-■ rr\ LEADER And Right The Day Must Win, To Dcmbt Would Be Disloyalty, To Falter Would Be Sin.” Volumn 7 MEBANE, N. C., THURSDAY^ MAY 6H, 1915 Number 11 Just received at Neslon Kayj and Co. a nice line of NA^arner’s ('orsets. Ladies, mens and chi!-; dren'^ spri ig and summer hos- i lerv, and a lot oi' other nDtions. Mebane Graded School Closes The Meb»ne Graded school closed last BIG WAR GONTRtCTSiTHE DOVE OF PEACE TAKEN RUFFLED* lOVE. The Lobbyist iiave you forgot tliat you owe L:it‘ Leader man for subscriptior. ik- is tliinking about yOu. ; Friday. j The exercise of the high school be-' j gan last Sunday was one week ago and j continued through to Friday night. ' I This was the first attempt of a com- i Shells and Cartridge Caes ■ mencement exclusively by the high i The Atrerican liocomotive Compf»ny announces thal it has contracted to Concern With Factory at Will Make Tit and get this idea in your! worked well mind that J. S, Clarice stanc s' for .something nice to wear. Just in some of the newest weaves of sii’nmtr suits, nice line ties, hats ;in^i slioes. Just Remliiding You H. K. Winlkinson and Co. are minding .vou that they have it. it even went beyond the ex-; manufacture 2,5000,000 shells, half pectation of the people. Every boy i shrapnel, half high explosive, the work and girl did theiv part well. Tiiey de- j to be divided between its plants at Rich s.'rve great credit *or the unique n:ian- i mond and at Dunkire, N. Y. Another ner in which they conducted the con.- | contract, it was stated, covers an order •c a i in this issue, full line of uies select dress goods, men l ladies shoes, always on hand irst class line of fresh family I Civvies. mencement, we wish to say also that j for several million cartridge cases. Ap- the Marshals and managers too de-1 proximately 1,000 extra men will be ser /e credit for the excellent order | employed at Richmond. Officers of they maintained. Prof. Deese loo de- company declined to say from whom these orders were received. Special machinery will be installed at the local serve great commendation for the good school he has kept this year. Those who won medals and prizes j for this work. are as follows, Debaters medal Mr. ' . ^ . Sam Long. Declaimers medal Mr. Sam' ThcrC WaS Nothing — j Long, Recitation medal Miss Lenora I Again^t the Girl Scwini;- Machine Supplies medals were won by ' Mi-ss Pauline Nicholson and Master Edgar Farrell. The medal that was given for the best student was wor by Wiien you need sewing- mach- iiii- supplies remember that the .' uppiy Company liave a full line (li new ones just in, See them. But still people wagged their heads They spoke of her as “the girl who was talked h.l.out,'’ and the subtile Miss Mary Rimmer. The medal thal j I reproach of it bung was given for neatness and attendance i ! through her girlhood. about her all There is a girl Bt'land Items 1 was won by Miss Frances Singielon. j i’he Greek history prize was won by AtltM’ a pleasant visit tO their | [y^r. Sam Long. The prizes that w^as [larents, Mr. and Mrs# D. S. offered by Prof. Eeese for the best . laves near Efland Messrs Os- . aid and Edgar Mav**s left here | Wednesday for Savanah, Ga. to i ^vacholson I like her in almost ev°ry town—and no ! one can measure the bitter sorrow that I is cauoed because beople who have j nothing to talk about still persist in ! talking J^omftimes the girl aowieves her vin- An Entirly New .Applica- iofanOld, Sweet Subject It Should Have Attention A lohbyisl is a (jnii-i tnaii who takes j It, is a notorijus fact that the re- the k-gislatoi- aside, out at’ Ihe ilraught p^istration book for the record ot voters and gives him some eloquent arguments . • • i i i- • n* u ^ ^ .. 1 II ‘ municipal election in Mebane lobbiiists l^^sn properly kept in the past. for or agfiinst a hill. Thert- are many kinds of One of the great men of the worid Ihoy use many kinds of arguments^ \ ou are told it you \oted at the last has said, snd all tru^v great perso'^s concur with him that love is the greit- .. , , him, and some m^•ke every etroil to: Etelglans lnvit««l to Plat form at The Hague Treat- ea Coully By Qermans. i est thin* m the woi-w. aii ihe At a peace Conference at the Hague | scale that outshines all other ■ teach of want Netherland last Taturday, at the Inter national peace Confere 'ce. At the instance of Hr. Augsburg, of Munich, the entiie Belgian delegation was invited to the platform. They were welcomed by the chairman, Mis.= Jane Addams, cf Chicago, with both hands, but there was no handshaking with the German delegjftes. In moving the final reso'ution, Mrs. Rosilka Schwimme^, president of the Hungarian Women’s Suffrage associa* ation, requested that ail delegates stand one minute in silent prayer for peace. Mme. Hamer, of the Belgian delega tion, asked permission to utfer a few words. Some of thorn ei.deavor to enlighten oleetion then there would be no nece s the legislatoi; some try to lighten^ wav ' . - I 11 . X- ' polls on election day, and you are told ■ rtmove his wi!e and c-tilldren trom the j ‘ .t, j that pour name does not appear on the registration book and the old book can not be found and you can not vote. This thing has occured at more than one election i.i Mebane in the past six years, and while we might say that in the present election for Mayor and Alderman your vote is immaterial, but that is not business, suppose it was very material, it would be the same thing. The fact is the registration books should be properly kept, and in^ sca’es from the love that thrills the. Strange tw say. the l:»tter is the babe in the embrace of its new made it^osI unffopular of tiir three with the XU 4 .u J- • 1 ■ *i . u people. Wh/ should a great and mother to the divine love in the bosom . ,, ! generous nation frown upon a nob'e- of God thrilling all orders of rational j, ^ existence, love holds supreme control j a wad of hundrod-c'oliar bills into the and always in the purest heartbeat of > pocket of the legislator when he isn’t ^he universe. All other forces failed in j looking’ Think of the poor statesmen . . .. f 1 t .. >1J . I • i who having plodded wearily home at the redemption of a lost world and in' . . , : . . . , i • j ^ I night, having had only eleven kinds of bringing about the loving handshake of finds when justice and mercy. Love, and only love, | taking off their overcoats, that some solves the sublime mystery in Ihe erec j benefactor has stuffed the said pockets tion of that wonderous bridge across | '**^ord j gtruction as to registration should be the deep chasm ot human guilt and ex tends to us a heavenly, heartfelt wel- ! only to lake two weeks off in a bi*? city at the best hotel, but will have enough leit for a can f beans for tlie chiJ- given. It is some ones business and it: i should be attended to. come to arise and walk over that brings | dren! to God. In k11 the walks cf this earthly * la it a wonder that .^uch legislators life there are discords and halting if' make every effort to discover the ^ Chapel Hill News modest mai: who he lped them in dis-i inauguration on Wednesday, When this was granted .she astounded k>ve is not permitted to hold the hands i ^^jji j April 21, of Edwards Kidder Graham her audience with this dramali*^ excia-! and guide the steps. liim happier? j president of the State university matioii: i J^he right type of love ard enough «»f \nd yet, an ill-natured nation frowns f^arks a new era in the history of this “I am a Belgian before everything, i love will put a stop to the fearful war ujion this gratiiude and stuffs the le 1 famous old and I cannot think as y««f do. There! now tilling all Europe with unlove can be no peace without .justice. The student in the primary department wis won by little Miss Llizabeth i (ji^ation in a way that brings her tra- 1 ducers kneeling at her teet. “Educating Education’ r-.snme their work. | .Misses Annie Jordan and Cora I Civic Association ('ecile took a flvinj? trip to Hills-! , Itoro ^*^st Tue.’dav ^ >V1C Association and various j Animadverting on the changes which )010 iclh U - I Mebane have decided to hold j ^he univeisities of ihe land are making .Mr. anl Mi s. Ulaud Bivins and l a reciprocity meeting and are loDking j conditions of admis.sion, the i’hildren of Hillsboro came upjforwaidto quite a pleasant evening I phiiiideiphia Public I.edger remarks: Pridav’ to visit Mrs. Bivins p .r-l which will afford them an opportunity . present student graduate without t-n;>. I to discuss v^lrious topics together and | respectable knowledge of the use of Mf. and Mrs. H. I). Brown | ^ delightful vocal hour, 'f his j their language, and often these same ut landed the FI. (i. school clos- ^^^ting will be held on May 20lii. | students became m'mbers of faculties. The following Committees have been | doubted if one-half \ic Plpm VVi'i'prqon of m^u ! requested to meet, proffesors and instruc- f,u. wa. an Etlamt visitor* last' | tor. of America could pass real Bnslish a- 4 o clock. j examrnations, 'J'hey are careless and war must continue until the Belgians wiongs have been righted. There must be no meditation except at the bar of justice." General sympathy fcr the Belgian; | caused part of the audience to r>reak j into cheers. i institution The Univer- g slator into a bally ventelated jail, | sity of North Carolina is the oldest of I while the l)enefactor fails to get his j ^^e state institutions, having Leen while this wiiter has a great deal at ^ | founded in 1789. Since then it has the end of the pen and tongu*- he lecturing on the sacrilege of legislating! turned out a distinguished line of would love to sav about love; the love against business! ! statesmen, writers, and men of affair.^, of home and friends, Chuich and couii- the aoa- try, God and all the hosts above. Good-Bye Doitar * Some states are very severe with 1 exercises began with 1 lobbyists. Thev make them wear red ■ demic procession of the trustees, aluni- hats and green neckties, so that people ' faculty, speakers and student-* to j will not rnis*^ake them for philanthrop-1 Memorial Hall, where the formal ex- PreiuOic^ lists or missionaries and forbid them to | were held. Governor Locke ^ 'enter the state capilol. It would be • presided over this large assern- By Rev. J. Wilburn Chapman, D, elter if every lobbist shoutd be com-' Many of the high State offi- In honor preferring one onolher.'’ see legislators only in the | ^lals attended the exercises, the Sup- ^ ^ . 1 . . • 1 _ - - : HoArmrp nrlinnm/i/i in nonnt^ — Romania, 12:10 rotunda of the state capitol, aocompan- j seme Court having adjourned in honor r. i J 1. f ' You mav he nreindiced for or atrainst ied by a brass band. Nothing is so em-I the occ«sion. Chief Justice C lark Every DOLLAR you s^frn ou . o j The object may he either good barrassing to certain brands of lobby-/ ^i^lministered the oa:h of office to th? . .. ».t» - ! it'f AHrl»*ASaPSJ OT 11 day. Misses Mattie and Annie Thompson of Graham are visi- lihg’ their uncle Mr. Jack Thomp s iM and family this week. Miss Sallie Efland has return ed fiom a visit to her sister Mrs N. C. Harris in Fuquay Springs. PROGRAai Mrs. J. S. Whl‘.e, Miss Lillie Fow ler, Mrs. H. E. Crawford, Mrs. Mor- i?an, Mrs. T.'Ielson, Mrs. Corbett RECEPTION CO.MMITTEE -tincorwct in writing, 'spelhng, piihcua- tion and simple composition. Here is where our higher education needs to be better educated.” This is a pretty strong indictment Mrs. W. 0. Warren, Mrj. Singleton, 'and one which we should hesitate long Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Vincent, Miss Mattie j before unqualifiedly endorsing. But Johnson. ; be it fully deserved or not, how shall town flies away With UPVALUE ^ybao^your attitude commendable or i'sts as to be compelled to do business ''’-coming president. Addresses on rightfully belong* to vour community. | while the world is looking on. It gums i‘^^^‘^^tional topics were made t»y Spend it at hon,e. wilh ,«.v,.«erc.,.n., i Somet*n.e, yrejudice is a respectal.le up ^s his money can , T ' A, Alderman, of the University of REFRESHMENT we e.xpect our higher education to be Miss Thelma Hayes of C. R. I visited Misses Pearl and Sallie | Mrs. W. A. Murrry. Miss Lenorah I properly educated unless the training Efland Friday and Saturday. • Walker, Mrs Grant, Mrs, Arthur Scott I which precedes it is thorough and effi- Miss Annie Squires of Cheeks ; Miss Jennie White, Mrs. Pearson. ! Cient? No Crossing spent Saturday and Sun secure structure can be erected on an insecure foundation, and day with Miss Lillia Thompson. Leads Them All In Manu-| there can be small room for dispute , ^ i- ^ c* ^1 A J I that the tendency in educational work Mrs. D. Aubertand Sudie Md' ler of Mebane passed through i:fland last Friday enroute to llillrbcro. i'losing exercises of E. G. facture ShiOkes And “k^haws’' A statement issued by the Depart ment of Commerce, shows that the United States is the greatest to- ■iiool on Friday night last, the I bacco-producing Nation in the world. these drys in the primary and grammar school grades is to neglect the funda mental and essential for ftills, furbe lows and ttimmings of various and divers kinds. Herein is where our edu cation really ‘needs to be better edu cated.”—Norfolk Pilot. If Germany Is Victorious. The mind is appalled merely in think ing about it. The darkest prophecies seem legimate. Oppressions, new wars liiiinary department of the E. G. ^ interesting in this connection to st'hool gave a recital. Miss Worn : Carolina plants about I'le who was primary teacher is ; qqq acres in tobacco each year, f^. l)e complimented on her splen | ^entuckl, 370,000, and Virgima, 300,- ‘ id work in training her pupils. Iqqq^ J.|^gy being the largest acreage ■ i'.e-y all did well in reciting, and I values of ► atili’day P. M. Messrs Harrison , crops in these states were, in 1913: t f the U. S. A health survey j Carolina, $30,988,000; Kentucky, { revolutions, a terrible crisis, ecanomio, v. liidi is surveying Orange Co. i^gg.mooo, and Virginia, $21,406,000.1 political, moral, in which a great part j\ :iK and Dameron of Burlington j The figures makes a fine showing Europe civilization will perish, this * a.-h made interesting talks, at j Caiolina. predict For however nie Close of which was a Ball, Carolina manufactures more great may be the qualitis of the Ger Mine between Efland and Bulk- | ^o^acco by far than any other State. ii^>rn school teams, score being | figures for 1914 are: North Caro- where its value stays with YOU anri helps to build up YOUR interests. When you come to think of ic there are only two kinds of dollars—the “Dollar with Wings” and the Development Dollar.” The “Dollai with Wings” goes to tmild\ip''Sffe F^r“^ni9tant City, the big metropolis, with ics vice and low wages and poverty. The DEVEL OPMENT DOLLAR” goes to build up the Home Town. It helps to build up a Nation of real men and women T hen let us make the dollars we spend “De velopment Dollars,” home-town build ers, building for us and our neighbors and our children, making our COM MUNITY more prosperoas, more hap py, more contented. —Winston Salem Journal. word for stublmrnness. It is that pre- Lawmakers need a great deal of in ament, which strengthened by post formation and would be in a sad way judice which exist because of temper- . - i x-- • i *4. • u j-u r ■' f ....... . . ^ \ irginia. The latter IS both a native ot traditions and the disposition of whi?h ‘f the i>eople did not stray into our ca-! the State and a former president of is on general principles not to accept and post them up occasitinally. | tlie Umversity. Ceorge Stephens, of But some lobbyists are loo modest and I Charlotte, brought greetings from the law- a’timni. There were in attendance what others advance, announce or s»up- port, that is harmful. retirirg. They cannot talk of .i Nothing dwarf one’s influence-blinhs ! until they get him into a hotel . |«ore than a hundred delegates from one’s vision-like this. It refuses to re- ^ room and have hung a blanket oyer the eading colleps, universities, an fuses to retognize real worth decause' transom, and .Modesty is a great curse , learned societies. The alumni of the it has appeared suddenly on the scene poMtics. ^ ‘ their alma mater by coming in large numbers. After the formal exercises, a delightful luncheon was served in li.ia, 104,329,283; Kentucky, 26,364.- 10 12 in favor of Bulk Horn. -\!m1 al night the 7th and 8th ^ Kdestaunht by Prof. Arthur pounds. ' 'Mwford gave a play “Married I SulYergette” after which iiH contest for the declamation iiiadal w’as on. The medal was '•n by Miss Bertha Crutchfield - tniK* !i talented little Miss of iii'ieen summers. The Judges. j for Nc %TT /-I i? J .demand for materidl tor uuc xj j gt*»ov6d Europe ' ■ rter anT Deese Tf °Mebane. ‘he stock in : t„ Henaturalize her in this • Itei ana ueese OI IVI I the Westinghouse Comnanv i . i,;». n,e teachers Prof. Arthur Craw advanced !>»■.{ Misses Lalla Womble and; ^ u 056 pomA., ..nd Virginia, 16.767.385 | .upremaey, .o it would revolt today against the German j supremacy. Europe is and will con- The Bethlehem Steel Corporation ; ^ of has received an order from some of languages. Therefore for real the war powers calling for eighty three | ^^ed of a certain equil- million dollars worth of war supplies, j among the diverse races which If this equilibi'ium is de will no longer be Don OVERDRAW ON YOUR HEALTH ACCOUNT Every illness Has Lasting Effect On Well Being A warning against “overdrawing your health account” in this week’s “little talk on health and hygene ” He says. •‘Every one begins life wilh a certain amount of capital in the way of health and resistance to disaase. This varies in different individuals according to the physique which they have inherited from their parents, plus or minus the condition under which they developed in their youth. We start life as men and women with this variable amount tli9m. As it rebelled a century ago caedit. when it has been expen ded we are through. “Every dissipating and every illness, which means the expenditure of phy sical energy, withdraws just so much from your health account. It is com- of action, declines to test new methods because they have not lieen worked in other ways, is unwilling to accept new statements of truth because wedded to old vocabulary. It is belittling to one’s self and un fair to others. W’hen it is harmful it mans and the services they have r#*n- dered to civilization, Europe can never and will never be dominated entirely by Jury Reform. , Swain Hall to tne alumni, faculty, A correspondent of the Macon Tele-; trustees, and visitors. Hon. Josephus graph thinks that a leaJing reason i Daniels, Secretary of the Navy, pre- whv the results of jury trials are so ] side.i on this occasion with his usual is often caused by iEnorance. stupidily ^ often unsatisfactory is to be found in i after din!l«°spea*rrs selfishness or downnght unkindness. | the laws which exempt, from that sor-1 J ^ U nun^bers of the classes of j ^he exercises of the day closed f ^ * 1^' * fif i citizens best qualified 10 perform it, i witn a reception, given in the evening iiie oi «iesus> 3i«ci is* tnereioie. evei : i, .1 * nt-w? "In honor preferring one an-1 Why, he asks, are those holdine office, : m the Bynum Gymnasium. other.” ! under the government. State, county 1 1 1 &ddre9s * Be generous with plans and methods «r city exempt? Why are preachers, , ^ University of North of other men until they fail. lawyers, doctors,apothecaries, military i Carolina began with the life of the Reserve your judgement until the j police and others exempt? i nation itself, and the period since its thirsr against which which you are pre- j j„ igTS, is the great period judiced has had time to bear fruit. ^ J of material upbuilding of the North Be on the lookout for points of stren- their own duty, bu. to do the duty of, expansion gth and not of weakness. a privileged class in enforcing the law? South, where will be Search the Scriptures, and in the : There are, he says, in his county of | ^ade once more the experiment of presence of the spirit there taugbtun-1 Q^Q^gia four thousand registered white ! translating prosperity in terms of a fair prejudice cannot live. ; ^ . . .. . . hun-kreat civilization It is to leadership in thi>» that state univerities are called. “The state university is more than voters, and yet only seventeen dred names on the lists from which ; The Pullman Porter’s Tio i an aggregate of institutions that ex- 1. lie; r'uttiiiai k ^ exemptions as a ; press the ideals ot culture as learning, (Irom The New York World) (provision for the military fund, and he I cuUure as research and as vocation as r“L‘:“r^r!r by the f„How.„g suggestionsi» university ;it is a living unity an organism at the heart of the Uving democratic state, interpreting its life, ! On account of the rapidly increased the British j inhapit it. I the Westinghouse Electric Company ■ change the course of her his a twenty nine [ European war would not suf- ' ii ace Lloyd deserve much credit - r their excellent work. We all | ^ -i)f" to have them with us nextj > .-ir. i “Pat” 1 million dollar order has just been re ^rhe democratic, humanitarian. ceived, but none of this money finds ■ tendencies are now too strong its way into the pockets of the Gas- j mooted in too large a part of the well, or Alamance farmers pockets, j Victorious Germany could Its money to this country, but like j herself on Europe only by a high tariff it goes; into the pockets of gygj.gj„jjtic oppression which would the few who are favored. j pj.f,yQi^e the most terrible reactions) —^ j and the greatest disaster. —Gugliemo A man who lives right, and is right, | Ferrero in the November Atlantic, has more power in his silence than an- | or operated 6.936 cars, provided ac-! commodations for 26.343.485 passengers j requirements and earned a gross revenue of $42.-. of jusUce: | not by parts or. a summary of parts, 860.891. it paid dividends of $9,599,506 First—If you will require preachers but wholly fusing them all into cul- and added $1,541,601 to its surplus. be no i ture center, giving birth to a new Since 1877 the company has paid nrac- • ^ humanism. lically uniform dividends of 8 pel cent j ei>iniiegue. i ..^g organic instrument for real- annuallj, besides an extra dividend of = Second-If you will ^equira lawyers ■ aspirations of the $20 a share and stock dividends of 50, | to serve on the jury there will be no j u^ing state one inevitable quality the 36 and 20 per cent. . delay in the trial of cases i state university must have—U must be This brief statement ot Pullman. xhird-If ycu will require doctors toialive, sensitively and robustly alive, prosperity is useful as bearing on the *. •„ v , . to the tin-e and needs of the people testimony as to porters wages an.i tips | "'«» "'ll "" ^ „„t ih,t it would not illus- before the Industrial Relations Com. vorce cases | traditionrj that mission. Wages it appears are $27,50 a . Fourth—If you will require all who! made its past nobly useful and month for the first 15 years of the. vote to serve on the ?ury you will have | beautiful and seek guidance in the ex- mon enough to hear people who have: p^^er’s service, increasing thereafte. ! le'.s court expenses ! perience of the great ot its kind, but been ill speak of beiiig cured, but phy- Uq $30, and are slightly augmented by ^ — . . sicians are well aware that this is a | bonuses for good records One veteran provide for. — Va. Pilot. relative term only. Every serious ill | gjeepjng car parter on an Illinois road' ness has its efftet upon the system, I earns $42 a month after 2i years’ ser-, ' ' and even though we may feel nu deci-1 vice and an average of $75 a month in i Ih^t the need of every institution is 1 to assert the genius that it alone has and can have and that alone value in the world ” gives it ded change almost invariably there has been some diminution from normal. "It is the same with exhaustion from excesses, physical and mental strain. Subject J ourself to these trials and after a period of rest you may recuper ate. However, if you |continue tfiis re cuperation will be slower and slower, and eventually the overstrained ma chinery will break down. For this more beauiiful Health JNotes J All beauteous things tips. A porter on a limited express train between New York and Chicago appear, , . , , ^ u •J 0/7-n I Tl# skj-crowned summit of her moun-1 s^at the f y swat him till he die. anr^7^'ln,rb; 'he passenSr ' : i now is the time to fight the f lie., don’t It was well enough understood'that "f “er ghtter- | „„tu „ext month or the next when . ... 4- I J ^ iMg spear, j he will arrive with a host ten thousand the porter s tips eked out a meagre .. , j. 1 , , 1 • u 1 salary; it is yet a surprise to learn the “»■« »'■* ‘he valley , clean up and destroy h.s breed- great ratio of the salary to the pro- I i"g plac-*. and leave him nothmg to PPfKls of the Dolite blackmail on which atmosphere ot light, | ^ ‘A softer light, the atmosphere of 1 fresh air and sunshine, the the company virtually obliges its em- Match Game of Ball j 1 lie State University team will play ! iiiHirh game of ball with the Mebane t a,„ on Mebane’s new grounds Satur- ““he7by his words. Character is like ^'V. Game to begin at three o’clock. ^ v. 1 f of. I'red Deese is to be chief runner ^hen touched accidentally even, i and agitation of reform for *he sourw 1 balance of your health -r the Mebane team. ^harles Lasley music. - Phillips' of danger, must have ^vi!l be short stop. Tne game will be history.-Cooke. Brooks I \\t'i’th 3-.*eing. reason it behooves every one to exer- j ploves to live. Surely, as an exhibit of “social jus tice” on the part of one of the richest cise reasonable caution and restraint in eating and the expenditure of physical and mental energy. Remem- ] ber that the doctor cannot restore that Those who mistake the excitement j '"'Wcl' is already lost^ i nose w Expend your energies with discretion I overlooked all as much in your favor as pos sible, never exhausting it^” of industrial corporations to underpaid employes, the Pullman wage scale may be said to beat any other of which the dreams. | people spend too much money, time —Charles Whitehead ; energy in keeping the fresh air J sj iL. . out. It is hard to convince some people that night air is go'jd for them to Ke-elecied I breathe. Mebane re-elected her Mayor and public knows. It is an old scandal of j Board of Commissioners Tuesday Wise men ne'er sit and wail their corporation greed which is ^ made all ^hat might be termed safe majori-' loss, but cheerily seek how to redresi the more ursavory by the new airing of it. ties. No opposition. their harms.—Shakespeare.

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