|W. M. Miles, Presidet. J. W. Nicholson, Secy. and Tres. MILES-NICHOLSON LUMBEB We carry a big stock of all kinds of Lumber, and Building Material including Siding, Ceiling, Flooring, Boxing, Mouldings, Doors, Sash Frames, Mantles Stair Work, Nails, Builders, Hardware, Galvanized Roofing. Tin Shingles, Roofing Paint. JUST RECEIVED 3 1 1 1 1 Cars Shingles, Car Laths, Car Cement, Car Plaster, Car Lime, LET ME H To keep cool by Falling you ;i P.dm beach suit i?! i ght O:' ri - r color $6.50 to ;'»7.00, C.ui gi\ v you just what you want in utidoi - v/ear, unior suits or two Strav/ hats in newest shapes. SIk , for the whole family. All lind, of gents furnisliinu’s. MEBANE, N /■I Agents For John W. Masury’s and Co’s Celebrated Paints. Our Mr. Nicholson is a practical builder and will assist you in making out your bills, will also help you in making your plans. See our stock and get our prices before you buy. Miles-Nicholson Lum ber Company Mebane, N. C. Route of I he TRY US -and we will convince you that we have it, in every style and color, and cut of ladies DRESS GOODS We carry the nicest that can be secured from the Northern markets, and will be glad to furnish you with sampk's by mail of any kind of fabric you may wish. Wo ar-e sure we can please you. Ellis-Stone & Co. Durham, North Carolina ItHIS is the time To furnish your house and make"it cozy. Winter is when you stay in doors. WE HAVE THE Carpets, Ru^>’s, Art Squares and Furniture of every quality and style to help you make home comfortable and attractive. Come and see us any way we will make it to your interest to trade with us. Green Sc McClure GRAHAM, NORTH CARONINA. Not Necessarily. A girl is not ueceaaarily Cut tur a prima douna just because she is hard to manage. For an Impaired Appetite. To improve the aj>petito and stren gthen the digestion try a few (io.ses of Chamberlain’s ‘Tablets. Mr. J. H. Seitz, of Detroit, Mich., says; “They restored my appetite when impaired, relieved me of a bloated feeling and caused a pkasant and satisfactory movement of the bowels.” For sale by Mebane Drug^ Co. Don’t Blame Us If you fail to call at our store to get a neat fit ting, serviceablo shoo. We have them and will take pleasure in waiting on you. It is the shoe you will like, the shoe that will please you to the end j. J)on’t forget the . Hendrix & Co. Greensboro, N. C. Pure Strain lUack Minorca Rhode I.‘^land Kp:ps l"> for $1.00. F. W. (haves. and A 'bully is a man who is always wanting to fight some other man half his size. Cures Old SoreS', Giiier Remedies Won’t Curs The worst cases, no matter of how long standing, are cured by the wondt rful, old reliable Dr. Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Paiii aud Heals at the same time. iISc, 50c, $LOO, TEN DAYS SALE Beginning Friday May 15th, Fm going to have a TEN DAYS SALE of all col ored hats, both trimmed and untrim med. Don’t forget the date. Miss Margaret Clegg Graham, (N. C. Coughs and Colds Weaken the System Continued Coughs,Colds and Bronchial troubles are depressing and weaken the system. Loss of weight and appetite generally follow Get a 50c bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery to day. It will stop your cough. The first dose _ helps. The best medic'ne for Stubborn your work will be sent for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung ptly delivery. Troubles. Mr. O. H. Brown, Muscatine, ! Ala., writes: “My wife was tick during the hot summer months and I honestly believe Dr. King’s New Dis covery saved her life.” Gocd for child ren. 50c. and $].00, at your Druggist. Hello Phone 31 Where you got first class work, clean ing and pressing, Gentlenu'n niid ladies clothing, also agency for tlu' Cokunl)ia Laundry, Grtensboro, N. Call and Unchivalrcus Comment. Professor Rlppm.«a of London an- aouncea that girls begin to talk ear lier than boys. Yep! Earlier, oftener, longer and later.—Kxchang©. :uid prorn- Yours to s( i ve, J.W. Ingold Main street. TRY MEBANE’S TARAXACUM COMPOUND For Stomach, Boweil and Liver troubles. A half a century of public ap proval is behind it. For sale by, Mecca Drug store and Mebane Drug Company. To Cure a Cold In One Day 1 Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the Cough and Headache and works oif the CoKi. I Druggists refund money if it to cv.rc. I L. W. GROVE’S signature ei. w-i .ii bos. i5o. Dally Thought. A grateful mind by owing, owea not, but still pays, at ontw indebted and discharged.—Milton. Only one Entirely Satis factory. “I have tried various colic and diar rhoea remedies, but the only one that has given me entire satisfaction and cured me when I «’as afflicted is Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedj\ I recommend it to my friends at*'all times,” writes S. N. Galloway, Stewart, S. C. For sale by Mebane Drug Co. Titles of Books. There is a kind of physiocnomy in the title of books no less than in the faces of men by which a skillful ob server will as well know what to ex pect from the one as from the other. —Butler. mmv Travel via kaleijrh (Union Stati and Norfolk .Southern Railroad, tn from all points in Eastern North (. ;:i I Una. Electric-Lighted Slccpinj>r Cav h, tween. R.\LEIGU ANO NORFOLK. In effect February 1. 101-1. N. B.—The following schodult'iii ;;'. are published as information onlv n ari' not guaranteed. LEAVE RALEKJH 9:80 p. m. DaiJy--“Night Pullman sleeping|car lor Norfolk. 6:00 a. m. Daily for Wilson, Washi : ton, and Norfolk--i’>V' parlor car service hcl"*: Chocowinity and Norfolk 6:00 a. m. Daily except Suiiday foi' . . Ben; via Chocowinity. 3:00 p. m. Daily except Sunday I Washitigton. 7:30 a. ni. Daily for Varim, Star, and Charlotte, 7:40 a. rn. Daiiy for Varina, f.iilii' and Fayetteville. 5:50 n m Daily for Fayetteville 10:(M) p. m. Daily for Varina. IHii Star, Norwood, and rhaii' ' ARRIVE RALEIGH. From Norfolk, Elizabeth City. \\ ington, Wilson, Greenville. 7:liS a. m. Daily. 11:28 a. ni. ilnil\ cept Sundav. 8:40 p. rn, daily. From Charlotte 1:30 p. m. and • a. m. daily. From Fayetteville, 10 a. in. ;uni I p. m. dailv. LEAVE GOLDSBORO. 10:25 p. m. Daily—“Night Expr. , ' Pullman sleepinjrcar for .No folk from Now Bern. fi:50 a. m. Daily—For Beaufort .i Norfolk- Parlor car l>ef\vt Now Bern and Noi-folk. ():50 a. m. Daily for New Born,(>ri 'i' and Beaufort. For further information and ro.-. i tion of Pullman .5leoping car rj-.i- apply to S. K. Adsit, T. P. A,, of ^ W. Brannon, City Ticket Apont. ! ;i Hotel Annex, Raleigh, N. E. D. KYLE, Traffic Manaj^'cr, \ r> Va. H. S. LEARl), Gen, Pa Norfolk, Virginia. i:.i .J Time Absorbing. The woman who is looking for trou ble never has any tluiie left iu which to ^earch for pleasure. Get Rid of Your Rheum atism. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. You can do it if you apply Chamberlain’s Liniment. W. A. Lockhard, Homer City, N. Y., writes: “Ljist spring I suffered from rheuma tism with terriable pains in my arms and shoulders. I got a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and the first application relieved me. By using one bottle of it I was entirely cured." For sale by Mebane Drug Co. Cures Stubborn, ItciV' Skin Troubles “I could scratch myself to pic*c‘?s often heard from sufferers of Eczi i; Tetter, Itch and similar Skin Erupt! Don’t Scratch--Stop the Itching once WMth Di. Hobson’s Eczema 'i ment. Its first application healing; the Red, Rough, Scai- Itching Skin is soothed by the Iloaiii and Cooling medicines. Mrs. C Einfeldt, Rock Island, III., after Dr. Hobson’s Eczema Ointment, *vrii “This is the first time in nine year- nave been free from the (hvailf ailment.” Guaranteed. 50c.. al Druggist. Putting It in Another Way. Macaulay said: “You must dig deep if you would build high.” He migbt have added: “You must live lii litile- nesi if you would rise to greaineB:^ Wise to Practice Reserve. Never tell all you know; for he tells everything ho knows ofteu teU- ao.ore than he knows.—Arabia forah (Spr The mud ,,p})Osition 1 exemption in the o r„.*r Onio s v.-as destro: ■he paid co .■i-l Oil cc ^tjite of Oh indiges *-Abowt 1 ( hamberla tioMi indig( \t-ars vvithc iu ve me. Oil uie at oi .(•voral vve -orr.plaint,’ Mullon, Ph Mobane Dr I hav shop to stoi’e of Co., on had the latest venienc or, wit h^veryth J. F. We a books o stribers vhe rene Each do books r vily bou these w has a h anythin) Leader Alice By Ha August? Tulip, N Hai ^ 'hevali the Jos Diimas- I)i-. Jek: i>y Her Ralph "V World, andr D V^erne— History J>y Nat —Ivanl: Bronte- Pompei Cooper- l^oems' Mask, I AlexaiK Vlas ter the island, ^>unyan i^mirie. Rev andre Two W( Nathan ^^hadow ^i-igustj the Woi Tiiou ar