mr bar- B 3fSS*Tl 1 Ah^i'.ano he most li- eiii- ‘Ii'hl. \LE eloH: A. M. I Hear V iii'hett’s ir1 and ha\, 1 o\v, two farm n impii^inent?, double .'-eated 9 ’o],] all of the 01 the N3. NS i»; J low cost. \\p liUild at low Id ' - i-hborhood, iHj. and fine ERE made Id l^oyn If Jadies n price N II local and PERSONAL J. T. Dick spent Monday in Gvs'Asm^' Mr. T. M. Cheek spent Mon day in CJreensboro. Mr. Jim Bob Hawkins spent Sunday in Mebane. Miss Emmie Snyder spent Sun day in Greensboro. Mr. Joe White went up to Jamestown to see his wife. Mrs. .lohn Davis spent Satur day in Burlington shoppin^r. yirs. Arthur White is very sick at her home on 5th street. Don’t forget the Flower Show Friday morning, noon and night Come and bring your friends Dr. J. M. Thompson went over to Winston-Salem Saturday to see the Caroiina-Davidson foot ball game The fourth quartely conference for the North Alamance Charge convenes at Haw Kiver on Sun day night Nov. 8th at 7:30 o’clock. All the church efficials are urged to be present. There will not be any service at the Methodist Church on the 2nd Sunday night in Nov. as the pastor will be at Haw River attending the quarterly meeting. The Mebane Real Estate & Trust Co., change their adver tisement this week. They offer you bargains in real estate, both town property and farmland. Mrs. Sam Morpn and children j Jack Scott of Graham is spriit Satuilay m Graham. | yigjtjng. daughter Mrs. J. llev. Mr. Stubbins of Chest-i Mel Thompson „„t Ri.le:e was in town Monday. | ^r. F. F. Smith spent Sunday Mr. Tom Crutchfield is spend-1 at Elon College with his brother. Messrs. Ben Mays, George \m a few days with his family. Mesdames. Charles Grant and Frt^l Norwood spent Friday in Hnrlington Miss Mary Hooker of Durham the' giiost of Mrs. W. W. Cor- Mrs (Jeo. Wyatt was called to i\w beilside ol her mother Wed- iiesday. Miss Pattie Jobe and Mrs. HuRh Smith spent Wednesday Isley and Jim Garrison of Bur lington came down Sunday eve ning to see Misses Sue Mebane, Lassie Watkins and Ruth Thomp son Miss Emma Harris is visiting friends in Kock Hill, S. C. Hawfield’s Fair The fair that was held at Hawfields last Friday was in every way a success. There were so many things on exhibit, and they were so attractive that is almost impossible for us to at tempt vo enumerate them. There could be found on exhibit almost anything that one would see at a regular county fair. The peo ple deserve great credit for this elaborate exhibition. We need more of such occasions as this in Alamance County. Coming to gether on these occasions im bibing the ideas of others, tends to draw the people in closer touch —a better appreciation of each other. There is no better stimulus to a community. We might add in this little write-up of this article that we were especially impressed with the live stock exhibition. The day has dawned upon the people of North Carolina that they should lay greater stress on improvinsT our domestic animals. We can see no necessity of the people going West to buy live stock when they can b^ raised more cheaply than can be bought in the W'est, and from the stock that w'as shown at Hawfield’s last Friday the people of thai section are awake to the fact and therefore shows the logic of our contention. Mr. Tom Richmond and family hav^ moved to Mebane and will | live at Mr Jim Dicks old home place Mr. L. Puryear was called to Richmond, Va., last Thursday by the death of his step mother Mrs. B. Puryear The Book Club will meet with Mrs. S Arthur WhHe next Thurs day at 3 o’clock Mrs Clark, mother of Mrs F W Graves returned to her home in Weldon Tuesday Porterr’ieid House. Large and commondious, modern | conveniences, well furnished rooms, courteous servants and g^enteel ac comodation from officers. Rates are moderate in consistency with a good American plan hotel. J. H. Porterfield, Prop* Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard sreneral strengrthenine tonic, GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria.enriches the blood.andbuilds uptbe sys tem. A true tonic. For adults and children. SOc FRESH FRESH MEATS! MEATS! Rev. A. I. Caudle of Louisville i We have just received a copy! I Ky, who has been conducting a | of the annual report of the South- | j meeting for ten days in Golds-(f^^ili*oacl Company. One will ! boro at the Second Baptist church! hy examining this report up-to-date in but he will in Huiiington TA T- 1 ♦ • -I- 1 stopphd over in Mebane between 'T- ^ trains to visit his father-in-law herduughterMrs. Ned Brannook | at Elon IViss Hattie Hodge left Satur day for Chapel Hill where she will teach tnis fall Dr. N. D. York spent Monday with his daughter, Mrs. Ned Brannock, Mr. William York continues very ill at his home north of Mebane Mesdames Ben Warren and Walter Malone spent Thursday in Durham shopping. Mr. Al. W. Ferguson spent several days this week in Dan ville on business. Mrs. R. W. Bright returned home from a visit to relatives in Cary and Apex, Mrs. Gallaspie of Creedmoore spent Saturday and.Sunday with Miss Jennie Lasley. Mrs. T. B. Pettigrew is Tery siek, and has a trained from Durham with her. last Thursday. that it is not only every particular, ijifer the Southern is one amon^ the best railroad comiianys in the United State?. Hallowe’en Party. The Junior Philathea Clas f the M. P. Church gave a Hal lowe’en party at the home of Mr Jim Jobe, Friday night. A silver offering was taken at the door. , Those who did not attend sent j their offerings. I Many games were played and I a delicious fruit course was j served. They all enjoyed the j evening very much. We carry thebesthne of both home made and western meats of any market in town. We furnish our customers with what they ask for. Give us your next order. SMITH & SYKES MEBANE, N. C. Mebane Operators This writer does not know [ personally who any of the opera tors are in the telephone office, but there is one thing that we do know, and that is we get good and efficient service. We have heard a great many people cuss- sing telephone operators, and nurse}truly there are some operators j who deserve cussing, but it is a ■Misses Jennie and Flora White {settled fact that the giris who attended the fair at Hawftelds! work in the telephone office at Mebane do not need abuse We ! can vouch for one thing and that OUR FALL STOCK OF SHOES ARE IK And they embrace some of the prettiest it is pos sible to make. Come and see us and let us show you around, we are quite sure we can please you in price and quality. Remember it is PRIDGEN & JONES DURHAM, tmmmmmammm NORTH CAROLINA. High School Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wilkinson i jg they have been courtly and Miss Mary Patton attended j obliging to the Leader office, the'fair at Hawfields High School | g^ as they continue to give such faithful service they Mr. Marion Nicholson, who is will not be abused from the staff in school at Elon College, was at | of the Leader. hime for a few days last week. We imagine that being an VI. A V n operatorof thiskindmustbenot f 1 with!only a nerve-racking vocation, pent a ew .lays ,n Mebane with | his daughters Mesdanaes Ray and I had their ♦ I unhappy duty to perform we Mr. Frank Cheek, who is a j cussout the whole business student at Elon College, spent a [ ^^jt^ When you call fora few days with his father last | don't try to snap the I operator’s head off' but treat her Born to Dr. and Mrs. J. M. I like she was humane and we can Thompson Sunday morning a j assure you that she will be son, mother and son doing nicely. I dutiful and kind to you. She •• ni 1 i can’t help it because the line is M«s V,r«,n.a Clark of Dur-j because the person’s lr.,,T . M T I phone of whom you are calling Strand parents, Mr. and Airs. i. , n t ttt „„„^ t-Vinf M. CheeW ' order. We repeat tnat I the 3^oung ladies who work in Miss McDougal of Statesville j ^re all right and we l^ft Wednesday evening for home j g^^ould be appreciative. after a visit to Mrs. W. W. | — Corbett Miles and Smith Began moving in their new brick store Monday. In addition to their line of feed stuff, flour, and smoked meat, they will keep a market for the sale of fr^sh m.e.ats, and will endeavor to keep a nice supply on hand. Smilii & Miles Mebane, N. C. Miss Mattie Ham of Chapel Hill spent Saturday and Sunday 'vith her brother, Mr. W. E. Ham. Misses Sue Mebane, Lassie Watkins, Ruth Thompson, Mr. S. Clark, Dr. Hurdle and Dr. Baynes spent Friday afternoon in Burlington attending the cotton f^iiir Ball Game. In the baseball game that was played last Fridav between the Hawfields team and the Mebane Graded School team, resulted in a score of 12 to 11 in favor of the Mebane Graded School. How ever, we should think .we were fortunate in making a single score under the circumstances. Listen Friends, WE ARE serving others satisfact orily; why can we not have the pleasure of serving you also? Place your funds with us and we will extend you every accommodation and courtesy consistent with sound banking'. Yours to serve, GOMMEBGIAL anil FARMERS BANK MEBANfi, N. C. W. A. MURRAY, President JAS. H. LASLEY. Vice-President S. G. MORGAN, Cashier W. s. HARRIS, Assi'^tanl Cashier We Pay 4 per cent, on Time Certificates and Savings Accounts. Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent Si ^ ^ '-Si ^ 'I®' W ^3 We Are In The Ring Wich the best it is possible to buy for our patrons. We keep a general stock, but it is a select stock, and it embraces all classes of goods demanded by vast trade. Whether shoes, hats clothing. our dry goods, notions, or farm see us. supplies. Come and H. W. & J. G. WEBB I HILLSBORO, N. C. Ready ForY ou With a|full line of everything you may need to furnish your house v/i th, From the Kitchen to the Parlor, bed rooms and all. It is the nicest, and sold at a most reasonable price. If the money is not convenient we will give you time. Will treat you right. Green & McClure GRAHAM, N. C. CALL ON us When in need of Groceries, fancy and staple 1^’resh fruits and produce. Feed stuff, etc. We carry the |Best Quality At Low Prices| Give us a trial ordei J, M. Rimmer WE FIT YOUR FEET However difficult it may be to get the shoe that will give you comfort we carry and have with us some shoe fitters that will give you perfect satisfaction. Call and let us demonstrate to you that we can give you a perfect fit, a pretty shoe at moderate price. . M. Hendrix.& Co. Greensboro, N. C. ^ Subscribe to The Mebane Leader Mebane, N. C. Phone No. 78. 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