MILES-NIGHOLSON LUMBER CO. EVERY W Contractors and 'sT Who carry the material. Can build for you at short notice, a frame or brick house, and fjirnish all the material. Have now in stock. Ceiling, Flooring, Siding, Boxing, Moulding, Sash, Weights Sash Cards, Window frams, Doers, No. 1 Heart pme shingles, No. 2 Pine Shingles, No. 2 Cedar Shingles, Laths, Plaster Cement 1 Car Cement 1 Car Lime, Brings Something New In Mens CLARKS CLOTHING STORE I am now prepared to fit you in full lined or half lined suits at the popular price from ^10.00 up. Underwear frcm 50c. to $2.00 a suit. Hats in Straw or Felt from $1.00 tip. The newest things in mens shoes from $3.00 to $6.50. Nice line of work pants $1.0) pr. Shirrs from 50c. to $2.00. Don’t forget we earn Queen Quality shoes for ladies. J. s. CLARK MEBANE, - - NORTH CAROLINA. Nails, Stains, Iron Roofing, Galvanized Roofing, Tin Shingles, Roofing paint. Simply ask that you look over our stock and get our prices. We want to serve you it matters not whether your wishes are large or small. MilesNicholson Lum ber Company Mebane, N. C. TRY US -and we will convince you that we have it, in every style and color, and cut of ladies DRESS GOODS We carry the nicest that can be secured from the Northern markets, and will be glad to furnish you with samples by mail of any kind of fabric you may w^'sh. We are sure we can please you. Ellis-Stone & Co. 'C Durham, North Carolina THIS IS THE TIME To furnish your house and make it cozy. Winter \ is when you stay in doors. WEHAVE THE Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares and Furniture of every quality and style to help you make home comfortable and attractive. Come and see us any way we will make it to your interest to trade> ith us. Green Sc McClure GRAHAM, NORTH CARONINA. 7.Sta ftBsnodiy £3^2 of SCIATICA, CO-UT, AMD K1CM::Ym If-? I f ^ For Sale 6 Three Room Houses. 1 Four Room House. 2 Six Room Houses Well located. Prices reasonable. Terms i Cash balance 1, 2 and 3 years. MEBANE LAND & IMPROVEMENT CO. W. E. White, Sec’y & Treas. Mebane, N. C. Girls Should Manx. All erirla should marry when tlioy can There's naught more usoiul thnri n man A husband has some faulcs, mi and yet he's good m have alx»ut; And she who doesi^.’t a will wish she had one soon or hito. That girl is off her base, 1 u plans to have a high career. Who .sidesteps vows and weddiiKr rings to follow after abstract things. I know so manv ancient maids who in professions, arts or tradf, have to cut a manlike wrath, and old age finds th^m in the broth. A loneliness, as of the tomb, enshrouils the spinsters in its gloom; The jim crow honors they have- won | they’d sell at seven cents a ton. Their sun is sinking in the West, and they, unloved and uncaresaed. Must envy, as they bleakly roam, the girl with husband, hearth ana home. Get married, then, Jemima dear; don’t | fiddle with a cheap career. Select a man who’s true and good, whose head is not composed of wood, A man who’s sound in wind and limb, then round him up and marry him. Oh, rush him to the altar rail, nor heed his protest or his wail. “This is,” you’ll say, when he’s beenj won, “The best days work I’ye ever done. Coughed for Thee Years “I am a lover of your godsend lo| humanity and science. Your medicine, I Dr. King’s New Discoverj^ cured ray couffh of three years standir>g,” saysl Jennie Flemming, oi New Dover, Ohia Have you an annoying cough? Is ill stubborn and won't yield to tieatment!| Get a 50c. bottle of Dr. King’s Ne«l Discovery to-day. What it did for Jenniej Fleming it will do for you, no matterl how stubborn or chronic a cough may be.| It stops a cough and stops throat andj lung trouble. Relief or money back.| 50c. and $1.00, at your Druggist Bucklen's Arnica Salve for Pimples. Source of World’s Emery Supply. The world’s supply of emery comes Crom Greek islands und from Asia lifhior. n ; SUMMER HATS A nice assortment of Hats trimmed in elegant style will be put on sale Friday, and Saturday May 8th and 9th. Don't forget the place. Miss Margaret Clegg Graham, N. C. Not Always Our Owr iWastep. That which we are we shall teach, i Main stieer not voluntarily, but involuntarily. Thoughts com© into our minds by ave nues which we never left open, and thoughts go out of our minds through avenues which wo never voluntarily opened.—Emerson. Hello Phone 31 Whort' yo'i gel first class work, clean- j ing and pressing. Gentlemen and ladies clothing, also agency for the Columbia ' Laundry, Greensboro, N. C Call and your work will be sent f«n’ and prom- ‘ ptly delivery. Yours to serve, J.W. Ingold Way of Woman. No woman cares to face an emeiw Eency without first powdering hej GOB^. indigestion? Can’t Eat? No Appetite? A treatment of Electric Hitters ? increases your appetite; stops indigos-1 tion; you can eat everythin^:. A real! spring* tonic for liver, kidney and. stomach troubles. Cleanse? \ "'i' system and you feel line. Bitters did more for Mr. ['. D i stomach troubles than any medicine lej ever tried. Get a bottle to-day 50c| and $1.00, at your Dru5?gist. Bucklen^s Arnica S^lve for Fc2. Child Cross? Feverish? Sick? A cross, peevish, listless child, with coated tongue, pale, doesn’t sleep; eats sometimes very little, then again raven ously; stomach sour; breath fetid; pains in stomach, with diarrhea; grinds teeth while asleep, and starts up with terror —all suggest a Worm Kil’er—some thing that expels worms, and almost every child has them. Kickapoo Worm Killer is needed. Get a box to-day. Start at once. You w^on’t have to coax, as Kickapoo Worm Killer .is a candy confection. Expels the worms, the cause of your child’s trouble. 25c., at your druggist. To Cure a Cold 5n One Day Take I.-AXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the Couph and Headache and works off the Cold P-upgists refund money if it tails to cure! L. Vv'. GROVE’S signature oa each box- 25c. Sick Headache. Mrs. A, L. Luckie, East Rochester, N. Y., was a victim of sick headache and (iesp )ndency, caused by a bably weakened and debilitated condition of her sN much, when she began taking Chanib^rUin’s Tablets. She says, “I fount !hem pleasant to take, aho mild oirectivo. 1 was restored to my for»i T good health." For sale by Drug (’o. left me vvilh a f^'igi'tful cough aud I very weak. ^ had spells whi-n I could I hardly breathe or speak for 10 to 20 j minutes. My doctor couid rot help j me, but I was completely cured by OR. iCIMiC’S Mrs. J. E. Cox, J oliet, 111.' 50c AND Gi.OO AT ALL DRUGGISTS Cures Old Sonsss Cther Remetiies WonY Cors The worst cases, no matter of how long standing, are. cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Pain and Heals at the same time. 25c, 50c, $LOO. Timkins’ Little Joke. Mr. S^^rljjgs, who was very selMm* portant, made an absurd offer for Mr. Tlmlcins’ extra lot In East Orange. He allowed a day for Mr. Timkins to think it over; then called again. “Did you entertain my proposition?” he asked. “No,” said Mr. Timkins. “Your proposition entertained me.”—^New York Evening Post. F or a Torpid Liver “1 have used Chamberlain’s Tablets olt and for the past six years when ever my liver shows signs of being in a disordered condition. They have al ways acted quickly and given me the desired relief," writes Mrs. F. HJ Trubus, Springville. N. Y. For sale by Mebane Drug Co. The insolent civility of a i roinl maj is, if possible, more shocking ^lanh4 rudeness could be; because in' shosj you, by his manner, that lie thinl'.s'i mere condescension in him, arti thal his goodness alone bestows up '>i what you have no preterse to Chesterfield. Chamberlain’s Liniment. This preparation is intended ally for rheumatism,lame back. and like ailments. It is a fiuori with people who are "well rtciinaint with its splendid qualiti Charles Tanner, Wabash, Ind.. it “I have Chamberlain’s Linin’A-nt t best thing for lame back ana have ever used. It works like ^ ^ and relieves pain and soreness. It ^ been used by others of my well as myself for upwards "i . years.” 25 and 50 cent b »ttK‘^. sale by Mebane Drug Co. Happy is he that hath th^' Jacob for his help, whose ho|.^e u i' Lord his God. —Psalm oxlvi.