TTT71 A-TiTKTTATrin A TOV "KF"CPH7C1 i n H 'i i v fi J i n X I JL & 11 X JLI ? V KJ Ji J-JL VOL. k;. MOUNT AIItY, N. C THURSDAY, FKHKUAHY '25, 1807. NO. JJ5 tat Trouble Quickly Cured. A oi.v tilling Tvullmnnlal. nnun i 1. 1. A it run "For 19 ym I u..fifil from heart trim, bio. Ilurlti i'i s' Un.i I im Ii-wiuhI ttj 8t dllurrnl il j ili lum,. All of Iht-m claimed tlu.t I ( ,: U ti'.C If c iml. I wa grvutly tniunli'il loi alioitni-. a of lin-nth, palpll.Mliai null imIii In tlin alile. If II Cut"" rjK'Iti"!, or oxi'i-tixl iriyiwl f In the Iraat, tho pill ll In my hl la-innm very wviro. At tlmea It WHiimil Rn tin High wnllrt vrrethmt trig thmuyh mi id'. Honiiitlrne In Urn month of Novenilx'r lint, 1 rjjntiii'iii'pt takltnc DR. MILES' HEART CURE And nine then t liavn Itriprtived atea.llty. 1 run now kpnn niy left aliln. anmetliliia- t hml never tneii iiblo to ilo leftirw. I oftn wmlk without Ix'ln fivt laur-il, awl kin In mura btttrr hrallh than trtr Ittfort, I would mrominrnd nil miffiniw from heart tniuhl to try Dr. MlleV Invaliialiht remedy without delay" MIS Kl.I.A KflUTZ, 618 Wright ft , Milwaukee, Wla. Pr. Mile TToart Ottrtt In anM on ll rmaltlT fiiuraiil.-etlial llii- rl lniiUe will lament. AllilniKKMiKoll II hi 11. 6 Imttlea fnrM. or It will be sent. prvttal'1. on na-elpt. of prim y thu Dr. MIU Vu , Mkl.iirl, Ind Dr. Miles Heart Cure J. A. MAKTIN, nOTARY PUBLIC, I'HONKK 11) AMI '.'ll, Mount Airy, N. C. S. P. GHAVKS, Mttorney-at-Uaw, MOUNT AIRY, N. C ir-'m.-tl'ea In MiK'e ant KolTl roiirta. l'roti p' nt tontion n roll wilnn nt rlatiiia. V. S. NKKDH AM, Attorney-at-Law, Pilot Mountain, N. C. - lir-WIll prsi'tli-e in thf Kialo onn. col lpi tion of cliilnm a Hi ll'y. Jiin9-In GKO. V. srAI?0KIt. AttoPney-at-Law, MOUNT AIRY, N C. Will ira. il'' In Ktute aid K. iU-nil i onrt. MpPi lPi ui lion to f-llw l" eMm nl n -K il.iil' it loins. W F. CARTER, NOUKT AIHV, N. C J. R. UWELIYN, Caktku Lkwku.yw Attopneya -at-Uaw. tr-nacilcf In th,'(ilatiind Fi-iKml courui. ITOTni)ltinllon given to ll tm Itiess cmriiMi e l to their earn. J. H. Slakemope, PHQTOQRAPHER MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Is propiireu to n.iiVe nil tin' N'-w and srlimic WjlHi. I up w ith ihu Unios and will gl! J on flrM rl is worlt. on. C. W. BANNER. DENTIST. : Mount Airy, N. C. Ollioe over Taylor A Biinnnr'it lriiR Store. OHlcc hours R a m. to 6 p. m. ACADEMY AND COLLEGE, Fimn-arlv luo years this mmttiiH u to- m .,..l h, very front rnna. aud wan never mo e r n,ep llll h" " m '."'J. . 1 1 i nil a nwii-trr.i roiir-ire coiirw nm ll m ex-r " " ' ?Hi'lal l.-Not M-.e a KhK il i onoi.'rcial avl nnu-iiiul i., .Vc will hi- Pleased UiH lal..jae alelll. Nunh arollna. JOS. NATIONS, HEM. KB IS Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Of nit kin.U, Sewing Marhinp, M;iSicl I,riimi..U.Ac. V.tohe..5lm-k.iid Jew.-lry r-nired in H-t jMwml.lf man mlr and aatiafaclioi. Kuarnnte.-d If you want to nave mom-y me l-f.r-tnaking your pur.'liiia.- -r liaving your work done Burial Robes, Slippers, &c. A full ,ii.i of 11 ! and quliti kept on Main 8trt. KidB, r.i h.w.wNrttrihilM- htath Korinal and Indsstrial School. or,..loiflt.l , ,, ., 'TTi ri -ma " ... JL. lea ..l !" U.WW Ur'Al.KK IN Mis, MA Recognition In Heaven. ( )ne ri iiini I')' ' H'" I 1 o hi'H i' i Iuh iliicirinii nt futii'i' rcri iiilimi in tlut ao niHiiy in iln if I ot lioiir mi t'Hi-th liHvti cniitiiiiud tliin ili'urv. I p-H k not ol mth.iIiwIio I hvc jrttiiiiiiii ili'lirioim in lht'r lnnt iiiotniiit hihI kinw whit tl.ry WlilO hlxdlt tit) t of JMTBolia wliotlii'd in cnlmni'M mid jilMciility, hi (I wlio wrio not iintiirttlly nu irf i ,ik Oltcn tlie dlurii' of lumvi'ii Imvi Hlinck lloi iljiimi pillow, hihI tins uVldtrtipg niHii h'lH aiiil lit'itw ki il !nHrd iIiiiho wlio h jfoin hwhv from hiin. How ofii-n it i in the tiling iiioiin'Ma iHri'iitn we llnir uVinrleil diililrt'ii bikI cliililini mo ilioir tli'imrti'il mri'iifsl I (" down to tlx; ImnkH of tlin Miilmwk Hivir If WftHUVtMlilltf.tlll I HIHtl ),, jr., nvcr t t.f riviT, Hllll i I wvi (I HIV llt mill Hlllllltfll Hllll HfttT H w di t) I hh nif oim wavinj on ilm ..m.naitll llitllf. Hllll I IiIMmI llllll shout, hihI thu Iiiml (.HMiiiiTi-B'1, Mini I jfof ill win trHi niort il. Ami hi I t ti i ) ii ill l" " 'I'" v,,,, injfof niir lit.-. i)wiiii-onio ii..wii i.. iI.m riii r , f tll-atll Ht il ''i VI! H aitfiml to our frit'tuU on tin- otlirr Hint I ll'V Mill kMV'l! H HllIMl Imck to n, it'iit tin' lioHt ( ft. hiiiI our (Ii Nrti il kinniH'il am tin! imra nu n, tlm lirt' of thu M'ttmif Jn)' tinwciiij; tin' to) of tlm inililii". Ill'HVCII IB Dili H HIMICIV. lOIIIIItl , 1 . JllHM-, HH 1 HOIllCMtlH'K iitur II 1113 h'tiIh il, h vory liiiiliiy of Hjili inlor, lii!it! u'oplc ftrtiul on colli forniHli tin hiiiI f(o Hrniiiid Hlniiit with it liovy crown ot f-ni on ini'ir hchoh. No, ilmt i not iiiv idiH of lifHVfti. l v lit, .u i,f luMivi'ii in mori! iki thin : Vi.ll Hill Pl'rttfll ill till! I'Vl'tlillU ti'lo In tin' fin i lui'i'. vour wholi! family tin r. , or lioatl)- hII ot i Ik in llifit!. Wllill! yoll HU Hl'Htoll tHlklll Hllll rm'iiviiiir flip i vt-nilltr hour. tluTt; lb h knock Ht tlio iliior, hihI tho door oii!iii, Htid there ciiiiich in alirothcr that Iihh hi'iili lonr aliM.'lit. Ho Iihh In en lonjz aliM'tit, for)'Hia you Iihvb not 80i r liini Hiul no toioiicr do )ou nmko lip jour liiind tlmt it ia ccr tHinly lit) tliHii you leup up, nnd the ipicHlioti in who hIihII ivo him tin; tirat fiiiliract i I lint i my idi-H of h tvcii h (Tient home ciu-lo wl.t re tiny H'f wrtiiin for hh. (Hi, will j on not know yntir iiiothi r's voice t lift e ( She who hid always called you hy your firit name lotitf nfier iitlora had jiiven ymi thu foruml "mihti r Von wi-ri! never Hiiy thiu hut Jntiii" or John, or (icni iie or Thotii ih. or M uy or Fl'irenee t" her. Will you nut know Vour child'ti voice ' Mm ol I his !iri;lit tyu and iinldy chm k hiiiI the iiin:t B'ep. w ho cntne in from piny nd tl iff; hi tki-II in your In p, h very t-lui nr ol ininh hi il ht'Hiity ( Wi-.y, the pict.ire it graven in your acul. It cam ot ifiir out. Il that little ono bholild stiiiid on the oilier nidi! of tonne h- avi nly hill and call to joii, you would hear her voice hIiovc the hnrct of heHven' gicat i rchcctrH. Know It : 1 oil (Mlild nut Help lilll know it. Now I hnug y ii thin ".lotion cn.S latiiin it I ti t ii re ii cOk'tiinon. It yi u could get ilna tiiei ry in'o in- ItHit. it mould li't h irri'Ht iiidiiy shadows that uro trctching Hcroiig it. When I wh H lad 1 li.-cd o uu to the railroad track and put nv ear down on tho truck and I could hear the cxon-iM tr.ii'i rninh ling miit'f hwhv hihI coming on, and today, my fiieinli, it we. i n y hail luitli -ii' null. & could put our (Nit down to i In- grave, of our dead and H'ell mill heir III the dltitaliCC the rnmhling on of the chai iols of tin: rt n ction victory. III. heaven ! Swe, t heaven ! ou d not t-p''ll heave i as yoll need to rll. .-11 it Ii e h v e II. hlHveil. t ti t Mm when yi u Hiit to fpi ll that Wold, von nlni Mile I v si lo the f.n.v ot the lovnl oiu h" Hre gone .11. i! iii Iliat irra'lialioti ol iiio aim love and lii Hiiti and j 'V v ,u tin II it out as nevi r lieforo, in H..ngs and llHni-lni:ihii. Oil. Vu whom italte are down under I he wd the ci nielery, che r up at tho thought d i hid ri union ! O.i, fio mneli will you have to tell ihem when oiieo you meet tlietn '. I in lftnin Ad vocal e. At leibt one Ui'otihlicHii Senator its geitiiii! hi i-Vf! open tn the true eoinlilioii o' filair i hei)n-pa"el.rK fed in- that Si (Jl.aiiiiler, of New llnmptdiiie, on yistcrday, fpoko lor 'lire" lion upon hi r 1'itior, d'ei laiing it lo le the in nae t the Sehaie ihtt 'he I'tiited Stati i- hhoii 'd not pt i tnauei'tly hc (jllierce ill tin binu'lij g 'id .lltlnlHrd. H.' Hitrilmud, mid lightly f", the fall of VmIu'S to lllf ptogMrl-ive pg in li e di toot. i'1'SM'ioii of s ivi i. "To he rtcm of I iniet a'liiiui, tr which we h p irii (i," I " ii.iii, '.ir innr r 'in n ; ai d I irn t fl at we are mIh-i'Iv on the road " EXPECTANT We (lifer Ynu a i KI WI llV Whi.W ' IM.-H KI.S 5lev MOTHERS, ol I lie to Mai her and C hild. "MOTHERS' FRIEND" ' tabs Confinement M Its Pita, Horror $t4 Risk. firbTthof hr Hml ch!rt. mi rtid B.ii ir front I Hi IrH ar rs vtinntiu klT i i rfiTa m ir frmmi anr urr rin mn , lnt4 o pMiMfirrUiiDl hrr 1 k. b. juHnwTow, Kurauia. Ala. . rm' tu.ti ii f ri. BKkiFi 1 1 m.i i trot ro., ttiMte, a. 0LI IT ALL DiueeitTS. NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. STATE ITEMS OF IMPORTANCE GATH ERED FROM OUR MANY WIDE AWAKE EXCHANGES. Kmiii .litnuiry I2ih to Fehnmry I 'Jlli (ioverrior KuhmiII grnnted live pardon and two e iinmutHtion and rt-fiiK'd ten panl.'i tar HI hilla have been rati fied a Uih iifh and urn lawn. The iiiimher of hill introduced in thu lioiieu tliun far in HS4. Wimtul: Thirty thoiinHiul p iliti einiia w ho tin not want i llico, hut do heck the good of the Common weiilih Uihlical ll eordi r. Mr Harriet Ihinkley ot AmHiitlm guve hirth to threu hahv girla on Friday of laat wet k. f h. re in hut one living. Waning Deiu urat. The CoiKMid Standard remark that the voter hhould iinderntHtid that puh ic, ollice i a pnlilii! triiht. It in Him) important that the man who ia doing voted for fhall hold like opinioiiH, The I.nmherton RoiieHonian in for sale I It'll) ih h good opportunity for a good newrpaper man with mime capital. We hope Mia. Me Diarinid will loHlize a i-atiafitctory piice for its fale, It i a valuahlo plant in n excellent h of tho itte, There 1 1 v. a woman in Uohimon county, near tho little town of Uow land, who pny (toll tax every year. She ray hint Iihh to take the place ol it man on the farm. She plouuho, haul, chopH cotton ami does other woik on the farm ami i.y thst nho fettle it her duty to pay hs a man. Dunn Cnion. Friday night, ahout two miles oiithwcKt of Leakuville, tho hoimo of Dolly Hamlin, colored, was din covered to he on tire. When an rirtance arrived the woman was fiiund to have burned to death. The body was recovered, hut the liouac whh bunted to the ground. It in loippimi'd the tiro origtiated Irotti a lamp. Virgil Foaid, the oldcht living man in Kowan county, was in town today. "Undo Virgil,"' a ho i familiarly known was 101 years old last Novi'inbir and Mill retains poMM'to-iou of active mental faculties and his i yceight is L'""d lie walked to town this morning, a distance of six miles, snd ha. k to his I icthis evening Salishuiy World. Dow n in Randolph c nnty there is a reed swam;' ah. ait a ijn trier ol a ni'le long. At this season ot the yei'.r tie robins, w hich arc plenti tul, roost in tlie reeds. Alter dark the people i wn there go into the swHinps with lights and bans and the buds are caught by the bag!ull. One mm caiiirht oihi robins in th s way one day last wo, k. Mich I'oint K ti trprise. Already talk is hetrd of an extra sissiO'i ot t!.e Leg s!tT lire Seveial mcinhers think it iinpo-sibie tn transact necessary business and set upon the bills that require a te iti .11 iluiing tile remaining days. The 1,1'gisla lire is au'h'ii. 'd to c 111- i 1 1 1 1 e in sisooii s'My dais and tho uieinbi rs dr i v p iy for that length of time. The present term will ex pile March sixth. It the seisi iii is prolonged, mid its dollars to cents that it will nerve their State with out pay. Some time ago Mr. R. L Mc Oary purchased a hit of chickens In removing them from one coop to another one got loose and was chas. d into the cellar hvacro.vd of boys. Last we k while cleaning out tin-eeller Mr. McCrary found the e liekeii hidden in a barrel, here it had been ju-t ti e w ei ks witho ii water or food. It was very eik and partly blind, but after feeding it awhile it regained its s reiigih and is now living and do ing w. il. lyCXingtoii Dispatch. The total cost tor pensions and the tlibui sctncnt tin reof for the fiscal year ended June lin, 1 was f l4'2."J(i,6"ii, tn title up hs follows: l'aimeli s to pm sioin rs, J13S,f lTi, 17'i; lees to ( xami,.i. g surgeons, i7i,.",s7 ; m.iintaiiii' g pension bu reau at Washington, if 2, 1 .).', I til J cost ot maintaining pension igencier, f.'iii.'i,!1-'!. It is on tins last item tlut the low ord'T is in'el.ded to rave bet ween JI.'iHooo and liii. (lull per Miiniiui. Washington Di- pa'eh 'o Itthiuioie Sun It appears that (ir.ece will get the Wand "I Crete without any irrcat Hinoiiot of distill Imneo. W nile the t'leat Fiiropeaii I'oWerS have taken up tin ir time w i h threatening the Sultan; that (iniiieni butcher has ipiiet'v c 'I, tin Did lo slice up t In A rin titans. I!ii I. til,' (ir. ece I. i s Turki V a hl 'W b twen the' vee and knocks it . ii' mi tin- tirt roiiu l. Did 1 nil Cvrr Trv I'.l'i lrie IviHera i.a u r iniily for volli 1 r.'ll' le-? 1' not get t'o't'e I n Hint get ri lief. Tin- lne.licioi ,n I'l-eii I. mi. if lit le peculiarly lotnpti'd to the relief and cure ol I Keniti'o t . niplioiiis, fxriliiii; a won let ful .iii.-fl ii fliti'ioe in givinu atr.-nuth '""e 'ho organ. It nu hay- L'w-ot Appeltte.t onalipa lioii, Il.-n.iael e, Kuiiiiitig S-IU. or are N'. -rvonw. Siceplesa, r.ennlle, M. laiu-I'o'y or irond'cd wi:li Ihtr.y So, 11m I'.l.cUii Hitter i the nieilt t im- yoti Il.'al It and Muigtli nr.- 1 tiarnine- .1 I v it n-e. Kill V t-c i.. ati.l $1 (Hi at Tnt l..r & Hariner'n Il llg SlnlM. Mun'ered In Cold Blood, A recent letter fioin Uicliard Harding Ihtvia to a New Vork newspaper givt a a thrilling accoiiiit of tho execution of a prisoner of war by tho Spanish sdiliira on a field at Santa Clara, near Havana. Tho prisotn r whh a hoy nineteen or twenty ycara of age, tho aon of a Cuban fanner, who had joined tho insurgent. Ilo wia a bravo and handsome boy, who met death with the courage of a hero With Ma hands tied behind him ho waa mu died to tho field, a half mile from his prison, and there in tho early morning light, just before run rise, a volley was fired into his back alter the priest had oflered a brief prayer, while the soldiers stood un covered. Then tho aijuad was matched off to tho barracks, tho body left lying where it had fallen in the wet grass, and later on a bul lock cart broiiifht a rough enllin and it wag removed. This fceiio is repeated, according to Mr. Davis, over and over again. Kvery morn ing for a month thirty prisoners of war were shot at daybreak under the walls of Santa Claia. Probably ' i t Ait . iryvx,w.v x i" Jla.-.y ' there is nothing which the Span- . i y. I I ! 1 . I latda liavo n die in viioa wnicn iihh more aroused the sympathy of the people of other lands f..r the Cu Iihii rebels than this slaughter of prisoiieis of war in cold blood. I nder the laws ot wai wnen a man uL-i-r no arms airainst his ow n irov- ernment Imb lilo is lorteited it he is tuL-en I'.ut what is the cowl of it! It does not set in to deter the Cu- bai s from cnlist'iig, and Spain has .n abiinilance ot prisons in which those prisoners of war might he de tained until the el e of hostilities. In N'oilh Carolina in 1.71 three thousand people uHthered in anus Hgainst the royal government. Tl ev weie defeated and six prison ers were ( xeeuted for treason. I'nt liul WAU ft . A dozen tears later F.ngland lost i's sovereignly over the thirteen colonies. In our civil war, according to the themy u(miii which the rcdcral administration was operating, the Confederates were j ist as much in rebellion hs the Cubans are. It would not, of our.- in that war have k-en prac ticable to shoot prisone.s, for the South Ind an abundance upon whom they could have retaliated, lint if this had not been the ease. the shooting of prisoners in cold Wood would not nave oeeu coun tenanced by any but the lowt st ind most lit'teetihle fanatics. To people in thiaooiiutiv this slHll.'htiT looks like unnecessary cruelty, hurt till in the long run to tlie npaniaii than to the Cuban cans-.- P.alli iin .ie Sun. Truth in a Nutshell. Impure blood is the natural result ol close confinement in house, school room or shop. Ulood is purified by Hood's Sar- saparilla, and all the disagreeable resiil's of impure blood disappear with the use of this medicine. If yoll winli to feel well, keep your blood pure with H 'd"s Sar sapurilla. Hood's Pills re the best family catharticai.d liver no dicine. (it. title, reliable, sure. We once heard a preacher speak ing in derision of the p:pe and the next day saw him smoking a cigar on the street btfoie the iei pie to w hom he preac'ud. We endorsed the preaching hut could not seethe latter action consistent w ith it. The efTec'a of a great deal of good preaching are tn lltralized in this way. Christian Herald. A Vermont man. who ha csriied the mail twve tnilea twice a day and received t' e munificent sum ot I cent f ir the four yer, is i. have $.(? for the next four year. 7- ipu Tnln lizaasy to Operate Are features peeuliM to Hood1 Pllla. RnIl hi nr. Utteleaa. eftlcient, Uswonpb. A one mtt LrlloodlS nut: Yon neer km w a baee taken il! I ll !t all ) J m M I orer - y C. 1 Hiwd Co . jj i 1 I V The ml) pill. In Ukr llh Hiwl't araMnila. Sixty Id ly-f oiir . Tlie IIoqsg Votes to Anil 111 9Q-Year Loose. THE STATE LEGISHTORE. UaLKIoii, N. C , February Id Tho Hcnii'e was called to order at 1 1 o'clock. I'y Senator Uamsey, to ivn mit er time to bring suit after adverse IQ.' A OAril; OF ULLTP HiiRland play Influence decisions of snpn mc court. ISy Senator (i rant, to authorize the accept anci! of bonds given to railroad, expr- s and telegraph cum nanies. when riven in an indemnity ; company perlectly solvent. The bill ti establish a reform school for white and colored youth-! f ui criminals of the state, to be lo cated at the city which make the best olfer, money and lands, was made a special older for Wednes day. The bill pa-ed to revise the jury j lists of the sthte. The house met at 10 o'clock. Among the bills introduced were the follow ing : Hy Mr. Uo'K'rts, to prohibit tie sale of lionor within two mile ..f political speakings, tthis not to ap- j ply to cities and town where there is a police fore.) By Mr. White, to pro, ide that if any person sh ill perform the mar riage service who is not authorized he shall lie deemed guilty of a mis demeanor and upon conviction shall tie tiiu d or imprisoned. Jiy Mr. Pi ice, to allow any jus tice of the peace to provide himself with a seal and to attest by the same hi official signature and making any otlieial act so attested by si al valid in any county and to be received and acted on without further attest atioti of its gi iiuiiieiiess, the fee for such seal lo he ten cents for each attestation, in addition to the fee now alio wed. By Mr. Chandler, to allow preach ers to vote without ninety days' ns idence in the c 'imty ami thirty in the township. Bill passed to pros Me that in any county w here there is a law to woik convicts of the county, a e.mvict who has moved his case shall be woiked in the county from which he mov ed it. At noon the sja'cial order, the hill TO AN NFL the lease of the North Carolina railroad, eame up. There was a maj rity report favor ing the bill, signed by six of the seven members of ihv spteial com mitiee and a minority report, sign ed by Aiken (Iti-piiblieun) of the committee. The c iinmittit p'e-en'ed the sul stitute lor the original bill as its re port. 'IJoth reports were read, and the proceedings were Witness-d by a veiy large and din-ply in'eresti d number of ix'ople in the lobby and galleries. Tl o msj .ri'y report w first read, then tin: iniio r.ty n poll The la'ter d eland . tlio l.iil to la the deadliest blow ever struck a' the interests of western Nor'h Csiolina. It was arranged that there shot Id be three bout discussion. Mr. Sdiiilken was the first sjieak er and favored the hill as a mem ber of the committee. He said the people asked that the 9-1 year k-sse, . qual to a sal be atmulled, arid . n the other sidi is the Southern rail riaid which his g .bl.Ietf op for al thost a lentuty the finest projierty the state owns ; that thu lease was secretly madt ; tha' it may not have betm an intei tional fraud, but the conduct of the director showed tt was ffnndu!e;!t, and that rn-rttons who wantfd t bid were stmt ou'. Hi mis n opportuniiy wi.rn the lease may fw annulled ; that the it Lh ,rr..";-. v in. m -i it uo is whether the railways own the people 01 the people own the rail way! ; that member who vote against this bill will bo politically dammed. Mr. Murphy said the hill vested the governor with more power, no far as rnilwav are concerned, than tho (' of Unmia has. He denied that i ho lease waa eitbi r secret or fraudulent or with fraudulent in' tent. IIu considi red the bitl un constitutional hs violative of tho oh ligation of a c m tract hind the state :uid tho private stockhold er and said any law would be re trospective. At :t;.".u o'clock Mr. Cook cilbd tho previous ((ucstum. The voto was first taken on tho minority re port. In explaining his vote, Howe, colored, of New Hanover, caused a treat sensation. 1 1 u said: "Thia very day (i ivcrnor Kussell, the pro moter of this hill, sent for um to cnuie to his ollli'o and there ia his dictatorial and tyrannical manner, for I presume lie ia perlia-ai in em ploy of the Seaboard Air I, 'lie" At thia juncture Mr. Ilaucck shouted "Order," and others joined 'r. . f-U V I A J 'J: A ii -r P (CUT-Tlllv'OAT X'CHRfi the trump of American to awe i.urope. in it Some asked thst Howe Ik allowed to sMHk longer. Others said his time whs out, but he said no more, hs there were cries ot "Ob- n rt," '(' n-c'. The vote was .V5 to t2, so the mi- nority report failed to pass. There was a rattiing volley of applause as the result of the vote was an- nonnct d. The substitute then passed i's 2d n ailing tii' to 54. Mr. Hlrckhnrn moved to adjourn until to-morrow. The hoiiso by a larjro majority refused to adjourn. Mr. Cook moved to suspend the rules and put the substitute on its third reading. The bill passed its (third reading. I The vote on the passage of the bill wus as follows : Ayes Mtssrs. Afn-rnathy. Alex ander, Arlington, Babbitt, Barrow, Brown, Bryan of Chatham, Bur gess, Carter, Csthcy, Chapman, Cook, Cox, Craven, Crnmpler, Cur rie, Daniels, Dixon of Greene, Dun can, Dockety, Drew, Elliott, Fagan, Ferrell, Foster, Hancock, Harris of Halifax, Harris of Hyde, llartness, Hanser, Hodges, Holmes, Johnson, Kim?, Lawhon, I.usk. Lyle, Morton, MeBryde, Means, l'.irker of Per quimans, Peace, Pearson, Person ol Wayne, Person of Wilson, Plott, Price, l'urgason, Kawls, Iweynolds, nountree, Schulken, Sutton of New Hanover, Sutton of Cumfierlati j, Ward, Wat's, Wemyss, Whitmr, Whiteof Randolph and Wrenn Ou. Noes Messrs Adams, Arledge, Aiken, Allen, Bailey, Blackburn, Brower, Bryan of Edge combo, Bryan of Wilkes, Bunch, Chandler, Chapiu, Chileutt, Crews. Creech, Clanton, Cunningham, Do weese, D.tncy, Deyton, Dixon ol ( leveland, Duffy, Eddms, Easley, Ferguson, Freeman, Gallop, Green, Griibhs, Hare, Howe, James, Leak, McKei zie, McPeeters, McCrary, Murphy, Ormshy, IVtree, Pinnix, Parker ol Wavue. Uoberts, Smith, Sointrs, Spruill, Walters, White of Alamance, Whiteof Bertie, Wilson, Williamson, Varboroiigh, Noting :4. Kai.kioii, N. C, Fi-bniary 17. The senate met at 11 o'clock. Tho spteial order was taken up, being the bill to establish a reform school for youthful enmina's. It provides that two tchools shall lie built, one for white mid one for e.ili red. to bo placed wluxe ti e ,n .i-t money ami hind is j;iicii. f-uirtiot 2i-!i8said tlie bill was of vast importance to the child en of the state; that I tic peiiifeir lary whs a p'ace which made bad men worse. Senator MeCaskcy heariily favor ed the hill. Senator Ashburn alsti favorid it as a duty owed to Chris'ianiry. The bill psssoj i:s second read ii g ayes, 41; roi, S. At the aftern sm so s ion the fo' iow imr bilis were disp ed of: To rep. a! acciioiiaof Tlie Code rupiiiing thirty dv notice to be given before prohihifory liquor lawa can pass T. inc rrte the grand hnlge of Knihtai f Pt ihiaot the domain of North Carolina. The houae n:tt a: lo o'clock. Bill wrre jjtssed a follows: For encouragement of the wo man' exposition of tho Carolina at Charlotte. To allow the penitentiary direc tor to pas upon the value ot stocks or bond olTered by countiea a pay for convict lebor, To incorporate tho United Work er' Mutual Aid Association. Tho house met at 7:'l) o'clock. Bill panmj aa follows: To require railwaya to transport free, railway commissioner and their clerk, also providing that ac tion for penalties shall lie in conn tn in which ihey shall 'e incurred, and giving eotnmisHion jurisdiction of strict railways, it the latter have freight to haul; also allowing tho comiriisaioriers to require telegraph companies to loeatu agendca at railway stations. Ruitia'l Gigintfc Scheme. An soon as tlio vast railway en terpiiao which Knssia i projecting through Siberia is completed, it will be possible to tti'iko a tour of tho Win Id in the biiet space of only li'2 day. Prince Michael Hil-KolT, tho Hussian minister of transportation, who recently spent several weeks in this country making a thorough insic:tion of out various railway systems, i authority for tins state ment. At present it requires something over two months to make a com plete cirrnit of tho globe. It i not without extremo difficulty, how ever, that even this record is made. The traiu-SitK!rian railway, which will doubtless lie completed before tho present century expires, ia to cover a distance of 7,."u0 miles. It will cost a fabulous sum of money to carry out such a mammoth un dertaking, but tho result of the en terprise, if successful, will lie a com plete change in the route over which tlie world's commerce has travelled tor years. Still another effect which this great enterprise will have upon the world's progress will bo in the en larged commercial opportunities which it will give Kussia. It will, furthermore, enable that empire to dispute with England the suprem acy in mercantile affairs which she has so long enjoyed. To pleasure-seekers this railway, projected through the north of Asia, will open a vast area of countiy hitherto unknown and explored. That Russia will succeed in her vast undertaking is evident, tint only from the millions in her treas ury, but also from the zeal with which she has started upon the great enterprise. Atlanta Constitution. Germetuer it the Best. Mr. C. P. McLaii', Acworth, Ga., says: "Several years ago my wife sullertd from attacks ot bilious colic and indigestion. She used different medicines and tried several doctors, hnt all without permanent benefit. She used Royal Germetuer some years ago, and it has given her more relief than all else, and she recom mends it to the htllicted." Write to The Atlanta Chemical Co., At lanta, (ia., for 4S page book giving full information, free. New pack age, lare bottle, 108 doses, fl. For sale by Taylor A: Banner. Recent statistics maintain the re putation of the Society of Frienda for longevity. Of all the members of the society who died last year in (ireat Britain and Ireland, ranging in years from 1 to 101, the average age was t!0 years 6 months and 11 days A family was recently discovered in liCbanon, Pa., which had subsist ed on potatoes for six months. The discovery was made through the death of a little girl of the family, who died from convulsions caused by eating an apple. The first carload of cabhaf e left Greenville, Fla., a few days tgo, for New Vork. The car wfs loaded at Mclutosh, 20 miles south of Gains ville. Hood's Sarsaparilla is known to be an honest medicine, and it actual ly cures when all others fail. Take it now. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. ARE YOU BANKRUPTinheahh. constitution undermined by ex travagance in eating, by disre garding the laws of nature, or physical capital all gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt's Liver Pills will cure you. For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness and alt kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills an absolute cure. Wanted-In irJsa ruJw VT Aw ttf i. Mk 2trv riaHA mm to . PGWDEfS Absolutely Pura Ol. brut, .t H fr.'t l.-itv ntt.if Mii'turth nii.l liiiiOilii!ni.a. A'u'.-a tl.e r. n. i a, ,n,i mIhmi null a i U'l iiia n' a't ll ll.'l , I !.'! i 'H'.'i to Oi- . !i' I.rai.a- it. .y t. Ii.ihi su Co lii.H i n., saw voiik. Boy Killed in Salisbury. Frank Pierce, ii .' year old boy met a fearful death in Salisbury Wednesday night, JK) got on tlie step of a riilrond car which running backward, a hundr.'d yard South of th-! depot, ami evidently fell olT, for hi body was found later, tho head having been entire')' severed from the at the shoulders. The head itsvlt had then Ih'cii rim over by tho w heels, an I severed into flu ee or four piece. Tho brains, in a solid mm.", were found four yards a'yay from th.) head. The pii or of thu hi -ad con taining the face of the boy had Hot bieri mangled and the expression whs perfect us in hfe. This frag ment of the head looked iike a mask. - CALL AT - EVERETT'S TUST SHOP. ;:'r rrY, t-i II 1 C A IQ U A RT VMM Tin ami St.-.-' po. ' ( . nt leriri ir c Valley 'fin all width sllincle Strip .':.'.. .'r . ' . Water and Mum 1 i.i:" of all kltid Re i it (in fmni! 'Ilia I'ld Keliahle jeiikiu Cloli" A Check Vavlea. f lu rnin i Injeetors, I'e trnit l.ut.ricati.ra r-.r- fi-W of ll i' many retinhiH annpiiMa in utoe'-. Guna, Pist.-ls, Sew,;.? .VrcLirirs, an ! hii'jeles repnwi d ny tl.e h'-st, skilled workmen nt short not ten. We keep (rood Old Fa-doun Cnffr." Tots, Idah I'ans, and in fact, everything in t!ii Tinware line T. 31. Kvcrclt & Co. DR. KING'S ROYAL GERMETUER This pleasant and perfect remedy, o dclightftil to tak( so refreshing- and exhilaratinfr, stands In liijhci,t favor with all who Wnov,- it best, as the great est of all meilieal remedies for lxth wxes, of all ages anil in all conditions. WHAT IT WILL DO FOR YOU. .twillgiw joa APPETITE. It till is jou rsstfu! refreshing SLEEP, 'll ill stimulate jour DIGESTION. It till rettsre jour NERVOUS ENERGY". It will put jour KID.'iEYS In p3rfe:f Ofiar. ft till purlfj jour Blocrf. It will change jour aaaknsa into STRENCTH. It ill bring jou out of sickness Into KEALTK, KEW PACKAlir.. I. Alii. F. ItOTTLK, lO IOSi:s ONE IH1UAB. SOLD BY ALL DRUCCiSTt. mvi'Fi Ti'imn osi y nr The lllanta Cu'sical Ca., Stlanti, Ga. wans rot ss-face Boi. miiiis ntz. Sold by Taylor 1 Bar,n:r, Prjf gists. r wevvv vw wv ti W. H. SIIJFSON, , Al'.KM ' Fcr Is mi St?.sps I ami rri, 1 tii. I IK OFFICE SSFFLIES. ; K) i nm ."Ti' w h I Hnk - t'MlliJ", hf.iH . ! i.rrt j-. mils Itrw'trt ' "H-' fct- f K jf r,,..t tfa-i f (iftt'i 1 j. i'Ltiot " r- P" fti. itti:n ii' o triil -sik T it Z r--! 4 Ihi .j . u! m . ( I, :.. ' f T'! I Sl'T litit-U r tar- rt.H ttrV ,t i:ti I tM". i nT-rm, t-' l (-!.', f !tJ S'e-I $ i pr-fc4 i.- - ft --1 - :mm f Kfcm HetSlt. H- t'-blj4 fea . 8l u rrJ' t ut tt-. - f-fi t? pri.- iw$r t U t' :' iftit. ' '-!.. -f- I, ' ' H. . T"."ll. i i---,r ? J. ti:- - K k' rrfdt hi r -tM ll l '-''. '-"f ii-h: i - V iit ?ir -t, JKt.-.i A. t vk b" sJ, CorrtHtirnjcnce mm i'u Upm 4rniai mm I 4u

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