We ‘iiy rai'f buyin-- iliis wtM i, b'»\ s clotiiiiig^s. bdiiicii: s isuu is jlaiujred, 'flu- |:ne a!>solutt>iy |^'v«M'y will nprt'scntrd. ^\|) nf the ‘'ii" iitU' |iUU{ }.oy«^ ()^_ 6DMAN r of ilootl lothrs! t, : N. (. : 1L-Ii t^ach ;l.O' > M ' > Tr'^{ 0 I ISl I ! ! |ir«■" ! 1* -- ols' a 1 ri!is e.ii-' I eas. ! Paint! ts. PER GAL. !»AINT, >v al. - $8.40 2.10 $10-50 NT. or-use paint in ilTE LEAD. ’•r t OO yi-ars. if not tbe best money back. JANE. N.G. ADER i^OCAL AND PERSONAL Don’t forget that fourth of I July business. Just wake up and ' go at it, and somothing will; happen. Address of Interest To Women. M’S. J. W. Carter, who ha^ lol T ^^ha^v l):is been su-k ' called back home to Parkers- t;ii (iuv’s. j W. V^a. on Wednesday (jf ,1, I. \V. spejit Sun-i the^sudden dearii ,,,;,„,.ive,.s!.ow. Dave D. " I Johnson of that city. ! ; \\. K. Swaiii went uptoj a • . ,„llSaliM-,;!iy night i, Fa»’h'-otliers of Greens- ' ^ jboio spen^v part of Monday in \ii- IsaheilM (Ji-ay weiit to, Mebane in the interest of “Every- l ,,j liMiii \ion(Ui> t'spend a day! thinj>’^’ one of the finest news- I t " ’- j papers in the State published \|i A?inie luilph is spc‘]iding I Greensboro. Every- , »>f two wii h Miss F^annie i knows Mr. Fairbrothers wiio enjoys the reputation of, being’ the only o-^nuine news- iniper man in N. C. and Mrs. Eairbi'other is his rioht hand assissiiut. Rev. C. E. Raynal delivered an interesting and strong? address on l)«en spendinft- some time ...jth her daughter, Mrs. J. S White Queens College of Thar- ’ 1 >tte Tuesday morning May 26, n copy of which appeared in the | • '‘tarlotte Observer the following i inorning. It would do every! woman jgfood to read this and j every man as well, because he i touches on the new woman, I putting her in the proper light and explaining her relation to the world. Ai; . M. t'- White went to (.[■(‘fi: ln'fo Tii«'S(iay U> spend vh' 11. i- V\’ilK'in:’v{»n and Uttle Maty wr-nt to linrlinjr- t !i rVi(l:i\. Walkoi* of llurlinii'ton Why Suffer I'rom Eye strain? *\ii , , , , . , : Glasses made and fitted by Dr I ''i-il (lays la.st week u ltli | RAPPORT will relieve both eye- I'. .^lur^lMy. istrain and headache. Call to see Dr. Rapport at the Mebane House, Tuesday, June 16th. It! I)av{' ()ualls and little i Beatrice visited friends l’in Iinu:ton Sundav. Kov. T II. Rop:’ers of Atlanta will jireaLh in the M. E. Church Sunday morning. Much Appreciated. The Leader force feels iiiuch indebted to Mrs. C. J. Kee for a Delicious ^!>upper This is the last announcement i to appear about the supper the| ladies of ihe Presbyterian Church j will serve on the l^eader S(]nnrei on the evening of June (Uh. i which is the comini> Saturday. ’ Billow is the menu. The ladies! will be pleased to see you aP and 1 will promise to q-iv’-e you some-1 thing appetizing and good to eat. j Brunswick stew and coffee 2,5c. | Fried chicken, deviled eggs, pickles and ham sandwich | with coffee 25c. j Tee cream 5c cake 5c. ! Benefit liook Club. ’4. p ■ ,1 Mrs. C. J. Kee charminglv ®"‘^rtained the Benefit Book ote^Tfha r II Wedesday afternoon., over to the Leader office Wed-, OaJses were effectively used in' nesday evening of last week. | ,,ecorating and the ‘ beautiful „ ■ 'colors of gold and white were Doctor Hawley. , observed in the entire prepara- Miss Maude Holt soent the , ^ icnu^ri \vt‘‘k ond in Durham visitin" her | other confections sent | Club jVi(>nd .Mrs. W. J. Dennis Jr. ^Irs. Robert Scott Tr. arrived In -Mebane Fridyv to be a guest :ii ilie home of Mr. Bob Scott. Daisy Woods of Graham Sunday m Mebane visiting lu r sister, Mrs. L. T. Johnston. Rev. Frank Morton Hawley, { pastor of the Presbyterian church The score cards for the gamej here will be honored by the de- rook, were artistically orna-1 gree of Doctor of Sacred Theo- I ^i^ented wuth hand painted dasies. j Mr, and Mis. Lando Terrell j log-y at the commencement ofi A mathematical catch problem i an.hlaughter, Maude spent Sat-i Temple University in Philadel- correctly solved by Mrs. W.' iuday and Sunday at Haw' liiver. j phia this week. The degree will Murray who was awarded Miss Josephine Forrest and I be conferred as the result of the ■^ dainty chamois cloth .AIis.> Bowers of Hillsboro spent j completion of a prescribed course' white and gold. >'iinday in Meltane at the Meb ane House. .Mr. and ]\Irs. W. H. Bason i>‘turaed to Thomasville Monday lifter a pleasant visit to Mrs. M. 1!. Scott. Aiiss Lucile Dillard left for Mlon College Tuesday to attend ih(‘ commencemeni; exercises of ilif‘ ('ullege. Mr. -lune Andrew's who has henii attending school at Chapel Hill the past season returned to MehaiK' Saturday night. -Mr.-. Hattie Hunt and children "i Apex who spent last week! witli her parent Mr. and Mrs. R. j U. Bi ii>ht returned to her home | I'rirl'iy. A(f. and Mrs. Lon Wilkerson Mid ' hildren spent Sunday with •'li’.'. Wilkersons parents out in ’lie count}' Mr. and Mrs. J. T. r^n-ell. Mi.ss Fannie Higgins who has •"■en visiting Miss Lynette Sw^ain nt’-uncd to the State Normal ! ■ ' May to take the Summer 'I' acher.^ Course. Attention is directed to the chavioe of advertisement of L. 1. l')hnston who calls attention his ice contracts. It has gotj ■ "V' n to ice w’eather now% Mrs. W. D. Gallaspie has re- izn('d her position with the \\ii((‘ Furniture Company st(‘no"rapher. Miss Lula 'i arliorouorh, formerly of B'ng- has filled the place. ■ A. A. Spencer and lur j lauu'hter Miss Marv Spencer | will) have been visiting Mr. and; Colen Spencer of Murray ! dill Farm, returned 1o t’neiri *'""‘0 in Asheboro Tuesd^iy. | Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Slead! 4o))ped with their sister, Mrs.! ^^‘ddick Tyson Thusday night | ^•1 route to Stead where thev will '"P nd the summer. Mr. Stead is l''f>fessor of Texture at A. yrd M. ('ollerre^ Mr. Wilbur McFarland left for, *’-uham Saturday to spend | • "veial weeks at the home of his ''1 '‘le, Mr. W. G. White, and also al 1 ( nd Trinity College commence- iiicfit w'hich takes place some- in June. The exercises will be held Thurs-: Delicious refreshments were day night and Mr. Hawley will' served in three courses, pronounce the benediction at I Those enjoying the occasion the close. He is a graduate of I were; Mesdames. W. W. Corbett Davidson College and of the | W. D, Gallaspie, W\ S. Harris, Louisville Theological Seminary,; Murray, T M. Crutchfield and pursued postgraduate cours- ’ es with distinction at the Univer sity of North Carolina and Har vard University. C. R. Grant, Ralph Vincent, Reddick Tyson, Paisley Nelson, Misses Lenorah Walker and Sue Mebane. THE CALF IN OUR SHOES Is the choicest that can be had. Same way with leathers of every kind, we handle only shoes made of solids souud leather that will wear as long as they should. Take a look at at our new and natty oxfords They certainly are snappy in style and general appearance. They are the last word in low cat shoes. The place to buy the best shoes for the least money. H.E. WILKINSON COMPANY “The Store of Quality.” MEBANE, NORTH CAROLINA. liNSURANCE 1 carry a full line of the strongest companies, for fire, life, and health, insurance. Anything in the insurance line. Rates reasonabl. When needing anything in the insurance line see S. G. mORGAN YOUR IDEOSYNCRACIES May lead you to admire something odd, or fanciful, but what ever may be your taste in the foot wear line, if it runs along the latest cuts, and most fashionable fits, we haye it, and can supply you with the best. Don't fail to call on Pridgen and Jones - North Carolina I Durham ICE CONTRACTS This week at special cash price. L. T. JOHNSTON THE ICE MAN THEHONE —OF- Harvest Machines W'e have in stock ready for delivery, Deering and McCormick Binders, Mowers and Rakes, Roderick Lean and Oliver Riding Cultivators. NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVES. Full line of Sanford, and Tyson and Jones cele- bratea buggies. You Can Get Supplied At TYSONMALONE Hardware Company Mebane, North Carolina The Oxford Buggies l/ght RUNNINS EASr R*OING BEST OUT 222Z OXTORD “CHASE’;^ “STVD” BUGGIES JoJif de*^arKii> be \sure of\3enulne Oxford ^ueiliiy ’ long weARtNG- V _ OXFORD BVGGY C0.“«'?“ Mebane Mebane, N.C. Subscribe to the Leader