•» ♦ Mebane Leader % ©. Fng, gditav & ©lunpi- Catered as second class matter Feb- uary 8. 1800, at the Post Office at lf«bane, N. C.? under the of March 1897. Issued Every Thursday Morning. SUBSCRIPTION: One Year, - - * ft’ix Months, - - - .50 Three Months, - - . PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ^ Currency, Postal Money Order orj;Stamp8. CORRESPON 3 ENCte We wish correspondents in all the nearby post offices. and »n Write at onre Thursday. July 30 1914 There is a large number of people just now who are enjoying- the sea breezes or mountain air, taking a rest so-to-speak. It’s very nice when one can find the j time to get off. A trip of this 1 character has often brought I roses back to the cheeks and health and vitality back to the individual. It is worth it if you can spare the price. Was it not a sight to note Caillauxs wife and his discarded wife facing each other in a French criminal court last week while one of them stood charged with murder. Caillauxs present wife pretended to be deeply interested in screening public view from the hideous things of her hellish life. It’s all a dirty mess, but it’s oft-times seen to require the taking of a human life before the soiled masked of llans Schmidt, who is under dishonor may be torned away. death sentence for the murder of Anna Aumuller,has appealed for The Old Dreamer a new trial. His appeal will be holiday time again, considered October 5. His Though my time’s long come to go, appeal will be heard on the newly j From my old armchair By the fireplace there I am lookin’ out on the snow, Over its stillness the moon shines bright. But it’s hidn’ her dear, sweet face to night. 11 The eyes that looked in mine of old Are folded down in sleep— The dear, bright eyes That held the skies Of heaven in their keep, What knows the snow, so chill and deep Or the eyes God’s angels Kissed to sleep? III I’m glad the night is all so still And never a wild wind raves. But I wish, when God Sends the snow to the sod That it wouldn’st hide the graves; For the moonlight failin’ softly there Brings me a dream of her starbright hair. IV The sweetest memory of life — How long has she been away? Was she not here This Christmas year. Sweet-singin’ of the May, When the mornin’ glories climbed to see The face whose light made Heaven for me? V O winter night, so still-so white O’er hills and icy streams. Take you the tears Of love-lost years — To the dreamer read my dreams, And tell her a ringlet from tresses of light Rests on the heart of her lover to night. — Frank L. Stanton m AN IMPOBTANT INQUIRY which is of vitai importance to every business man who would be successful, is- regarding his Bank Ac^tount. Are yon GETTING GOOD SERVICE where ^ou have your account at present? We offer the best of Banking facilities to our de positors and every accomodatbn within reason. CliMMERCIAL & FARMERS BANK. Mebane, Morth Car. i To Bed Late in tl'e Morning. j . 1 ‘ 1 Even ill tlif-oc mr.tter-ot-fact tiuyB j I parliament is still a weird and won- j i derful thing to ccur^ry cousins in ! i England. ‘I spent the week-end,’ says ] I a gallery Ek«!;ch writer, in 3 scuthern j ; town. “Wbat time do yori s-.art work j at the house?” ftsked ati oH Zriend, a j I native. “Thrt-e o'cJrtr'k/’ I replied, i ' “and jve tirdsh at *i?even.” “Ah,” j i comiueiited tiie iiutiv' “I’ve orten i I toward (uar iTieot'i during j the nigi-!: nut vo bfc di ‘Virt-.ed by i the trdtiif, Lv.; it r.uist soc'-n a bit queer to A ull.ii '- tionie ’>■■> bed at eleven in tnt ” • /? T liKa I Th(iis. Vo Carter Attorney At Law Office Over I*osi OiFice Mebar.e, North Cnvoiina. FOR GLA?^SMS THAT VVIIJ. FIT DON’ r FAIL 'i I) SKH iiiJpsBisifgiii e « m m « « « Saved 7 M’s Life | “I want to tell you whr/ wonderful benefit 1 have re- ® ceived from the use of Th ord’s Black-Draught,” writes ® Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of C i^on Mills, Ky. l|i “It certainly has no t>\. al for la grippe, bad colds ^ liver and stomach troubles. ) firmly believe Black-Draught ^ saved niy little girl's life. When she had the irieasles *9 they went iu on her, but one good dose of Thedford’s ® Black-Draujilit made them break out, and she has had no more trouble. I shall never be without % THEDFORDS &%>■ _ TMEDTORDS dLACK-DRAUGHT hatched scheme that Schmidt did not murder the girl, only cut up the body after death which resulted from an operation a surgeon performed. Why do the courts trifle so long with a case like this. He has already con fessed that be murdered the girl, and has been proven to be a treacherous character of the most debased type, yet the law and State will keep on spending money just allowing him to probably escape the electric chair. Let him die and quick about it. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Whiskey being transported by automobiles is the latest. The automobile is doing full part in the worldxof sin and sorrow. An automobile conveying whiskey near High Point was seized Saturday night. The officers consider j this form of whiskey traffic the shrewdest method of blind tiger. Whiskey the greatest instrument of the devil, will find a way to reach those who are j weak enough to be caught in the | evil one’s net. National prohi bition is the only solution lo this horrible whiskey dealing. It may not eliminate it altogether, but will greatly lessen its use and m time do a wonderful good. Path of the Kakapo. Several birds make regular paths to and from their resorts. Those of the Antarctic penguins are noted by ail explorers iu their region. Very no ticeable are those in the haunts of the kakapo, the large, rock-dwelling, bur row-nesting ovl'liko pirrot of the mountains of New Ze'^’and. They beat down regular paths along the spurs and ridges where they abound, so that a person might be excused for supposing they were meant for human feet. It is along ♦hese avenues that the birds go to and fro on their noc turnal rambles, and as they march they snip off and perhaps eat every protruding spear of grass or weed, keeping the path perfectly clean. When the path is buried in snow they still follow it on the surface and soon beat down a track. OPTOMETRIST 2 207 V\'. St. (’| pusttc I’(u {olVu ( Lenses Dupliciitfd-VVhiU* You wait in my home.** For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzi ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar ailments, Thedford’s Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. If you suffer from any of these complaints, try BLxk Draught. It is a medicine of known merit. Seventy live years of si^Iendid success proves its value. Good fur young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. [J6j] i « i a % it DR. JOS. K. HURDLE DENTIST Oftice in New Post-office B!dg. Mebane, C. J. H. VEkNON [Burlington. N, C, Attorney at Law The besi attention given to all matter entrusted to mv care. Dr. James H. McIntosh, a well known citizen of Columbia, S. C. whose life was attempted by assassination a few days past by some of Charles Blease's thugs is not dead, rather badly wounded. I Blease says he is sorry of the attack, but we don’t believe any of that, Blease knows that it is his mouth that has produced a condition in South Carolina that makes such things possible. It is a pity that there is not some way to gag him, but he plays j upon the credulity, and ignorance \ of a class that makes Blease possible. It seems that Mr. Huerta, the Mexican tyrant, was able to get out of his country safe and j sound, taking with him about three million dollars extorted from the Mexican people, a suf-1 ficient sum to keep him hobbling I along the remainder of his life | Huerta has not announced what he will make as his final desti-: , v ^ ,. V 1 rt • future bride by means of a nho- nation, but likely some European | tograph. This illustrates a difficulty from which the young Englishman la Husky's Occupation Going. A journey very much out of the or dinary is reported from Edmonton Canada, from which point five men sue ceeded in making an 800 mile automo bile trip to Peace River Crossing on or near Lesser Slave lake, a district usually regarded as subarctic, and certainly virgin country so far at automobile travel is concerned. A photograph from Edmonton shows the five men fishing in good old Hudson bay style through the ice of Lesstr Slave lake, with the automobile In the near distance. Couriers du hols usu ally engage in the latter operation to get fish for themselves and their dogs, but the automobile never starves—aa long as the fuel holds out. The jour ney probably was not difficult, for the trail undoubtedly has been broken. Still it is rather startling to think of an automobile running up almost into the wood buffalo and musk-ox coun try, but not more indicative of mod em progress than the rumor that reaches ua, of regulations to be laid down by the government relative to the crossing of the great Mississippi migratory bird belt by aeroplanes.-=- Forest and Stream. Going It Blind. Enver Bey got an idea of the looks What Ailed the Senate. | An old colored man from Virginia j h id received at last the position that j fultilled hla ambitions. He held the j job of sweeping the steps on the east j Side of the senate end of the capitol. Finding himself in this prominent place lie set about mastering the leg islative and parliamentary phrases that are batted about so ireeiy iti the senatorial presence. One day , a party of tuurists were disapiKJiuted when tUey tound, upon arriving at the capi tol. that the senate was not iu session. wonder what's the matter with the Kenatcrs today,” said a woman in the party to old Jonn. “I ain’t sartin,” he replied judicially, “but I spec’ dey done touK an abscess.”—Popular Magazine. F NASH ATTORNEY AT LAW PRACTICE IN ALL OGURTS M||^l c;nORO N. C. Poet’s Centenary. The centcnary of the association of the poet George C'rabbe witli the old parish church at Trowbridge, England, of which he was rector for nearly 20 years, is to be celebrated in the town. Crabbe, who wa« described by Byron I “Nature’s sternest painter, yet the Early Reformers. ( best,” exchanged a living in Leices- Once upon a time people wanted j tershire for that at Trowbridge alter state-w’de prohibition of coffee. In i the death of his wife in 1S13, and here his book, “I>ondon iu English Litera ture,” Mr. Percy H. Boynton says of the old coffee houses: ‘‘A« the num ber of them increased, broadsides ap peared against them. One was entitled, •The Wom'^n's Petition Against Cof fee,’ and it asserted that coffee drink ing encouraged idling and talkative ness, and led men to trifle away their time, scald their chops and spend their money, all for a little base, black, thick, nasty, bitter, nauseous puddla* wat... !”—Atlanta Conetltution. ForMe Three, five room house fo]- One four room house for On(^ four ro( m house for One three room house for $1250.0(; each $1,000 ^'850.00 - $750.00 All of these houses are close i/i to the business sec tion of Mebane/We also h;ive srmL' olioice sites for sale on easy terms. Mebane Re Trust Co Walter S. Crawford, Mgr, Office over Post Office j he wrote several of his works, includ- j ing “Tales of the Hall.” for which, i j and for ('arlier cop.' rights, Murraj' j paid him ^ir».000. Of these poems [ \Vord;r»vort>i ,, r>to in 1832: “They will I lai-'t^iuii us anything expressed I in verse. ’ Stops Neuralgia - Kills ‘ Pain Sloan’s Liniment jjivos ins^^aiit relief [ from Nonr.-iij^ia or Sciatica. It ^oes straight to the painful jiart-Soothcs the Scarcity of Boy Laborers. Nerves and Stops tlie Pain. It is also Boy labor 18 very scarce in New Zea. Sore Threat, and, and some D.snufacturers find girl j j, labor almost e.jually scarce. A mem- . , , - ! . i n ber of a tir- - o( baking powder manu- ‘‘ M''- J'- facturers in the Coininion advertised j Louisvillo, Ky., wtitcs, 1 unsuccesf illy a few months ago for jsuflercd with (|uito a seven' N(niral:^u' boys and girls, and had to employ ■ Headnehe for four nionts without any j adult labor instead. So precious are I relief. I used Sloar.'w Liniment for these young people, indeed, that it Is 'two or thrn‘ nights and I haven’t | found that the only way Is to take jpulTeied with mv bead since.” (let a boys when they are offering, usually | to-day. Keo|) in the house al! capitol. His brief rule in Mexico resulted in no good to the people. We should not have shed any tears if Villa had caught the old fellow before he got out of Mexico. free, but which is BometlmeB very amazing to the young Turk. He ought not to see his bride’s face until he has ftctu&lly married her, or &t th© very least until he ie betrothed. The young Iftdy, as Duckett Ferriman pointa out, can take a drive and get a glimpse of her suitor’s face out of doors. But her face should remain veiled from him, and, although he generally contrives to get an idea of her appearance, it cannot always be done. Mr. Ferriman mentions a high official’s son who was mortified at his wedding to find his bride a bi'unette, when he wanted a at the be^iinning of the year, and keep them through slack seasons. This particular firm gives boys straight from school $3 a week to start, and by the time they have been at the fac tory a year or 18 mouths they get $6. Hoys of fourteen in the boot trade in Npw^ Zealand get $3 a week to start ’vith. the timo for pains and all hurts. 25c nOc. and $1 00, at your Drujjgist. Kurklen’s Aruioa Salvo for all Sores. I*'ake Wt The governo.' organized nn av ; the gorillas, nnii * tji) 'lie Camtrons has : exp^clition against Tous bands of which Pouring Houses to Be Great Sport. Pouring houses, not pouring tea. Is going to be the great sport of wom en’s ciubs in the next decade, accord- have recently i.i\aded various parts of the colony, inllicting serious dam age on the proTiiiiy of planters. In two cases the : n’illas, armed w'ith clubs, made an attack on the bunga- ing to Mrs. Isa Maud Ilsen, lecturer i lows occupied by native employes. The frequency of freight wrecks on the Southern Railway is a source of large loss, but it seems there is no way to avoid it. There is a new cause every time. It matters not what the cost of 1 these wrecks the Southern ^ ~ does not give the amount nor hal* aoes It have a word of complaint. , doUar)—“Five flve-cent clgarB, and It is however, a serious tax upon i change.” Druggist-^“Biit, its resources to which the public ^ and only woman representative of Thomas A. Edison. And a pleasant time the guests are going to have," she said. “All they’ll have to do Is sit and watch a porch drip out here, a geegaw decoration there, or criticize the size of the refrigerator or the funny little window in the den. It won’t take moie than an hour.” Mrs. Ilsen is proud of tho fact that she is the only woman representative of the “Wizard.” She admits there are and killed one iiian a»jd wounded five others. For Sale 6 Three Room Houses. 1 Four Room House. 2 Six Room Houses Welllocated. Prices reasonable. Terms Cash . balance 1, 2 and 3 years. MEBANE LAND & improveh^ent go. W. E.^White, Sec’y & Treas. Mebane, N. C. 4 Southern Railway Premier Carrier of The South, [Make Your Own Paint! YOU WILL SAVE 60 cts. PER GAL. THIS IS HOW ■ $8.40 - 2.10 - $10.50 in Change in Winston-Salrm Kaloigh Pull man Car Line, EfFoctive Frid.ny, Juno 12, 1914, the 5,000 men who act .^orTim.'but~that 1 Present Winston-S.dom- Raloiyh Pull- does not diminish her glory. ] Line will lio rhan^od to Win ston- Salem- Beaufort- iMorehead City Pullman Car Line for the Summer never giyes a thought. Isn’t going to tliis tim#."'—Life. Laws of Physics. Caustic Calkina dropped his watoh Season, and will continue in efTect un- on the sidewalk. “Did it stop?” In- Saturday, August 22, 1914. queried Solicitous Jones. “As the flag- further information, reservations glng is tour inches thick,” replied communicate with, Calkins, “it did. But 1 think, if I get J. (). JONES, a heavier watch It may go through Traveling Passenger Agent, i Raleigh, N.C. next time.’ Buy 4 gals. L. & M. SEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT, - at ^2.10 per gal. And 3 gals, Liinseed Oil to mix with it - ^ou then make 7 gals, of pure paint for ^ It’s only $1.50 per gal. Anybody can mix the OIL with the PAINT, i Whereas, if you buy 7 gals, of ready-for-use paint ^CANS, you pay $2.10 a gah or $14.70. The L. Cf M. SEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT is PURE WHITE LEAD, .• ZINC and LINSEED OIL, the best-known paint materials for 100 years. Use a eal. out of any L.&M. PAINT you buy, and il not the best made» return the paint and get ALL your money back. FOR SALE BY MEBANE SUPPLY GO., MEBANE, N.G. |W. A. MABRY, DURHAM, N. G. Subscribe The Leader * LOG PE ♦ ♦ > ^ ■* Mr. J. ill [Durham Mrs. P3t| Gibsonvill^- Mrs. Vv ^ ' Burlington Mr. and A) {o Greensbo^ Mr. C. J. gpeiit btinflaj rs. • I\(>rth Wt^-t Mi's« Jeni Saturday Spvint^.^. i\ I aster -II (,[■ iia\(‘h Mattie Joiuil Mrs. F. l\\ i*en are • ‘I Mr. ai'i'i left Snun ia| in tiioc'Vnl I > -ij TharsvUiy i fvierid 'Mv" xMr. J, \ rpent Si.iiKi Mr. h»me rJniid: t \VO V. Mrs. .1 (\i’(?c nslioi-o few days \v Mips -Mill spei^di] rotiirned ho| Misses of Apex ; Minnie and Mrs. 11. children arol with relativ] Mrs. \l. Martha C1h| and Mr=5. W ville. Miss .•several tl-iJ parenis 'Ut\ Cheek. UV:i. J. 'l\ frievids in () ♦ 'OUVifry 101 turne d hoinl Mis;; Kat P.idgeville i\Iebane liol Lenora \\ aj ^liss Mar! .-1)0nt the Id with ]\liss rt'turninij: \\ Mr. Chai week at t| Ocean and othei' ]\ Mr. W'. Mebane i'j Sunday :ii'i in the inti Furnitur W-i[ chased 1h- brother his purp('s tired biur.t Miss Eui Ga., who past few \i Farm witq returned Miss employee was cailel Carthaa > announci her fatl;( Mrs. W is spend! husbands A. \V. ( never se( until a f Efland, making .hem.