If ;J' THE MEBAKE LEADER. ‘And Right The Day Must Win, To Doubt Would Be Disloyalty, To Falter Would Be Sin. /oUmn 7 MEBANE, N. C., THURSDAT, MAY 20, 1915 Number 13 A bit chilley Tuesday morninR iiut we are hardly looking for ■HOW. T’ne many friends of Hon. T. vl. I’lieek regret very much that his condition does not improve* Mr. \. W. Carter and Will Morgan were business visitors in I li eensboro Monday. Mf. and Mrs. Douglass W liiirtnn of Greensboro visited Mrs. Mary White and daughters '^luulav. liawfields Happenings There was an all day service at Hawfieldo? Sunday. The sermon at llo’clock was by the pastor Rev. J. W. Goodman which was folkwed by the Communion service Dinner was ser ved in the grove from I to 2 Dr. T. M. McConnell of Graham came out in the afternoon and preached very acceptably to the voung people Mrs. Moore and little daughter of Graham are visiting Mrs, Moore’s par- eiits, Mr. and W. A. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tyson and chil dren spent Sunday with Mr. J. D. Gib son, Mrs. lyson and the children are Mis. Martha Nicks who has ^’^-'naining over tor a few days. MMI visiting her sister, Mrs. I Messrs Joe Holt, Rastus Cook. Mr. leiiry Smith for several weeks! J'”? Wilker.«wn and Mr. ■ i r Monday for home. Mrs. Laura Fowler Dead Mebane Shuts Gibsonviile Out. Mebane and GibsonviHe, played oi «* of the beat games here lut Saturday that haa probably ever thian piayed on j the Mebane diamond. Tl^re wan not inning Mrs. Laura Fowler widaw of the late Capt. Tom Fowler and one of the cultured and actractiye women of Spen cer died Saturday morning after a short illness at the home of her son, Copt. T. P. Fowler in Spencer, Mrs. Fowler moved to Spencer from j ^ gcore made until the §ev%nth Mebane several years ag« had 1 Both ^ Wofk Oil Foreign Contract made her home in that town. She j « i » was quiet and unassuming in manner, i from the be- fOF UnCle oAHI S but intensely devoted to the cause of j ginning to the finish; but we must say righteousness and to the large number and it from an Important standpoint NOT ALL IN LINE -heifei knocks two FREISNr GARS FROM Di^^t company Stops riie friends of Miss Lilly Miles M’>rbett who was painfully art ill an automob.le last week wiil gUid to know she is bet- ! V. Mr, and Mrs. Myers of Greens- l>»)io is visiting Mrs.Mary White. .Ml'S. Mari’" White has given ihf'idt for the erection of a I'hristian church.The lot issicua- ted next to the vacani lot upon . -I, h so long stood the Presby- rian ciiurch. and Mrs. Lonnie Wilkerson were noted among the many visitors Sunday. M**. Will Smith and family of Ossipee \verf‘ the guests of Miss Lenora Stew art Sunday that the home team just outclassed the visitors. Gibsonviile just simply coaid not see the b'ills that Doc High twirl- of friends among whom she lived while a multitude of friends and acquaintan ces mourn her departure vet we all feel that our temporary loss is surely her gain and we look forward in hap py anticipation of meeting again in the sweer by and by. After a short service in the Baqti.««t church the remains' were taken to Mebane where they i were tenderly laid to rest beside those I hurl it back again, of lier husbands to await the resureo- j player on the Mebane team (Washburn, Wis., Dispatch.) The r»upont Powder Company ha? stopped the manufacture of powder I for a foreign contract at its great plant S.)me Towns Have Not Yet Caught The Civic Spirit The State Board of Health puts the private housekeeper and the municipal housekeeper tn the same class. A town that does not clean up «s no better than a slovenly housewife, cusable. In a bulletin just issued the GOASr UNE TRACK board gives this gentle reminder: Enraged Beast Ran Out Of Woods And “Butted” Both are inex- j Into Fast Moving Freight Causing Derailment ed over the base. Time after time the visitors swung in the air bnly to re gain conciousness and lot)k and observe the fast High with ball in his hand . , , .r. .. I The State Board of Health m the wilderness 12 miles from here, , , amlh« tegun to fill a bip; contract >'«i'»">■ for Uncie Sam. This was disclosed during a visit yes terday of Washburn residents to Madi- Every i son to fight against the proposed en play^ largement of the plant here. They munities thromjhout the state that „ - j tion morn. She is survived by a dao-, gooI bail, but one of the bett catches were met by representatives of the li.urbcrt lurnGr, who hns been lu ; oniGr Mrs JO0 of Spsnc'^r 1 i_ * • -i_i ^ 1 .1 «tud.„tinthe Presbyterian I L,d two son», Capt. IW F,.wL j-tat .8 possible for a player ,o nnake cal Seminary in Richmond the oast ^ s.nH Rprt Fowl, r nt (;»«pns. I Malone and his in Kichmond the past | Snencer, and Bert FowU r ot Gieens . year is at home for a few days. ! boro. To them and all who mourn i catch, suffice it to ^ay, was the only The Hawfields High School Board ithem is extended the heartfelt j thing that kept Gibsonviile from scor ing. Dr. J. Mell Thompson got three they elected a met Saturday night, and among other | synipathy of an host of soirowing things done, they elected a former 1 trends who share with them in their Dr. J. D. Hufham, one of Meb- lu ’s highly esteemed citizen, i>*riirned Tuesday from a visit of j rwral days from the eastern i principal, Mr. B. M. Rogers as the principal for the coming year and also took steps to secure boarding place.«? for quite a number of pupils who are ! understood to be desirous of attending I this school the next sejsion. The out - j look for another s-iccessful yeir soenis ! unusually bright. j Countryman. j bereavement. May the Heavenly Fath er give to them all the needed conso- hits, really he looked like the old “Bull” Thompson of University and lation and strength to bear their sor- eastern Carolina fame. Rube Howard r w for His names sake. j made two hits and he too sustained has its ! “Being run into and turned over by a heifer which dashed down out of the woods” is the unheard of explanation ^ of the overturning of two empty box have rot, up to the present time, held ^arsof an Atlantic Coast Line freight an annual clean—up week. Whether i train on the Kinston branch one day they intend to or not is not known. ! ^ast week. The accident occurred at a But it is known that if clean-up weeks j ^ quarter of a mile north of , , J r 1.1. * . 1 Whitehurst and, according to the state- are to be productive of the greatest)^ . - " I ment of the tram crew who saw the I good, that the sooner they are ob-1 enraged animal dash out of the woods Under the plea that A.irierica needs'served from now the more good they • and thence against the train with its the power, they will end their opposi-1 will accomplish. j the derailment j^was directly due tton to the plant prouided it be brought was with a f*'eling of pride, no j to the blow from the heifer aided by doubt, th.at tKe GovtNrnor of North Car | that the train was moving at , • . 1- r I rate of speed. The car that olina, m vKwyng the matter of clean-' , . , ^ j ' I was struck spun over on its side as did company. po nearer to the city proper. Fighting per se is not wrong. Fight ing from the wrong motive it anotfterj’^P week, deemed it unnecessary to j empty car before the train matter. But as the policeman stands *8sue behind the court decision, so does the his oW fame. Gaston marie one clean I possible resort to force stand behind a a Clear.-up Week proclamation, j could be brought to a standstill. Governors of other states have taken i The derailment occurred near mid- this means by way of suggesting toj'^ay the train, which was in the major Reciprocity Evening i irt of the State, .■>hisboro, N. C. (!o to Warsaw and A Belgian Singer .M rs. Singleton has received a letter from Emm*i Van de Zande the great I Belgian singer. Belcw we append a Nelson-Ray and Co. if i short sketch from her letter. The >'ui want to be sure to find it, iii dry goods, groceries etc. full stttie ol‘ notions, novelties in ladies dress goods, shoes etc Weil vou have traded there ana all ways been satisfied. Keep It up. Cio to the old reliable H. K. Wilkerson and Co. Nice line hulies dress goods, shoes etc. r liieni. Have you sheded \our winter tiigerv? if notit is a good time to do so and replace them with oniething nice at J. C. Clarks. Kvery thing to dress you up well i)ont fail to see him. I'iie children from the M. P. Orphanage at High Point gave ill excellent entertainment in the w. P. Church Monday night to .1 large and appreciative audi- ■IiCv. Vv e wish to direct your atten- loii to the change of advertise- iieni of H. K Wilkinson Co. I hev would be glad to have you :!ispect stock. Lots of things you i t“ed, and all sold reasonable. Airs. Shakespear Harris brought M! the Leader olfice for the edi- i'»r and printers Tuesday even ing a basket heaping full of the II nest strawberries we have seen I ms season. It was very kind ot i\ir.s. Harris and we assure her i lady in que.stion will likely sing in the Mebane graded school auditorum next Wedne.sday the 2Uh d.^y of May. “I have a medal of the Royal Society hit, thus sustaining his record as a man tbat can see the ball and puis them where he wants them. Sykes. Dennis and Wilson each made a hit • theCommittess appointed clearly demonstraten that they too agazine Club. Benetit Book | .. , , could split the pill. We believe that A mo.st delijrhlful i-nd profitah’e program has been arranged for this occasion, by from the M Clut', ('ivic Association, and Chautau Natioj) in its assertion of its just rights i ^ peopie the importance of guarding The maa who would not resent the I against disease by promoting cleanly part composed of empties. The wrecking train from south Rocky Mount went to the scene and replaced qua Study Class. ! we can say it and say it unreservedly Thuisday, May 2(>th (the anniversary ' that Mebane will have the b«‘8t ama- of the Mecklenburg Declaration of | teur team in the State. ln,tepenlenoe) is the time chosen for! g^tteries for Mebane Hieh and Den- this o'casion, since our own Revolu-' . • Batteries fur Gibaonwlle, ti»»nary anniversiry May loch (the date 'hris- of the Hattie of Alamance) falls on topher and Flynn. of Harmony of Brussels and have sung ! ^^unday this year and could not be con i in the best classical concerts of Europe, | The exercise will be held at j I u u ' the Graded School Auditorum begin-: Ihefollowmg letter has been rece-i o , . . i ! ning at 8 o clock.. The public is cor-i ived bv one of the ladies of the towr. The kind hearts of the Mebane poo- pld will be touched and should sne come to our town a large audience will greet her I am sure. classical “I will sing as many songs as you want me and give a short lecture on Belgium before, during a.nd since ihe war. 1 appreciate so much that .Mrs —and the other Americans do for me. Everything is so different here in this country and 1 get very lonely as we have had so much trouble on ac count of the war. Yours very sincerely Emma Van de Zande It is very probable that Mebane is to have the opportunity of hearinj; the noted Belgian singer. Madam Van de Zande who through the illfortunes of war has been compelled to leave her native land. Bereft of relatives, friends and fortune, she and her hus band have soueht refuge in the “Old North State”whose doors have always stood open to the distressed and op pressed. W ho Can Explain It? Who can explain why about fortv- direc*^ im{>eachment would command little respect as a litizen. Where does he draw the line? What would he do in the face of an at tack upon his wife’s honor? of his veracity j sanitary home conditions. But [ the cars. ' there is no doubt but that North Caro- i lina’s Governor felt that the pride and tha intelligence of North Carolin’a citizens needed not this injnnction to the condemned brother can only be reprieved at the price of his lister’s In “Measure for Measure,” where i^f^^ke them clean up their homes, neigh borhoods and towns, a matter of course He took this as Wheter or not o’clock.. The dially invited to attend and it is hoped i nine chickens out of every fifty have that quite a large numt)er will be j eross the roads m troot of ^utomo- withusHnd thero by a,Id inspiration drivers know to the occasH»n. Tiiere will be no refreshments served “>at when a chicken sees *n automobile not on account of lack of hospitality or coming it has business on the other lack of ability i.i the hospitality Com-! side of the road hnmecKatei^. A chiHk- mittee, for these ladies showed won-j fora car to pass but dei tul ability along these lines, »>“t: „,„gt .ross over just in front of it.- after considering the matter it was de- i Herald cided It would be too much of a tax on i honor, the prisoner plea^^s to her, | Governor placed too high an esti- ‘•Death is a fearful thing,” to which { mate on the people’s pnde and breath she responds, “And shamed life a hate | it^telligence remains yet to be seen. fuK” None of us who has arrtved at! towns and commuiiities have years of discretion will deny Iha^ there | ^^ace in which to prove themselves. Towns and neigh- Washingon JNeWs are worse things in life than death. A shameful and contemptible peace is a viler thing than war. Honor Roll. borhood that have no clean-up days are heid in a hieh isteem as housekeepers who have no house cleanings. They are in the same class.” Chapel Hill Letter The spelling teat conducted by Prof’ i ^ friends. Kick Dernburg Out “Because the Lusitania carried con traband of war and also because she was classed as an auxiliary cruiser and was at the disposal of the British Ad- . j miralty, Germany had a right to de- vve gratetui thank her lor this | ^ the physical stiength of our committees ^ This word of explanation is added be- ! cause we are not willing that there j should be any misun'ierstanding or' raisreprosentineour refresh^mentCom-i^^^,^ inspector ol hiM mittee, knownig that the Meoane peo i , , • ^ j • u 11- ..L 7,e ^ .u 1 JM schools, was parctDJtated nn by 179 pie hvo on the “fat of the land” e/ery i. . ^ u ^ / \ ^ J • .u I high school and 6,513 boys and girls, day we felt that we were doing noth-‘ . , • . i j . ■ • , fl? 4^1 f u I One hundred and fifiy schools render- irtrr okTMuu in lAUtriiior rvrr rn^ r^rrAQh- ed reports of the results of the test in which fifty words in common use were J , I, o 1 submitted as the efficiency basis. The Warren, and J. R. bingieton (the ex- . ^ ^ , . . “ ... '.lumber ot trials in the test was 325, ecutive com.) wish to express their i j ^ . ... L i! 1 J 650, and of that number there were deep appreciation of the cheerful and i ir- • . I J J *.1. u lu : 98,102 failures. Thu average grade at- efficient aid rendeied them by the com- i ^ ^ ^ . , f ! tamed by the State was 96.87 per cent, mittees and other members of the . n • ^ ^ e ^ . J 1 u • ' The honor roll consisted of twentv Associations and clubs. Once again i i mi ^ J . pupils who made perfect grades The we invite you to come and be with us ! It gives us pl*asure to be able to publish as large a list on our honor j. roll as appears below. They are all good citizens, and believe in treating.. , , Mebane-s paper right. They have >mpl«n>ents. Regular labor savers The Mebane Supply company I IS offering to the trade a very I superior make of agricultural paid their subscription since the last published list. Health and pros^ieritv ing amiss in leaving off the ment feature this time. MesdaniPS Ralph Vincent, W. O. on this onr Reciprocity Evening. j boys and girls and the schools they re- I presented thus accredited are: Flora — — I Canady, ot the Benson School; Nellie ^ ^ . Fleming, Boonville; Lillie Aiken and Judge Carters jennie Bloom, Durham, Gode»'a Pope, Judge Frank Carter, of Asheville, ! Ellen Maultsby and Mary Clark, Fay 1 n 1. J . I cttesville: Rowena Bvans, Henderson; I last Saturday announced his candidacy , Kernersville; Marl! - I strov her reeardless of the passenirers I General and his announce , sullivaii, Sallie Hoover and j ihoughtfulness of the people,! . . . I ment was earned m full by several of i j^jjjg^jLjncolnton; Fannie Green, viiotoii 10 make the ‘Ortli while in Mebane. Leader[ I Denburg said. Warnings given be the I German Embassy in public advertise- l lie So. Railway section master j ^ent before the sailing of the Lusi- 1 us put at either crossing east 1 tania, he addeJ, together with the note of Feb. 18, declaring the existence of which included nearly 200 Americans, stat^ dailies Sunday. Judge Carter ; Lowe's Grove; Kathryn Humphrey, a I ill west of the depot a lot of itiken rock ballast between I heir rails. As it is, it is quite i-iiRli on vehicles in crossing, in not our town official havej ‘•me sand, or cinders put on it Big Berry Shipments To H binder, and to level it up, ’ make it better for travel. war zones, relieved Germany from re sponsibility for the loss of the many Americans.” has proVen himself one of the most j Philadelphus: Granberry lucker. Ply* j able and fearless Judses ever on the | mouth; AnnaW Spencer, 1 Springs: May Blanton, bhelDy; Lilhe bench in North Carolina and has al-. startown; Mamie Deal, Wades- ! ways endeavored to enforce ths law Buchanan, Webster. Of the without fear or favor against the rich •w won’t you? Northern Markets One hundred artd eigh carloads of strawberries were iced at Rocky Mt. I nieves Break Through i night last week and passed through [ to northern markets. Tlils brings the V ihiel’ or thieves broke into total number of sirawl erry cars to 1* Mebane depot Monday that point this season up to 500, stole three quarts of whts-j^^^ ... W». learn that nothing else i hai.dlini? ' iiiclested. It seems that the ’!i(‘ iias come when a man and powerful as well t.s the poor and helpless. For so doing he has, of course, been cussed and villified in cer- individual schools, Kittrell headed the i honor roll with a percentage .grade of | 89.88. Cooleemee high schH)l was a i close second. ' The list of words submitted were:! C. C. Smith, 1^ F. Wilkerson. Creo. E. Holt, H. C. Smith, G. W. Lasley, W. P. Warreii, Miss E. E. Bell, J. P. Teer, W. A. Rudd. S. W. Patton, A. P. Long, W P. Donnell, J. M. Rimmer, W. W. Corbett, A. N. Scott, Charles Grant, 'Joe Vincent, W. T. Riggs, W. Y. M»k>ne, E. W. Wilkerson, P. Dixon, Charles Dillard, A. B. Fitch, J. S. Lasley, B. Goodman, J. W. Montgomery, J. H, Bridges, W. C. Wilkerson, F. W. White, J. W. Simmons, Ralph Vincent, L. Puryear L. R, Rice. Miss Ollie Douglaa C. F. Dillard. W. T. Bobbitfc J. C. Smith See them. If you have not planted your tobacco yet, be sure and get one The most impressive fact about tha raMonal crisis growing out of the Lusi tania, as it ha« developed in Washing ton, was the increased frankness with which the Germans made situation was discussed and the general adoption of plain language and blunt words which a few days ago Washington would have hesitated to utter. Following the receipt of the destruc tion of the Lusitania the President with drew into the quiet of his study, where, unmoved by clamor and unswayed by public emotions, he gave his untram- melfd attention to the solution on the problems confronting the nation and the proper handling of which he is pre eminently responsible. His remarks at Philadelphia last Monday night, before 4,000 newly naturalized citizens of the United States, that a man may be too proud to fight and that a nation may be so right that it need not use force to convince others that it is right were interpreted here as evidence of the President's determination to do everything reasonable possible to avoid of the famous machines for set- Germany. 'ting out the plants at T^son- j Molone Hdw. €o. J Some one tried to kidnap Dr. j Hurdle last night, and he slip- i ped out, and turned loose a dou- ! ble barrel load of bird shot down j the stair way. It is thought there j is not enough Dr. Hurdles to go ! around among the ladies, and It is asserted in some quarters thac it would be well for the President to call Congress in extraordinaiy session, as soon as the present excitement has subsided, and ask it to consider the one great question that has loomed up-tha question of national defense. That the country would applaud the Presi dent and Congress if such a step were taken, there can be little doubt. While official Washington is thus irt a turmoil oyer the sinking of the Lusi- Stand by Your President 1 they would have this one stolen j tania. Count von Bernstorff, the Ger I and shut up while there was a j man Ambassador, called at the State 1 chance | Department and expressed to Secreta ry Bryan “his deep regret that the events of the war had led to the loss I J u T. ., . ! of so many American lives.” The Ger •s an by your President, said Mr. i government has also officially ex- ,Taft. “His task is a hard one. Give j pressed its deepest sympathy at the him your confidence, sympathy and. loss ot lives on board the Lusitania, j support, for so you lighte n his burden | declaring that ‘the responsibility rests ! however, with the British government, j which, through its plan of starving the respect for your population of Germany, has i on other powers tain quarters, but that should oe con- ! Wednesday, preparation, Connecticut, sidered a badge of honor for him, and j religious, seperate, labratory, neutre, all people who believe in an honest, ! twelfth, cylinder, ’yield, lose, relieve, decent and iust enforcement of the | which, foreign , , , . , I ment, benefited, changeable, plente- law should rally to his support and help | I to land him in the Attorney General’s | „,eiid, descendant, accommodate, ocCur j What Uap|>en8 When The office where he can be of incalculable J rence, referred, government,r business, benefit to the people of the State. precede, embarrass, until, receive, ab- I rights. His influence in behalf cf your I veelfare depends on the unity which j you hold up the hands that are labor ing to ward off the dangers that beset you. Your honor is safe with him. You must trust to him for guidance as 1 he looks to you for the loyal backing which is at once bis due and his need.” The Commander of That Submarine. Of course the Charlotte Observer sence, appreciate, r^eipt, February, prejudice, license^ ndiculous, privileges and other papers of that like are alrea- whether, pursue, meant, cour dy attempting to sneer at and belittle j aggous, necessary, convenient, preci- ... j of heavy shipments, which they are ex {candidacy and are doing all they j ous, consensus. I pecting within the next few days. | can to muddy the waters aud thus mis- The word “cjnsensus” was misspell- ;ts far to get a quart of whis- | accordance with a recent order j lead the people, but this, too, was to ed a greater number of times than any us in time past he would united States Department of money. The thirst must be i ^ of the number * I of strawberry cars that are handled by ht‘ l.oril is faithful., who shall stab-' the Atlantic Coast Line, is being for- y*u, and keep .you from evil.— | warded daily to the Bureau of Market- .'ilonians. \t Dr. Hurdles Dental Office. j ing in Washington. This order applies I to all railroads and figures are com- I piled for the benefit of trucks, who, I upon application to the bureau, may 1 have information as to where the strawberries are shipped. This in formation is said to be of inestimable ar- I *1'. S. Rapport, of Durham, will be ' Mt‘li:ine, at Dr. Hurdle’s Dental Wednesday, May 26th for the! . x. o£ examining eyes and .fitting | value to tl.e truckers and the new ' ses. If you are in need of glasses ! rangement of the federal department ■I the good of your eyes don’t fail to i j^j meeting with favor among truckers ^ tl\e Dr. on that day. Consultation Chadborn section. Editor Is Snubbed forced Germany to resort to retaliato ry measures.” There is good reason to believe that the Atlantic Fleet will not be sent through the Panama Canal to Pacific waters in July as at present planned by the Secretary of the Navy. When; the announcement is made that the fleet cannot undertake the Pacific journey, physical difficulties in the canal will doubtless be cited as the change of program. Officials will not admit it but there is reason to believe Who is the commander of the Ger- that the strategists of the navy insists man submarine that sent a torpedo on I that at this juncture in the world's j its death-dealing journey against the \ affairs it would be unwise to I hull of the Lusitania? If he is a man I Atlantic coast unprotected. The stra- ft. r L \ I tegists are not figuring on war, pos^ Dontblamcthe editor for not. men-1 possessed with the humane spirit in Li^iy, as a matter of precaution it is ioning all the parties and social affairs . anv clecrree. h*» wiU Ha miaorahirt tVio i ooj/i ; any degree, be will be miserable the i said they have advised that the fleet other submitted. “Wednesday” and “which” were spelled correctly a greater number of times than any be expected by Judge Carter (or any other honest, clean, fearless man) and should be chalked up as another badge | the ‘latter being | obligatious to seek details of social of honor for the Judge. i spelled correctly 6,174 times out of 6, Judge Carter is all right, and what 1513 chances, is needed iu North Carolina is more | The results proved in a substantial Judges just like him. We hope he’ll! ^ay that girls are better spelters than I boys. The number of crises in which win in a walk. - i>pencer Cresent. highest grades was 93’ _ j while only 39 times did the boys score ^ [ in this particular. The number of cases Lo^t i in which beys made the lowest grade I was 90; the girls made the lowest grade that take place, consider the fact that; balance of his days when he thinks of | be retained in Atlantic waters, some one must hand us the news in j his awful murderous deed. If he is order for it to appear in the Review i German machine-a part and parcel o"^ I Having always been ignored in the | hateful militarism of his country— matter of invitations to these events ' does not matter y?ith him. He has jContederate Officer Dies at Washington “■'“‘"^‘1 W. W. Kirkland, a brigadier general ^ civilization that only ages can blot out.! in the Confederate army, died at —Smithfield Herald. 1 W'ashington, D. C. last Wendesday, ^ ’ ' age, 82. He was a native of Hillsboro, N. C., affrirs of which his knowledge is bat unconfirmed hearsay.—Alba (Mich) Re view. I Thanks Mans persisting in doing something! We take this method of expressing, ^ ^ ^ that he has no right in law or moral. t» the good people of Hawfields. Meb-1 «■''graduated at West Point in 1852. too often causes and nnpleasantness that could and should be avoided. Lost or stolen one bee gum made . out of whole plank, five pieces saw ed uneven at battom, white paint scat tered on planks. Reward for informa tion that will lead to its recovery. Carr M. Hughes, in 42 cai«es. Love all trust a few, none.—Shakespheie. do wrong to and and surrounding country our ap-1 He served as aide to General Hardee preciation of their kindness shown to j and was promoted for bravery at the battle of Winchester. Burial took place at Shepherdstown, W. Va. us during niy serious illness, i Sincerely, j Mrs. H. D. Scarl^ro Do not be troubled that you have not great virtues. God made a million spears of gr^ss where he made one tree.—Beecher. 1 have alwayys said>t-Naturefneant woman to be her own masterpiece.— Lessing. They are bom along by the violence of their rage, and think it is a waste 6f time to ask who are guilty.—Lucan

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