THOSEWHOCOME AND, GO, SOME YOU KNOW^ SOME YOU DO> AND %NOT KNOW. The Mebane Tobacco Market is cominj^ some-50,00a lbs . sold here Wedaes-'day for gooet- pricesT Bring your tobacco to Mebane and watch your bank account grow. Mr. John Harrell spent Sunday with his family at Mt. Airy. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Carr spent Sunday in Durham. Mr, William Lloyd, of Chapel Hill spent the week end with his daughter^ Mrs. L. A. Crawford Miss Lenora Walker spent the week end with relatives at W^hit- sett, N, C. Mr. Colen Spencer left Satur day to visit his mother at Ashe- boro. Mr. H. C. Thornton left Tues day to visit his brother in Greens boio. Mrs. W. E. Swain’s many fi’iends are glad to know she is very much better. Mr Albert Florence was in Me bone Tuesday with a nice load of tobacco. Tlie many friends of Mr. W’^al- t(‘r Dillard will be glad to know lie is improving. i\Ir. Charles Terrell, of Dan ville stopped over in Mebane Mor day enroute to Hemingway. S. C. Miss Georgia Garrison, of Bis- liopsville, S. C., is visiting her sister Mrs. G. S. Sharpe. Mrs. L. E. Atwater, of Burling ton. visited relatives here Satur day and Sunday. I\Irs. Katie Jones spent the week end with her sister at Hills 1)01‘0. Tvlrs. A. M. Cook and niece Miss Sudie left Friday for Hurdle’s Mills to visit Mrs. Cook’s parents ■\h‘. and Mrs. Blackard. Mr. C. L. Malone left Tuesday morning for Asheville to enter iho famous Bingham School where h'-^ will be the Star pitc'her 1‘or the team, this season. Mr. W. M. Miles who has been running a warehouse at Smith- field is back at Mebane with the Planters Warehouse and will be glad to have his friends call on him*. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Cooper, of Cedar Grove, have moved to Me- ^»ane. Mr. Cooper is one of Orange county’s best farmers and Mebane people are glad to have them living among them. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bingham of Duluth Minn., who have been visiting their aunt Mrs. J. H. Fowler left Saturday for home. Air. Bingham is a descendent of thr) fiamous Bingham family of this State and was raised here where he and Mrs. Bingham have many friends who regret ted to see them leave. Mebane’s popular Haberdasher Mr. J. S. Clarke is having a ten days sale and would be glad to have you come in and see his bar- i^ains. It will mean much to yau to see the nice and valuable bargain Mr. A. P. Long is offering at his ton day’s sale which is now go ing on. Mebane challenges hard times. It was as sweet strains of mu- *ic to our ears to hear the shrill noise of the whistles, the manu facturing establishments of Me bane on Monday morning the 18, when every one in town resumed operation. It created a new feel ing in the atmosphere of the town, the whir of the machinery as it is operated by ’he operators the going to and fro of the work ers to their work, makes a pleas ant sensation to those that earn 1 heir bread by public work. Such are the greatest enemies of hard times. Cheer up Mebane, you posess the elements of greatness 1^1^ vour shoulder to the wheel >1 prosperty and good times will ushered in and bad ones ex- l>elled. T.agic Death In Union Monroe. Jan, 13.—One of the most tragi«r deaths that has occurred in Un ion county, was that of Mrs. Virgie Ht'lms, wife of Thomas Helms, Satur day. The account of the unfortunate young mother, who was found lying in the yard with hor infant crawling over the body, has just reached Monroe. At the time of the death Mr. .Helms was not at home, and the body was not found until a neighbor, Marvin Gordon, passing, saw it lying in the yard. On going into the yard. Mr. Gordon found the tnree little children of the dead mother, playing, and on asking them what was the matter with iheir mother they replied that “they didn’t know.” On futher examination, Mr. Gordon found the body cold. It was supposed that the mother, on crossing the yard, was stricken with heart failure. Mrs. Helms was 25 years old, and a member of Corinth Baptist church. A telegram was received here yester day announcing the death of A. W. Baker in Tiftson, Ariz. The massage came to the local Royal Arcanum lodge, of which Mr. Baker is a member. Mr. Baker went to Arizona several years ago hoping that the climate >ivould be bencficial. Mr. Baker was a son of the late Wellington Baker and a native of Buford township. He was unmarried. Mrs. McClain’s Experience With Croup ■‘When my boy, Ray, was small he was subject to croup, and T was al va>s alarmed at such times. Chnmber-lain’s Cough Remedy proved far better than ai'v other for thirf troubl^. It always relieved him qnicklv. ] am never without it id the house for I know it is ,i positive cm’e for croup,” writes Mrs. VV. R. McClain, Blairsviile, Pa. For sale by Mebane Drug Co NOTICE Lost Dog English Pointer Brown spotted with end of tail cut olf. If found please notify me. Dr. J. H. ilurdlo. Chamberlain’s C o u g h Remedy' -The Mother’s Favorite. “1 give Ch:tmberlain’s Cour^h Rem edy to my children when they have cold-; o;- 0.011,lijhs,” writes Mrs. Verne Shaffer, Vandergrifc, i a. It always helps them and is far superior to any olher cough medicine I have used. 1 advise anyone in need of sach a medi cine to give it a trial.” For sale by Mebcine Drug Co. Prompt Action Will Stop Vour Cough. When you first catch a Cold (often indicated by a sneeze or cough,) break it up at once. The idea that “It does not matter” often leads to serious complications. The remedy which immediately and easily penetrates the lining of the throat is the kind.demanded Dr. King’s New Discovary soothes the irritation, loosensthe phlegm. You feel better at once. “It seemed to reach the very spot of my Cough” is e of many hone^te&timonials. 50c. i i your Druggist. , Sick Headache.- Sick headache is nearly always causedxby disorders of the stomach. CorrecFthVnT’^d the periodic attack will disappear. Mrs. John Bishop of Roseville, Ohio, writes: “About a year ago I was troubled with indigestion and had sick headache that lasted for two or three days at a time. I doctor ed and tried a number of remedies but nothing.helped me until durirg one of those sick spells a friend advised me to take [^Chamberlain’s Tablets. This medicine relieved'me in’a short time.” For sale by MebanelDrug Co. Doni Faii J’.fS I have the rnost s > hne of Candies, R.ai3in«. Apples and a getter;:! !. • . of any ma.i in town. i;. i [ ; excellent CA is proof that need^ nu c. u meuL Sub-i fitantial goods and poKl e ; i is our motto. jOBE mi Mebane, ISi. fc:;:: -■ ■■■■ ': ■ , 7^ 5! i -vTvS- Vonc P V oyl:^ is Ao ;£-c^:'v,=ays, “Jrri || tlie I liave {j ever ■ sscl — so * soft ?nd won- j floii'.-’ly a cl h e - | sive." j WANTED Everywhere To Sell Madame Du Four’s which is prepared in four colors And Tt\'o Sizes. 25c & 50c PER BOX. Send 2c stamp for sample. De partment D. The Du Four Co.,Wash., D.C. How To Give Quhi2no To Chk'r^r-; - FEERILINE is thetrade-mnrk •civpu tc improved Quinine. It is a T?.sLelt:r:> .syr:i o, ^>11; : ant to take and does not dislu- b ^ rto iu. Children take it and never know it is Quinir.:;. Also especially adapted to adults wlio c;.Li:; !: take ordinary Quinine. ?Joen not iiaus-e^te i •“ cause nervousness ucrringriti^ iu the hea«l. Try it the next time yon nep'^ Ou-> ine for any pv ~- pose. Ask for 2-onnce ori -in;.I package. ‘ f* name F£BR11,IKS is blowti 1x1 25 You Receive What You Give Every man depends on the quantity of sense, wit or good manners he brings into society for the reception he meets within it.—Hazlitt. HORNER MILITARY SCHOOL Charlotte, N. C. Spring Term begins January IGth. New students may enter Jan. 5 with out extra cost. APPLY FOR ILLUS TRATED CATALOGUE. UGH! CALOMEL MAKES YOU SICK. DONT STAY BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED “Dodson’s Liver Tone” Will Glean Your Sluggish Liver Better Than Calomel and Can Hot Salivate. Calomel makps yon sick; you lose a day’s work. Caloinol is quicksilver and it salivati’s; caJomel injures your livor. If you are bilious; fool lazy, sluggish and all knocked out. if your bowols arc constipatod and your head aclios ‘ or stomach is sour, just take a spoonfid of harmless Dodson’s Liver Tone instoal of using sickening, salivating oahmiel. Dotlson’s Liver Tone is real liver medi cine, You’ll know it next morning be cause you will wake up feeling liiu*. your liver will bo working, your head ache and dizziness gone, your stomach will Iw sweet and l)o\vels rt^ular. You will feel like working. You’ll bo che*r- ful; full of energy, vigor and ambition. Your druggist or dealer sells you a 50 cent bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone under my personal guarantee that it will clean your sluggish liver bettor than nasty calomel; it won’t make you sick and you can eat anything you want without being salivated. ^ our druggist guarantees that each spoonful will start your li\or, clean your bowels and straighten you up by morning or you get your money back. Children gladly take Dodson’s Liver Tone because it is j)leasant tasting and doesn’t gripe or cramp or niak? them sick. T am selling millions of bottles of Dodson’s Liver Tone to people who have found that tin's pleasant, vegetable, liver medicine takes the place of dangerous calomel. Buy one bottle on my sound, ndiable guarantee. Ask your druggist about rue. Your Cold is Dangerous break It Up—Now A Cold is readily catching. A run down system islsuseeptible to Germs. You owe it to yourself and to others of your household to fight' the’tGerms at once. Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-Honey is fine for Colds and Coughs. It loosens tlie Mucous, stops the Cough and soothes the Lungs. It’s guaranteed. Only 25c. at your Djuggist. LOST A large black dog setter tan under jaw both hind legs bull ticked end of tail white. $10 00 reward for the returd of this dog to Leader office, Mebane, N. C. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contams the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. SO cents. _ Nothing 100 Sscr d. I am not prepared to nc-niit that there is, or can be, prc'.' vi- a3 ’n In the world anything Ji c i ■ n s.,. cred to be knov.n.—Bro' ' ; r. H M |i ^i i i tJr .J : We do Mi Printmg COLDS & LaGRIPPE 5 or G doses 660 will break any case of Chills & Fever, Colds & LaGrippe; it acts on the liver better than Calomel^ and does not gripe or sicken. Price 25c. YOU 1 ■-! ■ ONEY We will traue you cii- and will givs you by 1 Got to do it, you kriOVv, her MONEY. HERE are a i'ew of our ■: the After—Christmas Hats, Caps, Shirts, ilai'db': nelsom=.ka;i Natural Thing to Do. “Say, Chimmie, what yer suppose dat guy Aladdin did when he rubbed his lamp and er’ palace sprung up?” “He rubbed his lamps ter se if he wasn't dreamin’, o’ course.”—Boston Transcript. SUBSCRIBE TO THE LEADER Keep it Handy For Rheu matism No use to squirm and wince and try to wear out your Rheumatism. It will wear you out instead. Apply some Sloans Liniment. Need rot rub it in- just let it penetrate all through the affected parts, relieve the sorenes and draw the pain. You get eafe at once and feel so much better you want to go right out and fell other sufferers about Sloan’s. Get a bottle of Sloan’s Liniment for 25 cents of any druggist and have it in the house—against Colds Sore and Swollen Joints, Lumbago, Sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it does give almost instant relief. Buy a bottle to-day. It is SO good, good for the headache PRESTONS BEST GENGERALE Guaranteed cure for indigestion Preston Best Hoot Beer is good for your health, made* from pure water Delivered at your door. LISTEN money, :':fi bargain. •'/ANT THE ' ■.ILUES ^or J- '.c!i»?s -Shues, . --tc. ... - WE ARE serving others satisfactorily; .. i,y serving you also? Place your funds iu'; accommodation and courtesy consistent v, ; :: i:'n y/cr !!■;!, h ;'’e iijc plOc i'Ure of r ■: ; v/c wiil y;ai every Commercial and yr: :i " jr i MEBAlsE, N, W. A. MURRAY, President. JAS. li. LASL[-:\ s. G. MORGAN, Cashier ^V. We Pay 4 per cent, oxi Time Cortifici.l-i; ; r.;; Safety^ Deposit ,:or 'ro'ident Casliie: Ai\s You a Woman? w Ganlui , The Woman’s Tonic FOR SALE AT AU DRU66ISn^ F NASH attorney at law PRACTICE IH ALL COURTS HILLSBORO N. C. SGHIFFMAN'S Magnificent Holiday Stock is now ready for your inspection. Cameo Goods, Rings La Vallieres Pendants Chains Bracelets Watch Bracelets Bar Pins Coat and Vest Chains Bead and Pearl Necklace Umbrellas Hat Pins Barnettes Hankerchief Holders Silver Vanity Cases Silver Card Cases Silver Cigarette Cases Link Buttons . Fobs Lockets Leather Goods We extend a cordial invitation to visitor Mail orders promptly filled. SHIFFMAN JEWELRY CO. ^OPPOSITE McADO HOTEL GREENSBORO, N. C. 'T 'V, i 0NE7 mmi HOUSE One block from C'raded School. M. .JL iii. CM i W. E. White, Sec’y & Treas. iVlebane, N. C. Excelsior. “You can never tell these days,” re marked the man in the armchair, “where the uplift will bob up next. Every time there are several consecu tive days of/ain and gloomy weather I expect to read how a committee of earnest persons has got together and organized d. Society for the Promotioa of Higher Barometric Conditions/' Getting Up. When you find an unwillingness to rise *n the morning, make this short speech to yourself: “I am getting up now to do the business of a man; and am I out of humor for going about that which I was made for?. . . . Was I then designed for nothing but to doze and batten beneath the coun* terpane/’^Marcus AureUus. INSURAN I carry a full line of the strong-ost coinij.'rinies for fire, life, and health, insurance. Anything- in the insurance-line. Rates reasonabl. When, needing anything in the iiisurance line sea G s