. Your vitality must have been low, or you wou^d not have taken cold. Compound Oxygen cures by increasing the vitality and by fortifying the system against future attacks. Take it after any exposure and you will never have a cold. Give it a trial for throat and long troubles, pneumonia, and consumption, and for all chronic diseases. Given by inhalation and reaches quickly every part of the system through the blood. Write for our book, which is sent free. Drs. Starkey & Palen ^1115 Girard Street Philadelphia, Pa. A lofty hope, if earnestly pursued, is its own crown.—Mrs. Ann Jrdson.