Mebane Leader J. 0. FOY, Editor and Owner Entered M second clas* maUer Feb ruary 8, IW at the Post Office at Ifebane, N.C.. anderthe act of March 1897. Issued Every Thursday Morning. We have some good, brave pat riotic people in America, some whose ardent love of country makes them stand ever ready to support this Government in what ever emmergency it may be placed, and then there are those who- have become so commer cialized, such devout worship ers of the almighty dollar, that no affront to this government however flagrant, no wrong how ever unjust, or serious would excite in them to the slightest de^rree of resentment. Let it go they say, the sinking of a few hundred people on the Lusi tania by the Germans is a mat ter of but little consequence, the fact is they had no business to have been on the lines, in fact they were warned to toeep off. This is in substance the utterance of a leading North Carolina daily.but if the man who once stood sponser for its edi torial utterances had been here you would hive seen no such stuf in his paper, pity it is, but such is the case The whines of the commercial grafter who cares nothing for country save as it makes it possible for them to get hold of the almighty dol lar. If this crowd was in the saddler, or some with similar sentiments, well might the lov ers of the home of the brave and free hanar their heads in shame. The United States has fought several wars, but she was never more justifiable in rekuking a If the Germans wish to make wrong, in calling and insult than SUBSCRil TION; One Year, - ^1*00 Six Months, - - • .60 Three Months, - - »25 ^ payable in advance Se:\d Currency, Postal Money Order or Stamps, CORRESPONDENCE: We wish correspondents in all the ne*irby post offices, Write at btu»p THURSDAY, mAY, 20TH. 1915 While it is entirely too early in the season to make any safe prediction about crops, still if weather conditions continues as favorable as recently there is every reason to believe that this year will be a good crop year. It looks well for corn, tobacco and wheat If one thing is un favorable for us may be there will be others that will be in our favor to make up for it. it appear that they have a plenty, they can take correspondents of she has in the citizens on the murder of her Lusitania. That Whole Family l>ependent Mr. E. Williams, Hamilton, Ohio J writes “Our whole family depend on , Pine-Tar-Honey." Maybe someone in' your family has a severe Cold—perhaps ^ it is the baby. The original Dr. Bell’s! Pine-Tar-Foney is an ever ready honsd hold remedy—it gives immediata relief. Pine-Tar-Honey penetrates the linings of the Throat and Lungs, destroys the Germs, and allows Nature to act. At your Druggist, 25c. H. C. of L. “Everything seems to be going up In price. Would you believe It, it costs almost ap much nowadays to drestf a child as It C -»es a grown person?” “I don’t dorbw it at all. Only yesterday I had to buy a new dog collar for Elfl and ^ the prices have almost doubled." BICYCLE & GENERAL REPAIRS Get your supplies from me FIX ANYTHING See me I will do the rest. L. F. Wilkerson NELSON-COOPER, LUMBER COMPANY Ara riDiV off erlri^ weath ir boarding dressed at on dollar and ten cents per hundred. This is the quality that sells regular at $L35- A full line of all kinds of building m^iterial, Sash, Blinds, ^lass, paints, oils, lime and Cement. Nelson- Cooper, Lumber Company Mebane, N. C. At th'e Churches. At shop Thursdays Fridays i Preachinsat the Baptist church and Saturdays. Find me at|at iv and 8 p. m. the! shop near ex-May or Shaw, j third Sunday, and 8 p. m. the! -— =—I first Sunday night. Sunday | School at 10 o’clock every Sun-1 day morning-. Prayer meeting- i every Wodnesdaj^ night at 8i borne Forms ot Rheuma tism Curable Rheumatism is a disease character- j ^ clock. pains in the joints and in the I How Can a Wom an Bank $2.00 a Week W. S. leading dailies ove^ there and j is aU there is to it. Now wait convince them, that they have a plenty and to spare for several years, and then when they want to put up the pl^ that their civilian populatio:i is starving and they must drown a few hun dred on the high seas t3 bring England to her senses, they go about the work just as if they had not lied somewhere, and lied much about it. and see what Germany will have to do to show her contempt lor America and her institution, liook out for more wrongs. In as much as most ail of the European resorts will be closed this summer, it would seem that American re.sorts would be crowd ed, and we are much inclined to believe that business will be very much better at resorts in this country this summer. Those in the mountains and those on the sea coast ought lo have very De>iper daily, don’t y,,u see them? A/lake Your Mother Happy By Request Children, make your mother happy; Make her sing instead of sigh, For the mournful hour of parting May be very, very nigh. Children, make your mother happy; Many griefs she has to bear, And she wearies’ neath her burdens Can you not those burdens share? Children, make your mother happy; Prompt obelience cheers tl.e heart; WlJile a wilful disobedience Pierces like a poison dart. Children, make your mother happy; On her brow the lines of care muscles. The most common forms are: Acute and Chronic Rheumatism, Rheumatic Headaches, Sciatic Rheu matism and Lumbago. All of these ^ i i • typ#s can be helped absolutely by ap- j ServiC6s at the Presbyterian plying,some good liniment that pene-j Churcli* every Sunday morning- trates An application of Sloan’s I ini-1 at H o’clock a. m. and Sunday ment two or three times a day to th#» j o’clock p. m. Sun- affected part will give instant relief. | j o i a. tv/t’j i o, » I • • «. • A f • a' day School at 10 a. m. Mid-week bloan s Liniment is good for pain, and “ • ,r i i especially Rheumatic Pain, because it j SOIig serVK'6 Wednesday evening penetrates to the seat of the trouble, ! at 8 o’clock p. m. Everybody sooths the affected part and draws the j cordially invitod. Some can,t do it. Mo&t can. It de pends upon the woman Make up your I account of what you spend weekly. H. G. Dorsett, Pastor j Then cut to the bone your expenditures Crawford. Supt, S.S. j Jie extravagant only in saying money. Some women will say ‘-I can’t do with out this" —“I can’t do without that.” Other women will “I WILL do without this”—“I WILL do without that,” There ia no word in the English language which pays larger divi dends than WILL. pain. 'SSloan’s Liniment is all medicine. Get a 25c. bottle now. Keep it handy in case of emergency. F. M. Hawley, Pastor. J. S. White, Supt. S. S. On Improvement. We cannot improve thfe world factor than we Improve ourselvex.—Creigh ton. White much increased patronage. If the managers of these resorts will go after the busine^ they will get it. We would like to see the old Atlantic Hotel at Morehead City full as in the days gone by. Why not. If after Mr. Wilson had fram ed his demand upon Germany for the sinking of the Lustania and her cargo of America citi zens he had appended this ulti matum, that if Germany had not by the hour of noon on the 20th day of May given guarantees and assurance that Americas demands should be respected and fully met in every detail, then the Presi dent of the United States would proceed without further notice to use such power and authority enjoined and confered upon him lo that extent necessary to carry in to effect and make such de mand an effective force. And Sign it Bryan This would have brought re sults. While your own are smooth and fair. Children, make your mother happy; For beneath the coffin-1 id All too soon h®r face, so saint-like. Shall fore\ermore be laid. Bitter tears and self-upbraiding Can not bring her back again; And remorseful recollections. Are a legacy of pain. Oh, begin to-day, dear children, ' Listen when your mother speaks; Tender, quick, and sweet obedience. For your highest good she seeks. She loves you better than all others, For your sake herself denies; Always patient, prayerful, tender. Ever thoughtful, true, and wise. Remember while you live, dear children Should you search the rounded earth. You’ll never find a friend more faith ful Than the one who gave you birth. We should organize a trade at home society, or club, and then work diligently to that end. It is hard to conceive of how much money is k^st to a community by their citizens buying goods and wares from distant mail order houses. The parcel post and the express office tells the tale., Ihousands and thousands of dollars go out of each commun-* ity annually to enrich the big mail order houses of the North and West, and it goes to pay for goods that could be purchased from home merchants at far more satisfactory prices than are paid for them, besides to buy at home, you get a chance to get some of the money back again. If you send it to'the mail order houses it goes beyond vour reach forever. Stick by home institutions. We often hear men preaching this same doctnme and then send off for wuld do 4s cheap and better. or oTt institution “f quit talking about it. THE THRlUt-A-WEEK EDITION OF THE NEW YORK WORLD Practically a Daily at the price of a Weekly. Ko other Newspaper in the world gives so much at so low a price. The year 1914 has been the most ex traordinary in the history of modem times. It has witnessed the outbreak of the great European war, a struggle so titanic that it makes all others look small.- You live in momentous times, an you should not miss any of the tremen dous events that are cccuring. No other newspaper will inform you with the promptness and cheapness of the Thrice-a-Week edition of the New York World. Moreover, a year’s suh- cription to it will take you far into our next Presidential campaign. THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD’S regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 156 papers We offer this unequalled newspaper and the Mebane Leader together one year for $1.50. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.00. Address all letters to Mebane Leader Mebane, N. C* Preaching at the M. E, Church second Sunday night at 7 o’clock and on fourth Sunday morning M n, I and night. Sunday School every an With Black Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. To Liver ! all of these ser'n’ces the public is Liver is a blood purifier. It'cordially invited, “I was glad when they said, Let us go unto the house of the Lord.” E. (\ Durham, P. C. Walter Lynch, Supt S, S. MEBANE BANK & TRUST 00. Mebane, N. C. Archie Long, Pres. Ben F. Warren, Vice-Pres. Felix F. Smith, Cashier. The Liiver is a was thought at one time it was the i seat of the passions. The trouble with | most people is that their Liver becomes i black because of imurities in the blood j due to bad physical states, causing \ Biliousness, Headache, Dizziness and Piles Curiu in 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, iitind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. The tirst application gives and Rest. 60c. Constipation. Dr. King’s New Life j Methodist Protestant Cliurch, P.II8 will clean up the Liver, »->) sive | preaehing every 2nd ..nd 4th vou new life. at vmir nriioro’ial- • jSundaylla. m. every Sunday ! at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs 1 'day 8 p. m. Sunday school 9:45 you new life. 25c. at your Druggist. Uncle Pennywise Says: I ain’t got much legal iore, but don't believe I’d smirk and grin if I I wnz on trial fer murder. I UNIVERSin OFKorttiCarillnal SUMMER 1915 ' THE SUMMER SCHOOL FOR j TEACAERS-JUNE 15-..IULY 30 a. m. A glad welcome to all. W. E. Swain, Pastor C, C. Smith, Supt S.S Thos. C« Carter Attorney At Law Office Over Post Office Mebane. North Carolina. Whooping Cough. Ably Faculty Complete Curriculum Moderate Hates Credit Courses Rural Life Conference; July 5-12 High School Conference July 12-17 The Summer Law School June 17- August 27 Regular Session Opens September 14 Students who expect to enter for the first time should complete their arran gements as early as possible DR. JOS. H. HURDLi; DENTIST Office In New Post-office BIdg. Mebane. N. C. j “When my (laughter had whooping j cough she coughed so hard at one time that she had hemorrage of the lungs. I I Was terribly alarmed about her con- i (lition. Seeing Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy .so highly recommended, I got her a bottle and it relieved the cough at once. IJefore she had finished two bottles of this remedy she v.?as entirely . ^ ’.veil,” writes Mrs. S. P', Grimes, Crook ' besi attention given to all J. H. VERNON Burlington, N, C, Atlorney at Law sville, Ohio. For sale by Company. Mebane Drug j matter entrusted to mv care. “MONEY” The mint makes it and under the terms of the CONTINENTAL MORTGAGE COMPANY you can secure it at 6 per cent, for- any legal purpose on approved real estate. T§rms easy, tell us your wants and 'we will co-opsrate with you.', PETTY & COMPANY 1419 Lytton Bldg. Chicago, Sign Vour Name Here If you suffer with any chronic disease hat does not seem to be benefited by drugs, such as ayspepsia, indijestion, sick headache, neuralgia, rheumatism, gall stones, liver or kidney diseases, or any other chronic ailment involving impure blood, you are cordially invited to accept the liberal offer made below. It is a graye mistake to assume that your case is incurable simply because remedies prepaire \ by human skill have not seemed to benefit you. Put your faith in nature, accept this offer and you will never have cause to regret it. I Lelieye this is the most wonderfu Mineral Spring that has ever ben dis covered for its waters have either cur ed or benefited nearely everyone who has accepted my offer, trust your fai th in this spring against my pocket- book, and if this spring does not relieve your case, I will make no charges for the water. Clip this notice, sign your name, enclose the amount and let this / wonderful water begins its healing wo- j rk in you as it l^s in thousands of oth- j ers. I Shivar Spririj^,* ^ ■ ; Box—7A, Shelton, S. O. * j Gentlemen-I accept your guarantee offer and enclose herewith two dollars ■ for ten gallons of Shivar Mineral Wat- ! er. I agres to give it a fair trial, in ac- j cordance with instructions contained *n booklet you will serriJ, and if it. faih to 1 benefit my case, you agree to refund the price in full upon receipt of the two empty demijohns, which I agree to re- ( urn promptly. ^^ame Address . . ... . . . . . Shipping Point . ‘. . Not The Advertising manager of the Raleigh Christian Advocate is pers onally acquainted with Mr. Shivar. you run no risk whatever' in accepting hi offer. I have personally witnessed the remarkable curative po^r of this wat- or in a very serious case. Only One “BRDMO QUININE” I To KCt the eenuiile, call for full name, I.AXA- | TiVfi BROMO QUININE. Look for liKnature of B. W. GROVB. (hires a Cold in One Day. Stops ! couch and headache, and worki off old. 25c | ottf Sorni, Ciher iienttfiM wmrt Cert “ \ . rst cases, no matter of how long standing, aio cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter’s Antiseptic Healing OiL It relieves P-in and Heals at the same time. 25c. 60c, $L00^ NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY .TRAFFIC DEPART MENT. . Notice to Shippers and Re ceivers of Freight in N. C. The new freight rates, both local and joint, made effective by the laws of North Carolina October 13th, 1914 are on file with all agents of this com pany. Agents v/ill furnish upon application full information as to these rates. E. D. Kyle, Traffic Manager, Norfolk, Va. J. F. Dalton, Asst. Genl. Freight Agent, Norfolk, Va, Are You a Wolnan ? I ■' Mi The Woman’s Tonic FOR SAir AT ALL OmSTS ' F4 THE BEST PLACE (N GREENSBORO To get the best to eat A j the [ HENNESSEE CAFE Open until midnight. 312 33Urfl ELM STREET Near passenger depot. J. R. DONNNEL, Prop. For Rent Two brick stores, two ntories each 28 by GO feet, well finished situated on Warehouse Street, For further in formation apply to Mebane Bank and Trust Company Mebane or to Robert S. Barbour. South Boston. You Work for Your Money Why Not Make Your Money Work for You? The man who ‘'spends as he goes” because he believes he will always be able to earn a good salai’y never gets anywhere. Put part of your salary away each pay day, and you are ready for two e.nergencies— tV.r the opportunity that will promote you from employe to employer, and for the time when you don't wish to work any more. Start that savings account today ■ We pa> 4 per cent interest on savings. One dolhr starts an account. COMMERCIAL & FARMERS BANK Mebane, N. C. Saftv deposit boxes for rent. -Mi: CALOMEL DYNAMITES YOUR LltfER: MAKES YOU SICK AND SALIVATI **Dodson’s Liver Tone” Starts Your Liver Better Than Caiomei and You Don’t Lose a Day's Work Liven up your sluggish livor! Feol fine and cheerful: make yonr work a pleasure; vigorous and full of ainbi- tion. But take no iiai»ty. d.mgerous calomel boeaiise it makes yon sick and you may lose a day’s work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel cnishes into sour bile like dynamite, breaking it up. 'I’liat’s when you feel that awful naiiscni anl cramping. Listen to me! If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing vou>ever exptMienc**l just take B. spoonful g| liaruiless JJodsou's Liver Tone tonight. Yonr druggist or .l-ai. r sells you a oO cent bottle of Liver Tone under my porsonal back guarantee that each spoonliil uiil clean your sluggisli livei' better tlum i dose of niisty calomel and that 11 u.m't make you sick. Dodson’s Liver Tone is real livor medicine. Yon’H know it iie\t liiomiii:; iH'cause you will wuke up feclino j;,...’ your liver will Ik* working; and gone: fltoni.icli ui!l f.,- sweet and bowels regular. Dodson’s Liver Tone is entirely vf'i'i'- (able, therefore harmless and c:iu ii"' salivate. Give it to your eliil.iivn. Millions of people are using Dodson' Liver Tone instead of dangerous ealoiix i now. Yonr druggist will tell you tiuit the sale of Calomel is almost stopped entirely here. IINSURA.NCe 1 carry a full line of the strong-est companit^s for fire, life, and health, insurance. Anythin^;* in the insurance h’ne. Rates reasonabl. When n?edingr anything- in the in.surance'iine see S. G. MORGAN Saved Girl’s Life “I want to teH you what wonderful benefit I have re ceived from the use of Thedford’s Black-Draught/* writes Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. “It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girPs life. When she had the measles, they went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford’s Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no more trouble. I shall never be without W. . THEDFORD'5 . dLack-DraugHT in my home.” For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzi ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar ailments, Thedford’s Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- Draught. It is a medicine of known merit. Seventy-five years of splendid success proves its value. Good for young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. _ [J-63I WE BUY BARGAINS FNASH ATTORNEY At][lAW PRACTICE IN All COURTS The purchaser of our propersy gets the benefit If we get a farm cheap, you can buy it cheap: if cost, you get the benefit as well as we. of out low cost, we build at low LOOK AT THESE: three blocks of depot in good neighborhood. The Qidmne That Net Affeet The Head tonieSand laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO quinine: is better than ordinary does not cause nervousness nor nuffins tn head. Remember the full name and look for the sienature of R. W. GROVE. 25c, 7 room house, $2100.00. 5 room house one block of graded school $1400.00. 125 acres farm 2 1-2 miles of town, Gfood buildings, grain land, $3750.00. Others as good. ftnd fine Ll.SBORO N. C. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up Tbe System Take the Old Standard GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what yon are taking, as the formula is prints on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. SO cents Mebane Real Estate & Trust Co. W S. CRAWFORD Manager Subscribe to The Leader fiU

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