4 THE MOUNT AIRY HEWS September 4th, 1913. PACE TWO. Mount Airy News. J. C JOHNSON EdiUr and Pabliaber. ML Airy, N. C, Sept. 4th. 1913 Tctacco Market Opens Week. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: G4 cf7. n year, - - $l.w i Mpy, m mnuis, .M i tf y, tkrc month. .2k A4rrtiMnc Tilt re M4 knwn on apprieatkm, aamafel and Entered at the Pott Office of Mount Atrj, N. C. at second cUh mail matter Dcbeou Court. The tiwo wM'k term of Dohson Court for the trial of civil causes wdjourned Wednesday afternoon for the reason that the people who had suits- in court were not there to have them tried. The lawyers wer ready on both sides and willing to try the case but the men who wore interested, were too busy to eowie. Where) the case was of any great im porta nre the lawyers wouM f?et it continued, tait in ne vend instances the .Judge rul ed the ca.se be removd fr. m the bucket, which mean that the plaintiff mut pay the cost and cannot ntart the suit a train. Majiy of the easts tried were where land was involved, but the value of the larul ' in inost in (itanccM was not great. The only case of much interest to thi ynJrlie was that of a suit for the n-eovery of $2.KN). insur ance money. Samuel I). Cook of tills county went to Tcxasi sev eral years ago. He died in Feb. 1012 and at the time of hirf death had $2,(hn) insurance on his life in w Woodman of The World. His death was alleged to have lieen caused hy an overdose of in ilicbie and the insurance emn jany charged that it was taken with su'ieidal intent. If thus al legation could be mad- to Rt.md then they would not be 1 tilde for the payment of the money. His son, Llovnl Cook, after his l-a tli cam - back here and is living in Went field township with relatives. He instituted sniit find employ ed Attorney J. H. iFolgor. H'hen the case was in- vestigatetl it wk found that Mr. (.ooki die verv suddenly tl. wa. noiir him at the time of his death. It scans that the doctor who arrived to attend him con cluded at once when he saw foam at his patient's mouth that he had poisoned himself by drinking the and. He made no furhter examination ai.nl when the case was brought before the court it wns very evident that the doctor reached his conclus ion too hastily. Foam at the mouth might be cau.se d in var ious ways and it did not neces sarily follow that because an empty bottle in which acid of a deadly nature had been was found by hi side that he had emptied the contents into his . stomach. It was a case of hasty conclusion. Possibly the man committed suicide. The hot Me was there and the outward ap pearances were th(c of a man who had taken the poison, but the law doea not take much for granted. If the man had been poisoned then it could have h"-n very easily established by a pot mortem examination, but this, was not made, ami hence the cause of his. death wa.s mere guess work. For these reasons a jury gave young1 i.k a verdict in his fa vor and the insurance company will have to pay the money. People who attended the term are well pieced with the way in which Judge Lane presides. He is lignifid and kmws th" law. He wi'l preside our November term. 1 T IBW ami ., I. ft t e .. ..: i . i, i, kw kmm2f i im M' m aa I n Xrxt Tuesday the ame being Seirteniber 'Jth, the warehouses of thirt city will open for the sale of leaf tobacco. All tilings now point to a good price for the weed this year. Planters warehouse ha nearly completed the new and mammoth, addition to their plant and will have every thing1 ready for the aiwning. At a meeting' of the directors of the Fanner Union Warehou.se recently held it wa decided, to operate the warehouse for the sale of leaf this year. The new dry prue machinery i ai ready for operation. The machinist who placed it turned over the- job complete last week. It w not known what will be ine with this machine yet, but i here in case the farmers need it. If tobacco brings a reas onable anl satisfactory price .t is uiderstood that it will not b ( .teratfd but should the price fall 'to a po:nt that farmers are rtit willing to sell on the floor then they will dry prize their tobacco. The drying machine is a mam moth affair. It is so large that one is surprised when he finst sees it. It appears to be a strictly first class j b and the work of fine mechanic. The ecigine, boiler and everything is connected up and ready for oper ation on a moiir-nts notice. Th iranite Warehouse, The firajrte beinff th nairif Mess re. Jtanner ard Lovill have given their new house, is ii'-aruig com ij!(t.ioti and will be ready fr the sale f f'bac:M) by about the first of next month. The roof is now being placed on the build ing, the granite walls are com pleted and all thw material is in jdaiv. Th work will be push ed as fast as jos.sihle an I as soon a.s the carpenters can do their part the busiio-KS will ojen. Tlr.s hoir-e when completed will be one of the nicest wareluoiLses in the eouirtrv. It is built on lines that make it attractive, a.s warehouses go, and the wall be ing of lwavv granite niak have a nuisivt m.-ans bad C( it by no araiKt'. it . ts loeatetl and will 'e venifiit f"r fanners to get to bi:i! from. Th-e farni'-i.s .f Surry can not do lietter than, sell their tobac co on this market, for there is everv reason for thinking that tobacco brings every cent here thut it wouhl brin-g on any mark et in the country. This city recently sob! a farm. ISevernl years ago it was thought to be good business to buy some land that was injured by the Muck Shoals dam rather than the damage that the jroperty holders wanted. Hy mutual agreement the town !ought. the lMVttom laiul owned by Mrs. Klla Holcoinb ami it wa this land that wa.s sold recently to Mr. Ireilell Veiuble and brought into the town' treasury the sunn of .22tK). As we remem ber thi was about the price paid for the land, ami by huy ii'ir it the town, has sived the damage that would have been paid if the land had not been taken over. In the meanCilne the land is supposed to hav paid interest on the investment. So ihe ol I town is not such a bad business man after all Next ' Uncle" Cam After the 'Men Who Ship Birds. . (fireenisboro Record. x TTw t'nited States goverriinent i.s goirjg after those who violate the law by shipping birds to points outside of the State. A man wa.s brought here from Avery county and placed in. jail to await a hearing at the next term of Federal Court. He say h in a victim; that hi brother waft in with him; that they shiip jecl birds to the amount of $b; that hi brother -got the money and ran away, leaving him to suffer the penalty. Hut the of ficers will get the brother if he tfayn on top of the ground. It WW a wise move when the gov ernment took a band in pre ventirar the slaughter of birds. The States have been doing no me work, but with the limited pow er the officers were badly handi capped I'ncle Sam has all th! jxtwer necdeL An officer walks into a store in any town in the Cnifed Statts, sees a lot of birds for sale and he pni'eeds to make the propietror tell where they were purchased, after which it m easy sailing. Few knew such a law was on the biMkis- until the last term of United St. ites Court, but thev khiow now. Town 3ells Farm. An Undencminaticnal Church. The greatest revival meeting ever known in the community has been in prgress for two weekts at MeHride's school house and came to a cloe Sunday night. Tlie.se K-rviee.s were condiwtel by Kev. (. L. Jones assistfl by Miss Forma Hughes. lKth of Wit.sfon-Salem. The honsv was continually filled to overflowing with attentive listeners, some eimii:g for MO miles to attend the frerviies ami others, unable to enter the buildirg, were o.ljlig-- to return homy?. (ireat enthusiasm aid interest was manif ttd and over "0 "snils were sived. An uti)lenniinitioj over MOuVrswa organizd Jie head of the Christian lf!l Mi-ionary Alliance. One liatismal service (was held Sun day ami another jKmted for Oct. 5th. Pledges amounting to $274.00 were ma-de Uxward a church build fng- Mt. A irv route 2, Spt 8. iMgain at Bapt'tt Bir Show Comes to Tonw. Saturday, Sejitttniber 13 will Ih- a day of fun, musie, exe'rte .ineirt and joy for Ml? children. Sanger' (Jreater Euniean Wiows will pitch their acres of tent in Mount Airy and give jerformanee.s afternoon and even ing. The shuw will arrive by its own special trains at daybreak, and the town will be alive -with bustle, strangers', elephants, fine horses, gold and glitter. Circus day i.s very dear to the hearts of the oop!e, and is a real loon to tlie rank' nad file i.f humanity. It chases away the tdoud from the troubled mind und relieves the strain of this vork-atlay world. Let us bid it welcome to our city, and enter tain and be entertained by this typical American institution. Two J iforin.ince will be given, at 2 and p. m. There will be ttfkiiiilil street nara:e in me mornings ad. parage u mario p ; Best On Earth ll lill ffl ' S U ViiUU I r Mi Orfrl Best On Earth Sows all kinds of grain and fertilizer without skipping, choaking or bunching. Absolute force feed, will sow oats and fertilizer when others fail. Lighest draft, easy on horses, no neck weight or loose gears. Simple constructed and strongest built backed by a strong guarantee to do the work of modern farmers. All sizes and styles can be furnished promptly. Drop in , and see our sample and be convinced of the good merits before buying. Be sure you get the best, as the best is not too good for yu. Will be pleased to submit prices and terms or send catalogue. F. L. SMITH HARDWARE CO. ,jn jiiuf iiislSiiiM Pcpular Excursion tc Richmond, Virginia. Southern Railway will ojrate annual September excurMo;u,7nV North Carolina J.yZury U Ilich- uiWr.,--TdT oil Tu.rtday, Sept can- i-r !th, lit 13. S)ecial train consisting of . first-class c'hes and standanl Pullman sleeping cars will leave j .(Iharlotte, N. C, at 8 p. m., Tues-! day, Septemln'r lth, arriving Uie'lnnond, Va., 6 a. m., following morning, Iieturning tickets will be good on any regular train leaving JJichmojid up to and including trains of Friday, September 12th. Passengers from branch line can) use regular trans connecting; with special train at junction points. Tli is will he the last rxcurshin of the sea-on to Richmond, and will be a first class trip in every re Kjx'ct. Three whole days and two nights in Richmond. Ample time to visit the many attraction. in and a round this magnificent City. Following low round trip fares will ,-ipplv from joints named: Mt. Airv, X. C. .1.2:. Pinnacle N. C.. sM.o."). Pibt Mountain, X. '. $4.75. Ararat, X. C, Ti.05. Proportionately low round trip fm. .... to fit. I ther information, Pullman r t vations, etc., s-e any Agent South em Railwav. or Write, R.H. IMnitts, I). 1. A. Charlotte, X. C. q9 Valuable Property fcr Sale. On Friday, the 12th day of lS"pfmher. at one o'clock on the premises, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder a house and lot on Franklji Street, adjoining A Standard Disinfectant, Anti septic cleanser, Deodorizer ahd Purifier. Stronger than Carbolic Acid yet safe ac.d effective. AT Gwyn Drug Co. Wholesale and Retail. the lands of the Metho.lit Par- Maj. Uncp- Stedman Prctatly pesed. Review. The ldriowing ones are of the opinion t h it Major Stedman will have no opp.'.sition fcr reiiomina tiou a the (tuigresiijial camli date, aid we are triad of it. Wlo ii Major St"dman tlefeatcd the aggregat'n n of veril strong no i!i tliite yens aci and ndotru-.-d th (1st riot to the Demo-rats with .s o b a lian lv im' majority h, iii.il' h'unxlf entitled t the jsit'n.u, and lie oiivrht not to umlef.'O the fXJ'ellv of illoth(r( ij.re-fl.ction cf-!i1 !. His duties, in Washinv'ton are uieh that all his tunc aiul thought ate need- ed for them. And if I'ncle Sam j ha? to engage in a wrap with j iMexico his committee wia re iuire a still greater amount of piis rvices. H.siides. the dstri-t never had a more diligent and .faithful representative, an 1 h:M jnve- ami opportunity for me fujness h increasing eab day. Special Mtisic at First y Church. A musical pnyrain of high tal ent has be'ii arranged for the Sui.day nioriiiiig service at tlie First itaptist church. Miss Mary Ilellen Slieetz, of Fayetteville, lias been seeurd as organist, and will be as.sisted with instrumen tal music 1a- the Mcssi-s. Wom1 roffes. Mrs. Kdmon.ls, t,f Il:trh Point, who is visiting her par ents in the city, will also tike part in the program by siiuriHg a solo. , The choir will have -peeial pieces ai d a rare treat is loomis.d to those who are able 1 alti nd. others, same l'ing J. Hanks trcn rty. one third cash, Nine Thousand Autcmc biles Lic er.ccd in the State. With nearly !,(MM aut' iiiobtb s i , -. js.il by "the S.-cntary of tatc. it is stimatid that nt lr,s than o.KMl,ll(H) is iavested in hese iinachil.ts liv the pei pie ! North Carolina anl tbr.t'the to tal will rea -h m ar .-?,U(iU.lKi0 be j".,ve the end of the year. Sec retary f State Cr'inis has again called the attention of the sher iffs, chiefs-of-polic and other . it:. .:..!. o.,t;mi 1 nf tlu jiu- I.il.. .lu- uhi,h makes it hi- okley aihl Stemple has beeii d s- cumlent on tnen oiiieers o-i ort all autxunobiles not 'reguster- soiiag: and the Mrs. R. Terms of sa'e one third in G months, balaive j in 12 months, interevt fri in date I on deferred payments. j W. F. Carter, Agent Sept. 1st, r.n:i. Notice. l?v mutual consent, the inn of c 1. It is believed there an .such machines in the state niaifv Died cf Pellegra. Saturday night .. I solved, aikl no contracts will be made or entered into trom and after this date. This Aug. 21st., 1913. J. A. Yokley. P. C. Stemple. OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE A SELECT school for young men and boys. Prepares for College, for Business, for Life. 249 students last year. Sixty-second year. Located near Greensboro, N. C, over 1000 feet above the sea level, in view of the mountains. Beautiful catalogue will tell you more. Send for one. J. A. & M. H. HOLT, Proprietors, Oak Ridge, N. C. came death to the suffer- llowtman La1 c u as a reiK i ji g of Mr. D. W had been very ill mouths'. The remains were carried to 1 'at rick county, Va., Sunday, ac coniiaiiied by a delegation from (lie .Junior order of wWh org;un zation he was a fasthful member. Intennent was made in tlu Pxiwniiaii graveyard at Ioran's 0i. The deceased was tliirty years of age and leaves a wife. The "Ncrth Carolina." Wadiington. Aug. :!0. Seer-' tary Dani.ls pivbibly will name; fIim,,,, Mhlra ne- the bi new battl -ship, 'now; ward for any rnso of Calarrh that ;rnnnot do curerf 1' ll.iu i aiarrn Cure. ' K. J. Cheney & Toledo, O We, ihe uiulersi.ied, have known . F. J Cheney for ihe last 15 yearn, and believe hmi perfectly honorable i In all business tranai tlong anJ fin ancially able to carry out any obll ' paliona mail br nt firm. Nailonal Da" of Commerce, j . Tledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cur la taken ln i trniiv rtln directly upon the blood an. I mucoua aurfaces of the system Tet!onlala sent free Price 7-?cent per bottle. Sold by all I)rug1t Take Fnmily Pills for con- stlpatior. . i I ( known as No. :!!!, the North Car- whoif.iia, in honor of his native st itf. .f pellegra for (Work on it has just l-zun at the jNew York navy yard. With the i'Vniisy lvania, its s'.ster snip, r ctn'ly startid at the Newport News .shipyards, it is the largest jbattl ship yet laid down for any ,navy. ' At present there Is a eruls- r 'North Carolina, bu. its aame will be changed to cities in the stat I:e of the Asheville. Charlotte or Winston-Sahm. Ialt Riht OvorWood Shingle No Dirt. Dolhtr- In a vrry thort tir. e any buiUuif en kavs it fire. ap eovrnr turned into nodrrn f,rpf, tlm-pf, tthning-frf tool at cry modemte co.1-a rcxrf tK.l will U as loaf m Ue buildinf sod Acvct bctii icpura. C r- r.T.