7 if V I t, . " H ?! II f '.4 4 e n C- '', -X '' r ... ) f 1 x i 1 S 2 ) . Ami KF - j 7 T. J. tOWKY r Mount A ir .Mill. i Oiml'jr."',,J",rv' tut ,i r . iti'inlha. 1.00 .m .n -.iVl'.l.!i IN Al'YANCK. "nKri-iiiiiii i''"t omi'i at Mount Airy. f.U. w m-a I naaiuil iii r. MllM'R !. 1 1 (-EC, 1). tiotc! l'rrt-liviiii:n divine, died in Vhmord. t . rrulrtv wionnntf, h I.tlia Iluth Cnrr.of Ptitliiiin, Siiiiildv, l.Vli insi , for llutm- 'n hikI China. Sl.o wi irn hIku( thfl le t tif A uuct. r NlM'hkrr nf I!h HiiIIKi' IS Connor, ll is mi id tliut niiikvs a cimhI iir'sidini? otliccr Iti'l llftlis llr Im'nI sine" "di' Wll (iovcrnur Smith, of Vermont, linn appointed I'l'tijuiniii F. Fifield mirtxiwor to tlio Into Senator Jntin S. Morrill of tlmt frtato. Mr. Filield In a lawyer. The Legislature in at work on a msw election law. Tlicro are many important matters that alumld ro coite attention, among otlirr tliat of an early adjournment. ! n your d", men, and go home. A feeling of nervotipneac tlimnli out Franco, canoed ly the cntinlry'' interniil and external ttouhUa if indicated hy tlio withdrawal of do poeita from banks, eliietly saving institution!). Tliirty-Jivo million dollar have lwen drawn within the 1-ift fortnight. Senator 1'ritclmid lma introduced a hill directing the Secretary of the Interior to place on the pent-ion roll the name of Margaret K. Shipp, widow of Fitst Lieutenant William E. Shipp, lateol the Tenth regiment "f Tiitcd fc'iatei cavalry, and pay her a pension of $.V1 per month. The l'ortoflieo Department ha ittfiied an order providing for 1'. S. mails on steamer of the Florida IviRt eo!tt Line, from Miami to I la van, Cuha. This with service al ready in operation on the Plant Line from Port Tampa will make at least five trips a week to Havana. The AVar Department has finally icitied to continue in force, for a tuV ! bast, the system of collect ing nee in Cuha practiced by the Nnanikh antluintiea lint with amrir ortant changes made in the plan, the direction of liheralitj tax .ionary ! r fo i'uvrr i.- t - S i...v iTini--l ' tt f. :lt-- I i. rn. 1 i. i n il( ' K'J t)e ? arn.5y mm- f 1 1, t ii iir in I N. ati.t r l..,ii,-ni,n.nl- '-t v-U h.rtit nuiu- l.r. The itic t,n- t (li'f-t Authurity, !.-! I A i :i.- 1 r. K!t rt vi I'm; "Tor .. i ih t,f Mixta M,. I, i 4(1 (J i it Tl! X pavers ana in me i .i ir ''1 -v-" 'i ' :t.--t.v, ,..Mli. i I . O ''lu rrorii n, ' i,,i, fur t,-i left L " "": --Ik-t. i : nt. ii.. rn. ..i f . fi ni- im-1 h tin In indi- i iMf'-ia, IiitrtHtfinar th" fttiiKlt vtiltimr." Iithl1iihtrnt IS. A. fr. rmrnt'!"t. of an ii hi iMitikmic fiO CORE EYE-GLASSES MITCHCLL'C YE-SALVE . 0rtalB.nf.nd KBW- R.mTtn CHE, WEAK, & 1KTUKED EYES, Producing long-Stghttdntn. Rtstor. r$ th Sgt't Of th Old. CttraTeirDropt,6rnulatlBti $fyt Tymort, Ret tyet. Matted Eyi Uahct, i rewrnii arirt bhief i;i muiuT ct tt, 1 sm.ri. Hmtt Nhfin, Braa. Ptta. C tiir -: r ItmatrtiDlail t.iii i iaf at aW t rT aiA V . m r iau1M. ,.h aU I lrtma BTatvA i- ac aia. ic ttatKi u advauUkff. U r aUi Drmmmlmm a di Otau, 0 a aTat t a!. orvLaai asewtcjo H -- t--- - , I 3 ., fr'.r 1 I E . -,fr: An ... CIRC ULftS. AzumiUt) tmployed by the Towels. A Waithiiitou special nf Jn. (I say: 1 lesulent ivlcMiilcy and IMS ('ahinet aro still hopeful that the serious Philippine situation will yield to tlio diplomatic treatment k( Mii tor (ieneral )ti and Kear Ad miralDcwey and Itrigadier (Jeiioral Miller under t lie 1 resident a instruc tion, but thoy did not attempt to conceal at the regular Cabinet meet ing the Apprehension that Aguinal do may attack the American forces and eomjiol thorn to use force in es tablishing American authority. It is believed that, Aguinaldo and his associates are being used by intrigu ing Spanish, Germane and pcrhups French and Russians, who want to umko the task of the United Stales in the Philippines as dillieult and disagreeable as possible I ho Ad ministration has evidence of such interference, not only at Hongkong and Manila, but at Paris, v. hero Aguinaldo maintains a junta which is h lieved to io under the influence of the holileis of the Pliilippiuo bonds, besides the Governmental influence. The Yisaya have not hitherto billowed Aguinaldo, who is el a dillerent race, but it is lielievcd that his Filipino agents have boen working among them to induce them to resist General Miller ever since it becaino known to 'he Span iardt and to Aguinaldo that General Otis was going to send an expedi tion to lloilo. Iloniikong, Jan. ft. Memlei of the 1'ilipino .lunta in this city say that the si rimis crisis in the Philip pines is duo to what they designate as "overt, unfair treatment of the Filipinos bv the l uited States According to representatives of the Junta, the rilipinos are determined to prevent the landing of the Amer icans at lloilo, and, as a last resort, mny destroy the city. They also state that hostilities arc probable unless the Americans modify their policy. Washington, Jan. fi. Admiral Dewey cabled the Navy department yesterday that the gunboats Concord and Petrel had been sent from Ma- nila to lloilo, the Paltimore and Callao already lieiug at that place, All four of these vessels are finely manned and equipped, and will be ot great service to the American forces in case of trouble. General Miller has been instructed to land his expedition and occupy lloilo, This statement has lieeti eon.lrmed by two Cabinet ollicers Secretary Alger said last night : "The rebels can tight or run. The re-inloicements ot six regi ments are leit.g hastened to Gen. Otis as quickly as possible. In ad dition to the gunboats Helena and Castine, tho Vorktown, Pennington and Princeton are under orders to re-inforce Kear Admiral Dewey, and the gunboat Mschias may also be sent. The Solace has been or dered to take additional supplies to I'twer, while that formidable bat tleship, the Oregon, is Hearing 1 hilipptne islands i-rv elfm-ni of eoKi health. i ithcr man. woman or rhil'l run akr it wilhout deriving the pri-nN-.t Iwnefit. Hn,n,'Iron Hitu-rt is noli! !j all drulrrj. It li on human cured in 3(1 minutes by WcKilford's HaniUry Ixition. This never fsils. . Sold by Taylor A. Banner. Druggists, Mount Airy, N. C. WHOOPING One of the niont dmtppsin(j aiht U to nee child a Irn out choking with the drvadful whooping-coufrh. Gi-e tho child Dr. John W. HulPst'ough Syrup, relief will ho obtained at oiu-e arid tlio mifli-rer will soon be cured. 4UJ COUCH SYRUP Curet Whooping-Cough quickly. " tiff mall and pleasant to take riortorai recommend ll. iTitc as cl. At all druggiataa BO YEARS9 -0 tAf tnltNCC imdc maRKs fca. ..1 O It SIGN r?f i' Covrcmt Ac. AfiTnne inrt1iit a nkWfli and dmrrtprim: riiai qnii-klf atntrfaiti our nmn.ii frw hi htr an iitfwitmn w pr.-timlilT frfithlft. i ..ii.niiii.hn. tioiifcirrMtlj-fVHif.,lPTitliaJ. lUniltKaroti t'atmta fwtif IriMn ttlilmf airr-itt- f(r mmniii iiaUfntii 1'ittftit i nku thmitKh Mmm a i u rvtp P-uJ K-rtu-t, without charva. ii tw Scientific E hanrtwim! ttliiatmTfMl w ilutdM i.f jut ttrtfiitinc )i nr t itirni.ititlm.fi. K..K1 A hanrtwirn! IPiiHtniTM, WMktr. I nrefi -tr- riilutdM i.f jUf ncif tiUllc iutiial trn ft.. IrlCNN Co New Tork t .tir Tit.ititltn, f U loia by .11 ttwlM.i.n, .n ., r f-l f. IIIIU.-iMl, II. t . If you have C.inauiription, Hronchitia nmoruereu Liver, why nut take Judge ioo. E. Hunt' onsnmption, Broacliitis aadLiver Core? Ji tit acnnowle(j;ed to !- the ln-at renieay in, ttm I nited State fur ail lung; ijl . r 8 CENTS PER BOTTLE. V 'j K i.EO K. III XT. i Liiiitfton. N. C. I - - - 1 SUS. m nnnrni? El s " ' ' s i-1 fHU UUUJUiiUij, - North Carolina. f r (for entrant III l.ni if a. WIiv M k Ml 5 r.,r healthful eh. ? 'rrur-t inn by practical v"'neit and km """n . -in the t'oljgt. ' ' ':Ta " 'th Tax on Legacies. tor Harkius his iio-ucd the Coll, followi g circular coiiceinicg iitx on legac.it "Fron infoi mation received at this appears that thufiict is not ollice, i generally known or understood tlmt there is an internal revenue, tn on legneiti ami distributive shares of estates, where the decedent died on or after Juno 1.1, 1808, leaving a personal estate, the 'whole amount' of which exceeds in value f 10,000. All legneies or proporty passing by will, or by the laws of ny Stato or Territory, to husband or wifoof tho person died possessed, shall be exempt from tax or duty. "The tit x must Ix.t paid by the executor or administrator before its distribution to the legatees. The fact that all, or a part, of an estnto is represented by bonds of the I'niied Ststes does not exempt such an estate from tax under the inter nal revenue laws. "Il the Collector linds it necessary, in order toohtain the tacts respecting liability to legacy taxes, where tho record are insntlicier.t, he can exer cise the authority vested in him by tho Revised Statutes, ami may sum mon the executors, administrators or other H.'rson he may deem proper to apH'ar and testify under oath. Deputy collectors havo been in structed to examine ea.-h month the ollice ot clerks of the Superior court, and of register of deeds, and t: re port fully the facts as to wills and estates pending settlement." Cleveland is Sarcastic. , F. President Cleveland has loht noiie of his aptitude for phrase making. Ho gave tho country many maxims in the treatment of Imhlie question while in the While louso. His latest expression on expansion will pjivo the imperialist nut to crack. Asked tor an ex pression, Mr. Cleveland said : "1 do not care to repeat my vie concerning the prevailing epidemic of imperialism and terri'orial ex pansion. Assuming, however, tliMt my ideas on this subject are anti quated and nnsiiited to these pro gressive days.lt ie a matter of tur pi iae to me that the refusal of cer tain natives of our new possessions to aeqiiiesc in the licntticenee of subjecting tLVtpi to our control snd management should in the least dis turb our expansionists. This phase of the situation ought not to have leen unanticipated, nor the it ei dents naturally growing out of it overlooked. The remedy is obvious and simple. The misguided inhab itants of our anpexed territory, who prefer something different from the plan of ttieir control which we pro pose or who oppise our designs in thtir behalf, should he slaughtered. The killing of natives lias !cen a feature of cxpansioki since expansion begun and our imperialistic entmisi " rcht'U ov till- A I 1. I t .. .1 "'cstrKW fTmTi 'a are rtritf.i-d ajanmt rmr Kur alr hy I. W. t, Mt. Airy, J. H. .Sinilh, I'llut Motiutaiii. boollmii;, Iw-alinij tlMiinin. Dc Wilt's Wilcli HaxclSaWf iath implncal.U- rntituy of Hon, tiuma ami ouu,. It n,.Tr Uilf to cure I'tlt-a. Von may rrly ukiii it. Sui by I. W. t. Mount Airy, ami Ir. J. II. Stuitli, Pilot Mountain. The aooner a cnueh or tolil in rurrJ it,. ont harm to tlx- siifV.'rwr tlie lK-tt-r. I.i pering t-olJa are dangerous. IUt king coii(?ti is oiMmmmg. One Miiinte i.UKh I'ur tjuick'v rum it. Why kuil.-r I-B uch a coiikIi 'cure is within rraoli It t( pleasant t.i I lie tste. SolJ l,v , . W x. Mt. Airy, aud i. U. .Smith, 1'iiot .Munutain! Win-it jott ak fr lie Witt'a Witck 11a rel Salve Joa't acfri't a con it-rl,-it or inu tat ion, Tnere are more t-:et ot I'ile Ini cured by thin than all oilier com l,jDe,. For le t.y I. W. Went, Mount Any, an. I Dr. J. IJ. Smith, l'i 1. -t Mountain, A conch ia not like a fever. It ilo.n not have to run a certain poiirw. t 'nre it oun k- Iv ami etlrctualiy itu One Minnie t ont-h Lure, Hie lM-t remedy for all ag.-a and lot the moM .-vere .-. We r--,qnirl,, it le anse it a goo.1. ,,ld l.y . W. W cut, Mi Airy, and J. H. Smith. I'tlot Mountuin. Conal ination iircventj the todv fi oiii rid lin itwli of uaaie matter I)e Witt'.l.it tie harj- Kiera il! remove the irouhle and enrehtek Hea-lai-he. Itilioii-m-an, Inactive Liver and clear the t'oii'tilciion. Small ng-ar eoatt-H, ttoa't rrie or cause naiiw a. For sale by I. W. V ei, Mount Airy, aud Dr. J. 11 Smith. Til-l Mountain. $100. Dr. E. Detchon's Anti Diuretic May lie worth to you more than Iim if you have a child ho hi.i1 hetldinu from itifonirm-ncp of ater durine slit-n Cure old and Totinir alike. It arrest a the trouble at o:u-e. i. Sold by Tav- tir A Banner, Druggist, Xlt. Airy, N 0. so ( i iti -to pr. That ii the way all driit'Ki--t aell GKOVK'S TASTK1.KSS CHILL TOMC tor t. lulls and JMnlaria. It ia kimply iron anu vuinine in a lamelena tonn Chi!dn-n iuv it. Adulta prefer it to outer nauaeatmit tonn-a. I'nce.&iic ! Sell m4 Smui., laat Lire tKtj, lo quit t4iia4-co euilv and turner I o.af neiir. lull ol i. re nri ve ami viur. laae Solo Hoc. tlie ,.imI.t ,,n..T. that tlittkM cak men atrnuf All rtnu.-Mn. sia- or Ii. Cure (uaraa-ed- llkH-l uud suilii.ir fre A,i,irea nierunf Kemeny co , C'birao or New VoikV Salem Mm ni Cote. yr'K iinv i. yei una tiiiui.,n ror the - iiisrner eoiK-atl,iit ot vuiinu ,iiii'D Iiumimh-u. pleO tor -ry trout rauk. and wa- m ,-r niore uuini-rouao aif-iiOi-fl man bow. It w But oioj prn,t"a iiu a i-ni.n-1 n-ifr i nnw t,,u haaexnerta tn aJlo! Uit-. lai ae.r-o!ut M wan Art, KIO-lltUiB. Vln H..T. -ImJ aim ltiHlr,l Stur)l- r will hr ptawd U, lid . alaliyur .,!. uu. in -fc'iua m-fu-llt3(-f au. JnHK H. CLKWICI J.. i-,r,r,, M4thi. KorUi Earoiiua I w. WT ere, t iolb and anm im ik. t-mi. -nM-a imrmira in ute I tni ta mad ttaa,, ao nav- oar u, s,, b.M.a. 01 Ibeaa d kua wA. aaal d will Im mm yam trwa. ara aV.hlrwMl H tl. ami,,, ui.. Ths University. V Lareent patronace and fuilent emiin- tnerit in tra hiatory riii, . 'm... Jenta fa. Acadi n.ie Courta-a 3 f.l. uy Cfturwec; 8 I rofiitial s h-oi. In Law. SlfHlicme and I'harmacT. Advanced, uiaaaea otwn to women Tuition t' it year: li,ard a a month, kmtde Ol'luittoni! ii-a tor m If-hvln Shularahitt and i m o f.r the ttw,!j suatiiter whoih mr leaw-'p"- 2 In Aw ' It .. 1 Come and the Cuban Army. (ien. Maximo (Joint . has chosen t act the part of an iiilransigouu!, and bin proclamation to tho Cuban army advising against disbandment contains a covert threat against the American aimy of occupation, to be executed, probably, in tho event of the t'nited State troops remaining on the island longer than tho insur gent (reiiuralissimo shall consider necessary. "While the soldier aro not paid," sa)S the insurgent chief, 'and our Government is not estab lished, I will remain at the head of the army of libiation, which I deem is my place." Very likely, how ever, General Gomez in the course of a short time will find himself in tho pos'tion of a leader without fol lower. The Cuban forces in tho provineo of Puerto Principe, which is tho stamping ground of the old chief, hac boon disbanded; their commander, (ten. Lope Keeio, bus accepted ollice under General Car penter, the Military Governor ; Go mez's order for reorganization ha not been heeded, and his call to arms has fallen flat. (ien. Mario Mcnocal, commanding tho Cuban forcts in the province of Havana Matan.H stated to a correspondent of The Litulon Times that tho tlis handmcnt of tho Cuban army was proceeding steadily throughout the island, ami that the insurgent Gen erals would not entertain any pro posal from ( iomcj! calculatt d to pro. tliicc friction with the Amei icans. The crucial point in the period of transition seems to have been passed, the muttering of irreconcilable to the contrary notwithstanding.- The Philadelphia Kecortl. Fire in Charlotte. The Observer of Saturday says: The fiercest fire that Charlotte has knowa since the Sander & Orr building was binned, on .North College street, began at about 10 minute to 12 o'clock last ninrlit. Tho larne tlin e story brick build ing on West Fourth street owned by Mr. J. II. ('arson and occupied by the Shaw-IIowell Harness Co., and the ontavtory brick building, adjoining it on the east side, also owned by Mr. (.'arson, and occupied by Liddell A' Co. as an up town sample room, were consumed. Hardly one brick was left upon another of the Urge building. It was entirely destroyed. The walls of Thesniall building remain, as they were bit ween the large building o't the west anil another building on the east, but thcintei ior whs entirely consumed. The harness factory was built three years ago. and was insured with Mr. C. M. Carson, of the Greensboro Stork Mutual. The amount of the insurance could ijrtt Le learned Inst nigh'. Thehartiey:J llcttW. r For sale tJk'Ui.l.tt.Tirtrr "AUIVOHEII f'Kr-TTVTHS cf all the pain ar.dsickneiairo hich women au.'ter ia caused fcy wek.-esa or derangernent In j the organ cft menstruation. Nearly aiwayj when a woman is not well these organs are atie-ed. Eut wr 1 they are sircnf and healthy a woman is very seldom sick. Is nature's provision for the refj lation of the menstrual function. It cures all female troubles." t is equally effi-ctlve for the fir! In her teens, the younp wife wnh do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period known as the 'Chanpe of Lite." They all need It, They are all benefitted by it. Far Vice In eaaes r-oulrf-t ff??c!al llm -1?s Ac --Tf Drpart.Tit Tne Chittanoota MBicina r Caatta aooea, Tcix. TH05. 1. COOPtit, Tuaela, His., Mrtr ' alttar hn fre a, tar. rraciar ana aatnM mM,trwaban ana aoctam eouH nt reliv har. Win rt f iraul atlrai, cur har ana aita toisea aw aKtaw throuf tna Chaafa at Llta." KeTeKar far rifle real. Cuarsnteed toiui (, r,Ifr ,.kw WMu meBalrot.tiioou pure, auc l All a, ue.-o.ui SPlCCIMtN MINION Iw fl St Ab4 1 1 bri i he ut I . . Iw I , . u t i. and Jr ti. - " i ..i. -i '1 he r, mm mmm, if j -";";.; ..L: i ,. , i ' - f--X 1 n i tuirS ..-I . 7 1 'i- 1 1...3 , i ir '' -: lau. : ml V. . -'J- O" I ' JUll 111 !' Anu t: ''Li 'viUs: aU-iiat t. II 10 AnJ r,. a i,h ii i roinr - i. 11 11 Micha 32 Zte cur, bLfr-t- U , ; A.V l rj 1 1 ae c tuft cf th A Vlcllm of Cigarettes.. A striking example of the effect of excessive cigarette sniokinir and tho ovjr indulgence of alcoholic stimulants waa witnessed at the union depot yesterday morning in the person of Harry A. Dohsoti, ot ( lolclwboro. He had no control over his nerves whatever, ami was in a continual tmiciilnr jerk and wag Buffering intense misery. He was being taken by his father, Mr. J. F. DohiHin, postmaster at Gohisboro, to St. Klb.hc;h', Washington, D. C, for treatment. Young Duhsoii i a telegraph operator, and baa held a number of rt sponsible positions. At the sge of 11 he was an opeiator at ('bar lotto ; at Hi he held a position in pros service at Atlanta, on the Constitution, and was one of the most btilliant operators in the coun try. He became, however, what is termed a cit'iirette fiend anil a Imrd drinker. He took a course at K co ley, but returning to his habits, he had to Itc confined iti the asylum lor nine months. This, it seems, whs not sutlieioiit. It wm a pitiable sight, indeed, yesterday morning. Kaleigh News and Observer. . -. Says He Blew Up the Maine. A hi'e special from Havana says: "Seiior Keeido Arnauta y Hernan dt., ujitor if Kl IJeeoncentrado, has issued a third attack upon his old enemy, . icharias Pocsuis, whom, with three others, ho aceust s of blowing up the I'nitetl Slates battle ship Maine. Presnes, who is a law yer and politician, sailed for Spain about two weeks ago. The installments of the stoi v thus far have lieen devoted to the alleged felonies an. I treacheries of 'Ircsncs. The editor tell hi readers to be pa tient, lis in due lime they will get the fae's regarding the Maine ex plosion. He describe his proof as "largely moral." Prof. McClure Convicted of Murder. A special to the Fvening Post fri.tn Mtimfordville, Ky., savs ; Pro fessor J. W. McClure, who whs indicted with the liev Gregory Doyle for the murder of Miss LidU Uraeher, was to-day given a life sentence. The jury was out four hours. Doyle is a haptist minister ami it is alleged had betrayed Misa Prachcr and while in that condition be is said to have induced Professor McClure, who is one of the most prominent educators in this section, to perform a criminal operation which resulted in the girl's death. Separate ttif-ls wi re demanded and McClure was tried first. We ar nail size Doilies, by all Druggists and Ceneral Dealers. Jil MOUNT AIRY NEWS us i Fin WILL SEfJD US YoUf fJEXJ OFDEF Address, T.J. OF TYPE. Li,o IctU T fsae. OUR III ; t awi and I, - m.iai Jj-i liiu, ajl rj i--'.r MIL ' -:,. i I wk, i , . - ,. A., The Nia f,,r 'Vb lTited llii'man !.'t J: ,VW!-1, I'ateiit hen.i-lndel (-r and lultle ii..'-f-i : i I i lle ittiout n drs wtii le nM ., for t'J Jft and 1.' (i, V I M ' I I nun nrst-AY fl I ! I J I IllJtf I H i , I H -w-a, , 11 t I 1 I II I. I. Kinlp-ra, 1'iUit -Mountain, X C. st'a. "i'.-ii a raiiU-cJ -r ttKtfiej (e lil.drt! f. r the lul l. Addr-a (caiU.D T.J Im at, !niiiit Airj. N i. aii. Lht- w tt it r-fn;! Ts'. I ' Trains Collide. Now Voik, January 0, l!y a In ml on cllirioti between two pas senger trait s on the lAihigii Valley railroad at Wert Dunne!!, N. J,, at I'J 17 o'clock p. m., thirteen pcr;on were killed ami over twenty tiw injuri d. Sidney, Neb., Jaliu ry '.I. Four death ami ii juries to seven people were caused by a wreck on the Fnion Pacific at Sunal, fifteen mile cast of hire, ihia morning The tieatlnte; Kugiueer Deli Conner, fatally hurt, died during afternoon. Fireman John Coleman, Creston, Iowa, irstantly killed. A young woman, supposed to bo Mis Myrtle Armstrong, ot Psxtoii, Neb., anil an unknown old man. ChattaioM jfa, Tenn., ,l,wiiry 8. A head tin collision occurred be tween a local passenger train ami a tlonbh header freight train nr. the Kttoxville am Ohio branch of the Southern railway, near Ncwcotnh, between Jellied and Knoxville, this morning about 1 1 o'clock. Knginei r Maxey, of the passenger train, one of the oldett jnen on the road, was killed, as was his liretnttn. The fa jfirteer id the freight train, whoso name has not yet been learned, was also kill, il, hiii i his fireman was fatally injured. Crushed ry a Hupe Door. Charlotte, N. (?., Jan. 8. Harry D Watti, a prominent young so ciety man of this city, whs found dead ihi niortiinif. He was lying beneath one of the -huge doom of the Merchant and Farmers' Pond ed Warrh'iiise, which is not quite completed. His head whs crushed ami his buck broken. He h.id evi dently lii-en dead several hour. The door was in place, but was not hung, ami it is supposed that in go ing home some time lietireen two o'clock ami day he ran against the door, knocking it down and crush ing himself to death. . . . No healthy person need fear any datigi it-us count queiiees from an at tack of U grippe if properly treated. Ii is much too sstne as a ft verc cold and rt quires precisely thesune treat tin nt. Ketnain quit, ' v at home and lake Ch.onlieilaih's Coiih Remedy a- directed for a se vere cold and a prompt and c nupleto ric-very is s, ire to folio. F'r sale by Tay lor ,V 1! mm r, H,-nr'gists. ... To I tire I ttil tpatltMt toretrf, Ti -'' i'tt ;u;-t v " .alt.ai ttr. I'V r t$C It C C C Utl io-ir' urMf,it r fund n mnef. Perfect HeaUJ iarcn, Atk., rtcditi- inc tin ii quit K rclirt or a mora J F. WRIGHT, Ulster, Ark. Dai! price, 50c. I Pill. r s'sNSMWBwaaiaK... . LOWRY, Mount Airy, U. G. GREAT OFFER. i.ne rear IliO The r-if rromMitii-ing, I'-ibb-, :, l?. lUrth for f2!i I'ajwr. ar-d 1A Then-tiilii- J, it I,,, m ia-r, 1 t adilrae tiif Ker. H t .... , "g.t.W -. Vjff Al If V 1 ) I u etwura: irt in i , U'c know of nothing better o tear the lining ot your throat snd limes, It is belter than wet fee; to bronchitis snd pneumonia. Only krrp it up long enough and you mill succeed in reducing your weight, louing your appetite, bringing Ctl a slow fever and making everything exactly ngnt fur the germf of con sumption. Slop coughing and you will get well. . MS mm cures coughs of every kind. An ordinary cough dinap. I pean in s ungle night. The 1 racking cough of bronchitis I are oon completely mat- I tcred. And, if not too far I alonu. the coueha of con sumption are completely cured. , Ask your druggitl fur one of Dr. Aycr s Cherry Pectoral Plaster. It milt aid the action of the Cherry Pectoral. Tf y hr hit rompiilnt ftlt jfntt n MttilT i'l''nt rltti n fwly Y.hi will r-M m pri.mj. reply that tl if ( rTl mIih to v.iu A'llrt-xs). U1L l. t. AUK, l-MWf;i, TRUSTEE SALE. l!y virtue of th power contninej in the di-i'tl of trut eipctitftl on tlm Hth day of April. ls3,bj S. II. WnaltV ami ife,t-rah K. Venable.tu V. K.t'arter. Trttff, recorJetl in book li. pK' 'iJ5. of the rifortl of luortgayes of Hurry county, I Mill St-ll to the lnglnt bbldcr for eall on the pfminci in tin- tow n of Pilot Mountain, on Tuesday, the SrU tiny of January, at 3 o'clock I'. M., the following described real ettat: First tract HeRinniiip on a fti.ue in the edo of Academy street in t be ton n of Pilot Mountain anil Virgil linyb-n' Corner and run wept 01 decree imrlh "o f,-i tn it xtone in Virc'il lloyle- cor- THE GRANITE GITV ill III 1 MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Owns Some 900 Acres of Land One third of w ich in in Town Lota, Inlant-o lyinu; a-ljacont to the town. K )-ou want to rtnt a residence or store room, t.r, il you d.ne lo pnrtliae prorxrij in or near Mount Airy, wo will be giad to Kivo any in formation by letter. tW'e offer Special Inducement to tlioso proponing to estahlisli man ulactoring entaxrjiriwoav. Chrrespomiesck Sot iriTKO. N, IP D U.tlnA fl.l . an 1 pp'jw weak Men Cured. TTlll rre remJv Cl RtS all Kr-vmi ni.. o a Weak .ttmnry, It-s of Br-;n l',-f . loar Mawneoo, Nih;iv I n ,.1o,!. t m l,..m. tlrrBirtta-ei, tV innf.iliv Clrfana r4 e,tf a,,, nl avajr be teiealra thrmifh vnuiMut rroft. wtti. k "n ir-ti k.C-nMiairtK ar.J laaaaiTr. SolJ ,ik a rurj.nw tif urr, or axaw v rtur.Jl 1, hr H t- K t-i-wt irrVJ m .i (Kafct Wr'teua I mt IV -a ...J Tt-. nwo'.i s. Ask uui ia-kf ( i.tt Ita-m; Uka no ,Mhrr. O, a Jiit.a kiCftVf Dno C0..6awo atae.oa. M.CM. For sale to Hnutt Alnr al Tavlur BtMBer and . at . meat a diur aton-a. SORRY C01TUC, Would be one of the LEADING COUNTIES n tlie I'nitrd rotate fur Apple Culture 'rotiiJrI the ritjtit methnla nere t-ur fur ie tied. Firt plant the ritht tarieltea n-tie that bare a r-tiii!atm on the ii X he tr--t P.. k. b-adir.tf aiarketa; then (rite the tr prutw-r attent ion ; learn htm u trl and tHit ,n 11. m.rti-l ail it ,(,iTrnati",n can la i.iitain--d from J.j V l.taiitiy, l'riirietr of i'oniona I ll.il Nurartea, I'umoria, X. C. - Crr- j imiiJeiM-e anl-ited. iver "tiii at-ple, j (w-ax h, t-ttr, p tiro, prar--. He 'Uir i, I .ja. i ana rj'ritiK. 1. Wnte fur Catah.pte. 1 MAIIIINKIJV. Eng-mcs, Boilers, Gin Elevator Syst Saw Hills, Pulleys, Wood rUncrs, I.i liiilliliiU j lUef J laSt i nnd Opinions or National Importance THE SUN. . I ALONIi CONTAINS IIOTII, Daily, by maH $G a year Oaily and Sunday, by mail, $8 a year The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday News paper In tho world. PRiCt 5c. A COPY. 8T KAIL, J? I XHK. 4dlrr Till: M . r-w York. pRlLEE, SOI.DII'U, IITIII, AR(lir.lMI rTK!liT. A iihi T M:w hotiK fjjk mi-; ii:oi'l.l:. Live Agents- WiittJ fcvrr) win-re lotilinw i:niU:mii:LT until muz. lm'T ri.n ilia.)- r'tpiillv, ih1 t tasi tm-nih1 of ie m t tin'ip in cir-iilitiiii.r 'ni" f tiit i,. .nt hit .fi- tl mtnkH in(MltM 1 ilnUi tUf umi tU iri r di a iviiiur liV.f At'.i Art r:v luf tf 1 !:: tU-ru.. fdtnit ttt ur bHl workfi-H ftre m nintf OVER ONE HUNDRED BOOKS A WETK. Mr. A. it- WtlHm. nf J ir nou rnitnt Mu , kei four iUj - mill 4 Unit at mi HTtr-ti M r d rn, lt( m Uk tif' lunik to hIiiiwhI fv.-ry h um lt Hi1' ll d J Wr-MHi. M'l Mjfi v iNtip.t ) , i tn , tvi' 11 t .pt( -a lUf f ri to tU i h' f.int II. i" M'ffti t'wio IViiU' ci(tit, Tit. uikr . fiw U"M-a artl wll U 4 'v inu-fiy tu'TiMMi tMi 1tiiK- J II Munfia. l.aton ninM), N. ., iwt'lt a nmiitira a.iu'im In iitv iaio 4i i f'-r IhlM Ihi. k. K. M. A llllf. Itil.lliatO i oill.t . IVm. 1 m'IIiHh iMjuk at Uir rtn f m rnj,u i a ntM-k. of all l;ting iiiTjN. a i wt atctntit f Ml tnrl :l Miiitt-r, Mini a Urj' htitt)''r t.t it- iniil Full I'itk't illuirjiiofit. it u a kfri. mi r-.k :ui l4)aftatit if' )f l'UMn h i ntn u' tl r niv pit I of tlli tim to tht ctin.tKi rt imuot) t Utak lumjt'ti n'jiiiS it n im iMhliifi it. An Klegunt PrtmpcviiiH, filmwll'if 111' rtirf'T'-ilt n ! of hMi-lMir, r .1 pir, add nil nmfi-nat in-t-?wr u Mtk 111 t M l.t (t rr (,f to tot I Itr rttihriil flrul (f!iMry (il pntr,iti, ax.hf In H- ft.--Hfi it r.,ri ti k.ii''l' t tif riM n- m pitMt Il at fur ! t ii.n ih UihI cost of triihuf' turf. ami W' tnt,i, ili ttl uPlrT ('"' fc'. Jf-I XclM-H' r'HT"l t'f III' t-fril'r A(- (lit-vi, U) Ah I ( HI.IIUN'. ( dMI'AN V. nih and Main Sta.. klcMMOM). VA. N. C. Car Service Association. .nrrpuscs. iC New 1 'H..!LJ"' Hl.-SfiiTCui- our 1 III Cl ii d. ffiitAniiu, aecj ana ireas. EXCURSION TICKETS -VIA- tay, ..i Omaha, Nebraska, and ' Kansas City, Missouri Choice of Two Poults, Columbus & Chicago or Cin cinnati & St. Louis. Tt."li-t on ale diiilj , limiie.J tu Km. , TO Til 0 SHA 5MOWI-. n July Cth, 1 !(i, Anpiit Snl, lint,. ITili an ainti Ticketa at IMih l-r.-Atlat tie City. ;- jsj tH-ean t'lty, S J,,,,,il.' - JT.'i. am! . t -M1 h I teur ai.i b-e ttl - a IV i i'jr, ' it, !.l.. K n1 Jar f.,iir; . I I a aya. PE'i'ji ti A j i t aiiy, iht v I; Vi :.-rn i'aa. t'.i t ill. I r i -. a. -etik'er Ai-t-i.l. i;..a 1. I...m,;, -g laei j-r Ai nt. Trat ! , Nurseries uiittriiiBOKO, N.C., fr a:l amd- lii(piiiili(ilE yFr:u:::3dCu;:::a- I i r--n 'Yi f) ei? f't art- !, c..! ,rrm ,,f ,.r y . . - . t 'f ! t4 f., C.i i lx i I i FOR r "7 trunor, lv, tmlrn' enroll. meit,.7u. Iii" IVTritD re. sf pRC5inr tr UN. LL. VC

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