Locals and Mrs. J. A. l^owler of Greens-[Ttiursday Afternoon jSook | 1 bort) is v[sitinj>- relatives in town, j Club. j II Mrs. Clarke of Wel^-on is Mrs. Joe Vincent was hostess I# 0 Personals f I Mrs. Dave Qualls spent Satur- ill Burlington. Mrs. Graves, Mr. John H. Mebane lington was in town the the week. Mr. Charles Harris Felix 'I'hursdoy Afternoon Book Club with 14 members present and six guest to enjoy this de- of Bur- lightful meeting. After some first of business rook soon took the form i 'of amus3m«nt. At the close of! and daugh- the game dGlicious refreshments | I ler Miss Emma are spending i he ^^onsisting of salad's Ice cream’ Ml. David Hawkins of Cair j week in Durham. and cake were served by the* -■ nt Sunday in Mebane. j ' i hostess assisted by Mrs. Warren' jlr. W. O. Sharpe of Durham! “'• “J Freemontito the following/ ladies: Mes-i 1 M-h-ine Frid-iv [arrived in the city Sunday aricT'dames Felix Graves, W. W. Cor- > v.u. iu. a r la., i Charles' Mr. Ckmde Bishop spent the, ^ i • J WHard, J. M. Thompson, Ed I .. l end with friends at Semora. I • White, U. S. Rav, Hettie Scott, i ,'awyer of Buriin^lon «as m | ! town Monday. t: ,1. M. Thompson was inj ■ h Satiuday on busines=!. | ]yjr. and Mrs. W. E. Standback . . lind Mrs. Jim Bowland of i^nd Lucile Warren were in town 1 . iin were in \lebane Satur-1 Tuesday. H ,ni to Mr. and Mrs. West.spent Smi- H,, l.nci TlmrsJay Sept. IGlh a ^ ‘y I Mr. Toni Pender returned histj „„1 Mrs. Herndon of Eloni"''fwhere hoj ituH^ nr. and Mrs. N. D. i«'>wnprdur-! I ing the meeting at the M. P.; ‘ church. 1. • nd '\lrs. J. M. Thomps: n j m n i . Irrtulives in Graham l.s.t' Mr. Fred rerrall .spent - , week end with his family return- mg to Greensboro Sunday A. M. ..li. Ralph Vincent, Walter Mason,. Misses LMs Ham, Gertrude Chandler, Alice, Della and Lilly Fowler. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Yo\ir druggist will refund money if PAZO 01 N ! laiU to cure any case ot Itcbii.g, '4!iii,!, iir 1‘rotruding Piles in6 tol4 day s. 1 lu i.iil ■aiiiilii.aUoii givcs tlase aud Rest. 50c. 4‘RESTIGE A Checking Aeeount will make you c^irel'ul and systematic—r(iduce your expenses—give you a receipt for every biil paid- and give your prestige and standing. We invite YOUR Checking Account- even though it is small. Bank with us. Mebane Bank & Trust Company Mebane, 66*564 N. C. THE THRIUt-A WEEK tDITiOfi OF THE NEW YORK WGBIB . Practically a Daily ;ifc the price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper in the ^ ’ world gives so much at so ; low a price. The year 1914 has been the mo::.t ox- Iraorcliiiary in the histoxy of iiio(k*rn liuies. It has witnessed the outbreak of tb‘j threat Eluropean war, a str;iggl.? so titanic that it makes all others look small. ■ You live in momentous times, an . i you should not ntiss any of the tremeii j dous events that are cccurin^. No j other newspaper will inform you with | the prompti.fcss and cheapness of the ! Thrice-a-Week edition of the New j York World. Moreover, a year’s sub- | scription to it will take you far ioa i our next Presidential campaign. j THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD’S j regular subscription price is only $1.00 j per year, and this pays for 156 pnpcrs! We offer this unequalled nevvapaperand the Mebane Leader toerethor one year! j for $1,50. The regular subscription^ j price of the two papers is $2.00. ( I Address all letters to ! k n( l\lv fall and win^^i* o]w,in G”* a I liats will Ci\ My SKO SATiiDAY, SEPT. 24 AND 25 AT MEBANE ON TUESDAy, SEPTfMBER 28tli. Don't fail to^see the pretty things I have to show vou. ar-:' Vi Vi- Suliscribe Tj Tiie Leader ! None Cham- Mfs. .)‘>hn Nicholson spent the erul with relatives in Bur- riiivtoPi, Allen Warran of Elon fiit^nds in Mebane last week. Mr- J..lin Hunt has returned fji-ni a ' i-it to relatives in Vir- viiiia, w,>s liallie Compton of Pros- pr^-r Hill is visiting Mrs. William tiaV. kiii^. Alesil'unes Pred Norwood and H-i Smith spent Friday in Burlington. Mrs. Hicks of Goldsboro is visiting her daught3r, Mrs. Tom Trutchfield. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pickard of Greensboro spent Sunday witli Mrs. Pickard’s parents Mr. and Mrs. John Boone. Mr. Alex Bowland was a busi ness visitor in Mebane Momlay. Mr, Claude Bishop spent the first part of the week in (^ra- liam. Kev. Clements, tht-^ Christian preacher from Morrisville preach ed at the Bingham School Sui> day afternoon. Miss Louie Terrall of Durham spent the week end with her father near Mebane. MiSs Et’fie Boone spent the Fortin, and .sheet rnetal work. Stoves and furnaces repair ed. Will .G; 1 a d 1 y sorve you. R. M. Kennon liqual to berlain s | ‘‘I liave trio.l most all of the coiiugh cures and find that there is noi.e I hat) equal Chan'herlai’.o Couj;h Rern^fly. it j has never failed to fj^ive me |)roiti] t j 1 relief,” writes W. Harnu-, Mont-I ' pelier, Ind. When you have a cold give ■ I this remedy a trial and see for youi seif > i what a splendid medicine it is. F or { j sale by Mebane Drug Co | Mebane Leader Mebane, N. C. m No. Six-Sixty-Six g This is a prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or six doses will break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c ce at Miles-Nichoison lumber iiivifjorating to the i^ale and Sickly j The Old Staudard general Ktrengtheniug touic, GROVl'; S IWSTKLKSS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria.euriclies the blood.and builds up the sys tem. A true touic. For adults and childreu. 50c Mrs. H. C. Nicholson spsnt ' near the week end in Burling-ton with • ‘ relatives I • ^^^kard of Saxapahaw 1 spent Friday with his daughter Miss Julia Murray of Efiand i ^^5, gam Albrisht. is visiting- her aunt Mrs. Royj l'hi)mpson. i .Mr. Will Thompson of iligh Point was a business visitor in^ .siebane Friday, Mr. Flovd Lawrence of Greens boro was a business ■vlc-bane Saturday. Messers Ernest Wilkinson, J. W. Carter, T. C. Carter and Jack Christopher at-ended court in Graham Monday. Mrs. W. D. Dodson of Durham who has been visiting Mrs. Fred visitor m I Terrall returned home Sunday. j Miss Hallie Compton who has Mr. W. Y. Malone has return-j been visiting Mrs. William Haw ed from Eastern Carolina where kins left Monday for Haw River to spend a few days. A number of Mebane’s Base Ball fans went up to Burlington he has been buying tobacco. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cooper and mother, Mrs. Cooper weie | to see the game be- litors in ivlebane last week. tween Burlington and Winston. children of Dr. and Mrs. Hawley have Charlotte w here Mrs. Smith and Hoh^-rsonville are visiting her J returned from Ijarents Mr. and Mrs. Chandler. I they attended the funeral j and burial of Dr. Hawley’s fath- -dr. .1. N. Warren has returedjer. ' Mebane after spending a few -la with his family at Mt Airy. I her Mrs. Ernest Carrell and dau-j people near Liberty returned ^ ' ofS. C. are visiting her j Friday and will resume her Mr. and Mrs. Chandler, duties at Wcodlawn Monday, Mr. D. E. Wilkinson of Ridge- ville left Mebane on the Monday eleven o’clock train for the Northern markets to purchase his fall and winter stock of goods. • . u n > ompton of Elon who has been visiting Mrs. J. ' "mpton returned home last V' ek. M '• Felix Graves has returned Cheraw, S. C., where he ht toliacco during the season Annie Las’ey has return- ^'i ii '-m her vacation and will t“U' h :c Woodlawn again this RUB-MY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cram^->. Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cut8, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Ec zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally or externally. 25c Wednesday Afternoon Book Club. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Singleton delightfully entertain- led the Wednesday Afternoon M'- tei Virginia spent the week 1 ith Mrs. Clark’s mother, Mr r. M. Ch?ek. A. W. Clarke and^iaugh-' gook Club and a few invited | guest at rook at her home on j 5th street. Three tables were | arranged in the parlor where 14 j ladies enjoyed this game to the | fullest extent for two hours, At | the conclusion a salad course ’ was served followed by ice cream i and cake ' I Those present were: Mesdames I R. H, T>son, Charles Grant, ' Ralph Vincent, Tom Crutchfield, ; Paisley Nelson, Walter Weather ly, Sam Morgan, Ernest Wiikin- • son and Miss Lenura Walker. | Guest, Mesdames T. M. Thomp son. W. S. Hau ls, W. W Cor-1 bett, Miss Mary Hawkins, Thar-' leston. S. Miss Mary Hufham of Spa’tanburg. Mary E. Hawkins of ' fiai . 'ston, S. C., who has been | i ' K Mrs. W. S. Harris re- ’ ' i home Friday, ‘ M. W. Ferguson has re- ^ ‘i from Pages Mill, S. C., wr re he has been buying to ror the past two months. aiid Mrs. Sam Sharp have I’ttu' iiofj from Pages Mill, S. C. wli -.. Sharp has been keep- i. ■ )ks for the tobacco people. M sh Virgie Davis who has Ijeen pending the summer with I'iother, Mr. Frank Davis -aturday for her home at Mary Hufham returned -r .1 tanburg, S. C. to resume duties at Convers'e College having spent the sunr.mer H otel Clegg Greensboro, N. C. W. F. Clegg f Proprietor 'EUROPEAN PLAN RATES $1-00, $1.50 The Mouse that has departeil from the old beaten track of permitting the guest to pay help through tips which is positive ly prohibited here. I give you the best service for the lowest price and that is all. Convince your self by stopping just across the street North of the passenger depot. To Drive Out Malaria , ^ , And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE’S TASTBI.ESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is r . . 1 ,— --a tasteless form. - '.IV,ng spent me malaria, tte lu-r father, and sister, Mrs. ijroa builds up the system. ^ cents raiEL CLEGG Greensboro, N. C. AGENTS WANTED. Everywhere To Sell Madame Du Fouic^j^ j Face Powdei* which is prepared in four colors And Two 25c & 50c PER BOX. Send 2c stamp for sample, De partment D. The Du Four Co. ,Wash., D. C. Julia Marlow Uset* and Recommends Madame Da Four’s Face Powder. OUR FALL AND WINTER LINEi' Now Complete Beautiful line of Series, Silks, Corduroys, Vel- velts, Linens, Ginghams, Gaiiteas, Devonshires, Curtain goods, etc. all of tire latest styles and patterns. New Store I am now l)uilding a now store house and do not propose to move the jjrescMit stock of goods into the the new house, so j aro offering the stock of dry goods, Jiotion.^,, shoes, hats etc at cost, 3tock inventory son:ething like five thousand dollars, now is a chance to buy up to date goods at wholesale prices. I have l»een adding new goods from time to time so you will find stock up to date. This is an oj.iportunity SELDOM OFFERED you at the beginring of the fall season. Come to see me and you will not regret it> ^"ours to please King Quality and Star Brand Shoes, Hat Caps, and everything in the notion line. Prices Right see us. NELSON-RAY CO. HICO MILLING CO LETTER OF APPRECIATION. Sept. 1st Pleasant m m m m m m • ¥I 'V ® lij 1 t Orove, N. C. UooH'ise of liberal patronage givei^me by my merchant aiid farmer friends since I have taken charge of the Hico Milling Company, I have been able to make constant and valuable improvements in the machinery and equipment, until toflay we have the most mod ern and best equipped roller mil' in the south, and as a token of my ap[>eciation of this patronaj^e I want to extend to each of my friends, both farmers and merchants, my thanks for their patron age It is my desire to build up such a business relation between my- self and patrons that they may know at all times that they will receive the best of treatment and the best products that can bo made, and that in having their work done at our mills they are getting the best that can be made Besides many of the latest improvements added, we have just received and placed in operation a modern /cleaning machine, known as an (mion seperator. This machine is the most modern in the south, and insures k^od, clean wheat, and pure flour and will be of great benefit to the farmers in cleaning their seed wheat We are aUvays glad to see our friends at our mills and will con tinue to work to merit your patronage. ^ Yours truly, HICO MILLING CO. Anglin MAKES A SPECIALTY OF HIGHGRADE PHOTOGRAPHS Kodak Work fiiiishdd promptly ANGLINS ^STUDIO Davis St. BURLINGTON, N. C. m m m m # m m • J. G. Rogers Burlingrton, N. C. Every thing For Your Kitchen A young woman spends a great deal of her time in the kitchen. So everything there should be just as bright and attr ctive as possible. We have every thing you may neod for the kitchen. Cabinets, Tables, Ranges, Linoleums. Oua prices are the lowest for high grade goods. Our “pay as you can plan” enables you to make your kitchen all you ma\ desire without missing the money you would invest Come and See Our Line Green McClure Furniture Co. Graham, N. C. FOR SALE ONE 7 ROOM HOUSE One block from Graded School. A Bargain MEBANE LAND & IMPROVEMENT CO. W. E. White, Sec’y & Treas. Alebane, C. Subscribe To The Leader Miss Alice M. Bowland Annourfces to the trade Her Fall Opening of fashionable Millinery Friday & Saturday SEPTEMBER 24 AND 25. BurJington, N. C. Davis bt.