7S ur.' - . ,, , Pn : ;ii *ui. IV!! '■ ‘ ‘n -M-inir; ‘ T\V:, ; . -^la.re •'Uii.iiryJ. ■ ■"' •*-- :Uh -‘ ■' h i r .r, ^ I ijving ii ^ ;". jg ' - J ; r - ■ ^ Ui - ' n, ' ^ t aud iu '■■ dri;.; - -1 i:,,3 -il- ptir- J aiii- A/Uiti. ‘O QUlNINt n«i! -'. l,AX-» It r bi>- nature ji ! y. SiMi, ' V aa. - ,.■ i-'i I'j \'B,ry • loi- in tlv; To -a : !-\Nuith’s iuiia us a ra:. eyes ^ ■ arlyle’s V. - re of a u \Niiii the tiLL gray- ■ '; .iicy. as ^ ed to the \ irjrinin . was taken t h olio. At ■ :tr.‘ morchant ' .i‘: rolio; ' • - d.V . 1'V\':> \ ' 1 rl.cuKi V i hout .'I I';"' ~nli' l‘V h indred tryiug to ■ o a^'d pret- sail Gazette a Uj reach It, :^ly I was eighty Vi 1%-jinedy ; Mi?mhorlain’3 fM fvprnedv' flani \v rite's, “i .V; out in the . rna: Ii ami - !dh;ul ■ ^ iiti s C'olic, i h «• ;y 1 couKi i I', 5) fpw ■ this remr* I’or in Air. . I invented a 75- m the air ? i: contact The ( immand- . .il stalf of • ; ' RGW shell , : liveness t’oitrfes3 ar ■ ucn artillery ’h* new iuven- rd -^ne value of ■ he missile ndardized and ii army meiL J I will get you up nice Letter Heads Note Heads Bill Heads Statements Envelops Circulars Cards We are here to answer for our work. ATRONIZE HOME NSTITUTIONS ADER OFFICE Cow Particular as to Its Tipple. A Tralee (England) farmer has a ^w which refuses to drink water sup plied in the ordinary way. Then she Is thirsty she leaves the field, goes to ft lane where there is a water tap, turns this on and takes a drink. The story is supported by photographs, and the cow is credited with turning the tap off after drinking. bran new :|AND MADE FOR YOU.’ iTNE McADOC HOTEL QREENSBORO, ]N. Refurnished and Made New from the bottom to the top. Refurnished. Repainted. Re- org:anized. The McAdoo is now under the personal management of the owner who has spent thousands of dollars in puttng it in first class condition. With the as sistance of trained and Capable hotel men the McAdoo is the llorno Like Hotel of Greensboro, the place you want to3sl:opr"°^”~ American and European plan. 1 want the traveling public to stop with me and 1 know each guest will be pleased. Centrally and conveniently located. I Wm. D. McAdoo Proprieror DO YOU KNOW That Farm-lands are cheaper in Orange County th^n in anyT other County in the State when the developements are considered? Do you know that the County is now. completing 100 miles of SAND CLAY roads? Why not write us about that FARM that you have been wanting to buy? We are sure to^ have something attractive to offer you, and on easy terms if necessary. It would surprise you to learn the number of people that have settled in Orange during the past year or two and a large number of them have come from surrounding counties too MONEY TO LEND IN LARGE AND SMALL AMOUNTS. ORANGE TRUST CO. Hillsboro, North Carolina. Famous Authors Once Sailors. Perhaps the most celebrated tors who started life as sailors ar€ Fenimoro Cooper, the famous author of the “Last of the Mohicans," Clark Russell, the author of “Alone on the Wide, Wide Sea,” and Frank BnUen, the author of “The Cruise of tlie Chalot.” This trio has made excel* lent use of the seafaring lore wblota only experience can give in thA long list of works for which they are r» fponslble. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Daye Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in€ to 14 day*. The iirat application gives Ease and Rest. SOc. w GOLD DOLLARS Are Always in Demand So Is The Charlotte-Semi-Weekly Observer Published Tuesdays and Fridays. The ^c?st semi-weekly newspaper in the Carolinas. Announcement: We have just closed a clubbing offer with The Charlotte Semi-Weekly Ob server so that our readers can get both papers at a very low rate. Here is the price: Ihe Semi'Weekly Observer $1 per year Mebane Leader $1 Subscription price of both $2 per year Special rate for both papers $1.50 year. This offer is f?ood only for New sub scriptions to The Semi-Weekly Obser ver, but our subscribers can renew to this paper and get the benefit of the Special rate. Now is the time to pay up your sub scription and subscribe for The Semi- Weekly Observer. Address all orders to THE Mebane Leader Mebane^ N. C. TRY US •and we will convince you that we have it'> in every style and color, and cut of ladies DRESS GOODS We carry the nicest that can be secured from the Northern markets, and will be glad to furnish you with samples by mail of any kind of fabric you may wish. We are sure we can please you. Ellis-Stone & Co. Durham, North Carolina Route of The “NIGHT EXPREST.” Foreman’s Gentle Hint. A gang of laborers was employed digging a mysterious ditch across the street. It was a sewer or a place to put a gas pipe or something. One man in particular was working as if he were a chorus man in a play, just going through the motions and pre tending to dig a ditch. The foreman came along and spoke to him. “Don’t be afraid,” he said, with rich sarcasm “Lean on th’ shovel now an* thin. II It breaks FU pay for Itl" Don't Blame Us If you fail to call at our store to get a neat fit ting, serviceablo shoe. We have them and will take pleasure in waiting on you. it is the shoe you will like, the shoe that will please you to the end. Don^t forget the J. M. Hendrix & Co. Greens boro, N. C. Eggs. You’re Bihous and Costive Sick Headache, Bad Breath, Sour stomach. Furred Tongue and Indiges tion, Mean Liver and Bowels clogged. Clean up to-night. Gftt a 25c. bottle of Dr. King’s New Life Pills to-day and empty the stomach and bowels of fermenting, gassy foods and waste, A full bowel movement gives a satisfied, thankful feeling—makes you feel fine. Effective, yet mild. Don’t gripe. 25(\, at your Druggist. Bucklens Arnica Salve for Burns. j Pure Strain Black Minorca I Rhode Island Eggs 15 for $1.00. I F. W. Graves. and Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard areneral strengthening tonic, GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria.enriches the blood.andbuilds up the sys tem. A true tonic. For adults and children. 50g Dicker Hardly Possible After That. In the haymarket one afternoon a couple of farmers stopped to talk crops and horses. “Are you in the market for a good horse?” asked one. "Always ready to dicker,” the other answered. "Ever see that little bay mare of mine?” “I think I know the critter.” “Hbw'd you like to own her? She’s yours at rock-bottom price.” Gathering up his lines pre* para^ry to leaving the spot, the other farmer replied: “Well, John, I’d buy her this morning, but 1 hate to bust a dollar.'* Ancient Alphabet. The ancient Arabic alphabet con sisted of 24 letters, to which four more have since been added. The Turkish consists of 33, the Russian of 89, the Spanish of 27, the Italian of 20, the Latin of 22 anfl the French of 23 letters. Book Windows. Books are the windows througl Which the soul looks out. A home without books is like a room without windows. No man has a right to bring up his children without surrounding them with books, if he has the means to buy them. It is a wrong to hi* family. He cheats them! The love oJ knowledge comes with reading, an(5 grows upon it. And the love of knowl edge, in a young mind, is almost a war rant against the inferior excitement oJ passions and vices.—Henry Wari Beecher. Korean Postage Stamps. Korea displays the plum blossom on her stamps. It is the royal flower i of her last dynasty—a dynasty which 1 reigned for 500 years, until the Jap anese wrested it away. TRY MEBANE’S TARAXACUM COMPOUND For Stomach, Boweii and Liver troubles. A half a century of public ap proval is behind it. For sale by, Mecca Drug store and Mebane Drug Company. Has Yous Child Worms? Most children do. A Coated, Furred Tongue; Strong Breath; Stomach Pains Circles under Eyes; Pale, Sallow Com plexion; Nervous, Fretful; Grinding of Teeth; Tossing in Sleep; Peculiar Dreams—any one of these indicate Child has worms. Get a box of Kicka- poo Worm Killer at once. It kills the Worms-the cause of your childs con dition. Is Laxative and aids Nature to expel the Worms. Supplied in candy form. Easy for children to take. 25c., a t your Druggist. SK0U1.0 U >£ # Nature’s Adjustment. In the case of all fish which take care of their young, a curious adapta* tlon of natural law to circumstances is found. Those which take the great* est pains and care in sheltering their offspring have the fewest eggs, per haps less than one hundred at a lay, while on the other hand, species of fish which pay not the slightest atten tion to their young produce hundreds I of thousands, and even millions of I efgB, at a single lay. Tiie Bost Remody §-'oiP ali forms of Rheumatism LUMBAGO. ^iATlGA, GOUT. NEURALCIA. iiND KIDNEY TROUBLES. O'S- i- ' /_/. .T v. g'A'Sntst I .Sc w - H Travel via Raleigh (Union Station) and Norfolk Southern Railroad, to and from all points in Eastern North Caro lina. Electric-Lighted Sleeping Cars be tween. RALEIGH AND NORFOLK. In effect February 1, 1914. N. B.—The following schedule figures are published as information only and. are not|guaranteed. LEAVE RALEIGH 9:30 p. m. Daily—“Night Express,” Pullman sleeping-car for Norfolk. 6:00 a. m. Dailj for Wilson, Washing ton, and Norfolk'-Broiler parlor car service between Chocowinity and Norfolk. 6:00 a. m. Daily except Sunday for New Bern via Chocowinity. 3:00 p. m. Daily except Sunday for Washington. 7:30 a. m. Daily for Varini, Duncan, Star, and Charlotte. 7:40 a. m. DaL'y for Varina, Lillington and Fayetteville. 5:50 p. m Daily for Fayetteville. 10:00 p. m. Daily for Varina, Durcan, Star, Norwood, and Charlotte ARRIVE RALEIGH. From Norfolk, Elizabeth City, Wash ington, Wilson, Greenville. 7:15 a. m. Daily. 11:28 a. m. daily ex cept Sundav. 8:40 p. m. daily. From Charlotte 1:30 p. m. and 5:35 a. m. daily. From Fayetteville, 10 a. m. and 4:50 p. m. dailv. LEAVE GOLDSBORO. 10:25 p. m. Daily—“Night Express*’— Pullman sleeping car for Norr folk from New Bern. 6:50 a. m. Daily—For Beaufort and Norfolk-Parlor car between New Bern and Norfolk. 6:50 a. m. Daily for New Bern,Oriental and Beaufort. For further information and reserva tion of Pullman sleeping car space, apply to S. K. Adsit, T. P. A., of B. W. Brannon, City Ticket Xftent, Bland Hotel Annex, Raleigh. N. C. E. D. KYLE, Traffic Manager. Norfolk Va. H. S. LEARD, Gen, Pass. Agt Norfolk, Virginia. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve for Cuts, Burns, Sores Mr. S.E, Loper, Marilla, N.|Y writes: “I have never had a Cut, Burn, Wound or Sore it would not heal,” Get a box of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve to-day. Keep handy at times for Burns, Sores, Cuts, Wounds. Prevent Lockjaw. 25c., at your Druggist. Mother Kangstroo'e Bravery. During a severe drought in a cen tain sectioa of Australia, the owner ol a country station was sitting one eve» ning on the porch when he saw • kangaroo lingering about, alternately approaching and retiring from th« house, as If half in doubt and feat what to da At length she approached the w» ter palls, and, taking a young one from her porch, held It to the watei to drink. While her baby was satisfying itl thirst the mother was quivering all over with apprehension, for ehe was but a few feet from the p(nrch whert one of her foes was watching her. The baby having finished drinking^ It was replaced in tbe pouch and tho old kangaroo set off at a rapid pace. The spectator was no much imprem^ Od by the astonishing bravery of tbo affectionate mother that he made a row—and kept It—never again to ilkoot a kangaj^M. PNEUMONIA left me with a frightful cougb aud very weak. '1 had spells when 1 could hardly breathe or speak for 10 to 20 minutes. My doctor could not help me, but I was completely cured by DR. KING'S New Discovin Mrs. J. E. Coz, Joliet, Bl. 60c AND $1.00 AT ALL ORUQGISi J

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