’"HE MEBANE LEADER And Right The Day Must Win, To Doubt Would!Be Disloyalty, To Falter Would Be Sin. 99 Volumn 7 MEBANE, N. C., THURSDAY, jJUNE 24, 1915 Number 18 Dr. .1 uiul ih\ ^ , t , left it» an automobile Tues- i (jiv evening for Wrightsville where they expect to spend several days. i H. Hurdle, of Mebane:Commuted To Life Im* I. H. Brooks of Bur-! prisonment. Leo M. Frank’s death senten ce was commuted • to life im prisonment Monday by Gover nor Slaton of Georg'ia. Announ- W. E. Wilkinson Co. ad. | cement of the governor’s decis- 'l’lit\v are still in the ring with a, icn came several hours after [,i; line of hats, shoes, etc.! Frank had been secretly taken l.atiies >ummer dre.^s goods. ! from the jail and hurried to the Mrs. Lucy King and children iMiiledge- spentthe week end with Mrs, j viHe. Frank was sentenced to \ M. Cook. I l^anged Tuesday fo'r the murder * , ’ ^ XT O ^ 4 • U I Phagan, in April, 1913. \ ^ A I Iri n^aking his announcement the Wotnvriftv IV1 vg S Ci -!• i i . ' governor dictated the following brief statement: * Efiand items Brittain oT (ireenshoro, iSaturdav to visit old Colonisl Empires Anij The War. I (C’hattaiiooy;H Ne^v^^ )j ! Germany entei-ed the pieisjut war J. Brown was calkd lo the | i'' cvp«l,ei her bedaide of her lather Mr. A. J. Joi-j efforts she would have an opp|M*tunity ; don in Hills'jboro Saturday at't-errioon. i to add territorv to her do^iinions. ' Mr. Jordon is critically ill Mi.-aes Annie -lordon and Cora Cecilo spent Wednesday in Hillsooro shopping Mr. R F. came down friends. Mrs. J. .spf'nt Saturday with Mrs Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Miles spent Sunday in Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. .s[ieiit Sunday in the country. Mis. H. S. Manner is spending il,r^ week out at Cedar Grove vi'iting- Mrs. Caroline Keeves of JVlebane spent the day Wednesday with her niece Mrs. Fitzpatrick near Efiand. Mrs. Reeves is eighty seven years of age. She made the *rip through the country. Mr. Carl F. Carroll, tobacco travel ling n'.an of W i.iston-Salem stopped I over in Kflaiul a sliort time Thursday } morning*-. thfci miiita- a- GOVERNOR JARVIS DIED LAST IHURSDAY NIGHT AT HIS GREEN VILLE HOME. VViishington News Letter President W'^ils(>n’b .second rote to Consistency. ^ Some one said that consistency was Gel many on the sinkii:^' of the Lusi- a Jewel, perhaps this is so, but if it lania levolves around the *enlral idea j is there ai'e lots of people who do not that existint^ inteinational hiwi! give I value Jewels much, or at any rate this particular Ui'.d of Jewel. For instance it is consistent with good common sense A Shame. citizens at The demonstration by a hoxllams and silly I li^* home of iGovernor Slaton of 1 (itWkria in the suburbs of At lanta Monday night because hej had eoniinuted the sentience of j Leo Frank, was a decidedly dis-j i^raceful matter, and one that j i he people of Georgia ought to | Ite utterly ashamed of. That thej l(.vernor should have to call on! tlie State maliiia to protect him iVoni a mob in the discharge of a duty, if he so conceived it, a’i never help the citizenship -i' (Georgia. “All that I ask is that the peo ple of Georgia read my statement. 1 . T ..1 Mr. Joe Thon.i)son and lilile son i the reasons why I commuted .. , . , x, ■ > -n t i * Morgan' i Melvm went to Rfidsvillo lor a short j Leo M. Frank s death sentence i stay'Sunday, to life imprisonment, before they j ' pass judgment. j Miss Annie Murray daughter of Mr. l*eeling as I do about thisi^nfi Murray and Mr. Clyde ^ case 1 would be a murderer if I 1 allowed this man to hang. It may [mean that I must live in obscur- jity the rest of my days, but I ^ I would rather be p owing in a ! field than to feel for the rest of my life that I had that man’s blood on my hands.” Mayes were married in Greeiisboro last Snndaj’, Miss Murrays parents op posed the match “but love laughs at Lock Smiths’" Mrs C. C. Smith and mother Mrs. Coroline Reeves of Mebane spent Sat urday V ith Mrs. Reeve’s sister Mrs. Julia Watson near Efiand. Was Governor of J5tate, United States Senator and Minister to BraziL Thomas J. Jarvis, 79 years the 18th of last January, died old on Thurs- Trieschzke, Bernhardi, all rist writers have pointed out ijie need lor Deutschland to «ecure it» “place in the sun.” Gerr.ian f3outln\je.=?t Af rica already has passed into tlje hands of Great Britain as a i"esult ofjG^neral Botha’s attacks. Kiauchau hits been taken by the Jwpaneese. Theieight or ten arc'llpelagoes scattered ftW)ut the 1 day night, June I7th at his home at Pasific have been f^ten over |jy British j Greenville after being ill for some fleets. But the Germans stijl hold in j months. Central Africa their sphere o^ the east! He was one of North Carolina’s mo.-it coast, despite the Bfitish attat’ka from I prominent men. governor of the state the north. ; . 11879 to 1885; United Spates nunister to But none of these possessions was j Brazil 1885-89; Uuited States senator worth a war and, in fact, of the un j 1H94-5, having been elected to all the occupied lands of the world not much vacancy caused by the death of Sena- I Unit d States citizens i he right to be- j lieve tlicir lives will not be sacri- i I'lced at sea. Tiie niost sensational I j thing L‘t»nnect#*d with it was and fore thought to guard against caus- Bryan’s eing trouble or • making trouble I resiifnalion as Secretary of State. { for others, such always proves a booni- i Hard'y anything was talke.i about in j erang, Hying back and hurting the of- ! Washington for three or four days but is- is left that would fire the heart of a conquest-seeking natiot). The/feutonic vision was in another directfon The Balkans ami Central Asia vrfere wha* aroused the nation, and the {war now being fought down at the '^>ttom is one between Teuton and Slav for ex pansion l)y way of tl»e He!lespoj»t into Mr. Harry Fitzpatrick who has been 1 the heat t of the old ?st contineiit on off from his work several days on the account of a toe trouble left Mon day for Hamlet to resume his work. Qei otf The Job News From The Univer sity. The University Summer Scho.l b-i ginsits twenty-eighth session June 15. IaftenuMm m Tuesday and Wednesday of last week | automobile. were registration days,and on Thursday ! Mr. W. E. Thomps^on left Monday work will begin in earnest. Over 4lX) ( for Durham where he gfur-s on a busi- teachers and students have signified | ness trip for several days. their mtention of attending while those I ^ ^ ^ who have made no reservations and' , -^.u u- r -i . ; days with his family, others who will enter later, will prob- | ably bring the number up to 650. There • Mrs. Jones of Thomasville lost a very j its naval superority, risks mor« in the is every indicatioii of this being the} valuable horse la.=t Sunday, Mr. W. present struggle than does any other most successful and profitable session 1 VV. Smith was keeping the horse for earth U was because an »Tmy could be used in .such a war better than a navy tiiat the former was orgatiized and (J lied and was made ready foe the emergency. Should t-iie war on land prove to be indecisive, as may be the c«ae, there is a bare chanco that by success at sea the navy may find for the Teutofwi a place in the »un in some other direction Unquestionably, Great Britain, despite tor Zebu Ion Vance He had been spefker of the house and lieutenant governor previous to his election as governor and until very lately coiuinued the practice of the law. in which he held hi/h place. He served in the Confederate army, rising from private to captain, but his rigl.t arm Ijfing shattei*ed'in battle, he was compelled to leave the service in 1864. He is survived by hi.s widow, for- n erly Miss Mary Woodson the resignation The statesments sued by him since have furnished ad ditional topics. Speculation has been rife as to his future course of action, and its effect upon the Democratic party. Many were of opinion tnat Mr. Bryan would again seek the presiden tial nomination in 1916 in opposition to Wilr,on, while others believed that he might become a Senator from Neb raska, his home State. Some pre dictions were made that his action would result in a split in the Demo cratic party and its ultimate defeat in 1916; yet taking his announcements at thfir face value his resignation and his plans have for their ultimate end the support of the President and the good of the Democratic party. Akhough the United States govern ment for the last two weeks has beer, absorbed in the Gi;rman situa*^ion, the interim of a fortnight or more that will elapse before a reply comes from Berlin undoubted'y will draw atten tion again to political developments in j religion, argue for in Mexico. Gen. Cnrranza has issued j a proclamation claiming that having 1 control of a large territory and havmg anything for instituted civil administration therein fender. Some time ago a man walking down the street kicked nine peices of banana peel off the side walk. Some thing was said about it and it was declared that Some one from the coun try did it, for no one living in town, knowing the danger of such things, would be so thoughtless as to throw banana peels on the concrete side "valk. There are three things about winch people seem very inconsistent. The first is about working public roads and streets. A hole is found, and in order to fill full of rocks and dirt a hill is made. Then the wheel runs over the hiU and digs a bole out on the other side opposite the hole. Dirt is throw'n out of the ditches on the side of the road or street and dropped on the edge of the road, some time making the side higher than the middle, thereby making a miniture ditch in the middle of the road. Another thinjj about which some people show very little consistency is their religion There are people who will quarrel for their religion, fight for their religion get mad and will not speak to people about their religion, - in short will do their religion ex- British Gold Debt? Or Kritish If you are serving a corpora- in the history of the School. The en-1 Mrs. Jones curing her stay in Ihomas- \ion, andare too lazy, or indif-1 lec-jVille. We aie very soirv for Mrs. . tures by well known authorities, the | Jones in thelo.ss of her pet, slje was terent to give the public i conferences, the varied entertainments j very much attached to her horse, and efficient service then get off | ideal surroundings are fea-| “Pat” the job. It does not matter j tures which will make the term both | -r—-rrrj:--- how many times you have pro- profitable and enjoyable. Since the j cost to teachers is extremely low— j Efiand Items, about thirty dollars—there will be an ' opportunity to combine business with j Tqo for last weeks ia.sue. iVssed religion, it does not help tiie situation. No corporation ejijoys the franchise of a town or city unless that town or city makes some sacrifice to give it to it. The Leader is everlasting I v opposed to a lazy conceited .^well head treating the public as if they owned the town, and the public had no rights, and when it strikes such a character it pioposes to show them up. It is a newspapers duty. nation. Should von Tirpitz’ fleet sail forth from the havens about Kiel and give successful battle to it!? adversari es, not even ti;v* seven years’ war in which France lo?l,Can»»la would be as epoch-makintr, VVilhotit Us .superior navy Bni^ai'i tould iK»f -%»fli!vtain its ! supreme; y m Australia. India, Egypt j South Africa or Canada and France and Worse Than a Cvclone vacation; hence teachers will return to, Will Murray and bride have re-i must give up Tonquin, their work prepared in body and mind . turned from Asheville where they went i Tunis a:ui Morocco. to serve most effectively the childre.i | on their bridal trip. Mr, and Mrs. j of the State, [Murray are for the present stopping) The new athletic field, the gifc of i vvith Mr. Murray’s parents Mr, and Captain Emerson of Baltimore, is now | Mi s. J. H. Murray in F^fland. an assured fact. The plans have beef., drawn, specilications made, and thej Mrs. S. 0. Forrest and children spent contract given. It is expected that j Sunday in Hillstoro with Mrs, For- the field will be ready for use by rail, j rest’s aunt Mrs Mollie I^aws. The campus is being enlivened by: The fall of exchange in this market to the unparalleled fieure of $4,771-2 on the pound sterling indicates a closely approaching crisis in Grent Britain’^ financial relations with the United States. At this rate a premi um of approximately two cents ot the dollar is being paid on purchases of American gools through sales of ster ling bills. It is an unprecedented situation and too burdensome for Eng land to endure indefinitely. Nearly all of the gold taken from New York by the Bank of England at the outset of the war has come back but it has had no effect in boosting ex- chanffo on London. UntoUl millions of American securties have been sold and rdturneu to this market, and again L I without permanent effect. American I exports of merchandise to England . continue so far to exceed imports as to I overcome all these extraordinary coun- has sent a favoring President , . . , . . cept live it in the spirit of religion he IS entitled to recognition. Gen Villa | teaching “ '““"y show a lack of consistency is about tion of a union ot the Mexican ract.ons l^ty„^ manied. Consistency would tor peace; and has made overtures to ( ^ Carranza. But the opinion is genera' i in Washingtoji that the administration cannot long tolerate the present trend of affairs in Mexico. Just how long the the President will wait before ac ting no one seems to know, as he has not discussed the Mexican question for more than a week. ! ter-balances, Maximilian ilarilen s opinion that i Heavier gold ex|x)rts this way offer Germany co:rm«itted a political mistake | one remedy, but England is naturally when it sai.k the Lusitania will be j reluctant to give up gold and we are shared more and more by hi.s country-1 not eager for it. Our banks are al men as tin-e passes. Wholly a»ide j ready gorged with gold. They are from humai it.-iiian reato iS and the ; overflowing with surplus cash reserves . . ^ Burlington stopped | prejudices fcnu«ed by them, a deed ; and money is a drug in the market in little improvements preparatory to he | pp^av night with j that drew the attention of the United | spite of expanding trade volume all Summer School, Tne dormitories Ernest Forrest. Miss j States from Great Britain's sea policy ! over the country.—New York World. being thoroughly overhauled, walks , and fastened ii upon that of . Germany j olanned. and every thing put in com- i ■ ui i /' ' fnrtable ahaoe ' Miss Annie Jordan visited Miss Vesta 'excu.'"ujle bluisfler. Germany^ 7 7^,' . „ , o ! Bapon near New Sharon Satnrdav ! lost more thai. iife and i.4’operty when Of what value IS a college education? &naron oaturaay . . Statistics compiled of the class of 1913 \ night and attended church at Sharon | sent the L'jsi.ania to the bo.tom. HEALTH WORK REINF0R6ED Orange County Women Organize and Pave the Way. (Bulletin by the North Carolina Board of Health) “What I consider perhaps the great est force we have at work in Orange County.” said Dr, L. L, Lumsden of the United States Public Health Ser vice the other day. is the Woman’s Sanitation League. This is an organiz ation composed of the women of the county which has for its purpose the promotion and advancement of all hea lthy measures in the community. for The fury and danger of the 'yclone is nothing compared to j preesnt facts bearing on this hazy sub- | Sunday. tiie destruction levied by thejject. « the 188 men who entered the | M, Parry Fitzpatrick operaler mail order business. The havoc Southern R, R. Po. is at home for 1 • ,1 . Ml 1 126 are students, 23 business men, 14 ! caused by this PVll will never be insurance and teal estate men, |, kriiUVn. It cannot be reckoned in ^re following divers pur- | Miss Lula Pratt spent one day last | TiKUres. Towns have been wiped j suits, Ninteen of the number are mar j week in Chapel Hill on business. | o U of exist?nce, land values! ried, whi'e in 18 states there are re- jviisses Annie Murray and wrecked, farms depopulated and | the^ class. The average, yjgiting friends in 'Old Men As War-Leadeis. for all Rear Admiral Cameron McR. Win slow told the Navy League at its recent luncheon that the navy should be put under contorl of navv men, and that officers more than 50 years jld should be weeded out of the service. hn.sinesb brought to a standstill. I. j salary of 50 men who sent in reports is $106.13 a month. The highest sala- ford also Miss York at Trinity Murrays sister Mary Guil- Mrs. VV(jodla\vn tteins Thinking people of all classes: | pajj ^ member of the class is $200| iarmers, merchants, manufact-| a month; the lowest $50. Fram such| Mr. Will E. Thompson went Uivrs. are now alive to the dan- [data one may draw interesting concUi- j ham, Tuesday on a business trip, j^er and have begun wwk to founteract its effects. Every T^wn is being urged to wage a campaign of education to arouse the thought of the people. The imaginary, long - distance bar Excursion To Asheville, N. C. Tuesday June 29th. 1915 via Southern Railway Pre mier Carrier of the South. Schedule gain has nev'er yet nieasured up ! and low round-trip fares as follows: l lo the standard and value of I Chapel Hill Sta. 820 a m $5.^ I Lv. Burlington 11.18 A.M. 5 00 j Lv. Greensboro 12.30 A. M 4 00 j Lv. Sanford 5.30 A.M. 5 00 I Fares in same proportion from all i intermediat» stations uj) to and inclu- jding Lexington, N, C, Passengers from branch line points Hhmk bought good?. Notice Of Meeting Board hquah'zation. Mi.ss Bessie Me Dade of Raleigh is visiting relatives and friends near Efiand. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Brown spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Brown’s mother, Mrs. Mary Thompson near X roads. Miss Sallie Tapp is visiting her bro ther, Mr. Tull Tapp near Cedar Grove We are glad to note that Mrs. Della Forrest is much improved {.fter a severe spell of sickn2ss. Mrs. Lilly Boggs and children are visiting Mrs. Falitha Boggs The w ir narr!;/ in (Jreece have won by a vo:e of !72, as against 79. They are ir }'.ivor of joming ihe .•illi^s, and setting G-’vi:.:in\s b“licriiora!U'V times. I ? I The restiyeness of navy men under the civil control which is necessary to the Republic is an old story. So is the a deep well ] call for youth in command. Neither I bears examinaton. The most conspicu ous naval figure in the war, von Tirp- itz, is 66 years old, and recently celeb- The Sunrtay sohool is pr»Bressing i anniversnry in the nicely with Mr. Wooslev as superinten- ' . ^ ^ , I service. On the British side. Admiral I Fisher is 74, and there is no more com- betent officer if he were not politically ; unmanageable. In anctive command of the British fleet, Admiral Jellicoe is 56. On land, where this w’ar will be I W’oodlawn lias just had to Dur- j drilled and will in the ne-jr future stall a mod.Mii drinking system which will be of much l>enelit to the school. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Tate went over to Belmont Saturday to see Mrs. so important should be entered into with great caution and with perfect understanding and candor. But really, are young people honest with each other in their courtship? Maybe they meet by chance and maybe they do not, but whether they do or not, it seem too many throw the whole matter I over to chance, shut their eyes (except ! to the nonesentials plunge on in a mad frenzy, believing each is as they appear on the surface when looking and acting their very best, never stop ping to inquire into the family traits, the blood of ancestry. When a real sensible uian goes to buy a horse for family use, one that he may depend on every day, he woul'd like to know the ' pedigree, but what young man or wo man wants to know' the pedigree of the one who is to become a life partner? The Bible says: “There are diversity of gifts” and after about two thous and more years for the developinent of other fatuities it may be said there are diversities of tastes. There are peo- ! pie who have unfortunate noses, eyes, { ears and tongues. The deformity of ! these organs can not be discovered in I their physicial appearance. That per- Said he. -Women are the best adverti-! f“"°‘’- sers in the world and what they have tainted .s m a bad way . . . Always sniffing around trying to find one in Orange County in creating something not exactly clean. Some avora e public sentiment for this j pgQpjg have eyes that even a skilled health campaign is simply marvelous, j „,jght pronounce all right, and yet that eye is so diseased that it can see nothing but the w'orst possible To show you.“ he continued, “that they are working along the right line and donig things worth while I will tel! you sOitiething of how it is done. Every woman who becomes a member of the aianders,’revilings, league pledges her efforts to three things: First, that her own home shall be provided, as far as she her selfis able to have it so, and that's a long i things in life. Again there are those who have ears that can hear only insinuations and such like things. Two people go down the street On their return one is I bright aiui smiling, the other scowlinif and mad. W^hy this difference? They way, you know, with some safe and | ^oth met the same people, went to ^nitary method for the disposal of all j ^jjg game place and returned the same human excrement. Second that there | yet the difference, shall be an unpolluted water supply | jg thig. ^ne had ears to or er home and family, and third, j grood things, the pleasant things, re- that her home shall be screened against; ^^at made the heart glad, while fhes and mosquitoes, “you see they are the other heard only the foul dark doing the real thing and. furthermore ^^ings that which distresses they propose to have this Fall a visi ting nurse or sanitary school inspector iTate’y mother who is very sick. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Holt have a new baby boy at their hame, Mr. and Mrs, Gattis spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Foster. Mr. Jim Albert and Miss Ora Holt attended services at Hawfielda Sunday • 'lutKe is hereby given that the Mrs. MoseJWilkerson went to Greens Mrs. Sallie Hall and daughter. Miss | ^^^end a business I ^ , .. . ' iiao I'Po-niar trains UD to Junction points I “ —“f, > •> j boro Wednesaav to attend a busii rrJj 'Ithat win connect with train No. 21 I t)'.rhan. spent Monday wUh tannin? Club. VHluationof property and to hear any i ^ "'tii()laint,s that any citizen has to j ‘ ^ ♦ inuke in regard to the assentment of ; Returning tic cets wi je imi e ® ! EslanJ. t- property for the year 19^5, will j leave Ashevil e on all regular trains "iwt on the SECOND MONDAY IN ! “P including Saturday July 3ro. 1915. Mrs. Mary Jordan. They are also visit; 'i ting their relative Miss Ara Hail in fought to a finish, old men are in cha rge. Kitchener is 65; French and Ian Hamilton, who command in the west and east, are 63 and 62 respectively The three most famous Generals of France’ Joffre, Pau and Castelnau, are 63, 67 and 70. Gallieni, defender of for their public school.’ “Then you have no trouble in getting the co-operation of men?” “None The se- hear the any Miss Annie Lasley was a pjeasant' P&ris. is 67. caller in the community recently. Old age is supreme on the tSerman an noys and stirs up the gall. The ex planation is that each heard that which was in keeping with the real inner natural self, because of an uncontcious , hunger for just the thing heard. There w a ever, ou see when we get the : gome people who die before their wives intersted. the husbands come j and that from no fault of theirs, rig along Especially is this so in hea- j because they are tongue lashed to 1th work.” I death and then the maligner looks , ! soi'ry as if he would float the casket of ; the dead to the grave in a river of tears i In conclusion let Robert Burns speak. { “0 would some power the gift but give us , i To sec ourselves as others see us: along without his drinks, the following u r ui i r ’ iuiiuwmg , Yvould from many a blunder free us. And foolish notion.” Some Sense To This To the married man who cannot get Wesinav/. Misses Maggie Pickard and Myrtle Mr. Hubert Tate spent Perry of Burlington, drove down Burlington. Stop overs permited at all points' tlio country Sunday and spent, l. (; willcinson has purchased'' * uj r^niain in s6ssi0n from cfiy to | ^ * i mi • i • • Hrv witH in Rfl^nd . • a . I • ".y until all complai..t8 are heard and I Asheville n.clus.ve, ; day w.b f.tnls tl.and, complai li.M.ropertv values equalized as near i 8“"* O’-^ Mrs. J. .J, Brown and Mrs H. n a iifiv be FIVE DAYS IN THE COOL MOUN-j Brown spent luesday evenmg with I TAINS OF WESTERN NORTH CAR- j Mrs. Boggs. OLINA -‘THE LAND OF THE SKY” i For detailed information ask Ticket Mrs. Sunday in | dashing Kluck is 69, Heer j ingen 65, Bissing 71. The hero of the recapture of Przemyl, GenMackensen, is only 66, but Hindenburg, the chief Hill Payne is on the sick li^t 1 ^ Announcement! This June 21st, 19J5, C'has. D. Johnston, Clerk to the, Board County Commissioner.'^. or write Mr, Minick Miller of Mebane, spent last Saturdav night with his aunt Mrs, Tiie Germans papers claim that the j * 'f' st aeroplane bombardment of Lon-■ 'i’I! was in retaliation for the raid on , Kurlsrhue last week by French avia* j •‘"i*. The truth is that the boxnbard-_ ‘Ill-lit of Karlsrhue was in retaliatitn, '•'1 attacks of the same Agent, see the large flyers, to O, F. York, , , , . Traveling Passenger Agent, ’ ^'^’son after a pleasant visit Raleigh, N. C. ; daughter Mrs Fitzpatrick. Mrs. Taylor hfis returned to her home to her J. Efiand. we wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr. J. A, Holt spent Sunday in Hawfields. i Mr. Calvin Gibson is spending some time in the community, i Mr. Clem Wilkinson spent Sunday in Durham. called to Keeping Uurmese River In Check. ' xiu One of the world’s largest retaining 1 Mrs. E^ D, Thompson was nature pre-1 walls has been built to prevent the | the bedside of her little niece Velma ^ ^ River Rangoon, Burma, from shiftai* | Nicholson who was badly scaldtd last usly made on French and Enghsh channel. I Friday at her home near New Sharon. ' ities by German air craft. ^ .1 Mr. Lacy Cook of the So. Railway Miss Besc.ie Baity sp-nt Tuesday in ^ Efiand with friends, age. So had also gallantly Mr. Thornton of Burlington will be at Woodlawn next Sunday and will speak to the Sunday school. I A. B. A. i and had retired years Haeseler, 78, but he returned to the colors. Great struggle between France and Germany, and none of its veterans are available for military service. The war in Europe is being fought under veter ans of the war of 18 70-71 by both I France and Germany; and in the Engl- i ish and Russian armies by veterans of ! the Boer war and the war with Japan, j The young men are leading regim ents, not armies. New, york. world. is being suggested as a means of free- | dom from the bondage of the saloons, j Start a saloon in your own house, j Be the only customer. You will have * no license to pay. Go to your wife * and give her ?2 to buy a gallon of' ^ . , , . 1 Moorehead City, N. C. whiskey, and remember there are 69 ! jg „ow open drin^cs in one gallon. | Under the management of Mr. R. P. Buy your drinks from no one but ’ Foster, who operated the Hotel with your wife, and by the time the first' "^uch success and to the entire satis- gallon is gone she will have $8 to put , . Mr. Foster is well known to nearly m the bank ana $2 to start business . ot this state and his pre, I yjQQg experience in Hotel business in- Should you live ten years and con- | sures excellent service and courteous tinue to buy tw)oze from her, and then } attention to all guests. • L i. L •„ Every Railroad in this territory will die with snakes in your boots, she will ! „ „ . u ^ , sell Excursion tickets to Moorehead ave money enough to bury you de- | during the present summer. cently, educate your children, buy a | CONSULT YOUR TICKET AGENT. house and lot, man and quit thinking; g Lead, G, P, A, Norfolk, Va. about you -Progressive Farmer. ‘ j. p. Mitchell, T, P. A, Raleigh, N. C,

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