HE gQDNT MRY NEWS. T. t. LQWSY. - Ksits. Mount Airy, N. 0., Fob. 18, 1817. SUBSCRIPTION KATES: Ona copy, ona year, . On copy, li months, On copy, throe montln, PAYABLE IX ADVANCE, fl.no .60 . .25 Jalr1 atlbe Post OilneatMoaat Airy ,N.C, at toooaJ elaaimall mi iter. The etecl trust is broken, but it it only temporary. Mark tlio pre diction. Philadelphia consumed 1,900,734 barrels of beer in 1890, an incroiuo of 177,030 over 1 895. Mr. J as. II. Holt, perhaps the largest cotton innnufHCturer in the State, died suddenly at Burlington on Saturday morning, in the G4th year of his age. John C. Sutton, of Donvnr, spent all his money, f 3'),000, a few years ago in building a ;lurcli in Denver, on condition that he should be al lowed to live in tho tower and be employed as tho sexton of tlie church. The country will know no big things in tho way of prosperity un til all tho trusts, combines, &c, are torn up and destroyed forever. It is nonsense to ex;oct proerity to spread over tho country as long as the trusts and monopolies are per mitted to exist. Seven of the furty-ona banks in the agreement not to lend money dn call at loss than 2 per cont. have abandonod that agreement, and are lending at 1J per cent. Tho big banks in the Wall Street District will probably continue to sdliero to the 2 per cent. rato. The big fight m the Legislature over the North Carolina Railroad lease, cime np Tuesday of this week. As we go to press there is no news as to tho result, and we will hardly be ablo to give our read--ers any news until next i(ue. If the money power fails to cjntrol in this struggle it wi.l be the first case on record. Of course wo hope for better things thm the lease will be broken, but it will be a hard fight to secure the annullment. The papers at the time of theoc carrencc, contained long accounts of the blowing up with dynamite of the residonco of Dr. John 13. Gor rell, a prominent physician of He bron, W. Va., and tho killing of a visitor who was spending the night with the dector. The doctor took 6ick and died a few days ago, and j nst before he pati-ed away he con leased that he murdered his old neighbor and friend and blew up tne House in order to conceal his crime. We believe Jjhn Wanamaker was right when hu said : "To dis continue an advertisement is like taking down a sign." That is just the idea, luuluve a eigu above your door to let people know who you are and where you are. Your ad. appears in the paper every week and thousands of people see it every week. If it dropi-outyou dropout and those who have been keeping np with you turn their eves to the head lines of some other merchant ad. and very ruauy readers forget the man who used to appear so con spicuousiy. ract! If yon don't know it you are not potted. A dispatch of the 13th inst.,from Monroe, says: Wlien Union coun ty court adjourned the lawyers held a meeting. Hon. 1 1. 15. Adams pre sided, and adopted rc&olutions prais ing J udge Nor wot d for the ability, dispatch and court 3y displayed by him during the week. The resolu tions also ask the Governor to ap point an extra term of court aud to send Judge Norwood to preside. In reply to the resolutions Judge Norwood responded feelingly, ex pressing his heart-felt thanks for the expression of g.od will from the bar at this crisis in his a (Tain. He has been a model j idge this week The Nkws is glad to hear good re ports from Judge Norwood. Hon. John IUndolph Tucker died at Lis borne in Lexington, Va.f at 8:05 o'clock Saturday night. He was conscious np to a few hours of Lis death, and died very quietly. Mr. Tucker was b rn in Winches ter, Va., December 24tb, 1823, and was educated at the University of Virgiuia. He was admitted to the bar in 1845 and w a presidential elector in island ISM. He serv ed as Attorney General of Virginia from 1S57 to 1SGC. Py the issue of the civil war lie was deposed from Lis office. Mr. Tucker was elected professor ot equity and law in Washington anJ Lee University is IsTQ. He represented Virginia is the Forty-fourih, Forty-fifth, Forty-sixth, Forty-seventli, Forty eiglUi and Forty-ninth Congresses. THE STATE LEGISLATURE. Ram n. ii, N. C, Febnir.ry 1 1. Bills and resolutions were intro duced as follows : By Senator Scales, relating to per sonal projtfrty ; makes it a inisdo meanor for persons to go to a 6tore and got goods to look at and not re turn or pay for them. The resolution to advance tho cause of good roads that a committee be appointed to visit Charlottu and inspect the roads around stud city and in tho county ot Mecklenburg was adopted. Tho committee will leave Raleigh Friday night and cx amine the roads the next day. The senate mot at 8 o'clock. The bill was taken npto prohibit the nso of troo passes by ollicera. Senator Dntler favored the bill, saying every two moii who rodo on a railroad paid tho fare ot another person, who rodo on a free pass ; that men who use free pauses are always men who aro amply able to pay their fares. Senator Ray offered a substitute that all railroads in the stulo shall furnish to each, state ollicer free passes good during his term of oiiice. The substitute was lost ayes, 1C; noes, 22. The bill passed He second reading ayes, 21 ; noes, 19. Senator Clark, chairman of tho special committee to investigate Swinson's statement in regard to tho enrolling clerk's oflice, sent forward tho report of the commit tie, tliHt Swinson said he did not make thu statement as they appeared in the newt papers, hut that he did say no neirro should work in his ottiee as long as ho had charge of it, because ho expected towards tlio end of the session to have lady copyists and that he did not propose to have him self pointed out as a populist that had negro assistants ; that he did say it had cost $50 a day to run liie oflico ; that while ho did not have use for tho aswistants, they wore put there by two political caucuses and he did not feel disposed to discharge them. Senator Parker, of Alamance, o the committee, riled a minority re port, saying there had lieen useless employment of assistants and the useless expenditure ot money in their employment ; that Swinson, of his owu motion, appointed one ol eight ast-istaiits and as to the othe 6cven,he rect ived them by direction and nomination of the caucuees ot two political parties, to whom he was indebted for his own election and in so receiving them he thought and had reason to think lie was obeying the commands of the two parties w Inch had elected him ; that Swinson is not withont blame, but the blame consists largely in hi yielding too readily and withont protest to tho caucus demands and nominations : that there was not at any time any suggestion to him to displace or discharge any of the assistants lie had so received. The bill passed by tho hnusi to abolish the oluceof enrolling clerk if, by law, such oflice exists, was taken np. Senator Moye opposed the bill saying persons now trying to oust Swinson said if he would appoint the two negroes they wanted they wonld withdraw the hill. Senator Smathers favored the bill Senator Butler was in favor of not judging Swinson too hastily that Swinson thought he was carry ing out the wishes ot the caucus. Senator Parker, of Alaintncu offered a substitute that tlio enroll ing clerk be charged with the doty and responsibility for prompt and proper enrollment of all bills and resolutions certified to him by the chief clerks of the house or senate that there e'tall bo to assistants selected by the enrolling clerk am that the assistant enroiliug ckrki 6hall be under the direction and subject to the orders of tho enroll ing clerk ; that whin the enrolling clerk requires clerical help he shall secure services of sufficient number of competent copyistsitnd they shall be paid 10 cents a copy sheet for all work done by them. This substitute was lost and the original bill passed ita second and i .... intra readings ana bwinson was bounced. Among the bills and resolutions introduced were tho following: By Mr. Dixon, of Green, to al low county commissioners and majr istrates in joint session, called after fifteen days' rotice to, by a majority vote, adopt the alternative method ol working the public roads. ltj Air. Brower, to provide for redemption of land after sale under execution or morrgage, making it lawtul to redeem land withiu two years after sale upon payment ot the sum paid tor the purchase, to- geiner witn lnrerest, provided Uth shall not exceed the principal and interest of the original debt, and at i .i . . - .... sales a certihcate as to the sum nuid shall be given by the ollicer muting me sale. The "fellow servants" bill came up with s favorable report.- It irives any employe of a railway the right to sue for damages and prevents anv waiver of such right to damages. Air. Dixon, of Cumberland, called the previous question ; the call was sustained and the bill passed second and third readings without a dis secting VOICv. Air. 11 a user gave notice that he would offer a majority reort in favor three bills wLich the commit tee had reported adversely and naked that tlre bo taken no next Wednesday as special order. One is the railway rate bill, one to elect a railway commissioner by popular vote, one the bill to prevent tree pseea and fra.iks. On motion the bill to Uke away die state firemen's relief fund was made a speeia! order for next Tbur. day at noon. By 3eae, Mr. Fetree introduced a bill to give authority to sberill. and ui collectors by allowing col- lec'ivii "f arrears of I xc since '91. Tli j hill Mpproprla'tiig t.u)o to "Nci th Carolina on V. i ti.!" ws or dered printed, li L i,ivoT.bly re ported. Tim hoi h i iiM-t at ' "!') o'clock p. in., to. k up tho cil iiiar and the billowing bills were pasaud : To incorporate the Supreme Rul ing of Fiot' rrial Mysiio Circle To provide that tl. terms of jus tices of tho peace c!' :'tcd last .No vember shall end on ho first Mou dy in November, IMS, their terms to iM'gin as soon as ti.ny ipialify. The senate resolution to investi gife the charges of fraud in the matter of the last louse id tho North Carolina railway was referred to tho special committee on tho lenso. Rai.uiuii, N. (!., February 12. Bills were introduced in the House : To piovido iii all cscs of maiti ajjo of women under ighiceu years of age, tho tnairingo ihull have the same effect in law as if the woman so marrying was 21 cars of ago. To reduce tho tonoage tax on fer tilizers to twenty certs a ton. To reduce the salaries and fees of all public officers, save those fixed by law at 25 per cent. To nmend ;he section of the Code so commissioners ins'ead of hoards "'"justices of counties shall elect a finance committee. By Mr. I'eison, creating a com mission, composed of Governor Riisscl, Julian S. Carr and W. A. Hoke, to procure a mitablo design and sK'citications for tlio monument in Raleigh upon tho lite chosen in memory of Governor Vanco ; that the proposals bo advertised for ; that tho commission natiud co-operate with the Vance Monument Associ ation; that the report bo made t j the next Legislature; that if 1,000 bo ap propriated for neeesnry expense. Bill to tako the I apartment of Agriculture and the A. it M. Col lege out of the lunula of the present trustees and officers and to consti tute a new board of sixteen com missioners, passed. Bill reuniting all corpora' ions, companies or associi tions to have resident attorney, iijon whom all process of law to bo served ; that he have a written contract or agree ment that ho will n t removu any suit from State conns pnnsed over. Bill to prevent the intercollegiate foot ball contests, where life and limb were endangen-', was tallied. Grant's bill to stimulate educa tion parsed unanimoi: jly. The bill places the moneys deposited from swamp lands in the miids of the Board of Kducation, to be distribut ed in the districts w) -re additional school tax is imposed Rai.kioii, N. (.. 1 brm ry 13. The following bills w e introduced in the House: To irotet fish in Ticnt river; to tax cigarettes titteen cents a package; to dt ;lare ordained ministers and magist; ntcs public of ficers; to protect door and tnrkeys in Pender; amend t.uj charter of Lumber ton; the bill to repeal the charter of the GoMsl ro iv More head Railway was in letinitely post poned. Bills passed: Providing in actions brought by heirs at law or minor children to plead staiute of limita tion in eae executor or administra tor failed to make jl -t for than; to allow Sunday trains to carry ex press matter ot all k-nds; to allow magistrates, notaries, cieiksof Su perior and Inferior Churls power to take and certify ackuowledgmcnt of all grantors and private examina tion of married women (Ouslow ex cepted). Rai.kioii, N. C, February 15. '1 he bill for the relief of deut.dumb and blind at Raleigh was taken up. It carries an appropriation of 34, Oi'O for a new bmldirg. The bill passed to pay judges of election $2 per day and 10 cents j per mile for carrying returns. Senator Justice offered tho fol lowing which was adopted as i substitute for the original hill "That the count v commissioners of tho different counties be authoiized and empowered to pay judges of election, registrars si-d messengers so much per diem and mileage as they think proper. The house met at 10 o'clock, The speaker aniiouuscd the fol lowing as tho special committee on redisricting the statu into concret- sional districts: Me-rs. Brower. Uockery, Alexander. Vhitnev, Mc K-irv, Abernathy and Bryan of Ch itham. Mr. Doekery's bill to provide for tin iing over the ;en;i"Miary tothe fusionists came up. I provides for board of uinedirectoig; thesuix-r miriideiit to be ai'p' 'rite. I by the governor, all to 6erve lour yers. Mr. r-chulken want J the intro ducer of the bill to expi lin it, saying he thought the prtt : law a good ou and could ts.e no goxi reason for the new bill. Mr. McKeuzie sid as there was to Iw a democratic c e.us to night he hoped the bill woi.id 1m) made a ejH cul order. Mr. freeman at ;lns moment iiK vtd to adjourn ui il 10 o clock rn. tomorrow. Mot' tn prevailed Issue of Standard S U r Dullart, Washington, Feb. 15. The issue of standard silver d'.lh.rs from the minis and Treasury .'!icos Kr the week ended Februaiv l'iih was f 31,05') and for the corresponding cnod last year was f IXJU. fiie ohipiiient of fractious silver coin from Ftbruary 1st 1 1 1 brnary 13 h aggregated l:i 2,2.'J.. I he Iressury defico nrv for the first Llf of February :s f3,f5S.5O0 ud for the firt seven and a half months of the current liscul ye.tr to ditto f 47,713,3'MJ. Ti e m-jiitv of all kinds in th-j Treasury amifitiile for current iise is 'a'J at 000,000, of which f I 4oXm((kni, in cluding the fioo.ooo oih) pojj ie serve, i grid, f j .o,otot(NHj mivr certifieaHs, tH.'MN.' United States tiofes and f3'.1.0M,iHm of Oii-eel'aiifou fanoV LetU..' frsm Siloam. EoiTou N . e: In several of'oiir oU'x papers, Luth political and r ligioiio, we have read editorials aiid voices in tho interest of our f r e schools. I he ,e a few lines from me will find space in your coliimns. Our schools aro not what they should bo and are not what they will be in the near future. Tho demand is tor longer schools and better schools. Let tliis bo the watch-word of every teach'.-r and every person in tho statu interested in public educa tion until the end be accomplished. It has been said, "Withiu tho wails of our public schools ihe destiny of our country is being determined." From ltsclasst s of to-day must coin tho legislators, tho doctors, the min isters, tho merchants:, the mechanics, the mothers and the voters of to morrow. I hardly think it would he exaggerating lor mo to say they aro the grandest, the noblest and surest influences of our country. Figura tively speaking, they are thecradlts of high echools, colleges and uni versities. Perhaps, S'imelsidy has already said, our schools are long enough unless) they were better at tended. We ask why is this lack of attendance! One has said, "Be cause they aro not worthy of at tendance." In a measure this is a truth, taking into consideration our hoiines and school arrangements. The most ignorant man knows a KoimI thing when ho sees it, there fore let our free school system be made a good thing and there will not be so many criesof inatteudancc. Wn need county sucrintcndent8 to v is it our schools. County institutes aro a'most a thing of the past. We need infinite conducted by the best educators of our state toarviis us, as public teachers, to a sense of (.or duty. We trust our legislator will do their full duty in behalf of our schools along this line and there by get a greater intelest manifested and the system on a higher educa tions! plain. Jf our teacheis aro not fi'ied for the emergency and the requirement demanded ot them as teachers, let them qualify them selves and t!.-rtby magnify their pr. fesbion. Let me again speak of the attendance of schools. To my mind one great cause, in many dis tricts, of inai tendance, is personal and lamily influence, yea, and I may say religious a d political prejudice in the employ n. en t of teachers. This is uot id ways t! ciso, more especial ly, where committeemen do their whole sworn ''uty. Wo sometimes think more i strictioi s should he placed upon the duties of se;too committeemen than there are .ui present. It i.i the duty of commit teetnen to en ploy teachers for the best int:rist of the schools and for the majority of the people in their rei pective dis-ricts and not to satis fy their own personal ideas and feelings. They have a respom-ib'e and nooie dn'y to perform. 1 cr imps to satisfy family interest, finan ciatly speaking, the minds of many a in y and girl have tx-en wrecked when a proper step in the employ ment of a teacher would have saved them Mid to;. ile them useful men and women. Teachers should not bu euiph.yed i'l districts where dure are pupils th.-.r can Use a reader ot the f jnrth or tilth class as mtclli p. nttv a the teacher himself. 'i . iic In rs shouid not be employed in disincts where there are pupil t i attend the school almost equal to them in advancement in the public branches. It retards the progress of the pupil and the lnlliiencn of the teacher. Tho action of committee men, upon school business, should bo as wise and consistent as that ot the judge upon the bench; detirm ined to make our public schools equal to the very hist. We have several good schools; schools which are well attended, attractive, and ot winch any community may be proud, while there are others uot what they should be. Teachers, let us Ik awakened to our duty. Let us more fully realize that we are great instru ments in our schools that shape the minds of the boys and giris of our country. "lVllKbtrul to rear the U'ndiT tliouijlit; Tu U-a,-Q lbs jimij Id- bow lu moot, A ud pour irrcnli limlni, Uou o er Uie wind." Let us get a high conception of what the free school is and realize its power and h.fluerice. Let ds look upon it as a Sucred trust; guard it wi;h staunch patiiotism, for there is no patriotism more pure, m-jre elevating or more dt serving of recognition than that of one whoc highest ambition is to s'ore the minds of little children with knowl edge and guide their tootsteps in the path of duty. Let those of us who are hi th active work in these schools or insi tutions, c une up to the rispoiisibi ity of our position and trust Hin who preserves u to crown ocr wont with sufficient sue ccs. 1 uur.t in the work. v'. V. I)avknimkt. M. am, N. C, Feb. 15th, lbl7. An Angel of Mercy. Truly, the miraculous cure of rheu matism made Ly Salvation Oil, justly earned for it the title I an angel of mercy; for many bed-confined rhcu niauci have experienced the great, cur ative propertit-a of tliil modern lini mect. "I used Salvation Oil for rhen nifcLUm and found it a lure cure. I nscd three Lottlei and am now perfect ly well.aud I would feel myself a bene factor if I could injuce every person afliicled with rhcumatiim to try Salva tion Oil." James IT. Bryant, DebroLla, K. C Salvation Oi! la sold everywhere for 25 centa, but wmt dealer may aay, w are ut of It, hoping to tell a cheap aubetitute faiatead. Insist on getting Salvation OH, or go to some ottier dealer who will sell it to yon. WaMlral at Onrev Aetiea if aia fa eiwli rouuty. kic)uai eiHttrol, K rmk Clear 1.' Ui 2j kilnlni I dollar! a year I iiiua 'uipf.ir full -artlsolam, or VS ratals tut 11 amp'e. lilil Hl-ll. Ml,KiL WTa t', lli( R.f.i.U, kiirli. ManUUf fainacwwl bjr Iw. MlW 1'mla pllaa. Eighteen Me.i Poituued By Their Wivss. V ten ut. 1 cbruary 11. A sto, f reitelii.:! bete in Jliiig.ny. or 'v lid-ton "h r front a sun,' village Itaj peais P at there wire a largo nuiii'jtroi ii'ifaithf ul wives iii the villHge who wore desirous of ridding themselves of their husbands in order that tiiey might tho moie easily carry on their liaisons wim their lovnr-. Eighteen ol theni ro cured poison which they ad niui't ttrcd to their husbands with fttJ results Tho murders have caused the greatest excitement smong the easaiita, to which class thu women and their victims belo.-igcd. Letter from Round Peak. Mr. V. Tajlor, county surveyor, of B!is-, N. C, surveyed ont uu en try under warroit. for Mr. Ililey Barker, hist 'i uesday, ht the hn t of Fish-r's I'euk, conlainitig 30 aeres. Alter ihe survey com pleted, Mr. Taylor, acrompiu, icd by Messrs llilev Barker, .1. M. Vaiiidin, Kd. Montgomery vid 1. B. Boker, went up on Fisher's Beak, nil ge'tingso wurui th it they lad to (haw off their ro.tU, bnt In u they g t mi toj) of the moun tain I In re was snow in several places and 'he Ir in .'bin lain in Virginia wms pi-i f i th co cri d. J . Round IVak. N. C, Feb. 1 2. IW. ores Prove the m-rU t llixxfn fcirwipsrPa-poil. Uvs, -r(s t, riniiii''iit urs Cures "I K'-rofiiU In M-vso-l In n Ilko Hiiltis, iwpIIsiI mi-It, riiiiiilni! iori-. hip (Iiphs. Kiri-n In Uie oys. Cures ' "Hit Kin-inn. with in liits,- l''i'ng awl Imriiliiit. m nlil lis't. l'Ui i-U;. Cures ltii. rimpts, i"t " I'o.'-r so p- limn dun to liiipurs liK .xt. Cure lyMl"at ami oltu-r Irmil li- lu-re a IIikiiI toiii: li tonic .n m-i iu-iI. Cures Hlismiinlum, where putleiiM were tin- alile to work or walk tor week. Cures "I Catarrh hy ex-lllnit the Impurltlft which rame hiiiI mnUm the d w-He. Cures of Nervoiiih !i hy prii-rly t .nHmand (fixllhu Hi" iii rvsn iikiii pore I Ixxl Cures"' Iliat I1""1' Keelma l.y mlor.i.g trnifth. Hi nd for book ( r .re liy Sarsaparilla ToC. I. Hood li Co.. rroprl-t. M. Lov.r.I, Man. , T.,, are the lil all. r .IIiii-hi IlOOU S 1 'I SIS piIIj. aid ilig-;ion. .o Kr lirh siB--in hinimi'i.t re i.ovisatl tfar i . Huff nr ( ulliiimcii I.iimj s a: '1 BIhiiohIu's fr ' : i li'jrHK, 1 li oil r-prih Cur! , i 1. 1 i t i. fwi-i-ney, J:.uf.'-!'.ii: "tifh-s, pr;ii'.J. nil Swi.-ll -n 'li.ron'.i, Cmiplis. I'H' -mc ?l 1 1 y use of o, e boil!" Wn T.'.:il i il t lie mi t inli fill i i-n: -! I iirt- i-Vrr know i So'd by 1 avi.uk .V li "tri. Mi M-y. N 0 NOTICE. NlIlM if CAI;iliJ V 'A, SflJBV t.1 M V. ) Hank tif'.Vauie mi l AIikmI S. V'M-) Scrv!i' tlants mimI all otner r-l t f .i rj i'f j hy W. Kulti.n, lii-c' i, Pci.li s. 1 eati(n. J. 11. l-ullo'i, n Im'r of W. Kulinn, il- '.l,.. I. il. ruit'in ami - j S; all I K. t tlilllll, J. . t lllloll Mil' I . .1 ' i h.illie l ull...!, V. K. I'-ir l n l i,-it.' ; Naniiie . Iljn', ine"ii Kiu-n.-y and v,ile ileitis MiKic.iey, V. A. .Snii" and ili Maiy Sju'i;. r, I', f iiHiylrtS and win C. A. Hou;l, .i"nii" Jaici -, U A. Iliwlev an. I l Mitn C HawU-y. j The d fvii laiiti, K, K. Ui r I, Nmime (i Htril, W. A. fparjifr and .Mery . .arn' r W ill take iuh.. I hnt nil M'tloii . idlli d ax bImvp Ima l..i n eoinnic in d in ihe btipi-rior l o,jrt of snrrv ei.i nty.'i l,a a i-i-ilaiii i!i .'it sxi-eut' d I y V. I ulton dm-'il. to J. M. Fulton and tV McKimi (leeliiri'il frhiiiliilrlit and Void, "o tigMi liie imiiq t iii-n-ny cut.veyi-i! aim olin r lauds ly iiift in -"urry eoiiiity, of hi aid vt ruiton dii d se:.i-il, Sii'il lurthe payment of tl P di-bls of l'ulii'i.d -ceased, and to have- a si-ll h nii-M uf the adniinistrioiun of J II Fulton, a.;.iiiiim- trator of W t tiltmi, and f.r utlie- ri-lisf, and the di-feiidanta alrnie iik.-ih d id further taso noiiee that l'iry me r' tjuired to appear at the tiu vt term of tl Miperior I Jnirt of Mirry count y to he held on the third Monday af'r the fourth .Monday in February. Is!',, at II. e l oiirl House in said eounly at 1 obson, ? . C, and a'iwiT or ileinur to ( eon plami in smd aition or tl.e t ' Hut ill a will apply to the court for the r- oof di mam d in said eonip'ainl Thu the .'Kith day of January, 1 S9T. W. W. IIAMI'ToN. fli rn of tie -up.'-rlor I cmrt ol suio cou!. y , .N. ( NOTICE. Haviiifr q'iliti.-.l ai adiiiitii-.l rn'i.r t.f ih i-siaic hi juini ii. iiuiiao oer an --h .i owidi! the rMMe are lichl c.) to in,Ke nu nieuiaie si t iiiii-iii , and all pi f sor- Uaui. claiiuv atu ut the rahl entai,- bre I iiurt" la present tdeiu to ink within 1.' .iioiiih from tin dale or payne-i.t or th,- uoi i, , will to pii a i in bar of tin ,r i.eu.ery Ft b. Itt, IS'.'T XkH ki.l 1 vaK a liu'r of J. 11. Ionian, J.v'.i Mortgage Sale. l'.y i rt ii-- of the power contained in a nioriKa'i U i-I, eit-culed on ihe Is: day i.f Auj. lM ., In the uiidi : ,-..i;n. d ort uaili'v, ly J. II. Cat us and ioliie Cam., hi wn.-, bimI duly recu-i, ,j i,. the 1.. xis:erV i .ih.'e i f ."-.irry c ,ii;ty. in mortxr," li. k No I I, pace j:W;aiid by virtue i f fit power -uitiiJie il in i. mort(,'!tKe ile. 'l i neeuti d on the I'.itl dayotOi'l h.i". byJ. It. Ciites afl wife to the iind-i-it ! ed SJortKave, e h,ci. mortj-.i'e ' ui. ly recorded in the i: later ;!ii e uf si.rry county, V t '., in Kik.Ii of 'or!(.'m.eii, Nil is, pase I'-'H, 1 will si II, for i a. i, at ihe onrt House eoor. in lobson, N. C , on the C; t dsj of March, lV, at 12 o'. liK-k, nf , si pub lic out -cry, to (he lowliest bidder the follow nig j. M-r U d I rai-t or par el of land, to u il : Ki'HJiiiui p at 1,'uli, corner of Church Street, and a Hi w Mreet (on the :nuth aide ol Church Mreet J.runs soul h in 1-4 W.. w il il Ihe sad new street !. feet, thi ie i' N. &l 1-1 W.,.') feet to n rtake, thence .?! .-A t. , I.Ml feet li. C -ri h street, thenc- w it h Cburcii -ii. . l.m feet t- the Im'iiimuk. 1 1 is bi o a part of the lot I oiihl by J B I't oi from thw tiranue I ity J-an l t Itn rove ment Co .niuie Is lna old to sail? f iu amfiui't due uu Ixil.iin i.'il, uiih liter eat and cost to add. Tlii 1st l ay of Feb- lsiiT- Tiioiaa r awi-mt, atortgaee.. Mortgage Sale. Br vlriii of I .irr r(td'n 1 In Mt 'h, it. mud du:r r'il It. H- 111 I! I"cli. lb JfotlHt lr) m ir iuj I Li it Dtl f r, r' i f if 4 6ll- ri MnUkl A rjr th. MB fe.il It,' h.j-n 1 ' 00 to ! atlV tHf Aoi- Ji.f I iS fH'Kh i(lVl li.lcf-ollbil ttMi,,i Oi s Only One Standard You and we nuy ddicr as to money st ndards ar.J out of out vf ry d.ixtcr.cct rj .od i.'.ay come. Eat we won't diiur as ta the merits of oi.e tUr.iard emulsion of cod liver t il. SCOTT'S E'aJLSION has won and hell its way for nearly 25 years In the world of medicine onlil to-!ay it is al most as niec'i tlie standard in all cases of lunj trouble, and every condition of wasting whether in child or adult ai quinine is in mabiial fevers. Differ on the money ques tion if you will, but when it comes to a question of health, perhaps of life and death, get the standard. Your drvggiit Kill Scott'i EmuUion. Two lilts, SO cU. and $I.C0 SCOTT 4 BuWNfc, Ntw York. FORECLOSURE. Whereas, liubert H. and Luella A. Mines did on the llth day of June, ISBI, extH'ute and delir to Alb.-rt H. hhat tuek, Trustee, a trunt deed on certain land in furry County, State of Niirtn Carolina, therein d 'serih.Ml, to secure the, ihiiii of flJsmiki ilue by naid Itobert H. and l.uella A. I linen to the) Itritisli it American MnrtguKH Coinpany, l.iin ited, w bieh said trut ileeil is recorded in Surry County, in )eed I look K, rajfe to hieh refi recee i I.i reby made : and wheri ai default haa been made in the payment of the money a aecured by said trust ded -, and "vht-reaa the un dersigned I uu lieen duly appointed mib Hlitule trustee in the plnee of said Al bert 11. Mialtui-k, u provided in mid Irusl deed, and bus been duly request ed t.i execute the I runt t herein con tained ; Now therefore notice i hereby given, that under anil by virtue of tint power eotitHinetl in si. id trust deed, I, the un dersigned substituted trustee, on Mon day, tliB 1st day of March, 1-U7, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 3 1". M at the Court House door in the town of I'obson, in N rry County, will by public auction sell to the highest bid der for cash the follow ii. g deserihid property, vi : lieeiuiiiiiK on a stake on east side of livell's creek at the mouth of a ditch and runs north '-' degrees h clmius and C.I links to a siake on the upper side nf dreeii Hill road; north d K west 4 ch.uiis to a take; north :l an I l.t loo chairs to a steke ; South 15 di'K. west 5 chin In a stake in center of a b-ani-h. ' I . !'. A W. A. Moore's cor ner) ; ii'. rlh ! .lej'reeH ea-t I 01-lml etiinns to a Hfike; north 47 (ley ent i-1, a i in to h Make ; nor . ii 3 chains t o a stale; Hurt !i I'J de;. west 1 45-lKI ehaiiii to a hn kory ; north dee, eai-t 17 7 -1 1 s i cluiiiii in a black xun north 3 cluiins to a stnl.e ; east l'i ehhiiu to a stake in the o.'il j:idie t. ad; tlienie with said road J'- ehnins to a slake; soul li 1 2 chain. t i Koliert llines' cor mr i a S;mnih ei.k) ; thence with said line f l el uitin to a pine ; w.nt chains to laru'e white ak ; south H chains to si ake ; we t H! 111 di-,'. west 10 . corner), west south with tii-j line ; north 40 hams to maple ; soul I hauls to a pine ( Keller li eliains to a pond sum pom! to Moore i; esM, .'li chains to pine slump eh fiM dt'L', at 7 1-1ik ehnins to a loi est buh ; south 3i eal 6 j l-! no csins to a st 'ike ; si nth D leg eitst II 'J"i. loo chains to the church lot ; south &'i crk'. west 8 T.i-100 chains to a black onk : so-ith 45 'leg. east 'is chains to a sink" ; north uet;. east 3 ehnins to a stnke , east 4 links to stake in the e. i.i. r of a dil li ; south il 'ti east with rent- r of di: li 4 l;i-l') ehai.is to t he i i, i k ; I hene- dow n i-n nl creek 3 T5-li.il chains to tic- beiuning conlaiiiiiiK I jo 1 1 tl.ree bin dn-d acres more or b ss. Saiil land will be oM to entii-fy tl Ut-lit M curcil I y rn. l tru? ueeu, an such title Will ue Kiveri as i- vested III said trustee. s 1'. tiHA Ks. Substili'ied Triisti' NOTICE ! NoIiTH ('ATIO: IV . M'MHV t't-l'MT H. J. Ort-invr.,)- ?OM' of 4rmi t 1 fioiii I ti u.i r-i.- 1IUI I V , 1: Ui -VH . :. U'r-tt ft to f hp un MiHt'li.V, il l.'ltwl.tl t M,tn ft 'loo. i ot P. M 'li M'tmii inr-'t Jmir or kii i cfiuni v hT nl o Cl'trK ft n to ihf huiiPHi M.ji! r. ur tM-.ii. io tuimtv .m p.-uM.ifi. mi lu, i jfhf, tit . ami twer Wlitfl" 1IJP 8 l i H J. (i t lW4V, J fP(;llUt, ft. In to. f"il'wi!i i"st Tth -'i rt-al pnhu. owii; One lot tn tin Itiwu .( V!t. Atrv, atij..)rilnL' It It tt,ttu ai d Ki tt I' k brtttr.i nhf-of-wtiv IO bth tl ft J 1f IUUM it' ilOlfl- :t-A i tPIAp' ii ii, n.t a ii'i'i:'m ttrtiji !cti It-iiuilt t Ufft'ifpuf if. in- frcpt tt' Mount Air a ;. it rr. t- i, i-idi,!,' ij,r crmrof in,- iuii. ' tiifrndii ii k j , an j tw ; 's r": 0t nH u'i itiTatMi Jiftd rant) u a rrtr II li M Piit'li 1M, (rftttP WtUx liifOUli "' ..UT u:' UHli, (HPT t O. tI tHlg Oi m ill rrnnit ut t hck un' ur ?ai;-i :,. d. ,niida Int. ih- ! wills mini li , Ut riray i i t4 '. !: !( Wlt'l Jal"A iv tui ..-I .4j f 'li In fcltjolf.' l.j r .IV t rat'l ol tin w mrfi'i, n .10 ii 'i mi U'i fttr'-pr top lit ( if, and r ?- i 4. M. da f-HE ity I iut r u. iJlli '-J7. MORTGAGE SALE. Hy Tiftue t.f tn1 poim ft.ntatnJ th a rnorl I IU t'. J:tH. ii .tlL a!l4 Wilt-, U tljty o Van n. 1 hihJ r'-ot.nji In iso k ot iin.rtj.'.ik'pfi ti'.rty S'f C'? of lliprtyit! MJIlIV. r . I Hi P. 11 I-iib' li.tiet onaJt-r. lorrjiti. at tt.p iWiri hr ((n.i mi Irni .-.jii, ' it 'nui;.n, iiip i'f , d. 01 Mrtu i, ai 1 iff- w r m . Hi fo-ioainif 1 -rial PMa" ici ir A irrfrl o Inn Uihol , . W nil .i't.. Jllittiltj ufl iihr. 6T lui irrt h. i,, -rf ur it-N To aa t-ft O'k 'i'i v U'i tn a ia '.rtLMiff?. 1 Ms uil n V MVMofch MORTGAGE SALE. Bj r.r ae.f tue icver e.,i.t.,ir.il to a nvxt C' .'v.1.111 en... ,-1,1.,- jr.iiidii,t .ru. . -i, vr 1. 1.. I'i'ii.i, k!.., nl'i. en,! r. -PT'H-il IH -. "t. I'Ke i.mt, .t Uie r-oirO nl t url l...uh. il-, 'i u, 1; sunt iu.li", I t. a. 1 1 Kill. III I I -Mli. in, JueHlHV. 11 I j7 nl 1 01 li 11, e. M . u, 1111 .1 iv il Man f. ll,lH 1 fc ll'DI III 1 il eM .le, Ui alt: A Inn ( ." "u t , V i , ai),,ii.iiik I lulill .vn K In 1 1 the U.'.rt " I Knll e..a "I ll'T". . .. i m i una. J ..- iiieiiit uu .- v, u and ore-hiilf m ri-H. In sure il...- on ialil n T-i e .llotv ih twl ,'e. Til l II! h Out el 1. 1-: . k'Vl n NOTICE. Sim I1.ih, s ,i '1 or iNortlj i"ed. Burr, ) up", ii Caniliea. Uotiuty. l(i Ki Hum, dec-' 'r Cirn.-t, Uliarlif D'lt.aon, M.ui- 1 i iliei.tr ate! Iiii'hii 1, Mike l.eii'rv. an ; -Vil- J re t'lerk. linn K'lliiaj, .Ir Dulei. mi l IIj OB. I.Hl'l l a-e i j fr.nn - alii l il of pla.ii liB iht W i ll i n U iliilu. Jr.. oi.e i.f iLe almte nun,, . ,lef. I. f in a V .a-rfT -Jelit of thi Mi aini 14 a ti-.feu y T'y t tlie aU'vet 'i'iIU-i! ii. 'I iia: 1 h ta rtou u a I lu. in". 'u n-.l 11 d 1 iNHi to fdj di tl Il in tie re?,,re ( .deieal that Hili!icti"i lie u .ie ti. Tt-t V -mt' Aiux l,ll!lll mi-etl "1 tae toao uf Mount Air."-. TV t nuMt , f I'.. fur i weela. M q-iirn.j ml il. l.-n.Ui t to :fr belnre tlie t-ieik iif tle aereH tnart, of rnrrj ' imhiIT. at lil -tflee III Iuhaa, on the Till ii; "I I -lnrr l"-i'7, aail k i)rf. i,1.Ml l. k i n' ie it Le t;' la a.p-r a ilnnr l ,l 1 atiil i.ir or tl. aiiiT I tlie e. iiii t, (liia n ail' kr) ei tutte aUi b ta. 1 km I'er Vtn, IiW. W. . liiVltnl, C. h. C 1I.J..J IK II-1 Hi. I'f uuiuai imm runa uie mmmi 305, 307, 309 BROADWAY, NEW YOKK CITY. 1 G. SYDKCR. MANAGES, MOUNT AIRY, N. C. rKOTKCT YOUK FAMILY. SIXTEENTH ANNUAL STATEMENT. forerlnff Year Ki dinar Deieu.ts r 31. 1d. INCREASES. In Cash Income, In Invested Assets, .... In Net Burj'lua, In New Business IW'eived, ... In Business in Force, .... in Number of Policies in Force, - New Hii-iiues Ueceived, New Husinesa Written, Total I'lisiness in Force, DECREASES. In Kxpenat a of MnnaK,-nier.f In Total b-biirsements, In Liabilities, Dentil Claims I'aid since Orpanizati.m, H,'ft.1,Q6t 66 Death Clniins Paid in 1806, - - 3,067,03 el Or over 13.000 for each working day in the year. A TOTAL MEMBERSHIP The Company Has $2.84 Call on or address, W. Q. 5YDN0R, Titos. Fawcett, President. FIRST NATIONAL DANK of r,lT. Airy. lCOKPO:CATi:i. Cnpital, f.lO.OOO, mid I p. DTRBGTORB. Tin Faweett J. II Sparger, M. L. Faweett, R. L. liwyn, C. L. Hanki. Tliia bank (illicit tl n accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers Farmers ano Individuals. The accn inu of the Merchants located in towns adjacent received on favorable terms. The funds of our customer! are secured by two burglar proid steel chests and ti e Yale Time Lock. Interest allowed on having Deposit!. J. M. Davis. DAVIS & SPARGER, BROWER BLOCK, MAIN ST., Mt. Airy, N. C. F. F. V., Leader and N'ew South Cook Stoves, h.-jiith Feed Cutters, houtb lvend Chilletl I'lov.s, Fredericksburg Corn hhellers, Doors, hah, Ijcks, Nails, Ac. Home and Mule Shoes, the lui -st pattern in hteel Plow and all kinds of Plow tast ings. Agents for THE CELE3RJTED ANCHOR BUGGIES. A fine line of Shoe, Ha's, Groceries and everything kept in a first-class flora. Kiamine our stock liefore buyine. HT. !.?-.''&;ja I Jl 1$ Wtit THE GLOBE WAREHOUSE, MOUNT AIRY, N. C, Can and will sell uur tobacco for you for better price, than an other home in the town. The reatdn for the above statement is, that "Tlx Globe" Is the only Warehouse in the place in which any of the Manufic turers have any money invested b'ome of the largest manufac turers have st. ck in the bouse. The proprietor has been in the business over 14 years. These a .J other reasons tell you plainly that you will your own best SELL AT TIE GLOBE, Thanking you, on- and all, lor past patronage, I am, STILL YOURS TO SERVE, J os. W. Ashby, Proprietor. xscrm Sasli, Doors SO TKOl'BLK NOtV TO Bt'ILD A lirii'Hi.- h w. v.., ll'liL'i. u ir, 1.1-1. n.,, ,. , "'""'i nil 1I1K We Minofcture All Kinds of Doom, Blinds, UnteK I)fKtr and S roli,Sa wing, Siair Work, Moul - t. Sidmg, Casirg and til kiuda M Fu.ish.'j L-a,Wr. W Carry in Stock H.uth Lumber, KLhrf1, PU.lcnr- Ui-a, d J k)r.d. Uaunal. Guilford Lumber IITg Compaq, (in ttiL. C M.j Jib, 18H5. Fivk Ykak Folic v. tt.l3 II 3 04.ff II9,40.1 ie.36.eo.oo ia,ai 167,007.00 73,0'i,330.00 3tt-f,0'i6.06l OO , 109,311. 13 9,60l.39 310,619 36 OF 118,449 INTERESTED. for Each $1.00 They Owe. Mount Airy, N. C. K.L. Gwtm. Jai. H. Sparoib, M L Fwctt 1st Vice President. 2nd Vice rrem'dent. Caebier A. L. Sparukr. Aliy HAEBLE WORKS. Mount Airy, N.C. D. HAYNES CO , Proprietor. "ealirns and nn- i.r e,i t,i .,mlI e our link. Our work aud price 11, jm. tervo inlcnst when you and Blinds. ill KA IKS 1 " " ma tf:::ial. Win law F - cf all lt.d. lY-lt rame-, Turne I Work, Mlns