ij I pri(*e from m up. its $1.03 id it s. .INA, ould Marry. niarrv when they can. lore usi-iul than a man. i^oini' faults, no douht ji(»o(l a) have about; ■n’t H n\ale will )tie so»Mi or hite. u*r hasi*. I fear, who I liigh c'areer, ows and wedding rinj^a abstract things. ancient maids w’ho in arts or trades have ke w raih, and old age the broth. of the tomb, enshrouds s in its gloom; honors they have won ,t seven cents a ton. sinking in the West, )vetl and uncaressed. they bleakly roam, sband, hearth and home. len, Jemima dear; don’t a cheap career, who’s true and good, not composed of wood, 3und in wind and limb, him up and marry him. the altar rail, nor heed or his wail. ’11 say, when he’s been work I’vt' ever done.” tor Thee Years oi' Nour godsend to ien-"’o. Your medicine, Di^'-uv- ry, cured my years t;tandir>g,” says ng, OI New Dover, Ohio, annoying cough? Is it iroii’t yield to tieatment? ottle of Dr. King’s New ay. What it did for Jennie 1 do for vou, no matter chronic a cough may he. ;h and stops throat and Relief or money back, at your Druggist rnica ulve lor Pimples. rorid's Emery Supply. supply of emery comes ilatids and from Asia ion? Can’t Eat? Appetite? )t of Klectric BiMers appeii stops ind^K^^' eat 'veiy thiiitr. A real for liver, kidney »les. .Jleanses your whols you feil fine. Ei'-'f'ti'iP ire 1 ,\ir. T. D. Peel/ie 9 )les b.an --liV medicine le let a hoi tie to-day 50c. yoi.i J)ru/^gi-t. ^rni; a . aive for Ec7i-rr;a. t ci-ili^y of a {Toud man m->re sh>‘' king an his l.e; l>ecausr'' he she's s ;aon- r, bat he thinks it enHii*n in him, and that alouf‘ I;-stows upon you r- pr?-ter.se to claim iain's Liniment. ration is ii tended especi matl.,m,l-^me back, sprains lents. It is a favoriW vho are ^well acquainted splon’::' qualities. Mrs. ler, VvH •ash, Ind., says o hamberlain’p Liniment the .r lame back and sprains ed. It workslike a charifl pain 'ind soreness. It "3 f oii t-rs of my fannib sif for upwards of twen ,nd ; C‘^ot bottles. ” ant' l =iu^ he that bath the I hc l{ , whose hope it l.-l aim :*xlvi. T). (jives all Fraise to Natures Creation. Mr. Baxter Turner of Greensboro I was in bed for tour months. j\)ok one jottle of Nature’s Creation ijJid resumed my posit)on. Took seven bottles and consider myself a well mar. VVi?h I could induce every consoinptive to try it. Mrs S. A. Grady of Greensboro says: 1 was treated by three doctors before i bejjan taking Nature's Creation and ^rew worse all the time. Was in bed when I began taking treatment Had iiipht sweats and high fevers and was lUii down all over. Physicians told me thit 1 had weak lungs and asthma. I jj,„ liow able to do my house work and teel better than I have in ten moiiths. I do highly recommend Nature’s Crea tion to any one suffering from run doNs n s\atem, lung trouble or asthma. Write tor booklet “Positive Pro*f.” Paul A. Burns, Greensboro. N. C. A New Place I have moved my barber shop to the office of the old store of the Mebane Supply Co., on main street. I have had the shop fitted up the latest appliances and con veniences.. hot and cold wat er, with a nice lavatory. Everything nice to please. j. F. TERkELL, Manager To Dehquent Tax Payers I must insiist that all deliquent tax payers 1.1 Alamance county settle up for their taxes at once. I have been more than indulgent, and the, time has come when yonr taxes must be paid. Any further delay will make iifcessary added cost. Settle up. R. N. Ciok, Sheriff; : Apjtil 16th. GOLD DOLLARS Are Always in Demand So Is The Gtiailotte-SemhWeekiy Observer Published Tuesdays and Fridays. The best semi-weekly newspaper in th Carolinas. A nnouncement: We have just clused a clubbing offer with The Charlotte Semi-Weekly Ofi- server so that our readers can get both papers at a very low rate. Here is the price: The Semi'Weekly Observer $1 per year Mebane Leader $1 Subscription price of both $2 per year Special rate for both papers $1.50 year. This offer is good only for New sub scriptions to The Semi-Weekly Obser ver, but our subscribers can renew to this paper and get the benefit of the Special rate. Now is the time to pay up your sub scription and subscribe for The Semi- Weekly Observer. Address all orders to THE Mebane Leader Mebane, N. C. ABSOLUTELY FREE To Mebane Leader Readers. We are offering in this issue a list of popular fiction, books of merit, to all Mebane Leader readers and sub scribers who may send us one dollar on a new subscription, the renewal of an old one or the back pay on subscription. Each dollar willfentitle the party to a book free. These books retail at sixty cents each and are well and attract- vily bound. You will derive much pleasure from reading these works, aside from the general information, which has a high educational value. They do not cost you anything, send us the money on subscription to the Leader and you will get the book free. Alice in Wonderland. By Carroll.—Allan Quatermain. By Haggard.—Ardath. By Marie Corelli.—Beulah. By Augusta J. Evans.—Black Dwarf, The. By Scott.—Black Tulip, The. By Dumas.—Blithedale Romance, The. By N. Hawthorn.—By Order of the King. By Hugo—- Chevalier de Mason Rouge. By Alexandre D urns—Chicot the Jester. By A. Dumas.—Conspirators, The. By A. Dumas—Countess de Charney, By Alexandre Dumas.— Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, By R. L. Stev3nson--Education By Herbert Spencer—Emerson’s Essays, (Complete) By Ralph Waldo Emerson—Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, By E. S. Craasy--Forty-Five Guardsmen, By Alex andr Dumas—From the Earth to the Moon, By Jules Verne—Heroes and Hero-Worship, By Thomas Carlyle— History of a Crime, By Hugo—House of the Seven Gables By Nathaniel Hawthorne—Hypatia, By Charles Kingsley —Ivanhoe, By Sir Walter Scott—Jane Eyre, By C. Bronte—Last Confession, By Hall Caine—Last Days of Pompeii, By Bulwer-Lytton—Last of the Mohicans, By Cooper—Lena Rivers, By M J Holmes—Longfellow^s Poems^—Loma Doone, By Black more—Man in the Iror Mask, By Alexandre Dumas—Marguerite de Valois, By Alexandre Dumas—Marmion, By Sir Walter Scott.— Master of Ballantrae, The. By R L Stevenson—Murders of the Rue Morgue, By Edgar Allan Poe—Mysterious Island, The. By Jules Verne-Pilgrim’s Progress, By Bunyan-Pillar of Fire, The. By Rev J H Ingraham- Prairie, The. By Cooper—Prince of the House of David, By Rev J H Ingraham—Queen^s Necklace, The. By Alex andre Dumas—Rienzi, By Bulwer-Lytton—Romance of Two Worlds, By Marie Corelli—Scarlet Letter, The. By Nathaniel Hawthorne—Scottish Chiefs By, Jane Porter^ Shadow of a Crime, Hall Caine—Son of Hagar, By Hall Caine—Spy, The. By James F Cooper---St. Elmo, By Augusta J Evans—Toilers of the Sea, By Hugo—Tour of the World in Eighty Days, A. By Jules Verne—Twenty Thou and Leagues Under the Sea, By Jules Verne. Siibscriber to llie leader DO YOU KN That Farm-lands are cheaoer in Orange County than in an / other County in the State when the developejTieni.^ are considered? Do you know that the C'oimty is now completing 100 miles of SAND CLAY roads? Why not write us about that FARM that you have been wanting to buy? We are sure to have something attractive to offer you, and on easy terms if necessary. It would surprise you to learn the number of people that have settled in Orange during the past year or two and a large number of them have eorne from the MONEY TO LEND IN LARGE AND SMALL AMOUNTS. ORANGE TRUST DO IT NOW Hillsboro, North Carolina. How UK.out that hacking cough, or ^demoralizing cold? i Better take a reliable remedv for ii I today. i Your vitality must have been low, or you wou'd not have taken cold. GompGdnd Oxygen I cures by increasing the vitality and by fortifying the system against future attacks. Take it aft^r any exposure and you will never have a cold, j Give it a trial for throat and lung : troubles, pneumonia, and consumption, ! and for all chronic diseases. Given by i inhaUition and reaches quickly every I part of the system through the blood, t Write for our book, which is sent i free. i Drs. Starkey & Paleii 1115 Girard Street i Philadelphia, Pa. It* Is A Pleasure To be able to offer a nice line of DRY GOODS from a new nice store. OUR NEW QUAKTERS are most attracrtive now and we are carrying: the larprest and best selected stock of Dry Goods, Shoes and general notions we have ever handled. We only invite your inspoction you will do the rest. J. D. & L. B. WHITTED Burlington, N. C. Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. ATLANTA, GA. MAY 10, 13, 1914 Low round trip fares Special arran gement via SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South. Tickets on sale May 7 to 12, inclus ive, final return limit May 20, 1914, or by depositing: ticket in Atlanta and paying a fee of $1.00 final limit can be extended until June 20, 1914. Round trip fares from prircipal points as follov,s: Raleigh $12.90; Goldsboro $13.85; Selma $13.25; Dur ham $12.70. Go via the Sou^^hern and be with the c*'owd. Join the “OASIS SPEuIAL’^ which will leave Charlotte Sunday evening, May 10. Special Pullman already arranged from New Bern. Special cars will be operated from ether points, this in addition to the excellent regular service offered bv the SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Kor complete information, pullman reservations, etc, communicate with J. O. JONES, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. CANINt THE CULPRIT. Buckhorn Water Is the most popular mineral water in North Car olina today. There is more of^it used and.there is a reason, its high efficiency, in available valuable minerals, makes of it a great health builder, try it at at any reputable drug store. BUCKHORN MINERAL WATER GO. Henderson, N. C. A M O S T DELIGHTFUL HOME IN GREENSBORO N. c., for: the TRAVE- iLERS. STRIGTir FIAS GLASS IN APPOINTMENT EXCELLENT SERVICE. EASY ACC£SS]TO RAILWAY STATMM Kem County, California Wants Farmers Kem County hasKroom for 200,000 settlers. This may serm impossible to you but not so when you kno v that Kern is as bi|.^ as^the whole State of Massachusetts. It i.® a wonderful coutifrv and hundreds are making good here. We have issued a beautiful booklet telling much about Kern County. This booklet will be sent to you free, together with a map of California and a copy of SUNSET MAGAZINE, the monthly guide of the bomeseeker and settler, if you will send u ten cents in stamps to help defray the cost of mailing. SUNSET MAGAZINE SERVICE BUREAU. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA WilEliEVEII YOU NEED A GENERAl TONIC • TAKE GROVE’S THE'NEWLIN HOTEL Directly in front of w ere trains stop near the psssenger depot Burlington Offers attractive ac comodation and fair to the transient traveling pub- public. Don't fail to call M. H. NEWLIN, Prop. BurlinjjTton, N. C. The Old Standard GroTe’s Tasteless chill Tonic is Equally Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts on the Liver, Driyes Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. For Grown People and Children, You know what you are takingr when you take Grove’# Tasteless chill Tonic nsrthe {ormftla is printed on every label showing that it contains the well known tcfiiic properties of QUININE and IRON. It is as strong as the strongest bitter tonic and is in Tasteless Form. It has no equal for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Weakness, general debility and loss appetite. Gives life and vigor to Nursing Mothers and Pale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness without purging. Relieves nervous depression and low spirits. Arouses the liver to action and purifies the blood.v. A True Tonic and Sure Appetizer. A Complete Strengthener. No family should be without it. Guaranteed by your Druggist. We mean it. 50c. CHAINQED UAINUS ]m CORCORAN HOTEL DURHAM. N. C. American and European American Plan $2.00 to $2 50 European Plan .75 to $1.50 Special Rates By The Week CHAS. R. PACE, Proprietor. RESTAURANT Has been purchased by Jobe Bros. They will feed you right, and treat you right, nice fellows. Don’t Forget The Place. Wood Wanted We have subscribers who are behind ; on their subscription who might bring I us some wood, for the present we will be glad to have several loads. Please bring us the wood. The Marks It Lsaves Look Worse Than the Whaling Feels. In a London police court recently a teacher in a public school was pros^- cute^ for assaulting a pupil by caning him. The magistrate decided, that h« had not used undue violence and there* fore discharged the master. In this case the fatfier of the boy who had been caned took him to a physician on the evening of the day of hiS’Castii^ation and this doctor found fttHMit fifteen wheals ou the lad's back. This was evidence of severe punish ment, but the magistrate considered it was not too severe for the oflTetise which had caused It. and said that parents had formed an exaggerated opinion of the amount of force that had been used. Commenting on this the Loudon I..aii- cet says: *‘A blow from a cane causes at the time an appreciable amount of pai6 (which, by the way. Is what it Is in tended to do), but it leaves behind a marie quite out of proportion in its formidable character to the amount of suffering which it causes after the first Sting has been endured. If auy one doubts this, having perhaps avoided the opportunity to ol>serve It in the course of an exemplary boyhood, the experiment is easily made. Any small boy will be willing to do his share by inflicting upon the seeker after truth a sharp cut or two. the results of which will no doubt be distinctly fett for a time, but only for about an hour, while there will be visible on the well protected and tender skin of the back for some days wheals which would harrow th© heart of any mother.” In other words, a boy's back after a caning looks far worse than it feels. HARDY TUSCAN WOMEN. One Vigoroue Old Dame Who Acted a« a Mountain Guide. Illustrative of the hardiness of wo men in Tuscany, Sir Francis Vane re lates in ‘‘Walks and People In Tus cany” the experiences of two Eng lishmen who were traveling ia Ital^ and who appealed to a village imlKeep- •r for a trustworthy guide to cMidiict them over the pass between the aaoun- tains of Rondinajo and Tre Potenze. To their surprise an old wemafk ap peared and announced that she bad come to make arrangements for the Journey. They concluded she must be the mother of their guide. "What was our amazement to learn that this elderly dame was our destin ed leader, and indeed she was got up for the fray In long boots and short skirts. ‘‘On we tramped, she always ahead, walking with a fine military swing which a lifeguardsman might have en vied. The path was difiicult and could not be used by vehicles. Our guidie led us up the steep way which follows a smailv and rushing stream issuing from out the side of Rondinajo, and up it we ascended for an hour or more until the pass was reached. “We here had the merciful iatentioB of sending the old woman back, an intention, however, she very strongly opposed. It was only by alio whig hec to come fiosae few miles farter ou that we could induce her to leave us before ■be had seen us safely to th» end of the Journey.'’ Father and His Daughters. The habits of a lifetime which, began A generation or more ago, the hfibit ot being a source of maintenance and tiie need of keeping in hand the means o£ maintenance, the habit of power and of k«^»lng hold of the source of powder, may make a man less than fair per haps in dividing his acquisitions with his wife, but when it comes to the daughters whom he is going to leave in the world when he quits it he is aU for securing to them as far as he can a fWl share of all that i& worth hav ing; Hardly can «ez«elllshne6s squeeze in between him and his girls. As be tween them and all males, he is for them. He wants them to lose no good thtog that may lawfully be coming to them. He wants no man to bully them^ no man to impose upon their ge&erosl*^ ty, no man to brii^; them to want, to porrow or a hungry heart.--Edward S. Martin in Atl«Btto. A Maker of Cripples. Dr. Charlton Wallace once investi gated with great care 400 cases of hip Joint disease—tuberculosis of the hip. He found that of this nocaber 70 per cent came of tubercolous Camiiies or had lived in homes where there had bera known cases of active tubercu losis within a year. In both cases the explanation was the same—exposure to Infection. When the tubercle germ cannot m«fder a victim it does its best to cripple him. The only safeguard Is to make sure personally that your house does not harbor this greatest of human enemies.^Chicago Journal. Inappreotativs Man. **You say you occasionally smoke one of your wife’s birthday cigars?” *‘YeB; I dug ’em up the other day. and they are a great help in my pres ent altiMitiott." “What is tbatr’ **I am trying to quit smoking tot good.">-AIbany Knickerbocker Press. cas Courtesy at the Pawnshop. “Ton go first, Frau Meier I wait” *‘Tbanks. I’d have you know Tm is no more hurry for my money thaa you.''—Fliegende Blatter. Real Ability. is the secret of succeM?” aak- •d tii« fool. **Tbe ability to conceal your lack oi at^itF.** replied the sage.—CUdiUMifl Bsaalnr.