FISH BRAND TOBACCO MANURE MANUFACTURED, BY THE VANCE GUANO CO. HENDERSON, N. C. Has Proven to be the |Best Fertilizer for Fine Tobacco Ifiyour dealer does not handle it there [are only two reasons why he doesn't: ISt. Because somebody else hi his territory has the agency, 2nd Because it costs him more money than the brand he wants to sell you. Even if your dealer handles a cheap gyvAe of Fertilizer and gives you the benefit of his cheap pi ice, you are still the loser, because it costs you just as much to sow sorry Guano as it does the best. The cultivation of a sorry crop is ?nore expensive than a good one—not to speak of the loss at harvest season. But since the FARMER has to pay the same for all grades of 8-3-3 Guano, why not see that’you get the best brand? And we know FISH BRAND IS THE BEST? If the testimony of those who have used (mr fertilizer don^t convinc^e you, come to our factory, and weCT^i’^ntee that the sight of our MATERIAL and the way w^e MANUFACTURElwill. Our doors are opened to the public. We have nothing to hide. Mebane Supply Co What Spider Indicated When Mark Twain, in his early days, was editor of a Missouri paper a super stitions subscriber wiote to him say ing that he had found a spider in his paper and asking him whether this was a sign of good luck or bad. The humorist wrote him this answer and printed it: “Old Subscriber—Finding a spider in your paper was neither good luck for you. The spider was merely look ing over our paper to see which mer chant is not advertising so that he can go to that store and lead a life of undisturbed peace ever afterward Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. Whooping Cough “About a year a«7o my three boys had whooping cough anti 1 found Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy the only one that would relieve their coughing and whooping spells, I con tinued this treatment and was* surpris ed to find that it cured the disease in a very short time,” writes Mrs. Archie Dalrymplc, Crooksville, Ohio. For sale by Mebane Drug Co. Time For a thange The Kerald has no particu!; for Congressman, but in our '.to As nearly all the chickle used in the manufacture of chewing gum comes from Mexico, anything like a prolong ed conflict is going to cause real priv ation in this country. The poor dear girls may have to fall back on the sweet gum rozzum of their grandmas. Greensboro News THE BEST PLACE (N GREENoBORO To get the best_to eatiib at the HENNESSEE CAFE Open until midnight. 342 SOUTH ELM STREET Near passenger depot. J. R. DONNEL Pro, the party’s standard oupht to \ ed in other and nhler harKit; - ,, coming conflict. We all kno v owing to the patron^ige fights do-nothing, inefiiciefit, L»o^»-riudL-, cord of the present incurrbent, ditions throughout the Distrj^.t ai- anything but flattenng. Besidtr thi? it is generally known who Republiog"’ candidate will be and the natuil the charges he is going to niakc-:.n\ prove, too. he says-so why not the safe side aVid “trot oui a i,. ! horse”? Why jeopardize the putv'.- welfare just to please a few . politicians throughout the District aiili a handful of political Judas iscajiot's and boodle mongers in Greei^:;};0)„v Please don’t all answer -it om.-., really, is there anv reaso!) -it all whv the free and untranimelcd Douiociats of the Imperial Fifth District si ould do so? This paper cert-ainiy lliink-. not j There are dozens ot men thri'uajiom the Diairict who would make ahio Ke- ' presentives, and one of them shoui.l 1,^ ■ pressed into service before it i -n,, late —Madison Herald. Keep Bowel Mevemenf Regular Dr. King’s New Life ril!-^ stomach, liver and kidneys in lu-slthv condition. Rid the body of poisons atui waste. Improve your coinph'xi ,n. hy flushing the liver and kidneys -i more relief from one box of Dr New Life Pills than any tnt-(!i, itie i ever tried,” says C. E. Hairifld, Chicago. III. 25c., at your l)riiL'--i.-t. In the little nioro than a .•. niurv equal to thatfroni the earth tu the moon and halt way back a^ain. ( P. Crandall, of Norwich, N. Y., whu says he is the mail stage (hiver in tho ' Stale, has retired Beginnhig at tht> age of 16, he has driven liiiles, and his salary in this tiino has anunm. ted to $34,7't0. Agents Mebane, North Carolina The American Special Sales and Salvage Company of WASHINGTON, D. C. Announce the Sale of s. A. THOMY’S List Your Property ! Parties are advi&ed that I will be at ! Tyson-Malojie Hardware Store, on the 2 the 9 the IG, 23 and 30th day of May j for the purpose of listing your taxes. : Persons liable to a poll tax who fail to list are subject to a tine and imprison ment. E. A. Cook. List Taker. FEED for sale—baled. Chas. F. Cates, Mebane, N. C. ‘i*’- For Sale. ‘The Corner Store’' A nice bay mare, will work gentle in any harness, nice driver. Call or write. J. A. Nicholson, Mebane, N. C. Rfd. No. 4. Summer Millinery MORROW & BASON Inc. The Ladies Head Outfitters Coidially invite you to come in to see the Latest arrival? of sum mer Hats, there is such a new note of style about the distinctively summer hats that they are possitively irresistable soft and unusually graceful, but with elegance of style and design that greatly accentuatea your good looks. We are also showing a dainty and attractive line of Muslin Underwear and the reliable ^‘Royal Society” Embroiaeries and threads, all the new Boil Dye shades, ask to see them, We ap preciate your patronage and try to give you the beat quality to be had for the money. Morrow & Bason Inc. The Ladies Head Outfitters BURLINmOJN, NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday May 6 at 8:30, a.m AND LASTING FOR 16 DAYS EVERYrHING TO GHT PRICE NEVER BEFORE EQUALLeHn THIS —— SECTION. ‘ ’ Aimoimeement Extraordinary With each $1.00 Purchase during this SALE, a Ticket will be given with a duplicate number. The duplicate numbers are to be placed in a locked box in the store. On SATURDAY, MAY 23rd. at 3:30 P. M., one ticked will be drawn by a blindfolded child. To the party holding the duplicate of this coupon will be given A WHOLE BALE OF COTTON ABSOLUTELY FREE The Bale of Cotton is now on display in front of the Store. A NICEDISPLAY Of Summer. Millinery will be on exhibition at oui’ Store Friday'May 8th. Be Sure And Call And See It Some beautifull Spring and Summer goods just in will be on display. Call on Mebane Supply Co. Mebane, N. C. Adv 1914. 1 L( 1 U 1 U 1 Li The sent t 1911.

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