Mebane Leader g. Fflg/gditor & Entered aa second class matter Feb- aary.8» 1909, at the Post Office at ICebaae^ N* anderthe act of March 18OT. lasaed Every Thursday Morning. SUBSCRIPTION; One Year, . - - $1.00 dix Months, • - - .50 Three Months, - - .25 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ^ and Currency, Postal MoneysI[.Order or Stamps. CORRESPOND ENCfc; We wish correspondents in all the nearby post offices. Write at ohrp Thursday. May 14 1914 SOMETHING ABOUT THE CIVIC LEAGUE. and longer. It is these things that liave made grandest tho age in which we hve, and work. We are approaching the physii:a’ perfection of Rome in her palm- lent days. It v/as Charlie | Aycock that first lifted hio’hest I the oriflamme of inspiration to ■ the poor boy of our State, and | bade him look up and climb j higher, that to him who toiled [ there was nothing too gooil toi give. I We often see arlieles in Uie State papers deploring the fact that it seems so easy for people i to draw pistols to shoot down | their fellow man. They doplure' the wrong fact, the thing to deplore is t/iat we usually have such an inibocilo Ger>eral Assem bly that they will keep sileiit upon the vital question of sell mg I deadly weapons. ]\Ien who seem j to be idiotic, or associ:ite in will allow the pawn GOODMAN’S CLOTHING STOf A few years past and the word t * ^ criiTi0S civic had a vague and uncertam! n i . . 1 broker to not onlv sell, 'out tempt meaning to some people, the . i i • the vicious to buy tlkj dennger. time was when it was a word of little use, but elert, progressive citizens who had a high concep tion of life found it fit exactly to express a condition vitality important to this country. The word Civic League was made to apply to a band of citizens whose purpose,and policy was to beautify and make clean and healthy. The progressive ele ment in every community in which there was life, and a proper respect for higher ideals, band ed themselves together and went to work with a view of making every spot that was sickly and unsanitary, whole some and healthy, by planting flowers where the briars and brambles grew, and covering un sightly patches with fresh green grass, turning them into ar at tractive, wholesome and healtny place. The work of the Civic League in our towns and cities has made a great transforma tion, in so much that was un sightly and unhealthy, that their work has come to the world like a benediction thrice blessed. The Leader some ^ears past aided and urged by some of our best citizens advocated the ne cessity of a Civic League for Mebane, in doing so we some time become so impatient and petulant at the lethargy and like of interest shown by our people that we felt almost dis couraged, but we labored on, and there did come a day of change. Mebane has an exceed ingly creditable Civic League, its a League that is enthusiastic, vitalized by an earnest desire to make of itself a helpful force for the health and beauty of Mebane. It has only to contin ue its work along lines already begun and it will prove an estimable blessing to this com munity. the repeating pistol, or "'any other fire arms. The State gets the pitiful I sum of $10 per year j for the tax. How much is tlie pawn brokers general fund for | buying this class of Legislation, I we don’t know but wc suppose it has a price. Economy in Painting Your House docs not mean buying the paint sold at the lowest pricc per gallon. It means getting the paint that covers the most surface per gallon and gives the greatest number of years of service—in other words, the best value for your dollar. ACMEQmUl^ HOUSE PAINT costs less because it takes less and lasts longer. Let us show you pleasing color combinations, esti mate quantity needed, or be of any other service we can, whether you buy or not. Come in and get an Acme Quality Painting Guide Book and some color suggestions, snie by NELSON COOPER LUMBER CO. srAWS For 0:T( rs many rare buying • iportinities this week mens ard boys clothing?, every Goodman’s suit i?, rightly tailored, Tht- fabrices are absohitelv faultles'5, every suit wii! weai' as represented, Ai; the rich colorings of tlu new season. A big Hi,., of mens and boys Ox fords and gents fiirni i . ings. li It was thought by a number of profound statesmen at Washing- j ton a few days past that Bryan | was monkeying with the dove of peace too much, in fact was willing to see the Nations flag trailed in the dirt in order that he might avoid doing that which he feared would injures hi political chances for the presi dency, an eventuality in case of war, Bryan is a iixisfit. He may be a square man trying to grt in a round hole. STOMACH TROUBLE FOR FIVE YEARS Majority of Friends Thought Mr. Hughes Would Die, But One Helped Him to Recovery. However much it r.iay he boasted tliat the Thaw mon.ey has done in defeating justice, m shameng the law of our land, and helping a murderer to escape punishment, the courts whirh shared In this infamy will nothing to be proud u!', aiui the day will conie when tho? Hai-ry Thaw trials will be looked uiion as the blackest blur uDon Ameri cas jurisprudence. Pomeroyton, Ky.—In interesting ad vices from this place, Mr. A. J. Hughes writes as follows: “I was down with stomach trouble for five (5) years, and would have sick headache so bad, at times, that I thought surely I would die. 1 tried diiferent treatments, but they did not seem to do me any good. I got so bad, I could not eat or sleep, and all my friends, except one, thought I would die. He advised me to try Thedford’s Black-Draught, and quit taking other medicines. I decided to take tiis advice, although I did not have any confidence In it. 1 have now been taking Black-Draught for three months, and it has cured me— haven’t had those a\^ful sick headaches since I began using it. I am so thankful for what Black- Draught has done for me.” Thedford’s Black-Draught has been found a very valuable medicine for de rangements of the stomach and liver. It is composed of pure, vegetable herbs, contains no dangerous ingredients, and acts gently, yet surely. It can be freely used by young and old, and should be kept in every family chest. Get a package today. Only a quartar. For Sale Decision Reserved. An English seamstress, says the Manchester Guardian, ■who was help ing to make some costumes for a Browning pageant, was asked if she had ever reaJ nny of the pcct. “Xo,” she replied, "I've never read any of that sort of stuff; not Browning, nor Shakespeare neither. But then, you know/' she added, “my mother has her own opinion about Shakenneare.’ Before the Ags of Speed. Twenty years ago London omni buses, according to a police statement at the time, traveled at the rate of six or seven miles an hour, and thought they were making speed. ; THE AGE IN WHICH WE LIVE. The trend of elightment of the present age is of a high and helpful character. Perhaps in no age has matters that concern the phisical,!and mentaljdevelop- ment of the human race been so seriously considered. What ever would develop the mind, lift the thoughts of youth, and manhood to a higher and more idealistic plane, has found earnest, help ful men an women to lend their lives to give force and emphasis to its practical development and teaching, until to-day education is measured as the great lever to lift humanity into the sunlit planes of a higher and holier purpose. The physical development of man is made the study of our best scientist, and it does not only relate to the physical development of man alone to make his body strong, but it relates to, and teaches lessons that concern hygiene, sanitation, and all the means and methods to eliminate and destroys the noxions poisons, contagions, and sceptic azotic germs. It teaches men how to live better, healthier, For Weakness afid Loss of Appetite The Old Standard general strcnj^thoning tonic, GROVE’S TASTELESS cliUl TOXIC, ddvcs out Malaria and builds up the system. A tr-.-.i,- t''nic and sure Appetizer. For adults an'* ''liildren. 00c. I IW SUMMER LAWNS Also :-t'\ rat iif^w patterr.s in CREPE just in. FANCY PARASOLS Now lino “Uad cum’'Ilosiery, all kinds SUMMER UNnr\R\VFAIi etc. Don’t fail to see us. ii-Orf Goods Co. Mebane, North Carolina. START.A BANK AO COUNT is good advice because you arc then started on the road Lo prosperity and position in the world. BANK WITH US is also good advice, bccause you are sure of safety, convenience and the best attention to your needs. Do it to day is the best advice of all. COMMERCIAL & FARMERS BAfiK. Mebane, North Car. tli ’n'f hurt a bi* HmVE you A TOOTH TO PULL? are now prepared to take out any number of teeth at one time without pain, without making you sick or nervous, and without any after effects fr^m the medicine. Our false teeth never fail to please. Give us one trial, vVe will please.,you. Drs. Frost &Holt, Dentists. Burlington, - - - - N. C. Three, five room house for One four room house for One four ro(^m house for One three room house for 0 f-aoli $!,(}(.)() .$850.(10 $7r>o.oo All of these houses are close in to the hnsiiinss sec tion of Mebane. We also have some (-Itoict' sii('s iVn sale on easv terms. Mebane Real Estat Trust Co Walter S. Crawford. Office oyer Post Office IF YOU NEED A SPIilN TONIC Give Mebane’s Taraxacum Compound a trial and you will be convinced that it is the best medicine of the kind tbat you have ever used. Besides acting gently and pleasantly op the liver and bowels it will improAe your appetite and tone up your system. At this time of the year the liver is more than apt to be torpid and the bowels frequently become sluggish. Undrr such conditions Taraxacum Compound is an ideal medicine. With none of the unpleasant consequences of taking calomel it will accomplish even better results. Tara ;- acum is on sale at the Mebane Drug Co*s and at ,the Mec'^a Drug Store. THE TARAXACUM CO. MEBANE, NORl H CAROLliNA. 50 Years In The li BM6HT TOBACCO 6R0WER ^manufactured by MD. If you want to (xrow’tho LAK' '' CROP, and raise 'I'OiiAi’C ' brings the Hi('.Ill’]ST i ' Zell’sBrighl robacc:> ir. . . The name ^‘Zi^LL” on tho ^ (:UAf{.\NTEF. ih,‘ Uli'.lH C,UJ.\F,1TY. Before placing your ottli'V: Tobacco Fertilizer call on W James. MEBANE, N. ('. V handling our ZL']LI/S BRldll l ■ BACCO (JROWl'li this Sprmt>. The American AjJcriciiUu Chemical Co. Zell Guano Wo* lOlS^Fidelity IJallijf*' Md. It*. SUBSCRIBE TO THE LEADEB

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