THE MODtt AIM HEWS. t.J. LOWHY. gsivo. Monnt Airj, N- 0., Mar. 5, 181C SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ona copy, ona year, One Copy, three months, F.IYABLE IX ADVANCK. ft. 00 . .25 Bnloreaivt Hi post times at Moan t Airy .N.C. aseoon.t-laaamall ajatisr. Don't want any waf. "Let c havo peace Stephen Barrtield. the negfo wbo 10 atrociously murdered hia wife meral week ago in Ikanlort county, gets only nine years in the penitentiary. The Senate's action in recogniz ing Cuban insurgent creates a pro found impression in Europe. The newspapers declare the United States has no right to meddle in the affair. Things are assuming a decidedly serious aspact. If we have war with Spair, this scribe will not be surprised in tho least. That is a troublesome people and they have "blood in tho eye." But our gov ernment is able to wipe out Spain cany enough. Tux Nkws declares its adhesion to the Democratic party of the United States, and pledges its sup port to the action of the National Democratic convention to be held at Chicago on July 7th. We de clare our purpose to subordinate our Individual preference for candidates to tho harmony and success of the Democratic paity, and we recom mend to the Democrats of the State to forego, in cases where it can be done, any expression as to candi dates, State or County, until the National Democratic convention lias declared the principles of the party on all questions within its jurisdiction. A dispatch of the 2nd inst., from Barcelona, Spain, bays : "The fever of indignation and hate against the United States which eooms to have taken possession of the hearts of all Spain over the action of the United States Senato in recognizing the pro visional government of Cuba as belligerents, and in calling upon President Cleveland to uue his good offices with Spain and secure the independence ot Cuba, culminated in violent scenes here yesterday, and an attack upon the United States consulate. The trouble did not arise out of the spontaneous forma tion ot the mob which did the vio lence, bnt was the outcome of a public meeting, which had been in fluenced by fervid speeches." The lUlcigb News and Observer says: Never before, unless it was in the period immediately preceding the war.has there Wen such peculiar political conditions as now exist in this country. It is certainly true that nothing like it has been known to the voters of this generation. We are in an element of uncertain ty and change, of restlessness and agitation, of loote political ties and strange polit'cal combinations. Parties find themselves so hopeless ly divided as to make action npon important natters almost impos sible. For the first time in its his tory, the liouse voted down an appropriation bill framed by the party having large majority. The Senate and House are div ided upon tariff and money ; and the bond bill and the tariff bill, which Speaker Ileed rushed through the House, are both "as dead as Julius Caesar," to quoto the remark of a distin gnished Republican Senator. .No legislation touching the questions of paramount importance is possible with the sharp division between the two faction! of the Republican The first presidential veto of this session of Congress was over-rWden by the House last Saturday by a rote of 199 to 33, 122 more than the requisite constitutional two thirds. All the Republicans and 22 DomocraU voted fur the bill while the votes to sustain the Presi dent were all by Democrats. The bill authorizes the governor aod local officers of Arizona to lease the educational lands of the Territory for tcboJ purpose. The Presi dent objection to tbe bill was that it did not give tbe Secretary of the Interior power to disapprove the leases and did not throw proper j safe gurd about the tira'-ers on the lai-i. The statement wis made on the fioor that the bill was identi cal with similar bill ped by the but Congress rt'atiLg to Oklahoma Territory at the reqaet ot the Secretary of the Interior and that tlA p'rount bill bad received the wr?ui3 af proral of both Secretary tailttt tui Iht Con)miaiooerof tLe General Lt.i uffic. Tbe state ri,eot was iu u.ade that the lands rPe4 to U aura Bow in ia ot cKtrea and others, Durinor the lust week Eastern CarJina has been berult ot two of her most f rofninetit citizens. In the death ot the Hon. George Davis Wilmington hss lout a son of whom she might well be proud of. The many beautiful tributes pi- w h trends, both in and out of tho S'ate, show in what high esteem, ho was held by every one who knew lnm. As a ei.izen id was loved and rei:ctd for his pure nd spotless character. His ability as a statesman and orator was rceoernized bv all, and as a Confed erate we need only to point to the Va ItoM in l'roaiflftfit iiiu ruiwUU ... . . Davit.' cubinet as Attorney General of the Confederate States. Mr. Davis will lie pleasantly remem bered by many of our citizens, as he spent a few weoks here several years ago, when in search of health for his invalid wife, and who died a bhort time after reaching here. Mr. Davis never forgot tho kind ness ot our people at that time, and tho laet time I mot him in Wil inintrton he sooke very feelingly of tho kind attention in tho hour o! his sore affliction. In the sudden death of thegallant Maj. C. W. Mtolammy, Pender raun ty has lost her foremost citizen. It was my pleasure to have known him well for tho last 25 vj-ars, and I never knew a more Kind, gen erous, whole-souled man than he.' lie whs a true man in every ninoe of the word. He loved hia friends and was ever ready to make nacii fices for them. 1 have been with him in many political campaigns and conventions ana wnue tie was a bold fighter ha always struck straight from the shoulder. lie was a tower of strength in his coun ty and section. As a leader, he hai few equals ; as a public speaker, he could hold and sway an audience as few men could. He was a gallant oflicer in the Third N. C. Cavalry and wss wounded, and promoted for inetitious couduct on tho field of battle in 18CG. He was elected to the lower house of tho General Assembly ot North Carolina and in 177 was elected to the Senate of North Carolina from New Hanover and Uruntwick, before tin1 county of Pender was formed. In 1 884 he was elected as a presidential elector on the Cleveland ticket. In 1880 he was elected a member of the lower hone of the 50th Con greas and in 1888 a member of the 51st Congress from tho Third Dis trict, and served with maiked abil ity. He was Rn uiiterrilie 1 Demo crat and his death at this time is a public calamity. He will be sadly mit-sed in the councils of his party. To his sorrowing family by whom he will be most missed, I tinder my deepest sympathy. J. R, Faudiso. Butler-Pritchard Rucus, The Charlotte Observer ot to-day gives additional particulars, discov ered by its Washington correspon dent, regarding the "split" between Senators Butler and I ritcliard : The refusal of Sent tor Bdtler to keep his alleged pledges to Senator Pritchard and Major Grant, and tho swearing in of I'opnliot James 15. Lloyd as a special employe to look after the Uopulict Senators, had so ii.furiated "the other en 1 of the combination" that it is seriously feared I will be proved a bad prophet in prophecying ultimate narmony among the late (tisionists. Today I have had interviews with a number of the latter. The I.pu lifts appear to be serene. Mr. Suttle is not unduly excited, for both the man who receivcth something end the man w ho cxpecteth nc thing are "blessed." The language of some of the Republican Congri teiiieri is so unparliamentary it cat.not fi'id admittance in these proceedings. I will merely say that the following statement is chimed oy tne oucuaea parties to represent correctly their side of the case : "It is announced that Senator Iluthr'a friend, Jam i. Lloyd, the nominee of the Populists, has been appointed to a lucrative posi tion in the Senate in the place of a Democrat transferred from the force of Sergeant at-Arms Bright tc the roll ot Secretary of the Senate Cox. This arrangement, it is f. ared by tho friends of Major H. I- Grant, ol North Carolina, will prevent his election as sergeant at ar ns ; will a. so defeat the election or Mr. Shaw, of Montana, as secretary of the Senate, and keei not onl . Messrs. Cox and Bright in office but a!o the two hundred other Democrats who arc now in the employ of the beiiate. ibis i ssid to ba in flu cordance with an asrreencnt be tween Ba:lcr and Ld. ( ham ben S uitb, that in consideration of Lioyd s apitoiiit'iient Butler is to deliver the entire Populist vU to tbe Democratic party n Iorth Carolina at tbe next elec ion. and they (the Democrats) in tu-n are to elect Dr. Alott to the Senate." Letter from Delk. The farmers are busv burniin plant beds and Sowing toba jco'setd l lows are tunning on every farm p.epari.ig the loi.d for another iae crop of tobseeo. I mink ibe farmers would do well to droD off at least half of their crop of totacco this season iud cultivate t better t d I believe tby wou'J get a much money, if not more, fian they d" get, Tbe wLeat cr,,p is looking very well and if there is any truth in the olJ Du'cL aaying then' will be a food crop made this year. Thre will be an exhibition at IliiTs school lioiise on Much 13th. I gue thy will have a fine t-titer-tainmet.t J. (i. P. DUk, N. C March 21. ts'. Send io ycor eb-f-riptini to tlia psper. Os.'y one dollar a ver. Died. -V are pained to chronicle the death ot Mrs. Celia Jones, wife of Thomas Jones. She was a diUfl ter of Mr. Tyrn Creed, and was b trn August 22nd, 1872, died February 16th, 18'Jt), making bur stay on earth 2'i years, 5 months a-.d 2 J days. She w married to Thomas Jones, son of G. W, Jones, December 27th, 131M. She was a kind, aiiuctioua'e and obedient child ; it seemed a pleasure to bet to please her parents. Some time after she was married she professed a hope in Christ, but she never attached herself to any church but was a strong believer in the Primitive Baptist. She loved to hear preaching, delighted in having company, and treated them with loving kindness. She leaves many kind friends to mourn thoir loss, besides a kind husband, mother, four brothers and two sisters She fixed a portion of her clothes rpady for her burial, before her confine ment to her bed, and said she would never get well, that she regretted to leave her dear husband, but that sho had to go. She told how alio wished her things divided. Her mind was good on the evening of the 14th, when we thought she was al most gone, she finked us all to pray for her. The second lime she Sbked I told herl bad tried soveral times, that she must j av for heruelf. She seemed veiy quiet for about 5 hours, several had come in to spend the night, tho most of them were in the kitchen, they came in after us, she had revived and was praying loud enough to bo he'ird in the kitchen. It seemed sho had gained now strength, and prayed a little over half an hour, and several said it wjs tho most beautiful prayer they over heard. Sho prayed for herhelf, her husband, mother, brothers, sisters, neighbors, and ever body. Then she seemed to bo perfectly calm, asked us all what was the matter, what we were Utking on so about, said she did not want us toirrievc after her. Sho told her experience a week before she died. Suid while in dis tress he reviewed herself in a dark pit and could not get out ; then a blight litfht shone all around her and the blessed Ixtrd appeared nnto her and reached dow n, took her by the hand, and helped her out. In her prayer she beug' d her dear Lord to show her His light again. On the night of the 15th she said, "the light has come, rai-e mo up." Mostly raitting herself, she sit straight in the bed, acked those around to look at the light, called her luiebaiid to lock and said that was the most beautiful morning she ever saw, that sh-( saw o many pretty things. She told them where she wantcu to bo buried and that she wanted Elders G. O. Key and Gabriel Denny to preach her fu neral at the crave. Slio talked with much raliuiRt-s and did not shed a tear. It seemed that she could repeat the language of Pan', "when I am weik then I am strong," for she had not raised her head until then. On Sunday morning, the 10th, at half past 10 o'clock, she passed away as calm and quiet as one gone to sleep. I teiirt ('elin tliuil bast left lit, And thy lima we (W,ily mourn, Hut we trust that this our lo, Is fur tliee t happy exchange. Slwp on dear Oba, In the narrow tomb. In the morning ol t lie lfur' ti o, We liopt' Ij iu!t llu-e roimil the throne. Whre thrre will Ik1 no scorching fever, To our feehl( frame, but all Join in prsiw) top'th-r, And sing glory to tbe lamb. K. W. Joxm. In Handj of Receive'-!. Balumokk, Md., Feb. 2'J The Baltimore, and Ohio Bail road com pany is in the hands of receives I J , Of .1 ft f . i uugea von ana .Morris, or tne United States Circuit court, this evening named Joon K. Cowcn and Osc!ir G. Murray to take charge of tbe alLtirs of the c pontioii, bicu is one of the oldest in American railroad history. Mr. Cowen has been prei-identof the road since curly in January, when he succeeded Charles F. Mayer. For years Mr. Cowen has besn chief coiiiiS':l of tho road. Mr. Murray ste;s from the posi tion of vice prerident, to which he wa elected only a few weeks ajro, into joint receivership w'th Mr. Cowen. Mr. Murray for some years pwt occn pied tho poHtimi of third vice proidet t of the Big Four system, and represented the latter corporation am) the Chesapeake and Ohio in the j int trallic associa tion. The immediate cause of the appointment of tie reeeiera was the failure of the company to rait the money necif.ry Io pay the int rct tine Mofid.-y. This amounts toil'4,MM,aiid, in addition, s lure tiuiiiU r ot car truT notes bad to be provided for. As Judge Go(T i United States Cieui: judge, - the receivership action lcme ef'ective in throe Statt-s of his eiicni' Marvland. Virginia and West Virginia. The receivers each qtia'itied in i 2i,'00 ond. A FAITRrUL SENTINEL a ccdi-'o mi o r-Jj Sims roKTAia KLi.tiu mis Mes.aicj.ct. Ttmntrf li partmrnt. V, 1m arafUm I ftCT i , Buaia, A. 1P. ( WOBLA'S DWUUII MdJtH Kh AWOCUTIOSJI tar Strt?mm mr f -tnMnnrtd I barssnf. f-rJ trHB S HUIfiMl it -r wits Sil ttw OrT n K.J,: wit s rm.p-ll los. IfnrtofT prr - ri(KI'K r ml norm HM:i'1ii'S I katsusnd In,n.; thf u,,t4 tTlip trsry r f-t I rr-tijmfjV4 in try It. rtm i i'k-asant f-.UV-ta. I (hd so- tkit. st nTr,l snj far, slu oo-nvr t-rf nf lpf two s. I I Md iMttrrd tu time la am nun snary aj u4 suatiuiiMl turn tiosrr smisrs frmrttm f iw manrhs. I ksn m mn sails ll-T""".. S"JH . I SB M b-UT Se.hH u. k... mn, ri.iH-t Iimhim mtDt e4- tfatTSSttas; Bttsis tM .. m . .. IwMtna. C. I los(ww o IoiI-tsUh. F you can keep 1 rA nlumn vmi art W, :S1 r r ' - j. almost saic Thinness comes from not being able to get what you should from your or dinary food. is for you; even if you are only a little triin LA GRIPPE REMAINS for Years in the System if Not Cured. This country contains a large mulliuideof men and women who are debilitated and weak as the ef fect of la grippe. If every one would do as the Beverened i'etty, ot Virginia, did, this vast multitude ot sulterers would soon be well and s'rong again, lie writes: Biu-t w inter I had a very bad case of la grippe whioti left me enfeebled and liable to cold at the slighted expo tire. 1 tried a number of remedies, but they afforded only tcmporaiy relief. I saw an adver tisement of I'e-ru naand concluded to 1 1 v it. 1 have been Uoing it fr two mouths, and it has k Horded me much relief. It. is indeed a pana cea to me. It has invigorated me more than anything 1 ever tried. I have recommended it toothers and ad vibe them to send for your pamph lets. I have written ot it to distant friends. You can use this state ment in any way you choose. Bev. H. Binv, Biptist, ' Dry Fork, Va. For further particulars and a multitude of witnesses write to The l'o-ru na Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbus, Ohio, for a free copy of their illustrated treatise on la grippe. Be-ru-n.. is also a sure cure for catarrh, cough, colds, bronchitis, first stagj of coiipump tion, and ill climatic of winter. Letter from Rockford. February was a I moot an execp t'onal month fur fanners and most of them made special Ute of the time. Plant bed sowing is about over, Mews. E. C. and T. E. Daven port and Aaron II iidbon have over 45d yards of plant beds under cover. It seoms that this means make or break. Oat sowing will soon begin. The farmers are making preparations for a general crop of corn and tobacco. We had an intereMing debate at the school bouG near here lubt Sat urday night. Question, resolved that war lias caused more trouble than lienor. The aliirmative was represented by Messrs. B. Brown, W. B. IB.lyfield, Jr., L. C. Snow and M. V. Burrus; the negative by Meters. T. E. Davenport, V. . Davenport, Jas. Idol and J. T. Burrus. The decision was render ed in favor of tbe negative. Misses Jennie Cornelius and Sal lie Beeves, of Siloam, were in to n lact Saturday and Sunday. Ber. W. II. Beamer tilled his pulpit here last Sunday. Mr. J. G. FoVit has returned from an extended trip to South IsBrouua and Georgia. Wilms Winkler. Bockford, N C. Mar. 2d, ISM. Clean, bright walls add as much to the good health and i;ood nature of a household as any one thing can, and at tiio prices offered by r. 11 Cady, of Providence, K. I., sec ad., (which you can select at your leis ure and see ntit on tbe wall vou wih to p-tpr), no one need heM late about the expense?, '.hat is i-ure. lie his ciii-ioinern all over tbe V. S. that recoiium nd his good tnd methods ot piare oling. Cotton. With careful rotation of crops and liberal fertilizations, cotton lands will improve. The application of a proper ferti lizer containing sufficient Pot ash often makes the diffcence between a profitable crop and failure. Use fertillzf xs contain ing not less than 3 to 4 Actual Potash. Kai'.iit is a complete specific against "Rust" C smpKls n adtanltiiw Mn boM "t , hi litiftun km sn twrt J viaUs, -m lb. Main t4 Utm nianann M ihts 1.x. ' 7 at.m Urmm s. mt lux Imu, sss ss Um tss s,g. ctKstsir i am wot as. M Kassas 9. No V-rfc. DR. W.H. WAKEFIELD Will t in Greensboro, Wednes day, March 11th, at ilcAdoo Hotel. At Winston, at Wednesday, Februorj 2Cth Praciif-si iimlimUrd to Eys, Ear, Nose tod Throtit. Water Works lor Mount Airv Settled. THERE 13 NO SlON OFloiT ABOUT THAT. THERE ARE OIeTfACTsIhE CONSIDERED. Houston's Drug Store I the proper iluro to buy your Uruj", Modi .ino, Toi'et Articles, 4c. Our Ilrui; arc Standard. Wo o tho puroxt ini'diciiiu in compounding. TJIYSICIANS rilESCRIPTIOXS A SPECIALTY. Wo d Hi'l clnim to run n ' Chi'at John Druj; Storo." but onrpneo nro low when o coiiHiilor the qmiiity of jiO'tif nobl. Tho ncoret to all thia ia t m il fur Ctthh. (Jnick sules and thou why not tiikc abort profile! An old, nihty, da'clcm, bicolum penny in rapid riiculalion ia worth inoru t t in limn u mIow, fluirih, ' longtime dji lar." Iloiiflon'a I'ru Store tunics all llml you con full for in an "UP TO DATE PHARMACY." Giro in a cull. Don't f.titfrl the ttlucc. A iriul w ill convince you that wo mo,. ii what wu miy. Everything New, Vrwb nml Neat. Thiinking you fur pinl paironao. Truly, D. A. HOUSTON, Blue Ridge Inn Block, Mount Airy, N. C. Big Premium Sale of Bright Leaf Tobacco, Richmond, Va. The greatest measur of uecpM at tended this l'reiiiiuin Hale, which lusted two days, Instead of one, with a larj?e number of tbe mont solid jilanters of VirKinia, North Carolina and Kuuth fjarolina eompi linn for ll, j-iz'. Mr. V. W. I.iuid, of Littleton, X. C., who b been uiinj Acme Fertilizer for tbe ,mst four yean, took the follow ing premium at this bi? Premium -sl on the i?8lh and 2Uth of Junuiiry, 18'J6: Ul Bright Mahogany Wrappers V. W. Land, $75 cash. 2nd I!ri!ht MnfcoKany Wrappers V. W. Land JO Suddlu. Ut Dark .Mahogany- V. W. Land $j0 cash. 1st Cutters V, W. 1 and $50 cah. t English Strips -'' Cash. 2d English Strips $o Churn. 3rd English Strips $5 How. Any one hogshead bringing highest average price (.Mr. Land yotaverugp of 47'...e. per lit fur this hogshead; $-'5 cash. Any one hogshead bringing tha most dollars (Mr. Land r'ceived for this hogshead U2 0J; '.'t rash. .Mr. S. L Culey, of Wbilakera, X. C, who al-o used Acme t i, took for 2d Lemon Wrappers, $20 overcoat. For 2d Smokers $8 bureau. Mr. Lsnd took 9 premiums, amount ing to 2M), and .Mr. V. took 2 premiums amounting to $28 ; thus "Acme Fertili zer" took 11 premiums, aimmtitii g to $;iu8 out of a total of 25 premiums, amounting to"23 50 ofTcred by all of the three warehouses at the Premium Sale. Mr. Lsnd and Mr. Coley took nearly everything in sight, and they were the only planters competing at this sale who used Acme Fertilizer. No doubt, had there been others who used this guano, they would have swept the Hoard. The editor of the Southern Tobacco nist A Manufacturers Kecord.iii writing of .Mr. Land's sale, says: "There was nothing to compare with this crop in price or qualiry. It sold on its merits The premiums were awarded by one party, samples drawn by another, and the sain took place before ihe premium award The rich, silky, line-libred, spready. bright and mahogany leaves ot Mr. Laud's crop, made w ith Acme Fer tilizer, were as distinguishable from that of other planters as leather is from home-tanned sheep-skin. Analysis of "Acme Fertilizer" for to bacco by Ir. Hattle, Slate Chemist. Available l'by. Acid, 669 percent ; Am monia, 311 percent.; I'olash, 252 per cent. Very high. Prices lower than other. A good agent wanted in every neighborhood. L'e "Acme." Take no other. W. E. White, the representative of "Acme Guano Co.," will be in this sec tion in a few days. Address him care of Hotel Jones, Winston, N.C. VThfA Bali? was tick, we (ave her Castor!, When she ins s Child, shs cried for Castoria, Wbes she became MUo, die clung to Castoria. When she haJ Children, she gststbrm Castorl I'ctore lsi; Georgia and Nrtli Carolina attrncti-il nuist of the jjulil miners, but tbe dite-tverics in Cali fornia caud the southern mini to be neglected for a long lime. Ot late year the southern gold fields' are again at tbe front. rn. W. H. Feeke, who ir.akes a Lcuitr ut ri Q a 1 Kpn. p,. Las wuhout doul.t trsaTrdand cur. H Qk ed mireraaithansnr B a ImtiK Itiv.lrian; bis R H I 1 ' la a.i.mlahlnc. . ItVSsS' We ''ve heard l cawt w s year, standlng- evrsa If him. He fu Uiahr. valuable work on this dls. eaae.artm U he sends with a .Ararat twnt- tie of his tibo.ut car, fr to ht t.uffi-rr wtjo ov bend li-ir K ii and Kiprciw au jr rrot-W. B. tUQ, I. 4 Cesar U lew Tark JOB HIATT, j PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. C, J 4. t)H X IN 1). L DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, 4 NOTIONS, i FURNITURE, FERTILIZER f A "K tub ctLlsairsB Domestic Sewing Machine, J Th B'-iK os the Market. f raocuiiToa or Pilot Mountain Livery Stable s Matss is LUMBER And :-: Bailding :-: KateriaL I 4 aw (oitcTii ki mini i 4 H To call to tue atli nllon of the wp'e Mount Airy anil aunouurtlng connlry Uml we till hare Tbe Best Supply of Pare Dregs, Meddles. Iii'mUuli, Toilet. Artlclra, Pau-nt JMcdlclm a. c. c . to be found In Curry county, and that we want and kwali Tnr Ms. We do not wll "he ip John" good and do not aajr we wtl you at hear JUih prlwa, tut we do nay we K've )u THE BEST That can be botm-hl and aell them to you at rraioiiable prices. Wa eHiecla!l to t.ili auenltoo lo our aupply of TRUSSES. It you n"d one don't full to come to e us. We have all styles and miri and II n a long ei perlei ce can ailjiut one to lit where If a cure td poasliil,' you will certainly be cured. airoK you reed a pair t aiectiu-.les we havo an abundance of I And we cannot aufflclenily urtfe the Importance of Buying the best when the delicate organ of alifht fa concerned. Laat but not leai, we wih lo call mention to ihe fact that we ate prepared to till your fumlly receipts and physiclana' pn'acrlpllorui With Skill and Accuracy. Wlib ton yearn' pra"ilcl experience h your tnldat and a y-an tralnlne In one of the b- at rolle'tg of I'harma y In the United tttatea, we lure uy no one will hesi tate io put tho moat difficult or Intricate prescription In our hands. Very Truly, TAYLOR & BANNER. Male Academy, OPENS JANUARY 8th, 1896, And continues in session for fire uionlln. A first-class preparatory school for boys and yomig men. Tliorouh, practical work is iDd.tted upon. Sen'l us your hoy, we will do liiin good. lisle reasonable. t rt'iite for information. R. C. CRAVEN, Principal. .las.o-'.'m -iir.ii.ea in- i urn Burial Robes, Slippers, Ac. A full stork of all size anJ qualities lrpt on baud, and al reasonable prices. More room. iii-uira over VI. I., fatter sou's alote, on Wain Klrtet. Uesideocs, hist bottse North ol the isilroail. Land at Private Sale. I have frai arre of Yadkil river holloru atii milaiid for t which I will rut ia'o raits In suit iunhasrt suit sell allow pri'-es fur part rash and IniiK time, well- secured B"t'"s. 1 lie Isnds are rated as amonr tiie very Ikii for llie production of tli liner grades if tobaci'u ss well al o oin and autail (rsiii. 'i'li title is periei and is.', Irsw-al.le in law and I will umkt to puicltaaer dee Is iu fee with full core ns'.i of warraa'y. l h s hody uf laud lies aloor Hit cut liank of llrt- Ysdkm nver, t miles above lloo i a!.s '!, p;tt ai.d ! t aersed by the V. aV . K.nlr'ia I, and has on it a flag statiou f ir paawi'i.'Ta ai.d a side track I tiia shipment ol liui'ier. wood and lumlMr. Ak ti'.rim cV Manly, of H iustou, and J iniea K. l es' llyn, ol loon, a 01:1 llie title, tliey know ail slxut it and will tell you ti t tru'h. I.s)rr J. '. Iluitou, of W',iin X.C , koiain; tl tttk Is I" rfwctlr f"l, ni nlf a eaah hid of near $7 far this land a the Ulb day ef Ikwio1!, ). 1 his is uioiitluued sulely t r tbe pnipaie of euir tioi li r p,-pl lbt the false atalemrsta pot in ciretilsiios Ihrsuci, nislie or iirsar- oi are not wurth aKiciuf 1 si all he na l he plane fiir tune! Hue and w hen sM there Hagh alarllu will slww Dm- pr.-rtv , JOHN A boVDEX. Pare, X. Jaa. Wh, Vantpf.tZ2JZ . . a a - - li-i.niriii I v a uur.i? m m ot tnrrcr art,! ird luirir ;im!ifi' Ciohp, GcjiMi ri tercrn-p irfn. A idrras. BOX N. 15,-B. H" Ji ffsrtoii, ii. C. ji ...... f"- I t' .-s m Wi CARTLAND, Tli Minim Tailor, OF GREENSBORO, N. C; HiS :-: RECEIVED :-: SPRING :-: STYLES. Larsar Imported Cheviots, Em Tricots, E2EB ' " Cassimers. PAST CLOTH l ALL STYLES. WRITE FOR SAMPLES. Has Claett, Coon & Co's popular brand ot Shirrs, Dress Ntgligee Chcvoit Underwear, Canes and Umbrellas. II. IT. CARTLAND, 81 106 SOUTH ELM STREET, W1 Thou. F.wrrr, R.L. Ow?. Ja. H. Hpaho. M. L. Fawcitt Preaidi'nt. 1st Vice I'reaidi'tit. 2nd Vic Preidnt. Oahir FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Mt. Airy. s.tCOItl'OltATED. npitul, $.10,000, Pnlw I p. DIRECTORS. fhoa Fnwcrtt J. H Hparger, M. I.. Fawrrtt, K. I.. wyn, C. I.. Ilanka. This bank solirila the account of Merchants, Manufacturer" Kami era ano ndividuala. TIip account a of the Merchants located in town ad lace nt ri-cf ivetl on favoraliic terms. TIip funds of our customer! are. secured by two burglar prtH'f ateel cliests and the, Yale. Time Look. Interest allowed on Havingi Deposit. van e 4.MUU0 r -AT- Planters' Warehouse, MOUNT AIRY, 1ST. C, FOR WHICH HIGHEST MARKET PRICES WILL BE PAID! Th a Warvli'iii t !.irntt In thobnslneis prt of tn onrentsnt lothi linlf and ih Ws1inir .luWirrs. It Is niiso-d lililn a fe stisof I. actus Ttll' s l-wf Huiim- l'r.n hr Wbltlock s To Uicca r'artorv mcl 11 1 niamhioilt Toti-us-o 'A'orksof bparuer Hn.. and id fact uaVRUIrat lo all our tutiHcco un a, U iU'lt s wlilcli we buvp Best Accommodations for Man and Stock ofanyHouseio tbe State. Our sales since the llmt of October have ben alra'it rloiihle any two warvhotisea In at o:Dt Airy, la stroinr evMeice tual THE PLAXTEIIS' IS THE PLACE TO SELL! Mr. 1. A. NVaaiin. onr ucl loneer. la wel'-knnwn ss one of llie best la ihe Klste. Mr. E. F. VI all I our tfciok aeefier. a l.l i ts s KHrnte tbst cur Hook will Im A'i'urutlv k,'tt. Mr. W.I II or, of Fstrli k niuniy. V . Floor MaoiK'T; K A. New,in. ot Joke rouutV, Sltfht Wstctuiian' and N. W. Ilrowi nuermieiiila llie wile of every pile uf Tobacco put on our B or and sees tbat II brlnirs Full Market Value. !- lime one ol tlie BeHt Arrnnfil Basements for storing and orderlnir Tonaceo to be foond anwhere. so ,m ne,1 u.t fenr when yoi a art to Mount Alrv wiih your Tubaccj, but drlva n the I'LsNTEK?' wnere y mi will rw-eirc the rery nest sinnini'Htailoits. tar-All Too irco suip-I to or leti In our rare will revel va our cry best alU-nUon. Tome and ace us while lit um n. wuetjier you have tobacco or hot.. ThsnHuir one ami all for the very liberal patroiia" clven ns In the past and pledsln? our selves to alaayH Ije on band lo look after the Interests of uurcustomeis; as we very well know thai i our interests are our mwreaia. Your friends, Pine fi. rV&V v Stone 'rlt XOTBI1; Sash, Doors and Blinds. SO TROUBLE NOW TO BUILD A HOUSE IF VOU KNOW WI1KKK TO BUY THE CHKAPKSr MAT KB I A L. We Manufacture All Kinds of Ooorn, Sash, Blintls, Munts, DtMjr and Win Jow Prsmu, Turno l Werk, Si roIUSawitig, Stair Work, Jlouldini; of !l kliiJs Fluorins, ''eilni Sidiiif:, Cusin,; and all kind ot Fn.ishid LtimUr. We Carry In Stock liouuh Lumtcr, Sbinlea, l'laleiin Lull.., m.d -; l;,u M att-nul. Guilford Lumber liTg Company, May 9tl., 18M. (.rrcimboro, . C. Wood's Grass and Clover Seed.. ....... .w ... ..,yiT, alHj wvLr. n.ia uie oiiieretji auira are adapted (cr beat comblnationa to i.lve larjreat reaulu In hsy or Daa- turar-car of P matures and tnesdowa.rlx., &. vltt3i WiiI brin2 th pook io you. rnces ana iatiipies or or T. W. WOOD & 80X3, Mortgage Sale. Peransnt to morvairea this company l.olrts aMiniM. in- (wimw sH-uuoneq ian. i win. ea AfU HU. 144. la rruot of lue oftn of lljia ma- Ehiiv. la Moiat Airy. ttmm to sals to llie iirtmt biaer ! cash. tu ..lio'h wrtiD- cale of mUm-h la tills oiffnranv. Liatt: one-ba shara. rsur taloe M iai as. os wtiVh tsere ta una oua ao1 unoal'1 the sum of ism se a''! Inters tu n mtUUHi. reimo(Ml uy tvr lineal Ho. se betuf ta property of tne lai j. f . i.rstea. ihm einniti aiiare par Taloe Hr 4 rm whl'-h ifcere Is hm sue ar.J untMil t im aoiB uf f 71 as Inter- to ta r re.0l.i by ei-rvn.'-.l Si TV, beluj taw proueru ia the late H. F (ftavea tHw-aatf aisrs. nir taloe ti va av n t.ia tH-te la bow Sue awl Ulnm.) as unfl Inter t U he aiMeil,l- by Mj. . beui lb prupa-rty ut It. W. I'arker. Taa baasrr l rrr Laas .ss Isrsorcsaar Ca, H) T. . wtTaaaa. sec y sbd Tmsa. Harrk 4tk. lass rn ssaai.i i aws. EflHYROYAL PILLS j f T fY aawaw awwi aamisask,. , . iMfMiar w aaMsf 4s I Va Jjt V r- .a. WMNMBaac 4 V D m U.S-T , sss7 P l-4, M . ant t w tatat. a- ,m t i tia.i 2 soviltih is. -133 "Worsteads, GREENSBORO, N. C. emus BROWN, HAYNES L NEWSOM. Mount Airy, N.C. W. D. HAYNES I CO , Proprietors. HarBlB & Granite Monmiieiits Totubstor.fs, Iron Fencing, or Marble for EnilfiiEf Purposes. k for l)ei(fns and rrtiies or rail and caamlre our slo-.k. Our work and prices will please. HV obU'nrd th hia-hr; l-piiis-tlon lor polity, ticaiiuiicis anJ tretmlnatum, caufing our tust ness In U.e sir -e tj hfcome on tit the larr.Mt in the Unite J States. lianJhnB th- Seeds in liie large quantitjc that wc dc, also eti chle? i s to vli i.imc uf : ImsMt Leaf Tobacco 1 " ' ' l'i QaUTV ClSiJCrCaX mmmm Vv.V.i'C tri1.. a., ass and Clover Seed, sent on arrikitinn. Seedsmen, Eichmond, V. 'J. 11. SIL1PS0N, BROKER. Representing FUtees Housea Oa All the Best Market a. Everything in Heavy and Fancy Gro ceries, Froits and Confections. luawt market .rirv firen. ftiein Joyce Klijrlt, at head tif steps, .n ngl.t band aide, f routing ,!; Mt, afOut-of-Uma MfroLanU wiJl pie csli or w rite f.w drtm-rd line- on ail kinds of gmcertea. Visit iii(t and Country JlervhanU ew diallj initl toeaU at o'.ti.m A relialils lady or setit le tli ft to diat rttnita a a an ( 1 1 a .rM itiaks a hmtw-fo-hHia eantaa f r our V To,lt rum. i ' iswM.,!t m4v. Irt-aa (r f; 4 Jjd. M2 ti h.ji Auatia Atmiue, C esiti. llJ.